An Honest Review of the Channel Islands Rocket Wide
Reviews 6 years ago 19,271 views
*The Joyride is back, and this time we're testing CI's new Rocket Wide craft in their Spine-Tek construction. For the full review, head to: Here's a snippet: "As its name implies, the Rocket Wide has an inflated nose and tail that allow for ample speed generation in any type of condition. With the Spine-Tek epoxy construction, I felt the board was typically on top of the water and wanting to always be on the move. This translated into quick transitions between turns and plenty of speed to deliver maneuvers. This is best seen in the miniature ‘oop-to-bank at 0:30 in the clip above. Normally after a rotational air I wouldn’t have the requisite speed or control to perform another quick turn without pumping, but on the Rocket Wide it felt totally natural." *Sorry for the repost (again)! We had some unforeseen music issues which forced us to reconfigure the CI Rocket Wide clip. Hope you enjoy!
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