AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane RC Boat Review

The AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane boat was easy to setup plus fast and fun on the water. Candy and I really enjoyed making this review and hope you enjoy it as well. The GP-1 can be purchased online through the Tower Hobbies website at these links below. The RXR version: The RTR version: Please remember to.... Rate, Comment, And Subscribe to Support my Channel. Thanks, Eric Jordon This video was edited using Movie Edit Pro 2013. I use MEP to edit all my videos. You can download a free trial version at this link. My RC website. My Video Editing Tips website.

AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane RC Boat Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Reviews 11 years ago 39,523 views

The AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane boat was easy to setup plus fast and fun on the water. Candy and I really enjoyed making this review and hope you enjoy it as well. The GP-1 can be purchased online through the Tower Hobbies website at these links below. The RXR version: The RTR version: Please remember to.... Rate, Comment, And Subscribe to Support my Channel. Thanks, Eric Jordon This video was edited using Movie Edit Pro 2013. I use MEP to edit all my videos. You can download a free trial version at this link. My RC website. My Video Editing Tips website.

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Most popular comments
for AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane RC Boat Review

Awesome But Just a Gamer
Awesome But Just a Gamer - 7 years ago
Does it come with a charger because I didn't find one.
Brian Pino
Brian Pino - 8 years ago
for a guy who is new to fe boats you did a great job on how to review a boat. How you did your review was better and thorough than many who have had lots of experience. You seem to enjoy doing the review and you certainly showed you enjoyed driving the boat. That's how you get people interested in getting into the hobby by making it enjoyable and you certainly showed it. . .well done
joehandsome99 - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching and the great comment. Glad to hear that.
Cei -Koolaid FPV- Bowen
Cei -Koolaid FPV- Bowen - 9 years ago
Only turn right with these boats or any fast boats or racing boats. They are made to go right and not left. They are easy to flip turning left and isn't healthy for the motor. So please only turn right and a tiny bit left
Vintage Cycles
Vintage Cycles - 9 years ago
What's with all the finger pointing hand waiving from beginning to end of the video?? Are you Peter Gun RC or something?? Pretty dorky.
Justin Walters
Justin Walters - 9 years ago
The design of hydroplanes is very interesting, the Design is definitely more suited to full scale than rc.
jbish26 - 10 years ago
when you break these boats and you will Aquacraft does not carry any hulls for any of their boats,there advice to me when I broke mine was just to buy a new boat
JustCruisinGT - 10 years ago
Get a spartan!!
Camaro Love
Camaro Love - 10 years ago
I like the GP-1 ! Its cool that the motor is water cooled. It does seem to bounce a lot more than other boats I have looked and it likes to dive nose 1st when you get off the throttle. Lets hope I get the Tactic 650 :)
sabresswords - 10 years ago
A little advice. Turn the boat right. That's why the turn Fin is on the right. Hydroplanes don't do well turning opposite the turn Fin...

10. comment for AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane RC Boat Review

Jackson Schroader
Jackson Schroader - 11 years ago
This is an awesome boat! I've looked at other reviews but they only state the looks of the boat. They never actually get into detail like you do. The boat is pretty fast and it seems to handle well. Now all I have to do is go out and get this boat!
Patrick Madco
Patrick Madco - 11 years ago
Your videos are so helpful thanks
ben rodelius
ben rodelius - 11 years ago
I think that the gp-1 is an awesome boat fast and good looking the review was very good and you always do the best reviews thanks
BlueEyes Miller
BlueEyes Miller - 11 years ago
i want that so badly. i have never run a boat. what kind of skill would i need to use it successfully? i enjoy your videos. they are good quality and full of information. is it possible to recommend upgrades if i get good enough to handle it?
millermonsterair - 11 years ago
My girlfriend has been getting onto me about getting her something. A boat would be great for summer months for her. It looks like a super nice boat. I have only run one rc boat my entire life. She has never run a boat of any kind. She is also wanting to get into helis. I'm looking for a 1SQ TX-R for her. She won't let me get any more planes stuffs until I get her something. LOL. My girlfriend is weird like that.
65gtfastback - 11 years ago
Eric, this is a nice change of pace from the planes - the variety is a good idea. I am a plane guy and have never thought about a boat / looked into boats. So, this is really my first exposure to one. Thanks
Shawn O'Brien
Shawn O'Brien - 11 years ago
Very nice boat Eric. I like that you are expanding your RC product videos. The first thing I thought of when I seen you drive this thing is that you must be on smooth water. That along with the inability to go slower speeds is probably the only things I would not like about this boat. On the other hand it look like it handles very well and extremely fun. Keep up the good work and by the way that was a snake moving through the water. LOL
zeke michal
zeke michal - 11 years ago
I love this boat so much. i dislike to skipping when you go full though. but for the most part its one of the best. and another thing that i dislike is the style bu its a very fun boat and you can spend all day on the lake just racing people.
Andy Chase
Andy Chase - 11 years ago
Great review of the hydroplane. I haven't had a boat yet. I'm more interested now and have decided from your video that the GP-1 isn't the first one I should get. Thanks for the great review.
James Neal
James Neal - 11 years ago
I'm fairly new to RC and I've only flown planes and two micro helos. After watching this though I definitely want a boat. That thing could really go and I'd love to take her for a spin. I hope I can use my tactic 650 to control it and don't need to get a surface controller to drive it, although that seems like it might be better, in fact, probably necessary. Lol. Anyways, I enjoyed watching and it definitely makes me want to try it out. I would rather have the p-38 as I already have a tactic650

20. comment for AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane RC Boat Review

machoplanes - 11 years ago
nice boat. what kind of battery did you use, thanks for your reveiws
mmerry2 on YouTube
mmerry2 on YouTube - 11 years ago
That transmitter seems like it has a lot of features. I like how the boat has everything you need.
Speedy McGee
Speedy McGee - 11 years ago
Awesome job on the reveiw. Ive never had a boat nor have i ever wanted one but now im kind of thinking about it! I do have one question though, what happens if you lose battery power on the watter? How do tou retrieve the boat? Also could you do a reveiw of the flitetest bat bone tricopter?
Allpandablocks - 11 years ago
Wow your radio is hi tech. I just started the hobby thanks for all your vids. Very informational.
Craig Anderson
Craig Anderson - 11 years ago
What was the horsepower of the horse at the end of the video? Can you use a Saddle DX8 to control it? Please include the run-time per feeding. And BTW... nice boat !
Tabish Gul
Tabish Gul - 11 years ago
KenBugg - 11 years ago
Eric, is the hull fiberglass or something like abs? As far as taping the hatch, it does matter what kind of tape you are using. A tape that I have found that works very well, is Scotch brand 3/4 inch electrical tape that comes in a variety of colors. If you don't try to re-stick (is that a word?) to a wet hull, it is reusable.
steve CARL
steve CARL - 11 years ago
when can we see flyzone aircore vids?
steve CARL
steve CARL - 11 years ago
boats not good for me:) bak to plans:)
Shaun55678 - 11 years ago
Cool boat

30. comment for AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane RC Boat Review

Allan Herring
Allan Herring - 11 years ago
I love your videos. You were one of my first subscriptions. I would love to be entered into drawing. Keep up great work.
Amir Guzman
Amir Guzman - 11 years ago
Thanks for uploading this! I really appreciate the time you set aside to teach us so much about the hobby. I am new to boats, but i'm starting to get hooked!. Thanks for all you do.
dntpokedbear - 11 years ago
Tell Candy the mystery object is the the new RC watersnake that Tower will be bringing out for Halloween. I hear that it's able to go on land as well as the water. I can't wait for your review.
MrCameron3289 - 11 years ago
Hello, I was wondering if you could recomend a good quadcopter under 300 dollars. I plan to buy a fat shark fpv system to put on it.
Christopher Pratt
Christopher Pratt - 11 years ago
Great review Eric! Pretty horse in the background too!
LineTwist - 11 years ago
Really diggin these boats to bad winter is around the corner. But you can always fly a plane ;) and summer sounds like ill have a boat by then lol. Thanks again for posting video
Kyle - 11 years ago
Would love to have one of those for the park pond near my house. Thanks for the great reviews. Love your channel!
Jessie Heidrich
Jessie Heidrich - 11 years ago
hey great video again that looks like an awesome boat just right speed.
David Bischof
David Bischof - 11 years ago
Makes me want to try a RC boat. Thanks for the review
micro_flyer2 - 11 years ago
Like the break away rudder and water cooled motor. How did the hatch tape work out? Looks best to keep speed up on this one. Looks like the water-snakes got stirred up :)
tntneon - 11 years ago
I always wanted a boat but just can't push myself to get one because don't won't to be by myself at the water hole :-) . looks like that boat can be promising. Be blessed
Etnieus - 11 years ago
You should put wings on that thing. I've been looking for a good ground radio for my scx10 you should review that... Plz
Gary Moyer
Gary Moyer - 11 years ago
Nice review! It sure does look fun. Now I have to find a body of water near me. I wonder if a little larger boat would be better for a first time inexperienced r/c boater. This would be cool to get into!
Andrew Harman
Andrew Harman - 11 years ago
no it is not surface and air rx's are much different
Andrew Harman
Andrew Harman - 11 years ago
that thing books!!!! and you subed it too!!! thats awesome!!!!! i have an old kyosho boat i put a brushless system in and its stupid fast.... too fast for the hull design.... but fun as hell
Wesley Kuitems
Wesley Kuitems - 11 years ago
Nice review! that boat is awesome!
lewandlo - 11 years ago
I do not have a boat. I was wondering if that receiver is one you can use for your airplane? I`m assuming it is. Looks like a fun time ,oh it would also be great for a go pro or a small camera to give you a cool perspective on the water. Great stuff ,Thanks.
Gman8549 - 11 years ago
Nice review. I can see that there needs to be some trimming done on the model as it was porpoising. Might want to push the battery back towards the transom or is there adjustment ability on the prop strut? Just some suggestions and it does take some time to get it right unless it was really well setup at the factory. I have many hydros and they are the most finicky boats to run and you are correct, there is a real need to make sure you have near glass smooth water for running besides the trim!
Ben A.
Ben A. - 11 years ago
sweet boat! never really thought about getting into rc boats, maybe i should!
snowmanfred - 11 years ago
Thanks for the review eric. I think the gp-1 would be awesome if your into speed on the water, but definatley wouldn't be for me. I would want slow and leisurely. Thanks for great info and review.

50. comment for AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane RC Boat Review

Coolwater Hubby
Coolwater Hubby - 11 years ago
Hi Eric, love the boat and would like to ask if two packs can used paired together for longer run time.Also can the radio be used for another model as well or is just for the speed boat thank you for a great show. I like the background swimmer after the video :0)
Rami Slim
Rami Slim - 11 years ago
Q4Pilot - 11 years ago
Great video! What do you use 4 channels for with a ground system? I'm used to 2 channels with my cars. Thanks!
Steve Bronner
Steve Bronner - 11 years ago
I think a camera mount is in the future
Matt Dove
Matt Dove - 11 years ago
Man, that little thing flies! It would look good on the pond across the street!
6 Star North
6 Star North - 11 years ago
Great review. Good info. And glad to see you expanding your collection over to the marine side a little bit! Keep it up :-)
6 Star North
6 Star North - 11 years ago
Great review! Awesome work. Cool to see ya expanding territory over to the marine side.
crappycapt - 11 years ago
Looking to get a first brushless boat.. This peaked my interest. Liking that you are venturing into new territory with a boat review, Eric.
TheAirsoftlover2 - 11 years ago
Hi Eric cool boat and review, I enjoy the details you put into your video. The only thing I wish you did was a couple stationary shots of the model passing by but that's just me.
Will Johnston
Will Johnston - 11 years ago
Cool video. I love the good reviews...keep up the good work!
Be - 11 years ago
Another great video! Keep up the great work!
Jarett Erdman
Jarett Erdman - 11 years ago
Kandy and Eric, I am a big fan of around tuit rc. You are what inspired me to start flying. I watch all of your videos. Keep them coming, Jarett
Jarett Erdman
Jarett Erdman - 11 years ago
Kandy and Eric,
4thGloryMonday - 11 years ago
i gotta a sweet girl too!
Craig McVeigh
Craig McVeigh - 11 years ago
Nice unboxing as always, love the controller, I use pistol grips for my cars but these look better than my hobbykings.I honestly would not pay the extra for the telemetry, but would not snub it! You read the manual, wow! The Tactic looks awesome,I can't justify buying1, owning a DX6i & DX8 my Girl would kill me most likely! And I have no boats. The boat looks awesome and the water cooling looks fab, it seems to turn like its on rails, on a smooth surface, would love to see it in some chop!
Stephen Eller
Stephen Eller - 11 years ago
Candy is right its a fast little sucker, that thing really scoots Eric great review as always!
Stephen Eller
Stephen Eller - 11 years ago
Candy is right its a fast little sucker, that thing really scoots Eric great review as always!
Stephen Eller
Stephen Eller - 11 years ago
Candy is right its a fast little sucker, that thing really scoots Eric great review as always!
Stephen Eller
Stephen Eller - 11 years ago
Candy is right "its a fast little sucker", that thing really scoots Eric great review as always!
Stephen Eller
Stephen Eller - 11 years ago
Candy is right "its a fast little sucker", that thing really scoots Eric great review as always!
AlightGalaxy - 11 years ago
love the video want to get into rc and i am 10 love your videos
Jon McCom
Jon McCom - 11 years ago
Love the vid you always tell what I would like to know and do a good job of explaining it I like the testing part because you do that involve every aspect of the rc plane boat truck or helicopter. When you do your next review could you say the price of whatever your reviewing that would help a lot and LOVE THE VIDEO
evan russell
evan russell - 11 years ago
Hi eric love the vid as always but im not much of a boat person but from seeing this I think ill consider it
Andy Bond
Andy Bond - 11 years ago
Hi Eric great video in the future it would be cool if you could include speed
Tom Fuller
Tom Fuller - 11 years ago
Another good video Eric. The GP-1 looks like a blast to run. The next time I'am looking for a boat, I will give this one a try. Tom
Gary C
Gary C - 11 years ago
I have never driven a radio control boat but this review has made me want to purchase one! Great review!
Kyler Mitchell
Kyler Mitchell - 11 years ago
That was a fast little boat! I've always wanted a boat but would rather spend the money on a plane! Another great review Eric! Thanks!
CodesEmpire - 11 years ago
That's a sweet boat. That might be one I'll have to get. Great review bro!
Jonathon Monyak
Jonathon Monyak - 11 years ago
Looks like alot of fun. I think your right though " not for rough water" I can see that little boat turning into a Sub Real Quick. As for the Futaba controller that is an awesome controller.
Steve Hallman
Steve Hallman - 11 years ago
That is a fast hydroplane. Great review.
electricrc68 - 11 years ago
I've never been a big boat person, but this does look pretty good. :)
Dennis - 11 years ago
i really like ur videos :DDDDDDD
Josh Goodnight
Josh Goodnight - 11 years ago
I like the speed but I think it's a little too fast for rescuing stranded float planes.
Enterprise206 - 11 years ago
why does the boat have 1 hydro blade (piece of metal sticking out the right pontoon) on the right pontoon? to help with the torque of the motor? and i always assumed that the smaller the boat, the less stable and more bouncy. im probably wrong. cool vid
TurtlesNTime - 11 years ago
Replacing the hatch tape every time would probably get old. The boat seems like a blast though. I like that the rudder breaks away preventing stress on the boat. Overall, great review!
roversgonemad - 11 years ago
So what about the tape? Do you have to use a new strip of tape every time you use the boat? That seems like a bit of a pain.... I don't have any boats, but my kids think I should buy one. BTW, I love the way you involve Candy in the videos. You guys make a fun team!
Derek Jansz
Derek Jansz - 11 years ago
I recently crashed a GWS Zero onto the roof of a building under construction, and I am considering rescuing it with an FPV quadcopter. Do you have any suggestions for a makeshift rescue hook?
sjnelson342 - 11 years ago
That was a very fast boat thats for sure
Alan Smith
Alan Smith - 11 years ago
Looks to be a great little boat. I especially like the transmitter. It looks like it is feature packed and very versatile.
francoys lavoie
francoys lavoie - 11 years ago
je ne suis pas un expert dans les bateau mais pour se prix il n'a pas l'air de trèes grande qualité,c'est a voir lorsque je l'aurai en main,keep gooing eric you do a good honest review.
Woodlief Hobbies 2
Woodlief Hobbies 2 - 11 years ago
Looks like a nice little boat
71waynee - 11 years ago
looks like heaps of fun. I have just ordered one to give it a go. not into boats more plane but its just coming into summer over here in aus . wayne
Damon Alex
Damon Alex - 11 years ago
Nice boat but not up alley I'm a rc plane and helicopter person just getting into rc
andrew crowder
andrew crowder - 11 years ago
Nice boat but a little fast for me i only have one rc boat and that is the impulse 9. Eric you need to get the impulse 9 and i dont like the tape it always lets water in. Love you videos. I like the radio you are giving away.
AviationBoy98 - 11 years ago
Never really tried boats before. I've always been a plane kind of guy. Loved the video though, very informational.
Max Neumann
Max Neumann - 11 years ago
I totally need one of those. That is so so so so so cool
Javier Falcon
Javier Falcon - 11 years ago
I was so surprised the speed of that thing I expected it to be slower
RC-Collector - 11 years ago
Great video. Not my cup of tea. It's a little too small. Like the snake at the end though.
Jimmy Cheatham
Jimmy Cheatham - 11 years ago
Eric I like the boat .My two favorite you tube peps are you and your friend Mr. Dave Herbert. you two guys have truly help me learn to fly model planes Im in Georgia as well. Carrollton I would like to get with you some time to perhaps get some lessons.If at all possible. Once again thank you for your wonderful vids.
Malcolm King
Malcolm King - 11 years ago
That thing has some serious speed. I wonder if it would be okay for someone who has never run a boat before. Thanks for these videos Eric. We all really benefit from them. -Malcolm

100. comment for AquaCraft GP-1 Ultra Hydroplane RC Boat Review

Joshua mangum
Joshua mangum - 11 years ago
hey Eric I love your vids and hope they continue and that is a cool boat. will you please review the planes built by flitetest?
Nathan Page
Nathan Page - 11 years ago
DCT FPV - 11 years ago
Hey Eric! I have been loving the reviews, they are so helpful and they make my day when a new one comes out. Thank you for helping the hobby.
Sam's Electronic
Sam's Electronic - 11 years ago
great video
Stan York
Stan York - 11 years ago
It's good get your hands-on feedback, such as recommending calm water to avoid a rollover. Nice to see the change in the speed as it got up on the planes, too. Looking forward to the next "Hey Everybody"!
EverythingGoProHD3 - 11 years ago
Any assembly required?
BOKI797 - 11 years ago
Eric; That twas a Great Review & looks like a Nice Boat ! Thanks for the good Video Candy!
Alex zuga
Alex zuga - 11 years ago
I want one of these
evanbrewyet - 11 years ago
Looks so fast love the video
Bob Little
Bob Little - 11 years ago
Thanks for the review, looks like a lot of fun. Might just have to get one and try it.
Dav1dt88 - 11 years ago
Honestly don't know much about boats, I prefer to fly... But looks like a really nice boat, great vid as always, keep em coming man, of to check nightflyyers latest vids. Peace
ABMNS PRODUCTION - 11 years ago
Great review! Nice boat!
Kapitan Strong
Kapitan Strong - 11 years ago
Nice boat!
Jenny Sch
Jenny Sch - 11 years ago
It is really small and that actsly pretty stable
Ulises Salgado
Ulises Salgado - 11 years ago
Boat looks cool. That's all I.can say
Windphile - 11 years ago
I always wanted RC speed boat but I haven' pull the trigger on one because I think that it would get boring immediately unless you are racing with a few others. I have nice RC cars that I never use unless I am racing someone else. Planes and helis on the other hand are fun with or without a others.
semperatis - 11 years ago
You said that you were going to give us your impression of the sealing tape Eric,something that you neglected to do.......bad boy. It seems like not too bad a little boat,though I prefer scratchbuilding my own ones,though not speed demons like that one.
Lucius Accelerated
Lucius Accelerated - 11 years ago
Nice review like always. I agree with many here to talk a bit more about the hatch tape and waterproofing. The details on the Tx you're using seemed a bit out of place. Maybe you should mention the Tx in the description so people can find the mini-review on your video.
Wilson RC
Wilson RC - 11 years ago
Wow, that's a fast little sucker like she said, another good review!
PlaneButcher - 11 years ago
Wow, looks like a really fun little quick boat, im a rc plane pilot and i just madiend a edf hydro plane and my esc blew 10 seconds in the water, but at haft thottle it would skim to the side because my rudder was not long enough. I like how that boat or hydroplane has a little rudder by its Pontoon so it dont yaw, im going to try that on my next hydroplane edf. I dont like the small size of the boat. Its ok but a bigger verison would really help with the bouncing and fight rought water, matt
doc diago
doc diago - 11 years ago
keep your fingers away from the prop while holding the Tx - it may be small - but could still do a number on you if it came to life
jchtr3ac - 11 years ago
That little head moving through the water looked suspiciously like a snake to me. Defintely would have ended my boating on the pond fun. LOL Snakes and RC just don't mix, for me at least. Anyway, nice model, and it is fast. Looks like fun. Have a good day you two, and Cheers, John
rotoR Col
rotoR Col - 11 years ago
I want one of this amazing boat and a tactic radio
Garry Stubbington
Garry Stubbington - 11 years ago
Nice, Sure is quick....
Garrett Fleishman
Garrett Fleishman - 11 years ago
Out of all the videos on you tube, you defiantly have the most fun and informative reviews! Keep up the awesome videos, TheeCh0sen0ne
Distant Films
Distant Films - 11 years ago
That's a cool little boat, this makes me want one. Great review!
jb102310 - 11 years ago
Nice video, it's faster than I was expecting. Thanks for sharing
Yan De Souza
Yan De Souza - 11 years ago
at 7:28 the horse on the background it's watching the boat
PsyKey - 11 years ago
I love the way you do your videos most other people just gabber on and on and hardly fly it I like how you hit the high features and details and are quick about it and have great flight videos, thank for your help!!!
Jacob Vasquez
Jacob Vasquez - 11 years ago
This boat is amazing truly a work of awesome modern technology and it's really fast!!!
Jeremy Wolff
Jeremy Wolff - 11 years ago
That's one fast little boat. Good thing if got away from the lockness monster at the end. That thing would have taken the boat under.
Carter Knopik
Carter Knopik - 11 years ago
I've never got into RC boats, but this really makes me want to give it a try. Great review!
waddle1290 - 11 years ago
fast little sucker!
MrMatt - 11 years ago
Nice boat love your reviews
BunnyHairedKid - 11 years ago
wow that lil boat looks like it packs a punch. I use to have a mini c but eventually the motor gave out and I
matthew bishop
matthew bishop - 11 years ago
Relly like the colour scheme on this boat. And it's great to see a rtg brushless boat !
dslknight - 11 years ago
That does seem like a nice boat, but I've been hesitant to get a small boat like that from previous experiences with getting weeds caught up in the rudder and prop causing the boat to get stuck
Alex West
Alex West - 11 years ago
epic boat, might get one now. nice review and i love the pre-installed cooling
Kevin Oser
Kevin Oser - 11 years ago
the switching gears is called cavitation. the prop's revolutions make a cavity of air in the water around the prop and until there is enough forward speed to force the air cavity to move off the prop. as for hull tape, I would suggest to use hockey stick tape or even electrical tape, it is wider than the stuff that comes with aquacraft models. what you referred to as balancing is called ballasting in boat terms. If you have any other questions send me an email.
Kylan Browning
Kylan Browning - 11 years ago
Looks like a nice boat. With he ttx-650, will it connect with a spectrum receiver or will I need an any link?
Andrew A
Andrew A - 11 years ago
The little boat seems to skoot along quite well, very cool. Does the manual mention anything about waterproofing that receiver? I noticed that the hatch opening was right about the receiver, hope that hatch tape is reliable and watertight.
gordon238 - 11 years ago
Lets see Candy having a go, you always have all the fun.
QuantockComputers - 11 years ago
Good Vid as always, Shame the boat is not a little bit bigger to cope with small waves.
Ringo Davis
Ringo Davis - 11 years ago
Very nice. I like the water cooling system
Steve Rider
Steve Rider - 11 years ago
Does that stand come with it also? Like the controller. It's fast but I would look into the balance or cg! play with battery placement and do another video on that but good video something different. Thanks
João Dourado
João Dourado - 11 years ago
I think the speed was awesome, but having to use hatch tape every time you need to switch batteries, isn´t a must.
BWX - 11 years ago
That's a crazy little boat! I kind of wish you would have explained what that rudder like thing on the right side is, and why it is there. Also maybe something about how that prop is powerd, but still watertight.. Is there grease around the o-rings to make everything watertight or something? Thanks!
Jack Van Nest
Jack Van Nest - 11 years ago
Why do you think they have hatch tape? It seems like magnets with a little waterproofing would suffice.
LeZturbo - 11 years ago
I've tried Rc speed boat but even if it can be really fast I've never appreciate it compare to my planes and helicopters. When I want to have fun WITHOUT flying I have a Duratrax Rc dirt bike which is sooooo fun.
startazz - 11 years ago
Great review and I like hearing about any RC gear as we are both in the same hobby as you know,how well did the hatch tape do? I guess it did ok if not i'm sure you would of said. Love the out takes at the end there and I wonder if Candy would of been so calm if se knew that was a snake swimming in the water,also I never knew she could speak horse ;-) Thanks for sharing this one. ;-)
Matt Hughes
Matt Hughes - 11 years ago
Great Video, I love that you fit in the unboxing, review, and first run all in one video, its more enjoyable than having to keep going to a new video for each part.
powcar91 - 11 years ago
I like that it's fast.
RCCDkid - 11 years ago
Looks like lots of fun
Jerry Boynton III
Jerry Boynton III - 11 years ago
Great review! I'm glad your starting to get into reviewing boats, I can't stop watching them!
Luke - 11 years ago
Hey Eric, that thing is sketchy but awesome and looks like a really cool little model,
khosram - 11 years ago
Great boat and great review as always. Did any of the electronics get wet?
Scotts3Dart - 11 years ago
HEY ERIC... You forgot to tell us about your thoughts about the hatch cover tape , other than that good review! tell candy that was a snake swimming in the water.
georgesjunglerc - 11 years ago
Hey Eric! Great review and test run bud. Looks like a total blast. Thanks for sharing and happy RCing bud.
Mafesto 74
Mafesto 74 - 11 years ago
It seems to be pretty fun to drive but I don't know about the tape. It seems that you're going to have to get a lot of tape. Why they just didn't made a permanent seal so you don't have to keep taping the hatch down. Cool video. Keep them coming
LineTwist - 11 years ago
Thanks Mr.Handsome ;)
helldevilv - 11 years ago
Will you do more boat's in the futur? Also will you do a review on a rc car?
fastdude2002 - 11 years ago
I may have to try a boat one of these days.
randys rc hobbyroom
randys rc hobbyroom - 11 years ago
just wondering how you liked the tape sealed radio hatch . did it work good and keep the water out? or would it be easyer to have water proof esc and servo
elitepanda3000 - 11 years ago
what is the difference between a surface radio and the one you you use for the air?
dioncuda - 11 years ago
the last part was the best :) but the boat was cool, what i like about your reviews is that they are true and honest.. thanks for your time
ks4io - 11 years ago
I always love to boats better...nice little boat
millermonsterair - 11 years ago
That's a sweet little hydroplane. My girlfriend has been trying to talk me into getting her a boat for the summer months. I'd like to get her something, but this would be a little advanced for her. I'm sure I'd have an awesome time with it, but I have to think of her since she has been putting up with all my planes, lol.

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