Aquarius Boat tour - AMEL Super Maramu 2000 / Sailing Aquarius #21
Reviews 7 years ago 314,722 views
Happy Holidays from Aquarius! Please find our most recent and most requested video – “Aquarius Boat tour” – AMEL Super Maramu 2000. This was the first video by Ken with new software, Final Cut Pro, and there was a bit of a learning curve. I have been pushing Ken to finish the Vid for a few months, but this was worth the wait!!!! In a very detailed way, I think too much detail sometimes, Ken shows a number of the system aboard Aquarius and how they work, like bow thruster and a look into the engine room, and….. so much more! Let us know if you would like to see more! Subscribe, and LIKE our videos!!!
Bon vent.
I do see some hoses that need to be replaced ;-j that’s a small job . For the rest it look like a solid , strong boat.
Well done .
10. comment for Aquarius Boat tour - AMEL Super Maramu 2000 / Sailing Aquarius #21
Finally I find someone that takes us through a nice Blue Water Sail Yacht. Thank You .. Shout out from Miami. OK you seem really dated on charter/ GPS but that front sonar .. Nice !
20. comment for Aquarius Boat tour - AMEL Super Maramu 2000 / Sailing Aquarius #21
30. comment for Aquarius Boat tour - AMEL Super Maramu 2000 / Sailing Aquarius #21
Fair Winds, Ken
Hell after about 6 months of trying to get parts they finally told us it was not possible. Solution redesign the boats systems.
They are not dependable when looking for parts or trying to solve an issue. But if they have parts they will send them because they are making money with support that is only technical they do not so you are left out to dry.
28 years building and repair and they are by far the worst in my experience
They are not dependable when looking for parts or trying to solve an issue. But if they have parts they will send them because they are making money with support that is only technical they do not so you are left out to dry.
28 years building and repair and they are by far the worst in my experience
They are not dependable when looking for parts or trying to solve an issue. But if they have parts they will send them because they are making money with support that is only technical they do not so you are left out to dry.
28 years building and repair and they are by far the worst in my experience
They are not dependable when looking for parts or trying to solve an issue. But if they have parts they will send them because they are making money with support that is only technical they do not so you are left out to dry.
28 years building and repair and they are by far the worst in my experience
They are not dependable when looking for parts or trying to solve an issue. But if they have parts they will send them because they are making money with support that is only technical they do not so you are left out to dry.
28 years building and repair and they are by far the worst in my experience
They are not dependable when looking for parts or trying to solve an issue. But if they have parts they will send them because they are making money with support that is only technical they do not so you are left out to dry.
28 years building and repair and they are by far the worst in my experience
Sorry you had a bad experience with Amel. Sometimes Amel is slow responding, but I have received everything I needed from Amel for Aquarius. If you still need support Amel owners run a Yahoo Group, where owners talk about issues and how they resolved them. I have found the Yahoo group very helpful in my times of need! Fair Winds
50. comment for Aquarius Boat tour - AMEL Super Maramu 2000 / Sailing Aquarius #21
The Amel Super Maramu, is a great option for cruising. Cruising = OUT of the marina, and moving from place to place! If you want a weekend sailing vessel, do a few club races, and anchor out a few times a year there are many other sailboats that will be comfortable and look good in a marina. BUT, if your goal is to circumnavigate solo, or with a partner, the SM is a perfect Sailing Vessel for the job. It will keep you safe in almost any weather. With 35kts gusting to to 45kts with 4M seas, your not going to be comfortable in anything, but at least we knew we were going to be safe!! Ketch rig with the smaller sails, is the way to go when you are short handed sailing. And as one frenchman said in Trinidad... " O.. is that your Super Maramu over there..." I said "Yes", and he said " Your fingers must get really tired sailing her". And I said "Indeed"...
Fair Winds,
Aquarius is in such great shape because the previous owner took great care to maintain her. And I am lucky to have the chance to crew her.
All the best, and Fair Winds,
Ken and Z
Fair winds!!
Really love her beautiful lines with the lines closing in to the stern and the angled stem.
Not that butt ugly straight broad stern as the modern designs have and the vertical stem.
Bet she dives her bow far more pleasantly and comfortable into the waves than the others.
Very beautiful yacht.
Thanks for your comments! We are really enjoying living aboard Aquarius. The longer we sail our Super Maramu 2000, the more Z and I like her and and appreciate all the little known features Amel packed into the Amel Super Maramu 2000! All the best ! Please stay tuned!
First of all: Buying an Amel Yacht means to have no choice in changing the boat in any part. Take it or leave it. What seams to be a lack turns out to be very wise. The reason is, that all the built in rooms, parts and furnitures are part of the very massive hull.
Any locker, for example, is a completely laminated part of the hull which makes the hull even stronger and will never make any noise in many years. Only the wooden front is put on top and finishes the furniture. Thats why you can not have any part of the ship at any other place.
Second: Henry Amel inherited his shipyard to his employees when he died. So every worker ist a personal owner of the company. I maintain: You can feel this by sailing an Amel ship.
I congratulate you to your best choice and will certainly follow your block.
Best greetings from Germany and always have a handful of water under Aquarius' keel.
100. comment for Aquarius Boat tour - AMEL Super Maramu 2000 / Sailing Aquarius #21
Personally it seems a 'very' high maintenance craft, albeit rigged to make sailing as easy as possible for the skipper - I guess those menial tasks aren't really seen as much of a chore when you have such a beauty under your feet, but more a labour of love
Looking forward to hearing about your stop in Colombia
Appreciate you sharing this, fair winds and following seas.
It's the best tour of SM on Youtube!
- Chris
It looks like you found a nice example that was well maintained. Congrats.
One tip I got from another Amel owner was raising and lowering the ballooner on a beam reach so that it lays over against the genoa. It makes it incredibly easy to do and I could actually do it singlehanded that way. I've got some video of lowering it that way as we approached Tanna in Vanuatu. I'll see if I can get it loaded up and send you a link.
Safe sails.
28 years of building and repair.
PS: Even the background music was tastefully done. :)
28 years experience in building and repair
Does your radar have much of a blind spot due to the forward mast?
Many say putting your boat name on your dinghy is a safety issue. It tells anyone who sees it at a dock that your boat is unattended. What do you say to this topic?
Amel it is my number one S/V. I hope we can get together, I Wishing You Fair Winds and Calm Seas
Thanks for the hints, and yes we have almost taken off our front window a few times. Thus, we only have the window open on a starboard tack now. Good idea using corks to keep the window a jar.... I will put this in my tool box! All the best, and hope you get a good Amel. They are great boats!
I bet we both wish pc's were sailboats