Aston Martin AM37, 1040hp powerboat review

First drive of Aston Martin's new AM37 sports boat in the waters around Monaco habour. Powered by two 8.6litre, Mercury V8 petrol engines, each producing 520bhp. This video was created with the support of: Thanks for watching.

Aston Martin AM37, 1040hp powerboat review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 393

Reviews 8 years ago 870,435 views

First drive of Aston Martin's new AM37 sports boat in the waters around Monaco habour. Powered by two 8.6litre, Mercury V8 petrol engines, each producing 520bhp. This video was created with the support of: Thanks for watching.

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Most popular comments
for Aston Martin AM37, 1040hp powerboat review

Mike12522 - 5 years ago
Waste of money. Not even a roof on it. Holds too few people. Way overweight for its size. Which is why it's slow for a powerboat. But gas consumption would be too large.
polygamous1 Sozou
polygamous1 Sozou - 5 years ago
Boat has beautiful interior But For this kind of money I would expect a solid mahogany boat highly polished like the Riva Aquarama, also the teak decking is too lite out of place with this colour hull, out of curiosity how many MPG? ops sorry i meant how many Gallons per mile? the other thing for me the hull is primarily designed for luxury n very likely stability when tight to an anchor or pontoon not for cutting through waves like a purely sports boat more like Grand Tourer than an out n out sports car, I guess there are always compromises to me made if anything is designed to be more than one thing
colin5577 - 5 years ago
Well I can tell you that the Miele coffee maker will have long since packed it in.
Justin Sorci
Justin Sorci - 5 years ago
Here’s another similar boat that can be a contender.....
Phil Glazier
Phil Glazier - 5 years ago
Looks very nice. In terms of practicality it’s terrible. Over priced for a 37’ dingy.
leo -.-
leo -.- - 5 years ago
I bet that with this boat you can't go long distances beacause the fuel consuption
Laertis-Antonios Ando Vassiliou
Laertis-Antonios Ando Vassiliou - 5 years ago
And the Panerai fits the occassion.
Rider Mak
Rider Mak - 5 years ago
Awesome boat, lousy reviewer. Just kept repeating the same points over and over and over. And no matter how good our speakers are on this end, the visceral experience of any fine engine cannot be shared on the internet, so say it once and then shut up.
jspope2008 - 5 years ago
Little day boat for £1.2 M. Nah

10. comment for Aston Martin AM37, 1040hp powerboat review

Shankar Balan
Shankar Balan - 5 years ago
Guaranteed next Bond film...but hey what a gorgeous boat! A pity that such things can only be owned by people who will never really enjoy them for what they are....
shoominati23 - 5 years ago
Used to work on many boats just like that one .. sadly, I could count on one hand the amount of times per year most of them were used, actually I'd have several fingers left over for some
MotorClassics - 5 years ago
No money in farming lol
aaaaaaaaaaaa808 - 5 years ago
I bet Aquaman has one in his garage after that successful blockbuster.
Steve Prince
Steve Prince - 5 years ago
Powerboats are fun once or twice but even with far more power than this never seem fast as you're so high above the water. Anything other than dead smooth water reduces most passengers to tears and the noise and pummmeling from the wind is painful even directly behind the screen. Better just to watch than actually be in one. I used to look after fleet of Cigarette Racing boats and depsite one being a triple engined 3000hp machine the little 20 footers were much more fun, far more useable and a lot less anti-social. The noise these boats make travels for miles and really pisses off everyone living onshore.
James Clapham
James Clapham - 5 years ago
Mossa Nasreddine
Mossa Nasreddine - 6 years ago
Paul Langford
Paul Langford - 6 years ago
Needs more horsepower: you should be able to do 150 kt.
Alexis Tosta
Alexis Tosta - 6 years ago
I do not like boats but this one is nice. Im surprised Abramovich hasn't order one yet. Lol. The engine noise maybe sound nice live than on camera cuz I know those engines on cars são crazy!
Paul Bakovic
Paul Bakovic - 6 years ago
Extremely tasteful dip into the market.
That sleek deck is perfection.
Though, I would want to have a spot there to sun and step onto the water.

20. comment for Aston Martin AM37, 1040hp powerboat review

Jason Helmes
Jason Helmes - 6 years ago
Overpriced plastic tub
Ranjit - 6 years ago
Beautiful boat if I had the money it would be a no brainer, I’d have, but it’s worth 4x what my house is worth, I’d get the diesel.... cheers from Canada.
Daniel Paulson
Daniel Paulson - 6 years ago
I agree with others - the price point isn't realistic. The windscreen, convertible top, beautiful finishing... It'd be a great boat for $250K (US) and maybe a stretch at $300K.

If Aston wanted to move things in an exciting new direction - perhaps they could build it with an electric drive.
Nicholas Matthews
Nicholas Matthews - 6 years ago
This looks fun! Very elegant too! =D
Sakthyvel Sivanesan
Sakthyvel Sivanesan - 6 years ago
Aston martin is a legend
Michael - 6 years ago
I’ll take 2...just put them on Harry’s account.
Sexytim - 6 years ago
6:41 Henrik`s Ascari in the background??
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
Silly. Just get a boat built by boat builders. The badging is tacky as is the wheel. Stupid price for a runabout.
Patriot Jefferson
Patriot Jefferson - 6 years ago
Beautiful color & the cover to seal off from the elements is really nice. I do agree they could use some hand rails. It would be a fun boat to weekend camp in while visiting islands. The interior is beautiful & has the basic necessities.
Interesting that this was NOT a collaboration, it does appear they have an interest in the boat market!
brian cuthbert
brian cuthbert - 6 years ago
I'd much rather have a Hinckley.. they are around the same price...

30. comment for Aston Martin AM37, 1040hp powerboat review

Fires Blade
Fires Blade - 6 years ago
Aston Martin copies Jaguar's, is this their first design, it looks like a normal little fishing boat.
Saxakola - 6 years ago
Love that V8 sound.
2Bit Rasputin
2Bit Rasputin - 6 years ago
Beautiful. Just needs a couple sails.
WCTA Chicago underground sound
WCTA Chicago underground sound - 6 years ago
I want a spaceship that sounds like that...
ElectronHexagon - 6 years ago
Humans have been building boats like this for 40+ years. How is this so much better? lol
Pegleg Noid
Pegleg Noid - 6 years ago
I rather have a Donzi.
Tad Ficus Catus
Tad Ficus Catus - 6 years ago
Who are the engines made by?
Tad Ficus Catus
Tad Ficus Catus - 6 years ago
It should have a big v12 in it.
olneymaryland77 - 6 years ago
Get on the plane! Do I need to trim???
olneymaryland77 - 6 years ago
@Harry's garage Loving the Channel Harry! Just discovered it last week. I also just began my motorcycle diaries as I just got my first bike this fall. Really sucking in the scenery and sensations on your recent Moroccan adventure! Seriously cannot wait to get a true adventure bike and embark on some memorable trips!
Harry's garage
Harry's garage - 6 years ago
This was a very early prototype boat and they ended up having to reposition the fuel tanks after this event, as it was impossible to get the boat to trim due to the weight distribution being fundamentally wrong. Thanks for watching
Lee Bartlett
Lee Bartlett - 6 years ago
You can get much better appointed deep v hulls from Nortech or Donzi. This isn’t that special imo.
Green Simplicity
Green Simplicity - 6 years ago
i'm wondering how the engine sound like in real life
Mark Drouin
Mark Drouin - 6 years ago
Billionaire toy
flashchrome - 6 years ago
That is a gorgeous looking boat.
henry tudor
henry tudor - 6 years ago
One million four hundred and fifty thousand to much a bit like an Aston Martin themed ash tray.
Grizz 2
Grizz 2 - 6 years ago
For 1.3 million wouldn't you rather buy a 50ft fishing boat that actually has leisure use and space, not to mention that it will ride much nicer and still have change left to buy several sports cars or monster trucks.
SentireAeris - 6 years ago
Lol what a stupid thing. 1.6 million? it doesn't even have anywhere to step onto it, and you'd be to worried about damaging the paint.
Rather get something twice the size which is just as fast with all the facilities, just as "wow" and FAR more practical for literally 1/10th of the price
Juan Alfonso
Juan Alfonso - 6 years ago
nice boat, but you have to trim down the bow a little!
john mcgovern
john mcgovern - 6 years ago
Didn't show us the engines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roland Zeni
Roland Zeni - 6 years ago
Let's see what's come up next from Aston!
Phillip John Smith
Phillip John Smith - 6 years ago
I want this boat!!!

50. comment for Aston Martin AM37, 1040hp powerboat review

David Simons
David Simons - 6 years ago
There are better boats for the cost of this.
Anton Spilhaus
Anton Spilhaus - 6 years ago
Fuckin' ridiculous money for a boat that does not even have Aston engines, (twin Aston V12s would be the bollox!!) but good God its GORGEOUS!!
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
jim bob
jim bob - 6 years ago
Where do the crab pots go. ?
stephenmwyatt2 - 6 years ago
why not the best mercury engines?
Bob the Avenger
Bob the Avenger - 6 years ago
Bob Dylan has one.
Matt James
Matt James - 6 years ago
Ah, shite - I need a boat now.
A six
A six - 6 years ago
Would be nice if it were a bit longer.
Terry Walter
Terry Walter - 6 years ago
show the motors com man harry
WhalleyRangeMassive - 6 years ago
Harry, you know your cars, but this is is an awfully crass boat. Rubbish marketing exercise.
Scott Genius
Scott Genius - 6 years ago
shit boat and where the hoes
CrikeyDingoes - 6 years ago
He sounds like James May
Roy Krebs
Roy Krebs - 6 years ago
Sport fishing boats
Maciek Jutrzenka
Maciek Jutrzenka - 6 years ago
i was expecting screens to be special screens that are super bright so u can acctualy see on them... very disapointing in that regards.. there are plenty of manufacters that made special screens for full sun usage.
Dead Serious
Dead Serious - 6 years ago
Over priced slow useless piece of shit you are only gonna wanna sit on it for 6 beers
North Dakota
North Dakota - 6 years ago
Needed a couple of bikini babes.
Phil Turner
Phil Turner - 6 years ago
And I bet you have a couple of Purdey's or Holland & Hollands in the cabinet too.
big mike
big mike - 6 years ago
DrGrinsp00n - 6 years ago
Awesome review mate
It aint Ralph tho.
It aint Ralph tho. - 6 years ago
That Boat is Sex.
Wesley Mooney
Wesley Mooney - 6 years ago
Just to think my boat could run circles around this overpriced pos and only have around 30k usd in it.
Alexander Lee
Alexander Lee - 6 years ago
for the same price I'd get a brand new electric gunboat and sail the South Pacific.
Oscar Thorpe
Oscar Thorpe - 6 years ago
whose engines do they use?
520hp V8 and did he say 8.6 litres??
only americans would build engines like that
Tsar - 6 years ago
I can buy a 60footer sport sailing boat brand new for $1.6 with 4 large bedrooms
Akeswins - 6 years ago
the steering wheel in the balls is perfect for rough seas..
Splitter S
Splitter S - 6 years ago
Love to of seen the engines....
John Arizona
John Arizona - 6 years ago
Let's see it on rough seas.
John Arizona
John Arizona - 6 years ago
Why are boats still being built half way? They are built like tea cups and then all wonder why they flip and don't selfright then sink.
Kevin Colt
Kevin Colt - 6 years ago
alright alright alright

I liked the boat, great great haul, but the engine LACK some humph.. its not a fun boat to ride, and it COULD be, its got a really good haul, seemed quite heavy for the engine, v8 v12 v9999 doesnt matter if it dont deliver the boost for fun.

I wish aston martin could understand this.
Remote God
Remote God - 6 years ago
That is a stupifyingly beautiful power boat. The coolest touches are the complete convertible cover, the bespoke dashboard, that awesome little galley, and of course the incredible power and smoothness. Also, beautiful scenery
Alex Air Conditioning
Alex Air Conditioning - 6 years ago
Does he own this
Simon Lovell
Simon Lovell - 6 years ago
Maybe you should extend to boat reviews as well.......
Michael James
Michael James - 6 years ago
how many immigrants has monaco brought in?
cette juste
cette juste - 6 years ago
boat crush
The Necromancer
The Necromancer - 6 years ago
Scarpa is better
Fu Choo
Fu Choo - 6 years ago
stupidly priced average looking boat !!! I LOVE Aston's but this is not atypical of the beauty of their cars ... a badge does not change what it really is - a very average tub ...
marc Lucazeau
marc Lucazeau - 6 years ago
you had better invest some money in your teeth
Andy Eversden
Andy Eversden - 6 years ago
Harry, it suits you :-)
Toopy Anne Binoo
Toopy Anne Binoo - 6 years ago
I would get 4 Donzi's instead .
Aidan Doyle
Aidan Doyle - 6 years ago
this guy knows nothing about boats...
Truth - 6 years ago
Just mind blowing. They should make a convertible that encompasses that top but you can still be out at sea. An automatic tinted glass roof that is water proof so in case your caught in a storm all the inside is still preserved and you can stay dry and safe.
rx7dude2006 - 6 years ago
Ill take the RIVAMARE instead, costs less and much nicer all around.
Captain Ron
Captain Ron - 6 years ago
Thunder Ball
FSEVENMAN - 6 years ago
the perfect boat for a man with a 1 inch penis
Gamer Wolfy
Gamer Wolfy - 6 years ago
Waste of money why just buy viking 92 and save alot
Mike Waisnor
Mike Waisnor - 6 years ago
Next time if you tell people to listen to the engines your next move would be to shut that trap off yours so we can... And that would be free advice
blue7474 jack
blue7474 jack - 6 years ago
Yawn...your paying for Aston martin badges...ha rip off
maymanguera - 6 years ago
q wapada de yate
Obsoleteessence - 6 years ago
mhm.... maybe they should stick with cars.

100. comment for Aston Martin AM37, 1040hp powerboat review

del trotts
del trotts - 6 years ago
Where's the flag pole?
George Marinos
George Marinos - 6 years ago
You should have started off full throttle....
John Spooner
John Spooner - 6 years ago
Next time try opening that bad boy up!
STUBS 1960
STUBS 1960 - 6 years ago
Marshall Gordon
Marshall Gordon - 6 years ago
sounds like a 30k used grady white def would never buy this. completley useless like a rug in a bathroom.
Marc Connell
Marc Connell - 6 years ago
When i first saw it i didn't think there was anything inside it. Just the 2 seats outside and that's it... lol. Shows what I know about boats!
Ed Forj
Ed Forj - 6 years ago
Driving this shit with your sunglasses on while half of the world population cannot afford to eat everyday.
Ron Dye Channel
Ron Dye Channel - 6 years ago
Design wise this is a scaled up version of a of a 1970's Taylor.
a m
a m - 6 years ago
This is why I hate being poor :)
Willem 322ғʀʏsʟâɴ
Willem 322ғʀʏsʟâɴ - 6 years ago
Wajer 55 is much better
AversaS - 6 years ago
Aston Martin makes boats? I didn't know that. Damn, it's gorgeous! Looks like a Bond boat!
jboofer1 - 6 years ago
Nice boat. Worth around 125K.
defenda1 - 6 years ago
it needs some fishing rod holders?
matt - 6 years ago
I'm in the market for something like this and found this video to be very informative. Something to mull the senses over.
matt - 6 years ago
thank you Harry.
matt - 6 years ago
vonjager - 6 years ago
The AM37.... for when you have a really, REALLY tiny dick.
vladimir putin
vladimir putin - 6 years ago
For over 2 million US , it better do at least 150 MPH
Simon Büdel
Simon Büdel - 6 years ago
Does anybody know the top speed of this beauty ?
Ashwin Moses
Ashwin Moses - 6 years ago
The Lampadati Toro
Do Bo
Do Bo - 6 years ago
Starting price of 1.65 million before tax and addons. No thanks. Do you know how many wooden ores and kayaks i could get for 1.65 million before tax and addons?
Logan Wilson
Logan Wilson - 6 years ago
Deacon Davis
Deacon Davis - 6 years ago
BenJamin S
BenJamin S - 6 years ago
What’s a gayrage
CammieGee - 6 years ago
I hope Harry is right and Aston Martin is planning to go into boats.
Jason Chellen
Jason Chellen - 6 years ago
dislike, due to you not punching it!
D B - 6 years ago
So hard to watch with that horrendous voice as the presenter!
mustangdrew - 6 years ago
Only $1.5m? Is it for sale? I'd buy that shit today
DRG - 6 years ago
If your going to market a boat use a guy that knows boats. yhis guy didnt even know to trim it. 1.6 million pound for a 37 foot with the worst space management. Cant even sleep on it.
Durand JL
Durand JL - 6 years ago
I'm going to be "that guy" the metallic blue has a murky flop from the side front and back. When BASF made Glasurit it was for this very reason. Beautiful boat regardless. 1.5 Mil is enough to nit pick.
White Man From Town
White Man From Town - 6 years ago
I'm not a boat guy, but this is so gorgeous.. Body style, material and color.
Pat Rick
Pat Rick - 6 years ago
absolutely hot.
Sam Kid
Sam Kid - 6 years ago
50nauts? =P
Kefmans - 6 years ago
He looks like Captain Iglo
javon player
javon player - 6 years ago
This thing has a CAR ENGINE TWO???
The_black_Frank_White - 6 years ago
OK MIES - 6 years ago
What is the top speed
queenform - 6 years ago
who owns it?
вася пупкин
вася пупкин - 6 years ago
хороший катер, создателям респект
Daniel M
Daniel M - 6 years ago
whats her top spead????
red drib
red drib - 6 years ago
[insert: James Bond music]
bukavra - 6 years ago
Долбоёбы офисные, так ничего и не показали. Куда спиннинги совать?
santini deutch
santini deutch - 6 years ago
Get a driver so you can see the boat and what it can do. Right now, I am not impressed at all.
Badee Thienthong
Badee Thienthong - 6 years ago
JamesBond be proud
Meteor Media
Meteor Media - 6 years ago
This is one gorgeous boat
cutetreytn - 6 years ago
Shut up and take my money
Halla - 6 years ago
One Day..
Chef Boyard
Chef Boyard - 6 years ago
Propellers grip?
Guodlca - 6 years ago
Does it have enough space to store 50 million € in cash?
Vinsu Karma
Vinsu Karma - 6 years ago
Very nice but a a volvo 70 can do 601 miles in 24hours sailing in hell and without gas. That is really really cool.
J Smit
J Smit - 6 years ago
do yourself a favor and buy a sailing yacht instead of this atrocious motorboat
kk kkk
kk kkk - 6 years ago
1040 is puny for a boat
PhotosHenrik - 6 years ago
high speed in km/h?
Vinsu Karma
Vinsu Karma - 6 years ago
knots, for God`s sake
peter tomas
peter tomas - 6 years ago
Trim the damn bow down man...Dont you see its hoping like a dolphin ? ..Jesus. Nice boat.
Kema List
Kema List - 6 years ago
Wait is this 007?
Daniel Tuchscherer
Daniel Tuchscherer - 6 years ago
Honestly, I like my sailboat more xd
Vinsu Karma
Vinsu Karma - 6 years ago
sailboats any day of the week. Yatch are really cool but boring as hell :- S
Richard Berglund
Richard Berglund - 6 years ago
That sparkle stuff on paint looks like crap its like a 1990's bass boat.
zoemayne - 6 years ago
This is not a standalone boat but a boat you would have within a Yacht. I can't imagine the bottom of this boat spending enough time in the water to develop marine growth.
Tha Hoova
Tha Hoova - 6 years ago
50 knots? or 15 either is unimpressive for the money that bitch better be going at least 100mph not 60
sebastiaan litjens
sebastiaan litjens - 6 years ago
This Boat isn’t practical
W & P
W & P - 6 years ago
Fcking beautiful, and yeah started talking about the trim at the same time let's hang in Monaco one day.
tigran - 6 years ago
Гавно по заливу кататься
MGTOW RULES - 6 years ago
Aston Martin, Stick with Cars Its what you know!!
The Marauder SS Blows this out of the water Because that's what They know!
Remko Jerphanion
Remko Jerphanion - 6 years ago
I was expecting an Aston Martin boat to be powered by Aston Martin, but no.....
jelmer achterkamp
jelmer achterkamp - 6 years ago
I like the lines of the Wajer osprey 38 more then this one!
Дмитрий Флёров
Дмитрий Флёров - 6 years ago
Somebody can product electro boat????
Jami's Jamz
Jami's Jamz - 6 years ago
" HIT IT " Cocktails and females drink till you sink would be my version
Øystein F. Dahl
Øystein F. Dahl - 6 years ago
Only thing u get from buying this boat is a brand.
Danny Szura
Danny Szura - 6 years ago
It can only go fifty knots my jet ski is faster and my skiff
4subvoid4 - 6 years ago
Emperors new clothes ... rediculous ...
Paul Pflaum
Paul Pflaum - 6 years ago
No shower, not Aston - Martin powered, no hand holds, no carpeting which even the high priced yachts have over their wood floors in're paying for a name and the name got taken to the cleaners by those who designed this boat and sold it to AM.....
Louis De Vos
Louis De Vos - 6 years ago
Best donor AM arise southern dream organize sanction course gold noise tiny.
Boutros A
Boutros A - 6 years ago
Must. Buy. This. But with a graphite color or british racing green.
001 002
001 002 - 6 years ago
funny these boats look like those smaller 19 footers and what not... till you see this tiny guy steering it lol...
James Brett
James Brett - 6 years ago
Spend over a million on a boat then have a microwave dinner.
David Farmer
David Farmer - 6 years ago
36 knots is a good out put in most people's language...
HeinRitske - 6 years ago
Max Alfred JOE LA SEMOULE - 6 years ago
Technics & aesthetics : marvelous. Environmental respect & decency : are ye serious ?! All the modern world's paradox in a boat.
Jalen Davis
Jalen Davis - 6 years ago
The bed in this boat is not for sleeping.
RX8 - 6 years ago
I actually think it looks shit
Alex K.
Alex K. - 6 years ago
Goegeous interiour. Explains the price tag.
K D - 6 years ago
Wow. Sublime.
Ryan Oros
Ryan Oros - 6 years ago
She sure is pretty but you can tell she is very Bow light bounces pretty good off that small wake never the less I still want her.
IMRB - 6 years ago
Buy a Riva
MrJohnQCitizen - 6 years ago
Does it have an airbag? The look of the wheel suggests so
A Wolff
A Wolff - 6 years ago
The seats are so inadequate for what type of speed this boat can obtain
clay collins
clay collins - 6 years ago
Ugly and not practical
pedro pablo
pedro pablo - 6 years ago
Le falta un comal para hacer tortillas
peter Nguyen
peter Nguyen - 6 years ago
With this boat, I will beat every fisherman to the hotspot!!!!
Video cruzer
Video cruzer - 7 years ago
With that name behind the boat, it should have been built with the Mercury 1350's. I will be sure to order mine with the 1350's.
Juan Vargas
Juan Vargas - 7 years ago
I want one
iamrichrocker - 7 years ago
i need to play the lotto more..
Hastrup081290 - 7 years ago
Why not two Aston Martin V12's converted to use seawater as cooling water?
Neil Coleman
Neil Coleman - 7 years ago
Clever people at AM, making a sliding cover so that it's "waterproof", as Harry puts it.....
MichaelKingsfordGray - 7 years ago
This is just jewellery for males with too much money.
XtremelyDeplorable - 7 years ago
anchor? it is the anchor.
David Farmer
David Farmer - 7 years ago
Its too heavy... you acn see that from the way it rides.

Too many electric guismos make too much weight and the bimini must be a real killer.

Also, one sniff of salt air and all that pale cream leather is going to look like shyte.

I knw those mercs sound nice and all but I'm not why it doesn't have genuine am units....... is there no such thing in our homogenised boat and car industry (is nothing sacred any more).

In the MBY test Hugo said takes 2/3 seconds for the props to grip and I think that sais it all.

Edit a least I doesn't have that awful swoopy back end look that seems to have plagued the industry for last 10 years. It does look nice and a bit '60s from the front angles.

That's my penn'th for all its worth.
David Farmer
David Farmer - 7 years ago
Powered by two 8.6litre, Mercury V8 petrol engines

why aren't they aston martin v8s??
David Farmer
David Farmer - 7 years ago
Harry we are all here for the v8s so .......

I don't want to be paying the fuel bill at 35 knots.

(+-20gallons/hour per engine??)
David Farmer
David Farmer - 7 years ago
It is indeed gorgeous.

Those v8s are sensual.

.......but remember the gov't wants to see all electric (crap) cars in 20 years times so what future for these?
SiliquaeSid - 7 years ago
Nice, but for the money, you can get bigger or MUCH faster. I love Aston stuff, but not this and I've grown up in power boats. This thing needs surface drives. And a bit more work on the hull design
59vaughn - 7 years ago
no 1
no 1 - 7 years ago
Im vicariously livin the good life through this channel.
skylyn25 - 7 years ago
Adam DeMouy
Adam DeMouy - 7 years ago
Looks like the boat Hulk Hogan drove in Thunder in Paradise....
Kim Runic
Kim Runic - 7 years ago
I'll take a couple.
jam 68
jam 68 - 7 years ago
Now that is one hell of a fanny magnetic!
Rob Lidster
Rob Lidster - 7 years ago
I want Harry's job.
Chuck Farley
Chuck Farley - 7 years ago
Harry just admit it....all these Monaco video's is just a way to company expense a family trip to Monaco :D
SKshooter - 7 years ago
4:23 for an extra $100k the microwave door comes with a lock so you don't have to tape it shut.
Rumple Stiltskin
Rumple Stiltskin - 7 years ago
Maybe if you didn't have that Austin Martin logo up your ass you'd realize that that boat is UGLY. Nobody but a ladder climbing idiot would fork out almost two million dollars for that thing, even it happens to be designed by a dealing car company. If that boat was really sea going and was 50 feet long it might amount to something, but in reality you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. In other words putting lipstick on a pig doesn't change it into anything other than a pig. For that kind of money you can have one hell of a better boat.
Jared JRegular
Jared JRegular - 7 years ago
can it pull a tube with two bigger kids on it
Darkwell0071 - 7 years ago
Next time get a guy that knows something about boats. V hull cuts waves not induce air lift that the job for stepped hull
Harry's garage
Harry's garage - 7 years ago
I aimed this video at a motoring audience, not a knowledgeable boating audience, hence my very simplified explanation of the boat's behaviour. I write more technical descriptions when reviewing craft for Motorboat & Yachting magazine here in the UK (having owned boats for over twenty years) and have enjoyed captaining both my Princess61 and Windy 37 along the Riviera coastline for many seasons now. Thanks for watching!
Yury Storozhuk
Yury Storozhuk - 7 years ago
Sounds electric...
Rhoss-Port - 7 years ago
I didn't like boat until now...
Wonder what job these people had/have
Julian Felix
Julian Felix - 7 years ago
Thats the yacht you take to your super yacht!
Some Guy
Some Guy - 7 years ago
I prefer a Riva
Leo - 7 years ago
looks useless
Xotiw - 7 years ago
Fucking shit boat he plagiat all their is the exatly same interrior like a chris craft corsair the exterior is riva and vanquish pfff
Vision Effects
Vision Effects - 7 years ago
007 Boat :D
iot01t01na - 7 years ago
I wonder how many people will get murdered, then ditched in the harbour on these monstrosities.
jaja - 7 years ago
You cant drive this boat at all. You have to go trough the waves not just up and on the sides
TopLift - 7 years ago
As soon as get back from walmart I'm ordering one of these boats.
RivieraByBuick - 7 years ago
"You can also on these controllers press SINK.." oh really?
RivieraByBuick - 7 years ago
aston martin produces boats? wow.
Chance Neel
Chance Neel - 7 years ago
This boat is completely useless. Why bother with such a small interior? It's just loads of wasted space.
MrFunk - 7 years ago
Pure bond
Hessel Bleeker
Hessel Bleeker - 7 years ago
sail yachts are way prettier
James Rae
James Rae - 7 years ago
This looks like the boat a super villain would have.
wizarpirate king
wizarpirate king - 7 years ago
basically isnt good for anything but forward
CineSkies - 7 years ago
Can I barrow $2,060,864.00 USD from any viewers.... I'd deff like to own it, but I'm a lil short at the moment!
HAHAHA #BeautifullyDesigned The v8 vanquish is still my most favorite car that I've driven thus far, why not have a boat to match!!
PHYLOgg - 7 years ago
I think this guy's favorite word is "trimmed".
ZakkuEmanyueru - 7 years ago
damn that thing is sexy. i want one... on the other hand its 1.6mill euros...
sounds like its supercharged (fixed rpm and coilwhine?)
"spends 1.6mill on a boat... -eeeh, i dont want to sleep in a 5star hotel, lets sleep onboard..."xD
toxic6460 - 7 years ago
That is a gorgeous boat
Faizul Adlan Anuar
Faizul Adlan Anuar - 7 years ago
Drop dead gorgeous and fantastic mechanical engine sound!
Kuncen RIG
Kuncen RIG - 7 years ago
Chicks would open their gate in bending 69 position automatically
Micheal Scott
Micheal Scott - 7 years ago
Not going to be reliable on a far distance :l
Chris Mota
Chris Mota - 7 years ago
Man i want this boat
Propane and propane accessories
Propane and propane accessories - 7 years ago
Stop pressing the throttles for fucks sake.
Liam Hannam
Liam Hannam - 7 years ago
I might buy one.
Zachary - 7 years ago
I've never wanted a bout until now.
Calum Butler
Calum Butler - 7 years ago
007s boat
San Jose
San Jose - 7 years ago
THE accent is James Bond COOL
Raheel Saleem
Raheel Saleem - 7 years ago
when you loose your game on the ground you took it into water :p and created your own game
K F - 7 years ago
To nice to have any fun in
Stuart d
Stuart d - 7 years ago
1.6m ? omg it's 3 houses like mine..
drummarr61 - 7 years ago
where is the ejection seat?
UNLIMITED POWER - 7 years ago
.5 miles per gallon....
Jiero761 - 7 years ago
Harry needs to trim his toenails
Dan Jackson
Dan Jackson - 7 years ago
You didn't show the cover closing. Was waiting for that the whole time
J bell
J bell - 7 years ago
Ohh rich ppl... Damnit
jason persaud
jason persaud - 7 years ago
It so restarted the boat is small in the inside and there's just a big long deck of wood a little more space would be nice
CJ GUY - 7 years ago
Can you uh just drive the boat..?
crazy LEgo
crazy LEgo - 7 years ago
If the next bond film doesn't show off this boat I will be very very disappointed
ballsackTbager - 7 years ago
thanks for the review. I have millions of extra dollars laying around and i wasnt sure if this was the boat for me but you really changed my mind. I'll pick one up tomorrow
Jason poodoo
Jason poodoo - 7 years ago
wheres the bitches?
sieve5 - 7 years ago
V8'S ???

Blair Aquilia
Blair Aquilia - 7 years ago
I feel like those engines if force inducted, would produce over 1,000bhp per engine.
Dan Truong
Dan Truong - 7 years ago
Why am I watching this... I'm poor asf.
waeliano - 7 years ago
Hello my poor fellas !!!
Ben Gaudreault
Ben Gaudreault - 7 years ago
man that things a beauty
Nihad Asadli
Nihad Asadli - 7 years ago
How much petrol does drink? Two 8.6 V8, can't be little...
Bryan - 7 years ago
I wouldn't even want to put it on water.
almer ammar
almer ammar - 7 years ago
This is by far one of the finest automotive review I've met on youtube, most of them here were comedy oriented, not my cup of tea, but your style strike balance beetween a bit fun excitement and serious.
gafotaku - 7 years ago
those engines sound like the intro music of Crysis 3
Me Me
Me Me - 7 years ago
Miss Moneypenny will love it........007
Bond. James. bond. D B 4
Clayton Pfenning
Clayton Pfenning - 7 years ago
“It’s quite lumpy out at sea”
Stephen J
Stephen J - 7 years ago
remember what the state has told you children, money does not buy happiness
M G - 7 years ago
Robert Steidl
Robert Steidl - 7 years ago
They should definitely make more practical back of the hull for girls to have a proper place to lay and get tanned.This looks very inpractical for that use,but if this is a prototype,maybe there's still a chance...
Juan Velez
Juan Velez - 7 years ago
I wouldnt want to rely on British Car Reliability while in the ocean, LOL
Ryan Ritchings
Ryan Ritchings - 7 years ago
This is just a show offs boat
Gerardo Salas
Gerardo Salas - 7 years ago
It sounds like shit
Jonathan Díaz
Jonathan Díaz - 7 years ago
1040HP and it can only hit 58 MPH?
TheYasawy97 - 7 years ago
I enjoyed your review of the Dodge Challenger.
wlad - 7 years ago
grip on the water lol
trexler666 - 7 years ago
Timmy - 7 years ago
Just purrrrrs
Γιωργος Κατσικερος
Γιωργος Κατσικερος - 7 years ago
how must does it cost?
El Pequeño Pene
El Pequeño Pene - 7 years ago
this boat is worth my house
Yeet’s Corner
Yeet’s Corner - 7 years ago
Crap becouse sailing boats are better
Ian Moody
Ian Moody - 7 years ago
How do you get to the bow
jonhoward180 - 7 years ago
Sounds like my grandma's twin tub washing machine
Lowe Eklund
Lowe Eklund - 7 years ago
1040 hp and only 50 knots? That preference sucks my boat have a 240 hp 5L V8 and we will do 43knots. Aston it's not all about hp.
Big Gee
Big Gee - 7 years ago
Wow 2 Aston Martin engines... that is just sensational. I would want the pipe into the boat cabin to hear that glorious roar.
Big Gee
Big Gee - 7 years ago
It actually sounds like shit, why does it sound like a fire alarm? o_O
mychoclabwinston - 7 years ago
1.5 mil, lol, garbage
Paul Galland
Paul Galland - 7 years ago
looks wonderful, but Riva had a similar design 15years ago... AM is a bit late !
Xotiw - 7 years ago
Paul Galland its fucking shit he juste past riva , christ craft and vanquish the cabin is exatly the same in the chris caft corsair the exterior is riva (chris craft are the same creator as riva ) so the exterior is riva , christ craft and a litlle bit vanquish
AutomotiveAficionado - 7 years ago
Money is god...
Kuli24 - 7 years ago
Wait, so an engine UPGRADE takes it from 1.26mil to 1.6mil = £340,000 pounds to UPGRADE the engine? That's just stupid.
TW-Automotive - 7 years ago
wow!! i didn't even know i was interested in boats until i watched this video!!! pure ART.....
Jeff Bryner
Jeff Bryner - 7 years ago
For that price id just buy a lake house and and 40ft nortech or my and call it a day
Jeff Bryner
Jeff Bryner - 7 years ago
Adonis - 7 years ago
James Bond needs one...

Beautiful boat
Vital Mendoza
Vital Mendoza - 7 years ago
Is it expensive for a boat?
Warren Kelly
Warren Kelly - 7 years ago
is this a Fiberglass hull or Carbon fiber hull?
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
Ya how much does it cost 16 million dollars
jonathan bell
jonathan bell - 7 years ago
So you have to be standing up to see where your going??
phuc ewe
phuc ewe - 7 years ago
Note to AM:
 Stick to cars.
Sondre Bjørndal
Sondre Bjørndal - 7 years ago
looks like the interior is unfinished, so overpriced
Spinal2111 - 7 years ago
This is something you'd take out on a perfect day to show off like in the video not to do any real boating, neat though.

I'd sooner have a Rivamare - looks almost identical (for sure Aston got their design from it) and with a lot more practical a sunpad, swim platform and is almost half the weight.
Iffy Ah
Iffy Ah - 7 years ago
Not a cahhr
Steve Ottenad
Steve Ottenad - 7 years ago
That windshield!
Connor Sturt
Connor Sturt - 7 years ago
More boats please Harry!
UnSelfRighteous .Monk
UnSelfRighteous .Monk - 7 years ago
what's the point of having a seat if you have to stand up while steering the boat? the seat and steering wheel should be higher so you could actually sit while driving
SpottyCat666 - 7 years ago
This boat just has to be in the next Bond film. Is it an Adrian Newey deign?
Skele Joop
Skele Joop - 7 years ago
Great Video,excellent Quality.

Thank You!
Alexander Sehnaoui
Alexander Sehnaoui - 7 years ago
Not a bad day at the office... :P
Khan Afridi
Khan Afridi - 7 years ago
lexus looking better than this
S Miller
S Miller - 7 years ago
Imagine if it sounded like the V8 Vantage though
adrian moalem
adrian moalem - 7 years ago
Amazing boat, but the hull design makes it really bouncy. What a shame.
Snakebloke - 7 years ago
Its absolutely stunning, but I'd rather have a Riva; the Ferrari of boats.
thesheepman220 - 7 years ago
I'll take two lol in my dreams
Albo Pastrami
Albo Pastrami - 7 years ago
Conversely reminds me of the powerboat engine option for the LM002; AM could pop one of these units in their (got to be) forthcoming SUV
Rottensteam - 7 years ago
So Harry, Are you going to have a go in the Niniette 66 Bugatti inspired boat any time soon? Looks incredible!
Harry's garage
Harry's garage - 7 years ago
I should ask..
Moralesmatter - 7 years ago
even if that boat was made of gold, its still wouldn't be worth what the asking price for that boat is.
andy d
andy d - 7 years ago
Harry,mate,you're taking the 'P'. left several posts on you site about the cars you own and now,anAston Power-boat! You are one lucky bloke!!
Joel Weiss
Joel Weiss - 7 years ago
Your presentation is so nice. It's easy to just enjoy.
Nitechillsz - 8 years ago
Not to shit on Aston's parade (ok maybe a little bit) but you could get a 60+ foot Princess for that kind of money, three 40(ish) foot Princess or personally I could live comfortably for the rest of my life with this kind of money lol. Rich men's problems eh? They really charge a premium for a first dive into the boat market though where they are competing with other boat companies with a lot more experience and tried and tested products with simular high end finishes. This is basically for the rich man that already has all that and then some to have a one-off limited production boat. Feel like i'm stating the obvious here, but I still think it's a bit vulgar and overpriced not that the people that can afford it will care. You are paying for design but not the same function and usability of a proper boat. Guess you could say the same for some of their limited cars though. It's basically a gucci bag for the sea, doubt it will be like a future investment thing like some cars can be but what do I know?
Dylan Baseraba
Dylan Baseraba - 8 years ago
He sounds like James May
aidan diyaaldin
aidan diyaaldin - 8 years ago
should be 1040 fishpower
Laurence Pierce
Laurence Pierce - 8 years ago
I'll have one of those AM37 in silver and a DB11 in silver
Janis Fedorovskis
Janis Fedorovskis - 8 years ago
This is just a posh show of item with a brand name, seriously if you like boats then for 1.6m there are way better boats from the leading manufacturers of this category like Princess, Azimut and so on... , but then again some buy a watch for 1mln and why not an Aston Martin boat...
pandaK9 - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure I could watch Harry review almost anything.
SXH Marketing
SXH Marketing - 8 years ago
"Great design is eliminating all unnecessary details." - Minh D Tran -- This boat is a perfect example of that. Thanks for the video.
XAQ Child
XAQ Child - 8 years ago
You can get a SHIT ton more boat for that price elsewhere.
Colly Car's
Colly Car's - 8 years ago
man this dudes life is absolutely incredible. what a inspiration. goals.
patrick bateman
patrick bateman - 8 years ago
unimpressive for its price
John Falzon
John Falzon - 8 years ago
Nice & interesting of its own. Great.
Phil Taylor
Phil Taylor - 8 years ago
Wouldn't see water destroy the leather AND discolour the wood.

I'd be too scared to take it out.
Mystic Mark
Mystic Mark - 8 years ago
Harry Bond
Butiq Escapes
Butiq Escapes - 8 years ago
Beautiful machine!
Jeff Harper
Jeff Harper - 8 years ago
I'm not even a boat guy and I love this boat!
zakroxitup - 8 years ago
love your channel, love your shows, but sorry Harry, that is a rubbish overpriced boat ... too much cash silly
Feral Mass
Feral Mass - 8 years ago
I wonder what range this class of boat has, do they tend to have a natural cruising speed that they are happiest?
Barry Jones
Barry Jones - 8 years ago
All it needs are rod holders, live bait tank & cleaning table setup.
b1itsjustme - 8 years ago
Thumbs up for cool, but way too noisy to spend any time on. Twenty minutes and your head would be pounding.
HD SG - 8 years ago
loving this Harrys harbour !!!
Janco van der Westhuizen
Janco van der Westhuizen - 8 years ago
They should stick to cars
Splootan - 8 years ago
Not impressed have to say white seats bit shabby
DRTY D - 8 years ago
sweet! :-)
superfast30 - 8 years ago
When you have nothing else to do with your money!
ST Bob
ST Bob - 8 years ago
I can see my house in the opening shot.
lesCraftPotes - 8 years ago
I really like your video's!When I saw this one, i cry!How wonderful is this boat!I really enjoyed your review !
Moss - 8 years ago
I was really surprised this boat had a downstairs area, doesn't look big enough
Benjamin Michael von Lichtenwald
Benjamin Michael von Lichtenwald - 8 years ago
l hope this one will be used in the next Bond film
D' ARTICULATE - 8 years ago
Wonderful craftsmanship is evident here, very nice!
Lucas - 8 years ago
That location is unbelievably gorgeous...
Team33 - 8 years ago
Amazing how the cheaper the production the more expensive the object. Nice, but too expensive and crying out "Fashion Victim". But it will sell to the Fashion Victims.
barry g73
barry g73 - 8 years ago
what was scary about using their own motors. I bet its got that constant suck on the sea cooling system. those engines die young. I hope to see their own version, with closed radiators.... exotic motors.
Andrés Guzmán
Andrés Guzmán - 8 years ago
inside it´s just JUGE
Phoenix Rising
Phoenix Rising - 8 years ago
Beautiful. Something else extravagant for them to spend their hard earned dollars on I suppose.
Marcel Boeltjes
Marcel Boeltjes - 8 years ago
A AM37, a Aston M boat with USA engines, hahahahahaha
JUSES CHIRST - 8 years ago
It's pretty cheap really, being the first Aston Powerboat and everything.
GPD W - 8 years ago
What's its 'ring time?
Jacob Keepa
Jacob Keepa - 8 years ago
Do you think Bentley should make a boat?
ashjamz1995 - 8 years ago
i wana know more about you. one cool person u must be to
Brian Lavin
Brian Lavin - 8 years ago
Graeme Johnston
Graeme Johnston - 8 years ago
Harry I love your videos. You are very knowledgeable and enjoyable to watch. Thank you for making these.
ianiva - 8 years ago
Work of art. Love it!
Tuatha DeDanaan
Tuatha DeDanaan - 8 years ago
Air under the hull causing the plane? Grip on the water because it's a V-hull? Harry, don't comment on what you don't understand. It's painful.
Mark Nope
Mark Nope - 8 years ago
the microwave door is taped shut? British engineering!
Dave V.H.
Dave V.H. - 7 years ago
Tossphate And a Miele coffee machine! James Bond can have a first class expresso at high noon on the high seas.
Tossphate - 8 years ago
Mark Nope It was a miele microwave
Harry's garage
Harry's garage - 8 years ago
I don't think they expected me to film the cockpit. Would be taped closed for transport
Mark Nope
Mark Nope - 8 years ago
does the steering wheel have an airbag? lol kinda looks like it could?!
Mark Nope
Mark Nope - 8 years ago
Harry's Marina
Patrick94GSR - 8 years ago
And yet a Koenigsegg Agera or Regera has still more power than this. From just the one engine.
Strange Fruit
Strange Fruit - 8 years ago
1:05 - "It's Quite Lumpy out at sea"  -  Nice one Harry spoken like a truly experienced sailor/seaman, hahahaha.
Toshesh Daulta
Toshesh Daulta - 8 years ago
Aston Martin has sensed that the flood is coming.
Giutubo Spatubo
Giutubo Spatubo - 8 years ago
Aston, stick to cars... boats are not your thing.
Chris Hoover
Chris Hoover - 8 years ago
Brake horsepower of a boat? Does that really make sense?
The_Zimbabwean_Mechanic - 6 years ago
Just means power at the engine flywheel/crank before it goes to the jet/prop drive for forward or reverse thrust.
Victor Given
Victor Given - 8 years ago
Gas guzzling tug
medvidekmisa - 8 years ago
I feel boat expensive like this without hot chicks topless on board is like supercar without wheels :D, that should be a standart options package included xD
FlappableBean - 8 years ago
Those lcd displays will be useless in bright sunlight, all of those leather straps and bags will rot and crack very quickly, absolute waste of money prick vessel. It is an Aston though which makes it the coolest thing in the world and despite how shit, impractical and gay it is, if I had the money, I'd definitely get one!
FlappableBean - 8 years ago
@silvebringer1 I think you're right! I know nothing about boats but even I can tell that that boat is a pile of ostentatious shit, but who cares? Like you said, that's the whole point; it's all about pretending to be bond and I'm sure there are plenty of people, especially in Monaco, that will think nothing of pissing away 2 million on a boat just because it's an Aston and looks cool, I would if I could!
silvebringer1 - 8 years ago
FlappableBean i think thats the point
Elena Marino
Elena Marino - 8 years ago
Sophisticated machine yet
Adam Fears
Adam Fears - 8 years ago
Very impressive hole
ThisAccountIsNeverUsed - 8 years ago
A performance boat that doesn't go fast....Or a cruiser with very little room.
What market are they targeting? What outdrives does it have? Can the cockpit cover function manually?
whitewarmaker - 8 years ago
No, absolutely not enough room for all the russian pussy that boat will attract
Pianoguy32 - 8 years ago
the cabin is important because its where you put your granny when she comes to see it :P - 8 years ago
what a toy!
Lea Lang
Lea Lang - 8 years ago
Otherwise division agent cumnfb model conventional belly
Alex Cheras
Alex Cheras - 8 years ago
Are you James May's dad?
dhdoctors - 8 years ago
Twin V8 is about $400 hr and no shower, prototype officially dead!
Gio - 8 years ago
Exhaust could be YOSHIMURA or ARROW for better sound
Gio - 8 years ago
Your watch seems LUMINOR PANERAI !
Failing at Pessimism
Failing at Pessimism - 8 years ago
Ugly as fuck little boring mb. But you can't argue with the money. Money always wins.
J Flores
J Flores - 8 years ago
That is a beauty!
Theo - 8 years ago
Jesus. I'm not a car or a boat guy and I don't like flashy, expensive gas guzzling things but that is a piece of art
Paul Bembridge
Paul Bembridge - 8 years ago
My car goes loads faster than that thing and it only cost me a few grand.
Lord Vader
Lord Vader - 8 years ago
I could watch boat reviews the way I watch car reviews
Devin Heiner
Devin Heiner - 8 years ago
A great toy for douchebags like Tom Perkins!
staggabob - 8 years ago
How are 2 bigger engines worth an extra £300k over the mid range model? Those Mercury Racing 540's cost $52k each, the diesel motors start at $45k so the actual price difference should be a fraction of what it is. I assume the people wealthy enough to buy this kind of boat aren't bothered about a few hundred grand here and there :/
Michael Burkes
Michael Burkes - 8 years ago
Did he say 50 knot?!?! That's slow.
Val Kal
Val Kal - 8 years ago
36.8 knot.
Niger Mcgauley
Niger Mcgauley - 8 years ago
Excellent video and boat. Thanks Harry.
Lee Ban
Lee Ban - 8 years ago
Rick Stratton
Rick Stratton - 8 years ago
You have the best stuff!! Great video, thank you.
hoedemakerbart - 8 years ago
Or just one one Klimov TV3-117, 2x more hp from 1 engine. and more fuel efficient
Nevakonaza -
Nevakonaza - - 8 years ago
Bond needs to have this in his next film. :D
Hogan Chua
Hogan Chua - 8 years ago
Yep, next James Bond movie.
CammieGee - 6 years ago
JS same here
JS - 6 years ago
I thought that too haha
Andrew B.
Andrew B. - 8 years ago
Car Connoisseur
Car Connoisseur - 8 years ago
Hello! Harry love your Channel
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 8 years ago
i love that boat.
Ben Valenzuela
Ben Valenzuela - 8 years ago
And this is something you would definitely see in the bond movies.
Ben Valenzuela
Ben Valenzuela - 8 years ago
I don't know how I got here, but I like it.
David Sirotinsky
David Sirotinsky - 8 years ago
nice panerai.. i just aquired the same one
SalveMonesvol - 8 years ago
Can't they just make a 900-1100 HP v16? That would be much more unique, luxurious, smooth, and even lighter.
kevin bennett
kevin bennett - 8 years ago
Wow this is how the other half lives.
Don Kitson
Don Kitson - 8 years ago
If i paid 1.6 mil i would not what a boat that hobby horses as this one was. Maybe he did not know how to trim the boat, but if you are going to make a video surely you would set it up correctly.
Loïc Martel
Loïc Martel - 8 years ago
It will be in the next james bond movie I assure it.
static clutch
static clutch - 6 years ago
Jason Lee lol we all saw what happens in from russia with love
TOPSZN AJ - 6 years ago
looked for this comment
Nihad Asadli
Nihad Asadli - 7 years ago
Hope so
Jason Lee
Jason Lee - 7 years ago
Loïc Martel in before 007 is pulled over by the coast guard
M3Conv - 8 years ago
Typical Aston......handles like a boat :)
Britishshooter - 8 years ago
Why not have a couple of 6 litre V12 Aston engines producing 1120 BHP between them and 1914 ft lbs of torque? At least it would sound like an Aston.
John Montag
John Montag - 8 years ago
Love your video's Harry! Would of liked to see the the cockpit become waterproof when you were driving it though
Junito Punto Comm
Junito Punto Comm - 8 years ago
Since this boat is a prototype, can the Aston Martin take my US$500 deposit to secure one when they become available ??
Sky Bound
Sky Bound - 8 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous machine
Ice Bru
Ice Bru - 8 years ago
Nice boat, well done Austin Martin. Maybe get some boating lessons for your spokesman.
John Lundgren
John Lundgren - 8 years ago
Good Evening Harry,i knew right from the start you knew nothing about BOATS,now you said that boat costs 1.5 million Pounds,well thats close too 3.0 million for me here in the U.S.A.,if i owned that boat i most definetly would remove those engines,and go with Mercury 1350's on ASD # 10 Drives,or maybe just a Single MTU Diesel 2000HP same ASD Drive tho, my personal opinion is that ASTON MARTIN should stick with what they know how too do very well,BUILDING CARS and stay away from Boats Harry?.
tendreaudacieux - 8 years ago
Not built by marine experts .........
Stick to cars Aston Martin !!!
1MNUTZ - 8 years ago
for 1.6 million i could buy a mansion
thefridgeman - 8 years ago
Aston Martin Aquarama.
Jon Connorton
Jon Connorton - 8 years ago
I'd always heard that owning a boat is the only thing more ruinously expensive than owning a classic supercar.
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
I know nothing about boats, but would like to know who is a good boat builder who makes these kind of boats/yachts ? No mass production but a classy hand made product , thanks.
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
Where is this boat Made ? Italy ? UK ? Thanks.
243wayne1 - 8 years ago
Fantastic Harry!  Thank you sir!
BigD Travels
BigD Travels - 8 years ago
Videos like this make me feel like my life will never live up.  Must be nice :(
ironman tooltime
ironman tooltime - 8 years ago
Good beard Harry, because lets face it your're no Brad Pitt. :)
Alex Tomilof
Alex Tomilof - 8 years ago
nice toy for a rich people...
Marine Boy
Marine Boy - 8 years ago
Hmmm - I'm not sure what this boat has got to do with AM - it would appear a Dutch design with American engines.....the builder seems to be Dutch too (given their address) ....why not keep more of the UK heritage and at least use an AM engine - and build it in the UK? We build some great powerboats here - Sunseeker, Princess, Fairline, Hunton which ignores the various high class custom builders....- surely AM can exploit some of those homegrown skills if not the design?
Shaun Oxenham
Shaun Oxenham - 8 years ago
This is what happens when you get a non boat guy to drive and review a boat. Couldn't trim it for toffee, porpoising all over the place and we didn't get any info that would be useful to a boater. He couldn't hold it steady in the turns because he hadn't trimmed it properly.

Whilst it looks great in profile, this boat is utterly useless even as a tender to a mega yacht. No way of getting to the anchor locker and no way of getting into and back out of the water. This is just a concept and nothing more. It is too heavy to be competitive with other power boats in the range and too expensive to be taken seriously. With that kind of price tag you can easily buy a custom built power boat. However up market Aston think they are in the production car world, the boat world is all together different. Punters spending over £1m expect free reign to specify just what they want and won't just buy a pre-specified boat just because it has Aston written on the side.

Although I have to admit this is a better attempt at a boat by a production car manufacturer than the Mercedes attempt which is truly awful. But it is still just an attempt and not properly useful as a boat.
Sheriff Kaya
Sheriff Kaya - 8 years ago
Bug McKlusky
Bug McKlusky - 8 years ago
Well done Harry, Thought that if it were an Aston Martin boat that the lumps would have 12 cylinders not V8's.
Anyway very entertaining and i quite liked the idea of the perspex or glass sliding roof, But it should really have been
able to be closed and still steer it!. thanks for all the fun, haven't commented before but have really enjoyed your"garage"..
framfull - 8 years ago
The "sundeck" is nice for the eye but completly useless. Specially when people slides off in a Sharp turn.
e34Boat - 8 years ago
i would pay max 2k euros for that shit.
J G - 8 years ago
this thing is ridiculous. leather wrapped controls on an open boat designed for salt water? thing would look like trash after 6 months in the harbor. lets not even get into the sit down only captains chair. fucking useless in rough seas.
broomsterm - 8 years ago
Harry - fix your fucking teeth; you look like a jack-o'-lantern. Also, where are the shock mitigation seats?
Sycotic Deninard
Sycotic Deninard - 8 years ago
I wonder what the carbon footprint that boat has.
Sycotic Deninard
Sycotic Deninard - 8 years ago
Nippledozer Two of them.
Carter - 8 years ago
Sycotic Deninard so does that mean it uses a chevy big block 454?
Erik Gustafson
Erik Gustafson - 8 years ago
Sycotic Deninard Idk. Quite a lot really. My boat has 330 horsepower 7.4litre and gets 1.5mpg at cruising speed. Yes, one point five. Just to compare
Erik Van der Zee
Erik Van der Zee - 8 years ago
buy a seaplane instead.
scott miller
scott miller - 8 years ago
No good for fishing.
Dan G
Dan G - 8 years ago
that boat is the definition of sexy
Damascus Steele
Damascus Steele - 8 years ago
Nice! The engine is a very pleasant sounding.
Umaxen 00
Umaxen 00 - 8 years ago
Where are all the chicks?...
C Mendoza
C Mendoza - 8 years ago
Microwave ? -_-
britishav8tor75 - 8 years ago
Cue the bond music ;)!
777jones - 8 years ago
Confused how the Mercruiser upgrade costs $400,000
Oscar Dominguez
Oscar Dominguez - 8 years ago
Matt Dungrich They do, trust me
Matt - 8 years ago
Rich people don't mind being ripped off apparently.
Luke - 8 years ago
1.6 million for a boat huh? I'm in the wrong line of work. I'll just go buy the 250,000 dollar boat, which is still too much, then throw a few GM big block v8's on the back of it.
matt pierce
matt pierce - 8 years ago
cool boat. not 1.6 million dollars cool, but cool.
JAKE W JONES - 8 years ago
Wow that sings!!
Bradley S.
Bradley S. - 8 years ago
never had a dreamboat in my mind before... but now i do. that is amazing... my fav is the water tight convertible cover. beautiful
Erick S
Erick S - 8 years ago
Absolutely Stunning boat.
softminimal1 - 8 years ago
Dude, give it some stick for God sake.
egi75 - 8 years ago
Bond... James Bond..
docnice360 - 8 years ago
You don't get much for THAT kind of coin! Get the price to a reasonable is a cool boat though
Donald Christianson
Donald Christianson - 8 years ago
looks like an expensive slug
Donald Christianson
Donald Christianson - 8 years ago
looks like an expensive slug
Donald Christianson
Donald Christianson - 8 years ago
looks like an expensive slug
Spinal2111 - 8 years ago
Nice machine, though for that kind of money the trim tabs should be automatic.
ArbitraryLifestyle - 8 years ago
The color of that leather bag is gorgeous, but the brown on the wheel and dash is such an ugly color.
irvan36mm - 8 years ago
James Bond's new boat?
Gibbet Hoskins
Gibbet Hoskins - 8 years ago
Meanwhile people are straving to death... well done humans.
Simon Ocean
Simon Ocean - 8 years ago
I much prefer luxury sailing yachts. More comfortable and more enjoyable underway. That thing is so damn noisy with that awful drone. Plus I bet it is uncomfortable in anything less than flat calm water. Far better ways of spending £1.6m IMO. Anyways, still found it interesting to watch and no doubt it is an attractive boat with lots of quality bespoke detailing.
Nick Murray
Nick Murray - 8 years ago
Wow what a sound that thing makes. Always enjoy your videos Harry. Would love to see you upgrade your production a little, better or more cameras but over all just a class act as always
glh - 8 years ago
Exquisite appearance - silly, underwhelming functionality as a marine vessel.
Will - 8 years ago
Why do you say 1040bhp? Boats don't have breaks haha.
The_Zimbabwean_Mechanic - 6 years ago
Bhp is engine power at the flywheel/crank so it doesn't matter if it's a locomotive or a car or a boat bhp is the unfiltered engine power before it goes through gearboxes or drive shafts of any sort.
koki4o - 8 years ago
Yeah, imagine 1040 horses pulling a boat. Just as useless as 1 horse.
aliengoth - 8 years ago
That should be a freshwater boat only... I can't even imagine letting something so beautiful be ravaged by saltwater!!!!
21MEPHISTO01 - 8 years ago
Miele inside: TOP!
Christopher Peel
Christopher Peel - 8 years ago
love the vid you should do a colabaraition with j leno you are my car world
AMLagonda - 8 years ago
Sounds so nice, really wanted to see it at full power, didnt seem like it was.
madjh - 8 years ago
Impresive boat, I like a lot the desing of all, outside and the inside. I like the review :)
Giuseppe Maccarrone
Giuseppe Maccarrone - 8 years ago
Doc, you nailed it ! propz
Star Core
Star Core - 8 years ago
What exactly justifies this absolutely retarded price ?
76CzarekP - 8 years ago
i'll go for the cheapest option, because i'm poor
rabit818 - 8 years ago
Does it come with "mere peasant" detection?
W7 Davison
W7 Davison - 8 years ago
Harry, Where you at the monaco boat show? I saw the Aston numerous times doing tender runs, looks absolutely stunning, I was doing tender runs into Monaco and Fontveille for the show, didn't see you though?
HD SG - 8 years ago
loving Harry's harbour haha
W7 Davison
W7 Davison - 8 years ago
Yea It's a shame about that. haha yea at times, luckily I'm not driving it though, ahhh a princess 61! I did my yachtmasters on one of them on the river hamble near South Hampton, lovely boat! I'll see you out on the water there Harry
Harry's garage
Harry's garage - 8 years ago
Had hoped to make the show but didn't realise the show wouldn't open at the weekend. Only in Monaco..
200ft must be fun at times, I have a Princess 61 down there, which feels plenty big enough to me!
W7 Davison
W7 Davison - 8 years ago
Ahh I see, beautiful spot Cap Ferrat, and Ville Franche, I work on board a 200ft yacht, I'll be there every year for the show and F1, would be good to see you around there sometime! Certainly didn't expect a review of the Aston from you, great watch.
Harry's garage
Harry's garage - 8 years ago
I didn't make the show as I arrived in Nice 10am Sunday morning. Then enjoyed a day on my own boat anchored off Cap Ferrat and then tested the AM37 on Monday. Weather was amazing..
Thanks for watching
Brawndo - 8 years ago
That sound. What a great boat. I usually prefer traditional designs but they nailed this one.
awesome11991 - 8 years ago
damn 1 and a half million pounds, thats like 2000 dollars, right?
sadick SAERT
sadick SAERT - 8 years ago
Over priced for the design and features
ThePatsyMusic - 8 years ago
can I afford this boat. 50 nots.
DutchJoki - 8 years ago
I would buy an Wajer Osprey 38, its cheaper, better build and practically. The AM is not worth that amount of money.
Mike K.
Mike K. - 8 years ago
God this is beautiful. First thing I would order after winning Lotto. Lucky those who can own this
Arek R.
Arek R. - 8 years ago
As your good internet friend I will not let you waste that money.
Dont you want to be richer?
Good investment and you can make 10x of amount you winned after year...
Mike K.
Mike K. - 8 years ago
Dude! Don't tell me how to spend my imaginary fortune.
Arek R.
Arek R. - 8 years ago
Its worst thing to do as lotto winner, you will instantly loose the money.
After winning money you must invest, open factory or something.
Justathought - 8 years ago
Sorry Harry, as a boat lover the AM37 looks swish but nothing mindblowing, however I'm confused as to the 1.4 mil GBP price tag. Prototypes usually cost millions and nowhere near the final production costs. Stripping away the AM logos and some trendy design features this boat should be in the 250,000 GBP price bracket. Despite the sexy windscreen you still stick your head above it. Here in Oz 1.4 mil GBP (AS$2.4 mil) would buy a brand new luxurious Maritimo M68 cruising motoryacht or or the fantastic (USA) Marine Technology Inc M48 powered by twin Mercrury Racing 1350hp engines (150+mph). My own humble Bayliner 185 220hp can also top out at 50mph and is probably worth less than the steering wheel on the AM37!! I would have appreciated a much more balanced overview instead of the gushing superlatives in every sentence! Having never seen your vids I will view them out of respect.
Kyong Hansen
Kyong Hansen - 6 years ago
gushing superlatives? not had a valid point overall but you yourself are a bit of a twat with a petty elitist vendetta arent ya. get over it, hes not a boat guy, this isnt a boat channel.
Lee Bartlett
Lee Bartlett - 6 years ago
Justathought id rather have a Donzi,now there’s a powerboat that’s worth the loose change and excellent statement my antipodean friend!
Skip ad
Skip ad - 6 years ago
Paul Swainston
Paul Swainston - 6 years ago
I'm with you I love boats and for the money I'm really not impressed, slow to get up and away low top end for the size boat vs money to buy. It did seem to bite in well on the turn and the head looked OK and the dash, controls and steering wheel looked very nice, but not 1.6m nice those seats looked bad didn't like them at all and the cabin just looked like any other entry level boat apart from the wood I wouldn't part with that money for it that's for sure.
Justathought - 8 years ago
AM venturing onto the water in an equally competitive market, I just hope the production AM37 stands on its own merit and not hide behind the AM badge. I look forward to seeing your review in the future, many thanks.
Harry's garage
Harry's garage - 8 years ago
There are lots of other boats that could probably match the AM37 performance for a lot less money but that's like comparing a £110,000 Jaguar F-Type SVR to a £1.5M Aston Martin One-77.
I once owned a Windy 37 which had more responsive steering and equally impressive hull as this prototype AM37S but this first review isn't a definitive verdict on the AM37 because that has to wait until I test the production version.
Thanks for watching
Max Torque
Max Torque - 8 years ago
Flat bottomed handwheels. Even more stupid on boats than on passenger cars........ ;-)
martin stephenson
martin stephenson - 8 years ago
This seems like a very whorish move, a sell out in other words.
Bacon Cat
Bacon Cat - 8 years ago
I wish I lived this guy's life :(
Nash Mourekson
Nash Mourekson - 8 years ago
what a beautiful piece of kit!
SNSD Sunny
SNSD Sunny - 8 years ago
Seems like they design their boats better than their cars.
Z K - 8 years ago
It's absolutely gorgeous. Reminds me of the Mercedes Benz concept yacht. Both are amazing....but absurdly expensive. Both are also one-offs. Not sure why they didn't use an Aston v12 though. I realize the marine world is harsh on engine life, but certainly Aston could have adapted it accordingly.... no?
Atrax R
Atrax R - 8 years ago
That is one beautiful machine. I love how you can close it up so rascals don't go ravaging through your boat. Very beautiful machine, like every Aston product. Ford has really breathed some new air into Aston. Very cool.
Mshakil Hassan
Mshakil Hassan - 8 years ago
+Heath Weber jag is owned by tata
Heath Weber
Heath Weber - 8 years ago
What? No, Ford was destroying Aston when they were involved with them, just like they were destroying Jaguar, too. Ford has no ownership interest in either any more and hasn't for a few years now. Ford has nothing to do with anything that Aston Martin or Jaguar has done in recent years. They are an independent again, and thank goodness for that.
David Orchard
David Orchard - 8 years ago
If it's an Aston why has it got merc engines???
_ - 8 years ago
I asked them about that but Aston reckoned it was too expensive to make their engines marine spec, plus offering servicing at Marinas worldwide would have been a logistical nightmare.

harrys answer
777jones - 8 years ago
It would be very costly to reengineer Aston Martin engines for marine duty. Marine is totally different, not only is it saltwater, but also the duty cycle (power * hours) is far bigger. An Aston Martin engine would puke its guts out in a few weeks' time unless you strengthened the hell out of it.
Heath Weber
Heath Weber - 8 years ago
Yes, but Aston Martin IS an engine builder. That's the point. Why would a motor company pay a yacht builder to design and create a boat, then slap their name on it and not even use their own engines? The Aston Martin name and styling cues on this boat are more a fashion statement than an indication of Aston Martin marine performance prowess.
Will Johnston
Will Johnston - 8 years ago
no powerboat manufacturers use their own engines, almost all of them use mercury. they are boat builders, not engine builders.
fakeidee1 - 8 years ago
£1.6m nah
Mike W
Mike W - 8 years ago
Awesome video, fantastic scenery, amazing boat. Now added to my list of things I want to do when I win the lottery. Thank you Harry.
Kolinu2 - 8 years ago
Gorgeous boat. Definitely one for James Bond, with a few extra gadgets.
Alexi7666 - 8 years ago
At probably 2 gallons/mile, $7/gallon in Monaco(if not more), just a short trip around the harbor would be expensive.
Niconico Nico
Niconico Nico - 8 years ago
Jacob B
Jacob B - 8 years ago
Are you wearing Persol sunglasses?
N Kwan
N Kwan - 8 years ago
All that's missing are the girls in bikinis!
chilli pom pom
chilli pom pom - 8 years ago
You want to hear an amazing boat engine.just listen to ford boat engines.
brittenv1000 - 8 years ago
the colour of the hull is stunning
James Pugh
James Pugh - 8 years ago
Good lawd! I'm not really a boat person or ocean person for that matter but this is something else.
Matthew Maciag
Matthew Maciag - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure the voice in the background at 8:50 was James May
jasoncatt - 8 years ago
1.6m??? Holy hell. I'd rather have a Riva and change...
Michael Teeple
Michael Teeple - 5 years ago
I think you need some boot for a Riva cause no change would be left. I dont recall them being any more frugally priced
jjjrickey - 6 years ago
David Farmer They’re just 520 mercruisers. Nothing special here, just a great big old school multi port injection pushrod V8. Would be nicer to see a pair of 860 quad cams in there
Martyn Dyson
Martyn Dyson - 6 years ago
People who can afford this boat are not bothered about saving a bit of change! Don't forget their spending 1.6 million on a toy basically, it's only there for pleasure and entertainment purposes unlike a car or a jet or even a large yacht, a speed boat for blasting you up n down the coast for 1.6 million!! Money is no object to the market this is looking at!
Hunter Ritchko
Hunter Ritchko - 6 years ago
Honfy Lam
Honfy Lam - 6 years ago
This one actually has an interior and room to entertain a bunch of people.
James Neumann
James Neumann - 6 years ago
Q8 Fly - couldn't agree more. That money will get you an Outerlimits with Mercury 1650s.

And Raymarine is very good stuff.

Nothing wrong with the boat, but you can get a hell of a lot more boat for that money.
kristian andani
kristian andani - 6 years ago
jasoncatt You mean Lada riva?
David Farmer
David Farmer - 7 years ago
jasons catt

itsa tough a one but those am v8s might just swing it for me..... even chevy cant compete with those...
jaqjaques - 8 years ago
jasoncatt - 8 years ago
@Oscar Brady Either. Rivarama looks pretty special, but either of them make the AM look decidedly plain.
Q8 Fly
Q8 Fly - 8 years ago
Oscar Brady
Oscar Brady - 8 years ago
jasoncatt Rivamare or Rivarama
Autodevot - 8 years ago
This thing makes a beautiful sound! Unexpected.
JAY HOT - 8 years ago
maybe they will use this boat in the next 007 film..
Aidar Kusainov
Aidar Kusainov - 8 years ago
one day, this life or next, I'll buy myself one of these
Damien W
Damien W - 8 years ago
This got an instant like from me
Oli 325
Oli 325 - 8 years ago
this thing is a monster

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