BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors

Buy the Best RC Boat here: We love testing RC boats. We are TheRcSAYLORS after all. A lot of these RC boats can look the same, but when it comes down to it, some perform way better than others. We have featured the H101 a couple other times before, and it still remains one of our favorite budget friendly RC boats. PLUS we love the way this version looks and it comes with 2 batteries! Buy the Best RC Boat here: Support TheRcSaylors Patreon | Ebay | Merch | Mail | 1140 Carter Ave, P.O. Box 361, Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Social Media Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Vlog Channel | SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON FAMILY!! Banks McDade, Ron Erickson, Jesper Larsen, Michel J. Gaudet, Alan Savage, Matthias, Gary Burt, Michael Califf Sr, Haar Bear, Robert Hipp, Raymond Hausele, Priyan, Zigfigter, michael baney, Carpenter Rick, Chuck R, Ryan Alexander, Gary Zion, Richard Higginson, Garrel Riggs, Richard Bereczky, Jack Richardson, Bryan Tyson, Gary Crawford, john salt, David Chenzoff, Flosiin, Ben Woods, Brandon Tibbetts Intro and Outro Animation -

BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Reviews 5 years ago 27,307 views

Buy the Best RC Boat here: We love testing RC boats. We are TheRcSAYLORS after all. A lot of these RC boats can look the same, but when it comes down to it, some perform way better than others. We have featured the H101 a couple other times before, and it still remains one of our favorite budget friendly RC boats. PLUS we love the way this version looks and it comes with 2 batteries! Buy the Best RC Boat here: Support TheRcSaylors Patreon | Ebay | Merch | Mail | 1140 Carter Ave, P.O. Box 361, Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Social Media Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Vlog Channel | SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON FAMILY!! Banks McDade, Ron Erickson, Jesper Larsen, Michel J. Gaudet, Alan Savage, Matthias, Gary Burt, Michael Califf Sr, Haar Bear, Robert Hipp, Raymond Hausele, Priyan, Zigfigter, michael baney, Carpenter Rick, Chuck R, Ryan Alexander, Gary Zion, Richard Higginson, Garrel Riggs, Richard Bereczky, Jack Richardson, Bryan Tyson, Gary Crawford, john salt, David Chenzoff, Flosiin, Ben Woods, Brandon Tibbetts Intro and Outro Animation -

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Most popular comments
for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors

Alistair Marsh
Alistair Marsh - 5 years ago
im fed up with product wankers
Alex Donis
Alex Donis - 5 years ago
Producer what do you want to do?
The wife: feeeeeedddd the geese
billy Johnson
billy Johnson - 5 years ago
What would you have done if it got stuck way out ?
Bodhi Teraguchi
Bodhi Teraguchi - 5 years ago
why are the eyes of your baby in your intro black? its kind of scary
Scott Wheeler
Scott Wheeler - 5 years ago
Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
amir tarab
amir tarab - 5 years ago
ok laurel and hardy
Barton Yount
Barton Yount - 5 years ago
It was a great boat, but it didn't work out. Gearbest, the company the link provides sells the RC boats. They were out of stock of that item. Subsequently I changed the order to four different RC boats in the same price range and they were out of stock for each of them. This went on for two months. Finally I asked for a refund. I am really disappointed. Your show on the other hand, I am not disappointed in, I watch it all the time.
Eugene Morse
Eugene Morse - 5 years ago
What is the brand or manufacturer?
Cheezy - 5 years ago
It's now on sale for $45!

10. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors

drifttrash37 - 5 years ago
I liked the performance of the boat whish I could've seen the inside of the boat better to see the layout instead I was shown some geese. Geese are everywhere this boat isn't however I am gonna pick one of these up so thank you for sharing. Not the geese the boat
dart5722010 - 5 years ago
I'm running a proboat blackjack and miss Elam nitro. My 3 year old is really Keen to try, can you recommend a good forgiving slightly slower boat for her? One that if she sinks it I won't cry lol.
SNOW PORNING - 5 years ago
A BLT with maple bars for bread
TyTy Fam B
TyTy Fam B - 5 years ago
Starguard !
Starguard ! - 5 years ago
I would like to use a boat like that for catching fish
Second Account
Second Account - 5 years ago
Saves money to buy a cheap rc boat but spends them on the trip to play with it...
Eric Charette
Eric Charette - 5 years ago
Because of you guys I bought the feilun ft011 for my daughter today! Great videos. Keep up the good work! Thanks for the demonstration. They really make a big difference.
Eric Charette
Eric Charette - 5 years ago
@TheRcSaylors yes, we will have a lot more fun at the beach this summer! Of course I will be upgrading the power system front to back! Keep up the great work! I need to learn how to make videos so I can add to the growing fun that RC has brought my daughter and I!
TheRcSaylors - 5 years ago
That is awesome Eric!! You guys will have so much fun together with it. Maybe try to come up with games to play, like fastest lap around something. Or maybe you could fly a drone (if you have one) and she could drive the boat from the view of the drone!!!
darkiee69 - 5 years ago
No need to put in the water to get it to work. Put some saliva on your fingers and hold them over the "contacts".
R Lindsey
R Lindsey - 5 years ago
Hey guys, great wildlife video. Love those geese. You should get an RC boat :)
crimsonfancy - 5 years ago
Glazed. I'll get choc but only one per trip. I like buttermilk / semi-cake donuts too
Most often simple is best for me.
Simple boat that's fast and capable, good donuts makes me want both. I kinda wish for different radio style

Geese may chase you but their eggs are perfection if you can get one

20. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors

Southwick Specials
Southwick Specials - 5 years ago
You drove 5 hours for some nasty brown water?
gsantander100 - 5 years ago
I just started watching this video and already the lake looks like a poo pond. Do you end up moving to a clear lake to demonstrate this nifty RC boat?
Printer 55
Printer 55 - 5 years ago
Awesome boat guys. I just put my boat in the water in Long Island sound in Connecticut. And we have a little Cove that we go to call Bermuda lagoon, and I’m going to get one of these boats, that would be perfect. And by the way thanks for steering me to “I just got here” YouTube channel, Gary and I are like kindred spirits he and I are a lot alike.
Todd Olathe Ks.
Todd Olathe Ks. - 5 years ago
Are you guys awesome video great production as always!! If you get a chance if you could do a jet boat I think that’s what they’re called but you can use them in creeks and really shallow water or even fast moving water mean obviously not real fast but like a creek or Crick !!
No feeding The geese It’s very bad for them. Holy cow in Kansas it’s a $500 fine!!
J3rr13 - 5 years ago
Nate and Abby, are the coolest couple.
Michael Holden
Michael Holden - 5 years ago
I might buy the thanks again for your great reviews keep the great work up your are awesome people best to you and your other take care he don't like the feluing boat because you have too maintain the boat by keeping the boat grease the drive shafts and other things he wants a boat like you have let me no it goes for a good price I think he wants the bo I thank I'm going to order the boat for my brother he will luv it bs $
Nicks RC
Nicks RC - 5 years ago
Well if i ever need a boat to run in chocolate milk this would be the first one I'd look at hahahahaha jk
poorron - 5 years ago
I bought the small jjrc boat you suggested last year. I took it out only once so far. It was fun. I drove it in one of the small lakes in front of a store. Just around the corner.
Peter Schmitt
Peter Schmitt - 5 years ago
krispie kreme
Justin Shrawder
Justin Shrawder - 5 years ago
Love your enthusiasm you guys have together!! Have fun and I Like the Videos!

30. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors

Jonathan Paul
Jonathan Paul - 5 years ago
i want to know what you guys would do if the battery dies and the boat is far from you?
Michael Mack
Michael Mack - 5 years ago
I love my boat t01 its better on windy days i like when it jumps. Kinda feels slow once you get used to it tho
markraptor50 - 5 years ago
I feel sorry for the fish
Bill M
Bill M - 5 years ago
Thanks, you convinced me; I live on an isolated lake so access is just off my porch but never played with an RC boat. Always appreciate your videos.
Steve Hughes
Steve Hughes - 5 years ago
I would like to see more boats. Have drones and planes. Like for you to find a not overly expensive, fast one. Me and everybody else, right ? hahahaha
William Slater
William Slater - 5 years ago
That was awesome lol
craig smith
craig smith - 5 years ago
Any idea where you can get extra batteries for it. Thx. Great videos.
THUNDER - 5 years ago
brushless rc boats!
Robert Hartmann
Robert Hartmann - 5 years ago
I want large size rc boat like 36 inches or more. Do u have any info on any that u guys tried?
artineogda - 5 years ago
Ordered. Thanks
John Wagner
John Wagner - 5 years ago
Do u have a link to the video with the drained lake?
Ronald Thacker
Ronald Thacker - 5 years ago
You guys have been doing quite a few reviews so so close to my house between Barboursville and Beech Fork..You more than likely drove by my house to get to both places and I fly my quadcopters at both places because they are so close to me.I hope to get to meet you sometime..My nephew did at Barboursville and said you were both very nice..I've fished from the pier you were standing on many times but it feels like fishing in a mudhole most of the
JohnR - 5 years ago
"Cowering in front of you ", LOL. YES SIR!!!! Watching and taking notes, SIR!!! Will buy 12 of them, SIR! Thank you for the video, SIR!!! May I have another, SIR!! Boston creme filled with chocolate frosting on top.
Vladimir Lugo Verde. Rent A House.
Vladimir Lugo Verde. Rent A House. - 5 years ago
Do you know wich is the difference with the model Virhuck H120 ?
James Brewer
James Brewer - 5 years ago
I don't know about where you are but here in NY it is illegal to feed wild animals, like deer, ducks and geese . It is nice to do and fun but be careful. It may be illegal. Nice boat at a good price.
Jason Saez
Jason Saez - 5 years ago
That is a fun boat! Great testament as to what you can do and how to get out of a "stuck" situation!!! Way to go Nathan!!!
GoddyFavorites - 5 years ago
Nice boat. I'm not a boat fan, but I think I'm starting to like these small boats that are inexpensive making it nice to try.
Chris Zwolinski
Chris Zwolinski - 5 years ago
Boston cream.
Grumpy Modeler
Grumpy Modeler - 5 years ago
Pretty sure it's not water cooled. It's chocolate milk cooled.
Keith B
Keith B - 5 years ago
OMG Abby, Nate is going ti kill you! BTW, it's watch an Abby bird watching channel LOL.

50. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors

TheRcSaylors - 5 years ago
Usually we like to take our Cajun Commander Swamp Boat as our method of retrieval when we go out with boats but we didnt have room on this day. Thanks John, always happy to hear from you. Have a wonderful day!
Noel Mall
Noel Mall - 5 years ago
Very cool! But why didn't you show Abby feeding the geese? Lol
Glen Wolstoncroft
Glen Wolstoncroft - 5 years ago
Watch for those aligators
Nick Poverman
Nick Poverman - 5 years ago
IS the H102 any good? Also what is the average run time on these batteries?
Luis c
Luis c - 5 years ago
What is the best boat,heli,car and plane you have review or recommend???
Luis c
Luis c - 5 years ago
Hello pls answer
michael hernandez
michael hernandez - 5 years ago

I love those mini powdered donuts from hostess... Of course nothing beats KK Glazed and fresh!!

Awww with all the talk about feeding the birds i was hoping there was a little outake or extra of the geese being fed....

Oh and great boat! =j
G Bro
G Bro - 5 years ago
TheRcSaylors - 5 years ago
53rdcards - 5 years ago
You need to get a finishing net to get these things back out of the water easier, and maybe a couple of pieces of pvc pipe get some 90 and degree corners for it, put 1 at each end of the pipes and have them aim down to another between the ends of the pipe so you have a V shape between the pipes to clear boat rudders and props, put the end with the V in the water, and slide the boat down, at the other new location you have shown a couple of times, it would get you past the shore algae and the net would allow you to fish the boat out before it got into it as well.
billy Johnson
billy Johnson - 5 years ago
Awesome, love your boat vids. Seems faster than the H100. Would you have swam if it died in the middle of water ?
Mobius-1 - 5 years ago
Why did you put screws in your tires? I love the idea of boat season,my favorite is the C.cammander it would be a perfect rescue boat if you rigged up a resue hook with a fpv camera that would be cool haha.
I Just Got Here
I Just Got Here - 5 years ago
Honey Crullers are the best!
Arnie Kando
Arnie Kando - 5 years ago
I want one now
Michel Gross
Michel Gross - 5 years ago
Abdulrahman Mohammed
Abdulrahman Mohammed - 5 years ago
Nice donuts
Robert Guilbault
Robert Guilbault - 5 years ago
Realy the boat is cool!
Robert Guilbault
Robert Guilbault - 5 years ago
Wow it looks like a open sky septic tank :)
warspite2 - 5 years ago
Nice! That one looks like a winner.
Chris Boone
Chris Boone - 5 years ago
Pretty fun. I'm currently awaiting that FPV camera boat y'all looked at the other day. The JJRC one. Oh, and I rarely eat doughnuts, but when I do, I prefer glazed. 'Gimme a bottle of anything. And a glazed doughnut. To go.' (David Lee Roth in his early solo career, for you young uns.)
Chris Boone
Chris Boone - 5 years ago
I'm impressed by how dry it was in there after the run. Also, pardon my French here Abby, but geese are assholes. Not as much as swans, but I do not like geese one bit, Sam I Am. :)
Jason's daily vlog
Jason's daily vlog - 5 years ago
I have that boat too and I love it, I'm sure you guys do too
sublimeguy 1981
sublimeguy 1981 - 5 years ago
Holy crap that Rascals fast does it have a return to home feature or just a return to China feature
Mr Vertz
Mr Vertz - 5 years ago
You should test out the falcon x 25 drone on your channel
Duck Landes
Duck Landes - 5 years ago
If they drain the lake every year how is there fish for the fishermen to catch? They stock it with hatchery fish after filling it with water again?
Michael Holden
Michael Holden - 5 years ago
Great video like the boat thanks to you now I'm into drones cars trucks you have made some unbelievable videos there new and on to
ryca539 - 5 years ago
Love it!! It might be my first boat want to see your up coming boat videos before I decide!
Ben - 5 years ago
I like it! Now I just have to find some water near by.
Bryan BryanT
Bryan BryanT - 5 years ago
2:57 I liked how resistant it was to turning over even when you were trying hard to make it do so.
Sam Jonker
Sam Jonker - 5 years ago
Might pick this up to use on a near by river. Thanks for showing us this, greatly appreciate it.
quietmale00101 - 5 years ago
dunkin doughnuts old fashion plain the geese ruined your exit video lol well them and Abby lol
Flyin Brian Hutch
Flyin Brian Hutch - 5 years ago
Awesome review as always...
wskynajar - 5 years ago
Super lil boat on a great lil lake. I love Beech fork lake. it has so many diff. areas to accommodate a veraity of diff. enthusiast.
Shahriar's TechGallery
Shahriar's TechGallery - 5 years ago
wow...super rc boat.

look like amazing
Ian - Flyin Gremlin RC-NZ
Ian - Flyin Gremlin RC-NZ - 5 years ago
Yep another great boat..I have the H109, great boat..Oh we all miss POPEYE!!!! you will have to bring him with you next time
TheRcSaylors - 5 years ago
More Popeye coming to the channel, promise. It was just easier to travel without him on this trip.
haarbear1 - 5 years ago
I love this one! Plus we got to see Abby do boatnuts! I make my own baked donuts; my red velvet donuts are a family favorite.
Disappointing DogPlayz
Disappointing DogPlayz - 5 years ago
I bought this boat it was doing fine but after 2-3 months the controller started disconnecting at random times until it completely stopped working.
TheRcSaylors - 5 years ago
Maybe the reciever got water stuck in it and it eventually shorted out??
TheRcSaylors - 5 years ago
It's so awesome that you mention that place because we have stopped there a handful of times for those exact things!!! They melt in your mouth and are AMAZING!!
Mikey Losurdo
Mikey Losurdo - 5 years ago
Is this boat better than the FeiLun FT012 Speed Racing Boat?
CalvaryCustoms - 5 years ago
TheRcSaylors Agreed!
Thomas Booth
Thomas Booth - 5 years ago
Same as Proboat React 17.
Randie Hessler
Randie Hessler - 5 years ago
Lol the Geese!
Lyle Kehrer
Lyle Kehrer - 5 years ago
I like the idea of the low battery warning, I wish the Ft 011 had that! First time I took it out at the town lake, the battery died and I had to go home and get my scanoe to go rescue it!
Island RC -Duke
Island RC -Duke - 5 years ago
Wow nice little boat,moves quick.
WINTER Bloooes
WINTER Bloooes - 5 years ago
Yeh it nice
Last of the Mock-She-Cans
Last of the Mock-She-Cans - 5 years ago
"Wuv" those 'Non-Commercial Noises' that Abby makes, now and then. (Something to be Said, for any "Enthusiast.")
mrschornst - 5 years ago
Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock!
Chico Little
Chico Little - 5 years ago
Calm down buddy! We're watching.
bart dunbar
bart dunbar - 5 years ago
Donut holes
BJ Bollier
BJ Bollier - 5 years ago
Isander Castro
Isander Castro - 5 years ago
Blueberry glaze ya.
John Sneen
John Sneen - 5 years ago
You should get the proboat Valvryn !! F1 tunnel hull style, self righting!!
John Sneen
John Sneen - 5 years ago
@Steve RC Yep!!
Steve Bronner
Steve Bronner - 5 years ago
Nice doughnuts!
ivan flores
ivan flores - 5 years ago
I need one!

100. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors

justin jones
justin jones - 5 years ago
JohnR you can get it from alibaba for 50$. And the gears explode after you get trigger happy. Happened to me. I own three wltoys. I totally went all metal on the 959b. 200$ later tho. And runs for 5 minutes each battery. I had 4 batteries. One is dead already. 3 rigs chewed up back to back
JohnR - 5 years ago
wltoys 10428 is a great little model to start with. Just bought one. It's fun and under $100.00
Luis Infante
Luis Infante - 5 years ago
Thanks for responding I will take your advice
justin jones
justin jones - 5 years ago
Depends if you want it for 10 outings or 100’s of outings. A cheap RC will definitely be fun if your new to the hobby. It take it from me, if you spend 100$ your end up spending more and more to keep it running. Buy a quality truck right off the hop you won’t regret it. Plus if you get outta the hobby at least it will sell. Save up some cash or use a payment plan with horizon hobby. There customer service is killer. Buy an arrma outcast, you can run it stock with a 3 cell and upgrade it at your leisure. Once you can drive it buy a second 3 cell battery and you will smile every time you touch the trigger.
The Fam Jay Crew
The Fam Jay Crew - 5 years ago
Early squad where you guys at (:
Alex Lalmansingh
Alex Lalmansingh - 5 years ago
Anime Infusion
Anime Infusion - 5 years ago
This look good
Luis Infante
Luis Infante - 5 years ago
Charge time and run time?
The Fam Jay Crew
The Fam Jay Crew - 5 years ago
Early squad where you guys at (:
ExplodedRC - 5 years ago
Super cool looking boat!!!
SnappleCrunch - 5 years ago
Hmm might’ve buy this let’s see
Anime Infusion
Anime Infusion - 5 years ago
Im first yay
Luis Infante
Luis Infante - 5 years ago

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