BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors
Reviews 5 years ago 27,307 views
Buy the Best RC Boat here: We love testing RC boats. We are TheRcSAYLORS after all. A lot of these RC boats can look the same, but when it comes down to it, some perform way better than others. We have featured the H101 a couple other times before, and it still remains one of our favorite budget friendly RC boats. PLUS we love the way this version looks and it comes with 2 batteries! Buy the Best RC Boat here: Support TheRcSaylors Patreon | Ebay | Merch | Mail | 1140 Carter Ave, P.O. Box 361, Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Social Media Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Vlog Channel | SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON FAMILY!! Banks McDade, Ron Erickson, Jesper Larsen, Michel J. Gaudet, Alan Savage, Matthias, Gary Burt, Michael Califf Sr, Haar Bear, Robert Hipp, Raymond Hausele, Priyan, Zigfigter, michael baney, Carpenter Rick, Chuck R, Ryan Alexander, Gary Zion, Richard Higginson, Garrel Riggs, Richard Bereczky, Jack Richardson, Bryan Tyson, Gary Crawford, john salt, David Chenzoff, Flosiin, Ben Woods, Brandon Tibbetts Intro and Outro Animation -
The wife: feeeeeedddd the geese
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
10. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors
Most often simple is best for me.
Simple boat that's fast and capable, good donuts makes me want both. I kinda wish for different radio style
Geese may chase you but their eggs are perfection if you can get one
20. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors
No feeding The geese It’s very bad for them. Holy cow in Kansas it’s a $500 fine!!
30. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors
50. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors
I love those mini powdered donuts from hostess... Of course nothing beats KK Glazed and fresh!!
Awww with all the talk about feeding the birds i was hoping there was a little outake or extra of the geese being fed....
Oh and great boat! =j
look like amazing
100. comment for BEST RC BOAT Under $60!!! - FAST and 2 Batteries - TheRcSaylors