Bing Dharma Surfboard Review no.2 | Compare Surfboards
Reviews 11 years ago 13,139 views
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and post either reviews. Again thanks for the show and keep up the Stoke...Cheers
Thanks for the review. That's a pretty nice looking board. Right not I surf a 9'2" nose rider and I'm looking to get into a shorter board. What do you think of this as a transition board? If not, this board can you recommend any others? Thanks!
I think this is a good option for a transition board from a longboard but, of course, it's always a challenge to get used to something shorter! Give it time and patience!
Another good option - one I know a lot of longboarders go to in this exact situation - is a Rusty Dwart. The Dwart's standard dims are quite short but I know they do longer versions (6'6, 6'10, etc).
I hope this helps you!
All the best,
I really appreciate your comment; it's great to hear another perspective on the Bing Dharma. It's one of my all time favourite boards!
I am sorry you don't find the Dharma review helpful although it is based on my experience. I ride my Bing Dharma in small waves most of the time.
Regardless, a surfers skill set and personal preference will largely dictate what he or she can do with a board. For example, Craig Anderson can surf double overhead Greenbush on his Hypto Krypto while most mere mortals would struggle. I have a good mate who loves to surf his Firewire Sweet Potato when it's double's just his thing.
Anyway, I did run the review by Matt at Bing and he felt it was pretty accurate but great to hear that you have the skills to do airs on your Dharma! Let Bing know, they will be stoked!
Check out the full review in the description - I go into more detail about the broad wave range of the Dharma there.
All the best,