Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella

Come aboard the largest center console yacht on the planet, the HCB 65 Estrella. This yacht has more outboard horsepower than any other boat in the world. The 65 Estrella is a luxurious space for entertaining and lounging. See for yourself.

Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella sentiment_very_dissatisfied 195

Reviews 6 years ago 759,727 views

Come aboard the largest center console yacht on the planet, the HCB 65 Estrella. This yacht has more outboard horsepower than any other boat in the world. The 65 Estrella is a luxurious space for entertaining and lounging. See for yourself.

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Most popular comments
for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella

Casey Limbert
Casey Limbert - 5 years ago
They would love you at the boat yard when it comes time for an overhaul
CBR Fireblade
CBR Fireblade - 5 years ago
A 7's engine, 627 hp are about $95k EACH, not installed, not tested, just shipped... Base is about $3 miilion.... Hmmm last time i looked, Swordfish, grouper, tuna area all selling for $6.99 to $9.99 lb.... That's a lot of fishing to do...Top speed, 50 mpg, just what my sister's 2005 Vespa does....
Walter 777 Smith
Walter 777 Smith - 5 years ago
You buy that ⛵ after one year that white leather would look gray from the ⛅ and 1million or more in garbage
Haven Huffman
Haven Huffman - 5 years ago
I want that boat 65ft speedboat nice fun like want
Pheonix - 5 years ago
$750 per hour (Australian) at 40mph/34knots...that's just stupid..
slick1ru2 - 5 years ago
Frigid Rigid, reminds me of my ex.
Wawwa - 5 years ago
shit layout...way more smaller boats with more agressive interior and smarter usage of square meters
Owen Smith
Owen Smith - 5 years ago
Bruh you guys use the wrong measurement system why do you say miles an hour and not knots. Knots are easier when you are on water because 1 knot is equal to 1 minute( do you guys know what a minute is not a time minute?
bai inih
bai inih - 5 years ago
Yeah superfast out board machine and super fast fuel eating too, you have to have your own oil refinery 'cause that is a super heavy to your pocket everytime you use it....

10. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella

TurboDieselDan - 5 years ago
I wonder when they will start to make outboards based off the modern 750hp LT5 engine instead of the 638hp older generation LSA/LS9 dating back to the 2009 ZR1.
Dynamic_ FaDe
Dynamic_ FaDe - 5 years ago
They've seen Gulfstream 66, for me the best console center in the world.
matty d
matty d - 5 years ago
Biggest waste of cash ever , same performance from triple 250's
N330AA - 5 years ago
I like how he says the teak railing is a custom option i should consider, as if i am in some way eligible to purchase this boat.
Raul Roy1 Man
Raul Roy1 Man - 5 years ago
Hotel, boat
jeffmack57 - 5 years ago
Cost a fortune in gas.
katelyn O'conner
katelyn O'conner - 5 years ago
I want to hear the motors. So sad we didn't het to hear them.
Knife Ken
Knife Ken - 5 years ago
You forgot to show us where they keep the oar's at.
Declan Brown
Declan Brown - 5 years ago
148 gallons per hour
Sowshul Media
Sowshul Media - 5 years ago
Nah bruv, everybody knows that the size of your fishing pole is inversely proportional to the length of your center console boat. You'd need all this horsepower just to distract the honey's from your 2.5 HP Honda mini-pug.

20. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella

matty d
matty d - 5 years ago
Just those engines are $500k
M S - 5 years ago
The complete white finish make it look so much cheaper than it should look.
Mightymousy Shnikins
Mightymousy Shnikins - 5 years ago
Boat manufacturers have gotten cheap and lazy. The number of outboard motors hanging off the back end of boats is absolutely ridiculous. It's an eyesore.
Isak Johansson
Isak Johansson - 5 years ago
In any other part of the world it would've had diesel inboards
ros1tony - 5 years ago
All the haters in the comment section need to pick up their call of duty controller and STFU!
Mara Ofenkaminservice
Mara Ofenkaminservice - 5 years ago
Lahme Kiste.
Eagle View HD
Eagle View HD - 5 years ago
I’ll take my brothers 1985 Nantai 37 sailboat any day over this boat.
kitlin74 - 5 years ago
not logic at all....
Paul Chambers
Paul Chambers - 5 years ago
Greta Thunberg has one on order allegedly
50 Pence
50 Pence - 5 years ago
What direction does the middle proppeller spin?

30. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella

blake kuhlmann
blake kuhlmann - 5 years ago
im a lake warrior and this is the first thing saw when i googled center console, what have i been missing?
Mufti F
Mufti F - 5 years ago
Solomon Judah Israel
Solomon Judah Israel - 5 years ago
Cami have that boat
Jeff Pitts
Jeff Pitts - 5 years ago
150 gph wtf!
Wade Saleeby
Wade Saleeby - 5 years ago
Bummer it up and take us for a ride!
Wade Saleeby
Wade Saleeby - 5 years ago
Classic white....
forevr2wheels - 5 years ago
Thought it would bust 60 mph with all that horsepower. Some 65 sport fish with Mann’s aren’t to far off the from that speed
Scott Alvarez
Scott Alvarez - 5 years ago
Does a gas pump even push 148 gallons/per hour? Engines burn faster than you can put gas in????
Boating Magazine
Boating Magazine - 5 years ago
In the us, flow rate for pumps is ~10GPM...600 GPH. Boat's like this cover a lot of ocean in one hour...that's a big part of their appeal. Time is more valuable than money for many.
Nathan Steinberger
Nathan Steinberger - 5 years ago
Muito luxo
Grady #18
Grady #18 - 5 years ago
if I was able to afford this I wouldn’t buy it because it’s 65 feet newer company and impractical I’d spend my money on a 41 regulator
Carlos Lehder
Carlos Lehder - 5 years ago
Smugglers' Dream Machine
Kenny Cannon
Kenny Cannon - 5 years ago
I fluke fish in the back bays of the Long Island Sound. I should trade in my 16 foot skiff and get this. Much more comfortable.
Something Catchy
Something Catchy - 5 years ago
it might have too much draft for you,you should reconsider..
Susan Vue
Susan Vue - 5 years ago
Awesome - I see it as a 65 foot day cruiser. With those massive engines I'd add a waterski/Parasailing pylon & winch plus a diving board (for the kids) and a storage box for snorkeling/scuba diving gear. With these this would be the perfect dream boat for me.
Richard Richard
Richard Richard - 5 years ago
You know you did it right when you can afford one of these beauties.
McFarland - 5 years ago
Stupid. Just buy a Viking convertible with a pair of way more efficient & reliable diesels.
805gregg - 5 years ago
Who would buy a large boat with disposable engines? Pure crap
P - 5 years ago
Cruising at 40mph burning ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY EIGHT GPH.... I mean cmon that is just dumb
Simon Assouline
Simon Assouline - 5 years ago
Host looks life a Dwarf in the Boat! Great Drug Traffic Narcotics Transport Speed Boat, .10 miles per gallon! Maintenance monthly bill and Overhead bill $5,500! Too many Bell and Whistles to go Wrong, Nightmare!
carleyr12592 - 5 years ago
This would be a bad boat to have diarrhea on as all the seats and everything is white

50. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella

Sloppy Dice
Sloppy Dice - 5 years ago
I own 4 of these bad boys.
J.R. Productions
J.R. Productions - 5 years ago
Best boat ever!
RichieT5 - 5 years ago
Considering The Boat Guy can do an easy 40 with a 60hp Yamaha. Ridiculous and hideous
Nate Caplin
Nate Caplin - 5 years ago
thats fucked the shower is barely smaller then my room
Kyser Clemens
Kyser Clemens - 5 years ago
3 words-Peace of shit
Jj Melchor
Jj Melchor - 5 years ago
I hope a ford f650 pulls that
Jerry V
Jerry V - 5 years ago
☢️Amateurs in the comment section☢️
Sea Shur Jewelry
Sea Shur Jewelry - 5 years ago
pretty nice....
truebluekit - 5 years ago
Excellent review, mate. Well done. Was pleasantly surprised at the inclusion of the gyroscopic stabilizers, cuz their website said nothing about those.
Blu Runner1
Blu Runner1 - 5 years ago
With 4 gallons to the mile, you need to have a gas station to go with the boat!
Arctic Winter
Arctic Winter - 5 years ago
How can idiots earn the money to buy this abomination?
Jack Burney
Jack Burney - 5 years ago
the 65 Australia
Jack Burney
Jack Burney - 5 years ago
What's this cost ya? Also how much water does it draw
russcrosby - 5 years ago
Only an idiot would like or buy this stupid representation of a vessel
Erik Dowgin
Erik Dowgin - 5 years ago
Guess those tax cuts for the rich are working out well for boat builders.
DOUG and NIKI - 5 years ago
You can't show us that amazing boat and then not tell us how much! argh
DOUG and NIKI - 5 years ago
@Zack Daniels sweet! I will tell my wife and see what she thinks.
Snoekvisser1972 - 5 years ago
Not enough rod holders, looks nice though.
shingnosis - 5 years ago
A fool and his money..
Sparky - 5 years ago
4 gallons per mile fuel economy...ROFL!
Curren_Wiggin - 5 years ago
Sparky 108 gph going at 48 mph.
polygamous1 Sozou
polygamous1 Sozou - 5 years ago
148 GPH + mooring fees maintenance repairs depreciation, all these things point out it takes a very "modest caring" person to own this,
csrgatorfan - 5 years ago
I'm curious to know if they've sold any yet.
Curren_Wiggin - 5 years ago
csrgatorfan hell yeah. I was on the first one sold.
tupperware - 5 years ago
imagine having to maintain five engines instead of one or two
Public NME
Public NME - 5 years ago
When you have that kinda money you usually have someone maintain it for you.
One Piece Trap Remix
One Piece Trap Remix - 5 years ago
I’ve seen boats this big, with only 4 x 425 hp Yamaha outboards go faster than 60 mph.
Svein Hanssen
Svein Hanssen - 5 years ago
You haven't
Jon Roux
Jon Roux - 5 years ago
Dear Santa.......
Trey Drier
Trey Drier - 5 years ago
I hate those boarding doors. Terrible design. That's a show stopper for me along with the tragic design of the salon. Otherwise I would have bought it.
Tubby Hockey
Tubby Hockey - 5 years ago
I have a teeny dick but I got this big boat ... figured out they were both useless.
Riva King
Riva King - 5 years ago
Jeez, i pee in a bucket on my boat
Simon Assouline
Simon Assouline - 5 years ago
With the cost of this super vessel, a family of 10 can dine 3 times a day at your most expensive restaurants for 500 years, consecutively! Total Joke, good for Drug Dealers!
Tasman - 5 years ago
This can only be a status symbol for rich caucasians. Who in their right mind would want a boat with 5 separate engines?
1 inboard or 2, 1 outboard or 2, any more than that is just ridiculous.
Freddy Hernandez
Freddy Hernandez - 5 years ago
It's An Awsome Boat Perfect for Catalina island runs this Summer for Yellows and tuna
celpabedn - 5 years ago
Tony Soprano would use this for a trip to finish a guy off and then sink it...
East African
East African - 5 years ago
No price tag why?
tippy dog
tippy dog - 5 years ago
what a pile of garbage
lex mark
lex mark - 5 years ago
There's like close too 3400hp there wow top speed must be 75mph
Stefan Hansen
Stefan Hansen - 5 years ago
Great tour! Being new to boats what would be a good boat for less than US$500.000 with a range of min. 750 nm, room for 4 adults, comfortable and a HIGH cruise speed? Thanks!
Kristina Whorey
Kristina Whorey - 5 years ago
nolis caldis
nolis caldis - 5 years ago
Zero design
john hendrickson
john hendrickson - 5 years ago
how fast can it go with just one of the motors on?
Jaime Jiménez López
Jaime Jiménez López - 5 years ago
¡Un Verdadero Lujo!
Belleza y Poder, Todo en Uno.
Jordan Jones.
Jordan Jones. - 5 years ago
For that price just get a Viking sport fishing yacht.
cliffordb47 - 5 years ago
that boat is absolutely perfect for the guy that knows absolutely nothing about fishing nothing about boating and just has an ungodly
amount of money burning a hole in his head pocket,but it is one sweet ride
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 5 years ago
That isn’t a fishing boat it’s a bragging boat
sdvten - 5 years ago
Its always funny to read the comments from all the pennyless goofs bashing a boat they could never buy. LOL.
Dencil Dean
Dencil Dean - 5 years ago
I war one but i e gat $ sooo
somebody ( gimme one )
Nassau, bahamas
toy man
toy man - 5 years ago
Piece of crap.
toy man
toy man - 5 years ago
Even if I won the lottery, I wouldn't buy this boat. Five outboards? Forget it. For what this costs, I could buy a nice 45 ft. trawler yacht with twin diesels.
Svein Hanssen
Svein Hanssen - 5 years ago
Julio Cesar Vazquez
Julio Cesar Vazquez - 5 years ago
..... hardly any gas 80 gallons per hour , 80 gallons x $2.99 gas = $239.20 per hour
john Mac
john Mac - 5 years ago
HI Im Randy Vance! of course you are!!!!!
oncar1 - 5 years ago
would be fun, but a waste of money, unless you use it as a tender to get to your big boat, then u be da man
mike force
mike force - 5 years ago
that is AWESOME! A 65' boat that can only do 55 and gets POINT....2....7....m...p...g.... AT CRUISE?????? WTH are you BLATHERING about, man???? Put inboard diesels in that junk!
sdvten - 5 years ago
@NAV05 MECHENG Oh you are mechanical engineer that is why you are such an arrogant fool then. You wish you could afford a 70' Hatteras, not on a mechanical engineers crap salary. LOL. . Inboard diesels and their accessories take up a TON of room below deck. Space where the Estrella already houses the seakeeper, generator, livewells, storage, fuel tanks, pump box, etc. Where do you expect all that stuff is supposed to go to make space for an engine room to house two 16.2l engine, and support equipment? Go look at the Viking 48' convertibles, which is closest to the weight of the Estrella with less "hull friction" due to shorter length. With twin MAN V8-1200 diesels that Viking 48 tops out at speeds is the mid 30knot range at .3mpg. Not even close to the 48 knot top speed of the Estrella with 5 -627 outboards. It is comical you think two 6.7l Mercruisers with Bravo 3 drives would push the Estrella to the same speeds as the 5 - 627 outboards when two 1200hp V8-1200 MAN engines would barely get the Estrella to 40 knots with FAR bigger wheels than any bravo 3 drive can take. With almost identical fuel burn. My examples are fact that can be backed up not some on paper BS calculations some fool engineer conger-ed up in his head. I know you know nothing about cost of ownership because I doubt you even own a 12' dinghy but there is a reason large CCs have been getting so popular and why so many former Sportfish (with diesels) owners are ditching the diesel boats. They are cheaper to buy, cheaper to maintain, more versatile, cheaper to operate and faster. Go away you are drunk.
NAV05 MECHENG - 5 years ago
@sdvten sorry to bust your bubble but there are some new diesels that produce plenty of horsepower and alot more torque that could power this boat and make it far more fuel efficient. And your argument against diesels doesn't have any merits to speak of. First, a diesel is a more fuel efficient engine compared to gasoline engine...also they are a much easier engine to maintain versus a gas engine. A diesel does not have plugs to fowl and wires to short , due to break down..... Second, a diesel produces more torque than a gas engine of equal cubic inches. It is capable of doing more than a comparable gas engine, that is to say that in the Marine application, spinning a larger, higher pitch prop which is more economical so in simple terms it does more work per gallon of fuel. Also a diesel has a considerable more life span, approx 25-28 years compared to a gas engine outboard of only 5-8 years. The new Mercruiser 6.7L common rail diesel can produce about 500hp and that connected to a bravo 3 Mercruiser duoprop (2 props counter rotation) stern drive would produce the same amount of thrust as 4 of those 15"-16" props on the 700-800 lb. 32 spark plugs and wires and 4 oil changes every 75 hours hang off the back of the boat after thought gas guzzlers.... I as a Mechanical Engineer am well versed in the stress that the 5 or 6 outboards place on the transoms of boats with the sudden throttle demands that most people impose upon the engines seeking the thrill of speed. So both the boat and engines are stressed decreasing their life. This boat with twin Mercruiser 6.7L diesel bravo 3 duoprops would produce the same thrust as the five outboards due to the fact that they can spin the 4 - four blade counter rotation props of a higher pitch which generate more thrust than that of the outboards ....One important point to consider is that having 5-6 outboards on the back of a boat is not going to make it go 5-6 times faster, but will help it accelerate to terminal velocity faster. (I hope I not getting to technically specific.) In this case we have friction of the hull of the boat and the friction of the 5-6 outboards so the props in this case are limited to their ability to push the boat due to all the friction variables. So in the case of the Four blade duoprop sterndrives (8 blades each sterndrive) they have less friction than that of the 5-6 outboards yet produce close to the equivalent of 4 of the outboards due also to only having one lower drive housing in the water which also is a decrease in friction........Finally the twin Mercruiser duoprop sterndrives on the back of the boat would allow the stern of the boat to have a swim/dive platform on the stern and allowing the boat further utility purposes...... Back to the point that diesels would be a great replacement and benefit to the boat. The twin diesels would most likely be lighter than that of the 5-6 700-800lb each outboards. Another point of fact is that it is the torque that does the work of the push of the propellers and the horsepower is what rotates them. Without torque the props could not push against the resistance of the water, so the props would not be able to spin ,in theory ..... So it is more important to develop lots of torque than horsepower. One rule is you can have speed and no power or power and no speed, a simple mechanical law, think of a farm tractor, it is slow but can pull a bottom out of a mud hole as the saying goes. That is why we have developed gearing or transmissions to help with the problem but does not negate the problem. So the diesels can most certainly produce more thrust than a bank of heavy outboards because the lighter diesels do more work with the same amount of fuel. And the diesels would not decrease the useable space on a 65 center console if they are installed low in the stern of the boat, they can be mounted approximately 8"-10" in from the hull so that there might only be a 10" step up at the stern of the boat extending only 3'-4'ft from the stern forward and depending on the construction of the boat hull depth, it may be able to be concealed completely within and no deck variation in heights and then the possible fact that the boat could have improved speed and economy and also decrease the maintenance on the engines, only two engines to maintain instead of five or six oil changes and 40-48 spark plugs and wires to cause problems and breakdowns. So I submit that your case against diesels is null and void. It holds no merit. One final point. Diesel fuel is far less volatile than gasoline meaning that diesel is less flammable that gas, so it is approx 10 times safer than gasoline . There have been many many boat fires and explosions due to gas tank leaks and then fumes ignition; so you can risk your life on a gas powered boat but I am going to stick to my diesel 70' ft. Hatteras Motor Yacht. Even my tender is a diesel water jet. .......Fair winds and following seas to all.................
mike force
mike force - 5 years ago
@sdvten you are stupid, be quiet.
sdvten - 5 years ago
If you want it to go slower, be heavier, have more draft, and have far less interior space then yeah put inboard diesels in it. There are plenty of sportfish boats being made already if you want a slow heavy expensive pig of a boat that doesn't even get .27mpg with those diesels.

100. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella

Rocky Dog
Rocky Dog - 5 years ago
Ridiculous waste of $$$
Ned Viper
Ned Viper - 5 years ago
What's it good for a 150 nautical miles at best, open up the throttle and watch the gas gauge drop like a lead weight!
mr smith
mr smith - 5 years ago
Only a fool would own the vessel if people are going to spend that kinda money they wanna go Ricky Bobby fast...if one engine goes down you will never plane this vessel either looks cool like a coked out designers dream build
ROBERT PHILLIPS - 5 years ago
What kind of off shore fishing boat doesn't have out riggers?
A Wolff
A Wolff - 6 years ago
i know cigarette has a 59center console with 6 400s
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
It is not an HCB it is a POS. Them there is the 100 year old Moron that. is held up by a stick up his ass.
Ivan Spasojevic
Ivan Spasojevic - 6 years ago
so if my math is good u need 560 litres of fuel for 1 hour with 40mph, so for 100km far destination (62 miles) u need like 800-900 litres?????jesus christ here in Serbia its like 1300+ euros to go 50km in way for fishing?!?!
Twiiik - 6 years ago
I'm in love...
ajgt350 - 6 years ago
Who exactly is buying this?
Leonard Breau
Leonard Breau - 6 years ago
The fish are never impressed with the boat..
odpbodpb - 6 years ago
65 ft big boat is a lot of boat,,,and a lot of money,,it comforts me to know that my 22 ft Chaparral can out run it,,,haaaaa,,,eh,,in calm water,,,it would eat my ass in mildly rough seas,,,,,
Get Some
Get Some - 6 years ago
Looks like a cheap knock off of
the Cigarette Tirranna.. Beautiful wood work.. Amazing fishing yacht!
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
Total POS
Richard Stamper
Richard Stamper - 6 years ago
Really - I am trying to do my bit for the planet and along comes this vulgar waste of natural resources - pity on you.
Jason Bosco
Jason Bosco - 6 years ago
If you have to move a mountain of cocaine, you might as well do it with flamboyant style
jay bradley
jay bradley - 6 years ago
Doesnt the air conditioning usueless with the open sides of the console area?
Michael Kerr
Michael Kerr - 6 years ago
148 gph? No thanks. I'll stick to my sailboat.
Walter 777 Smith
Walter 777 Smith - 6 years ago
Nothing special for the price there is much better .... It's a good for old Fards with lot's of young Gold diggers .
Aymec Millet
Aymec Millet - 6 years ago
nexttime show night view too
Abdelkader Lahcen
Abdelkader Lahcen - 6 years ago
It is a beautiful boat...
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
Looks like a Much Book reject
Preston Dandurand
Preston Dandurand - 6 years ago
wrong! cigarette made a larger and more powerful center console yacht!
Preston Dandurand
Preston Dandurand - 6 years ago
@alamos8 The Tirranna
alamos8 - 6 years ago
Which one?
Jose Peixoto
Jose Peixoto - 6 years ago
0:47 40 MPH, 148 GPH, wow; that's what you get with 5 props dragging in water.
johnthekiwi - 6 years ago
Looks like they're trying to lock down the C-level Executive mid-life crisis market. The kind of people that have the scratch and the abilities to pilot something like this would be running/swimming in the opposite direction from it. They should at least throw in a Liz Hurley or two Rachel Hunter's at this price point.
Dustin - 6 years ago
148 gallons per hour? Fuck. Good thing everyone that buys these things never takes them out of the harbor.
All Is One
All Is One - 6 years ago
NAV05 MECHENG - 5 years ago
Hey all is Not one
Who gives a fu*king shite.....I thing most would agree that this boat should be "sun burning gas guzzling pigella
EVAN R - 6 years ago
Total waste....
Gerald Velasco
Gerald Velasco - 6 years ago
Amazing but only if i won the BIG lottery
Big_A - 6 years ago
MTI-V 57 1600hp and 65mph+ the best part is people will look at you with respect.
Susan Vue
Susan Vue - 6 years ago
Wow my 1st thought is imagine all the skilled people who were employed in the building of this magnificent machine.
Red Blue40
Red Blue40 - 6 years ago
A simple party barge at the lake all day, would good be enough for me....that's too much money there
Justice Warrior
Justice Warrior - 6 years ago
If you buy this boat it comes included with an aircraft carrier to invade oil rich countries...
David Naismith
David Naismith - 6 years ago
You don't have to be rich to afford a boat like this. You have to be stupid rich. The advertised fuel burn on a 7 engine that size is 55 GPH at WOT. Times 5 comes out to around $1000 an hour. The boat costs $3,000,000. There are only a small group of people that would buy one. If you are well enough off to buy one, you would probably buy a new one. That would make it very difficult to move on the used market. Put a couple of thousand hours on it and most people would be afraid of having to repower it at about $400,000 plus labor. Just a toy for the 1%ers. Not that I wouldn't love to have one.
Orlando Roberts
Orlando Roberts - 6 years ago
Cigarette racing got this beat
A bunch of friged ridged coolers , wheres the ice makers ?
stefan woyslaw
stefan woyslaw - 6 years ago
just rent it
white person
white person - 6 years ago
how many gallons per minute you get with this?
Brian. - 6 years ago
What a load of crap this is, what donkey thought of this.
miked765 - 6 years ago
$495 per hour in fuel costs.
sjaddicted - 6 years ago
For that price and that fuel burn, give me a sportfish all day.
Darshan Sandman
Darshan Sandman - 6 years ago
It looks so ugly, like a villager fisherman. Get a proper yacht with the same money
Mike Perth
Mike Perth - 6 years ago
One of the ugliest boats I've seen, but then again it is brought to you by the same country that brought us Donald Trump and his ridiculous comb-over
الصقر الجارح
الصقر الجارح - 6 years ago
Good morning anybody how much this the watch salary how much dular
Claudio Ramondino
Claudio Ramondino - 6 years ago
Please stop saying friged ridged coolers
LOL.. Right , where is the ice maker to keep them full ?
jack handy
jack handy - 6 years ago
6 mil can't fix a micropenis. I can outfish the owners of this boat with a Carver 28 or even a Lund 18' on a Midwest lake.
jack handy
jack handy - 6 years ago
spoken like a guy with the 6 mil.. congrats?
Wrong! - 6 years ago
6 mil actually will fix a micropenis.
Delys Delys
Delys Delys - 6 years ago
Lindo lindo um sonho de barco
Dencil Dean
Dencil Dean - 6 years ago
I ga buy one one problem i wonder if my 1997 jeep grand cherokee laredo 4x4 ca pull it i ca park it in front a my yard that is 50ft wide in nassau, bahamas. and watch the neighbors. Dem go green with envy but day ga try and tif the motors as soon as i reach home then i ga half ter get out
( cat o nine tails )
YZFR1mart - 6 years ago
Why so many outboard engines? That's a maintenance nightmare! One or two decent in boards would have made way more sense. Imagine the shit fuel consumption of that. . . Leave that one alone thanks but no thanks.
Commander Russels
Commander Russels - 6 years ago
could they have at least hired a designer to not make it so ugly? thing apparently needs jenny craig too
toy man
toy man - 6 years ago
For the money this "piece of ugly" costs, I could buy a decent trawler yacht with two reliable Cat diesels.
toy man
toy man - 6 years ago
The designed must have been on bad drugs when he came up with this monstrosity.
toy man
toy man - 6 years ago
Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy this boat.
Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234
Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234 - 5 years ago
Just imagine the arrogant assholes who would drive them. Every time someone has a big boat and think they are cool they are always dicks to other people on the water. Especially people just trying to fish, the people driving these massive money pits would just go full speed right by the fishing boats and probably knock them far off from their spot if they aren’t using an anchor
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
This boat is for MORONs
JohnFranklinswidow - 6 years ago
A beautiful boat talk about fun 30 bikinis at my beck and and call.
rodger gona go
rodger gona go - 6 years ago
3000hp it only does 55 ehhh ok get me two incase I need a push
Svein Hanssen
Svein Hanssen - 5 years ago
I guess you are not into boats :-)
rodger gona go
rodger gona go - 6 years ago
pile of shit mate buy a bus lol
john hendrickson
john hendrickson - 6 years ago
That must get about 1 mpg..... America! Fuck yeah!!!
Abraham Shekelbergstien
Abraham Shekelbergstien - 6 years ago
5 outboard motors ? I swear the Chinese are just getting lazy now.
Dan - 6 years ago
Oh my goodness.
Patrick Reed
Patrick Reed - 6 years ago
All the information I needed, was looking for a fishing boat!
Robert Blackford
Robert Blackford - 6 years ago
5 propellers sticking four feet off the transom? I can’t think of a better way to lose big fish.
Mac Miller's dead LoL
Mac Miller's dead LoL - 6 years ago
How many gallons per minute?
Urban - 6 years ago
So cool boat
Jeff Minnion
Jeff Minnion - 6 years ago
Pretty sure anyoen buying a boat like this, doesnt need a 'buyers guide'..
Jerry V
Jerry V - 5 years ago
Not with that attitude
Oswaldo Castillo
Oswaldo Castillo - 6 years ago
Now this is my favorite boat.. dam the center console looks so niceee
snaggletooth - 6 years ago
I would rather have a onslowbay 41
743S - 6 years ago
max speed?
Svein Hanssen
Svein Hanssen - 5 years ago
No Way
No Way - 6 years ago
No hot chick no care. I don't want to see old man feet
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
That boat attracts 250 pound chicks with 200 stupid tattoos and could pour the boat with bean wind power.
No Way
No Way - 6 years ago
Why not just get a inboard diesel?
Larry Slemp
Larry Slemp - 5 years ago
Duh....why not put a sail on it.....duhhhhhh!!
Svein Hanssen
Svein Hanssen - 5 years ago
@One Piece Trap Remix What about two or three inboards then?
Daniel W
Daniel W - 5 years ago
@One Piece Trap Remix why do you even need that much horsepower though, the boat has a max speed
One Piece Trap Remix
One Piece Trap Remix - 5 years ago
Because an inboard can’t deliver the 3,135 horsepower, without having like 16 cylinders or so
alamos8 - 6 years ago
All Center Console type boats use outboards because they free space and allow to have a lower deck level. And that combines with an all-round waist-high solid wall from the bow to the stern. I like this deck configuration, which adds an high level of security when walking around
John A
John A - 6 years ago
L O V E ! ! ! :)
Serveck - 6 years ago
Yeah... my money would be going into a nice 65 viking or other sport fish for half the price, 3 times the bedrooms, and much better looking.
Jiany Star Massa vich
Jiany Star Massa vich - 6 years ago
They should increase the back to add another 4seven on each side, making it 15 engines. Loooool
Robert White
Robert White - 6 years ago
Disgusting waste
Edgardo Trillo
Edgardo Trillo - 6 years ago
una nave
Lucas Jacques
Lucas Jacques - 6 years ago
you gotta have a small dick to buy one of these
J Hardy
J Hardy - 6 years ago
Looks like 1977 inside
mrabrasive51 - 6 years ago
even if I won 150 million lottery and was drunk and coked out and neck deep in hookers,I'd still have enough sense to pass on this!
Vaughan Scott
Vaughan Scott - 5 years ago
You sir are the man!!!!!!@
Mark Hayden
Mark Hayden - 5 years ago
You sir are the soul of the earth, and know that you are happy with your wife and kids... and as you should be. Prostitutes and partying are for the young and un informed, but i truly believe he was joking. we need to focus on our own priorities with family and friends because that is what really counts in the end. If you get monies via work , you will not waste monies on those things unless some people do have medical depression but those behaviors for anyone over 30 is not normal, but again I think he was only joking. You need to lighten up, look at your family and truly see how lucky you really are, "Semper fidelis", my friend.
Nick Zeoli
Nick Zeoli - 5 years ago
Luciano Angelo ok boomer
arf shesaid
arf shesaid - 5 years ago
@Luciano Angelo i agree never bring the hookers around the family, totally seperate
Nick Bear
Nick Bear - 5 years ago
@Luciano Angelo Shut up you pompous, arrogant, shmuck. Dang.
bestvideos4ever1 - 5 years ago
agree bro, too much is too much....
Justin White
Justin White - 5 years ago
But would you change your decision at 151 million? :). Coolest comment ever!
Luciano Angelo
Luciano Angelo - 5 years ago
Ok your passion may be hookers but mine is being with my family, traveling the world, and of course, fishing. Of course if you didn’t grow up fishing/boating and never got into it, than ya pass. This happens to be perfect size for my family, big and powerful enough to do everything we want our boat to do. The best part, this boat is way cheaper than our other options in the class and had compromise. This boat on top of the great use of space, price, beauty, is also faster than any other of its class or range. So ya, I won’t pass, I am indeed gonna buy this boat of have unforgettable memories for years to come. Oh yea, I’ll pass on the hookers, coke, and alcohol. I have my beautiful wife for sex, my amazing children for entertainment, and a big fast boat that has me high on life. My life is just better than your now that I think about it. I’m happily married. Your miserably knee deep in hookers. I have beautiful kids, you have cocaine and alcohol. You are POOR, I AM RICH. I don’t have to win the lottery for this beauty. I have a savings account for that. Also because my heroin, cocaine, speed, and alcohol days were in my 14-22s, and up until now has been working my fingers to the bone, getting my first million before 27, and now being able to retire with more money than my family will ever need before I’m 55. Good thing I have kids that need school paid for in the future and parents whole would like new beautiful houses in there dream retirement destination. :) Sorry lazy people who think wasting there life getting high piss me off. I used to be that. I was broke, DOING ALL THE DRUGS, ADDICTED TO HEROIN & SPEED FOR 3 YEARS, AND depressed, insecure, living at moms, and a virgin. JUST LIKE YOU. NOW I HAVE A FUCKING YACHT. I FUCKING LOVE LIFE.
HALE BURNSIDE MD - 5 years ago
ME TOO.....THIS IS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THE center console concept ...
jeepsuc99 - 5 years ago
148 gph at 40 mph. No thank you
Aesthetic Nerd
Aesthetic Nerd - 5 years ago
@Ken Desjarlais you dont know shit about sex work lol, go educate yourself and come back when you have an adults understanding of the world.
Ken Desjarlais
Ken Desjarlais - 5 years ago
your sick dude--- hookers are girls who have lil family, no self esteem and very little opportunity they are human beings---
id love to rearrange your face@Semper Fi
nj649 - 6 years ago
To much gasoline burning for nothing crazy. You can have amazing Cobia boat and enjoying everyday.
Alex C.
Alex C. - 6 years ago
Why spend so much on a center console boat? Might as well by a yacht with more internal space.
Richard Birkenwald
Richard Birkenwald - 6 years ago
You don't like fishing?
Dencil Dean
Dencil Dean - 6 years ago
You wan hookers with. Real. ass real breast Tight cunny and could grind
Semper Fi
Semper Fi - 6 years ago
LOL... why? I think there are better for that price if it over 1Mil.... I like the hookers part....... :-)
K. IJs
K. IJs - 6 years ago
Why on Earth would somebody buy a 65' ft boat like this when there is so much more to buy in the 65'ft range ?
rpeagram - 6 years ago
8.9 seconds to plane……… 10.4 seconds to empty……… does everything but nothing…… what an expensive turd!!
jto1916 - 5 years ago
rpeagram - You're so right in every department my friend! I've been a naval architect for 33 years so I'm supposed to know a bit about boats. God bless.
William Wallace
William Wallace - 6 years ago
rpeagram what does empty mean sry im dumb
flipnotrab - 6 years ago
Seriously? What a joke of a boat. Any “wealthy” fisherman will pass this up. Notice he doesn’t mention what the boat draws?
Tyler Carrell
Tyler Carrell - 6 years ago
This boat is pointless af.
Thorfinn986_doesn't_do_average - 6 years ago
I could live on that,take the other option turn it into a place for visitors,you could still fish off it.
Thorfinn986_doesn't_do_average - 6 years ago
@Flying Dog Yeah.
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
Like living in a MiniWini.
G Howard
G Howard - 6 years ago
When obsessive compulsive meets salt water! Love it! This is the ultimate day boat with cruising overnight comfort!
FSEVENMAN - 6 years ago
5 Seven Marines? that's literally ridiculous ...
Somebody has a 1" dick....
Noah Carter
Noah Carter - 6 years ago
He said " Rigid Frigid" LOL
G Howard
G Howard - 6 years ago
A bit over the top but.....I would buy it! The ultimate boat toy!
G Howard
G Howard - 6 years ago
There is only one thing at the helm!
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
As I said this boat is for MORONs
G Howard
G Howard - 6 years ago
The nicest day yacht in the entire world!
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
My 7 foot row boat is better then this
Andrew Favreau
Andrew Favreau - 6 years ago
I’ve been on a 45 custom Carolina express with more space down below than this.
Adam Diaz
Adam Diaz - 6 years ago
I'll take one.
yessuh yessuh
yessuh yessuh - 6 years ago
If it had inboards I'd fw it but that's too much
cliffordb47 - 6 years ago
i don't know quite what to say other than biggest waste of money i have seen in a long long time but who am I to criticize whoever buys it I hope they enjoy it in good health
Ben A
Ben A - 6 years ago
It is very Beautiful and im sure you will sell one or two but any real Skipper will would pass on this Beast. Every Well Off Rich man and woman i Know got that way because the know they Value of a buck and how to spend it and never wast it. With the bigger is better lets measure our Willyes someone will make a 75 then the 95 Oh hell lets make the 500 foot center console with 100 outboard motors just because I have so much money to blow and I am so awesome
we will call it the Spruce Goose
Derek Ortiz
Derek Ortiz - 6 years ago
So stupid. 3 mil for a center console.
Big_A - 6 years ago
yea but it has 86 rod holders and enough range to get you to the inlet before you have to turn around. And thats with a 10% fuel reserve lol
Derek Ortiz
Derek Ortiz - 6 years ago
@yessuh yessuh agreed. This has to be the dumbest status symbol ever.
yessuh yessuh
yessuh yessuh - 6 years ago
You could get a faaaatassssss sports fish for less, it would way better to fish and be more reliable
james obrien
james obrien - 6 years ago
So this boat has 3000 horsepower but only tops out at 55 miles an hour something's not right
Alex1911 - 5 years ago
Skyler Teno no that’s only on displacement hulls and has nothing to do with the ships beam (width), the top speed is limited by length. But on hulls that plane this is not a factor since they lift out of the water and the bow wave won’t limit the speed like on a displacement hull. For recreation power boats displacement hulls are practically non existent, it’s mainly in commercial vessels and sail yachts.
N330AA - 5 years ago
@Commander Russels That's about what i'd expect for a boat that size. Remember that weight cubes with length.
matty d
matty d - 5 years ago
55 isn't too speed , that's just where they brought it up to. That boat moves closer to 70
charles barnes
charles barnes - 5 years ago
@William Kunte
I personally prefer the mystic.
That said the estrella carries
1500 gallons of fuel.
5k + to fill up
50 miles out in 1 hour or less and 50 miles back in in less than an hour means your there first and leave last in that size and class of boat.
If fishing was about cost or saving money people could just buy fresh fish you could buy alot of fish or fishing time with the millions spent on just the boat and fuel cost, not even considering the dockage, upkeep, repair, fishing accoutrements etc.
charles barnes
charles barnes - 5 years ago
This boat has 1 step mystic has 3.
charles barnes
charles barnes - 5 years ago
@Everett Cox
They also use 3 steps and surface drives on the mystic.
charles barnes
charles barnes - 5 years ago
@Everett Cox
Love that boat but I think midnight express purchesed the molds from mystic if I'm not mistaken.
Loser Squad HD 123
Loser Squad HD 123 - 5 years ago
Okay no, just no, its actually quite impressive considering that with no gas, no fluids of any kind for that matter, no people, and no engines, the thing weighs in at around 51,500 or more pounds. Plus the 65 feet worth of a hull that is 16 feet wide, AAAAANNNDDDD, its a V shape, not a flat surface, that is a lot of surface area that is contacting water. Car tires which are only 225 to 245 mm wide on average which is under 10 inches wide and is round so there isn't that much actually touching the ground at any given moment times 4 creates friction and drag that slows the car down, not even talking about aerodynamics of the car or the boat because unless we are talking about a bus that is flat faced, the boat is way less aerodynamic that 95% of modern cars are. So basically there is a ton of friction between the massive hull and water which actually creates more friction loss than that of tires and the tarmac, so 3000 horsepower isn't a lot once you realize just how much it has to overcome.
the hog
the hog - 5 years ago
@Commander Russels go away would buy one if you could........
G Sterling
G Sterling - 5 years ago
It has a 61,000 lb displacement. A 55 mph top speed is extremely impressive. Check your facts next time!!!
Something Catchy
Something Catchy - 5 years ago
imagine driving your house around at 55mph.....some people have no concept of the size of this boat and how fast 55mph is on the water! how fast does your canoe go?
the hog
the hog - 5 years ago
@MovieMuscle yeah this guy has no clue, that boat will weigh well over 40,000 lbs if not more.......
Svein Hanssen
Svein Hanssen - 5 years ago
@BA S You have obviously missed a whole lot.
Svein Hanssen
Svein Hanssen - 5 years ago
The biggest container ships has more than 100,000 hp but still not very fast.
Jordan Jones.
Jordan Jones. - 5 years ago
The boats wet weight is 65,000 lbs thats and a viking 62 weighs 94,025 lbs with a choice of three to four state rooms with twin c32 Caterpillar engines with 1925 hp each with a total of 3850 hp and a top speed of 41 knots with a cruising speed of well up to 35 knots and in comfort what do you really get with this boat for the price that they have it for which is rumored at 3 million.
John Pereira
John Pereira - 5 years ago
@Cameron Murphy 65,000 lbs wet
John Pereira
John Pereira - 5 years ago
@MovieMuscle exactly! If iIremember correctly, it is 65,000 lbs wet
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 5 years ago
@sdvten Yes John Cosker's design is stamped all over that hull and when I didn't see steps on the Estrella I knew they weren't going for a lot of speed. The Mystic would be my choice with turbines and an electric harbor drive to save fuel and noise during docking.
sdvten - 5 years ago
@Everett Cox The SL700 is a stepped hull and bottom shape which is designed specifically to enhance top speed. The Estrella uses a traditional non stepped old school deep vee center console hull design. The arneson surface drives on the mystic help quite a bit too.
Dencil Dean
Dencil Dean - 5 years ago
It,s heavy
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 5 years ago
@Anthony Fano Well look at the SL700 with twin 1800hp diesels. It runs 70mph. That's 15mph faster than the Estrella at the same weight with only 500hp more. How Mystic accomplishes that magical feat idk but I think the main reason is hull design.
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 5 years ago
Everett Cox
Not necessarily, diesels would just make it more powerful and probably slower
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 5 years ago
@Anthony Fano The boat weighs 65,000lbs fully loaded that's why it has a top speed of only 55mph with 5x627hp. It would be much faster with twin 2400hp diesels.
Double R
Double R - 5 years ago
70 MPH.
Alex Ferro
Alex Ferro - 5 years ago
seven marine been making them for a while
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 6 years ago
@Cameron Murphy I'm sure the builder would love his 65' fishboat to only weigh 20k lbs instead of the 65k lbs it weighs fully loaded. You idiot.
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 6 years ago
​@Commander Russels This is the very similar Mystic SL700EC with specs. Afaik Mystic does not offer outboards on any of its V bottom boats beyond 40ft. As you can see the dry weights are very close and the Mystic is likely to weigh around 65,000lbs with the largest 2400HP MTU diesels it offers, the top speed of which is estimated to be around 90mph, a much better result than the outboard boat with less fuel consumption in the bargain. The boat pictured here is fitted with Cat 1800s which runs around 70mph;
Skyler Teno
Skyler Teno - 6 years ago
@Jose Peixoto my bad brother I take that back then
Jose Peixoto
Jose Peixoto - 6 years ago
@Skyler Teno FALSE, that would only apply to DISPLACEMENT hulls; PLANING hulls do not follow the kayak rule.
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
@BA S Sir, sorry you missed the launch of the Seven Marine outboards currently they produce two models, a 557 HP and a 627 HP version. They are using a CHEVY Corvette engine if I am not mistaking on my facts. Both engines are gas guzzling monsters. I have a 70'ft Hatteras Motor Yacht with twin Mtu 16v2000 m70 @3004 HP each these engines are probably the best engines in the Marine arena and I used to be a Caterpillar fan but now love the German built MTU's... anyway I can cruise at 14-16 kts and not consume as much as these outboards do, they are powerful but are gas guzzlers to be sure. They come from Corvettes so just ask the Chevy Corvette drivers if they get great gas mileage when they have a lead foot. Fair winds and Following Seas to All.
Abdulrahman Al marzouqi
Abdulrahman Al marzouqi - 6 years ago
james obrien don’t forget it does 0.27mpg
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 6 years ago
They are actually 627’s made by 7 Marine
istolit • 10 years ago
istolit • 10 years ago - 6 years ago
You sound mildly retarded.
BA S - 6 years ago
When did they start making 600hp outboards? (3000/5=600) Have i missed something?
HardSpaghetti - 6 years ago
All these simpleton youtubers don't know how difficult it is to push through water.. Yikes your feeble mind needs education
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 6 years ago
james obrien
The boat weighs like 50000 pounds. There’s no outboard strong enough to push that thing
Commander Russels
Commander Russels - 6 years ago
According to their website that boat is 65,000lbs wet, which explains the slow top end, but also tells me they made a pigfat boat. It's a big ship yes but at probably 55,000lbs+ dry it's going to get horrible economy and drive like the huge tub that it is. Their 53 is known to be a fat turd also. Weight is good in rough water, but this is too much weight.
Semper Fi
Semper Fi - 6 years ago
You are right..... 3K horsepower and tops 55 mph? Its like taking viagra and it only lasts 20 minutes..... I want the full 4 hours plus.......
MovieMuscle - 6 years ago
@Cameron Murphy Weighs how much?.....It's a 65 footer with a 16 foot beam. I take it you're not an experienced boater. This will be well over double your higher estimate, possibly triple dressed out like this.
Skyler Teno
Skyler Teno - 6 years ago
@Cameron Murphyright and hull displacement...if the hull isnt super narrow, sharp and streamlined like a offshore racing boat it's only going to go a certain speed. No matter how much ass you put behind a boat its only going to go as fast as the hull will allow
Cameron Murphy
Cameron Murphy - 6 years ago
You gotta remember that the boat is really heavy at about 15-20,000 pounds. The fishing yachts have that same amount of horsepower if not more and only go about 25 or 30 mph tops
lateraligator - 6 years ago
I do agree with the above post
Tayler Russell
Tayler Russell - 6 years ago
but how much is it??
TheArrow1100 - 6 years ago
That is ; in my opinion, the most useless boat I have seen. OK it's fast but there is faster. Luxurious well not really for 65. Entertaining well not really ,can you swim no, can you fish not really ( outboard props all over the place , ski ,tube ( any water sport no )
My god if you hit weather ! Well imagine.
Now you can spend way too much money, burn way way too much gas, burn your guests to a crisp in the sun with no way to cool off .
WOW I can not believe any one would even consider this boat.
Just my opinion
Garry Briggs
Garry Briggs - 5 years ago
shane marz k
Garry Briggs
Garry Briggs - 5 years ago
shane marz I
Garry Briggs
Garry Briggs - 5 years ago
Svein Hanssen
Svein Hanssen - 5 years ago
Useless for people without gas money....
dorfus71 - 5 years ago
@NAV05 MECHENG I would just like to respectfully thank you for providing us with a very informed and experienced opinion on this boat. For most of us, vessels in this price range are purely the stuff of dreams - heck, even being able to afford to fuel this would be a dream for me!
I would have to agree that this vessel doesn't seem to do anything well and for the price tag, it doesn't seem well thought out. I agree that reliable marine diesels would provide much more versatility, range, fuel economy and longevity than over-priced gasoline outboards. I know for a fact I can build 600hp american V8 engines for less than 10% of what one of these outboards bills out at.
I wish you fair winds and following seas... relief from your ailments and many enjoyable years spent with your family.
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
@John Crowley oh you could take that to the a retired mechanical engineer I could shoot more holes in that 65 cc than you could even imagine. But I just made the point that those 5 mistakes hanging off the stern of this boat could be replaced with a couple of stern drives coupled to diesels , which would improve it's fuel consumption greatly. Also open the stern for a swim/dive platform, and when the 5 props are gone and replaced by 4 on two shafts (duoprops) or 2 props on shafts thereby making the fishing better. I was in no way trying to make fun of any one at any time but some seem to get nasty about being told that the facts are not the way they are perceived to be . As for buying the 65 center console, I would buy one, but not this one and only if I was 40 years younger. At 73 I am passed my prime and an auto accident where I was rear ended; has me with spine damage; causing severe pain. So I could not even think about bouncing around in a boat. In March 2017 I went to Hatteras and decided to go into a 70' Motor Yacht. I got rid of a 58' SeaRay with diesel Inboards, my first boat with diesels, and I was amazed at how much my fuel costs decreased from my previous boat that was a BERTRAM 46' with dual Mercruiser 454ci 380 HP a great fishing machine, we did a great amount of fishing with FOLLOW ME III , and before that, a 31' PENN YANN with again, Mercruiser Stern drives connected to twin 350ci 250hp Chevy small blocks... Both of them consumed copious amounts of gas. Even back in the days of the cheap gas my fuel bill at the end of the day on both of those boats averaged $70 -$100. Today that bill would be more than $500. That even to a millionaire is just rediculous, considering the fact that the run time on the engines was less than 9 hrs. I at the time of the 31' PENN YANN was on a Navy Income of a small and insignificant amount, if the gas prices were like today (2019) back in the 70's, I could not even leave the marina, or break out the paddles.....On the 31' I did have a auxillary out board of just 15 hp for emergency use, thankfully the Mercruisers were nearly perfect and never left the boat stranded, one time I had a badly clogged fuel filter on the port engine and it would only idle due to the fuel l got at the old side of the marina where the pumps did not have filters on them. I and others made them either stop using them or put double filters like the rest of the pumps on the new side of the marina....... I believe that I have enough experience with gas engines, (my opinion) to say that since getting the 70' Hatteras with MTU's, I have fallen in love with them. They are flawless, 16 cylinder smooth and powerful. (MTU 16V2000 m70 3004 HP each)..... I customized the boat a little and specifically asked for the engines to turn those large diameter 8 blade props . And I actually burn less fuel(diesel) than those 5 hang on engine's. At 10-14 knots I burn about 75 GPH, I know some will say your not going 55 MPH, and yeah I realize that he is going faster than me but I have a 185,000 lb. boat give or take 6000lb. for fuel, people, grocery items clothing and other belongings of passengers brought aboard at times of trips and cruising. Also I have not seen anything in relation to the weight of those after though engines, don't they weigh about 700 lbs. Each, so most likely the manufacturer of the boat has specified a weight restriction on the stern of that boat and if by chance those engines are under the restrictions then you have to look at things like fatigue and stress. Being a mechanical engineer I could go in-depth analysis but it is not for me to say but, chances are that the stern of the boat will develop stress fractures in the hull; probably where they won't be visible, until it is to late for the nuckel head that likes to show off and is addicted to speed, what little there is considering it has 3135hp.with more than 3400 lbs. of after thought. you have to consider that when slamming that throttle forward fast you are putting the stern of the boat under a good amount of stress, All that just to spin 5 12"-14" props. when with a duoprop stern drive you can spin two four blade counter-rotating 16" 18"-24" pitch props. There have been tests done on the duoprops vs the single and the duoprops won everything they needed to win to prove the system out performs the singles So as others have said this boat as equipped is "the most useless boat they have seen" and my son wants a boat of his own for fishing when he turns 20 in a year and a half and unless this boat is equipped with a couple of diesels with shaft or stern drives it will not be this machine I will continue to research the center consoles and hopefully find a solid boat offered with either stern drives or Inboards with vee drive shafts that will also allow a hydraulic swim platform installation... John I hope you understand my point about this boat, I was interested in a boat for my son, specifically a good solid fishing machine, but I don't want to become a supplier of fuel, like I probably would for this boat. Once he is out of college and hopefully got a decent job, I want to be able to put fuel in my boat and let him put fuel in his; Fair right ? I also know that others say it is for each person to decide if it is right for them but they should have all the facts. I have talked to several owners of center console boats asking about the brand of their boat and some have said they like it very much and others keep bringing up the Mako boats and Boston Whaler.. I know about Whalers not to much about the Mako brand, point being that everyone has his own opinion on everything but sometimes they don't have all the correct info and so people are not making a good choice, I was just trying to enlighten some to the facts about how much better a diesel is vs a gas engine in the Marine environment for safety and economical operation just to name a few things of importance........
Fair winds & Following Seas to All
Enrique Diz
Enrique Diz - 6 years ago
TheArrow1100 ok as a millionaire this is my intake.

uses it for sandbar drinking days and light fishing.
John Crowley
John Crowley - 6 years ago
@NAV05 MECHENG Don't buy one then.
Straight - 6 years ago
@shane marz all those ''wankers'' you talk about have one thing in common.
They are all called ''Shane''.
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
@Straight.. probably bcos u usually meet wankers.. and that's the only humans u meet and come across are just wankers.. the whole world is inhabited by wankers..just saying
Straight - 6 years ago
@shane marz , why is it....that every person I have come across.....named Shane........comes across as a wanker?
Just saying.
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
John Schneid I reckon this boat is a piece of shit and would rather a 15 footer fishing boat.. but u are Soo on point wiv really questions and answers.. u could own this comment section... Just saying..
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
skrt skrt u could fuck ya wife, gf, hooker or have a wank if u want
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
@shane marz what is the answer Shane? Admit it that this 65ft open center console is only good for short trips or you have to get the boat mfg company to customize it with all kind of tops to stay out of the sun for 8-10 hours a day fishing and as the others have commented it is not good for much else due to engines and props when dual Mercruiser duo prop connected to V8 diesels would get all of those hang on the stern engine's off of there and then you could save fuel and could have a hydraulic swim platform , then it would be able to be used for more than a fuel guzzler Grow up boys, going fast is not the only thing to do on the water, with the proper engines and hydraulic swim platform it could also be used as a dive platform, scuba and snorkeling just to name a few better uses of a poorly designed boat ... Or perhaps they we're thinking of going to the drug running boats with all that storage. They would be considered the poor man's drug boat, because I have heard that the real go-fast drug boats cost in excess of 6 million and they use the ciggarett brand boats that have about 8000 HP top fuel drag engines-burning race fuel my 70' Hatteras may not go as fast but I'll get to the same place and stay longer than this boat ever could, even in bad weather so I beat them on fishing and staying longer and recreation as well as I have a swim platform admit it......,. the center console outboard just doesn't have any redeeming qualities to speak of.
skrt skrt
skrt skrt - 6 years ago
@shane marz ok so what do you, athletic millionaire, have in mind for us normal people to do on this 65ft single cabin boat?
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
TheArrow1100 it sounds like your not very good at sports or swimming.. so it sounds like you are a great bench warmer and have no fuckin money to spend..
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
Can you get the boat with a couple of real engine's ? For example... A great pair of Catapillar C-18's so you can get rid of that 40 spark plug and the 5 times the chances of something going to go wrong and also drink fuel like a water fall.with a great amount of weight, hanging off the stern ..The boat,with twin Mercruiser stern drives with duoprop,, powered by cat or Mercruiser V8 diesels would be safer and less costly every time you take her out cruising or fishing..Of course she most likely will not be as fast, with any where from 1200 to 1800 hp, but just like on Terra Firma we don't have to go like a bat out of hell all the time, I had a wonderful 31ft Penn Yann in Maine years ago with twin V8 250hp Mercruiser stern drives even before the duoprops came in to being and they both spun bigger diameter/pitch props than what the "hang on the back of the boat" engine's could and the engine's also used parts that were common to the small block chevy, since they were Chevy 350's so water pumps,, alternators etc etc were readly available and inexpensive compared with the equivalent part for the hang on.. so I believe that the boat is better off with Mercruiser stern drives, diesels or gas, for safety and economic reasons, because the temptation to always slam the throttles to full bore with the guzzling 5 engine's whenever you can, is just too great... So, the diesels would be safer and more economical, all the way around, and if you take in consideration that the twin V8 diesels or gas stern drives, are likely to not be as heavy as the 5 hang on engine's are, there might not be a large disparity in speed, given the opportunity to have the twin counter-rotating Mercruisers to have a greater pitch to make the four props earn their metal......but needing to keep in mind, not to cause cavatation .. So I believe that I have laid out a very good case for offering the boat with Inboards or Stern Drives. Of course I have glossed over the concept but it is one I throughly believe in because of my experience with hang on' s and stern drives (Merc's-Omc's). Oh final thought.. a British company now builds a diesel version of the "After thought-hang on's that will bring some safety and economical aspects into the picture, Might not be a bad idea to set up a 65' with 3 diesel hang on's.. I am sure you can get in touch with them. ..Cox Marine is the company that will add a great option for those who want a diesel but can only get an "out-board engine... Fair winds Following seas to all..,.......
NAV05 MECHENG - 5 years ago
@A Shore would like to hear from you sir.... How are your fishing trips going, hope your getting some of those great blues in Narragansett bay..... I am doing much better health wise and getting over the now, not needed mind numbing meds so able to enjoy a few more days on the water, so I thought of home and the bay and how much nicer it is compared to these already uncomfortable Florida days . Even on the water it is getting into the hot humid weather, and am using the AC on the boat more often than not. I hope the weather there has been great for some good fishing. Wishing you and yours fair winds and following seas and very happy angling.
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
@A Shore well I have not been in Maine where we had the Penn Yann for quite awhile . When I left MAINE in 70 and went to Quonset point RI , we used the Penn in Narragansett Bay for a few years. Then some bastard Politicians decided to shut down the base in '73-'74 .. I had to sell the Penn as it was going to be cost prohibitive to drag to Whidbey Island WA. It wasn't until I got back to the Right coast that I looked into getting another boat, that was around '89 I made a couple of calls to Maine to see about a 40' to 45' Penn I got bits and pieces about Penn being sold due to owner dying and new owners running it into near bankruptcy, because they we're cutting corners or some bullsh*t .. anyway the Marina where I had bought first Penn was no longer selling them for the reason you stated. They told me they had cut corners under the new owners of Penn that they were not able to stand up due to all the complaints from owners, reports of hull cracks and leaks ...I dropped the Idea of Penn Yann like a hot potato.. I have to admit I was very sad to hear of such a great boat going to shi*t.. Well how about this MARVELOUS coincidence.. The GREAT STATE OF RHODE ISLAND IS MY HOME ALSO. Now am retired in Florida, and it is a pure hell hole.. Originally only planned to be here till I retired from Navy but I lost my first wife (a Canadian) in '90... Retired 6 years short of my target 30 yrs. for full 100 % had to settle for 75%... Anyway remarried a Florida girl and am paying the price. I will be 73 in October. Hope to leave here in the next few years. Miss R.I terribly. Went to U. R.I. in '65-'68 joined Navy there and was at Quonset Point NAS for a couple of months and then was Assigned to a squadron at Brunswick NAS till ' '70 Returned to Quonset Point till just before closing Then resigned to Whidbey Island WA and in '87 came back to NAS Cecil Field FL. now it is well due to the same politicians who axed Quonset... Hope Narragansett bay is well . Am hoping to be able to get my Hatteras 70' MY up there . Hate Florida Waters and land, always to hot or raining or friggin hurricanes and all kinds of weather that is so unpredictable.. several of the other boaters I have spoken to all say that south Florida is better for boats but I have couple of kids in college here so they are now draining my retirements so badly that I could not put more than $1500 of fuel into the boat every 3-4 months so it does not go too far away from the docks. Just on weeks when they come home for a couple of days we go out off shore 20-25 miles to fish and let them swim then we head for a small bay we have found with a couple of other boats to overnight...for a few then back to the dock, that is to short for her so we put her bow in and let her platform stick out. It is for a 65' and she is 70' the marina wanted to have her anchored along the inlet but those boats are constantly in trouble due to others running over there anchor chains and even hitting some of the boats . I hope that some of the longer slips at the marina will open up so we can get one. I usually like to spend some time cleaning her up after the overnights ,because the kids are slobs . I do make them clean up on the way back to the docks and don't let them leave until she is good and clean but you know kids I am sure, you have some of your own , they need to be picked up after, but I am getting to old to do it .... Is the Narragansett bay just as beautiful as it was back in the '70's On the Penn we used to get in on the blue fish runs and catch 5-6 good size ones and put them in the freezer for supper all thru the summer. We also used to catch cod and flounder just outside of the bay on the Quonset side close to the bridge . Well I think I have talked my head off for now. It is supposed to be good for me medically , because the medicine I take messes up my short term memory and they would like to check me for Alzheimer's so I will fight that one if I have to. Oh the name of my boat is "LORRAINE" after my dear mother . If you don't mind me asking what is the name of your boat. Fair winds and Following Seas.
A Shore
A Shore - 6 years ago
@NAV05 MECHENG well defended my friend, well defended. TBH i don't know too much about their fiberglass years, but do know they had major financial troubles and many will say it was the design of the boats that did them in, probably from an aesthetic point of view. I never cared for the look, and they aren't sold in RI were i live so never been in one. you are an engineer, so i'm sure you took much better care of your motors than most! amazing to see how people haven't a clue about proper maintenance.
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
@A Shore hey how did you know that the twin V8 Mercruisers we're so reliable, they ran for over 850 hours without a problem other than lube and oil and oh yes a couple of belts and as for the Penn Yann she was as solid as the rock of Gibraltar standing up to those north Atlantic white caps .. what I really liked about Penn Yann was that in comparison to any other boat of equal length their beam was 2 ft wider all the way up to 50ft.. Also they had taken some lessons from Boston Whalers in foam board and more strakes in the hull. I wish I had kept it. It was an absolutely solid boat even after standing up to North Atlantic pissy weather Also I think that what made them so strong was that they sandwich the longitudinal and beam stiffeners with a second layer of fiberglass to ensure extra rigidity and strength to those already solid hulls and she had good high sides for wave displacement ( am a mechanical engineer not a marine expert) but even in chop at anchor, bottom fishing , never got wet due to low sides like others I looked at... Before buying the Penn Yann, we must have look at 40-50 other boats and I can tell you beyond any doubt they shined as the tuffest boats in there class. I would have bought a Boston Whaler if they made a boat in the configuration of the Penn, but they were still a little confused I think about what direction Whalers we're going to go. But had they had and enclosed bow like the Penn I would have definitely bought one and also they did not offer anything with dual Mercruiser stern drives with 350 ci 250hp so I could put those 4 blade 24 pitch steel props to good use...... only one time did I have just one engine give me trouble and that was a fuel filter get so clogged up it did not let the engine rev above idle but that was my fault for not getting the fuel at the proper pumps at the marina. I made them install all new filters on all their pumps due to that problem . Always save your fuel receipt at the marina where you get your fuel . We caught so much tuna and mackerel and cod and flounder and other great eating fish with the Penn, I think it more than payed for the boat 2 times over I wish I could say that about my new 70' Hatteras, can't seem to even catch enough to pay for the fuel, just going 60 miles out.. beginning to think that they are too fished out due to commercial ships Damn I do miss the good ole days they we're simpler and more fun. FAIR WIND & GREAT SEAS TO ALL
A Shore
A Shore - 6 years ago
@NAV05 MECHENG oh yea those mercruisers are so reliable lol. anyone who buys a penn yan should stay in the finger lakes were reliability isn't an issue. unless you get a Swift... now those were beautiful.
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
@shane marz sorry you have trouble reading, especially since it was probably to technically specific for you again I am sorry for you not understanding the point I was trying to get across in the simplest terms, sorry I have a tendency to let to much of that dumb old engineering degree come across some times , but my point is still correct .. As for the typing , I do not. Has anyone ever heard of a great program called Dragon, I got it and use it for all my equipment, I talk, it types I have not done any typing in over ten to twelve years. So if you have a hard time reading this your phone or what ever you are using is way beyond out of date; it's decrepit I recommend come into this new century... MARVELOUS new technology has arrived... Things are EASY TO READ AND JUST SPEAK TO YOUR TYPIST AND IT'S ON THE PAPER OR TABLET OR COMPUTER AND EVEN THE PHONE
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
John Schneid your first 3 lines is about as much as I could take... The rest is just jibber jabber jibberish bs.. I feel bad for ya fingers in writing all that... My eyes literally couldn't find where I was up to when at the end of the line and I'd be reading the line I just read.. bcos I'm from the comment section of police (csop) in future please only do as much as 4 to 6 lines otherwise u should just write your own book or a story novel.. thank you
G Howard
G Howard - 6 years ago
When you have way too much money, buy this boat and a gas station,
Curren_Wiggin - 5 years ago
Yeah it burns 108 gallons per hour when going 35 mph. I was so lucky to go on one called the lupa
Chigobwyn Quorev
Chigobwyn Quorev - 5 years ago
You mean a gas refinery!
Robert S.
Robert S. - 6 years ago
All that HP, and gas being wasted , and still slow. No fish will ever be harmed on that thing lol ...
Jared August
Jared August - 6 years ago
This think going to need like 1500 gallons of gas to get any range
Lisa Callahan
Lisa Callahan - 6 years ago
Look at the 42 Freemen. Put this to shame.
El Negro 44
El Negro 44 - 6 years ago
is this shit come in a hybrid version? dam 148 gallons Per hr at 40 miles
Pro Rider
Pro Rider - 6 years ago
Btw, putting 5 outboard motors, doesn’t make the boat faster, it makes it accelerate quicker, with torque, so you don need to waste all the fuel and money for 4 outboards that you don’t need
Al Terego
Al Terego - 6 years ago
plus the control package to keep them in synch is like another $100k
Curren_Wiggin - 5 years ago
Mikeking23 - 6 years ago
51 rod holders
Elthenar - 6 years ago
@rogue warr He's not talking about the cost. I believe he is talking about the range. That said, it has a 1500 gallon fuel tank. According to the specs given in the video, at 40 MPH that is good for 10 hours and a total of 400 miles.

As for my own opinion, I can't see why you would be an outboard powered motor for serious fishing. The transom space is vital and it's all taken up by outboards.
rogue warr
rogue warr - 6 years ago
who cares when your a millionaire ..fuel cost means nothing. It's all about the fish and girls ..jealous.
Wormy - 6 years ago
Is that the BangBros boat?
Randy Frontera
Randy Frontera - 6 years ago
Very cool but wtf
Naah bruv
Naah bruv - 6 years ago
Will you take a straight swap for my 14.5 ft aluminum dingy it has a 30hp Yamaha on it?
Elthenar - 6 years ago
What is the possible advantage of having a boat that big powered by outboards?
Elthenar - 6 years ago
@alamos8 I have no idea what you are saying.

My question is why would you want outboards ona 65 foot boat over inboards. Personally, I'd want the stern to be clear and usable if possible.
alamos8 - 6 years ago
The same of having a twin-V8 engined hot-rod. And there they are some...
madrx2 - 6 years ago
wouldn't 3x merc 1650 sterndrives be a better match?
Alberto Menduina
Alberto Menduina - 6 years ago
This Boat is for Big Money Guys,not for food stamps Guys Comments here.Negative comments about this Beauty Boat make your more nasty poor evil.
Elthenar - 6 years ago
Big Money Guys are going to spend their money more wisely. If you are a guy shopping in this price range looking for a boat of this size, you can do a lot better.
Josh Bobst
Josh Bobst - 6 years ago
"For a weeks worth of travel." Only requires ten thousand gallons of fuel!
Jackson Stewart
Jackson Stewart - 6 years ago
Everglades 435 is the ultimate fishing powerhouse hands down
BossKing - 6 years ago
The boat for when all that matters is winning every pissing contest. That’s about all it’s good for.
Trey Drier
Trey Drier - 5 years ago
Plus there are design flaws such as the boarding doors and the pathetic salon. 65 feet and you don't even get a real bed.
Tim Tom
Tim Tom - 5 years ago
BossKing dumb
Rodney Pratt
Rodney Pratt - 6 years ago
They don't even have a ladder for the tuna door , when you want to go diving for lobster or spearfishing
jic jackenberry
jic jackenberry - 6 years ago
I agree. Whats the point. How big is the gas tank or does a refueler follow you around.
Alek - 6 years ago
I'd rather just get a 60 foot viking, more practical, or if you're looking for a yacht get a azimut the same length or similar
FSEVENMAN - 6 years ago
5 Sevens?????
Somebody has a little dick...
Joe Kirincich
Joe Kirincich - 6 years ago
For 300K you can get a 1990 57’ Viking with twin rebuilt diesels with a solid hull and all the modern upgrades. The Viking will look and feel brand new. Never buy a new boat.
jto1916 - 5 years ago
jon doe - so will a new one, not to mention the drop in value the first few years.
Jose Peixoto
Jose Peixoto - 6 years ago
@Al Terego Yeap!! and 5 PROPS in the water,IS a lot of drag,but it's just way simpler and cleaner to build,when compared to 2 huge inboards; either way a BAD solution.
Al Terego
Al Terego - 6 years ago
$300k will not even pay for the engine package. He doesn't mention that you could drop two of them and only lose about 5-7 mph top speed.
nimlil - 6 years ago
Actually you should tell everyone to buy a new boat, otherwise eventually you will run out of used boats to buy....
Joe Kirincich
Joe Kirincich - 6 years ago
They will both be money a "money pit". Check the sales tax in your area #1, When a older boat has been maintained well then you are basically looking at a new boat. I am sure you will find something wrong with a 1990 but it has proven to have worked. Never buy a new boat unless its a run about. That my take and I have maintained boats. Everyone has an opinion, Merry Christmas and god bless if you can afford either.
jon doe
jon doe - 6 years ago
It will also still be a used money pit.
Basalt Rock
Basalt Rock - 6 years ago
3135hp, only 55mph, 148gph at 40mph, 0.02 mpg what fu3kin utter stupidity. Nothing to do with the money, but we'll be out of oil by 2020 if they sell 100 of them. Nuts. What's the range - end of the jetty? Like a cheap RC boat, use for 2 minutes recharge for 6.
Luke Paul
Luke Paul - 6 years ago
560 LPH you yanks are crazy. No wonder you always create war for oil
Frank Guarascio
Frank Guarascio - 5 years ago
Create war you idiot, we win wars to bail your sorry ass out.
Elthenar - 6 years ago
Sir, even us Americans think this thing is nuts. No boat anywhere near this size should be powered by outboards. Especially not if it's marketed as a fishing boat.
Louis Maritz
Louis Maritz - 6 years ago
Over kill, American styl!
404marc - 6 years ago
Estrella. Spanish for star. The double l's are pronounced like a Y in Espanol. Pronounced Estreya... repeato "EsTREya".. not pronounced Australia.
Johnny Ray Smith
Johnny Ray Smith - 6 years ago
I'd name her " Gettin Wet "...
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
I would name it WTF
Johnny Ray Smith
Johnny Ray Smith - 6 years ago
My liberal kidd brother always says " if you don't ask, you don't get".. well .. "can I have one of those please" ?
Zachary Schrantz
Zachary Schrantz - 6 years ago
Fuck Trump
Mark Bozz
Mark Bozz - 6 years ago
Maybe this boat is for guys who never owned a outboard motor before.
Paul Cee
Paul Cee - 6 years ago
Midnight Express has had 5 627's on there 43' for some time now. 100mph+
Dylan Rotker
Dylan Rotker - 6 years ago
Paul Cee there quint Mercury 400r’s I believe on the 42 open
Ezra Boren
Ezra Boren - 6 years ago
3135 hp wow
Doug Webre
Doug Webre - 6 years ago
If ever a boat needed diesels. What a joke.
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 6 years ago
@Steven P Well you need at least 91 octane for a blown Chevy engine which can be hard to find in other ports than in US waters. Diesel can be found anywhere.
Steven P
Steven P - 6 years ago
@stop censoring me A boat isn't like a car where you can just fuel up as you please. Just because you can afford to fill the boat doesn't mean there is fuel available to put in it.
stop censoring me
stop censoring me - 6 years ago
@NAV05 MECHENG Only problem is you lose space with inboard motors but i guess you could just make the boat a few feet longer? But i do agree diesel much more economical reliable and safer...But really if you could afford this boat you could probably afford the high fuel cost and rebuilds every few years but i think most of the likely sort of buyers would rarely get them out of the marina. Just like their collection of super cars that just in the garage.
YZFR1mart - 6 years ago
Very well put. . I've got a Ford Lehman 6 cylinder 6 litre turbo on my 30ft cruiser. Very powerful and economical.
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
Robin......Doug is absolutely positively right.. diesels would bring two very very important cures to the stupid setup hanging off the back of the boat, the outboard engine was a stupid Idea for boats above 12 ft. #1. Diesel fuel is far less explosive than gas and there have been several instances of fire and explosion aboard gas powered boats....#2. the diesel engines bring economical operation to the boat,, why do you think Yachts use diesels. Diesels are more fuel efficient than a comparable gas engine.. also the diesel engine produces nearly double the torque of a gas engine, also a diesel engine has double the life span as compared to gas in the Marine application of the engine's Now we have diesels with 3500hp, V16 no spark plugs and good for 10 years with only regular oil changes just like a gas engine..Are you starting to get the picture. DIESELS are the way to go for any boat... Now we have small diesel outboards for rowboats all the way up to 300hp diesels for center console and sports boats that out-perform the gas engines....if ever there was an example of stupity this is it ,,this boat with a inboard dual diesels could go further and just as fast without 5 hang on the back mistakes and be safer all around!!!!!!!!!! In focus yet.? If you cannot understand the mechanical aspects,, I am sorry; I tried to Keep It Simple , I basically glossed over the entire concept of the benefits of the Diesels in Marine use. Fair winds and Following Seas to All
Robin Drljacha
Robin Drljacha - 6 years ago
Diesel is for tractors not for boat like that
thespig13 - 6 years ago
That seakeeper boat stabilizer is alone 250k
parishm - 6 years ago
with the 7 Marine engines, Seakeeper, and other options this boat is $5M plus !
Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot - 6 years ago
Beautiful boat and well done video, “Hardcore Battlewagon” ? No not by a long shot.
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 6 years ago
First, that’s not no hardcore fishing boat, second, it’s like 3 mil and that’s not including gas and maintenance. Those 7 marines cost a fortune to fix and they’ll break a lot pushing that monster
Erik Baldwin
Erik Baldwin - 5 years ago
NAV05 MECHENG first of all, the Verado doesn’t use spark plug wires(neither does the 7Marine) it’s coil on plug. If your mechanic is selling you plug wires for your Welfare motor...
Second, the plugs are iridium, impervious to the effects of breathing salty air.
You obviously know nothing about modern outboards so you should probably stfu. However I don’t disagree that a pair of MTUs would be a better choice for a boat like this.
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 6 years ago
@NAV05 MECHENG Yeah duoprops are awesome but idk of any stern drive mfgs that offer them strong enough to stand up to a big diesel. Jet drives yes KaMeWa and Rolls Royce are two jet drive mfgs I know of that build their jets for ratings up to 3500hp for the Superyachts up to the Gigayachts.
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 6 years ago
Anything marine or having to do with boats is super expensive
chevyfan029 - 6 years ago
Anthony Fano I don’t doubt that, was mainly disputing the claim that they’re expensive to service. I wonder how hard it would be to take a $500 junkyard LS and make it a marine engine.
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 6 years ago
I understand you don’t know about them and your right but these engines cost a fortune
chevyfan029 - 6 years ago
Anthony Fano unless there’s some really expensive marine accessories, then no. Small block Chevy engines are highly serviceable and inexpensive to maintain. Again, I know nothing about 7marine or boats but I do know about engines.
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 6 years ago
Ok but when they do break it’s expensive
chevyfan029 - 6 years ago
Don’t know much about boats but the 627s are supercharged Chevy LS/LT based V8s. It really doesn’t get more reliable than that
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
@shane marz thanks Shane , I only was trying to make the point that this boat as others have also said needs diesel Inboards or Stern Drives with duoprops because they offer more thrust with the same power and what good is it to have 620 HP connected to a prop the diameter of a basketball. Spin the hell out of the prop all it is going to do is cavitate (make air under water) I would love to test the same boat with Inboards or Stern Drives against the outboards. I think a setup could be achieved with either Inboards or Stern Drives against the outboards to either meet or beat the performance of the outboards . I have seen it done in other boats especially with the duoprops on the stern drives they are fantastic now that they have 8 blades with a pretty good pitch, they are delivering a tremendous amount of thrust any way it was one point I wanted to make for my case so it was crystal clear about what is now possible thanks again Fair winds and Following Seas
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
John Schneid fuckin straight down pat.. your comment was insane and intense and I think it is totally the truth.
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
Jr Ewing ok I didn't know that thank you
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
@Robin Drljacha I have to ask you does your asshole ever get jealous of all the shiet that comes out of your mouth ???? because it is very plentiful !!!!!!!!.. all those spark plugs don't fowl? And wires don't breakdown? Your full of shiet A friend has Mercury 350 Verados and they are twice as reliable as those 7 marine engines and he says that Mercury recommends that for optumum performance in salt water you should replace plugs and wires every year, so you would have us believe that your plugs and wires are impervious to the effects of salt water then you are a Russian radio (always spouting shiet) and since that those 7's are still babies compared to other outboard engine mfg company's I guess your in for a big rude awakening. I don't trust any outboard to take me 65-80 miles off shore and know it is going to get me and my boat back to the dock... Yet my beautiful big dual mtu 16v4000 m70 3004 HP each will take us around the world with only a oil change... Outboard engines are #1. Only for boats up to 14-15 ft. #2. Are unreliable at best. I guess that is why if the boat is powered by outboards, they try to hang as many as possible on the stern. #3. Outboards are not economical due to the fact that they cannot develop torque like a conventionally powered boat --- there is the other reason for needing so many. #4. And final point for now. People think that the more you have the faster you will go--- another myth fabricated by the outboard Manufacturers when all that is needed is to have enough torque to spin multiple blade props (like Duoprops) of large diameter just fast enough to generate the speed required and no it is not like a bat out of hell for all but race boats and they are pretty much unreliable and unstable above 100mph. So Robin I really don't want to make you a Target but you have got some of it wrong . Diesels are the best engines for boats due to the lower volatile fuel, higher torque output, longer life and lastly their ruggedness. There is a company called Cox Marine making diesel outboards if you just gotta have one for your outboard boat look into them Probably better than those 7's for econ and life and maint (no plugs and wires) just change oil every once and awhile Fair winds and Following Seas .
Jr Ewing
Jr Ewing - 6 years ago
You are the one confused. He says he has 3 and they are 7 marines (The brand name) @shane marz
shane marz
shane marz - 6 years ago
Robin Drljacha are u saying 37 boat motors u own.. or inbetween 3 or 7 motors
Robin Drljacha
Robin Drljacha - 6 years ago
I have three seven Marines for over 18 months' and no maintenance whatsoever just fuel,filters and keep going hard
Pro Rider
Pro Rider - 6 years ago
The outboards themselves costs around half a mill
parishm - 6 years ago
it starts at $3.7 M with Yamaha engines
mylifeisDope - 6 years ago
nice looking boat but bow and stern thrusters? for something with 5 i wouldnt call it a hardcore fishing boat with all those line cutters hanging off the stern. trying to run a greenstick off the chair? goodluck
NAV05 MECHENG - 5 years ago
@Mark McCormick sir your comments made me laugh for 15 minutes at the picture that came to mind after reading your spot on review. Thank you for your wonderful insight into the ill designed gas guzzlers. Fair winds and following seas.
Mark McCormick
Mark McCormick - 6 years ago
i can't wait to see the first video of some retired Floridian rotisserie, crash into a bulkhead
Brett Knutsen
Brett Knutsen - 6 years ago
Just dumb waste of money and fuel.
Brett Knutsen
Brett Knutsen - 6 years ago
SunFlower it’s just my personal opinion. I run a much larger yacht and use 1/3 the fuel, have 4 times the range, and can sleep 10 comfortably.
jon doe
jon doe - 6 years ago
Brett Knutsen: like your mom.
Brett Knutsen
Brett Knutsen - 6 years ago
Dan Glen not really. Even if I had Bill Gates wealth I wouldn’t buy this. Just not what I’m into. I wouldn’t mind a CC around 32’, but any bigger is just to much. Would rather get a Hatteras orViking for fishing in that size.
Dan Glen
Dan Glen - 6 years ago
Depends on how much money you have, doesn't it?
Simon Assouline
Simon Assouline - 6 years ago
Cost’s 3 million, totally outrageous!
Simon Assouline
Simon Assouline - 6 years ago
Outside air conditioning, when Mother Nature is free! One can file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy with just the fuel bill! Outrageous overhyped super center console, totally impractical to use or own!
Dan Glen
Dan Glen - 6 years ago
If you cant afford the fuel perhaps this boat is not for you....
Jon Landau
Jon Landau - 6 years ago
55 MPH TOP SPEED??? can't be right, if so, back to the drawing board on this pig. Refrigerator Perry was great, but only from the 1 yard line.
Elthenar - 6 years ago
@jon doe No way in hell is that thing breaking 100 MPH. 55 sounds about right.
jon doe
jon doe - 6 years ago
Douglas Mcloughlin
Douglas Mcloughlin - 6 years ago
Id rather have a Hatteras 65. Way more boat. Plus you dont get wet.
James Binkley
James Binkley - 5 years ago
@NAV05 MECHENG losing... losing..
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
Sorry my wife just read my comments and told me I am really loosing my mind "our" Hatteras is 70ft,.I guess that I keep thinking that she is 65ft because my dock slip is for 65ft boat. I am taking a chance on letting the 5 ft or so stick out because I am using the slip against marina MGMT recommendations so I nose her in and let the platform stick out so if it gets hit it will damage their hull and not mine, best big boat yet Hatteras is another well made boat Am waiting for longer slip !! Am hoping I am not loosing my mind to fast I would like to enjoy this boat for at least 6- 7 more years.
NAV05 MECHENG - 6 years ago
Doug you are absolutely right. My Hatteras is dry, comfortable and tons more stable and only five foot longer and I got diesels that I can cruise with at 18 kts for the same fuel burn dual mtu's 16v 2000m70 3004 HP each ,, way better sound too.
Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot - 6 years ago
For the right owner, out of the right home port, targeting the right species (aka bikini clad humans on poker runs) the HCB might be a winner. But there are entire states where no one in their right mind would choose to homeport the HCB over the Hatteras.
Phillip Scharf
Phillip Scharf - 6 years ago
Wow that is a lot of boat without being excessive
MovieMuscle - 6 years ago
That's a lot of wetted surface going on there.
joe cruz
joe cruz - 6 years ago
When you buy this , gas isn’t a problem. It’s too much for you to worry about gas. Not in your realm. Screw getting sprayed when the winds are up. Why aren’t any of these damn boats enclosed cabs ?? We west coast people do not like white cap sprays , “ cold ass water “ , when we are heading back from the islands , sun burnt , and fish boxes full of fish. I don’t know about these Florida boat builders. This shit doesn’t really fly out here.
David trueslayor
David trueslayor - 6 years ago
One thing I am unsure about the 2 way glass and TV whats that about ??? and theres no cook top stove microwave etc. ? Thanks david
Reginald Cox
Reginald Cox - 6 years ago
Damn I love this boat
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
But then you are married to your sister.
D Cardullo
D Cardullo - 6 years ago
holy hell thats 1/4mpg
victor van dyke
victor van dyke - 6 years ago
Wow! what a yacht.
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
That is to a Yacht as a Vista Cruiser is to a Bugatti Veyron .
Bryan Cole
Bryan Cole - 6 years ago
Atleast it appears to be more efficient than a 53 hydrosport
Connor Van Orden
Connor Van Orden - 6 years ago
148GPH? Eeesh. I guess if you can afford that boat, the fuel prices are nothing to be considered. I like my 1981 15ft Boston Whaler with 70HP Yamaha
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
@No Name 60 ft is a Dingy
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
@Alan S A 747 hauls over 350 people at 550 mph That gives it 6.5 gallons to the mile fro.0185 gallons per passenger mile. This POS gets 148GPH at 55mph, that is 2.7 gallons per mile if you have 6 passenger that is 0.45 miles per passenger mile or the 747 is 25 times as efficient as this POS boat
A Shore
A Shore - 6 years ago
oh yea! gotta love those 15's. probably the best boat for it's size. i bet you stay drier in chop than this 65' lol. but im serious! ive had 2 15's over the years, and one i put a 90 v4 on it.
Brent Woolard
Brent Woolard - 6 years ago
{{visualize Michael Jackson eating from a bucket of popcorn here}}
Jim Jones
Jim Jones - 6 years ago
Eh, it's only 4 gallons to the mile... Lessee, that's about 16 bucks a mile. 20 miles to the gulf from my dock, so that's ummm... $320 to get to the gulf and $320 to get back, so a trip to the gulf and back is $640. Nice. Does it run on Kool-Aide?
circusmime - 6 years ago
15 -_- f that i got a 1970 13ft
No Name
No Name - 6 years ago
pretty sure after 60 ft it is classified a yacht.@Alan S
Dan Glen
Dan Glen - 6 years ago
@Connor Van Orden - Why did you watch this video? I guess just to talk about your 15ft boat, go make your own video..
Alan S
Alan S - 6 years ago
Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo - 6 years ago
Connor Van Orden my friend you are comparing a 747 to mini remote control plane.
Capt. George
Capt. George - 6 years ago
I love Bridget the Midget.
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 6 years ago
With Mr Horsecock?
Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 6 years ago
WOW that’s the nicest boat I’ve seen “.”
560 L PER HOUR ???????
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 6 years ago
The Mystic 700SL is the largest CC Express Cruiser at 70';

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