Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella
Reviews 6 years ago 759,727 views
Come aboard the largest center console yacht on the planet, the HCB 65 Estrella. This yacht has more outboard horsepower than any other boat in the world. The 65 Estrella is a luxurious space for entertaining and lounging. See for yourself.
10. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella
20. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella
30. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella
50. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella
1 inboard or 2, 1 outboard or 2, any more than that is just ridiculous.
Belleza y Poder, Todo en Uno.
amount of money burning a hole in his head pocket,but it is one sweet ride
somebody ( gimme one )
Nassau, bahamas
100. comment for Boat Buyers Guide: 2019 HCB 65 Estrella
the Cigarette Tirranna.. Beautiful wood work.. Amazing fishing yacht!
Who gives a fu*king shite.....I thing most would agree that this boat should be "sun burning gas guzzling pigella
( cat o nine tails )
id love to rearrange your face@Semper Fi
Somebody has a 1" dick....
we will call it the Spruce Goose
I personally prefer the mystic.
That said the estrella carries
1500 gallons of fuel.
5k + to fill up
50 miles out in 1 hour or less and 50 miles back in in less than an hour means your there first and leave last in that size and class of boat.
If fishing was about cost or saving money people could just buy fresh fish you could buy alot of fish or fishing time with the millions spent on just the boat and fuel cost, not even considering the dockage, upkeep, repair, fishing accoutrements etc.
This boat has 1 step mystic has 3.
They also use 3 steps and surface drives on the mystic.
Love that boat but I think midnight express purchesed the molds from mystic if I'm not mistaken.
Not necessarily, diesels would just make it more powerful and probably slower
They are actually 627’s made by 7 Marine
The boat weighs like 50000 pounds. There’s no outboard strong enough to push that thing
My god if you hit weather ! Well imagine.
Now you can spend way too much money, burn way way too much gas, burn your guests to a crisp in the sun with no way to cool off .
WOW I can not believe any one would even consider this boat.
Just my opinion
I would have to agree that this vessel doesn't seem to do anything well and for the price tag, it doesn't seem well thought out. I agree that reliable marine diesels would provide much more versatility, range, fuel economy and longevity than over-priced gasoline outboards. I know for a fact I can build 600hp american V8 engines for less than 10% of what one of these outboards bills out at.
I wish you fair winds and following seas... relief from your ailments and many enjoyable years spent with your family.
Fair winds & Following Seas to All
uses it for sandbar drinking days and light fishing.
They are all called ''Shane''.
Just saying.
As for my own opinion, I can't see why you would be an outboard powered motor for serious fishing. The transom space is vital and it's all taken up by outboards.
My question is why would you want outboards ona 65 foot boat over inboards. Personally, I'd want the stern to be clear and usable if possible.
Somebody has a little dick...
Very well put. . I've got a Ford Lehman 6 cylinder 6 litre turbo on my 30ft cruiser. Very powerful and economical.
Second, the plugs are iridium, impervious to the effects of breathing salty air.
You obviously know nothing about modern outboards so you should probably stfu. However I don’t disagree that a pair of MTUs would be a better choice for a boat like this.
Anything marine or having to do with boats is super expensive
I understand you don’t know about them and your right but these engines cost a fortune
Ok but when they do break it’s expensive
I love Bridget the Midget.