Boat rigging electronics on a Wilson Flyer - Review by Totally Awesome Fishing

Good boat fishing is often about experience on the water, and in this episode of the TOTALLY AWESOME FISHING SHOW, Graeme & Mike Pullen get an exclusive interview on the electronics system in operation aboard the 24-foot Wilson Flyer "Pisces". Owner Steve "Woody" Woodward gives a full description of the fish finding and navigation equipment, giving viewers lots of useful ideas. Plus you get to see the very FIRST Wilson Flyer 24 in action on the water, proving why they are among the most popular small boats for fishing in Britain. THe Totally Awesome Fishing Show should know as their own 17-foot Wilson "Hi Sea Drifter" has landed 3 different species over 100lbs, including Britain's biggest shark - a Porbeagle well over 500lbs in 2012! All on film. ► Download our Free Digital Fishing Magazine: ► Check out the Salt Life YouTube Channel: ► Become a Patron for monthly Q&A and Behind the Scenes: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FILMING GEAR WE USE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Main Camera - Sony Secondary Camera - GoPro Chest Mount - GoPro Head Mount - Lightweight Tripod - Camera SD Card - Camera Light - Portable Battery Charger - Studio Lighting - Drone Camera - Mike's Camera Microphone - Fishing Gear EPIC PEN ROD: Lure Bag: Fishing weigh scales - Fishing Pliers - These are Amazon associate links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SOCIAL MEDIA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Our website & DVDS → • Facebook → • Instagram → • Twitter → • Google+ → • Snapchat → tafishing ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FISHING PLAYLISTS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SEA FISHING: BEACH FISHING: CARP FISHING: FLY FISHING: PIKE, PERCH & ZANDER: RIVER FISHING: SHARKS & BIG GAME: "HOW TO" TIPS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAF CLOTHING & MERCH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ UK Clothing Store → Europe Clothing → US Clothing Store → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ABOUT TAFISHING ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Totally Awesome Fishing is a weekly free-to-watch fishing show brought to you by father and son Graeme & Mike Pullen. Our videos feature lake fishing, river fishing, beach fishing, boat fishing, fly fishing and big game fishing. As well as How-To videos. Our aim is to help the average angler CATCH FISH! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAOUTDOORS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to our other YouTube Channel TAOutdoors:

Boat rigging electronics on a Wilson Flyer - Review by Totally Awesome Fishing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Reviews 12 years ago 16,052 views

Good boat fishing is often about experience on the water, and in this episode of the TOTALLY AWESOME FISHING SHOW, Graeme & Mike Pullen get an exclusive interview on the electronics system in operation aboard the 24-foot Wilson Flyer "Pisces". Owner Steve "Woody" Woodward gives a full description of the fish finding and navigation equipment, giving viewers lots of useful ideas. Plus you get to see the very FIRST Wilson Flyer 24 in action on the water, proving why they are among the most popular small boats for fishing in Britain. THe Totally Awesome Fishing Show should know as their own 17-foot Wilson "Hi Sea Drifter" has landed 3 different species over 100lbs, including Britain's biggest shark - a Porbeagle well over 500lbs in 2012! All on film. ► Download our Free Digital Fishing Magazine: ► Check out the Salt Life YouTube Channel: ► Become a Patron for monthly Q&A and Behind the Scenes: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FILMING GEAR WE USE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Main Camera - Sony Secondary Camera - GoPro Chest Mount - GoPro Head Mount - Lightweight Tripod - Camera SD Card - Camera Light - Portable Battery Charger - Studio Lighting - Drone Camera - Mike's Camera Microphone - Fishing Gear EPIC PEN ROD: Lure Bag: Fishing weigh scales - Fishing Pliers - These are Amazon associate links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SOCIAL MEDIA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Our website & DVDS → • Facebook → • Instagram → • Twitter → • Google+ → • Snapchat → tafishing ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FISHING PLAYLISTS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SEA FISHING: BEACH FISHING: CARP FISHING: FLY FISHING: PIKE, PERCH & ZANDER: RIVER FISHING: SHARKS & BIG GAME: "HOW TO" TIPS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAF CLOTHING & MERCH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ UK Clothing Store → Europe Clothing → US Clothing Store → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ABOUT TAFISHING ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Totally Awesome Fishing is a weekly free-to-watch fishing show brought to you by father and son Graeme & Mike Pullen. Our videos feature lake fishing, river fishing, beach fishing, boat fishing, fly fishing and big game fishing. As well as How-To videos. Our aim is to help the average angler CATCH FISH! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAOUTDOORS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to our other YouTube Channel TAOutdoors:

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Most popular comments
for Boat rigging electronics on a Wilson Flyer - Review by Totally Awesome Fishing

stevewoody63 - 7 years ago
If anyone has issues with open cpn drop me a line, I can try and talk you through the setting up, I also have the charts !!!
thesalvationairforce - 7 years ago
Anyone who runs their batteries down below 11V obviously doesn't know much about boat electrics; and that yellow underwater camera has clearly never been in the water, because it still has the QC sticker on it. And doesn't "Ace" rhyme with "Plaice"?

This bloke seems like a bit of a fantasists
stevewoody63 - 7 years ago
Any other shit you would like to comment on mate?
fester Adams
fester Adams - 10 years ago
shame open cpn looked pretty good on his boat
fester Adams
fester Adams - 10 years ago
I got open cpn and gps ,I got this working but there is no detail yours please could you tell me where I have gone wrong,do I have to download a map.great videos keep up the good work
TA Fishing
TA Fishing - 10 years ago
I tried the CPN as well but couldn't even open it.Might be my computer but I got fed up and scrapped it.Plenty of contour detail on the Navico platinum card so I guess that will do me for a while
fester Adams
fester Adams - 10 years ago
I got open cpn and gps ,I got this working but there is no detail yours please could you tell me where I have gone wrong,do I have to download a map.great videos keep up the good work
Jason McKee
Jason McKee - 10 years ago
Hi , got the microplus 500 painted & have got engines at last ! I was wondering if you know of any dealers that sell rails like on your boat as I want to use mine for fishing & like the way u have them set up ! Sorry to be a pain but the rails are all that is stopping me from fishing ! Would be grateful if you could pass on a email address of anyone in the uk that sell second hand ones & I can take it from there ! Just the budget has gone over what I thiught ! Many thanks Jason ! Got a Lowrance fishfinder & found your post great & extremely handy !
Jason McKee
Jason McKee - 10 years ago
£££££ every time you look at it !!!! Be worth it in the end . Thanks for your help !
TA Fishing
TA Fishing - 10 years ago
Try the Wilson Flyer makers, Wilson-Havant .Hampshire. Think in Scratchface Lane.They are sure to be able to supply you with the rails. Gone over budget ? On a boat ? Join the club !!!
Jason McKee
Jason McKee - 10 years ago
Got a 16ft micro cabin what Hp engine would be best also fishfinder & CB radio as live in IOM the Irish Sea can be rough at times so need all the above but on a very low budget & is my 1st boat ! Any help would be great as it is a bit technical as just starting & want to be out this summer all prep done apart fom underside not far of painting which up to date with ! Again TIA
Jason McKee
Jason McKee - 10 years ago
Cheers ! Did try to edit the mistake micr PLUS not cabin LOL ! Really enjoy your shows ! Jason
TA Fishing
TA Fishing - 10 years ago
Don't know that hull, and it could be displacement or cathedral, both requiring different engines.Contact Phil Williams he is a small boat expert up your way, he runs and actually wrote a book on small boats as far as I remember.He could advise the best options, is private ,NOT a dealer so will give fair comments. Good luck with it.But remember, nothing to do with boats is cheap !
The diy car channel
The diy car channel - 12 years ago
i was wondering where could i get the open cpn i tryed downloading it and it never worked thanks dave
county582 - 12 years ago
This guy is cool I love electronics his house must be like the csi office ha ha
TA Fishing
TA Fishing - 12 years ago
Not that I know of, I had a nightmare with mine. Moved 3 times and then found out the Ping speed setting was too slow for the speed travelling, when adjusted it is now ok. Contact Wayne Comben our boat specialist, His email is on our Website homepage, he has a 17ft Wilson and knows all about transducers.

10. comment for Boat rigging electronics on a Wilson Flyer - Review by Totally Awesome Fishing

barleyarrish - 12 years ago
Great info Graeme. Question: is there a consensus among Wilson Flyer 17 owners on where to mount a transducer: what type & position for best results? Love the vid's, keep 'em coming.
Barney Richardson
Barney Richardson - 12 years ago
Yay first one to comment! ;) Barney

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