Book Review | Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome.

I just realised I said British Museum instead of British Library. Oops. Buy Three Men in a Boat at the Book Depository.

Book Review | Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Reviews 12 years ago 19,484 views

I just realised I said British Museum instead of British Library. Oops. Buy Three Men in a Boat at the Book Depository.

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Most popular comments
for Book Review | Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome.

Yazdan Alam
Yazdan Alam - 6 years ago
should i watch the movie too'?
David Yhap
David Yhap - 6 years ago
Andrew Kovalenko
Andrew Kovalenko - 6 years ago
it is easy
it is easy - 7 years ago
your reviews is good
Jon Wyner
Jon Wyner - 7 years ago
A humorous read, available as a free Kindle download on Amazon. But you don't need to read 100 pages to find out that Montmorency is a dog. Only 10-20 pages in the author mentions that Montmorency came to life in the form of a fox terrier.
Rory O'Kane
Rory O'Kane - 7 years ago
It's the part immediately after where he goes to see his doctor and the doctor writes him a prescription for beef dinners, ale, lots of exercise, and to stop filling his head with nonsense that he doesn't understand that makes that chapter.
Claudia Lind
Claudia Lind - 9 years ago
The part about the dog just made me so happy x)
abhinav meena
abhinav meena - 9 years ago
this video should have come with the warning 'SPOILER ALERT!!!' just ruined my day in first 50 seconds of the video..:(.......BTW thanks for the review..:)
Will Hazell
Will Hazell - 10 years ago
Don't worry I literally did the same thing in thinking Montmorency was a person. It wasn't until he started chasing cats that I twigged. 
TheHardikk - 10 years ago
its in our school syllabus really not kidding
ITSME AGAIN1256 - 7 years ago
TheHardikk CBSE HUH 9th class English novel
EchikoO - 9 years ago
@TheHardikk i am from INDIA
EchikoO - 9 years ago
@TheHardikk :)
EchikoO - 9 years ago
wow! it seems like i will have to suffer like that next year.
TheHardikk - 9 years ago
+ECHIKO !! Btw now it is the story of my life from Helen Keller
TheHardikk - 9 years ago
+ECHIKO ! I guess we were dude it was there in it last year.
And you are from mate which country??
EchikoO - 9 years ago
+TheHardikk So we are on the same boat. i have it to .

10. comment for Book Review | Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome.

Tanvika Kohli
Tanvika Kohli - 11 years ago
i just love dis book...its simply hilarious as well.. i bought it at lowest price after referring which is one of d youth lead bst price comparision site ;)
Vardan arora
Vardan arora - 11 years ago
Jerome's Three Men in a Boat was a novel inspired by his honeymoon boat trip along Great Britain's River Thames. The book is part travel guide, part historical account from a humorous angle
Seenia Thukral
Seenia Thukral - 11 years ago
It may seem to drag a little compared to modern action fiction but it is worth the journey.
Karishma Shadiza
Karishma Shadiza - 11 years ago
This book though meant to be a travelogue of sorts ended up, inexplicable as one of the most loved funny stories of all time.
Chetan Kataria
Chetan Kataria - 11 years ago
Jerome K. Jerome hits the nail on the head with 'Three Men In A Boat' and brings out British absurdities and traditions in a comic way.
vanish - 11 years ago
very hilarious n teaches you a lesson in a healthy comic way... the wittiness in the writing style keeps a constant smile on your face... the ridiculous situations that they land on described with british humor makes u giggle out loud !!
GerdavM - 11 years ago
Just finished this and came back to remind myself of your review, I agree with pretty much everything you said! :)
Patrick Drury
Patrick Drury - 11 years ago
Love the honesty at the start. Hilarious. Great review too. subbed
milesmoralesful - 11 years ago
If you haven't read To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis, do it. Read it now! It's so hilarious and awesome and has time travel. Need I say more? XD
thesheepscribbler - 11 years ago
Read it many times. Love it!

20. comment for Book Review | Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome.

Leo Cookman
Leo Cookman - 11 years ago
Montmorency is deliberately introduced as a person (oh us Brits and our 'Ironic' 'Humour') so *everyone* is misled at the beginning. Also the story of the cheese makes me laugh just thinking about it. The punting section has also happened to everyone I know who has attempted it.
Moira Jean
Moira Jean - 11 years ago
Oh man I've definitely had one of those days, namely when I read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the first time, and kept imagining Dobby as a pillow, simply because he was introduced as being inside a pillow case... Yeah I wasn't the brightest kid :P
homefreylf - 12 years ago
I love your book reviews! I really want to read this one.
George Grenfell
George Grenfell - 12 years ago
just saying, i love the way you say "Hi" as its funnily cute. secondly thanks for your videos! im finding them especially useful because I've just started to read again :) so yeah, cheers!
Austin Gullett
Austin Gullett - 12 years ago
I did the same thing with Augustus Waters in The Fault in Our Stars--it was made expressly clear that he had dark brown hair, but I imagine him blonde. Like, I had to read it through a few times before I even noticed that was in there.
AiluroPanda - 12 years ago
You've got such a beautiful mongrel accent
Benjamin Whitfield
Benjamin Whitfield - 12 years ago
Your hair looks really good when you wear it like that. I hope you're not creeped out by that comment.
syntrix1985 - 12 years ago
I love this book, and I love how you mixed up Montmorency! I just read the sequel, Three Men on a Bummel, which is equally hilarious - maybe even better.
elisabettebarczak - 12 years ago
It has always been one of my favorite books :) I wish that more people knew just how humorous some classic books can be .~And you seem lovely.
Stain0 - 12 years ago
"Doei" she's back people

30. comment for Book Review | Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome.

Danielle Olavario
Danielle Olavario - 12 years ago
The cover looks amazing!
Leonardo Casamayor
Leonardo Casamayor - 12 years ago
You are a genious and you are cute and you love books, you are amazing!!! :D
F Kafka
F Kafka - 12 years ago
Yumm, so cute. Un besito :*
mushr8m - 12 years ago
Hehehehe! I love your justification at the beginning at the video! :)
Giugiubia - 12 years ago
haha, I had the same problem with the dog! I realized what it was just a few hours before watching your video, as I'm reading the book right now. I've just gotten to the bit about bagpipes I think you're referring to. I agree on it being slow sometimes, but I found myself laughing in public more than once while reading it...
Jess - 12 years ago
I was thinking of buying my dad this book for christmas -- dear people who've read it, is this a good gift?
subtleopinions - 12 years ago
Sanne, I completely sympathize. I have done that so many times. When I read Twilight, I was convinced that Emmett was a girl for about 50 pages.
Rae Of Books
Rae Of Books - 12 years ago
Thanks to your review I've just requested this book from my local libary :) Out of curiosity, have you ever read anything by Walter Moers?
nerdintranslation - 12 years ago
Fantastic review. I've been meaning to read this, and I own this gorgeous edition as well. :D
booksandquills - 12 years ago
I'm already working on it :)
abby peterson
abby peterson - 12 years ago
You should make a video on some books to ask for for the holidays (: all of the books that you review and show on your channel are quite fabulous reads, and I think you'd be a good person to get an opinion from about some great books (: just a suggestion.. (:
Cinzia DuBois
Cinzia DuBois - 12 years ago
Mum laughed too. But with love also xx
ockvonfiend - 12 years ago
Great review - I'll definitely be buying this book next time I see it
Vanessa Achere
Vanessa Achere - 12 years ago
I just found your channel and i love it! You're one of my favourite YouTubers now :)
Mariya Granwitch
Mariya Granwitch - 12 years ago
There's a Russian film based on this,
booksandquills - 12 years ago
Yeah go ahead, laugh at me :P
Cinzia DuBois
Cinzia DuBois - 12 years ago
I was genuinely in stitches at the beginning of this video. Stitches. Good thing I bought a knitting starter kit today ;) bless you I do love you!
Sandy Robinson
Sandy Robinson - 12 years ago
I got confused about the dog too :P Great reveiw as usual... PS. Your hair looks lovely in this video :-)
Crazface - 12 years ago
I love Three Men in a Boat. I also saw a Play adaptation of it last summer.
whoahchloe - 12 years ago
Oh yes, British humour... *Puts book on top of book list*

50. comment for Book Review | Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome.

Scarlet Davies
Scarlet Davies - 12 years ago
Your top is sooo pretty! Where's it from?
Emily Brewer
Emily Brewer - 12 years ago
there's an excellant audio book version with none other than hugh laurie reading it!
Teddyforever2007 - 12 years ago
dont be so serious :)
Teddyforever2007 - 12 years ago
Ik kan maar een ding zeggen .... Blondje :) hahahah
alaricdogface - 12 years ago
Mr. Montmorency will forgive you for a bit of kibble.
FireLordAzulon5 - 12 years ago
I really want to read this one, it seems like it's a very fun read. Brilliant review as usual :)
DaffodilsInJune - 12 years ago
This is definitely on my reading list! This is second time I've herd about Three Men in a Boat recommended this year. How would you compare it to P. G. Wodehouse? Because it sounded very similar to what he wrote.
iveyettotakethehint - 12 years ago
i'm hopefully getting this book for christmas, i'm ten times more excited to read it now :D you always give the best reviews sanne
rincey reads
rincey reads - 12 years ago
Comparing this book to The Importance of Being Earnest = easiest way to make me bump this up on my TBR
VicMorrowsGhost - 12 years ago
I'd say house maid's knee would be a preferable malady than Miley's melody. :P
mybestfrendsafrog - 12 years ago
Loved Three Men in a Boat! Especially the contrariness of tea kettles =)
booksandquills - 12 years ago
Nope. I'd never do that. Never.
booksandquills - 12 years ago
Not a lot has changed since last time :/
booksandquills - 12 years ago
I brought 12 boxes to London and 6 of them were filled with books.
Eline Anne
Eline Anne - 12 years ago
I haven't read it, but now I want to!
ultraAnomalocaris - 12 years ago
I love dutch people, their so bright and happy.
wanderback - 12 years ago
I've got a worse one. I didn't know that David Sedaris books were essays about his life and the first one I read, for a few essays, I thought he was writing from the point of view of a woman.
foregotheparable - 12 years ago
"Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days." Was that a Hannah Montana reference?!
megj - 12 years ago
I'm trying to figure out which book to take overseas for the course of my travels, something like young adult fiction, but not such an easy read, any recommendations?
Noctuaminerva - 12 years ago
I listened to this book on an audio cassette, and I don't think I've ever laughed so much! The voices made it even better. And yes, it reminded me of The Importance of Being Earnest too! Oh man, cracking up just thinking about it.

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