CE Smith Post Style Boat Trailer Guide Ons Review - etrailer.com
Reviews 8 years ago 19,846 views
Click for more info and reviews of this CE Smith Boat Trailer Parts: https://www.etrailer.com/Boat-Trailer-Parts/CE-Smith/CE27640.html Check out some similar Boat Trailer Parts options: https://www.etrailer.com/dept-pg-Boat_Trailer_Parts-sf-Guides.aspx https://www.etrailer.com Don’t forget to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/etrailertv Full transcript: https://www.etrailer.com/tv-review-ce-smith-post-style-guide-ons-60-inch-ce27640.aspx Today we'll be taking a look at and installing the 60-inch CE Smith post-style guide-ons for boat trailers. Part number CE27640. Guide-on posts make it easy to load your boat onto your trailer and back your trailer down your ramp. They provide visual targets to center the boat between during loading. They also extend up and out of the water to make your trailer more visible. The uprights are made out of a 16 inch galvanized construction so they're not going to rust or corrode and with the PVC slipped on over top it gives you 60 inches of visibility. They adjust out as far as 19 inches to accommodate a wide variety of boats. Now that we've gone over some features I'll go ahead and show you how to get it installed. We're here at the rear of our boat trailer and we need to loosely install our brackets. Our brackets or our U-bolts are going to install in an X fashion like this. If it was wide we'd just install them a normal way like this. What we're going to do is take the lower portion of our bracket, it's going to be this right here, and we're going to put it underneath our frame here and it's going to go, we're going to take our flat one first and go like this. So, we'll do that first. Then our other one is just going to install right on top of it. The one with the arched point in it. Then we'll grab our included hardware. We'll put a washer on first along with our lock nut. Get one started there. Then we'll get one started on the back. Then we'll take our other one, like I said before, and just go right over top. Keep in mind everything we do here we're just going to repeat the same step on the other side. Now we can go ahead and put on our uprights and our PVC portion. We'll take the short end which is going to be this right here and we're going to slide it right here. We've still got it loosely installed. Now we can grab our PVC and we need to make sure that the notched portion, which is this right here, is pointing downward because it's going to fit on our upright over this notch here. As we're working it down we'll make sure that the notch lines up, right there. Now lets go ahead and loosely tighten our U-bolts. While doing this, this is going to make it easier to adjust our posts to fit our boat. Then we're going to kind of guide our upright a little bit closer to our boat. With that loosely tightened down we can go ahead and adjust our posts to fit our boat. Typically you want it to be about an inch away. That's what's going to be easier for loading your boat. Then we can go ahead and tighten it the rest of the way down. The last thing we can do is put on our end caps. All right. That's going to complete our look and install of the 60-inch CE Smith post-style guide-ons for boat trailers. Part number CE27640.
Just ordered the kit with extra long U bolts. Thank you