CI's New Dane Reynolds "Neck Beard 2" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 69
Reviews 5 years ago 46,834 views
Click to buy: Poly - SURF STATION - Spine-Tek - SURF STATION - No obligation, but if you want to support the Site and keep the reviews coming you can donate here. In this episode I thoroughly test out Dane Reynolds new pro model called the Neck Beard 2 by Channel Islands Surfboards. CI sent down three custom boards with the exact same dimensions (5’5” x 19 1/8 x 2 ¼ liters 25.9) and in three different constructions. One board is EPS with a set of medium glass on fins, another EPS in CI’s new technology called Spine-Tek, and the last board is PU. (Polyurethane) The Neck Beard 2 goes GOOD in 1-6’ surf and it exceeded my expectations for performance surfing. From the very first session in 2-4’ surf there was a special connection with this model. It has incredible speed, good flow, and it enabled me to be more progressive in my surfing. At times it felt magical… like I could do no wrong, maneuvers that I would normally fall I was making. I was having so much fun in the 1-4’ surf that I didn’t want to get off of it. The waves jumped to 4-7’ and I continued to push the limits looking to find this boards ceiling and it continued to impress me. With this being said the Neck Beard 2 is the first board in my opinion that deserves to be called a “One Board Quiver.” I highly recommend this board for 1-6’ surf for intermediate to pro level surfers. If this board is not on your radar…. it should be!! My height: 5’9” My Weight: 160 lbs or 72.57 kg
I took this board out on Monday, Memorial day where the waves were shoulder high on the bigger sets. One thing I like to do is take a board out on crappy days to see how well it performs under less than desirable conditions. I caught fun waves on this board but it was nothing of what I expected, let me explain, With a board being that wide I like to see that get up and go right out the gate and this board didn't have that for me. The board honestly felt clunky. When a good section did come through and I got a chance to experience it in the pocket, the board came alive at the top of the wave with good pop and can be thrown around pretty easy, however it lacked the spring that something like the cymatic or even the rocket wide had infused into it's design. If the wave didn't offer much punch then the board was slow edge to edge and tended to bog fairly easy. However, if the wave had some kick to it then you got to experience how fun it could be. Right now I'm surfing the Holy Grail by Hayden Shapes cause I took a trip up to Huntington, were the waves can very easily amplify so I wanted a board that can handle that so that's why I selected the Holy Grail. Sadly, I think I would have had more fun on the grail than on the NB2
Board Wars Holy Grail vs NB2
The Grail bends over and goes booboo on the NB2
thumbs down on the NB2
Pros: fun when the waves have punch and are clean
Cons: in my experience: not an all rounder and most def not a quiver killer, missing that spring on the bottom turn(better on the backside), tail feels too stiff, too much carbon on the tail, lacks get up and go, does not help you catch waves early enough being that it's so wide, rails tend to bog easily if wave doesn't have much punch to it.
I am thinking about getting NB 2 in epoxy, but surf where rocks are and get a lot dings. Do you like the XTR or your thoughts, I never see much on it from you vs. the Spinetech which I know you love?
Thinking XTR since closed cell.
10. comment for CI's New Dane Reynolds "Neck Beard 2" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 69
20. comment for CI's New Dane Reynolds "Neck Beard 2" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 69
Is it for stability or volume? Rail to rail is not too slow?
Merci from Fance
30. comment for CI's New Dane Reynolds "Neck Beard 2" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 69
Yes, looking to replace Chilli. Current quiver:
PM good for small gutless surf-36 litres
Sampler- favorite small wave 1-4= 31 litres- looking to downsize on litres
Chilli BV epoxy 29 litres
Fever- 28.9 litres- not use much yet, cause 90% surf 1-3 lately.
worked my way down from 39 litres and in 31- 29 range, maybe lower, wanting to progress to digging rail in harder and cutback better- surf mainly LA north pt breaks-
Looking at RW and NB2- thoughts on which would be better for me and does the epoxy need a sweet spot to work?
im leaning toward NB2 cause seems much different than my quiver
thanks !
I have bought all my boards off your reviews, except a Chilli Black Vulture in EPS 50/50.
I have not seemed to get this board going compared to my Sampler and I noticed in your responses below that there is a sweet spot with EPS, maybe that is why its not working, because it's supposed to be super fast. I have a pod mod, 5'10 but 37 ltrs, like a small fun board, love it for super small days. Also have a fever and a sampler(favorite small wave board). My litres are around 31-29, intermediate, 54(surfing again last 3 yrs after 20 year break), 5'9,160 lbs, and starting to progress to quick cut backs and round house, and no vertical snaps yet.
I am thinking of selling Chilli and getting either RW or NB2 , and wondered if you think I should get in PU since not working in EPS, or maybe more time at it would help?
Also, which board you think would be better RW or NB2 for my quiver?
Thanks for all your great reviews, has really helped propel my surfing with right boards!!
gonna demo RW next
Thanks for advice, I demoed NB2 ST,5'5, 26.8L, thought I would difficult since big drop in Ltrs, totally suprised, paddled great, caught everything
If your my size then I suggest 27-28 liters for a intermediate surfer looking for maximum performance in your boards. I think your boards are a bit on the big side. Maybe demo one at 27 liters and see how it goes.
Well, I decided to give the Chilli one last try and put in my Tyler Warner 2 +1 twin fins I use on my PM and love the way it surfs. It totally changed the way it surfed, more drive and fun, and lit up the board for me, interesting as
how much different fins can change a board. You might want to give these TW fins a try.
Technical question: I am same size as you but intermediate, and wondered about what would be the highest volume you think you could go for getting good performance in cutbacks, sprays, etc. I am at 31-29 litres, and on edge I feel right now, your thoughts?
Some boards work good and others we don’t connect. You can give the Chilli more time and try to find the right fin set or just cut your losses and move on. It can be hard at times to sacrifice your surfing time to try and make a board work when you have other boards in your quiver that go insane. It’s up to you...
I put in the performance core lge AM and the board felt mental. Way more speed off the bat and a lot more control.
The NB2 in Spinetek would be my number 1 board for 1-6’ surf for performance surfing.
50. comment for CI's New Dane Reynolds "Neck Beard 2" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 69
Thanks for the great revews!
Im a intermediate,front foot sufer (5'7. 75kg)and I would like to learn big carving,deep bottom turn and powerful surfing (like dane's style)with 2 to 6日ft range waves at beach break.which board n dim do you recommend for me?
I’m having a really hard time trying to decide which dims would suit me. I’d be surfing this board in 3-6ft conditions.
Thanks a lot from Aus, and keep up the good work
I’ve been surfing a hand shaped 5’9 x 19 3/4 x 2 5/16 twin fin, which I believe is based off the CI Twin Fin.
spine-tek. I'm riding a bunny chow right now with the Dane large captain fins and love it, but at times it feels a bit too
loose for me. I was wondering if riding the AM2s would tighten it up due to the increased sweep in the template. Have you tried the tech flex AM2? Wondering if they would give me more hold and allow me to push harder in my turns
without sliding the tail.
Because your so tall you should be ordering all of you boards custom. I suggest the Fever or Phantom for competition. The Phantom would be ideal... easy to surf and paddles insane. Order that custom around 27.5-28 liters 5’11” or 6’.
Neck beard 2 VS OG Flyer for a one board quiver?
In a review of the Rocket wide you Declaration that it is the best surfboard in 1-3 waves.
beyond the fact that the neck bird fits higher waves, what is more suitable for 1-3 fit waves?
and why?
(both in spine tek).
Go to our website and watch the construction review I did a couple years ago. Under the “construction” tab. I surf the CI Sampler model in 5 different constructions and one of them is Varial Foam. I also did a separate review on Varial vs PU.
I like the first generation Mick Fanning fins in FCS two tab, AM template, KS 2.1.
100. comment for CI's New Dane Reynolds "Neck Beard 2" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 69
How do the NB2 and the Sampler compare in performance?
Rocker wise, the NB2 has a lower Entry rocker, and a higher Exit rocker, and the Sampler has moderate Entry and Exit rockers, Right?
Man tryin airs an ting.
Quick question, I have a pod mod (minus dims 5'2") and have heard good things about the rocket wide, what would you recommend is the better of the 3? Mahalo
What's your thoughts on volume and how did you work it out for yourself? Do you vary your volume much? Seabass says 1litre per 6lbs which is kinda how I go. I just bought a couple of boards with an extra litre to help paddle into waves in crowded conditions and in the variable punch we get with our waves here on the Sunshine Coast Australia and I felt those boards were terrible. I hate the feeling of too much volume but then you need volume sometimes. Sorry - long question. Love to hear your thoughts before I drop lots of money on this new board. Also custom is going to take an extra month or two for me to order so thinking stock dims is the go. Even then I have to wait a month!
I've had a lot of boards lately BTW. All PU.
JS 107 5'6" 29 litres [awesome for grovelling. Love it. Hits a ceiling in wave height quickly though. Grovel only]
DHD switchblade 5'8" 27.5 litres [loved it. Surf it till its death. Doesn't grovel as well as the 107 and hits its ceiling at about 4'. Would love a bit more versatility in my daily driver]
DHD 3DV 5'9" 28 litres [not into it. Not great for grovelling and catching heaps of waves. Feels weird and skatey going into turns. Not super versatile for me. I do some radical stuff on this thing but it's not all intentional!]
JS monstabox 5'9" 27 litres [was ok but I felt undervolumed on this board and didn't whip through turns like my Switchblade]
DHD DNA 5'11" 27.5 litres [love it but rarely surf it as it needs more punch to get going. Great in nice waves and reef breaks when I travel]
DHD DNA 5'10" 28.5 litres [hate it. Can't get the rail to engage properly and feels like a boat. Weird]
JS monsta 6'0 27.5 litres [great but needs punchy waves]
JS monsta 6'1 pin tail 29 litres [great but a bit over volumed for me]
DHD Duck nuts 6'0 28.5 litres [love it for bigger waves. Great board and confidence inspiring in the juice]
haha too much info! Tell me to buy that 5'6" stock NB2 spinetek and I'll be happy. Thanks again Noel. Great to have this interaction with someone who's surfed them all and knows what they are talking about.
I have a Sampler in 5,8 and the black and white in 5,10. Do you recommend me the neckbeard2 if I have those boards?
Thanks a lot!
Great review as always Noel,
Thanks a lot!
, but this is the best surfing I've seen u doing for the last year.