Caymas bass boat (the first one ever)
Reviews 5 years ago 51,808 views
Caymas Bass Boat is today subject , and it happens to be the 1st Bass boat produced by the new Caymas facility , and it belong to Guy Aker Professional Bass fishermen and hall of famer , who invited mr to come down and get a sneak peak of it For Fishin N Stuff gear please visit link.below if your looking for something not listed , leave a message
The other problem I have is ; the 3 roughest and worst built boats are Nitro, Javelin, and Stratos in that order, and the 22 foot Triton would break in half. Javelin, Stratos, and Hydro-Sport all gone. That should tell you something. "Pretty" doesn't make a boat good.
Look at Speed boats.
Cigarette Boats : Big V front . Eats up 4 footers
Hydro Foils : Flat . Comes out of the water with a ripple.
Nitro tried to make the best of both worlds. The problem was , with their self proclaimed " throws the water out to the side" the water had to hit the bottom of the boat first, thus throwing the boat up.
The 80's Champions were a lead sled but they went thru anything !
So, look for a boat with a big keel up front. New boat makers have caught on, that we aren't fishing on glass. BassCat makes the nicest riding boat, and they are first to market with every innovation including their trailers.
A boat need to have a Keel to split the waves. Nitro tried this but the front was so wide it just throws the water up under it . You can hear a Skeeter coming for miles as it slaps the water, although I hear they've gotten better.
When a boat is narrow like a Bullet it's wet. I owned a Hawk for awhile. Nice boat but wet. It was paid for and that's the best boat to own. But I don't think anything is going to beat the new Cat.
If it's anything like a Triton I'm sure it will last I life time.
And for the mid 60k it's not bad for a new boat these days.
I like it and would want to see it on the water
10. comment for Caymas bass boat (the first one ever)
Why can’t any of these geniuses ever design a boat for real people?
20. comment for Caymas bass boat (the first one ever)
You can contact these guys and ask them they are the first dealer I was talking about , and I think they said it was 21 foot long . I appreciate you watching brother
30. comment for Caymas bass boat (the first one ever)
However I do run Bass Cat and was extremely disappointed with the sale of that company.
But they were saying looks like mid 60s maybe
P.S. good story and nice boat in the video though.
Make sure you put some padding under it.
I'm working on a project boat now. Just got some samples of seadeck in. Looks like good stuff. I'd recommend sticking with a minimum of 5mm thickness.
Having a problem paying that much for it though. Their are some knockoffs out there though.
50. comment for Caymas bass boat (the first one ever)