Channel Islands "Ultra Joe" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.81

Click to buy: SurfStation: Jack's Surfboards: Surf Ontario (Canada Only): No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please give at In this episode I get two stock 5’3” Ultra Joe boards in Spinetek. Both boards are set with 5 fin options and I put them through the paces in 1-6’ surf. Even though the Ultra Joe is made for 1-4’ surf I like to find the top end on these type of Grovelers and it held it’s own even in overhead surf. After thorough testing as a Thruster, Quad, and Twin Fin with a small trailer (2+1) I liked it best as a Quad. The Quad set up carried the most speed and flow from turn to turn. I also liked how the tail had a little more release in my turns due to no center fin. I also really enjoyed the Ultra Joe with a 2+1 set up. The Twin Fins gave this board exceptional speed and I had control with the small trailer fin. The Ultra Joe is a favorite of mine for 2019 in the Groveler category and I highly recommend it. This board suits all level of surfers for maximum fun… beginner – expert surfers will love this little board. Ideal wave size 1-4’. Board Dimensions: Stock 5’3” x 19 ½ x 2 ¼ Liters 26.3 My Height: 5’9” My Weight: 160 lbs or 72kg

Channel Islands "Ultra Joe" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.81 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Reviews 5 years ago 21,880 views

Click to buy: SurfStation: Jack's Surfboards: Surf Ontario (Canada Only): No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please give at In this episode I get two stock 5’3” Ultra Joe boards in Spinetek. Both boards are set with 5 fin options and I put them through the paces in 1-6’ surf. Even though the Ultra Joe is made for 1-4’ surf I like to find the top end on these type of Grovelers and it held it’s own even in overhead surf. After thorough testing as a Thruster, Quad, and Twin Fin with a small trailer (2+1) I liked it best as a Quad. The Quad set up carried the most speed and flow from turn to turn. I also liked how the tail had a little more release in my turns due to no center fin. I also really enjoyed the Ultra Joe with a 2+1 set up. The Twin Fins gave this board exceptional speed and I had control with the small trailer fin. The Ultra Joe is a favorite of mine for 2019 in the Groveler category and I highly recommend it. This board suits all level of surfers for maximum fun… beginner – expert surfers will love this little board. Ideal wave size 1-4’. Board Dimensions: Stock 5’3” x 19 ½ x 2 ¼ Liters 26.3 My Height: 5’9” My Weight: 160 lbs or 72kg

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Most popular comments
for Channel Islands "Ultra Joe" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.81

mat mat
mat mat - 5 years ago
hi noel,i was thinking about buying an ultra joe for like 1 foot waves and a rw for 1 to 3 foot waves,what do you think of that choice,or do you think a rw would be enough even for like real small waves,and also what do you think of an ultra joe in swallowtail im heavy footed and like to push hard
Jayson Websther
Jayson Websther - 5 years ago
Hi Sir Noel, Good Day to you & your crew.. can you amke an review of the new DHD sweetspot 3.0 and whata the advantage of the 3.0 compare to the 2.0 and what fins would suit on it. thanks
Jayson Websther
Jayson Websther - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews
ohh i think they should and its will be helpful for the customer to know the review. feel sad for this news from dhd
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Jayson Websther Sorry to say that the folks at DHD have decided not to participate in our show at this time.
elb2018 - 5 years ago
Another solid review Noel. What are the chances of you getting a CI team rider to do a review with you similar to the Nate Yeomans duo you have done on the lost boards? That would be epic to see with someone like Alex Gray.

Your surfing looks better and better each review. Shout out to Aaron too for the patience filming
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
elb2018 That would be epic!! I will try to get something like that going this Summer.
ridinmytoobs - 5 years ago
Great review man. I love the direction you’re taking it with the board category and comparison explanations
William Russell
William Russell - 5 years ago
Love the reviews as always. So, ultra joe or gremlin?
William Russell
William Russell - 5 years ago
Thanks Noah!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
William Russell Tough call.... Both boards are epic!! The UJ has more hold on the hook but the Gremlin might have a bit more flow
Avon G
Avon G - 5 years ago
Your explanation of litres vs rocker makes perfect sense. Thank you!
Jody Blackwell
Jody Blackwell - 5 years ago
Noel, question i have been surfing for 59 years and have only surfed a longboard 9-0 and longer and only single fins what would you recommend for me i am 180 lbs and i am 6ft 1 in tall and i am 69 yrs old . I would like to go shortboard for traveling to costa rica and i go there two to three times a year .
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Jody Blackwell The Ultra Joe is a great option for you but maybe consider the largest Stock size for easy paddling and stability. You can also order one custom. Maybe hit the folks up at CI to help with custom DIMS.
Todd Frazier
Todd Frazier - 5 years ago
I was under the impression that you were going to do a review on the Spine Tech construction but I can’t find it. I’m hoping to get your opinion on it’s characteristics (ride, flex , durability, stability in bigger waves) before making a purchase.
Great review on the Ultra Joe. Looking forward to seeing a review on the new CI Happy. I demo’d it and loved it.

Keep up the good work,
Low tide
Todd Frazier
Todd Frazier - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews Found it, Thanks!!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Todd Frazier Go to our website and you will see the Spinetek review I did on the OG Flyer.
Andrew - 5 years ago
Hi Noel, Nice surfing! I'm having issues doing round house cut backs as my rail stops digging in and the board flattens out and i fall off, i have tried bigger fins and smaller fins but the same issue happens. Is my surfboard tail too wide or are my rails too thick for my weight. i'm 63kg and ride a pocket rocket 5,8 18 1/4 2 1/4 thanks
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Andrew Your liters should be roughly 23-24. Kinda hard for me to tell what’s going on... sometimes using a more upright or pivotal fin will help keep the board on rail through wraps if the tail is wide. Just not sure what the problem is. Do you have a older board that does good wraps for you? If yes then pull that board out and see if the same thing is happening. If your having the same problem then it’s your technique, if not then it’s the board and fin combination. Just trial n error at this point.

10. comment for Channel Islands "Ultra Joe" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.81

Rob Espero
Rob Espero - 5 years ago
Noel, that's a SOLID review and breakdown of the characteristics! Keep up the good work! Now if only CI could keep up with the demand for the 4/5 fin Ultra Joe!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Rob Espero Good problems to have... supply the demand.
Kid Kiks
Kid Kiks - 5 years ago
Very thorough! How does it compare to the puddle jumper?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Kid Kiks I never tried the original PJ
KryptoKnight Hood
KryptoKnight Hood - 5 years ago
Just ordered a custom ultra Joe because of your review. Nice work
KryptoKnight Hood
KryptoKnight Hood - 5 years ago
Awe yeah! I ordered it in a pintail and varial foam. I hope that setup works on the design
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
KryptoKnight Hood Yewww!! Let me know how it goes.
irbombardmnt - 5 years ago
Hi Noel! Big fan of the reviews, I think I've watched almost all of them already! I have the opportunity to get this board for a little over half the price. The board is a stock 5'5 so 28.6L, PU. I'm still fairly new to shortboarding and currently working on getting more consistent with my wave count. I'm 5'7, 130 lbs and surf mostly SoCal beach breaks. Do you think it would be worth it for me to snag this deal or is the board not a good fit for me?
irbombardmnt - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews Thank you so much for the help! Looks like I'll spend most of my time on thrusters since I mostly surf beach breaks. Still getting the medium quad rears like you suggested too for the occasional times I'll drive out a little further to a point break.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
irbombardmnt 2+1 set ups don’t work with every board but I think getting a good set like the T1’s you can test a bunch of boards. I find the T1’s work good in a lot of boards for me. If your a FCSII guy then get the MR’s. I like the 2+1 set up in 1-3’ occasionally 4’ surf depending on the board.

I have been riding more n more Quads lately. The speed and freeness in Tail is so fun. I like a Pivot set though like the Reactors so I can still get vertical especially in low rocker boards. I will Ride Quads at the point breaks in 1-6’ surf and have a blast. If the surf is a bit choppy then I switch to a Thruster for a little extra control.

I hope this helps. If your looking to get a good upright Pivot Quad set in Futures then check out the HS1 with HS Quad Rears. Yewwww
irbombardmnt - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews Thanks Noel, it's time to fill up the shopping cart! This conversation also sparked me to re-watch a whole bunch of your Fin related videos. I noticed that they all talk about the thruster setup though, so something I didn't pick up on though is when to use a set of quads vs. thruster vs. 2+1. Can you please elaborate on this? Like what conditions to use each type of fin setup in?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
irbombardmnt Get a set of Neutral fins in Medium like the F6 in Futures. Get a set of Medium Quad Rears.
irbombardmnt - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews It's settled then, getting the board on Sunday! I know you provide lots of info on fin setups, but is there a particular setup you would recommend for someone at my level and weight? Thank you for your help!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
irbombardmnt I would snag that board ASAP. The Liters seem good for your weight and skill level. At the price how could you not try it and work it out.
Lerosca01 - 5 years ago
great videos but honestly your music selection sounds like it’s for the baby boomers generation.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Lerosca01 We Try to mix it up with music. Got any suggestions???
6ix9ine - 5 years ago
I’d like to see a review of the super brand toy x
UniqueStranger - 5 years ago
I thought the podmod was a high-performance, small-wave board.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
UniqueStranger It can do HP turns but I think it’s a Groveler due to its hybrid nose.
Ross Crighton
Ross Crighton - 5 years ago
Great review Noel as always. Love the tunes too!!
Claiming It Anyway! Rock n' Roll
Claiming It Anyway! Rock n' Roll - 5 years ago
Thanks Ross, Very exciting to have our music behind such stellar footage :D
Plant a Seed Clothing
Plant a Seed Clothing - 5 years ago
Love your reviews! What would you advise for below average surfer, 6’ 185 lbs for weak Florida swell? Thanks!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Plant a Seed Clothing Ultra Joe Maybe 5’9”
Tosh Jaoudi
Tosh Jaoudi - 5 years ago
Sick review! Looks like a fantastic board for SoCal summers in SD. Are you planning reviewing the new CI Happy anytime?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Tosh Jaoudi Yes... rode the Happy for the first time this am... felt good too. That review is in the pipeline but I do not have a solid date at this time.

20. comment for Channel Islands "Ultra Joe" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.81

Rhidian D
Rhidian D - 5 years ago
I mostly stick to thrusters because I seem to get much more speed/drive off my bottom turns with them than I do with quads, but damn that board looks so much better as a quad. It's got me thinking that maybe I need to experiment with some different quad sets. Any FCS2 quad sets you can recommend for a 74Kg (165lbs?) guy that would make the transition from thrusters to quads easier?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Rhidian D Get a set of Large Reactors and a set of Medium Reactor Quad Rears. Best Quad set to date in my book. I also like the Reactors as a Thruster in my HPSB... quick pivot and pretty good drive off the bottom. The Reactors are basically the same template as the old KS 2.1.
Trevor Hocking
Trevor Hocking - 5 years ago
Hey Noel,
Great review what’s you pick - PJHP or Ultra Joe in PU?
Thanks mate
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Trevor Hocking UJ
BRADEN BADUA - 5 years ago
Noel, I bet if you put some fins on a burrito, you'd rip on it. Great review BTW.

PodMod or Sampler or Ultra Joe?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
BRADEN BADUA I love burritos!!!
Al 3 of the boards your asking about are epic! I would go PM or UJ for a Groveler. For a SWPB I would go RW or NB2. I say go to your local shop and feel these 4 boards up and buy the one that feels the best under your arm. Go with your gut. All of these boards are favorites of mine so you are going to be stoked no matter what. Cheers
Christian69James - 5 years ago
Outstanding review Noel as usual. Thanks for the in depth fin explanations along with the attributes of the boards. Been riding my PJHP as a 2+1 MR FCS and loving it. Cheers
Rick Bondservant
Rick Bondservant - 5 years ago
Great review! Very detailed oriented on all explanations. Keep up the good work!
McCauley Baker
McCauley Baker - 5 years ago
Noel's ripping getting me keen to go out this morning. Epic review yet again Noel!
R S - 5 years ago
Thanks Noel! your channel is helpful and educating. It'd be nice to see a review about the Hypto Krypto.
Chris VanWart
Chris VanWart - 5 years ago
Excellent review, as always!
If you can get your hands on a 5’1” Evo in either LFT or Helium I think you’d be pretty stoked - would be a worthy addition to the groveler review category. I was a little skeptical of the Helium tech, and honestly think LFT has a little more spice right out of the gate, but Helium may have won me over. I know it’s not the new kid on the block, but the Evo really blows my mind in small surf and continues to perform in head high+ conditions - I’d love to see you blow the back out of a few on one!
samuel rogers
samuel rogers - 5 years ago
i could not agree more... The EVO is the best daily surfboard Ive ever owned... 2 feet to head high it just goes wherever you want and does whatever you think. Id love to see Noel on one at Trestles. He'd rip the Bag right outta that wave
Jason Hines
Jason Hines - 5 years ago
Looking sick on that thing! That was some of your smoothest surfing imo!
arrzfr - 5 years ago
Would be awesome to have a review for the Firewire Chumlee, in comparison with the Ultra Joe.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
arrzfr I tried the Chumlee... it has good speed but it won’t do a quality turn in the pocket.

30. comment for Channel Islands "Ultra Joe" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.81

Moe - 5 years ago
How does it compare to the sharpeye disco cheater?
Moe - 5 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews thanks.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Moe That’s a good comparison... the DC has more flow and it’s so smooth rail to rail, but this UJ has more performance in the pocket and a little more flare to it.
Kim Lamb
Kim Lamb - 5 years ago
Best board review show on the internet. I’d love to see some POV GoPro footage Noel!
Gabriel Miranda
Gabriel Miranda - 5 years ago
Great Review Noel! Couple of questions:
- does the ultraJoe have a more performance outline than the Biscuit? I mean...more entry and mid rocker?
- Do you use your iwatch while surfing? If so, What’s app u use to track waves/speed/etc?
Thanks mate
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Gabriel Miranda Not sure on the rocker question in comparison with the Biscuit and UJ. The UJ has more performance in the pocket though.... the Biscuit is a really fun board but the lines it draws are a bit more round not as pivotal off the bottom compared to the UJ.

I don’t use my watch for surf.... I tried one app for a while but I have so much stuff going on in my head and under my feet with board and fin design it can all get a bit overwhelming. Sorry
roofiesify - 5 years ago
Hey Noel! Another epic review! Are you planning on reviewing the Js black baron twin? It looks amazing and am just about to pull the trigger on it but would love to hear your thoughts. Cheers.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
roofiesify Yup... I already have one. I hope to get on it soon. Our wave forecast looks pretty solid right now so I am focused on a couple HPSB’s right now but I will jump on the Twin soon. Hang tight....
Catch the Wave
Catch the Wave - 5 years ago
I agree with Noel about not riding grovelers with extra volume. Unfortunately the stock dims are higher from what I normally ride, I guess I would have to make a special order if I wanted a volume closer to all my boards. I wish they would have a wider range of dims.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Catch the Wave I feel the same about Stock HPSB Boards. I have to order custom cause there all to long for my likings.
Fred DeSmet
Fred DeSmet - 5 years ago
Noel knows board and fin design. Would love to see a segment on 6 to 10 ft equipment.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Fred DeSmet It’s been years since I’ve charged 10’ surf.
Simon Freeman
Simon Freeman - 5 years ago
your channel should have more subscribers, great reviews.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Simon Freeman Cheers!! Help us spread the word. We are also stoked on the Subscribers we have!!!
Jon Salvador
Jon Salvador - 5 years ago
Another epic one and really flowy surf, boards looks like so much fun
Positive vibes
Positive vibes - 5 years ago
Great review as always Noel...
Glen Mack
Glen Mack - 5 years ago
Yet another fantastic review. Since JS stopped making the Flying Pony & the new Flaming Pony you have to get 2” longertnis could be a great alternative. Good work mate.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Glen Mack Cheers
The gaming bros
The gaming bros - 5 years ago
Hi i love your channel and was wondering what booties you use in this vid? I know that you don’t like booties that much and that feeling is something I have struggled with ice cold toes. If you would let me know what booties you use I would really appreciate it!
Keep making vid there amazing!!!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
The gaming bros Xcel Wetsuits is the brand and the model is Drylock
The gaming bros
The gaming bros - 5 years ago
Which model are those ? I looked online and i can only find models that sell full sizes. Thanks for the reply. Hope to hear from you soon
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
The gaming bros Stoked you found our show. The booties I am wearing the Xcel Drylock 3mm booties. Decent feel... but more than anything very comfortable. These boots come in 1/2 size. Most booties only come in full sizes... normally I have squeeze into a 9 and my toes are numb before I even hit the water. A 10 gets water inside and then I’m tripping over most boots.... these Drylock boots are perfect at 9.5. Check them out
surfer soldier for Christ
surfer soldier for Christ - 5 years ago
Great intro super dramatic like a summer movie trailer...epic review !! purchase this summer for a groveler will be solely based on your super informative and well researched reviews...we spend 800 bux + when all is said and done and worst feeling is getting a board your just not happy with..really appreciate all your hard work you put into these reviews they are second to none Mahalo Noel.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
surfer soldier for Christ Cheers for the kind words. Stoked you found our show. We understand the cost of boards and how important it is to have fun and find a magic sled. Cheers
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 5 years ago
Love the board comparison idea. How does this board compare to the seaside in terms of performance surfing?
HardFlip Mike
HardFlip Mike - 5 years ago
Sick board. Gonna shape one just like it.
joe Dirt
joe Dirt - 5 years ago
Nice work Once again. Surf Wars and Categories. Volume Is only used for Paddling Ease at Advanced Levels. Board Either Planes or it Bogs. J.M.O
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
joe Dirt I also think Liters in certain type of boards like Grovelers can mess with swing weight. If I get a board like the UJ with 29 liters... it will paddles great but it will be hard to turn quickly, and a bit top heavy due to all the foam in the nose area.
Equalized - 5 years ago
Awesome review.. would love to see you review Rusty Dwart Too in the Torsion Spring construction.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
The folks at Rusty are not down for sending boards for review. Sorry
Jono Edwards
Jono Edwards - 5 years ago
Twinny with Fangs Hooked It.
Beauty Shredder.
Max ladabaum
Max ladabaum - 5 years ago
one of the best videos so far
Institutionalized Films
Institutionalized Films - 5 years ago
Would you say you surf better now than 10 years ago? How would you compare your surfing, in terms of better/worse now/then?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Great question.... I feel like I am surfing better now than ever. I feel like my rail game is getting stronger and there is more flow in my surfing now. Still a lot I want to work on. Getting understanding about surfboards, fins and how they work together really helps too.
Dthraco - 5 years ago
Totally get your explanation of not increasing volume for groveler board to align with shaper design. But wouldn’t the extra liters get you into waves better in smaller surf? Or is it that those waves may not be worth getting into?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Dthraco Absolutely true... you will catch more waves but with that extra volume you sacrifice performance. I think it’s all relative to what your looking for in a surf board and what your working on. If you want to progress then you need to work your way down in liters.

If you just want to have fun and catch a bunch of waves then get a bigger board and cruise.

50. comment for Channel Islands "Ultra Joe" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.81

Dthraco - 5 years ago
They should play your shows on OC16 Surf Channel here in Hawaii. You are continually improving your shows, and it’s really enjoyable to watch your shows and learn from you. Thank you, truly, thank you.
Dthraco - 5 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews - I wish I did, totally would.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Dthraco Thank you for the kind words. If you know anyone over there please connect us. Cheers
Youdig surf
Youdig surf - 5 years ago
Hello noel, how does this compare to the puddle jumper ? They look similar.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Youdig surf A better comparison is the PJHP... kinda similar but the PJHP has a wider tail. Both boards are winners.
Rob Symington
Rob Symington - 5 years ago
So awesome hearing about your back foot movements. Really useful explaination! More please!
Maurice Cureton
Maurice Cureton - 5 years ago
Noel you're killing it man. The Average Joe was the first short board I ever surfed. It was a favorite of mine. Im tough on boards and the Ultra Light construction was too thin for me. Do you think the spine tek is more durable and strong enough for some one that is tough on boards? Still feel like the Average Joe is one of the best boards at creating that feeling of fun while surfing.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Maurice Cureton Check out the Ave Joe by Surftech. Light and durable
D F - 5 years ago
Nice intro, looks like a very fun and versatile board
The BenSman
The BenSman - 5 years ago
Great review Noel! Yeah now
IzandEva Inmyheart
IzandEva Inmyheart - 5 years ago
Nice review! Great for San Diego summer grov. Haha, I'm one of those ding dongs that compares apples and oranges. Good correction....but at my age I'm still trying to decide whether to surf like I'm 25 (neck beard 2) or come to terms with being 55 ( ultra joe).
This looks really fun no matter wut doh!
IzandEva Inmyheart
IzandEva Inmyheart - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews look forward to every new show
So great
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
IzandEva Inmyheart Classic comments. Cheers
Pinpin Tldc
Pinpin Tldc - 5 years ago
Nothing s coming on Stretch surfboard ? Cft tech shoud be interesting to compare with others eps tech you ve already tested !
brerair - 5 years ago
the intro a bit ott
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
brerair Were introducing a while new platform called Surfboard Wars.
Rob Arnold Bik
Rob Arnold Bik - 5 years ago
Cool I've been waiting for this :D
wafertheen - 5 years ago
haha the music is very dramatic at the start.
Tom Fletcher
Tom Fletcher - 5 years ago
Love this Noel you’re a legend

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About Channel Islands "Ultra Joe" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.81

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