Channel Islands "ZEUS" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 3
Reviews 9 years ago 15,239 views
Click to buy SURF STATION - No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at This video is a review of the "Zeus" Surfboard by Channel Islands. In this review Noel Salas talks about the contours of the board and demonstrates how it works as he surfs at Lowers Trestles. This board is a 2015 signature model for Taylor Knox. Taylor Knox calls the Zeus: “A quick and loose all-around performance shortboard”. Taylor’s personal board is: 6’0 x 11.78 x 19 x 14.67 x 2 1/2 and 29.6L The bottom contours are very light single entry, to double concave through the fins, to concave vee exit. The Zeus can be ridden as a squash, swallow or round pin in waves from waist to ceiling high. More of a tapered rail than Taylor’s past models including the Dagger and Ft Knox. Ride this board your same height to 2″ longer. I truly enjoyed the Zeus and I was quite surprised at the performance for the most part. I have been riding most of my normal short boards at the widest 19' so I thought going to 18 3/4 would be to narrow but it felt so responsive. I think sometimes you just need to try something new to see how it feels. If you find yourself at the intermediate level and you want to try and get to a higher level then you might have to go with less volume or maybe your volume is to low and it is hindering your ability to gain speed to do the turns you want to do. This is just a thought and it is always good to try something new and make sure you are pushing yourself to grow in your passion for surfing. Growth is hard in any sport and sometimes the best way to grow is try something new and see how it feels. Cheers!!!!
Have you ridden the Black & White? Was an old MBM guy and depending on who you talk to, have heard both the Zeus and/or Black & White ride similar to MBM.
Thanks for the quality reviews, very helpful.