Channel Islands Rocket Wide Surfboard Review
Reviews 6 years ago 10,932 views
Ian reviews the Channel Islands Rocket Wide Surfboard: The Channel Islands Rocket Wide surfboard is the latest in a long line of Rocket family boards which have dominated the head-high and under surf conditions for years. Without doubt the most user friendly member of the Rocket family, the Rocket Wide has been squished down into a shorter and wider outline for maximum performance in the least inspiring of conditions. Compared to the Rocket 9 the Rocket Wide has a wider tail block to glide over mush and is wider under the chest and in the nose for improved paddle power and early wave entry. The Gudauskas brothers got their heads together with Channel Islands' Mike Andrews to create the Rocket 9 so it was natural to get back in the shaping bay with Mike to work on this small wave "Cadillac". The result is a fantastic little board which excels in mediocre surf and makes a great "daily driver" for guys and girls who regularly surf beachbreak style waves or cruisy style points and mellower walling waves. This clever little board is way more than a simple groveller, its got heaps more performance and just seems to "take off" and glide as soon as soon as you pop to your feet. This is definitely the board to rekindle your surfing stoke even if the waves are below waist high and not particularly inspiring. With the five fin setup you can choose between thrusters, quads, twin + trailer and Dane has even ridden it as a straight twin so you can experiment with these different fin options to find your magic combo. Advanced surfers will ride the Rocket Wide 2 to 4" shorter than their height. View all Channel Islands Surfboards:
I’m primarily riding 0-4 ft and want a versatile board to grow into as a low level -intermediate
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