Channel Islands Surfboard "Peregrine" Review by Noel Salas Ep. 6

Click to buy: SURF STATION - No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at This video is about Channel Islands "Peregrine" Surfboard Review Ep. 6. In this review Noel Salas rides his custom 5'9 Peregrine in all different size waves and conditions. The Peregrine is the latest board from Channel Islands and it is a Dane Reynolds signature model. This board is built for speed with a single concave running through the bottom and four channels between the fins to increase drive. Noel talks about the channels and how they feel under his feet and what his expectations were when he first saw the board on the Channel Islands website. Here is what the Channel Islands website has to say about the Peregrine. Named after the fast and powerful falcon that tends to breed on coastal cliffs. This new model connects with the board’s design for fast, powerful surfing and reflects Dane and Courtney’s interest in falconry. Four-channels fuel this all around high performance short board suitable for all wave types. Designed for maximum down the line speed, quick transitions, and big rail turns. The peregrine has a low entry rocker that’s accelerated through the back. The rail rocker is low but with ample break around the front fins and staged by the exit of the channels, creating extreme release near the trailing fin and off the tail. Center rocker is straighter and fast with the effect being exaggerated by the deep channels running out the back. The channels sit within a generous single concave that runs the length of the board and goes flat at the tail block. The flat deck provides positive flex patterns, volume distribution and feel under the feet. Should be ordered an 1/8th of an inch thinner than a customer’s usual thickness. (i.e. If the customer usually rides a board with a 2 1/2 center thickness, they should order The Peregrine at 2 3/8 and can expect it to have the same general rail thickness, feel and flotation as a board that is 2 1/2). Rails are round, medium to full. Designed to work best in waist to ceiling high surf. Ride this board your same height up to a couple inches longer. Also makes a good smaller wave board when ordered shorter and wider. *ALL Peregrines come stock with four channels, and are thruster only. Stay tuned as Noel has mentioned another surfboard review coming on the Peregrine as a small wave high performance board. The DIMS for this small wave board are yet to be revealed but it will be shorter, wider, and thicker. Noel liked this board so much that he wanted to try is on smaller waves because this board is so fast. For more information or questions click on the link below and click on "ASK CI" in the lower right hand corner.

Channel Islands Surfboard "Peregrine" Review by Noel Salas Ep. 6 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reviews 9 years ago 26,390 views

Click to buy: SURF STATION - No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at This video is about Channel Islands "Peregrine" Surfboard Review Ep. 6. In this review Noel Salas rides his custom 5'9 Peregrine in all different size waves and conditions. The Peregrine is the latest board from Channel Islands and it is a Dane Reynolds signature model. This board is built for speed with a single concave running through the bottom and four channels between the fins to increase drive. Noel talks about the channels and how they feel under his feet and what his expectations were when he first saw the board on the Channel Islands website. Here is what the Channel Islands website has to say about the Peregrine. Named after the fast and powerful falcon that tends to breed on coastal cliffs. This new model connects with the board’s design for fast, powerful surfing and reflects Dane and Courtney’s interest in falconry. Four-channels fuel this all around high performance short board suitable for all wave types. Designed for maximum down the line speed, quick transitions, and big rail turns. The peregrine has a low entry rocker that’s accelerated through the back. The rail rocker is low but with ample break around the front fins and staged by the exit of the channels, creating extreme release near the trailing fin and off the tail. Center rocker is straighter and fast with the effect being exaggerated by the deep channels running out the back. The channels sit within a generous single concave that runs the length of the board and goes flat at the tail block. The flat deck provides positive flex patterns, volume distribution and feel under the feet. Should be ordered an 1/8th of an inch thinner than a customer’s usual thickness. (i.e. If the customer usually rides a board with a 2 1/2 center thickness, they should order The Peregrine at 2 3/8 and can expect it to have the same general rail thickness, feel and flotation as a board that is 2 1/2). Rails are round, medium to full. Designed to work best in waist to ceiling high surf. Ride this board your same height up to a couple inches longer. Also makes a good smaller wave board when ordered shorter and wider. *ALL Peregrines come stock with four channels, and are thruster only. Stay tuned as Noel has mentioned another surfboard review coming on the Peregrine as a small wave high performance board. The DIMS for this small wave board are yet to be revealed but it will be shorter, wider, and thicker. Noel liked this board so much that he wanted to try is on smaller waves because this board is so fast. For more information or questions click on the link below and click on "ASK CI" in the lower right hand corner.

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Most popular comments
for Channel Islands Surfboard "Peregrine" Review by Noel Salas Ep. 6

Joshua Withers
Joshua Withers - 5 years ago
Hey noel what would be a better board for indo Rook 15 or Pergrine?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Joshua Withers Fever...or Rook 15
NCDesignsFurniture - 7 years ago
Great great channel !!!
Justin Smith
Justin Smith - 7 years ago
This board sounds a lot like the F1 Stub
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Justin Smith Super fun board! I have not tried the F1 Stub.
Catch the Wave
Catch the Wave - 7 years ago
Best Surf Show around!
TRIKushbeachside - 8 years ago
Just wanted to say that you always do great reviews and always nail the key points on these boards. I think the Peregrine is my favorite all around High performance board. I really like my black and white but it isn't as versatile in my opinion. I can surf my Peregrine in just about anything and it always feels good. When the waves are good my
B/W is awesome but I think the Peregrine is a better all a rounder for a larger variety of conditions. Took your advice and got the SAMPLER over the Rocket 9 and am super stoked I did. That board is a small wave weapon. Just wanted to say thanks lol hope alls well
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
TRIKushbeachside So stoked to hear your boards are working good. Thanks for the props on the show too. Cheers!!!!
tyler 816
tyler 816 - 8 years ago
whats up quick question why do you surf large fins if your under the weight limit ?
Water Dog
Water Dog - 8 years ago
I know your in the process of reviewing the Black and White.  So far how has it compared to the Peregrine and the Sampler?  Thanks.
Water Dog
Water Dog - 8 years ago
Thanks for the feed back.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
I think the Peregrine and B&W are comparable because they are both standard short boards. Both boards are quick but the B&W is so quick rail to rail. The B&W feels better to me. The Sampler is a small wave board and i cant compare it the other two.
Michael Richards
Michael Richards - 9 years ago
Great reviews, really impressive! Best I've seen. I'm stuck between the Black and White and the Peregrine as an all around board, both look great. Coming off a Fred rubble, and will use it in shoulder high plus surf, but it's surf in the UK so not the most powerful, so needs to be a good paddler and a little forgiving! Have you tried both? The black and white in the store looks a little like a stretched out sampler! What would you recommend?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
+Michael Richards Yes, I would say they felt similar in flotation and speed. The B&W felt fast and loose and I like that a bunch. The Peregrine felt fast but not as loose as the B&W.
Michael Richards
Michael Richards - 8 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews cheers Noel sounds good. I've been edging towards the B+W actually. Did they feel pretty similar in terms of floatation and speed?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
+Michael Richards Just wanted to reach out and let you know that I rode my new Black and White this morning and it felt really good. The surf was 2-4 and really fun at Lowers and the board was really fast and responsive. I can feel the transitions from turn to turn and it feels a bit smoother than the Peregrine. Keep in touch and I hope this helps if you have not picked a board already. Both the Peregrine and the B&W feel good though so if you already pulled the trigger on the Peregrine you will not be bummed.....
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Michael Richards My pleasure!
Michael Richards
Michael Richards - 9 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews no worries at all Noel, just intrigued! Thanks very much for your help.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Michael Richards I have not been able to give my B&W a ride yet. Sorry... You want your volume to end up the same as your FR or as close as possible. Because of the flat deck you should make sure that you don't go with the same thickness as your FR but you should take off 1/8 of an inch. If you use the board builder on a custom board then it will already calculate it for you. The stock DIMS are calculated already too. I went surfing with Britt Merrick a couple of times and he is super pumped on the B&W if that helps you on making a choice on a board and Britt surfs really good too. I will be testing the B&W soon sorry with all the rain the last couple of days and bad weather I have not been in the water.
Michael Richards
Michael Richards - 9 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews Hi Noel, just wondering if you had a chance to give the B+W a go? And would you recommend getting these boards at a similar volume to the Fred Rubble or less given the flat deck/extra float? I'm currently riding 31.8 but think I may go up given I'm surfing a little less now. Cheers, Mike
Michael Richards
Michael Richards - 9 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews cheers Noel thanks for the fast reply, hope you have a good one!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Michael Richards I just picked up two new custom B&W and I will ride one of them tomorrow. I will get back to you on this question. Both the Peregrine and the B&W have flat decks and round full rails so that is similar, but the B&W doesn't feel anything a like the Sampler under my arm. I will give the B&W a go and get back to you tomorrow or the next day. Cheers....
sam McDonald
sam McDonald - 9 years ago
so are you related to Kelly slater
Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 7 years ago
Kelly's recent Syrian ancestry,…. you?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+sam McDonald thanks i
sam McDonald
sam McDonald - 9 years ago
Your style is similar to his style !
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
Funny!!! No relation

10. comment for Channel Islands Surfboard "Peregrine" Review by Noel Salas Ep. 6

CG WGGW - 8 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews I get the custom RT today, tracking the UPS like a kid on Xmas. I will let you know my thoughts. New swell and new board = YEW!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+CG WGGW Glad you like the reviews. I think a round tail might go pretty good for a standard short board.  Did you get a chance to see the Peregrine small wave board review? I really liked it as a groveler too. If you try a round tail let me know how it goes...... Cheers
Mj Giuffre
Mj Giuffre - 9 years ago
Have you had a chance to have a go at the black & white yet? Torn between peregrine and waiting for that cos it looks amazing.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
Not yet but i have two on order and they should be done any day now.
Mackenzie Day
Mackenzie Day - 9 years ago
This is such a great review and channel... Thanks! I have a quick question about the Peregrine as a slight step up from a #4 utility dims that is my daily driver. Hoping to use it for these waves we are getting in Southern California. I saw Dane have it in his quiver at J-Bay with a round pin. Thoughts?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Mj Giuffre Well do I will let you know....
Mj Giuffre
Mj Giuffre - 9 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews awesome thanks for reply again. Any feedback on how the board goes in choppy waves? I hear channels don't perform to well in choppy/poor conditions
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Mj Giuffre I think the Peregrine is way easier to paddle and surf and it will be good for steep surf here in SO Cal. I think you will ride the Peregrine way more often than the Rook 15. The Peregrine is way more user friendly and super easy to ride.
Mj Giuffre
Mj Giuffre - 9 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews how would you compare the peregrine and the rook15? When it gets bigger around here it's normally wedgey/heavy beach breaks. How would the peregrine go with barrels and steep drops? I like the look of the rook15 but would like something a bit easier to paddle and a bit more forgiving. The good days are few and far between around here so a bit of versatility is great too
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Mike Day Thanks for the compliments on the review and the channel. I agree that the Peregrine is a good step up. I use my Peregrine for my standard short board for waves that range 3-6 foot surf. I could even ride it bigger then that at point breaks but with heavy beach break I would ride something more like the Rook 15 or the Taco Grinder. I would even consider doing a custom 6'0 or 6'2 Step up on the Peregrine for bigger waves in Cal because of the channels. I love the speed and the feel of the Peregrine. I am also in the process of my next review with the Peregrine as a small wave high performance board and it works good. So the Peregrine is super versatile when you order it custom for either a Step up, Standard short board or a groveler Cheers!!!.
Tristan Radeka
Tristan Radeka - 9 years ago
this is exactly what i needed to know and I also wanted to see it in action. I will definitely buy this when I have the money
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Tristan Radeka Good to hear and I am happy to know this really helped you out..... Cheers!
Shane Owen
Shane Owen - 9 years ago
peregrine or sampler?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+shane owen Thanks!!!
Shane Owen
Shane Owen - 9 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews thank you so much for replying!! really appreciate what you do. and I don't know if it's just me, but your were ripping harder on the sampler than the peregrine (except for a few slides, those were pretty bad ass) but then again, thank you!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+shane owen The cool thing about the two boards is the don't ride anything like each other. I like surfing HB and if I surfed there all the time like you do then I would choose the Sampler especially for airs. It has less rocker and like Dane said it was hard for him to get off  of it because he was addicted to the speed it generated.
Shane Owen
Shane Owen - 9 years ago
thank you! I'm from Huntington, and I'm looking for a board to work good in the air, but also will hold lines so I don't have to 'Huntington hop' as much haha. The sampler seems like it's downgraded more than its praised, but dane reynolds also said since it is California and our breaks are sometimes not as perfect as we want them to be.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+shane owen Shane thank you for the question. The two boards are for two different types of waves. The Peregrine is a standard short board and the Sampler is a small wave board. For me it's not matter of which one, I would get them both. The Peregrine in punchy 3-4 surf and bigger and the Sampler in 3-4 mushy waves and smaller. If I could only afford one board then I would go with the Sampler because I live in Southern CA and most of the time the waves are small and mushy. I hope this helps...... Cheers!!!
Des.Farrell - 9 years ago
Hey man love the reviews and that you actually show surf footage. I was just wondering it's talked up to be a really power surfing board but what is it like vertically for airs and whippy stuff cheers.
Des.Farrell - 9 years ago
+Surf Show and Tell Reviews ok cheers keep it up
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Des.Farrell Des thank you for the comments on the review and I am glad you like them. To answer your question the Peregrine is really good for airs and whippy stuff because it is super fast. This is the fastest standard short board I have ever ridden. If you have speed then you can do anything you want right? I am not a big air guy and I don't do a bunch of whippy moves but I try them all the time. I just don't pull them all the time and that's why they are not in my reviews. I am working on my above the lip surfing and this board felt good on rail and in the air. I hope this helps..... Cheers
Michael Giuffre
Michael Giuffre - 9 years ago
Great review! Some great surfing too! How would you compare the peregrine to say the semi pro12 or Rook 15? I have a #4 that im in love with in 1-3ft surf but it starts getting a bit skiddy when it gets to 4ft with a bit more power. I want a 3-5ft board for good, hollow, wedgey barrels with a bunch of performance and speed but that is still kinda forgiving... I wonder how the peregrine would measure up?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Michael Giuffre Thank you for the great comments on the review. Can't really compare these two boards as the Sampler is a small wave board and the Peregrine is a standard short board. I would keep your #4 for small waves if you love it and I would get the Peregrine for the 3-5ft waves that you are looking for. Once your done with your #4 then replace it with the Sampler and I think you will be very happy.
manuelott29 - 9 years ago
great job your show...finally somebody giving detailed dims and weigh...really helpful info...i am a beginner surfer,or lets call it so..i used to surf when i was younger.not that i tried surfing once,i used to skip school to go surfing,so having said that now i am 43 years old but in good physical condition..i just got the high five in 5 feet 4 inches standard felt great but a little too fast as a quad..did you like it any better as thruster?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+manuelott29 Thank you for the compliments on the show. I really liked the High 5 as a thruster because the middle fin has a better pivot point and will help with more vertical turns in the pocket. I find that the small fish type boards like the High 5 are really fast in general so when you make it a quad it is really hard to slow it down for good turns in the pocket. I love to go fast and work on airs with a quad set up though so I guess you need to look at the waves before you paddle out and adjust your fins according to the waves and the tides. Most people make the mistake of only riding a board one way with fin set up or with one set of fins. To give a board a far shake at it's best performance I would try a bunch of different fins and materials. I hope this helps and welcome back to the water. Cheers!!!
Wyatt Jeffers
Wyatt Jeffers - 9 years ago
your review was mehh..but your surfing is yehh!!!!

20. comment for Channel Islands Surfboard "Peregrine" Review by Noel Salas Ep. 6

Eric Burton
Eric Burton - 9 years ago
Thanks for your detailed reviews! The fact you have video to back up your words is great. I'm looking for a forgiving shortboard for a daily driver in Northern California where we gets lots of waves, but they often have poor shape. Anyway, I'm curious to hear how you'd compare the Zeus to the Peregrine. They seem to be aimed at similar conditions, with similar rockers. Which would you prefer for an everyday beach-break board? Thanks!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Eric Burton thanks for the great comments on the review. After riding both the Zeus and the Peregrine I would choose the Peregrine. The Peregrine is so fast and fun to ride and I also liked the flat deck with the fuller rails. It felt good paddling and it was very forgiving when I was not in the sweet spot. I think with both boards (the Zeus and Peregrine) they are clearly standard short boards and I would ride them both in similar conditions but I would choose the Peregrine.... I hope this helps. Cheers!!!
Luke Mason
Luke Mason - 9 years ago
When are you looking at doing your review on a shorter wider thicker Peregrine?
Pretty interested to see how it goes and what you think.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Luke Mason I will be doing that one next. I hope to have it done soon as it always depends on the surf and how much footage we get per session. Keep an eye out for it.
Mike Smith
Mike Smith - 9 years ago
You sold me on it
Yuno mi
Yuno mi - 9 years ago
I'm interested to see the review for the Groveler Peregrine. I was thinking of ordering it shorter and wider for the weak surf around Huntington Beach. How's the Peregrine in the pocket comparing to the Fred Rubble and the New Flyer? Everyone said the board is fast, I'm curious how it is in the pocket, as well as how those channels work when it's windy and choppy. Thanks for another great review.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 9 years ago
+Yuno mi Thanks for the props on the review. The board felt really good in the pocket. I liked it more in the pocket than the New Flyer and the Fred Rubble. I liked the Peregrine in bumpy surf but I did not ride it in choppy surf to be honest with you. I mostly surf early mornings but I did ride it in a bit of South wind one morning and it felt pretty good.
hb wizard
hb wizard - 9 years ago
Great review, love the clips of you surfing added in.

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