Channel Islands Pod Mod Surfboard Review + Futures EA Blackstix Fins no.142 | Compare Surfboards

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Today, we have the Channel Islands Pod Mod Surfboard Review + Futures EA Blackstix Fins. A shorter, fatter, wider evolution of the original Channel Islands Pod, the Pod Mod is intended to access the smaller end of the wave range with greater aptitude vs. the Pod but maintain that performance feel. Full Write Up: The Pod Mod definitely lights up in smaller, weaker waves whereas I felt the original CI Pod needed conditions with decent push before it came into its own. However, as one might expect while making the outline more oblong, the Pod Mod does have some drawbacks in bigger, more powerful surf. I hope you enjoy this Channel Islands Pod Mod Surfboard Review + Futures EA Blackstix Fins! All the best, Benny -------------- + See the Full Review with Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Model Comparisons, Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

Channel Islands Pod Mod Surfboard Review + Futures EA Blackstix Fins no.142 | Compare Surfboards sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Reviews 9 years ago 32,711 views

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Today, we have the Channel Islands Pod Mod Surfboard Review + Futures EA Blackstix Fins. A shorter, fatter, wider evolution of the original Channel Islands Pod, the Pod Mod is intended to access the smaller end of the wave range with greater aptitude vs. the Pod but maintain that performance feel. Full Write Up: The Pod Mod definitely lights up in smaller, weaker waves whereas I felt the original CI Pod needed conditions with decent push before it came into its own. However, as one might expect while making the outline more oblong, the Pod Mod does have some drawbacks in bigger, more powerful surf. I hope you enjoy this Channel Islands Pod Mod Surfboard Review + Futures EA Blackstix Fins! All the best, Benny -------------- + See the Full Review with Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Model Comparisons, Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

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Most popular comments
for Channel Islands Pod Mod Surfboard Review + Futures EA Blackstix Fins no.142 | Compare Surfboards

Marcus Oppelt
Marcus Oppelt - 5 years ago
Hey Benny what size are the fins medium or large? Thanks man
Adam Coyne
Adam Coyne - 5 years ago
Hey benny.......fuck you and your pod. - 5 years ago
Hey Adam, thanks so much, you are awesome!
Jamie Ryan
Jamie Ryan - 6 years ago
Hey benny. how does this compare to the lost puddle jumper?
KOSTAS GOULAS - 5 years ago
It's better than the PJ. I have surfed both. PM will help u to progress for sure
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 6 years ago
Have you tried it as a torque board? You should get some footage so we can visualize what you’re talking about
Offthe Lip
Offthe Lip - 7 years ago
I couldn't get this board to work for me. Enjoyed the high five much more. It was misleading because it had really thick rails, but didn't really grovel well for me.
maile thai
maile thai - 7 years ago
How does this board compare to the Lost puddle jumper?
Rob B
Rob B - 7 years ago
Hey Benny, really appreciate all the work you do for us and enjoy your reviews. To better help the community here are my thoughts on the Pod Mod. I'm 6'1 205lbs and have surfed for 20yrs. My everyday go-to CI boards are 5'9 Average Joe TLP 39.8L (very light, doesn't ding easily) and 6'2 New Flyer 35.0L (standard). These 2 boards can cover 70-80% of what most average surfers will encounter on any given day. I recently bought a 6'0 Pod Mod 39L, however it looks and feels much much bigger. For fins (Large) I found the HS futures and Roberts futures worked best for thruster. I used the Lost futures quads (GMB-5's) and worked fine. I surfed the Pod Mod in every condition up to head high. Wind swell, ground swell, clean, mush, fast, steep, slope, long runners, onshore/offshore, powerful, weak, long barrels.. It was average at everything but didn't perform exceptionally well at anything. The Pod Mod doesn't paddle or grovel nearly as well as 5'9 AJ. It's not as versatile as NF (standard thruster style surfing). The NF paddles better imho. I felt like I had to be far up on the nose to effectively paddle into a wave which led to a ton of board behind me. A 5'10 may have actually been more suitable due to this fact. That said, It is snappy and has its lively moments. In the end that wasn't enough of a reason to keep it. I'm sure it works for some people and that is awesome. Like with any new board we really want it to workout great. Hope this helps.
lockandload - 8 years ago
Would you say this is a good board for a beginner?
TeaWaddle -
TeaWaddle - - 8 years ago
Richie Z
Richie Z - 8 years ago
Im having some trouble finding the right fins for this board all the ones I have tried just don't seem to give me enough drive down the line that i want so I think that I should try a bigger fin but im a pretty light rider 120lbs so im not sure if I should try the fcs 2 performers in medium instead of small or maybe even the accelerators any advice ?
benjamin m
benjamin m - 8 years ago
Try to find fins with a large base and thin tip. performers are good but mediums may be too stiff for you. If you do decide to get them, get them in the neo glass.

10. comment for Channel Islands Pod Mod Surfboard Review + Futures EA Blackstix Fins no.142 | Compare Surfboards

David Avron
David Avron - 8 years ago
Hi Ben great reviews cheers.
what would you recommend as a small waves board the pod mod vs the high5 ?
I ride a 5'5'' skinny fish by CI at 25 L and want to raise the volume a little bit.
Thanks a lot
DJ Anthony
DJ Anthony - 8 years ago
+David Avron ahhh miss the skinny fish
GodSaiyanBlade - 8 years ago Do you think I should get Al Merrick The Pod ? - height of the board- 5,10
I'm: 1.84m and 81kg
Btw the board isn't new - 8 years ago
+David Avron Hi David, thanks for the cool feedback! The High 5 is more of a fast, loose, tiny wave groveler (knee to stomach is the sweet spot for me). The Pod Mod is a more versatile modern performance fish that I felt worked best from waist to head high. Check out the full write ups here for more detail:

Channel Islands High 5 review: 
Channel Islands Pod Mod review: 

Hope this helps!

Giorgi Shtenberg
Giorgi Shtenberg - 8 years ago
Great Review. Can you comment on the difference of #4 Groveler vs. the PODMOD on small surf/mush? Thanks
Marco Renzi
Marco Renzi - 8 years ago
Hi Ben! review, i like this board.
Some questions for you:
How does it perform in small wave compared to the paddle jumper?
Looks like it has more volume on the front,does it paddles better?
Which one is faster down the line?
Which would you suggest in 1-4 foot mushy waves?

Andrew Palfery
Andrew Palfery - 9 years ago
Hey Benny, I was about to go out and buy this board when the guy at the shop started raving about the CI 'Mini'. How do they compare?? I would love to hear your thoughts.
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson - 9 years ago
Hey Benny,

I am looking to buy this board, I was thinking 6'0" (39L), but am not really sure if this is best. I've been surfing for about a year and a half, mostly getting out every other week, I'd say I'm around a novice/intermediate level. I'm 6'2" and 195lb, I play water polo and am in very good shape, I've mostly been surfing a 7 foot fun board around Santa Cruz and SF. The volume chart that you have on your website puts me at around 40L, others at around 45L.

Basically I'm wondering if you think the 6'0" 39L is good for soft Santa Cruz and Mexico, or if I should go longer as I'm just beginning on a shortboard. Thanks for the great content!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen - 9 years ago
Hey Benno, I need to hear ya thoughts. I'm an older dude (late 30's) getting back into surfing after 15 years out of the water. For the past last 9 months I have been riding a 7.6 funboard and while it got me up and going again I'm now surfing ok again bottom/top turns, cut backs and being able to generate speed. Anyway I was about to order one of these with a rounded pin to make it a little more versatile, (and to be honest back in the day I used to break the corners of by swallows). C.I. reckons it'll go well, I'm still a little worried about such a big step down (to 6.4), what do you reckon?
suburbanbliss85 - 9 years ago
Of all the boards you've had and own, cause you seem to have a lot... which one's have you held on to for the longest? - 9 years ago
@suburbanbliss85 Hey there, I've had my McCallum Quagg for about 5 years? That's well above the average, especially these days!
Mike Yonkers
Mike Yonkers - 9 years ago
Yo Benny!

I'm looking to get this board in the 5'8" (33.5L) or the 5'10" (35.7L) size range and am a bit torn and could use some advice. I'm 5'9", 140lbs, but surf in the pacific northwest so I have a thick wetsuit which probably adds around 7lbs. I'm probably best described as a novice/intermediate surfer and have spent the last year learning on a 7'6" Teedeekay board that is starting to feel quite clunky to me while paddling out in bigger surf. Channel Islands generally recommends 3-6" shorter than one's height, but most volume calculators put me into the 33-38L range. As far as I can tell, this would likely mean the 5'10" (35.7L) pod mod would be best for me, unless there was any reason for me to go 1" shorter than my height and get the lower volume (33.5L) with the idea of progressing and getting better. But, I also am aware that more volume = more waves and more learning, which is why i'm thinking the 5'10". Lastly, if it helps, I tend to surf beachbreak in the Pacific Northwest, around Washington and Vancouver Island. Thanks for your help, and peace!
Mike Yonkers
Mike Yonkers - 8 years ago
Hey friend,
I went with the lib tech puddle jumper for a couple reasons. First, being someone who was converting from a bit of a longer board (7'6) to a shorter one, I think the puddle jumper is a bit more forgiving than the pod mod. At the time I'd say that I was someone transitioning out of beginner to intermediate, and most volume calculators put me around 33-38 for volume. But, since I live in Washington State, we tend to get beach breaks that are often flatter/weaker waves, and the puddle jumper, if I remember correctly, has a bit less rocker, which will help with catching waves and paddling easier at my local break. So, I went with the 5'9 (37.6 volume) pj because, ultimately, it would likely mean catching more waves, and that's what's most fun at the end of the day. Sometimes I wish I had a bit more rocker for the steeper days, but I still love my puddle jumper. The other main reason I got it was because of the lib technology and it's just super durable. Hope that helps!
Louis Aliberti
Louis Aliberti - 8 years ago
Hey man,
I am the same size as you 5'9 140lbs. Can you please explain a bit why you went with the puddle jumper instead of the pod mod. also what dimensions did you get for the puddle jumper and what is your skill level. thanks man hope to hear from you!
Mike Yonkers
Mike Yonkers - 9 years ago Yo Dude, Thanks so much for your thoughts and references. Long story short (and why I'm so slow to reply) is that I ended up doing a lot more research and chatting with friends and got the Lib-Tech/...Lost Puddle Jumper and ended up spending 10 days of vacation surfing in Tofino to learn how to ride it. The first couple days were trying, but at about day three I started CRUSHING IT and had a blast with the board, and now I'm a shortboard/grovelor convert. I spent a lot of time watching your other videos and wanted to say thanks for being a part of the process in helping me find the right board for me. PEACE! - 9 years ago
@Mike Yonkers Hey Mike, I don't prescribe to the XX inches shorter/taller rule. It makes no sense for most surfers (read this article & let me know your thoughts in the comments: ). For most of us, volume is a good starting point / reference point. However, given your ability and the fact you are coming down from a 7'6 as your learners board, dropping in length to a 5'10 is going to be an enormous adjustment. I usually recommend surfers in your position drop to a longer 'shortboard' at the higher end of your volume range. Have you seen this video?
Jo Marriage
Jo Marriage - 9 years ago
Hey ben! im 15 and an average surfer from the northern beaches sydney, im 6'1 nearly 6'2 and 73 kg, i wanna find a board that can be surfed well in sloppy 1,2 foot conditions and also up to 6 ft or so, i want a board to have fun on, just cruise down the line and go fast, a really stable board but also gets really loose when i try to turn it? what do you recommend for me? pretty much a board that can perform well but also have a ton of fun on and catch a heap of waves i was thinking either a HS hypto or the chilli rare bird? what board would you recommend ? also something that is not too hard on my budget 
cheers benny x
Brett Best
Brett Best - 9 years ago
I ride those fins in my hypto krypto and they are so much fun , fast and springy , best small wave fins on the market - 9 years ago
@Brett Best I agree Brett, the original EA Blackstix were my long time favourite small wave fins and the updated version is even better!

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