Cheap Walmart RC boat mods

GET THE BOAT HERE: So we got these cheap on sale boats at Meijer (sorry not walmart.. The SEO tagging made me do it!) These New Bright RC boats are pretty much junk but some Brushless motors and real RC equipment make them not suck so much once upgraded CHECK OUT SAM FOSKHUL'S CHANNEL HERE: Follow me on Instagram User: PeterSripol Patreon: Amazon affiliate links (these help grow the channel, every purchase gets me a small percentage of the sale, it costs you nothing though!) Main camera: orange camera: Drones: cheap shotgun mic: bendy tripod: gopros used: My 3D printer: Video editing software: Songs By Tobu "Roots" "Damn Son"

Cheap Walmart RC boat mods sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1627

Reviews 8 years ago 3,692,878 views

GET THE BOAT HERE: So we got these cheap on sale boats at Meijer (sorry not walmart.. The SEO tagging made me do it!) These New Bright RC boats are pretty much junk but some Brushless motors and real RC equipment make them not suck so much once upgraded CHECK OUT SAM FOSKHUL'S CHANNEL HERE: Follow me on Instagram User: PeterSripol Patreon: Amazon affiliate links (these help grow the channel, every purchase gets me a small percentage of the sale, it costs you nothing though!) Main camera: orange camera: Drones: cheap shotgun mic: bendy tripod: gopros used: My 3D printer: Video editing software: Songs By Tobu "Roots" "Damn Son"

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Most popular comments
for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods

theblacksheepvideo - 5 years ago
I only lasted 2 minutes -- bad "flashy" editing makes this video annoyingly neither informative nor entertaining.
David  Remblance
David Remblance - 5 years ago
Maybe consider UPGRADING your dictionary next time..
Anthony Holmes
Anthony Holmes - 5 years ago
How to upgrade an rc boat
Step 1: throw it away and make a new boat
King Pogo
King Pogo - 5 years ago
Up Gray that boat......
Jatin Gaikwad
Jatin Gaikwad - 5 years ago
Make a raft with rc boats pushing it
Thai Bambam
Thai Bambam - 5 years ago
U both like
ken kulaway
ken kulaway - 5 years ago
Ha I did same time thing to same boat
covenet plays
covenet plays - 5 years ago
if the boat creators saw this...
Wulfleyn - 5 years ago
This makes me wanna mod my old rc boat.

10. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods

Freak Nation
Freak Nation - 5 years ago
That’s pretty awesome bro
bob bondarul
bob bondarul - 5 years ago
Nice work
Some links to the motor, battery and other parts that you used :))
Manan Goyal
Manan Goyal - 5 years ago
They should sell Those for 22 dollars at Walmart
Doctor Medkit
Doctor Medkit - 5 years ago
If only they knew that this video would lead Pete and Same to getting tortured by Content Cop
No no
No no - 5 years ago
I was so psyched to see a video with so many technical details, discussions, and build montages again, then realized this is an old video. I know the format change was driven by youtube algorithm, but I'm still sad about it.
Christopher Gibbons
Christopher Gibbons - 5 years ago
Screws. Boats have screws not propellers.
Autobahn Vault, LLC
Autobahn Vault, LLC - 5 years ago
That sound they make after. Sick!
Aidan Shaulis
Aidan Shaulis - 5 years ago
When he pulled the hammer of the rack I thought it was a pair of numb chucks and I was like wow I thought you were upgrading it not rebuilding it
Walten / Guardian
Walten / Guardian - 5 years ago
Nafets - 5 years ago
what do you expect to cheap rc boat? Buy it 30$ and can run like a 300$ boat?

20. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods

Dylan Stacey
Dylan Stacey - 5 years ago
Put wings on the boat hell yeah
Le Momento
Le Momento - 5 years ago
What if u make the boats fly XD
PRO Plays
PRO Plays - 5 years ago
Sam: I’ll make my boat go 30 miles an hour!

Me: I have a brushless Traxxas slash so I’m going 60!
Janes Fair
Janes Fair - 5 years ago
One huge advantage you could do is add an extremely large lipo battery put up front not only will you get incredibly long run times but the added weight will help keep it from hopping as much giving much more control.
Death Stars
Death Stars - 5 years ago
Don’t get the lame ones sutch as the 20 mph get the one that is at least 100 mph that is 2,000 volt
Death Stars
Death Stars - 5 years ago
Mine faster than yours I put a speed tamoniter on it and it showed 95 mph so you mite want to get a 65 volt rc
Supra Mies
Supra Mies - 5 years ago
Cool can u explain why my speedboat doesnt speed up anymore the it got like 25kmh but now it goes like 7kmh and i if i give a litlle hand speed push i cant turn or the speed will end
Amaury Ruche
Amaury Ruche - 5 years ago
Get a pair of night vision to see video
R34P3R on Mobile
R34P3R on Mobile - 5 years ago
Has huge, amazing workshop and can’t afford a better rc boat
Ricemilkand Sugar
Ricemilkand Sugar - 5 years ago
Petersripol: makes a boat go fast in a couple hours
Me: adds gun

30. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods

Archie Sell
Archie Sell - 5 years ago
do you have plans for the massive ships?
upgrayedd - 5 years ago
i appreciate that
Tracy Macarages
Tracy Macarages - 5 years ago
My dad has a good rc car that goes 70mph
Andrew Blanche
Andrew Blanche - 5 years ago
Lol gotta do dual prop,
Erric Johnson
Erric Johnson - 5 years ago
Im sceaming add wait add wait LOL
Karl Schel
Karl Schel - 5 years ago
Upgrayeded? Ouch.
Jesse Fenton
Jesse Fenton - 5 years ago
You can't even spell upgraded right.
Eamon Birss
Eamon Birss - 5 years ago
I'm not worthy!
Marius Lauersen
Marius Lauersen - 5 years ago
Make a rc boat to a wather fly
JOEGE SHIMADA - 5 years ago
what a WORLD RECORD BREAK cool so fast RC boat
Christopher Mazerolle
Christopher Mazerolle - 5 years ago
I want your boat it looks so damn cool and the speed just wow
the gamer tag 01
the gamer tag 01 - 5 years ago
Please try to put a foil on the boats!!
john reviews
john reviews - 5 years ago
Can you make a hydrofoil vid
Noah Ali
Noah Ali - 5 years ago
could he not 3d print a prop
Brandon p
Brandon p - 5 years ago
I wish yall would tried to make a hydrofoil boat that actually completely rose up out of the water and just rode on the foils!!
GAMER X - 5 years ago
GAMER X - 5 years ago
THE RURAL RENEGADE - 5 years ago
Just add a little weight and it will perform better
SalajF - 5 years ago
Petard in the fly airplane pls pls pls
Tony Romano
Tony Romano - 5 years ago
I am doing same thing to a ft012, need to finish it!
Tony Romano
Tony Romano - 5 years ago
Most likely I made a kite.

50. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods

Tony Romano
Tony Romano - 5 years ago
“Cutel” boat!
Drake Black
Drake Black - 5 years ago
Ah shit, once in my life i need to try one of this fast rc boats, looks fun :D
Aman Chauhan
Aman Chauhan - 5 years ago
Attach machine guns in case of gator threat!
blackbirght - 5 years ago
Are you sure the boat is leaning sidewas because of swirls hitting the rudder from the side ? I think it is because of the torque.
Indrid Cold
Indrid Cold - 5 years ago
I put a 24 volt leaf blower motor in an RC plane. With the batteries and the motor, it seemed so heavy that I did not think it would fly. The owner of the plane said it was amazing and flew a very long time. He wants me to make longer wings for the model now and bigger tail.
Collin Biggs
Collin Biggs - 5 years ago
Make it throw a huge wake
Diony German
Diony German - 5 years ago
Video should be called how to build a bout on a Walmart rc frame smh pointless
Ghost Snipez
Ghost Snipez - 5 years ago
It’s upgraded
Voo Doo1
Voo Doo1 - 5 years ago
jgjuice m
jgjuice m - 5 years ago
Like Dustin said to Erik.... It Is absolutely about the idea and self challenge, more than anything else. And the craftsman/hobbyist couldn't care less about it being easier or not. The multi billion dollar trip to the moon and back .. started with a dream , a vision . Then, a collective self challenge . Who is wasting who's time.
thomas barlow
thomas barlow - 5 years ago
Why is it upgreyed instead of upgraded?
I honestly Don’t know
I honestly Don’t know - 5 years ago
I know this vid is old but you should add a second prop to counteract the torque like a quadcopter would
Johnny Gunz
Johnny Gunz - 5 years ago
Hmm... Glue some Barbies on there too make it more life like.... Or Ken's if you prefer.
Jana Hughett
Jana Hughett - 5 years ago
You're eyes
Mark Andrews
Mark Andrews - 5 years ago
You just gave me an idea guys for a little potential life saving device guys. Let me know if you'd like to discuss it or the problem I might be able to help resolve.
Chris Ferrick
Chris Ferrick - 5 years ago
You guys should make an rc hydroplane.
ivan flores
ivan flores - 5 years ago
Nice video... super cheesy music
James King
James King - 5 years ago
30 miles per hour! LOL
CoyDog790 - 5 years ago
Where did you order the parts?
Joshua Mokry
Joshua Mokry - 5 years ago
I didn’t know Walmart sold RC boats
MannyTM - 5 years ago
although I’m two years late
MannyTM - 5 years ago
Really cool video
Dan Dim
Dan Dim - 5 years ago
Peter for Weight I take Rim balance Weights from Autoshop.
RobithicaThaGreat - 5 years ago
Hmmmm grange hall road?
RobithicaThaGreat - 5 years ago
I never see any tubers in south west ohio. Neat.
AIRPLANE887 - 5 years ago
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Peter sripol: UPGRAYEDED
Addicted 2 RC
Addicted 2 RC - 5 years ago
@Ethan Qin because the comment was 3 Months ago ? why are you commenting then
Bady89 - 5 years ago
With double D for the double dose pimpin
CLONICER Nice - 5 years ago
Ethan Qin
Ethan Qin - 5 years ago
All I have to say is why r u commenting right now it was 3 years ago.
Shrillz Pilot
Shrillz Pilot - 5 years ago
All i have to say is bruh
Big Kahuna R.C.
Big Kahuna R.C. - 5 years ago
Im from Dayton Ohio I hope to do some work with you on a project one day
Matheus Cardoso
Matheus Cardoso - 5 years ago
Your works are truly amazing. I hope someday I can build some toys like that too
El Tigre
El Tigre - 5 years ago
$23 originally. How much the final price?
Chill Bill
Chill Bill - 5 years ago
Chevguy 1969
Chevguy 1969 - 5 years ago
What motor did you use in this
Gamer Only
Gamer Only - 5 years ago
Even my r/c boat that was 80$ goes way way way faster idk how fast, Maybye about half way throttle of a real speed boat
HoustonPlanespotting - 5 years ago
gamer freak it's the thrust to weight ratio, the smaller bots have a higher ratio which is why they can go as fast as you described
dnh300 - 5 years ago
Use this for races. Ultimate sleeper boat.
Boothy - 5 years ago
I think you guys are kinda misleading everyone with the title.
The rest of us haven't got boxes of spare parts to retro fit into a cheap boat.
We clicked thinking you would modify the existing parts... at least I did.
Brian Monger
Brian Monger - 5 years ago
emil flognoid
emil flognoid - 5 years ago
You spelled upgreated wrong.
Baja Boys
Baja Boys - 5 years ago
Larry Hullinger
Larry Hullinger - 5 years ago
The word is spelled upgraded not upgrayeded
Dane Hartsough
Dane Hartsough - 5 years ago
I modified mine by putting a 3s 11.5v lipo in it, works pretty well
gg man
gg man - 5 years ago
is the stock motor able to handle 12v? got one(modified controll via wifi) as well, but am running it at 5v.
Southwick Specials
Southwick Specials - 5 years ago
Ryan Lu
Ryan Lu - 5 years ago
Gotta love those outros
Kayden Williams Ramirez
Kayden Williams Ramirez - 5 years ago
Cathy Archer
Cathy Archer - 5 years ago
Spelled upgraded wrong on thumbnail
Deagan Z
Deagan Z - 5 years ago
“Upgreyeded” lol
Dax NightHawk
Dax NightHawk - 5 years ago
What’s the stuffing tube you used in that?
Tesla Cyber Truck
Tesla Cyber Truck - 5 years ago
Simon Raynor
Simon Raynor - 5 years ago
your cuts are way too early.
HankHills Gaming
HankHills Gaming - 5 years ago
1:13 flite test tools??
no u
no u - 5 years ago
my fellow Ohioan your woofer i adorable
Michael Hankins
Michael Hankins - 5 years ago
I dont think they realised that there are speed adjustment levers
MamaBriggeman - 5 years ago
U spelt upgraded wrong haha

100. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods

GetRecked 101
GetRecked 101 - 5 years ago
@painedinks lol dude its all fine and yes you passed A+
GetRecked 101
GetRecked 101 - 5 years ago
you cant spell... im sorry but its DAMN
Dan Sharma
Dan Sharma - 5 years ago
Did anyone notice he spelled upgraded wrong
samer asadia
samer asadia - 5 years ago
what ugly this Asian
Pablo Hendriks
Pablo Hendriks - 5 years ago
Gotta love the outro
Boogie Man
Boogie Man - 5 years ago
I love watching your videos guys. They are always a lot of fun
James Bennet
James Bennet - 5 years ago
Anyone else notice spelt upgraded wrong
Raghav Dessai
Raghav Dessai - 5 years ago
U r literally buying a new boat ..I mean u got nothing stock electronics ..everything u put new ..its better to buy a branded boat rather than doing this stuff
Zachary Witter
Zachary Witter - 5 years ago
I challenge you to build a home made rd boat or car
ysmael romero
ysmael romero - 5 years ago
Your vids is very very coool i love your vids
Christian Peters
Christian Peters - 5 years ago
Your boat video was a success plus I will upgrade my boat battery to a 9 to a 10 volt battery to improve speed
victor Rodrigues
victor Rodrigues - 5 years ago
Algum br
Александр Краснов
Александр Краснов - 5 years ago
Кто от сасковского?
Tommaso Bego
Tommaso Bego - 5 years ago
I have the black & white boat (the yatch).
Squashy Cat
Squashy Cat - 5 years ago
How long did this take to make
OFF2theGYM - 5 years ago
Wish you would've kept the stock internals and jsut pushed it to the max instead of gutting it and basically building a whole new boat.
It’s ya boy chips ah ho 1
It’s ya boy chips ah ho 1 - 5 years ago
Spelt upgraded wrong
It’s ya boy chips ah ho 1
It’s ya boy chips ah ho 1 - 5 years ago
Spot upgraded wrong
bastien le minh
bastien le minh - 5 years ago
Super video.... thx
DontPanic42 - 5 years ago
Mute is your friend. Most annoying music ever.
Valencia Juanito
Valencia Juanito - 5 years ago
Wall Cutter
Wall Cutter - 5 years ago
Very cool.. the trimtabs are a huge factor I am sure. Nice shop.
Firaz Bhikhie
Firaz Bhikhie - 5 years ago
More like upgreated
Richard Peralez
Richard Peralez - 5 years ago
I made a tattoo gun out of my boat in 2003.....
Tek noed
Tek noed - 5 years ago
You took a toy bot grade and make it a hobby grade bot
Matthew Mea
Matthew Mea - 5 years ago
That's not how you spell upgraded
Kolten Cordoba
Kolten Cordoba - 5 years ago
Doesn’t know how to spell upgraded
John Mackey
John Mackey - 5 years ago
I like how you did that you ever think of adding a foil to the boats?
Moey 1738
Moey 1738 - 5 years ago
And you need to UPGRADE ur spelling
Moey 1738
Moey 1738 - 5 years ago
Dave.roz-Fitness wat
N U M B - 5 years ago
Moey 1738 dude... you know what. Nevermind.
Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor - 5 years ago
Stationary front hydrofoil. Add weight over hydrofoil. Problem solved.
beejwrobel - 5 years ago
@petersripol this video was a win inside 30 seconds, well played sir.
S34N - 5 years ago
my rc boat can only go up to 20 mph ;(
Kevin Willingham
Kevin Willingham - 5 years ago
See if you can catch a fish with that boat
GuyBeingADude - 5 years ago
BALLISTIC YTXD heeehee funy vidio
Siteine_ Soulja
Siteine_ Soulja - 5 years ago
I think you might have spelt upgraded wrong but the bid is still pretty litty
Charles B W
Charles B W - 5 years ago
I wonder if taking a catamaran and putting Magnus effect across the bow of the boat could reduce the weight and add two the possible speed
Max Rodríguez
Max Rodríguez - 5 years ago
Make it fly like those fancy sail boats
Xplore FPV
Xplore FPV - 5 years ago
Can't remember if I watched this so watching it again..
You’re a Clxwn
You’re a Clxwn - 5 years ago
Ben Gilmour
Ben Gilmour - 5 years ago
He spelled Upgraded wrong!!!
Caden Koala
Caden Koala - 5 years ago
Learn to spell
Nick Poverman
Nick Poverman - 5 years ago
Buy an H101 and be done with it for $50 on gearbest it comes with two batteries and kicks ass. Don’t waste your time doing what these fools did
Atomic_Koolaid - 5 years ago
Nick Poverman they did this for fun, not for a kick ass boat. it was just to see if the can make it better and not to gain anything or save money
Comrad - 5 years ago
Finally i figured out how to spell upgrayeded
Comrad - 5 years ago
I did not know it got this much likes fucking utube
WoodenSky - 5 years ago
@UniSylveKitty i dont think you do.. he was clearly not being serious
UniSylveKitty - 5 years ago
@DolphinPlayz WoT uh...thats the joke, "thats not how you spell it" you dont get the joke
DolphinPlayz WoT
DolphinPlayz WoT - 5 years ago
Ryan Lu r/woooosh
Ryan Lu
Ryan Lu - 5 years ago
tHaT’s NoT hOw YoU sPelL It!
Vrund Patel
Vrund Patel - 5 years ago
chris testerman
chris testerman - 5 years ago
All along we were spelling it wrong, damn you public schooling!!!
NightWng120 - 5 years ago
Nice lathe
Emile van der Merwe
Emile van der Merwe - 5 years ago
I think hulls need to be better for the speeds you're going at, since they seem to be more for looks than function
Larry Scott
Larry Scott - 5 years ago
I don’t get the UPGRAYEDED joke.
Oli W
Oli W - 5 years ago
Upgraded* not grayded
Nathan T.
Nathan T. - 5 years ago
When videos force me to watch back to back 15 seconds adds, I don't give a shit what the video is of. I immediately thumbs down it.
christopher williams
christopher williams - 5 years ago
How about a hydrofoil
christopher williams
christopher williams - 5 years ago
AnalogAssassin1 - 5 years ago
3.2 million views with spelling like a retarded 2nd grader....seems legit.
Maroje Sardelich
Maroje Sardelich - 5 years ago
upgrayeded :D
Amphicorp47 - 5 years ago
You must be stupid, he was joking
Hahaha Productions
Hahaha Productions - 5 years ago
That was awesome
K Veeder
K Veeder - 5 years ago
You should make an RC aircraft carrier.
This is a thing
This is a thing - 5 years ago
What motor did you use
aquillae - 5 years ago
How abt mini gyro like seakeeper gyro (from used hdd motor)
Shayan Rahmat
Shayan Rahmat - 5 years ago
Bro tf!! It was flying for a sec
Fresh Tendash
Fresh Tendash - 5 years ago
video is pretty cool but the music is so annoying
Jason Baldwin
Jason Baldwin - 5 years ago
That's a great boat I have to get 1 my son has a fast one does 20mph
I did some upgrades to the inside and put some bumpers on the front end then repainted it metalic green with a pearl white bottom
CONRAD WILEY - 5 years ago
Need Heavy Plane *
CONRAD WILEY - 5 years ago
Ruben Mora
Ruben Mora - 5 years ago
Cool job guys! Loved the vid
T A - 5 years ago
Parents are millionaires. 20 k shop playing with 35 dollar crap. Today's engineers.
Mason McCallum
Mason McCallum - 5 years ago
Make a flying boat not a seaplane but a flying boat
Mitch Beaufoy
Mitch Beaufoy - 5 years ago
How much would you sell for?
Mr Medium
Mr Medium - 5 years ago
It would be cheaper to buy a mid rage Chinese race boat
I lik potatoes
I lik potatoes - 5 years ago
EastonBEAST101 ;-;
EastonBEAST101 ;-; - 5 years ago
M Diggingit
M Diggingit - 5 years ago
Learn how to spell upgraded
justin Lee
justin Lee - 5 years ago
Thats nice
Anthony Niester
Anthony Niester - 5 years ago
Grow Someplace
Grow Someplace - 5 years ago
Alright, here is a challenge. A remote control boat you control and ski behind. So bar you hold would be the controls.
Trent Robey
Trent Robey - 5 years ago
That was pretty fucking cool. ...I don't give a shit what all these other haters are telling ya...but honestly that shit doesn't matter. ....keep on keeping on...
stephan delongfield
stephan delongfield - 5 years ago
simply put, it shows a few techniques and basic ideas and strategies that can be used to modify a boat which is huge for someone like me that does not know much about boats! do you post videos? If so show us what you got I just like to learn from anyone that is willing to share any kind of knowledge or tricks where anyone just to be helpful and be supportive to the hobby
stephan delongfield
stephan delongfield - 5 years ago
Erik Warnes, you are absolutely right about spending a lot of money on a cheap boat to upgrade it to a boat that you could buy for cheaper than the upgrades, however I believe like someone else mentioned it about the idea of it and about being innovative and being able to make things the way that you want with a little effort. for me I am into RCC but do not know much at all about the boat but this video has inspired me and shown me that it is not difficult to change things to what you want even if not to the extreme in this particular case. The point is, instead of making a somewhat negative comment why not look at the positive of it and take that from it instead! “Just saying“
Nicholas Zastrow
Nicholas Zastrow - 5 years ago
Fake, they definitely got them at meijers not walmart.
BKRacer FPV - 5 years ago
Dayum!! huge improvement!
TEAM WU - 5 years ago
1:13 flite test tools!
Amtrak 449 Man
Amtrak 449 Man - 5 years ago
Me too
KILL___N___YOU GAMES - 5 years ago
Haha me too!!
Greg Kienle
Greg Kienle - 5 years ago
@Luke's Aircraft Reviews me to so were even.
Luke's Aircraft Reviews
Luke's Aircraft Reviews - 5 years ago
He did it on purpose to be funny
Joseph Daniels Photography
Joseph Daniels Photography - 5 years ago
Did he mean to? It's not a hard word to spell
Greg Kienle
Greg Kienle - 5 years ago
Me to... I wazn't diappointid.
Tode Bautista
Tode Bautista - 5 years ago
I Subscribe
Jason. Madara
Jason. Madara - 5 years ago
So you take an 82 $100 RC boat take parts off it and take a $20 boat or cheaper and put it on that what is the point it makes no sense you ruined a good boat to make a shity boat just a shity if not worse
Shawn - 5 years ago
Upgrayded is spelt wrong
Bobby Coakachee
Bobby Coakachee - 5 years ago
Put a gator head around that boat then you'd have something to scare the s*** out of people
Michael Collins
Michael Collins - 5 years ago
Hayted how he spelled upgrayeded
Suq Madiq
Suq Madiq - 5 years ago
I have an old Kyosho nitro boat. This has inspired me to upgrayed it to high voltage brushless power.
Ronnie Mckelvy
Ronnie Mckelvy - 5 years ago
❤ made it a hot rod boat
h3lix vz
h3lix vz - 5 years ago
Jean Lichtenberg
Jean Lichtenberg - 5 years ago
Burns My Britches
Burns My Britches - 5 years ago
How long have these 2 guys been dating each other??
T Gleeson
T Gleeson - 5 years ago
“Upgrayded” lol
Zoidberg - 5 years ago
I'll take your entire scrap
Ryan489 - 5 years ago
bro the thumb nail is spelt wrong
loud ass fucking car
loud ass fucking car - 5 years ago
Thumb nail :DDD
Hào Lâm vlog
Hào Lâm vlog - 5 years ago
Mobius Prolix
Mobius Prolix - 5 years ago
I'm only here for incorrect spellings of titles.
BenL - 5 years ago
Make a hydro foil!!
Class_37 - 5 years ago
I am a fan of yours and I think you should do the small of making a boat out of a bathtub XD
xp 273
xp 273 - 5 years ago
Asphalt 69: Boat
John Ishmael
John Ishmael - 5 years ago
Put hydrofoil wings.
Rusty Shackelford
Rusty Shackelford - 5 years ago
Ok YouTube I finally watched this video that's been in my suggestions for months.
Are you happy now?
Wray Scott
Wray Scott - 5 years ago
@GetRecked 101 you seem real mature, everyone has the right to speak freely, therefore it doesn't matter what he/she said, so f*** off.
Yavor Penev
Yavor Penev - 5 years ago
YouTube :I am gonna be happy when you watch all to videos of the 23million youtubers
Samuel Horner
Samuel Horner - 5 years ago
GetRecked 101
GetRecked 101 - 5 years ago
@Samurai Master because KAREN got in my business... dont reply hate unless you KNOW for a FACT of whats happening, have a great day god bless
Samurai Master
Samurai Master - 5 years ago
GetRecked 101 cause u got pissed at KAREN for making a comment... It's allowed
GetRecked 101
GetRecked 101 - 5 years ago
@Samurai Master why u in my business?
Samurai Master
Samurai Master - 5 years ago
GetRecked 101 why u such a d***
GetRecked 101
GetRecked 101 - 5 years ago
@Karen Sakurai the stupid one is you get a life and stop putting your thirsty lips on your dad
Karen Sakurai
Karen Sakurai - 5 years ago
@GetRecked 101 no stupid
GetRecked 101
GetRecked 101 - 5 years ago
@Karen Sakurai karen you need to shut up and stay out of this "dummy"
Karen Sakurai
Karen Sakurai - 5 years ago
@GetRecked 101 he not asking for likes dummy
GetRecked 101
GetRecked 101 - 5 years ago
just click not interested and stop trying to get likes
cathalgordon - 5 years ago
YouTube : Mission accomplished algorithm strikes again
Rusty Shackelford
Rusty Shackelford - 5 years ago
@Gaming Boi08 ... Now back off of Steven Crowder and stop censoring, banning and de-monitizing conservative Youtubers.
Gaming Boi08
Gaming Boi08 - 5 years ago
Rusty Shackelford yes
taizer - 5 years ago
Make a rc jetski that is 1:1 scale so you can ride on top of it
loud ass fucking car
loud ass fucking car - 5 years ago
Why then make it into a rc
Robert Garcia
Robert Garcia - 5 years ago
Did you mean upgraded?
Fahad Ali
Fahad Ali - 5 years ago
ЈϚhuπϯεЯ - 5 years ago
just sub' the ingenuity u guys come up with
Leggo MyEggo
Leggo MyEggo - 5 years ago
Have you ever noticed how his last name resembles stripole
Dante Brizzi
Dante Brizzi - 6 years ago
Brandon Erekson
Brandon Erekson - 6 years ago
Should have put a hydro foil on one
Cuddly J
Cuddly J - 6 years ago
How much do you want for it
sanyasi s
sanyasi s - 6 years ago
Can you put camera on boat ???
It wood be cool
Ben W
Ben W - 6 years ago
Bouhuoguihibkubkhbiu go in the algorithm please
Owen - 6 years ago
Nice spelling in the thumbnail
Lucas da Silva Dias Soares
Lucas da Silva Dias Soares - 6 years ago
Happy you is very good
sửa chữa điện thoại
sửa chữa điện thoại - 6 years ago
Các bạn thật giỏi
Term Knight25
Term Knight25 - 6 years ago
And that's how mafia works
Gamerboy360 - 6 years ago
5:56 Dangerous?
MarlicianoYT - 6 years ago
It's upgraded
De Jesus Rome
De Jesus Rome - 6 years ago
Your always mistreating stuff donated,or brought to you
MegaBirdman2 - 5 years ago
I don't recall anyone asking your opinion do you ??? I think not !!!
De Jesus Rome
De Jesus Rome - 6 years ago
Stop punching, kicking and throwing stuff donated to you ... I'm starting to see that your just a SPOILED BRAT!!!! I'm pretty sure I not the only person who sees this...
MAD SNAX - 6 years ago
I really wish i have the half of cool ness of peter
neil Sebastian PH
neil Sebastian PH - 6 years ago
0:42 then 4:16
ILLEST_k1LLS - 6 years ago
Make a flying boat
Philipsintheshop - 6 years ago
Try putting a mini canon on the boat.
jenbill1602 - 6 years ago
What would happen if extended the propeller shaft further out just past the ruder so that it's not in the churning?
Me - 6 years ago
You need a girlfriend
COSTUNA A. - 6 years ago
Hi sir .. how to improve the speed of dinamo?
John Surratt
John Surratt - 6 years ago
Inpellers and hydroplanes
grand builder
grand builder - 6 years ago
Add a edf motor a small edf
TV_Cactus Life
TV_Cactus Life - 6 years ago
I'm having difficulty making hobby boats from scratch, do you have any advice? It would be lovely to hear the guiding voice of a professional on my channel. Thank You.
Laverine Nuestro
Laverine Nuestro - 6 years ago
What kind of hilarious comedy is this
E c
E c - 6 years ago
Awesome vid guys
Nihil DeGrasse
Nihil DeGrasse - 6 years ago
Let it be ...
preston121068 - 6 years ago
Ok, let me see if I've got this right. You took a $22.00 boat and made it perform about as good as a $100.00 boat? For about $300.00 total??
E c
E c - 6 years ago
Is about having fun you fuck nutt!
Carter’s Trains
Carter’s Trains - 6 years ago
Shop "walmart rc boat"
Valentino g
Valentino g - 6 years ago
I cant believe you spelled upgraded wrong in the thumbnail you spelled it like upgrayded like the color gray XD
TPN, the pro noob
TPN, the pro noob - 6 years ago
Liam Harvey
Liam Harvey - 6 years ago
What does upgrayeded mean
teknowafel sam
teknowafel sam - 6 years ago
Ah... My favorite...

the B o n z i
Mena The Official
Mena The Official - 6 years ago
Reddit is like :


FusionGaming - 5 years ago
Cjstricklen111 r/ihavereddit
rexius775 - 5 years ago
Gois itz judt pramk
rexius775 - 5 years ago
Stamp oit noahow
Cjstricklen111 - 5 years ago
Mena The Official why you, why you bullin me
Mena The Official
Mena The Official - 5 years ago
Cjstricklen111 y u bully me
Cjstricklen111 - 5 years ago
Mena The Official r/foundthemobleuser
L. Ulrich
L. Ulrich - 6 years ago
Can you make a plane on top of a boat and make the boat fly?
runstreetsofvegas - 6 years ago
That was cool. I love stuffing shit that don't belong in other r/c's
Building&Filming - 6 years ago
If you wanna see another DIY boat video Chack out my latest video. Yes, I’m using Peter Sripol for views!
Saucy Gamer
Saucy Gamer - 6 years ago
You should make a rc car boat but also make a plane
Hog Wart
Hog Wart - 6 years ago
The salt water will destroy them.
TheGodFather - 6 years ago
Your an idiot if you think all of this is 300$ or more -_- for the parts.
Oomuu - 6 years ago
knut riis
knut riis - 6 years ago
Please turn down or off the background electronic noise.
Eh Doh
Eh Doh - 6 years ago
dys the dice
dys the dice - 6 years ago
Come for Peter stay for Sam
Steve Engholm
Steve Engholm - 6 years ago
yur a hack
Henry Cunningham
Henry Cunningham - 6 years ago
One day you should mod something and then take it back to the store
Retarded Noob
Retarded Noob - 6 years ago
Dylan White
Dylan White - 6 years ago
It this even worth it?
TheBluSword - 6 years ago
Getting roblox tycoon vibes from this
ButteredEggs - 6 years ago
Maicen Rogers
Maicen Rogers - 6 years ago
Upgraded ?
Four ZeroFour
Four ZeroFour - 6 years ago
Add a torpedo launcher to one and then use it to (while jumping over another boat like you did here) shoot down an RC helicopter.

... Please?
dieselrotor - 6 years ago
Fun ! I do this shit too. What RC pilot hasn't made a powered glider from one of those white foam throw planes ! It flew great ! Hey, I have a Turnigy 50cc, 2 6S, and a 150amp sc ! Should I build a boat LOL (JK) . nice work guys, had fun watching.
Verynooby117 - 6 years ago
This is cool and all but what your suppose to do is just buy a quility one from the beginning
NDalle - 6 years ago
do you guys recycle?
coiby346 - 6 years ago
Buy one of those. Dont take it out of the box and make it a plane
Daniel Morgan
Daniel Morgan - 6 years ago
Sweet - 6 years ago
Make RC car speed like 40
psycronizer - 6 years ago
just invert the rudder, have it pointing up into the air !
Ediardo Suson
Ediardo Suson - 6 years ago
Love it but not the music or is it noise
Dusko Strbac
Dusko Strbac - 6 years ago
better go hunt some pussy,
Jeffrey Hartwig
Jeffrey Hartwig - 6 years ago
2:11 cool tinker room!!
Jimbo Bojim
Jimbo Bojim - 6 years ago
The shot is called ballast in this application, for future reference.
Jacob Sereres
Jacob Sereres - 6 years ago
What is the point of using motors that are shit? Why not use decent motors?
dourabbawinner - 6 years ago
My parent shave two boats from walmart. I might have to steal one and upgrade it.
Parker Bedford
Parker Bedford - 6 years ago
Is that Flite Test motors used on a boat?
dastardlyman - 6 years ago
you are great with the technicals AND you make great videos. well done sir!
Deez Nuttz
Deez Nuttz - 6 years ago
Fastest yacht in the world
Louie Dobson
Louie Dobson - 6 years ago
Why not use the boat you all ready have
Jim Nichols
Jim Nichols - 6 years ago
When the word upgreyded is used in the description. ....
Connolly 500 The Fox
Connolly 500 The Fox - 6 years ago
How much did it cost to make? And I want one
Kwokwing - 6 years ago
Built a home made water jet to have fun again.
jose ruiz
jose ruiz - 6 years ago
Hate the song tbh
Len De Silva
Len De Silva - 6 years ago
Man, If you could just add gayer music ... that would be precious. Oh wait, there is nothing gayer than that music.
Two Watt
Two Watt - 6 years ago
Santiago Hincapie
Santiago Hincapie - 6 years ago
you are an incredible man
danztastic - 6 years ago
that is fast but my boat looks faster,my boat is all battery n perfectly weighted.96kmh instantly
karl wood
karl wood - 6 years ago
add a lead keel, needs more weight, lol i should watch whole video before commenting, my bad
karl wood
karl wood - 6 years ago
shame the name hacksmith is taken
karl wood
karl wood - 6 years ago
upgrayded? lol not smart at everything huh but thats ok you far make up for it.
Thanos Garcia
Thanos Garcia - 6 years ago
On the thumbnail he spelt upgraded wrong i was like "the faq he spelt it wrong"
SUZUYA JOUZZOO - 6 years ago
Btw you spelt upgraded wrong
Joshua Buckner
Joshua Buckner - 6 years ago
Nigga said upgrayeded
Mike Flix
Mike Flix - 6 years ago
Thats a really cool video. Those boats are crazy fast, way better than the crap you bought at the store. The original parts in the boats were pathetic.
Gj Moss
Gj Moss - 6 years ago
Make a r-c vehicle that can go on water, land, and can fly.
Frank Cassianna
Frank Cassianna - 6 years ago
Peter did you just eyeball the amount of weight in your keel? Very cool Living through you is so Zen....
Biz .08
Biz .08 - 6 years ago
The time you guys invest into making these toys/experiments really make me appreciate the video
lucas gonzalez aleman
lucas gonzalez aleman - 6 years ago
do a flying boat!! that would be really nice
Ultrasonic pro Gamer playz
Ultrasonic pro Gamer playz - 6 years ago
I like your vedo so much
TheNeonGuy - 6 years ago
Adel Cruz
Adel Cruz - 6 years ago
The only reading I clicked on this vid is because he misspelled upgraded
David Baker
David Baker - 6 years ago
Do a giveaway
Tijmen Baars
Tijmen Baars - 6 years ago
Make foils under the boat
daannes - 6 years ago
if its goes out of the water is it perfect

because you want the same as planes as les friction as you can get so you need to try to get your prop deeper

sorry for the bad engels
Trained_Unprofessional - 6 years ago
Is the big boat the same as the utility rug?
ZottelHD - 6 years ago
What does the "UPGRAYEDEDED" at the thumbnail mean?
Kris Adventures
Kris Adventures - 6 years ago
Im watching this because I might try this cause i have the same one lol
Online Anand
Online Anand - 6 years ago
Hak Bak
Hak Bak - 6 years ago
Joeteck - 6 years ago
Wait, you didn't know that BEFORE you built it? 4:40 Would have been a 5 minute video vs 10?
lovebird mic
lovebird mic - 6 years ago
Make a cruise ship that is accurate in size to those and the speed is "accurate" (Not crazy fast like these)...
mr twollock
mr twollock - 6 years ago
why i wish i paid attention at school
TJ David
TJ David - 6 years ago
124 mph wow
Dane Phillips
Dane Phillips - 6 years ago
nice job☺
stopmotion master
stopmotion master - 6 years ago
0:21 lol
Kerbin Centurion
Kerbin Centurion - 6 years ago
how the hell is everything in America so cheap compared to Australia. For a boat like that, Australian hobby shops would charge like $75 USD this is BS
The LolGamer
The LolGamer - 6 years ago
Best outro ever
HEWRAH - 6 years ago
Do double barell shotgun
muhd hakim abd rahman
muhd hakim abd rahman - 6 years ago
are u tobu
John Surratt
John Surratt - 6 years ago
Use wheel weights from tire shop for weights
John Surratt
John Surratt - 6 years ago
Does your dad know your playing in his shop
chuckufarly65 - 6 years ago
You won't see these guys crying at the LHS repair counter. If you built it you can fix it.
Braylie Rigby
Braylie Rigby - 6 years ago
Can you give me one please
bwiles12 - 6 years ago
I have that new bright boat I put a Traxxas XL 5 speed controller and the Titan 550 in it, and then used the waterproof Traxxas 2056 servo and Traxxas Rx and Tx, left over parts from doing a brushless upgrade in the stampede, it’s sitting on the shelf at my barbershop yet to be tried out.
Melek Tshowa
Melek Tshowa - 6 years ago
He lives in Cincinnati Ohio
xXHuBsXx LuFfet
xXHuBsXx LuFfet - 6 years ago
U guyz are crazy genius
just for fun
just for fun - 6 years ago
for the sake of knowledge i need a arduino kit is there any can help I will appreciate your help

by the way i like your works man greetings from morocco
Faux Shizle
Faux Shizle - 6 years ago
Cheap if you have 20k worth of equipment doing jack shit in your garage. Fuck off.
Jesse Atchley
Jesse Atchley - 6 years ago
Your the same guy that burned $70,000 on your Youtube channel, and said it was all of the money you wasted at college right..? USA MONEY
Zoom Doge
Zoom Doge - 6 years ago
put wings on it so it can take flight like a flying fish!
SPerkins - 6 years ago
That boat is sick I love that idea,for 22$ you will kill a traxxas Spartan,nice job dude I'm gonna build one,I've been wanting s boat but if I'm gonna spend a lot of money on an rc it will be a car,like I said the skinny dudes boat is sick if buy it from u if I could
Hamdi Hashlamoun
Hamdi Hashlamoun - 6 years ago
I wish I had that boat
NYTFHS Oh Yeah - 6 years ago
His mom's poor basement
John Bossnack
John Bossnack - 6 years ago
I love rc boats...any plans for submarines?
FunnySkeleton - 6 years ago
Spelled upgraded wrong on thumbnail
I Like To Bike
I Like To Bike - 6 years ago
I couldn’t stop laughing in the first part
Ken Gideon
Ken Gideon - 6 years ago
Whats your email pls provide would like to do business I'm in the islands so this should be dope to sell here.
grk651 - 6 years ago
First of all, the rudder does not go directly behind the drive prop.
ICEBOI 2FLYY - 6 years ago
Damn that boat can out run the coastguard lmao
Ismael Rodriguez
Ismael Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Hi Peter, can share the spec of the parts used on your boat... Thanks
Erica Christian
Erica Christian - 6 years ago
can you make me one.
MG OLIVEIRA95 - 6 years ago
Where do you get the better engine for this
Game Life
Game Life - 6 years ago
Can you send me one of your boat builds just any of them
Troy Childress
Troy Childress - 6 years ago
Mine goes 32km/h mph
Farda Crip
Farda Crip - 6 years ago
Good shit
mosfet51 - 6 years ago
Glad to see that there are boys with brains in the world. Good job guys. Where did you get the parbond adhesive?
kort husney
kort husney - 6 years ago
What esc and servo did u use for the boat?
No One Special
No One Special - 6 years ago
Cool video. Horrible music! Bummer.
Brenner Dennis
Brenner Dennis - 6 years ago
Do you just have a rc car in your car
[CSMC] BIR-DIE - 6 years ago
Muhammad Badrul Amin
Muhammad Badrul Amin - 6 years ago
K V - 6 years ago
Peter really knows fabrication. Good man!
BBC Bbc - 6 years ago
I live in the neighborhood behind that pond
Hero Teodoro
Hero Teodoro - 6 years ago
Ok great video but fix ur spelling xD
ap0lmc - 6 years ago
Don't add weights add a much bigger motor and battery
per høgh jensen
per høgh jensen - 6 years ago
Hejjjj. Please Tel me være i Can by the last bot in you video
bob ross
bob ross - 6 years ago
Does youtube have a selection of crappy techno type music to choose from? Because I keep hearing almost the same crappy tunes on a lot of videos.
brandon galvezplas
brandon galvezplas - 6 years ago
Hey tu vos a los del barco
snaproll94e - 6 years ago
Try putting the rudder shaft at an angle. Tilting it so the top of the shaft is toward the bow will lift the nose when you turn.
Wyatt Belanger
Wyatt Belanger - 6 years ago
2 D's for his double dose of pimping
Ender Sackboy
Ender Sackboy - 6 years ago
Andre Feria
Andre Feria - 6 years ago
Logan Elder
Logan Elder - 6 years ago
Why... your to nice you could have made it ten minutes!!?!?!?
Kush prajapati
Kush prajapati - 6 years ago
show the video of day time
the bronylike superchannel
the bronylike superchannel - 6 years ago
make a boat with an impeller
:-) :-) :-) :-)
Dumb Kids On Bikes
Dumb Kids On Bikes - 6 years ago
Hmmmm try tieing a weight to the inside of the hull
Théry S.
Théry S. - 6 years ago
Cool to see that my videos inspired you !
MarMar Zy
MarMar Zy - 6 years ago
Make a boat for me pleaase
Ce Phelps
Ce Phelps - 6 years ago
Niceeeeeeee great work
manoman0 - 6 years ago
That's not a mod, man, you didn't even leave the chassis alone. This needs a new VIN no.!
CHECKER FLAG RC - 6 years ago
Just could of went and bought an rtr for like 70 bucks instead of doing all that smh I hate brand bashers
White Trash Bandit270
White Trash Bandit270 - 6 years ago
I tried putting RC plane guts in a cheap boat.. It had torque roll so bad it would flip over.
Alex Paulsen
Alex Paulsen - 6 years ago
Gunther Stottlemyer
Gunther Stottlemyer - 6 years ago
I want those boats not upgraded there so cool!
Cars & Eurobeat
Cars & Eurobeat - 6 years ago
666k subs, CONGRATS!
cgrant26 - 6 years ago
Range brass! lol You should build an RC reloading press.
Titanfall Boi 6969
Titanfall Boi 6969 - 6 years ago
Upload more plz
Simo wood
Simo wood - 6 years ago
Love it but loose the music
QuestWalker KO
QuestWalker KO - 6 years ago
Took me a second to notice the mispelling in the thumbnail
Joshua Rooney
Joshua Rooney - 6 years ago
What controller do u use
kort husney
kort husney - 6 years ago
do u know what the esc and servo were
Joshua Rooney
Joshua Rooney - 6 years ago
kort husney thx
kort husney
kort husney - 6 years ago
FlySky FS-i6-M2 2.4GHz 6-Channel Transmitter
Christopher Box
Christopher Box - 6 years ago
my dad made a fast rc boat too
Anthony M
Anthony M - 6 years ago
Play Game
Play Game - 6 years ago
Austin williums
Austin williums - 6 years ago
goldengamer 30001
goldengamer 30001 - 6 years ago
Kevin the cube
Kevin the cube - 6 years ago
Eli Malka
Eli Malka - 6 years ago
good job guys
Esk K
Esk K - 6 years ago
Spelling upgrayded how it sounds lmao. But after looking at the video it makes sense why it was spelt that way.
Jafy Boy
Jafy Boy - 6 years ago
Upgrayeded... oh ok...
Simon Aug
Simon Aug - 6 years ago
Matthew Charles Featherstone
Matthew Charles Featherstone - 6 years ago
Would fix an RC boat that we would send to you
Gsxr 600
Gsxr 600 - 6 years ago
I am trying to run a group to help kids in poverty I am putting my own free time and money into this as well if youse have any parts that you could give to help the kids to build quads would be appreciated as Every time I show them my Mavic pro their faces light up thank you
Steampunker X
Steampunker X - 6 years ago
I'd call it a whole new boat.
Johnny Boy
Johnny Boy - 6 years ago
That's mad scientist level shenanigans. Nicely done. You guys are awesome. How long did the mods take? Days?
Luca - 6 years ago
Broo ur so good i love ur vids
Julu22 stego
Julu22 stego - 6 years ago
Male a hidrofoil rc boat
300 600
300 600 - 6 years ago
That ending made me sub
Julian Travels
Julian Travels - 6 years ago
Good, now put wings on them
Robert Merrick
Robert Merrick - 6 years ago
Make it into hydrofoil
Extreme Tester
Extreme Tester - 6 years ago
2:12 why this airplane move
Ding Chavez
Ding Chavez - 6 years ago
how cute, using all of daddies tools
MaxMorgan - 6 years ago
Love you guys, this is fun;)
Hell Bound
Hell Bound - 6 years ago
The ONLY thing OR as you probably call it SKILL that you have that everyone else doesn't have is money. By k off
A H - 6 years ago
Your voice doesnt match your face, just saying... You need an Indian or Arab accent...jus saying that be cooler.
John Conrad
John Conrad - 6 years ago
that's really cool. sell the design to Walmart
Bryan Nelson
Bryan Nelson - 6 years ago
What a big upgrade lol. Those things fkn fly!
Robert Stump
Robert Stump - 6 years ago
Pretty awesome. Good to see youth doing positive things other than thug activities
AppleWomby - 6 years ago
Nice outro
Scotty - 6 years ago
Peter stop F**king around with children shit and build something adult like a Real nice aircraft not like that death trap one but a real!!! nice homebuilt.
Alex Moncada
Alex Moncada - 6 years ago
U misspled thumbnail
matthew ryan
matthew ryan - 6 years ago
Please stop making wrong spelling heres the right spelling upgraded every one has nose bleeds becuse of your wrong spellings and you not a kid
Phantom Fox Gaming
Phantom Fox Gaming - 6 years ago
JerryDoesThings - 6 years ago
Michael Holden
Michael Holden - 6 years ago
Would luv for you to build me one I'll pay you for it great video very smart guys get in touch with me thanks out of North Carolina said that
agruka - 6 years ago
Ghost airplane 2:10
Wellons007 YT
Wellons007 YT - 6 years ago
That not how you spell upgraded
The one named Avee
The one named Avee - 6 years ago
put some gopro on it?
Captain Noob
Captain Noob - 6 years ago
4:04 LOL
Cassy Locsin
Cassy Locsin - 6 years ago
Its Upgraded your killing me.
Mr. Blue Galaxy
Mr. Blue Galaxy - 6 years ago
Princess Marco Turdina
Princess Marco Turdina - 6 years ago
I think you voided the warranty
Josh You Can
Josh You Can - 6 years ago
Should have added a little weight to the boats..
IOnlyMadeThisNameToHitTheCharacterLimit90909090909 - 6 years ago
Took me two fucking years to notice the thumbnail.
Mata Maggio
Mata Maggio - 6 years ago
Please do a part 2... And a part 3... Maybe a lill part 4 action after that...
rachelle budinsky
rachelle budinsky - 6 years ago
Add hydrofoils
Ean Scoots_yt
Ean Scoots_yt - 6 years ago
Make a vid on how you did that
OneEyeDrone - 6 years ago
those boats were great when stock ... made them useless with all that power lol
Anttac221 - 6 years ago
these are PLANES
Charles Edward M
Charles Edward M - 6 years ago
What's for the hammer?
Ken's Games and vlogs
Ken's Games and vlogs - 6 years ago
do another one
Andhika Ferdiansyah
Andhika Ferdiansyah - 6 years ago
that 100$ ?
D Bonzi
D Bonzi - 6 years ago
4:16 and now we have potato cameras!!!!!!!!!!
Chrimson Reaper
Chrimson Reaper - 6 years ago
Sharlina Mack
Sharlina Mack - 6 years ago
Can I the upgraded mod
Larry Song
Larry Song - 6 years ago
These boat hulls aren't designed for high speed. There dudes are waiting time putting all these fancy stuff in.
Davon Lavon De claro
Davon Lavon De claro - 6 years ago
Hey do a official boat race
Rainfall56 Wolf
Rainfall56 Wolf - 6 years ago
I love your video
deejaytrizay - 6 years ago
buy a 22$ boat...put tons of hours....tens of thousands of dollars of equipment in us....tons of money to upgrade....yeah...not a 22$ boat anymore.
Max Turner
Max Turner - 6 years ago
please make a hydrofoil boat
Hichem Hichem
Hichem Hichem - 6 years ago
Très beau travail les mecs
MegaBirdman2 - 5 years ago
thrower I think ???
Axe Legend
Axe Legend - 6 years ago
Eric Lindsay-Baker
Eric Lindsay-Baker - 6 years ago
Spelling, ftl
FrostyMedia - 6 years ago
Zev Wilhite
Zev Wilhite - 6 years ago
Honestly I wouldn't take the time to modify the enigine. I would probs just slap an E class model rocket engine on it and let it loose
Shirodine - 6 years ago
this is very cool
Brooks Van Pelt
Brooks Van Pelt - 6 years ago
I really hope he didn't actually throw away those electronics
Tjphasetothemax - 6 years ago
what helps a boat go faster is hydrofoil
Epic_Fuzion Gaming
Epic_Fuzion Gaming - 6 years ago
First thing I am going to take out th- +starts taking part+
vinny142 - 6 years ago
So you took a cheap boat and replaced everything except the hull... so basically you built boats using a cheap hull.

POintless video.
Reiki Shinzou
Reiki Shinzou - 6 years ago
Your guys' weather and area looks like the indiana/kentucky/illinois area :\
Beck Curtis
Beck Curtis - 6 years ago
Where can I find the parts for this?
RcCarWorld - 6 years ago
Can you please make another vid like this its amezing!!
Teddly - 6 years ago
SG bassin
SG bassin - 6 years ago
Wayden Colebrooke
Wayden Colebrooke - 6 years ago
That boat is so slow
Sidnei Frade
Sidnei Frade - 6 years ago
Gambiarra do kct kkkkkk
Carlos Danger
Carlos Danger - 6 years ago
Both listing to the right real bad
Uswin Wood
Uswin Wood - 6 years ago
Very cool! Hydro Foil it!
TheCraftinFluffy - 6 years ago
7:30 make a glider then
TheCraftinFluffy - 6 years ago
If they are so cheap why dont the companies put these in instead
TheCraftinFluffy - 6 years ago
2:00 How babies r born
Laid back Bird lover
Laid back Bird lover - 6 years ago
That's cool
Cypher P4ND4S 2
Cypher P4ND4S 2 - 6 years ago
I tried to do the same and I had prop probs
panpan the best
panpan the best - 6 years ago
You should make it so it has two Motors
Stijn Kasius
Stijn Kasius - 6 years ago
If you would add some weight it would have better"traction"
Xùr, Agent of The Nine
Xùr, Agent of The Nine - 6 years ago
U P G R A Y E D E D ?
Mr.Smithy - 6 years ago
When you to lazy to search up upgraded
Jai plays
Jai plays - 6 years ago
Upgraded its better!
ian long
ian long - 6 years ago
If you switch it to a dual propeller with alternating directions that should reduce the torque
Noname - 6 years ago
Should’ve put twin motors and props to counter the torque
LcrafterM - 6 years ago
24 volts of power???
62beaverboy lumberjack
62beaverboy lumberjack - 6 years ago
when you going to hawaii
guilty but insane
guilty but insane - 6 years ago
I love your work station!
Marvin Kitfox
Marvin Kitfox - 6 years ago
Did you paint the topside grey?
If you paint that bit red, would it be upredeyed?
Cybernonymous G
Cybernonymous G - 6 years ago
Faster than a shark
NorthStar Racing
NorthStar Racing - 6 years ago
You should do more builds like this except heres a challenge. Make some boats from scratch and try to drag race them and see whos design was better
Tristan Kremer
Tristan Kremer - 6 years ago
Could you send me one of those boats
C1bb 3
C1bb 3 - 6 years ago
Honestly crazy how sum people can just take something apart and rebuild it from start and make it better than before and know exactly what their doing the whole time and have it built in their head before they do it just amazes me
Scotty - 6 years ago
This guy deserves more subs
Aerial - 6 years ago
The world is definitely a better place, thanks for your contribution.
Vod Kanokers
Vod Kanokers - 6 years ago
Ideocrazy Movie Gangster upgrayeded?
Connor Sobolewski
Connor Sobolewski - 6 years ago
Where'd you get the universal joint ???
NJ Eddie
NJ Eddie - 6 years ago
The reason the boats tend to rotate is the torque from the spinning rotor in the motor, not the prop.
Kenny Martinboyz702
Kenny Martinboyz702 - 6 years ago
Good idea looks like fun!! My question is don't your brushless motors over heat?
RilBitz - 6 years ago
Upgradeyed xD
Azmi J
Azmi J - 6 years ago
hey, i was wondering how did you guy's learn to modify these boats! you guys are pro's at modifiying those rc boats!
Del Cox
Del Cox - 6 years ago
I think I misread the title. I thought it was "CHEAP Walmart-RC-boat mods", not "cheap-Walmart-RC-boat mods".
C Truemner
C Truemner - 6 years ago
(Takes out literally everything) “now that we have all the junk parts out...”
-NineTailed- - 6 years ago
7:05 where did you get that in the back right? With your name on it
Lewis Robinson
Lewis Robinson - 6 years ago
Upgraded !!!!!!
Scott cote
Scott cote - 6 years ago
u should of returned it and then leave it
after moded
Zulfitri Fahmii
Zulfitri Fahmii - 6 years ago
Briar Hood
Briar Hood - 6 years ago
Two Ds for a double dose of his pimpin.
BWanderers - 6 years ago
All the time in the world for stuff like this.
Todd and Molly Merry
Todd and Molly Merry - 6 years ago
I will give you 100$ if u can Skip to 9:57
FANTAIL - 6 years ago
The 30th time watching this (never gets old)
sparky Mccormick
sparky Mccormick - 6 years ago
I love the drop fx's
The Stuff I Make
The Stuff I Make - 6 years ago
Make a submarine
Palau Van Helden
Palau Van Helden - 6 years ago
24 Volts of POWER...
zztop3000 - 6 years ago
Gay music bro
Erik-Jan Heida
Erik-Jan Heida - 6 years ago
where did you buy your time? i want to buy some too!
Stephen Gilstrap
Stephen Gilstrap - 6 years ago
I remember when I had a car and my brother had a boat. We were driving them around and the signals somehow swapped and I started controlling his boat out of nowhere. Sadly, he drove my car into the pool and I cried for hours. That’s like one of my only reallllly young memories in my life.
Antonio Verdejo
Antonio Verdejo - 6 years ago
Thats sad you should race atleast 1 or 2 feet away from each other.
Lvl 5. Mage
Lvl 5. Mage - 6 years ago
They should have had a war with both of them

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