Cheap Walmart RC boat mods
Reviews 8 years ago 3,692,878 views
GET THE BOAT HERE: So we got these cheap on sale boats at Meijer (sorry not walmart.. The SEO tagging made me do it!) These New Bright RC boats are pretty much junk but some Brushless motors and real RC equipment make them not suck so much once upgraded CHECK OUT SAM FOSKHUL'S CHANNEL HERE: Follow me on Instagram User: PeterSripol Patreon: Amazon affiliate links (these help grow the channel, every purchase gets me a small percentage of the sale, it costs you nothing though!) Main camera: orange camera: Drones: cheap shotgun mic: bendy tripod: gopros used: My 3D printer: Video editing software: Songs By Tobu "Roots" "Damn Son"
Step 1: throw it away and make a new boat
10. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods
Nice work
Some links to the motor, battery and other parts that you used :))
20. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods
Me: I have a brushless Traxxas slash so I’m going 60!
Me: adds gun
30. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods
50. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods
Absolutely no one:
Peter sripol: UPGRAYEDED
The rest of us haven't got boxes of spare parts to retro fit into a cheap boat.
We clicked thinking you would modify the existing parts... at least I did.
100. comment for Cheap Walmart RC boat mods
I did some upgrades to the inside and put some bumpers on the front end then repainted it metalic green with a pearl white bottom
Are you happy now?
It wood be cool
the B o n z i
... Please?
because you want the same as planes as les friction as you can get so you need to try to get your prop deeper
sorry for the bad engels
by the way i like your works man greetings from morocco
:-) :-) :-) :-)
POintless video.
Did you paint the topside grey?
If you paint that bit red, would it be upredeyed?
after moded