Chilli Rare Bird Surfboard Review no.20 | Compare Surfboards

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Explosively fast & lively small to medium size wave all rounder, this is the Chilli Surfboards Rare Bird surfboard review at Benny's Boardroom. I love this surfboard and haven't heard a bad thing about it. What do you think? -------------- + See the Full Review with Full Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Ride Pluses/Minuses, Comparisons to Similar Models and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

Chilli Rare Bird Surfboard Review no.20 | Compare Surfboards sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reviews 11 years ago 24,906 views

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Explosively fast & lively small to medium size wave all rounder, this is the Chilli Surfboards Rare Bird surfboard review at Benny's Boardroom. I love this surfboard and haven't heard a bad thing about it. What do you think? -------------- + See the Full Review with Full Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Ride Pluses/Minuses, Comparisons to Similar Models and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

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Most popular comments
for Chilli Rare Bird Surfboard Review no.20 | Compare Surfboards

kiwi living
kiwi living - 6 years ago
hi benny,IM very interested in the chilli rarebird im wondering how would this compare to the js air 17
Jack Schreuder
Jack Schreuder - 7 years ago
could anyone give me some dim suggestions on this thing im 65 kilos quite fit and a competent inter/advanced surfer i usually surf between 27 to 28 litres but was think to size up on this as im due for a growth spurt and i dont want to out grow it so maybe 29 or 30
Florian Oswald
Florian Oswald - 7 years ago
Hi Ben, I am going to Indonesia soon and been thinking about a rare bird or a v3 rocket. Currently i am surfing a 6.0 weirdo ripper which i really like! Just want something faster since i am only intermediate and have problems some times getting enough speed and still turn ... thx - 7 years ago
Oh, and between the two, I would go the Lost V3 Rocket for Indo! - 7 years ago
Hi Florian, we had a similar questions about what surfboards to take to Indonesia recently! Check out this awesome post we wrote: "HOW TO PACK FOR SURF TRAVEL TO INDONESIA, THE PROVEN LIST":

All the best,
Benny & Team BB
101unz - 7 years ago
Florian Oswald how'd you go and what did you buy? Any good?
Sean Goodman
Sean Goodman - 7 years ago
Hi Benny I am looking to get a Rare Bird or Rusty Grim Ripper for so cal summer mush. What are your thoughts? Than you
james williams
james williams - 7 years ago
I love my rare bird! I'm 80kg intermediate/advanced and got the 5'9 29litre. It loves a late drop and pulling into barrels. I've been surfing it here in Lombok indo where it goes awesome in the punchy shoulder to head high days where my other board a lost v2 rocket is too flat and the tail is too wide to push it as hard as I would like. When I get back to the east coast Aus this will be my new daily driver!! I'm running large blue g.a.m fins by Channel Islands !
Super Stoked!!!!!
Cheers for the review Ben!!!
Marc Rademacher
Marc Rademacher - 8 years ago
Hi Benny,
although this is a an older thread I hope to get a reply.
I just brought an js blakbox round tail. It is the 4th blakbox I own, but this one is a lemon. Normally I have a little more then 30l in these kind of boards. the round tail I brought is 31,3l in 5'11. I am 178cm and 80kg confident surfer ( 20 years experience 5 surfs per week) but not a ripper. the blakbox paddels nicely but I have a hard time to surf it top to bottom. It wants to surf in big eight, loves to generate speed that is to be burned in big gauges. But hitting the lip is hard!
I am looking for a board with the same range of waves (2-4ft+) for all conditions that paddels as or almost as good as the blakbox but is more reactivate.
1. Do you think the rare bird would be an alterative due to the narrower tail?
2.Or am I on the wrong track and need to look more for a monstabox / piripiri type of all-rounder?
3. Will I sacrifice a lot of wave count be switching the blakbox to a monstabox / piripiri type of board?
4. between monstabox and piripiri. what's your favourite?
thanks for your help! - 7 years ago
I haven't ridden the Monsta Box but know many who have and have heard similar feedback! I like the suggestion of the Sampler - I had one and loved it!
101unz - 7 years ago
Marc Rademacher I have ridden the monster box and the black box 2. They are so different. I struggled to catch waves on the monster box. It's not as user friendly. I have a suggestion that's possibly in between. A channel islands sampler. They are user friendly and can turn well with the hip on tail. My black box 2 felt sluggish. Even the utility new flyer worked well and has more performance than the js. I ordered a rare bird but haven't received yet. I ordered for the tail in shoulder to overhead surf. See how it goes soon.
Jake Richards
Jake Richards - 8 years ago
awsome review. i want a rare bird now!!!!!!
Ferdinand Arcinue
Ferdinand Arcinue - 8 years ago
Chilli's just became available in CA! How would you compare the Rare Bird to the Quiver Killer?
waterhose321 - 9 years ago
Hi benny,

Great review! I'm currently looking at 2 boards. The rare bird and the lost V3, what would you recommend? I'm currently riding the lost Rv for the small Sydney summer surf but am looking at something that I can get on its rails. I'm around 87kgs & 6'3 tall. I generally surf short board that are 5'11 or 6'0 ft long. What's the major difference between the rare bird and the v3? And what do you reckon would suit me best for Sydney northern bleachers surf?


10. comment for Chilli Rare Bird Surfboard Review no.20 | Compare Surfboards

Martijn van Hoek
Martijn van Hoek - 9 years ago
Hi Benny,
I ride the 5,11" Rare Bird and I love it. It's fast, as you mention, explosively fast:) And it feels very free and light on the feet. I surf it in Holland - beaches around Amsterdam, but also in the powerful surf of the Canary Islands. It's the best board ever and its durable too. Cheers!
Tim Blizzard
Tim Blizzard - 9 years ago
Hey benny,

Would you recommend this for a bigger guy (100kg), pretty fit (surf 5 days a week), mid to strong intermediate (linking turns in head high+), & lives in Sydney? I'm basically looking for my first performance short-board (i'm riding a fat and wide 40lt 6.0 with a really wide square tail). I'm not made of money so i'm after a board that will allow me to progress in better waves, while still working in most of the crud we surf around here for most of the year.

Is the rare bird too small, volume wise, and too limiting? How would you compare it to a hypto?

Love the reviews, BTW.
fishskulls76 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the reviews Benny! Just picked up a chilli rare bird. Surfed it in small shoulder high waves and it felt great! Really good paddling into small waves and nice and light on the feet. Cant wait to get it out in some pumping waves! - 9 years ago
@fishskulls76 Yew! Great to hear fishskulls, it's a rad little board! Do you mind if I add your feedback on the Rare Bird to the full review here: - I know other surfers will appreciate it!
Emilio Egusquiza Martin
Emilio Egusquiza Martin - 9 years ago
Hi Benny,
I am interested in buying a new board. I was looking for an all-rounder like the hypto krypto,rare bird, number 4... I am 6'4 and 95 kg. I would normally ride it during summer here in the Basque Country. My level is intermediate. Which volume and length do you think I should get? 
Cheers and keep up the good work!!!
Jason Crannage
Jason Crannage - 10 years ago
Hi Benny,
I am interested in buying either the rare bird or a hypto krypto for use on sydney's northern beaches.
I am an intermediate surfer and weigh 90kgs. I ride a 6'3 standard short board and want something a bit more fun and easier for the smaller everyday waves. I have been looking at 6'2 hypto as it has more litres than the same size rare bird. What are your thoughts on size and literage that I should be looking at ? - 10 years ago
@Jason Crannage Hey Jason, two great options for Sydney and a good, tough question! I honestly don't know that I can recommend one model over the other for what you want.Regarding sizing, my Hypto was a 6'2 and floated me well so it would have plenty of volume for you (I weigh 110kg's) but, despite the volume, it doesn't feel bulky. I think you could drop down to the 6'0 and have plenty of float. My only qualm about the Rare Bird was that the largest standard model was a bit small - not just for me but for a lot of average surfers. Still, the wide outline and flatter rocker make it a great paddler and it generates speed well for a given volume. The 6'2 would suit you well.We have Hypto Krypto's available for sale in the CS Boardshop here!
Noah - 10 years ago
It can be explosively fast if we take the same rails and around the same waves.
XxNKSkatesKNxX - 10 years ago
Hey man,
I'm thinking about getting this board to surf 1-3ft beachies over in Perth. I'm keen on the speed it has to offer but i'm a but worried i won't be able to get enough turn out the board especially in below average conditions. I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on how this board goes in smaller conditions when it comes to your rail game.
Joel Frost
Joel Frost - 10 years ago
Pretty much the coolest board ive had to date.  I recently snapped a 5'7" so time to order another one.  I rode my Rare Bird at 4ft Cloudbreak and 6ft Raglan.  It's super super fun, fast and responsive.  I only ride it with the quad set up, it just seems to work unreal.
Simon Chadwick
Simon Chadwick - 10 years ago
What do you recommend between this board and the toucan for small pointbreak waves ?
vasco ramos
vasco ramos - 10 years ago
hei, ben
Can you give me a board, i´d like to have one without the surf school.
If you can´t it isn´t bad.
And continue to do videos to explain and show more from surfboards
vasco ramos
vasco ramos - 10 years ago That´s ok if you can´t give me a board and i understand
But i´m from Portugal :) - 10 years ago
@vasco ramos Hi Vasco! I would love to give you a board - just to share some foam & resin love - but I don't get them for free! Where are you based? If in Sydney, head to Aloha Manly - they have hundreds of great second hand boards!

20. comment for Chilli Rare Bird Surfboard Review no.20 | Compare Surfboards

Heath           Richardson
Heath Richardson - 10 years ago
Hi Benny , could you do a review of the 7s FF super fish
Muhamad Hj Sulaiman
Muhamad Hj Sulaiman - 10 years ago
Hai Ben,
was wondering if the rare bird and cherry peppa would overlap to much?
just bought cherry peppa and thinking rare bird would compliment the cherry peppa.

Thanks. - 10 years ago
Hi Muhamad, I don't think there is much overlap...the designs are quite different. Have you read the full reviews?
Tom Brookes
Tom Brookes - 10 years ago
hey benny,

was wondering what you reckon is the best board out of the hypto krypto, rare bird and dhd black diamond?

killing it with ya vids to man. so much help - 10 years ago
It's a pleasure Tom, happy to help!

Tom Brookes
Tom Brookes - 10 years ago
Thanks heaps Benny. heaps good help once again.
cheers - 10 years ago
Hey Tom, thanks for your question! I haven't ridden DHD's Black Diamond - someone please chime in if you have - but you can't go wrong with the Hypto Krypto or the Rare Bird. I personally prefer the feel of traditional PU boards so I would go for the Rare Bird but, again, two great options!

Thanks for watching!

All the best,
Eduardo Coelho da Paz Miranda
Eduardo Coelho da Paz Miranda - 11 years ago
Hi Benny, what fins do you suggest for quad and thruster setup? Do think a nubster fin would work well with this board?

PS: Great work on all the videos, they help so much on choosing surfboards - 11 years ago
Thank you very much Dudamir. It's awesome to hear that the reviews are helping you to choose the right board - it's a big purchase! Your kind words are appreciated.

Back to fins, I have been surfing my Rare Bird as a quad with the FCS 2 'Performers' up front and the standard FCS 2 trailer fins.  I think a nubster would work well with this setup. As a thruster, I've used just the Performers.

I've seen some other mates surfing some cool Futures setups, too.  I'll add this detail to the Full Review (link in the description).

I hope this helps!  Froth on!

Lee-Anne Walker
Lee-Anne Walker - 11 years ago
Benny old boy i must say cheers a lot for your advice this here Rare Bird.
 I  was almost going to get the Dropped Swallow but after talking to you i went fore the Bird and what a sweet decision that was, it goes like F#*k.
G man - 11 years ago
Awesome G Man, really glad to hear the Rare Bird is going well for you!  I haven't anything but high praise about that board.  Chilli has a winner!

Ben Costantini
Ben Costantini - 11 years ago
Hey Ben

I'm interested in both the rare bird and also the #4. What do you think is the pick??? I will be using it from small waist high beach breaks to heat height. I prefer to ride as a thruster. Both look awesome and would live some feedback on which you think is better. - 11 years ago
Hi Ben, great but difficult question - these are two of my favourite boards at the moment!  Both the Rare Bird and the #4 excel in the wave range you're looking at.  

Between the two, I find the #4 more precise through turns, in steep drops, etc. and, if you're a bigger guy, there are higher volume models vs. the Rare Bird. The Rare Bird is really fast and lively and has a little bit more of that fun, flowy feel you might get from a performance fish.  Still, the Rare Bird will handle steep and hollow.

It's a really tough call - two shades of grey and two great options.  Click through to the full review in the description to read more about both the Rare Bird and the #4.

I hope this helps you and Happy New Year!

Fabián Batalla
Fabián Batalla - 11 years ago
Rare Bird, Hypto or Wierdo Ripper? - 11 years ago
Hi Fabián, thanks for your question.  You name three great options but overall the Rare Bird is my pick.

NUGrunSki21 - 11 years ago
Hey Benny thanks for reviewing the RB I'm eyeing off a 5'8. just wondering what fin setups you'd recommend (quad/tri) & which FCS2 model would work best for the board's design? - 11 years ago
@NUGrunSki21 Cool!  Glad to hear you're digging the Rare Bird.  I haven't heard a bad thing about this board yet.

Thanks for watching and for your kind feedback.

All the best,
NUGrunSki21 - 11 years ago Thanks Benny, I ended up picking up a rare bird and like you feel in love with it straight away. I've been riding it with a FCS II Reactor thruster set which feels great in some of those weaker slow waves; but definitely like to get it going as a quad soon, I too am very partial to quads

keep up the good work

cheers - 11 years ago
Hi NUGrunSki21, thanks for your question and feedback.  I prefer riding the Rare Bird as a quad using the FCS II Performer PC Carbon fins up front with the FCS II Performer PC Quad Rears.  I have use the Performer thruster setup and the board still goes really well but I'm partial to quads!

I hope this helps you and have a wonderful day.


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