Coffee with Britt Merrick talking "Twin Fins" & CI's new "Fishbeard" Surfboard

Where to buy: The Surf Station: Jack's Surfboards: Surfboard Empire: (Australia) In this episode Aarron and I drive north to meet up with Britt Merrick to talk about CI's new twin fin called the Fishbeard. After a quick surf Britt and grab a cup of Coffee and talk about the Al Merrick Keel fins and the Fishbeard. Stay tuned full Fishbeard review dropping soon!!!

Coffee with Britt Merrick talking "Twin Fins" & CI's new "Fishbeard" Surfboard sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Reviews 5 years ago 13,741 views

Where to buy: The Surf Station: Jack's Surfboards: Surfboard Empire: (Australia) In this episode Aarron and I drive north to meet up with Britt Merrick to talk about CI's new twin fin called the Fishbeard. After a quick surf Britt and grab a cup of Coffee and talk about the Al Merrick Keel fins and the Fishbeard. Stay tuned full Fishbeard review dropping soon!!!

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Most popular comments
for Coffee with Britt Merrick talking "Twin Fins" & CI's new "Fishbeard" Surfboard

Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 5 years ago
Perfunctory - carried with a minimum of effort, performed merely as routine duty, hasty and superficial.
João Da Anunciação Nunes
João Da Anunciação Nunes - 5 years ago
Hi Noel, can you do a review about SUPERbrand´s The Vapors? thanks! Cheers
Yarran Crichton
Yarran Crichton - 5 years ago
Noel, do you know if the AM Keel is going to be released by FCS as well?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Yarran Crichton Not sure at this point. FCS needs to add it to their line of Twin Fins for sure. I would like to see FCS add more Twin Fin template options. Twin Fins are hot right now and have been for a few years now. They are going to pick up momentum too.... Watch...
Surf Guru
Surf Guru - 5 years ago
Awesome video. Great insight
CarvemediA - 5 years ago
The suspense!
Rasmus Zaurins
Rasmus Zaurins - 5 years ago
Amazing to have someone like a recognized shaper talking about his theories. And realizing he has basiclly no clue! Just taking an old template and altering a little bit is R & D by chance, not by theorie or hypothesis.
His Keelfin works because it is low aspect, high area sweped fin. Giving lots of stability because of long chord and strong rake, putting the point of generalforce way back on the template. If you combine this fin with finsetting moved back, of course you get a much more stable ride, which grips better than a fin further forward both on placement and point of generalforce. Some looseness also comes to play because of large cutout at base.It lets waterflow travel around finbase to disengage from foil, making this part of fin lose force and therefor easier to push out of hold.
The question above all is?
Why not try similar templates like windsurfers use, an upright medium base with strong curve backwards, heavy sweep, which gives a long chord from base leading edge to tip trailing edge. Creating a top twist that flexes the tip in a horizontal direction.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Rasmus Zaurins Sounds good to me...
Mark Wust
Mark Wust - 5 years ago
Hey Noel! Id love to see you review the new lost rocket redux anytime soon
Mark Wust
Mark Wust - 5 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews nicee
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Mark Wust I got that review coming but it will be a bit. Just started shooting on the Swordfish. Rocket Redux is coming soon... hang tight.
Legatum Conservation
Legatum Conservation - 5 years ago
Hey Noel. Love your channel. Stoked to see the review for the FB! Any early insights on how the boards holds up in the over head range? I want to pull the trigger on a new board, currently riding a bing dharma and Tomo evo. Love both boards but altho the dharma holds really well in good waves (stepbdeck with knifey rails) and catches the small stuff too it is beginning to feel too wide and cruisy for me as I progress, the Tomo I enjoy for the speed and shortened length but It feels too skatey for me in 5ft + range (large quad set up has helped this but still prefer it as a small to medium wave board).
I'm living and surfing daily in Peru, mostly open faced waves that peel off more like a point break despite it being predominately submerged reef and beach break here in Lima. We get solid swells, regularly in the 5ft+ range during winter with a consistent 3ft during summer months. I want a versatile board to progress my turns on that can handle big open faced waves of my homebreak in the winter when the big swells turn up and that I can travel to steeper more critical waves with down the coast in the summer or when the swell isn't over 6ft. IV been looking at the quiver killer by lost, and after more research saw what a blast you were having on the NB2, this turned me onto the Fishbeard as I love a performance fish, and now I am stuck for which board to go for! Haha. Any tips or reccomendations would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Legatum Conservation I’m pretty pumped on this Fishbeard and the performance is epic with the Al Merrick Keels. I highly recommend it for 1-6’ surf with excellent hold through big turns. I say go Fishbeard!!!
Julian Zook
Julian Zook - 5 years ago
Surfers talking surfboards getting coffee, my god Noel you're surfings Jerry Seinfeld

10. comment for Coffee with Britt Merrick talking "Twin Fins" & CI's new "Fishbeard" Surfboard

Carlos Ancinez
Carlos Ancinez - 5 years ago
Awesome videos man thanks for all the hard work, I wanted to ask you, I am 5’8 170lbs and looking for a new board to tackle 1-3 foot mushy waves, I am intermediate skill and like to surf in the pocket, thanks again for all the help.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Carlos Ancinez I’m thinking 30-31 liters and the Fishbeard is mental if your looking for a Twin Fin.... just make sure you get the Al Merrick Keel fins for the FB. They really offer the best hold and stability.

Another board to consider for 1-3’ surf is the Ultra Joe. I would go Fishbeard but both are epic.
Joseph McGinity
Joseph McGinity - 5 years ago
Will you ever do a review of a infinity surfboard?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Joseph McGinity Not sure at this point... pretty focused on the bigger board brands. Doing the bigger brands helps surfers world wide. Doing a review on Infinity will only help surfers in a small region....

We occasionally do reviews on boards that aren’t from the bigger brands like The Shape Shifter by David Barr but his creation was really innovative. I hope this makes sense. Cheers
Andrew Ratchelous
Andrew Ratchelous - 5 years ago
Hey Noel. Have you tried the new Jordy fins? If you have I'm interested in your thoughts on them. I was also wondering if they were vapor core or honeycomb.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Andrew Ratchelous They are Honeycomb.. and yes I have been testing them thoroughly. Excellent drive through turns, great release, and with the smaller center fin the boards are super loose.
ANDREW H - 5 years ago
Do you sell Surf. & show t-shirts /hats or hoodies?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
ANDREW H We only sell Surf n Show T Shirts on our website...
ANDREW H - 5 years ago
Omg that board looks sooooook sick.. can’t wait for the review.

Will they make this board in a twin pin tail with channels? What variables will be available?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
ANDREW H Not sure... I’m sure you can go nuts on a custom.
ygoeb13 - 5 years ago
Noel you are the man! I've become a much more informed buyer watching your videos. Thanks for all your hard work, you make a real difference!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
ygoeb13 WOW thanks for the kind words... this stokes Aarron and I!
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 5 years ago
I love twins; but personally split-keel is where it's at. Lot of hold, projection and not much drag... Perfect for fat perfomance fishes...
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Thomas V. Maybe so... have you tried these AMK Twin Fins? Next level hold and performance. Better than any split Keels I’ve surfed... just saying
arrzfr - 5 years ago
Noel your channel has to be by far the most informative of anything surfing related I‘ve seen on the internet. You‘ve really helped me appreciate the importance of the fin/board/rider combination. Thanks to you I was able to turn an underwhelming experience with a new board into something really fun by going from the recommended setup to a twin+trailer. Suddenly, I‘m able to turn that board properly, and it does what I want it to do. Thanks for the excellent content.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
arrzfr Yewww!!! Stoked our show is helping you and thank you for the kind words.
Colin Woodruff
Colin Woodruff - 5 years ago
So glad to see Britt partner with you on this to get a couple other lengths that would normally push the budget. Great work
Beach Runner
Beach Runner - 5 years ago
Looking forward to this review! Honestly will be between this and a seaside just wondering your thoughts. Love the channel keep shredding!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Beach Runner Both boards are sick!!!

20. comment for Coffee with Britt Merrick talking "Twin Fins" & CI's new "Fishbeard" Surfboard

KOSTAS GOULAS - 5 years ago
Britt seems cool guy with knowledge. Also I liked the 2 babes sitting behind you guys. I wonder if you game this pretty girls since it was a good opportunity
Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 5 years ago
Make family, not game. But, be interesting as one is, in confidence.
A3 Marketing
A3 Marketing - 5 years ago
I never rode twins, but your videos make me want to purchase a set of these CI keels
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
A3 Marketing Get a Twin fin and a set of these AMK and it will be very hard to get off it.
Greg Lucero
Greg Lucero - 5 years ago
Orville and Wilbur conversations.
Antoine Meignan
Antoine Meignan - 5 years ago
I stay tuned ! :D
shortbuscrusada1 - 5 years ago
Love the reviews Noel, you've helped me make some decisions on purchases and have yet to be steered wrong! Let's see you on a Lost Sword Fish soon!
Noah Stone
Noah Stone - 5 years ago
Aw same never bought a new bird before but the swordfish depending on the review will be my first
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
shortbuscrusada1 Yewww! Thanks for the kind words. I just picked up a couple Swordfish boards today. Stay tuned
Tomek Kosalka
Tomek Kosalka - 5 years ago
I have been frothing to know more about the fishbeard since CI stopped that promo vid with Parker a few days ago! Loved the convo here with Britt and the awesome knowledge he drops. Was about to place an order for an Akila Winged Twin and now I feel like I should wait for your fishbeard review, thoughts?
Tomek Kosalka
Tomek Kosalka - 5 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews so appreciate the endorsement of both of these boards! Either way, I feel I’ll be stoked. Thanks for all you do Noel!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Tomek Kosalka Both boards are insane... you will be stoked with either.
Lime Yakwax
Lime Yakwax - 5 years ago
So Noel, what’s your thinking on heavier guys riding the AM Keel? We’ve seen smaller guys like Parker and you riding it but if the standard template works for your weight then can it work for someone that’s a good surfer and is 90kg plus and over 6ft tall? If it works for you surely it’s going to be super loose for a bigger guy. Do they need to bring out a fin with more surface area for heavier and taller guys?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Lime Yakwax This Keel will go insane for bigger guys... and by the way I have not seen a bigger Twin Fin set with more surface area.

Another thing to think about... Britt’s like 6’4” and 200 pounds and swears by these Keel fins too.
Zach Newsom
Zach Newsom - 5 years ago
Cool cruisy video, Noel! Love that drive through Camarillo with no traffic!
smac22 - 5 years ago
Great little vid on the fins and board. Can't wait for the review. Was just about to pull the trigger on a new NB2 and now am caught with indecision ha!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
smac22 Classic... NB2 is sick and the FB is sick too
Dicko301 - 5 years ago
Great vid and good to hear some explanation on keel fin templates, as fins are not cheap like boards plus if you get the wrong fins the board feels crap.

30. comment for Coffee with Britt Merrick talking "Twin Fins" & CI's new "Fishbeard" Surfboard

surfer - 5 years ago
Best show ever.
Like your shirt.
andres - 5 years ago
Two legends, love to see it
JorgeAndresCoppiano. - 5 years ago
Love this show
the chyls
the chyls - 5 years ago
Kinda what you where talking about in the end. Taking the rocket wide elongating it, less width and volume and throw a squash. Would it be like an ultimate daily driver? Who knows
Mj Mayn
Mj Mayn - 5 years ago
wow !! that board looks super fast !!
The Overstoker
The Overstoker - 5 years ago
Favorite show ever

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