Dragonfly 28 Sport Review by YACHTFILM - English Version
Reviews 12 years ago 164,920 views
Check out http://www.yachtfilm.tv Review of the Dragonfly 28 Sport Trimaran. Great sailing shots at 25 kts. Designer and builder Jens Quorning explains the concepts and shares his multihull knowledge, interviewed by Jens Lindemann. YACHTFILMfounder Gerrit Haaland shot and edited this piece for segelfilme.de
Dein Heck hat es soweit aus dem Wasser gehoben dass das Ruderblatt zur Haelfte draussen war! Da würde man sich doch dynamischen Auftrieb vorne an den Amas wünschen...
Make one absolutely Spartan, allowing the customer to furnish it as desired, thus lowering the price a bit
It is a '35 Dragonfly on its way to the canary islands in good wind and waves with maximum reefs and 7.5 knots speed. Skipper states he did it this slow for the benefit of the expensive sails (!?) Whatever, hull form or sails, boat does seem fit for u s i n g - i t - a t - l o w - s p e e d in blue water if you do everything very carefully. Very Understandable. If you are forced to drive a Lotus on a bumpy road you would not speed either. This is a Lotus.
I had chartered a Tri (neel 45) in the mediterranean sea this summer which is a complete different concept. I do fall for the technical chichi of the dragonfly and the trailerability but I must admit that at beaufort 6 on the large neel 45 I was extremely happy that 13 knots of speed at 50° with jib and main (2 reefs) or 120° with Jib alone did not come at the price of an undercutting ama or even water washing on the bridge. 2 different boats, 2 different concepts, 2 different prices. But if you look at 7:00 in this video you can clearly see that the dragonfly buries the lee ama (it raises its stern out of the water to the rudderblade beeing 50% exposed). This was with Mr. Quorning who does not do anything else than Tri constructing, building and sailing at the helm. But is a very dangerous situation even on flat water. If this happens when going down a wave the boat shall be out of control some seconds later, I presume...
10. comment for Dragonfly 28 Sport Review by YACHTFILM - English Version
They always show videos of these boats in flat water.