Epic Sailboat Adventure in Review (Bums on a Boat)
Reviews 7 years ago 5,285 views
There is no arguing that we 3 kids went all in on this one! Much experience was gained. There were great times and hard times. Funny how things change when you act on your deepest feelings and just go for it. Here is an honest recap. Hopefully this sheds some light and maybe even offers some perspective. https://www.patreon.com/bumsonaboat
10. comment for Epic Sailboat Adventure in Review (Bums on a Boat)
Sail around the world - write a book :) just say n
I am a little reluctant to suggest that the divisiveness that you refer to here is due to a loss of common values, or rather, the most basic recognition that we all need a common language or understanding so that we are free to be open to each other. We have not lost that just because we are American--although you wouldn't guess that from watching the media. The loudest voices are the far extremes, who hold little market share of the American mentality. But if we are speaking different human/emotional "languages" across the world--OR WE BELIEVE THAT WE ARE--much is lost, and one or both or all sides fail to comprehend that the "human condition", as our mutual friend toasted to tonight, is shared and very real and very vulnerable. There is misery and hardship everywhere; it has different "causes" for different people, but on some level, we all know them. There is joy and happiness everywhere, no matter how meager or hard-won; and yet, to be real, it always begins with gratitude. That is what you've suggested here.
The desire to help will serve you well, in the unselfish way. Do not lay blame on yourself for the conditions into which you were born. I sure as hell do not blame myself for living in the path of this hurricane of the millennium.
I am learning a lot from Irma, to use a shorthand. (For those who do not know, imagine Sharknado headed directly for your front door, with a tidal wave flood.) I hope to continue to learn from this and reflect with some deeper perspective on some impactful events in my life. But only after I get 2 days of sleep in Colorado.
I admire your examination of your journey.
But to be honest, life is better with a dodger.
Until next time, my friend . . .
You Sir - are a weird human.
* and I like you quite a lot. :)
- Ben
Crunch time now. Bunker down. Be safe.
We are safe indeed.
Now - where are you located exactly?
Hopefully nowhere near the Keys.
Have to say that up front, as I watch all the main sailing Tubes and sub'd as soon as you popped up on my suggested list. As a group of young guys you all had a belief in yourselves that stood out, you placed yourselves outside the norm comfort zone and all ended up following where that took you. I'm glad your journey still follows the boat and you seem happy with that as you had a chance to move on but still returned to that life style. Looking forward to following along, seeing it evolve and where this life takes you.
20. comment for Epic Sailboat Adventure in Review (Bums on a Boat)
ventusky.com and look at it for yourself.
30. comment for Epic Sailboat Adventure in Review (Bums on a Boat)
Make your world and live in it. Fear God. Create and love your family, Love and serve the poor of this world. It is good to get to know the poor. One of them will be your landlord in Heaven.
Internet access at a really remote location is an amazing thing!!!!
But I think that you need to give more credit to your growth and experiences. You've come a long way! And your doing your best. From watching the beginning of these videos to now, I believe that your journey is just starting! Sending all positive vibes
Just help others, be happy and live.
Push off and never look back, there is alsways food in the sea, and discover the goodness of people without a pot to piss in, but they will give you a meal as a stranger just because your of the one race the Human race.
Do not beat on yourself, people in the society live the covet life style, they always have to covet and keep up with the joneses just because they thing they're inpressing someone. But in the end, they are still the same selfish ugly soul they eve3r was.
This life is not about you, its about LOVE, and no greater love as a man than to lay his life down for another. The happiest people seem to out there sharing that love. In end you have a dash between two dates, and you will be judged what did you do with Love, did you use Love to serve others, help your fellow man, or did you use Love for selfish greed and gain.
Good luck to you... Stay safe with Irma out there.