Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run
Reviews 10 years ago 731,421 views
Links to purchase: Banggood.com - RTR ($59) - http://www.banggood.com/Feilun-FT009-2_4G-4CH-High-Speed-Racing-Water-Cooled-RC-Boat-p-906673.html?p=Z431161082112012126P Tmart.com - RTR ($59) - http://www.tmart.com/FT009-4-channel-2.4G-Wireless-Remote-Control-High-Speed-Racing-RC-Boat-Green_p227752.html?aid=28459&utm_source=saff&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=self SoCalHobbies.com - RTR ($90) (US Supplier) - http://socalhobbies.com/ft009?tracking=5485d95e8c1c5 10% of code: ryanrc Brushless Version (FT012): Banggood.com - RTR ($115) - http://www.banggood.com/FT012-Upgraded-FT009-2_4G-4CH-Brushless-RC-Racing-Boat-p-953069.html?p=Z431161082112012126P Tmart.com - RTR ($115) - http://www.tmart.com/FT012-Upgraded-FT009-2.4G-4CH-Brushless-RC-Racing-Boat-Black_p303148.html?aid=28459&utm_source=saff&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=self The Feilun FT009 is a high speed RC boat with a unique "self-righting" feature. It is inherently stable in the water, but should it flip over, now you don't need to have a rescue plan, or swim after it… you just hit reverse, and then forward, and the boat will flip itself over. How cool is that!? This is my first ever RC boat and I had an absolute blast with it! Now I can't wait for winter to pass so that I can try out the brushless version! Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan Thanks to my friend, Josh, for the additional camera work. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/IAmStizzle Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc
10. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run
20. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run
30. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run
Udi 001
Vector 28
there the hot hit boats
50. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run
I bought this FT009 because of you and maaan, that thing is a lot of fun! My first real RC boat and i love it!
I upgraded the power connectors to Traxxas and skipped the connector between the ESC and Motor ( just soldered it together) to achieve better power transfer from the battery to the motor. I also added the steering fins and trim tabs from the FT012. And now it really moves! Sure, the FT012 is much faster but i love the FT009
this R/C boat is a soo small...
how about a big boat over 20 inches
i have 2 R/C boats are firehawk and villain ex
You're so lucky, can buy all these, my mother lets me buy stuff from my savings only.
This one is for 18 USD.
100. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run
Give it about half throttle parallel to the wave, make a hard right to sea and punch it! I was getting 3 to 6 feet of air! Landings were 50/50 wrong-side up. But, who cares! Use the self-righting procedure and do it all again. Run out about 30 yards, then punch it to shore and go skipping over the ocean like the Harry Nilsson song!
Didn't take long to acquire a small audience and questions on where to pick one up, yada, yada.
Fun times Ryan!
P.S make a video how to set it up please.
Knowing I can use my LiPo charger with a mini-Tamiya and charge in an hour has me ready to pull the trigger.
Thanks again Flyin' Ryan!
That's a winner there. Since you seems to like it so much I have abit of armchair mech advice you might find helpful----
That wave flapping of the bow you will soon realize is not cool on several performance levels. You can tune that out with a bit of modeling clay inside the front hull of the boat and a different pitch coming from the power end.
What camera do you have mounted to your cap bill? Great video.
This fits :D --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4NChe56s9E
I know you've mentioned it before but what model is your hobby grade charger?
Thank you mr ryan
Also you should go rc ice fishing, fishing line on a plane or heli ft a bite and go forward!!!
If that pond turns to ice, then you really ought to try an RC hovercraft on it. Seems like some of the variants of the early Tyco models are now coming into stock - they've been listed but out of stock at many places for the last few years. The dual prop differential steering ones steer like tanks - you can spin in place by running one engine in reverse and the other forward.
I'm friggin tempted. For an entry model that one has it all.
nice vid, more boat's :)
but the cooling is other. it's take's water from the back and the screw schoots it out on the bodem (i also got a rc speedboat)
lol i live with my dad and mother. so i have not yet so mutch rc's :( but i take them on to buy some rc's lol
haha. you could yeah
it is a realy nice boat, i think you are a good guy :) again we like to see your vids. i think you have a house vul of rc's :)
so i can push it back
anyway we like to see your video's
you can see my proboat blackjack 29 (brushless) on my channel.. mabye you could subscribe?
i am sure that the water intake is in the back. thats why its got a "not flat side on it) the screw shoots the water in the pickup. in my rc boat you can see the water schooting uit the side (my water pickup is on the back and the outake in the side)
maybe the proboat impulse 9 or the blackjack 9