Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run

Links to purchase: Banggood.com - RTR ($59) - http://www.banggood.com/Feilun-FT009-2_4G-4CH-High-Speed-Racing-Water-Cooled-RC-Boat-p-906673.html?p=Z431161082112012126P Tmart.com - RTR ($59) - http://www.tmart.com/FT009-4-channel-2.4G-Wireless-Remote-Control-High-Speed-Racing-RC-Boat-Green_p227752.html?aid=28459&utm_source=saff&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=self SoCalHobbies.com - RTR ($90) (US Supplier) - http://socalhobbies.com/ft009?tracking=5485d95e8c1c5 10% of code: ryanrc Brushless Version (FT012): Banggood.com - RTR ($115) - http://www.banggood.com/FT012-Upgraded-FT009-2_4G-4CH-Brushless-RC-Racing-Boat-p-953069.html?p=Z431161082112012126P Tmart.com - RTR ($115) - http://www.tmart.com/FT012-Upgraded-FT009-2.4G-4CH-Brushless-RC-Racing-Boat-Black_p303148.html?aid=28459&utm_source=saff&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=self The Feilun FT009 is a high speed RC boat with a unique "self-righting" feature. It is inherently stable in the water, but should it flip over, now you don't need to have a rescue plan, or swim after it… you just hit reverse, and then forward, and the boat will flip itself over. How cool is that!? This is my first ever RC boat and I had an absolute blast with it! Now I can't wait for winter to pass so that I can try out the brushless version! Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan Thanks to my friend, Josh, for the additional camera work. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/IAmStizzle Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc

Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run sentiment_very_dissatisfied 250

Reviews 10 years ago 731,520 views

Links to purchase: Banggood.com - RTR ($59) - http://www.banggood.com/Feilun-FT009-2_4G-4CH-High-Speed-Racing-Water-Cooled-RC-Boat-p-906673.html?p=Z431161082112012126P Tmart.com - RTR ($59) - http://www.tmart.com/FT009-4-channel-2.4G-Wireless-Remote-Control-High-Speed-Racing-RC-Boat-Green_p227752.html?aid=28459&utm_source=saff&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=self SoCalHobbies.com - RTR ($90) (US Supplier) - http://socalhobbies.com/ft009?tracking=5485d95e8c1c5 10% of code: ryanrc Brushless Version (FT012): Banggood.com - RTR ($115) - http://www.banggood.com/FT012-Upgraded-FT009-2_4G-4CH-Brushless-RC-Racing-Boat-p-953069.html?p=Z431161082112012126P Tmart.com - RTR ($115) - http://www.tmart.com/FT012-Upgraded-FT009-2.4G-4CH-Brushless-RC-Racing-Boat-Black_p303148.html?aid=28459&utm_source=saff&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=self The Feilun FT009 is a high speed RC boat with a unique "self-righting" feature. It is inherently stable in the water, but should it flip over, now you don't need to have a rescue plan, or swim after it… you just hit reverse, and then forward, and the boat will flip itself over. How cool is that!? This is my first ever RC boat and I had an absolute blast with it! Now I can't wait for winter to pass so that I can try out the brushless version! Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan Thanks to my friend, Josh, for the additional camera work. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/IAmStizzle Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc

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Most popular comments
for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run

Paul Pownall
Paul Pownall - 5 years ago
if this motor gets wet will it short out or have issues or are they waterproof?
Entry :D
Entry :D - 5 years ago
Hey, ryan. That battery does deffinetly not have 2800 MaH when my battery which is like mabye twice the size got 2200 MaH. :D
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 5 years ago
Yeah, that 2800mAh battery is a blatant lie. heh
Tanner - 5 years ago
How often do I have to buy brand new batteries? Or can I keep the same batteries forever? And how do I charge the batteries I buy?
Intergadiea 88
Intergadiea 88 - 6 years ago
I might be getting one of these because the time is perfect, super cold pond watter but no ice, nice warm air, spring is butifull in Michigan
John Nicholls
John Nicholls - 6 years ago
aan uwik
aan uwik - 6 years ago
ganesh art
ganesh art - 6 years ago
Bro: boat ka motor fan usko kya bolte per kya online search karte
tactical_snails - 6 years ago
I just ordered one of these I'm a really exited to receive it
Gevin Gaming
Gevin Gaming - 6 years ago
Today i got the same one

10. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run

Subhajit Gayen
Subhajit Gayen - 6 years ago
Bhi control your hand
Finn angry
Finn angry - 6 years ago
I need help mine isn't starting! Does it need to be in the water to work?
Finn angry
Finn angry - 6 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC oh I'm sorry for my me being impatient, but i can't operate the rudder out of water:( so I think it might be broken :( thanks for your response tho.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
You really should watch my review before asking questions. It's kind of rude. ;) Anyway, as I very clearly covered in my review, there is a safety feature that requires it to be in the water before the motor will arm. You should be able to move the rudder out of the water though.
Finn angry
Finn angry - 6 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC can it operate out of water?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
Yes, I covered that quite clearly in my review. ;)
aridude9 - 6 years ago
Witch one do you think is better the FT009 or the FT011
Bryan McNair
Bryan McNair - 5 years ago
The 12...turns like jet ski...lol. Tip is to file the rotor to be able to turn sharper!
aridude9 - 6 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
I prefer the FT011, because of the brushless motor.
Michael 352411
Michael 352411 - 6 years ago
Can it run on a 3s lipo
The Purple Mutt
The Purple Mutt - 6 years ago
Mine didn’t come with a charger do you know where I can get one at?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
Well, there are many options, but this is a cheap and simple option that will work for the battery included with this boat. This is the version with the US plug. If you need a European plug, they sell those too (just search Amazon for the name of the charger). https://amzn.to/2LCKACq
Adam Hire /rc
Adam Hire /rc - 6 years ago
Just ordered one
Rc Subject
Rc Subject - 6 years ago
Is this a hobbie grade boat
Gareth G
Gareth G - 6 years ago
About the water cooling, you've gotten it wrong. The water is forced through the little thingy at the back and exits out the hole in the front.
Gareth G
Gareth G - 6 years ago
I own one and it's a great boat. It is very stable and fun to use, it rarely flips over. I actually stripped the screws holding the rudder on when I drove it over a cable that was under the water. I gorilla glued the rudder screws back on and it runs just fine. Only thing is, it occasionally caches a wave wierd and dives under the water like a submarine. Other than that, it's a blast!
Craig Ster
Craig Ster - 6 years ago
I just ordered one, well the red & white goolrc version. Same thing, going to let my 6 year old twins give this one a go. I've had several fast electrics & I'm pretty sure the rear pick up tube is for the inlet & the underbelly would be the outlet. Usually it just goes out the side of the hull, & yes the torque of the motor on the self righting feature works. Works for smaller lighter boats. Thanks for sharing & happy boating.

20. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run

secratpandora ok
secratpandora ok - 7 years ago
I have this boat it is green and Orange
Oronno Anwar
Oronno Anwar - 7 years ago
what is the price
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Price and purchase link can be found in the video description.
Dave's Range
Dave's Range - 7 years ago
Cool toy
Keyno Aus
Keyno Aus - 7 years ago
Is there any battery that will make run time/play time any longer then 7-9mins ?
kingcobra - 7 years ago
wish MY ft009 actually ran!!!! unboxed handset locked onto boat,AND YES,it IS in the bath,but nuthin!!!! not a peep!!!! theres more life in my local cemetry!! disappointed is an understatement. especially when i see how it should be going!.
Harry Braine
Harry Braine - 7 years ago
you are the best
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Thanks! :)
the every day brothers
the every day brothers - 7 years ago
I love your boat
Jesus Omar Lopez Siordia
Jesus Omar Lopez Siordia - 7 years ago
It is love tank
Jayanta Majee
Jayanta Majee - 7 years ago
I would not like that
Ricardo Chen
Ricardo Chen - 7 years ago
Can anyone give me some help ive ordered this and it doesnt worked fully charges battery and placed on water doesnt work the red and green light keep blinking please hwlp me thanks

30. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run

marty - 7 years ago
Is £80 cheap for the flipped boat with brushless water cooled boat?
Xsbg 247
Xsbg 247 - 7 years ago
Amewi Warior
Xsbg 247
Xsbg 247 - 7 years ago
I want a FT009 rc boat but I have a American warrior!And I have lost its battery and its power bank
Willy D vlogs
Willy D vlogs - 7 years ago
The water cooling intake is in the back of the boat and i exits out the front bottom
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Yep, I've been corrected on that numerous times in the 2.5 years since I released this review. ;)
Dudey520 - 7 years ago
This or UDI001 venom? Can't decide which to get
Kurt Kayode
Kurt Kayode - 7 years ago
can someone. buy one for me please
Rodney Armstrong
Rodney Armstrong - 7 years ago
man my boat doesn't want to turn to the left but turns on a dime to the right. I have checked my servo and trim and Rutter the Rutter turns to both sides. I'm thinking it needs fins to help with throttle tourq.
Rodney Armstrong
Rodney Armstrong - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC hay my boat is the green one but I'm going to hydro dip the green parts only mine is going blue flame. look up on YouTube how to hydro dip you will never paint an RC body ever again. when my hydro dip film and actavator comes in I will make a video on it plus I'm doing a 1/18 a959 to a 68 Camaro body and I'm going to hydro dip it to. plus I put a Traxxas 12 turn 550 motor in mine it's doing 60+ mph but I'm fixing to change to 3s battery it will be doing 70+mph. I'm waiting for all my metal upgrades to come in the only thing that will be plastic will be the body. hydro dipping.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Yeah, left turns are much wider than right turns with this boat.
Rondo Schiavoni
Rondo Schiavoni - 7 years ago
Rondo Schiavoni
Rondo Schiavoni - 7 years ago
I checked out the 012 model same boat with a brush less motor its a handful .
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Thanks! :)
Jeff Beck
Jeff Beck - 7 years ago
This video is how a perfect review is done or should be done. Perfection.
G R - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC can you make a rescue boat video I love the different methods people use
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Sweet, thanks! :D
WildeB33STProductions - 7 years ago
Hey Ryan, I just bought a ft009 boat and have a quick question. How do I remove the flex shaft so I can regrease it? Other boats have collars which you can loosen up with two wrenches but I don't see that on here. If yo could help me out that would be great. Thanks!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Unfortunately, I have no idea... I never did any maintenance on this boat, and I have since given it away to a friend.
Maximus Maple leaf
Maximus Maple leaf - 8 years ago
cool boat !I have the same one.!:) lots of fun.
british doge
british doge - 8 years ago
try some seaplanes
sayed gamal
sayed gamal - 8 years ago
اين صنع
Aidan Coffman
Aidan Coffman - 8 years ago
cool but how fast is it
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Pretty sure I covered that in the review, didn't I?
Bruce Nguyen
Bruce Nguyen - 8 years ago
does it have a warning system?
Delta - 8 years ago
battery i think he means
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
For what?
EZPL - 8 years ago
I was given this boat as a gift but can't see where to turn it on? Can you please tell me
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I think I covered that pretty clearly in the review, if I recall correctly.
Ondra R
Ondra R - 8 years ago
Udi 001 is much better
Delta - 8 years ago
Udi 001
Vector 28
there the hot hit boats
Trallala 11
Trallala 11 - 8 years ago
Is there enough place for a GoPro
D.R. Harmon
D.R. Harmon - 8 years ago
Hallbergmoos 11 y
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Not really, and I think that would be too much top-weight. It would probably make the boat want to constantly roll over.
Rort 1223
Rort 1223 - 8 years ago
how much?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Price and purchase link can be found in the video description.
Rafael Klein
Rafael Klein - 8 years ago
que site voce adquiriu

50. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run

See, peeds
See, peeds - 8 years ago
is it COOL Captain Ryan IS IT COOL?
leon ridgewell
leon ridgewell - 8 years ago
I have the smaller RC boat but same brand, Thanks for the video! Like to have the one that you have because its water cooled mine just has a fan inside to keep the motor cool but still goes great!
Luis Cortez
Luis Cortez - 8 years ago
Does anybody know if you can run this boat on salt water, like the beach? Or will that corrode the boat?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I think you could, but I would wash it thoroughly with fresh water afterwards.
Adnan Safaraz
Adnan Safaraz - 8 years ago
is it waterproof?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
It's a boat....
Preston DeHerrera
Preston DeHerrera - 8 years ago
what does the trim do?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
You use trim to make the boat move in a straight line. If it turns off to either side, you give opposite trim until it stays straight.
04swiftstang - 8 years ago
ha ha..n/m i fixed...took the transmitter apart there was 2 bad wires where the steering connects...its good to go!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Awesome, glad to hear you got it sorted out! :)
04swiftstang - 8 years ago
sad part about the whole thing this boat was for my 10 yo son and he is bummed...he wanted to bash around with me.
04swiftstang - 8 years ago
hey Ryan, i purchased me a ft009 after watching your vid, i received today, i already own wl912 and ft011..so i am sharp with these boats...battery is all charged up, engine is good, my tx and rx are not binding, i even tried it with the lid off in my bathtub, and nothing...light flashes on both rx and tx, but nothing...any help would be appreciated. thx
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
This is a great boat. :) Be sure to consider the brushless FT012 too, especially if you have the need for speed. :)
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 8 years ago
Dan Murray
Dan Murray - 8 years ago
I got this boat the other day, charged the battery, put it together, but can't get it to run. Any suggestions?
Dan Murray
Dan Murray - 8 years ago
I'll have to try it that way. Will let you know. Thanks a lot.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
@Dan Murray There shouldn't be anything to it... they should bind automatically. You might check the manual to see if there is any info about somehow forcing a rebind. I would also suggest trying different batteries in the transmitter. And try different combinations of turning the boat on first, and turning the transmitter on first.
Dan Murray
Dan Murray - 8 years ago
The rudder doesn't respond. I'll keep messing with it. Is there a trick to pairing the boat with the remote? Thanks for your time.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I already replied to you on Facebook, but just in case anyone else sees this, and has the same problem, here was my reply: Hmm, it may just be defective. I've had one boat that I simply could not get to bind. Does the rudder ever even work? The rudder should work out of the water, I believe. But the boat has to be in water for the motor to work. If the rudder works, then you can at least confirm that it is binding to the radio.
Tristan Armani
Tristan Armani - 8 years ago
I have the ft007 and a lot of water gets inside I'm not sure what to do to prevent that from happening ?
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 8 years ago
And spray everything inside with wd40
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
You could use hull tape to seal the hull each run: http://amzn.to/2aXkshc
Ethan Alex Aviation
Ethan Alex Aviation - 8 years ago
I got this exact boat yesterday, except I got the orange version, and it is a little bigger than I thought!!! I haven't run it yet, but it looks really cool!!!!
Felix Möller
Felix Möller - 8 years ago
When i put My ft009 in the water, i cant controll it, the boat is going on its own
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
That's weird. Do you have the throttle trim centered?
Dalton Fancher
Dalton Fancher - 8 years ago
i have this boat as well its fun
RC McTool
RC McTool - 8 years ago
Love that Boat................... :O)
SHAWN BLOCK - 8 years ago
Dang man, that was pretty sweet!!! What is your favorite R/C, Boat, Plane, Car???
Sergej Nadaždin
Sergej Nadaždin - 8 years ago
the FT009 is a copy of Tide Breaker by Revell Control.
Sergej Nadaždin
Sergej Nadaždin - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC well, i agree that the FT011 is prettier and faster.
Sergej Nadaždin
Sergej Nadaždin - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC take a look on internet.
Sergej Nadaždin
Sergej Nadaždin - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC but well the Tide Breaker has a cooler paint job. black with yellow spoiler, cockpit, yellow circle on the cockpit and yellow flames at the front.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Sergej Nadaždin Nope, not at all. The Tide Breaker is a rebrand of the WLtoys WL912, which I just reviewed yesterday. ;)
Harrys Toy Corner
Harrys Toy Corner - 8 years ago
Great video man! As always, super good quality!
I bought this FT009 because of you and maaan, that thing is a lot of fun! My first real RC boat and i love it!
I upgraded the power connectors to Traxxas and skipped the connector between the ESC and Motor ( just soldered it together) to achieve better power transfer from the battery to the motor. I also added the steering fins and trim tabs from the FT012. And now it really moves! Sure, the FT012 is much faster but i love the FT009
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Nice! This is a great boat, and it sounds like you made it even better. :)
Tom M
Tom M - 8 years ago
You are my go-to when I begin to research new RC toys I'm thinking of getting. I saw a guy with an RC boat at a nearby lake and checking out your videos. Thanks! You also helped with a few Helis I bought. Don't have a bust yet.
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 8 years ago
And me,great vids
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Glad to hear that! :) RC boats are an absolute blast! :)
Dani Plaza Garcia
Dani Plaza Garcia - 8 years ago
Dani Plaza Garcia
Dani Plaza Garcia - 8 years ago
I lote this boat
rilcor 52
rilcor 52 - 8 years ago
how fast can it go?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I don't recall now, but I think I might have covered that in the review, and I certainly showed it in the run video.
Peak - 8 years ago
i found this on hobbyking for 30$ is it worth it and come with everything? and is it better than the proboat impulse 9?
Peak - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC also I had one of their boats and before putting it into the water the esc burnt up so, I guess that answers my question
Peak - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC true I noticed some of their boats don't go as fast as some as the other brands and probably have to put a lot of money into them to get a good esc and motor combo
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
@Peak I haven't been too impressed with the ProBoat models that I have reviewed. I think you need to spend like $300+ on their brushless models before you really start to have fun with them. :/
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
@Peak The FT009 is an awesome boat, especially for the price. Great speed, and the self-righting feature is hugely helpful and allows for stress-free boating. :)
Peak - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC oh, alright, thanks for the feedback, I was mostly looking at the brand for the proboat but I guess that doesn't really matter, for 30 dollars compared to 50 to 90 dollars it should be a steal. Thanks again and love the videos.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Only you can decide if something is worth your $30. As for it being better than the ProBoat Impulse 9, I guess that depends on what you mean by "better". And, I have no experience with the Impulse, but I did review the Blackjack 9. It is not even comparable to the FT009. It is small and slow.
Maxime Hearty
Maxime Hearty - 8 years ago
i have one of thoes the battery life is 20 minutes
Maxime Hearty
Maxime Hearty - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
No way. Unless you're driving at like half throttle the entire time.
bestamerica - 8 years ago
this R/C boat is a soo small...
how about a big boat over 20 inches
bestamerica - 8 years ago
sure anytime...
i have 2 R/C boats are firehawk and villain ex
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I will be reviewing the larger FT011 soon.
Noel Vargas
Noel Vargas - 8 years ago
i like the video i am seing the video like 3 or 5 times,bro
Noel Vargas
Noel Vargas - 8 years ago
rc toys are the best right,bro
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Noel Vargas Indeed :)
Noel Vargas
Noel Vargas - 8 years ago
u like the rc toys right bro
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Noel Vargas Yes, I am into the RC hobby, and I review RC models.
paul watson
paul watson - 8 years ago
All of you should try the rockstar 48
Rh Last Nae
Rh Last Nae - 8 years ago
Go away troll!
paul watson
paul watson - 8 years ago
With the water input and output it goes in through the back and out through the middle frontish
Jay Murphy Murphy
Jay Murphy Murphy - 8 years ago
Nathan Hill
Nathan Hill - 8 years ago
Hey what if it runs out of battery in the middle of the lake
Nathan Hill
Nathan Hill - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC oh ok thanks
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Nathan Hill When the battery gets low, the boat slows down. So once you notice that happen, start bring it back in. :)
Jay Murphy Murphy
Jay Murphy Murphy - 8 years ago
we're did you get it
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Jay Murphy Price and purchase link can be found in the video description.
hay flyin ryan the size of the battery doesnt matter i have a 5000mah battery and i get only 5 minutes of fly
OMG i am so sorry my friend was on here and i need to change my password
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+THEINFINITEBEAST The size of the battery absolutely does matter.
Yoky Valery
Yoky Valery - 9 years ago
what happen if you put 3 cell lipo battery? Will it make the boat run faster or it will ruin the boat?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Yoky Valery No idea. I'm sure you would be much more likely to blow the ESC by doing that though.
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 9 years ago
I saw this boat for 46 US dollars RTR at a shop nearby, the FT012 was 99 US Dollars, I may pick up the FT009, but there's a small lake nearby, and the beaches are a 25 minute walk away, also I heard that salt water may hurt the boat. So instead I bought the WLToys A999.

You're so lucky, can buy all these, my mother lets me buy stuff from my savings only.
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 9 years ago
Maybe in the future I will buy these boats but for now I have a certain list of quads and planes I want to buy, and now I added that cam heli you just reviewed to it, after I'm done with them, then I'll probably buy the boat. But my savings may go into negative value by then XD. Now I have about 3200 Hong Kong dollars in my money box. I'm just gonna save up till 3500 then I'll buy another thing. :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+The QueensConquerer I buy them from my savings as well, but as a 38yro, my savings is probably quite a bit more than yours. ;) Salt water can make metal rust, but I would think that as long as you thoroughly rinse the boat off with regular water afterwards, it should be fine.
Sebastian Skovhauge
Sebastian Skovhauge - 9 years ago
My Boat Was Broke So it Sank the First time I Sailed it
Sebastian Skovhauge
Sebastian Skovhauge - 9 years ago
I did too but it did fine there.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+SeaGaming [PS4 Games] Bummer. :( I always test mine in the bathtub before taking them out to the lake.
ed c
ed c - 9 years ago
I have 3 of these and they are great for bashing around in the water for sure
zacjac99 - 9 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+zacjac99 I don't really know. Seems quite basic, but should do the job for basic charging tasks.
zacjac99 - 9 years ago
can i use this at the beach?
Nathan JR
Nathan JR - 8 years ago
I use mine at the beach all the time but I rinse it out with fresh water
Albert Lane
Albert Lane - 9 years ago
+zacjac99 You can. Just watch out for swimmers!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+zacjac99 In salt water? Maybe, but I would rinse it thoroughly with fresh water afterwards, to make sure nothing rusts.
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 9 years ago
Woah, Gearbest is having a crazy sale, now it's only for 14 USD!


This one is for 18 USD.
The Butterfly Effect
The Butterfly Effect - 9 years ago
+THE HONGKONGER I bought mine on Amazon Yesterday for 49.99 with free shipping. I doubt Gearbest is free shipping. And that site seems a little shady to me and it wont tell you shipping information as the steps i took, it shows only 1 in stock
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC For some products I do,on the flat rate shipping. Also if I use the China Warehouse,the odds are I'll get free shipping or just very cheap shipping costs, seeing as I live in Hong Kong. :D
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+THE HONGKONGER I wonder if you don't get free shipping though?
Scott Mardon
Scott Mardon - 9 years ago
can you do a review on the mad shark rc boat?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Scott Mardon From Joysway? I just did some Google searching, and it looks like that's a really old model and no longer in production. So, no, I can't review it. :(
Thomas DeBiase
Thomas DeBiase - 9 years ago
Nice starter boat. FYI the water is picked up from the water pickup at the rear of the boat and exits out that hole in the bottom. What is the price?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Thomas DeBiase Yep, I've gotten a ton of comments about that. ;) Pretty minor mistake for my first boat review. :) Price and purchase link can be found in the video description.
Everything Cool
Everything Cool - 9 years ago
what i use to do with my old racing car is buy loads of battery/cell and charger them all the day befor and then i could have hours of run just swoped them when they died
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Everything Cool Yep, though you should always let the motor(s) cool for 10-15min after each run, to avoid burning it out.
Everything Cool
Everything Cool - 9 years ago
wow sounds like some one needs to race these
jorge sanz ortiz
jorge sanz ortiz - 9 years ago
33BiBix77 - 9 years ago
This i what I have been looking for.I bought one looked similar and when I treid that it did not work.Some one helped me to check its batteray and it did not work.What shall I do?
33BiBix77 - 9 years ago
Thank you for suggesting that.I lived far away from the city where I bought it like 2 days travelling.Will try my best to contact them
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+33BiBix77 If it doesn't work, can't you contact the seller about a replacement?
Nasir473alsabah - 9 years ago
I had a lot of the problems you had. Thanks for helping me
Jc Fraser
Jc Fraser - 9 years ago
Where do I get the "2800"mah battery and will the boat go faster?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Jc Fraser You don't want to do that as you will likely over-draw the ESC and fry it. If you want to go faster, you need the brushless FT012.
Jc Fraser
Jc Fraser - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC thx do u know where or if I can get a battery to go faster ( a 3s maybe)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Jc Fraser I don't think they sell it any more (maybe because I exposed the truth about its real size? lol). And, no, a larger mAh battery will only provide longer run times, not more speed. If anything, a larger battery may actually slow it down because of the extra weight.

100. comment for Feilun - FT009 High Speed RC Boat - Review and Maiden Run

Michael Pike
Michael Pike - 9 years ago
That is awesome
london smith
london smith - 9 years ago
i just got one in the mail and its charging as i speak :) cant wait to test it
Nathan Wait
Nathan Wait - 9 years ago
The udi001, and I love it
Nathan Wait
Nathan Wait - 9 years ago
Oh okay, I got mine from Amazon prime for 47 bucks
Nathan Wait
Nathan Wait - 9 years ago
Nathan Wait
Nathan Wait - 9 years ago
Oh okay, where did u get you're from?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Nathan Wait It was sent to me to review from Tmart.
Nathan Wait
Nathan Wait - 9 years ago
They didn't send you the transmitter with it?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Nathan Wait The UDI boat? Yeah, it came with one, but it's defective and won't bind.
ComanderStryker23 - 9 years ago
U can put your fingers on the safety contact things and they will run just letting u know if u wanna test the props out of water
Nathan Wait
Nathan Wait - 9 years ago
Get the udi001 or the udi002 they r both amazing boats
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Nathan Wait I was sent one to review, but unfortunately it won't bind to the transmitter. :(
Trevor Weeks
Trevor Weeks - 9 years ago
the water pickup works the opposite way sucks it up from the back spits out the side
Ruudy L
Ruudy L - 9 years ago
So you play with it in the bathtub, I just have my rubber ducky, got too get one of these then, but that will be  FT012    Alishanmao  reviewed one and it actually dived underwater for like 5 seconds it disappeared, came up and just continued going.   Also how well designed is this with those safety sensors in the bottom, for not accidently starting it in your hand, not like Horizon Hobby with some stupid switch.   those strange ripple you saw, was most likely some big fish, looking for a meal
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Ruudy L Haha, I just released my FT012 review today, and mine dove underwater too! :D I've had no issues with the safety censors, but I'd prefer it if they weren't there (it's just always risky feeling to throw the boat in the water before being certain it is bound and working). The FT012 doesn't have them... it's on and ready to go as soon as you connect the battery. :)
Doggeslife - 9 years ago
I guess once you tried the brushless version this one became a closet queen, or at least banned to smaller ponds too small for the faster boat. The difference in performance is amazing. Just got my first boat, a Barbwire XL (brushless, self-righting) and it's amazingly quick.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Doggeslife I gave this to my friend (who lives at the apartment complex with this pond that I'm using), but even after owning the brushless version, I still find this version to be quite enjoyable. The brushless one can be a bit too fast at times. They are both great boats though, especially for the price. :)
shawn mcintyre
shawn mcintyre - 9 years ago
Nice boat, have you been running it alot this summer ?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@shawn mcintyre My friend let a friend drive it, and she ran it ashore and kept on the throttle, breaking the shaft.  It was a fairly easy fix though, and he's back up and running now.  And, yes, I get so much of a kick out of these boats that I've gotten like 5 more since this one.  lol  I have the brushless version now, the FT012, which is an absolute speed demon.  So much fun.  And I have my eye on that Cajun Commander... looks like fun!
shawn mcintyre
shawn mcintyre - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Number 1, I want to know if your boat is still running as it did when it was new, also just curious if its still a kick to get out and play at the lake... After all you are Flyin' Ryan ! Check out the Cajun Commander
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@shawn mcintyre Well, I gave it to my buddy (the one whose apartment has this lake). He's run it a few times since I gave it to him. Why?
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
Ryan, you haven't run the FT009 till you've gone wave jumping at the beach!  Wow!
Give it about half throttle parallel to the wave, make a hard right to sea and punch it!  I was getting 3 to 6 feet of air!  Landings were 50/50 wrong-side up.  But, who cares!  Use the self-righting procedure and do it all again.  Run out about 30 yards, then punch it to shore and go skipping over the ocean like the Harry Nilsson song!
Didn't take long to acquire a small audience and questions on where to pick one up, yada, yada.
Fun times Ryan!
Thomas Therrell
Thomas Therrell - 7 years ago
Going to do this soon. I made the mistake of watching a video of the ft011 in the surf lol. gotta get one of those also.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Steve S Oh my, that sounds like so much fun!!! :D
NEANEA JUSTINISH - 9 years ago
Nice video , can u make a video compare this boat with the huanqi rc speed boat , thank you
NEANEA JUSTINISH - 9 years ago
Oic , u helped a lot thx !!! @Flyin' Ryan RC​
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@NEANEA JUSTINISH Yeah, this Feilun boat is much faster than that. And that Huanqi boat uses dual props, and just changes the speeds of the props to turn, whereas the Feilun has an actual rudder to turn, making it a better turner.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@NEANEA JUSTINISH The only Huanqi boats that I am aware of don't look like they could even come close to competing with this boat. Can you provide a link to the specific one you are thinking of?
MONOKILLER - 9 years ago
I have one of these but do not now how to set it up i am only 10 is my first PROPER rc boat. please reply thanks.
P.S make a video how to set it up please.
MONOKILLER - 9 years ago
i have
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Liam Var There isn't really anything to setting it up. Maybe you should get some help from your parents.
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
Ordered one, it arrived yesterday late.  Got the necessary charging adapters [I'm not waiting 3-6 hours using wall charger] and whoosh!  Does this baby fly.  Already made mods to the rudder to turn sharper [in the pool] and bypassed the water pressure/safety switch.  Ordered another, so we can have some smashing fun.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Steve S You should check out the brushless FT012!! My review is still in the works, but here's a little teaser of the running video: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=514454405374605&set=vb.155742354579147&type=2&theater
Warrior - 9 years ago

Christian Rodriguez
Christian Rodriguez - 9 years ago
I have 4 of them thay are asome
Asys11 - 8 years ago
+bmxlife 123745 Why would someone own 4condoms?
dirtbike - 9 years ago
+Carlos Rodriguez yeah why would someone own 4 of the same thing
Carlos Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez - 9 years ago
That's not true!!!!!!!
Peter Saar
Peter Saar - 9 years ago
20 to 30 % faster.
Peter Saar
Peter Saar - 9 years ago
Goes faster if you turn up the throttle dial.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Peter Saar The throttle trim? So that when you stop applying throttle input, it just keeps moving on its own? I have to admit I didn't actually try that, but I've never heard of throttle trim actually allowing a higher top speed.
Ron Corlies
Ron Corlies - 9 years ago
Lol! I picked up one of these boats just last week (the same color too). It is my first foray into rc boating as well. It really is a good boat. Nice vid btw.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Ron Corlies So much fun. :) I just got the brushless version, FT012, too and that thing is SO FAST! :)
Gameplays Unlimited
Gameplays Unlimited - 9 years ago
Does the bigger battery make it go faster?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Gameplays unlimited No, more mAh (capacity) just means longer run times, not more power.
Dimitri Theophano
Dimitri Theophano - 9 years ago
Every r_c product bought from other companies has always worked
Dimitri Theophano
Dimitri Theophano - 9 years ago
Well I sent three of the feilun boats that didn't work and now the fourth is ready to go back.
Denise Ervolina
Denise Ervolina - 9 years ago
Where do you get all those helicopters?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Denise Ervolina I get them from a lot of difference sources, but mostly from Chinese online stores.
Gesh622 - 9 years ago
What battery have you been using on this one mate ?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Gesh622 Just the two that I discussed in the video.
Elliott Todd
Elliott Todd - 9 years ago
That was pretty cool. Seems like you know your business so it struck me funny when you were mentioning the cooling system. You had it completely backwards :) The water is forced in at the back by the prop. The forward motion forces the water in and pushes it out the side of the boat. Excellent review though !! Two thumbs up.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Elliott Todd Yeah, I've been corrected on that several times now. heh This is my first ever RC boat, so it's a pretty minor mistake considering that. :)
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info on the batteries and charging.  I was hesitant to get one of these babies because of the long battery charge time, [the ad said 4 hours, I believe].
Knowing I can use my LiPo charger with a mini-Tamiya and charge in an hour has me ready to pull the trigger.
Thanks again Flyin' Ryan!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Steve S Glad to help! :)
Michael Workinger
Michael Workinger - 9 years ago
Hey Maritime Ryan,

 That's a winner there. Since you seems to like it so much I have abit  of armchair mech advice you might find helpful----

 That wave flapping of the bow you will soon realize is not cool on several performance levels. You can tune that out with a bit of modeling clay inside the front hull of the boat  and a different pitch coming from the power end.
Michael Workinger
Michael Workinger - 9 years ago
Looks like you woke up the Lady of the Lake Maritime Ryan.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Michael Workinger Hahaha!
Classy - 9 years ago
Thanks I think I'm gonna get this
kingwithabrokencrown - 10 years ago
I love all your reviews on r/c's you talk about the good and bad on the r/c your doing the review on you explain things awesome job thumbs up..some do reviews pushing an item on the buyer even if its junk (prob working for that company) I cant stand that.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@kingwithabrokencrown Thanks! Being honest and unbiased is priority #1 for my reviews. :) Glad you appreciate that. :)
Chris Rhodes
Chris Rhodes - 10 years ago
seeing this, and you talking about the charger reminds me of the good 'ol days, where people said things like "it's a TRICKLE charger!" lol I'm sitting here waiting on you to say it's slow almost like a TRICKLE charge, not a balance charge haha good work bro keep it up!
SEBATT - 10 years ago
So you see that when you go full throttle, the boat kinda skips along. If you try to move the battery forward a little bit, the skipping should stop.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Atterhall Racing I don't think there's room to move the battery, but other weight could probably be added to the nose.  I don't mind the skipping though… it looks cool to me.  And it was probably worsened by the choppy water.
Mohammad Saad
Mohammad Saad - 10 years ago
Great review!
Mohammad Saad
Mohammad Saad - 10 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Mohammad Saad Thanks!
Ibrahim Bahloul
Ibrahim Bahloul - 10 years ago
What type of battery does the transmitter use
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Ibrahim Bahloul Just standard AA batteries.
Winston Smith
Winston Smith - 10 years ago
Very cool! Know of a source for a battery pack plug converter/adapter to allow the use of 7.4V Lipo packs with other power connectors?

What camera do you have mounted to your cap bill?  Great video.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Winston Smith I usually find adapters like that on eBay, though I think it's really best to solder on the correct plug type, since using an adapter can limit the power flow.  The camera I use on my hat is the Mobius Action Cam.
Hugh Hemington
Hugh Hemington - 10 years ago
Now you need an RC ice boat with little skates.
William Dyer
William Dyer - 10 years ago
First off, let me say I love your reviews. They're always honest and comprehensive. I've always been interested in RC boats but have been put off by "What if something happens out there." At least with my quadcopters, if some thing happens gravity will bring it home. My question regarding the FT009 is, does a LVC exist? When the battery gets low, does a LED blink somewhere or maybe a gauge on the controller? My biggest concern with an RC boat is getting it back without getting wet or having to have a full-sized boat of my own. Thanks for making these videos and your flying control in that tiny room with the fish lamp is amazing.
jason persaud
jason persaud - 7 years ago
William Dyer they have other really cheap boats on amazon or toys r us fir 20 bucks or even cheaper u can use for recovery
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@William Dyer Thanks!  When this boat hits LVC, it will slow down, giving you plenty of time to get it back to shore.  :)
Don Coervers
Don Coervers - 10 years ago
Awesome boat, like it a lot ryan
Mohana Oliveira
Mohana Oliveira - 6 years ago
Don Coervers
Don Coervers - 10 years ago
Its like my Reely wavebreaker, great beginnerboat, that brings lots of fun. And thats what its all about. Thumbs up ...
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Don Coervers It's awesome, especially for the price.  :)
Levi Bonecutter
Levi Bonecutter - 10 years ago
Your doing boats now or is this just a one time thing?
Raycefan - 10 years ago
If this boat truly enables you to, as you said,"do what ever I want...", then I am SO buying one of these so that I can make sweet, sweet love to Jessica Biel every day. This will be EPIC!!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Raycefan It's an RC boat, not a fantasy machine.  heh  :)~
RC Video Productions
RC Video Productions - 10 years ago
Love the green colour :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Dewy Larsen So much fun!  :)
XxxInTheMiddlexxX - 10 years ago
The water pickup for the cooling is on the back, the hole in the bottom of the hull outputs the water
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@XxxInTheMiddlexxX Yeah, a couple other people informed me of that too.  Minor mistake for my first ever RC boat review.  ;)
HAPPY cuber
HAPPY cuber - 10 years ago
Ben Pyka
Ben Pyka - 10 years ago
Traxxas makes good trucks try them out
Ben Pyka
Ben Pyka - 10 years ago
Yeah I just got a rustler vxl
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Ben Pyka I have a Stampede VXL:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrqG3INEiXQ
Rigo.A_0122 - 10 years ago
Wow I can buy this boat in a days work. Great review.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Rigo Alvarez Thanks!  Yeah, this thing is so awesome for the price.  :)
Alex Kanode
Alex Kanode - 10 years ago
Flyin ryan can you do a review on the new cheerson cx-10 a i hear its really cool
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Alex Kanode Yep, I have one on the way.  It's the exact same as the CX-10, with the addition of the pointless "Headless Mode" that everything seems to be adding lately.  :/
Tommy - 10 years ago
Capt Ryan :D keep doing your thing thats 4sure

 This fits :D -->  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4NChe56s9E
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Tommy S Dangit, I should've worn flippy-floppies for the run video.  :)~
eric deherrera
eric deherrera - 10 years ago
Looks like a lot of boat for 60 bucks!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@eric deherrera Definitely!
Brett Boughton
Brett Boughton - 10 years ago
Great Vid. I smiled when you geeked out :-)
I know you've mentioned it before but what model is your hobby grade charger?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Brett Boughton I was having so much fun.  :D  My charger is an old Dynamite Passport of some sort, which I don't think they sell anymore, but there are newer models now that look even nicer.  :)
Dave Cooper
Dave Cooper - 10 years ago
Looks great fun.... And green too!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Dave Cooper So much fun, and great looking!  :D
thafactor24 - 10 years ago
my parents have been living on the lake since 1979 and I've never wanted a boat til i finished watching the video they don't live far from me so at that price I might just order one of those boats
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@thafactor24 You should man… it's SO much fun!!  :D
thafactor24 - 10 years ago
I Agree awesome boat captain flyin Ryan I've never owned a boat great review
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@thafactor24 Thanks! :)
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 10 years ago
This is so awesome! I had already picked this out for the summer and now that you did a review it makes me even more confident :)
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Yep cant wait
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@The RCAddict You'll love it bud!  So much fun.  :)
SnapPunch Robert
SnapPunch Robert - 10 years ago
Really nice boat there bro.  That sucker is pretty quick. I may just have to get me a boat too. Never had a boat so that'd be cool.  Thanks for share, and 15:18 is cool. Too cool.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@SnapPunch Robert It's so much fun!  And that self-righting feature is so cool, and gives so much confidence in just driving this thing however hard you want, and not having to worry about going out to rescue it.  :)
Andrew Florian
Andrew Florian - 10 years ago
Nice review Ryan! I've been thinking about getting me one too. That one is really nice and has a pretty fast speed. And with that $60 price tag I think you have me sold on it! I need more toys lol
Alison Couper
Alison Couper - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC j
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Andrew Florian You will love it!  So much fun!!  :D
TOJO - 10 years ago
That looks like a awesome boat! Green is the ting, price is good too!
RC Video Productions
RC Video Productions - 10 years ago
It is a good ting Tommy lol :P
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@TOJO RC So awesome!  :D
adipap13able - 10 years ago
So this must make you flyin' and boatin' Ryan.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@adipap13able :D
سلتوح بن دخيل الله
سلتوح بن دخيل الله - 10 years ago
Im lovet that
Thank you mr ryan
Finn Wooley
Finn Wooley - 7 years ago
سلتوح بن دخيل الله? for that right dude and this is my first Time watching you your very cool. Can you send me one?
سلتوح بن دخيل الله
سلتوح بن دخيل الله - 9 years ago
@faisal blaihed اسلك له
Alpatriod - 10 years ago
Ryan you should do a review of an rc snowmobile.
Also you should go rc ice fishing, fishing line on a plane or heli ft a bite and go forward!!!
Alpatriod - 10 years ago
Awsome can't wait!!!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Alpatriod I actually have an RC Snowmobile review coming soon.  :)
Frank Napolitano
Frank Napolitano - 10 years ago
For $60.00 you can't go wrong   This little boat seems to have a lot of  cool features a hobby grade boat would have and it runs great !
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Frank Nap Agreed! :)
Skfpv - 10 years ago
Yeah the new brushless blackjack 24 is good too.aquacraft has a good range as well.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@shadab k The Miss Geico 17 (brushed) is the only size still for sale, at least on Horizon's site.  And I was looking at the Blackjack 24, since that is brushless, but still rather affordable.
Skfpv - 10 years ago
Both are good.The miss geico 29 has an 80 amp esc.i love this neon green boat hehe.the blackjack 31 has a bigger esc.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@shadab k Yeah, I can't wait!  I am already eyeing a Pro Boat catamaran, like the Miss Geico or Blackjack.  :D
Jared Lundmark
Jared Lundmark - 10 years ago
Hey Ryan on one of my nano quads the motor part that holds the prop is slightly slanted do to a crash. Every time I try to fly the 3 motors take off but that one doesn't although it does rotate. Do you know what's going on with it? Thanks!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Goprosuperhero Sounds like you already figured out the problem. ;)  You need to replace the motor with the bent shaft.
edthecarpenter - 10 years ago
Nice job Capt. Great videotaping also. Pretty cool that this boat has a flip mode.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@edthecarpenter Thanks!  :)
Matthew Fant
Matthew Fant - 10 years ago
Wow! Freaking sweet!!! And for $60? I'd take that all day long. Now take the boat I've been looking at, the Traxxas Spartan. Very nice, very fast, but missing a couple features that you would think a boat that expensive would have: A water sealed compartment, and a self righting feature like this one. I'm going to snag this one up in the spring!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Matthew Fant @Chad deQuevedo Wow, I had no idea that some boats were not water-sealed!  That seems absolutely crazy to me!  If I had known that, I would've made more of a point to point that out as another positive for this boat.  :)
Chad deQuevedo
Chad deQuevedo - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC I have the Aquacraft Revolt 30 and you have to seal it with boat tape (black hockey tape apparently works too) after you connect the battery. I almost lost it on the maiden run because I missed that one sentence in the manual. The canopy popped off and water got everywhere. Luckily, it still runs and I have a ton of fun with it (http://youtu.be/vVVL79SkbTo). Great review as always and FT009 looks like it has some kick to it.
Matthew Fant
Matthew Fant - 10 years ago
It is not. There are a bunch of videos showing ways of helping to water seal the compartment or tape it. Also, from my understanding, the cooling jacket that wraps around the motor, leaks as well. This is all secondhand knowledge. I haven't owned one yet, although, towerhobbies.com has a great deal where you get 2 3 cell lipos included with the boat, and I almost snagged it up till I read about all the issues. There are aftermarket solutions to fix the issues of course...
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Matthew Fant The Spartan isn't water sealed!?  That seems like a necessity for any boat.  Weird.  Be sure to check out the brushless version of this one too (link in the video description).  It should be even more fun!  :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@sameer kadam Thanks.  :)
Budget Guy RC
Budget Guy RC - 10 years ago
nice boat & review my friend well done have fun rcing
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Budget Guy RC Thanks!  :)
ZML Channel
ZML Channel - 10 years ago
K thx I plan on buying the syma X11
SmoothCruizer37 - 10 years ago
Any coupon codes for boats? I'm still a newbie with banggood website
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@SmoothCruizer37 I don't know of any Banggood coupons.  :(
flyingm1 - 10 years ago
Nice review!  My friend and I enjoyed running these boats last summer. His is green and mine is orange (which is actually more copper colored).  We never had any problems except my rudder assembly came loose. The screws that hold it to the hull can strip as they only hold on to the plastic.  And make sure the cooling hoses are all the way on the coil.  My friend's boat almost became a submarine when the hose came off and it filled half full of water.  Still ran fine after that.  Finally, you can override the safety feature by attaching both wires together at one of the two screws (water sensors).  Just be careful not to hit the throttle accidentally!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@flyingm1 Thanks for the tips!  :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Z.M.L Channel Yep, I've placed several orders there and have been happy with them.  :)
Death potato
Death potato - 10 years ago
hey Ryan, im looking for my first medium sized drone that can take video and wont drain my bank account do you have any suggestions?
Death potato
Death potato - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC ok thank you
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Death potato potato Syma X5C or JJRC H8C seem to be the best in that category right now.
John Norrbin
John Norrbin - 10 years ago
"Hi everybody it's Floatin' Ryan™ here with the review of the Feilun - FT009" :D
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@John Norrbin Hahaha!  :D
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 10 years ago
Looks like a nice boat. I've been thinking about one, but water isn't as close as my helipad.

If that pond turns to ice, then you really ought to try an RC hovercraft on it. Seems like some of the variants of the early Tyco models are now coming into stock - they've been listed but out of stock at many places for the last few years. The dual prop differential steering ones steer like tanks - you can spin in place by running one engine in reverse and the other forward.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Mike Meyer That sounds like fun.  :)  I will have to check my local toy stores and see if anything is available and of interest.  :)
zimmy1958 - 10 years ago
nice boat Captain Ryan and it's green to ;-)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@zimmy1958 Thanks!  Yeah, the green and the self-righting made this a must-buy for me.  :D
Vanessa Okú
Vanessa Okú - 10 years ago
Got a s6 mini heli, any tips anyone?
4thGloryMonday - 10 years ago
Thumbs up captain
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@4thGloryMonday Thanks!  :)
Frequent Flyer RC
Frequent Flyer RC - 10 years ago
Awesome! I have no water near me lol
Celestiano Lima
Celestiano Lima - 6 years ago
Frequent Flyer RC boi
Pairin 1
Pairin 1 - 6 years ago
Pairin 1
Pairin 1 - 6 years ago
Frequent Flyer RC คนใจ
วันวิสา อ้าหลี
วันวิสา อ้าหลี - 7 years ago
Frequent Flyer RC i
Michael Workinger
Michael Workinger - 9 years ago
..Soo tempted.  I just made the leap into FPV so I have to keep my quad budget focused.  When i figure out how to water- proof FPV mod a boat.... that is the one.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Michael Workinger It's awesome.  And the brushless version is even better!  I have one on the way, and will be reviewing it soon.  :)
Michael Workinger
Michael Workinger - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC

I'm friggin tempted. For an entry model that one has it all.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Frequent Flyer RC Previously there was only one odd little lake I could've used, so I never really looked into boats.  But once my friend moved into that new apartment with a pond in the backyard, it was ON!  :D
moolikeacow2 - 10 years ago
That thing is pretty cool!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@moolikeacow2 So much fun man!  And for the price… if you have access to water, get one!  :D
mtctookie25 - 10 years ago
Nice maiden of your first hobby grade boat.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@mtctookie25 Thanks! :)
Mitchell Cook
Mitchell Cook - 10 years ago
Is there any sort of like LVC telemetry warning on the transmitter? Unless the ESC has a voltage floor where it will only allow the motor a low amount of voltage when the battery gets low to let you know it's time to come in.  But if not really gotta listen to the motor, if you accidentally over draw that battery, that will mean flames, trust me lol
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Mitchell Cook No telemetry, but there is some sort of cutoff where the boat goes into slow speed, so you know to bring it back.  :)
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
lol captain Ryan, i realy like to see you having fun with your rc's :)
nice vid, more boat's :)
but the cooling is other. it's take's water from the back and the screw schoots it out on the bodem (i also got a rc speedboat) 
Sara Dragsten
Sara Dragsten - 7 years ago
always rc rev
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC  thanks for the answer. it's a realy cheap quad. a friend of me got it
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@rc boats Yeah, definitely!  :)
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
i am gonna buy the hubsan X4 h107 i think that's a good choice?
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC
lol i live with my dad and mother. so i have not yet so mutch rc's :( but i take them on to buy some rc's lol
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@rc boats Thanks!  And yeah, my house is starting to fill to the brim with RCs.  lol
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC
haha. you could yeah
it is a realy nice boat, i think you are a good guy :) again we like to see your vids. i think you have a house vul of rc's :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@rc boats I may have to consider it. :)  I really like the look of the Miss Geico, but it seems they only sell the small brushed one now, and I would really like brushless, and probably the 3S LiPo with it.  :)  I can always use this boat as my rescue boat, I suppose.  :)
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
yeah 2 time's. but i do have a homemade pusher tug
so i can push it back
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@rc boats I'll check it out!  I was just looking at Pro Boat's page about that exact boat!  Looks awesome. :)  Do you ever accidentally flip it?
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
that's treu. 
anyway we like to see your video's
you can see my proboat blackjack 29 (brushless) on my channel.. mabye you could subscribe?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@rc boats I want to get a Pro Boat catamaran, like maybe the Miss Geico, but I'm really hesitant to buy boats that don't self-right now.  Seems like maybe we will see more of that feature in future models?  It's really a reassuring feature, since I don't want to have a rescue backup plan every time I want to go boating.
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
nice, i am looking forward to your next vid
i am sure that the water intake is in the back. thats why its got a "not flat side on it) the screw shoots the water in the pickup. in my rc boat you can see the water schooting uit the side (my water pickup is on the back and the outake in the side) 

maybe the proboat impulse 9 or the blackjack 9
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@rc boats Thanks!  I have another boat video coming soon.  :)  Are you certain about the ports?  Seems like the bottom would be a better in port… shooting water out of the bottom seems like it would affect the way it sits on the water.  And is the rooster tail out of the back not partly caused by the output water?
Lukas Post
Lukas Post - 10 years ago
Thank you for the review, nice boat!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Lukas Post Thanks!  :)
Gabor Gabor
Gabor Gabor - 10 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@2280david Reply to your reply to your reply.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Gabor Gabor BOAT!
mrReEeEeE - 10 years ago
@2280david reply to my reply (weird silence)
mrReEeEeE - 10 years ago
IAmStizzle - 10 years ago
Aye aye Captain Ryan.
FuManBoobs - 10 years ago
Next time push him in. That'll get a few more views.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@IAmStizzle Aye, thanks for the camera work!
Tobi Lang
Tobi Lang - 10 years ago
Lc_xo - 10 years ago
Great vid, its beautiful! And Green!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Chaitanya Breed I review any RC that interests me.  :)  This is my first boat review, and I have another one coming next week.
Chaitanya Breed
Chaitanya Breed - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC do you review rc boats?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@OllieTheCat2012 The fact that it came in green, on top of having self-righting, meant there was simply no way I could not buy this!  hahaha  :D

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