Feilun - FT011 Brushless High Speed Boat - Review and Run

Link to purchase from GearBest.com: RTR ($82) - http://shrsl.com/?~cl3m The big brother to the FT012 and FT009 boats, which I am a big fan of. This one has a brushless motor, like the FT012, but the larger size keeps it from being much faster, if faster at all. But it's still quite fast. Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan To keep up with what I'm working on reviewing, and for occasional giveaways from my sponsors, Please like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc Would you like to see me review more high-end models? Then please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FlyinRyanRC

Feilun - FT011 Brushless High Speed Boat - Review and Run sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Reviews 8 years ago 83,849 views

Link to purchase from GearBest.com: RTR ($82) - http://shrsl.com/?~cl3m The big brother to the FT012 and FT009 boats, which I am a big fan of. This one has a brushless motor, like the FT012, but the larger size keeps it from being much faster, if faster at all. But it's still quite fast. Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan To keep up with what I'm working on reviewing, and for occasional giveaways from my sponsors, Please like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc Would you like to see me review more high-end models? Then please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FlyinRyanRC

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Most popular comments
for Feilun - FT011 Brushless High Speed Boat - Review and Run

ItsYaBoyDolphin - 5 years ago
it is kind of ugly
Rick Barg
Rick Barg - 6 years ago
Trim Tabs
P.J. The RC Man
P.J. The RC Man - 6 years ago
Ryan what’s up good seeing your vids. You got to get the Traxxas Spartan that boat in terms of speed is ungodly. Very stable too because it’s got some weight to it as well. But this feiliun boat f-011 is no doubt a beast on the water I had the F-012 I gave it away bad move.
Kevin Skonieczny
Kevin Skonieczny - 6 years ago
You in Michigan? The Harbours Apts?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
Nope, this is in IL, but I wouldn't be surprised if these apartments are just some sort of mass-produced design that is used all throughout the midwest.
Paulie W
Paulie W - 6 years ago
adjustments in trim and stuff will help with nose bouncing its just diving a bit instead of planing
Bulat Gemuk
Bulat Gemuk - 6 years ago
Hi, i just bought this last week, and i’m wondering. May i use 3s btry 35c? Is it gonna ruin the esc and etc, because i’ve read somewhere before, and some said that it’s will fried the esc? What do you think?
Bulat Gemuk
Bulat Gemuk - 6 years ago
Hi, may i know which one more faster between ft011 and ft012?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
Not really sure... they seem pretty comparable in speed.
aridude9 - 6 years ago
Do you think it could go in salt water?
aridude9 - 6 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
I believe so. I would wash it with fresh water afterwards, just to make sure it doesn't rust.
Wendy Schoonveld
Wendy Schoonveld - 6 years ago
A little thing to note: that servo is not waterproof. It is water resistant to a minor extent, but not waterproof. I had that little servo pushrod sealer that he was talking about pop off one time, and when i brought it in for a battery change, the thing was like half full of water. This one submergement was all it took. My very next run, it went out and got stuck full lock left. Otherwise, all was good.

10. comment for Feilun - FT011 Brushless High Speed Boat - Review and Run

kihei rc
kihei rc - 6 years ago
I wonder if running the trim tabs bent down a little would smooth that out either that or put the battery farther forward but hey thanks for the review that's great
Carlos Danger
Carlos Danger - 6 years ago
Why do people try so hard to pronounce shit wrong it’s felon, you thought it was feel on does that sound right
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
How do you know? And why do you care how I try to pronounce a Chinese brand name?
Paul Cooper
Paul Cooper - 6 years ago
Hi ive just done an upgrade i put a vid on my channel, its amazing upgrade, your boat seems gruntier than stock?
Shadow2294 - 6 years ago
looking to buy this or the ft012 for my first boat...
which would be the better buy?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
Depends on the size of the water area you want to run it in. They are basically the same thing, just different sizes. If you have a larger body of water, go with the FT011. If the body of water is smallish, go with the FT012.
Drones And Fun
Drones And Fun - 6 years ago
How do you know is your about to run outa batterie on the water
Ron Larsen
Ron Larsen - 7 years ago
perhaps put a little weight in the back center....like some bee bees and hot glue for example. It should handle better and easier on the drive line without bouncing in and out of water..
kingcobra - 7 years ago
i must say i like Ryans videos,they dont swamp you with techno gobberish,he has a neat easy going way which is relaxing,and the videos are pretty clear and informative,and a real help especially to those starting out on r.c. boats,which is good, if something is easy to work with ,people tend to like it.well done Ryan.
Tim Sawyer
Tim Sawyer - 7 years ago
Throw a little lube on the rudder servo arm as well as applying some sort of adhesive to the grommet (on the inside). Not sure if super glue would be good enough, rubber cement or even a small dab of silicon would probably be better.
Alfredo Wh
Alfredo Wh - 7 years ago
Why are u not uploading any more pls can u you are my favrote
Renilson Almeida
Renilson Almeida - 7 years ago
Como eu faço pra comprar uma lancha de controle remoto FTO11

20. comment for Feilun - FT011 Brushless High Speed Boat - Review and Run

Crooked Halo
Crooked Halo - 7 years ago
I'm trying to decide between an F011 and F012. The major differences I see are the F011 is larger and not as maneuverable in turns. The F012 seems a bit faster all-around. I want the size of the F011 but the speed and hairpin turn ability of the F012. Are there any other major differences I am missing? Which do you prefer?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
It seems the red version was a limited run, and is discontinued and sold out everywhere now. I found one on Amazon, but it's listed for $180, due to how rare it is now.
Crooked Halo
Crooked Halo - 7 years ago
Thank you. Now, maybe Bang Good will get my money. There's some on EBay from the U.S. that are cheaper and offer faster delivery being in the states. I wish I could go to a store & buy it on the shelf in the Austin area (that's where I live). I'll get an extra battery or two so I don't have to wait 1-3 hours for another run (don't worry...I'll let the motor cool before continuing). I'll get an extra top hatch cover in red since I'm not a fan of black. Can't find the 012 in anything but black.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
The size is really the main difference. The speed and turning radius are relative to the size, so they drive pretty similarly in their respective running areas. If you have a small running area, get the smaller FT012. If you have a large running area, get the larger FT011.
Liam Taylor
Liam Taylor - 7 years ago
Can u use 2 of Same boat together
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Yes, you could use hundreds at the same time without interference. ;)
Liam Taylor
Liam Taylor - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC can u use 3
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
That is correct. Modern RCs use 2.4ghz radios, which means signal interference is a non-issue.
Liam Taylor
Liam Taylor - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC so it won't interfere with the other 1
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Froilan Magnampo
Froilan Magnampo - 7 years ago
where i can buy spare battery?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
You can find them on Amazon, Bangood, GearBest, etc...
Neville Fajarito
Neville Fajarito - 7 years ago
is it safe to use in open ocean? does it make the engine rusty?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Impossible to say which is "better". They are basically the same thing, except the FT011 is bigger. So, if you are going to running it in a large body of water, I would go with the bigger model.
Neville Fajarito
Neville Fajarito - 7 years ago
last question. For you which is better ft011 or ft012?
Neville Fajarito
Neville Fajarito - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC thank you!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
I think it would be find to use in salt water, but I would thoroughly rinse it in fresh water afterwards.
Gabe Short
Gabe Short - 7 years ago
does your charger blink when you plug in your battery
Gabe Short
Gabe Short - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC thank you
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
I don't remember, but I don't think it did.
rcktrich - 7 years ago
Can you race against other ft011s or will the radios interfere with each other
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
These use 2.4ghz radio, so no worries about interference. :)
Robin Katzenstein
Robin Katzenstein - 7 years ago
The safety feature does not work in a pool
kingcobra - 7 years ago
they are easy to disconnect fortunately, i know they do it so kids dont get meddling fingers chopped off(dont look good on the adverts having young Hank waving his hand around screaming with blood pumping out the ends of the severed digits eh what?) but personally i find it a hassle to have to fill the bath with water just to see if the boat i unpacked actually WORKS!!!! (it DIDNT  anyway,but thats another story.)
Robin Katzenstein
Robin Katzenstein - 7 years ago
I took mine out
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
The safety feature actually doesn't work at all. I was incorrect about that.
Timothy Dizon
Timothy Dizon - 7 years ago
which one is better, ft011 or ft012?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Well, they are essentially the same, except the FT011 is bigger. So, which is better would depend on which size you want/need/prefer.
Cory Reeves
Cory Reeves - 7 years ago
Nice review Ryan. Looks as fast as some of the pro boats at Horizon for half the price. I see them for under 100 dollars now. I ordered one it was a lot cheaper than the pro boats at Horizon and since it is my first boat I figured this was the way to go.
kingcobra - 7 years ago
glad you had a good boat Cory, my ft009 came to UK from China,i waited near 3 weeks,and it has never worked,did get SOME refund from the seller though,and i dont have to send it back,once i pick up enough courage to try again,i might go for an ft012 and use some of the parts from the 009 for spares.
Cory Reeves
Cory Reeves - 7 years ago
Mine runs like a champ so far and I have ran a motion rc 35c pack back to back with th 30c lipo that comes with the boat.
Cory Reeves
Cory Reeves - 7 years ago
Awesome. I look forward to it. The fact it includes a 4 cell 30c 2200 lipo alone means they only charge you about 75 dollars for the boat a smoking deal.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
You made a good choice. This thing blows most of the ProBoats out of the water (pun intended!). You're gonna love it! Boats are so much fun! :)
Flibbertigibbet - 7 years ago
Hi. are your metal stability fins on the back a little loose? mine just turned up and wobble slightly. thanks
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
I don't believe so. I would suggest tightening them... I don't think they should be loose.

30. comment for Feilun - FT011 Brushless High Speed Boat - Review and Run

gareth pyle
gareth pyle - 7 years ago
new to boating but purchased ft011 after your review in your opinion whats the best feilun boat may get another im hooked
gareth pyle
gareth pyle - 7 years ago
Many thanks Ryan
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Well, there's the FT012, but it's pretty much the same as the FT011, but smaller. What I currently have my eye on is the Pro Boat River Jet Boat. That looks pretty interesting... it uses a jet, instead of prop and rudder, so it would be an entirely different type of boating experience. :)
music entertainment
music entertainment - 7 years ago
Hi Ryan ,Thanks for your help ! Newbie mistake . Did what you suggested and it works . LOL . These boats are wicked fast and at this price point i personally thinks its worth every penny !
Hello People
Hello People - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC my name is Ryan
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Glad you got it sorted out! And yeah, this is an awesome boat, especially for the price! :)
music entertainment
music entertainment - 7 years ago
Hi Ryan , my buddy and i ordered these ft 1011 and when we try to run it the transmitter binded on both boats and we can only run one boat at a time . Do these not c0me in different frequency . Have not heard back from banggood which we ordered it .
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
It's 2.4ghz, so you should have no problem running two at the same time. Bind one boat/transmitter first, and then bind the second one, and they should both operate separately.
Jamar Jones
Jamar Jones - 7 years ago
like it
No limits RC
No limits RC - 8 years ago
Deans plug
Russell Gatten
Russell Gatten - 8 years ago
how big of a battery can you get in the boat and how do you know when the battery is low
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I'm not sure about battery sizes, but you know the battery is low when the power is reduced... even at full throttle, the boat will only move slowly so you can bring it back to shore.
Adam Lmrqqi
Adam Lmrqqi - 8 years ago
Joe H.S
Joe H.S - 8 years ago
It's a deans connector
Sled_NeckX99 - 8 years ago
you should review the pro boat recoil 17
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
It's too expensive, since it's from an American brand. :/
Rh Last Nae
Rh Last Nae - 8 years ago
They are nice, but 6 min runtime, its tough... and lipos not cheap even at HK.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, boats aren't very efficient, so they burn through the battery fast.
josh moore
josh moore - 8 years ago
Maybe you could put some weights in so it doesn't skip on the water it might also help with it to not tip
FaZe rug Rug rats
FaZe rug Rug rats - 8 years ago
Nice it's fast
sagar Palekar
sagar Palekar - 8 years ago
hey is charger included
kingcobra - 7 years ago
perhaps just lift out that puny brushless motor and install a 7600 kv electric running from a 450 amp esc and powered by a couple of stacked 7000 amh nano lipos? ,of course then you might need to change the prop, and the rudder? lol!
Matthew Ricker
Matthew Ricker - 7 years ago
model nutty
model nutty - 7 years ago
darn near year later now... oh for sure you needed to tweak the trim tabs slightly down, their rear edges, (from rear view) 1 to 1.5mm on the left side and 2 to 2.5mm right side (to counter torque roll), for keeping the V hull down more and carving, punching through instead of lifting+hopping.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Everything I showed in the review is included in the RTR package.
Sergej Nadaždin
Sergej Nadaždin - 8 years ago
top speed? (km/h)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yes I did: 2:03
Sergej Nadaždin
Sergej Nadaždin - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC No, you didn't. it goes 55km/h.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure I covered that in the review.
RC Hobbyist Extreme
RC Hobbyist Extreme - 8 years ago
Adding a bit of weight would stop the bounce. I built myself an RC boat this past year but next year I plan on buying this boat. The one I have is a fishing trawler I made from a german made RC boat that no longer functioned. Apparently they had a tendancy to short out upon getting wet,ruining the Circuit board and costing $140 new back in the 80's. The company went belly up quickly. I put hobby grade parts in it and made it function. This model has cought my eye so tempted to by one. Thanks for doing the review so I know what I am getting for my money. Wouldnt want to do another RC rebuild.lol.
TheDroneResistance - 7 years ago
Good to know that the tabs can fix it. I was going to suggest adding some ballast as well, but a lot of these rc/drone companies think of all the little things like that. I'm amazed at how intuitive all the new designs are.
Bubba Woods
Bubba Woods - 8 years ago
yes ryan i did that to mine and works great i lift it up a bit
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I think even just adjusting those back metal tabs would stop the bouncing, but I didn't think of that at the time. :)
VoidCyrus XD
VoidCyrus XD - 8 years ago
That's boat is super fast
Bubba Woods
Bubba Woods - 8 years ago
ft0011 all day
Wyatt Davis
Wyatt Davis - 8 years ago
which one do you recommend? this ft0011 or the ft0012? please help me out
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
So much fun. :)
sirhilsam - 8 years ago
Great review and excellent run. We don't have much fresh water ponds etc in my country. Can this be run on the calm sea or will the salt water damage it?
sirhilsam - 8 years ago
Thanks a million...your videos are always both informative and instructive to the RC community...especially for traditionally non rc counties.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I think it would be fine in salt water, as long as you thoroughly wash it with fresh water afterwards.
bud - 8 years ago
That plug most people call it a deans plug or a T plug
Delta - 8 years ago
Raihan Akbar
Raihan Akbar - 8 years ago
That's a deans plug
Sm1 Sm1
Sm1 Sm1 - 8 years ago
bad quality boat from experience
Sm1 Sm1
Sm1 Sm1 - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Why would I replace it? I am just a reviewer. I don't make or sell this boat. Generally speaking, if you want to complain about something being bad, it's a lot more useful and constructive for you to actually say WHY. Otherwise, why do you think anyone would care that some random person said it's bad, with absolutely no information as to why?
Sm1 Sm1
Sm1 Sm1 - 8 years ago
if u will replace it then ask me for explain. thnks
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Explain why. You seem to be the only one that I've heard of so far that doesn't love this boat.

50. comment for Feilun - FT011 Brushless High Speed Boat - Review and Run

Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 8 years ago
looks like a beast
Khanh Gia
Khanh Gia - 8 years ago
nhiu vây
Jason Ask
Jason Ask - 8 years ago
i have a phantom 3 pro its nice i flew 2 miles without crashing i went 30 mph a phantom gimbal and camera
Seth Byas
Seth Byas - 8 years ago
Was there someone else videoing your boat?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, my friend/coworker. He lives at the apartment complex where that lake is, so while I'm there, I have him do some secondary camera angles. :)
Nikolaos Denikarias
Nikolaos Denikarias - 8 years ago
This my favorite RC boat that I own good review though
1 22gaming
1 22gaming - 8 years ago
sorry I didn't look through them
1 22gaming
1 22gaming - 8 years ago
try adjusting the metal tab more towards the water to have the boat more flat and stable
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yep, numerous comments about that already. ;)
Ruudy L
Ruudy L - 8 years ago
Nice boat and a good price, I think it was just a bit choppy the water, but still ran good.Once you had a little car with all kinds of sound effects, with smartphone controls.   I came across this one  http://www.geekbuying.com/item/Funny-R-101-2-4G-Smart-RC-Car-Smart-Watch-Voice-Control-Racer---Gray-367144.html  I thought you might like it,    I saw a green one too.   Good review as usual thanks
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hah, I actually just got that car in the mail last week. :)
Steve Donald
Steve Donald - 8 years ago
I can't find the boat on the enternet anywhere
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Did you look in my video description? ;) I have the purchase link right there.
Squidink - 8 years ago
Try bending the trim tabs down a bit, it will help with the bounce!
jonas wilberg
jonas wilberg - 8 years ago
id say the motor is to powerfull for the boats Weight and size xD
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Nah, I just need to adjust the tabs in the back of the boat. :)
James Higginbotham
James Higginbotham - 8 years ago
this boat has the sensors so that it has to be in the water to work, but they arent actaully conected to anything...
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yep, I put an annotation on the video correcting myself about that.
James Higginbotham
James Higginbotham - 8 years ago
I just bought this and It breaks so much the I have spent as much money on parts as I have when I bought it
James Higginbotham
James Higginbotham - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC servo is not water proof and the white plastic piece on the motor cooling mount came off and flooded the boat. The esc also completely broke and had to buy a new one twice because the company from China (bang good) sent me something else when I ordered the esc and they wouldn't reply to my emails
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
How in the world did you break it!?
Daniel Benjamin
Daniel Benjamin - 8 years ago
The plug is deans
Trey Robbins
Trey Robbins - 8 years ago
Is the rapid gallop rc boat faster than the ft012
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
The WL913? Yes, that is the fastest boat I have reviewed.
Trey Robbins
Trey Robbins - 8 years ago
Ok but is the miss gieco 17 ok to run a 3s in
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I just replied to your comment about that on my Miss Geico video. I reply to all my comments, so no need to repeat yourself. ;)
Trey Robbins
Trey Robbins - 8 years ago
I love your videos flyan Ryan rc can you do a review on the blackjack 24?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
No, it's too expensive. :( I reviewed the small one though.
Andra Fyfe
Andra Fyfe - 8 years ago
I can put a mouse inside there.
Kyle Vonasek
Kyle Vonasek - 8 years ago
hey could you do a review of the red cat sumo? if my understandings are correct its similar to the kd summit. I think it would be cool if you could review and maybe even compare the 2 and which one is a better bang for your buck. thanks, keep up the good work!
RC Empire
RC Empire - 8 years ago
Hey flyin ryan rc do you do giveaways with old rc stuff that you dont want anymore, and do you think you will ever do any giveaways in the future?
RC Empire
RC Empire - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC ok I understand
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
No, I do not do giveaways for many reasons.
ECHO༄ - 8 years ago
Hi Ryan       what are the chargers for small quadcopter's batteries called?. because I recently got a quad although the charger doesnt work     help?......
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I'm not sure what you mean. There are many different options for chargers for all different sizes of batteries... you just have to make sure to get the correct plug type.
Rc 4 Life
Rc 4 Life - 8 years ago
Thats a deans connector
ROBOTAZER2002 - 8 years ago
Please do a review of the Gptoys Luctan s912
CrashNashFPV - 8 years ago
Hi again, I recently was looking at horizon hobby and saw the new "champ S+" (a 4 ch champ with some SAFE features. I was wondering if you could do a review on it when it comes out.
CrashNashFPV - 8 years ago
I'm looking foreword to the review!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Looks awesome! I'll have to place my preorder today. :) Thanks for the heads up!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Perplexed Intellectual
Perplexed Intellectual - 8 years ago
Plugs are deans connector
cookieman0916 - 8 years ago
I would try sealing that steering linkage with grease. Perhaps water is getting into boat and causing it to bounce up and down.
Bank Nhouyvanisvong
Bank Nhouyvanisvong - 8 years ago
Mr Ryan can u review the upair one for me please
D̸i̸n̴g̸u̴s̴ - 8 years ago
the cheerson CX-10WD came out a few months ago, and it's a combination of the CX-10W and the CX-10D. I would like you to do a review on it
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I will be. :)
Nick Morgan
Nick Morgan - 8 years ago
I've watched this video like 4 times lol. I want this boat so bad. Another great review btw :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Everything Cool
Everything Cool - 8 years ago
the age of boats lolol
Fouts1 - 8 years ago
I'm looking to buy my first boat and can't decide between the ft011 or ft012. Which of the two do you think is better?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
The FT012 seems to be a bit smoother in the water, but I think the FT011 could be trimmed out by adjusting the metal tabs in the back. I would say which one you choose would have more to do with the size of the body of water you would be using it in.
Rayaan C
Rayaan C - 8 years ago
Flying Ryan more like drive'in ryan Rc
Rayaan C
Rayaan C - 8 years ago
Captin Ryan! All remotes on deck! Fire the reviews!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Captain Ryan. ;)
Glen D. Spicer
Glen D. Spicer - 8 years ago
Looks great and really fast. Very good review.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Full Metal Heli
Full Metal Heli - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
These Feilun boats are awesome, especially for the price. :) With a pond in your own yard, yeah, you gotta get a boat or two! :D
Matthew Huang
Matthew Huang - 8 years ago
Can u do more land vehicles?
Olly Sherwood
Olly Sherwood - 8 years ago
Hi Ryan please could you do a review off the Mtech sky drone pro v2
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I second the recommendation of the X5C. :)
NP Films
NP Films - 8 years ago
Syma x5c is a small quad but on the bigger side
Angelo Manzo
Angelo Manzo - 8 years ago
Also I am sort of a beginner and would prefer a larger quad as the smaller ones seem harder to control and less durable.
lisgjonbalaj - 8 years ago
he sound like markiplier
Brian Salas
Brian Salas - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan Rc please do a give away
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I don't do giveaways for many reasons, but I do occasionally host contests from my sponsors on my Facebook page.
abghere - 8 years ago
Are there any fish in that pond?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Steve RC
Steve RC - 8 years ago
OOOooo, nice run Ryan! Feilun has the self-righting down, don't they? The H101 and WL912 are pretty nice, when you don't have a boat retrieval system, the Feilun is hard to look past.
Thanks Ryan!!!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, these things self-right SO well! :)
Tanner Constantine
Tanner Constantine - 8 years ago
Great review I have a udi venom
Andrews RC
Andrews RC - 8 years ago
With all the boat reviews now it's sailing Ryan
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Captain Ryan. :)
Mary Martus
Mary Martus - 8 years ago
I have both the ft012 & ft011, and love them. The 11 does smooth out in calm winds/water. Mine can actually run the motor outside the water & bind. Both have leakage problems-12 being worse than the 11. I found that the inner canopy was warped. I ordered a new one, leakage decreased a lot. -still love them.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I never had any leaks with my FT012. And yeah, I was wrong about the safety feature and have added an annotation to my video about that, but it only appears when viewed via a browser, not mobile.
jacob dukes
jacob dukes - 8 years ago
the plug on the battery are deans
twrecks116 - 8 years ago
Great Review as ALWAYS!! that Boat can Boogie...you had Fun with this one!!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+twrecks116 Thanks! :)
DutchRC Adventures
DutchRC Adventures - 8 years ago
Sooo I chopped of 9 of my fingers, thinking it had a fail safe man! I'm gonna sue you ;) Ghehe just kidding offcourse.. This really is a winner for Feilun for sure.. With it's success I'm sure they will release other similar boats :)
Cheers & have a good weekend!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hahaha! I was so certain I had tested that safety feature, but I guess not. :/ Yeah, I think these boats have been a big hit for them and I'm sure we'll see more to come. Hopefully they can make some other hull designs and still have such an efficient and reliable self-righting system. :)

100. comment for Feilun - FT011 Brushless High Speed Boat - Review and Run

Pete2 So ツ
Pete2 So ツ - 8 years ago
Keep up the good work!!!!!!!
Pete2 So ツ
Pete2 So ツ - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC don't thank me your always good when I need to buy stuff for my birthday I just watch your reviews thx
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Pete So Thanks!
Harrys Toy Corner
Harrys Toy Corner - 8 years ago
Awesome review as always, informative and great quality! Nice looking boat, Feilun knows their stuff!
Elliott DeHollander
Elliott DeHollander - 8 years ago
The connector on the battery is called a deans plug if you were wondering. Pretty cheap for a quick brushless boat.
Dave Cooper
Dave Cooper - 8 years ago
Great review. Man, that thing looks fast.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! Yeah, it scoots! :)
SHAWN BLOCK - 8 years ago
Man, These boats, do seem pretty darn cool! I love how fast they go. Nice video's. Hey, Anymore Airplane Video's on the way? Thankz
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I only have one airplane that I am testing, and the review will be a ways off. I simply can't review planes with as much regularity as other RCs.
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
Hmm, I was getting like 8 mins of run time? That is till the end. Is the safety feature active though? As I think I was able to get the motor to start out of the water, not 100% sure though. Mine is just as bouncy :/
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Heh, yeah, true. :( #RCReviewerProblems
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Yeah, hopefully soon. Ruins my "first" videos idea :/
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Looks like Banggood doesn't have spares yet either, but I'm sure they will soon. All the other XK products have had good part support.
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC No power then :( It comes stock with 80% dialed in, which required high stick to fly and low top end. Turning it up to 100% definitley made it hover with less and punch more, but becuase of the motor.... umm no, haha. http://www.gearbest.com/rc-quadcopters-parts/pp_132489.html?wid=1 These should fit in. 2400kv instead of 2600, so might help with more torque for 3D, as I don't see any stock spares:/
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Or just turn the throttle down to 69%. lmao
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Oh, haha. I just did the test flight video, and it seems I have abad motor, as above 70% throttle just that one gives some really bad vibrations indicating a bad bearing :/ Need to see if I can find a spare, or just replace all of them. 1804 2600kv.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, I am signed up to receive emails when you release videos (it's the only way I can keep up with channels I actually want to keep up with, since I'm subscribed to like a bazillion channels, lol). Ugh, sucks about the proprietary battery.
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Email? I am hoping to have the flight video out tomorrow, then some specific videos after that, and then the review, with one new video each day. Finishing the charge right now. Stock charger is slow, and proprietary :/
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Oh nice! I saw the email about your unboxing of that. Banggood just shipped mine out last night. :) Looks like a great model. XK is knocking it out of the park lately.
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Well, there are those little metal contacts there, so yours is probably just different. I am about to do a flight video on the XK X252 :P Rates set to 125% and throttle bumped from stock 80% to 100% =D 3D worked ok before, hopefully it really moves now :D
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Interesting. Thanks for the info. Or maybe I just didn't test it properly. I was in a rush that day, trying to get 3 boat reviews done before the rain came. haha
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Whoops, was thinking of bending them the other way, haha. I just tested and it runs out of the water. You must have had a pre production model and they changed it.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Upward force on the back, which pushes the nose down. Just like the elevator on a plane. ;)
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC I am not sure why bending them down would help though, since wouldn't that be creating more upward force keeping it out of the water even more, which is the problem? haha
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, definitely need to tweak those tabs. Not sure why I didn't think to mention that in my review. haha
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Yeah, I will take a time over the next few runs :) I just read through that, haha. I might try the bending of the tabs ;) I will see if mine has the safety once i get teh new shaft in.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Well, I've only run this boat once... which is the footage used in this video. So, I haven't been able to get my usual real-world run times, and was just going by what the websites say for run time. :/ And yes, my safety feature is active, as I made sure to test that before the run, since the FT009 had it and the FT012 did not. Another commenter is saying that he's pretty sure his does not have the safety feature though, so maybe they added or removed it in later production runs.
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC a word of warning about testing in the bathtub. Contrary to popular belief, water doesn't conduct electricity. Impurities in the water do. So if you put the boat into water that's to pure, it won't get a connection, and hence won't start because of the safety feature. I don't know how likely you are to find public water that pure, but it is possible. Throwing some salt into the tub would "fix" this.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Good point! I generally rinse my hands in the water as I fill the sink/tub, to help make sure there are some impurities in there. :)
August Lyons
August Lyons - 8 years ago
you might try putting a drop of oil on that little shaft so it doesn't grab the rubber stopper and pull it out. to add: man that thing is fast! if it had wings it would fly too.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Good idea. :)
Matthew Huang
Matthew Huang - 8 years ago
Talha Hakim
Talha Hakim - 8 years ago
Ryan, please do a review of cheerson cx 10 D and cheerson cx 10 WD ....
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I will be. :)
Talha Hakim
Talha Hakim - 8 years ago
Man U r just simply awesome !!! I really get inspired by you . .......
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
MKme Lab
MKme Lab - 8 years ago
Well done Ryan. Did a review on this boat myself and I had the same reaction you did at the start- Couldn't hide the giggles :) For the price this thing is a blast. Goes like a scared cat. Great review Sir. Cheers. Eric
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
These fast boats are so much fun! :D
Charles Flaherty
Charles Flaherty - 8 years ago
Lube for the shaft... He he he he...
Perplexed Intellectual
Perplexed Intellectual - 8 years ago
BATMAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! Where?
yellowbusguy - 8 years ago
Deans plug.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yep :)
Richie Affonso
Richie Affonso - 8 years ago
Great video Ryan. God bless brother.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
theMEGAsalad - 8 years ago
You should change your intro to "Swimmin Ryan" when you do boat reviews hahaha
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hahaha, good idea. Though, I call myself Captain Ryan for the boat reviews. :D
Rcmonkey 25
Rcmonkey 25 - 8 years ago
I have been looking into this boat, can you use a 3s lipo
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I would think so. It comes with a 4S, so I see no reason why a lower cell-count wouldn't work. :)
markybyeah - 8 years ago
I have one but haven't used it yet.. There's only canals by me :/
Rcmonkey 25
Rcmonkey 25 - 8 years ago
Could you start doing hobby grade cars and trucks? And btw your my favorite rc reviewer
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I have reviewed several hobby-grade cars and trucks, and have more on the way. :)
markybyeah - 8 years ago
Shout out to the big man Ryan
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Long time no see. :)
Dev Harinarayanan
Dev Harinarayanan - 8 years ago
Dev Harinarayanan
Dev Harinarayanan - 8 years ago
Dev Harinarayanan
Dev Harinarayanan - 8 years ago
you are awesom .please make a review about dji phantom review . I also have a review video dev's cheerson cx-10 review.I am one of your suscriber so please check it out like command and suscribe
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :) I'll check out your video when I have some time. :)
Bret Sanderson
Bret Sanderson - 8 years ago
These videos make me want to get a boat now... I already have a mini mono but I want something to replace it... Any other boat reviews on the way?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I have the WL915 on the way, and have filmed to run video, but still need to do the tabletop review, so that'll be a while still. The FT012 is probably my overall favorite so far. They are so much fun!
ElectroManiac - 8 years ago
ElectroManiac - 8 years ago
the batboat!
gaming_ Bluepurple Dragon
gaming_ Bluepurple Dragon - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
IKR!? :D
Ahmad Nasir
Ahmad Nasir - 8 years ago
i got quadcopter (defender) please review it
JohnVHRC - 8 years ago
couple things
1) It does NOT have to be in the water to run the motor or sync up.
2) Bend the trim tabs down a tad more so it wont come so loose at full throttle like that, thats why your having the flipping problem, worked on mine.
3) You can adjust how tight it turns on the TX
4)These boats turn sharper one direction verses another.

Good video, I love my boat!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yep, looks like you are indeed right. Weird that they even put the metal tabs on this bigger frame then.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
There are metal tabs on the top and bottom of the boat.
JohnVHRC - 8 years ago
Ill go and retry it after work, but if it has to be in water for the prop to spin, it wouldn't self right when its inverted, as the bottom of the hull is out of water, so the prop shouldnt work either, right?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Did you test the motor? The rudder does indeed work out of the water, but the motor does not, so that you don't accidentally cut yourself. The FT009 had that, but the FT012 removed it. So, I was absolutely sure to test it with the FT011, and my motor would not work out of the water. I could certainly understand that they might have changed this in earlier or later production runs though.
JohnVHRC - 8 years ago
1)The screws you point to have no wires connected to them. lol.. I have one of these, and so does a buddy, it does NOT bind up in water, maybe your not waiting long enough for the two to connect.
4) It may be designed to work that way, but torque and physics dont let it. ;)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
1. Not correct, at least for mine. I am 100% certain of this, and tested it in the sink before filming the run video.
2. Sounds like a good idea.
3. Yep, I'm pretty sure I mentioned that in the review.
4. Not correct. The fins on the back, and offset rudder, are designed to make the turns equal in each direction.
SZretired - 8 years ago
Deans plug?? Also called T plug maybe?
Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC I can confirm it is the deans plug :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yep, that's it. :)
Danny02 - 8 years ago
All this boats look the same thats not a bad thing but can you get a boat thats not similar to these boats
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I think that is because this hull design helps with the self-righting. The WL913 that I reviewed is very different though. And I will be reviewing the WL915 which is also different. Otherwise, I don't have much control over what types of boats these companies make, and what style of boats my sponsors want to send me. heh
Jonathan Messer
Jonathan Messer - 8 years ago
first off, cool vid. secondly could you do the ft007? Thanks!
Jonathan Messer
Jonathan Messer - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC Ya, it would just be cool to see how an older boat would stack up to a newer boat.(RC boat showdown! ;) anywho awesome video always love to watch!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Well, I suppose at this point, it may be worth it just to round out my Feilun reviews. But, it's quite old, and it doesn't have self-righting, which makes me nervous, especially with something that small in a larger lake. I think that may be better used in a pool or something like that. I'll think about it. :)
krisu - 8 years ago
Floatin' Ryan RC
krisu - 8 years ago
hahaha :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Captain Ryan. :)
Matthew Huang
Matthew Huang - 8 years ago
Difference between lipo battery and li ion??
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I already replied to the last time you asked that. There is not much difference, as far as I know, but I'm no battery expert. heh
uwut m8
uwut m8 - 8 years ago
On point reviews as usual :)
Cambron Austin
Cambron Austin - 8 years ago
Sup man
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
F3_4R - 8 years ago
that is nice
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 8 years ago
I now know why you told me to wait for the next review ;) I think the FT012 is better though.
Nikolaos Denikarias
Nikolaos Denikarias - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC I review it couple months ago the ft011 I add silicon rubber on the servos hats all the races dry no drops of water on the other hand with FT012 I do many modifications to begat waterproof and as you knew I'm racing on salty water mostly thanks for the comments I love both boats
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
@Nikolaos Denikarias I never had any problem with leaks in my FT012, but I did with the FT011, but that was because of the little gasket coming out, like I explained in my review. They are both great boats though. :)
Nikolaos Denikarias
Nikolaos Denikarias - 8 years ago
But it's shanks from the water on it all the time FT011 no water on it even a drop
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I agree. :)
Aidan Reece
Aidan Reece - 8 years ago
love you ryan
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :D
Elijah Irizarry
Elijah Irizarry - 8 years ago

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