FireWire Wingnut Noserider surfboard review

FireWire Wingnut Noserider surfboard review

FireWire Wingnut Noserider surfboard review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Reviews 6 years ago 7,207 views

FireWire Wingnut Noserider surfboard review

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for FireWire Wingnut Noserider surfboard review

Mona Bahgat
Mona Bahgat - 5 years ago
How big is that board? It looks Enormous! In a great way! Looooving the hard tail, too. Wish I could try one.
GO SURF - 5 years ago
Ha ha yeah this is the smallest one in that model too This one is 9'0" they have a 9'4" and 9'6" too there pretty chunky :) I use mine for a nice gliding ride in waves under head high usually . Has a great feeling bottom turn with that sharp tail different to anything else I have ridden :-)
edblomfield - 5 years ago
Excellent reviews, thanks! I'm trying to decide between the Noserider, Special T and Gem. I'm 40 yrs old, 89Kg, and already own a Greedy Beaver 6'6 which is awesome in punchier waves, but I want a longboard for smaller days. I want as much volume as possible so I catch more waves than my mates haha, but I'm limited to 9'3 max by my vehicle. I'm also in Cornwall so we're talking beachbreaks with shifting peaks that quickly change in size/steepness with the tide. I love the Noserider outline but worry the rocker is gonna be too flat for these conditions (maybe better suited to clean and predictable pointbreaks). The Gem sounds epic from your review and has a useful 2+1 option but maybe doesn't have the volume to be a wave catching machine. So... I'm leaning towards the Special T in a 9'0 or 9'3. What do you think? Oh, and just to throw a curveball in there, the local surf shop currently has a Flexlight in 9'1 that packs even more volume than these others!
GO SURF - 5 years ago
edblomfield Ah magic mate, glad you like it.. Yeah to be honest the pearling becomes a lot less often after you have had it a few months. It’s just a small sweet spot on that board. It’s super smooth to turn and goes fast too aye. I totally agree it will handle bigger and better waves but it’s perfect for under head which is 80% of what I use it for too. Helps being a bigger volume but at 9 foot too think the 9’4” would be getting a bit much. Cool mate.. Yeah the CC fin is perfect for me. I don’t like particularly big fins myself though but I tried a lot of others too. Smaller lost too much drive, bigger didn’t seem to add much drive for the restriction it made. I personally like it say 2” max between the front of the fin and the front of the fin box if that’s any help for a starting point. Cheers mate.
edblomfield - 5 years ago
@GO SURF So I just took the new 9'0 Wingnut for its first spin - wow! It was actually head high and pumping but couldn't resist. Got me into waves really early - exactly what I wanted - and turned so smoothly. Stoked on my choice. I only found an issue with pearling when I started getting cocky and hadn't appreciated the tide had dropped a lot - I took off on a couple of closeout monsters and suffered the consequences haha! In anything up to head high and slightly more crumbly waves I think this thing will be ideal. So yeah, just wanted to say thanks a lot for the advice, and keep up the longboard reviews. P.S. Used my old fin, might upgrade to a Christenson when finances allow :)
GO SURF - 5 years ago
edblomfield hey mate. Cool good call I reckon. Something I just really love about the WN too. Yeah the 9 is plenty of board mate. You could get the 9'4" but it's getting a bit boaty for me. The 9 is enough and at 9' the flatter rocker less of a problem too. Best fin I personally like is the 9" Christenson tracker by Captain fin. You could get an FCS2 clip in. They're not always a perfect fit on some of the boxes though but makes it easier if your popping them in and out or just get a finger version of the screw. Wouldn't go any higher than a 9" clique or connect if your set on FCS2 but check the fit in the shop first make sure it doesn't pop out. Give me a shout if you need anything but think the 9' would be fine though totally up to you.
edblomfield - 5 years ago
@GO SURF Right, after some more deliberation I'm pretty set on the Wingnut Noserider. That wide nose and pulled in tail just does it for me! Hopefully the rocker will be fine and since I have the Beaver for punchier waves I reckon I'll appreciate the extra glide in smaller swell.

Anyway, just got to make a final call on size. As I say I'm 5'11 and 89 Kgs - will the 9'0 do the job? Have you ridden the 9'4? I'm tempted to go all out on length/volume but would probably have to take the fin off to fit in my van which is a pain, so if there's not much difference in wave-catching ability I'll stick to the shorter version. What do you reckon?
edblomfield - 5 years ago
@GO SURF Nice one, I'll keep you posted! Hope you're enjoying Sumner btw, got a couple of mates down that way!
GO SURF - 5 years ago
Yeah for sure skin dogs a bit more pricey. They are weighted specifically to each model. I have had a cj Australia slasher that weights in at 9kg and a blender that's lighter than the gem. Full carbon is really lively. Well worth a demo ride though. Let me know which way you go and how it works out. Like you say price point and designs on FireWire is pretty sweet. Sounds like your either a Special T or maybe a Wingnut. Special T 9 or 9'3" takes away any rocket concerns. Wingnut has a pretty special flow and feel but a little more getting used to and old school plus new school but has speed flow and glide for ever. Special is more nimble and modern concaves more balanced outline and volume distribution so hardly surprising its a little more "user friendly"
GO SURF - 5 years ago
edblomfield hmm that looks different. It's like it looks like a submoon Longboard cross. 79 could be getting towards the too much volume mark the Wingnut has plenty at 73.. lol yeah in a way I would kind of agree with that. Though I think what they are trying to express is that the special T has concaves and rocker that are conducive with lift and forgiveness. Actually after going back to a Wingnut again recently I have to say it had a special feel to it that nothing else has. Think it's the feel of the bottom turn and the speed the simple bottom and flat rocker gives. It does have a smaller paddling sweet spot and does take a bit of time to get familiar enough with the rocker that you don't pearl but as they are saying too it's got more rocker than it looks like because of the full deck and nose. Side by side maybe there is half an inch or so in it??
edblomfield - 5 years ago
@GO SURF Thank for the speedy reply! Yeah I'm leaning towards the Special T out of the Firewires, don't wanna find myself pearling on the Noserider if the waves get steeper. That said, the shop I spoke to about them reckoned they're not as flat as you'd think, and recommended one over the Special T which they claim is more forgiving but more of "an entry into the longboard world". Ouch!

The Flexlight is probably a red herring, not convinced by the shape and yes, all the volume is packed into the width - see

The Skindogs do look good and they have demos available near me so might take one for a spin. Thunderbolt tech sounds similarly light too (I don't want a traditional heavy log) but pricer than Timbertek. Btw I'm 5'11 so a bit taller than yourself, hence rolling with the 6'6 Beaver.
GO SURF - 5 years ago
Hey buddy. Thanks for the positive feedback. Glad your stoked on the beaver. Almost wish I had gone the 6'6" as it upsizes pretty nicely aye. Still got good grip and nimble even a bit bigger... Ah mate.. First few sentences i'm like Wingnut all the way ... that's the board to pack the most volume and wave catching into a smaller package and with the flatter rocker you get a lot of paddle power glide and wave catching ability..we have beachies here too but very flat faced so hard to say but I have ridden the wingnut in overhead and peaky too... If you can put them both out in the shop have another look at the rocker. It is flat but maybe not as flat as you think. For sure the Special T is a great choice if you want that bit more rocker plus they have a 9'0" and 9'3"' to choose from.. The 9'0" for me paddled well and still went in small stuff all good. you could go either though .. I'm a similar weight and age though a little lighter now. Which flexflight is it some of the timbertech ones have 9'0"s in 3 different volumes.. Could be an option as it's less rocker than a TJ Pro but also more of a Gem type board though sounds like its the thick one so could be good for you too.. Have you considered something like the Skindog Wrangler as well that's go a decent amount of rocker and a big template so could be worth a look in Xeon tech or full carbon. Cant remember the volume though.. There is even the TJ Everyday but that's a big template and volume though does have a bit of rocker. The Gem does ride down in wave size surprisingly well but not really it's optimum... If you want a performance ish off the tail style ride in small waves and enough rocker to have confidence I think the Special T is quite possibly you... You could go 9'0" or max out what you can get in your car and the wave count on the 9'3" and it's only 2 litres more so suspect the foil and thickness would be the same on both just the length that changes.. Yeah just checked the dims same board just 2" longer. If your not short 9'3" probably be great for you.. If you can get over the rocker and only want 9'0" have another look at the wingnut but from what your saying i'm picking the Special T is the one for you.. Hope that helps. Cheers
Kailua Hawaii
Kailua Hawaii - 5 years ago
Sounds like shit
Surfinglongboards couk
Surfinglongboards couk - 5 years ago
Thanks for your advice- I’ll try to get a Gem. Could you do a review on the Skindog?.
GO SURF - 5 years ago
Surfinglongboards couk no worries mate. Yeah might do a review on the skindog but might take a while. Went out in some head high surf yesterday and it goes good in larger waves too so it's a waist to well over head board no problems
Joshua Struebig
Joshua Struebig - 6 years ago
Hey GO SURF, ive been riding a firewire fun board thats around 7' and really struggling with the rocker and nose diving... as well catching the wave. Im looking between this noserider 9'8" and the special T. 9'6"... Im 5'9" 175 im looking for the most stable and easiest wave catching board that isnt so sensitive to nose diving when catching the wave, stability and ease of catching the wave..

Any advice on this topic would be great before making the investment on my second surfboard! thanks!
GO SURF - 6 years ago
Joshua Struebig hey mate. Yeah I was gonna mention the TJ everyday. It's a bit more loggy I.e. a little more traditional in its design and I can't comment on how it rides as I haven't ridden it but it would definitely be very stable and a good wave catcher though doubt as much of a performer as the special T. Rails tail etc all a touch more traditional. Well woth a look too if you can get to see one.
Joshua Struebig
Joshua Struebig - 6 years ago
@GO SURF Ive done a little more research... would the TJ everyday 9.4 be just as good as a choice as the Special T 9.3 given what im looking for in a board??
Dale Crawford-Drake
Dale Crawford-Drake - 6 years ago
Hey, it’s great to see someone reviewing something a bit different for a change, and super informative thanks very much! I’ve seen one of these second hand for 450 euros which I’m sure isn’t a bad price. I ride a bit of everything, normally shortboards but this summer, due to it being small, I’ve cracked out the longboard again and I’m loving it. I have a 9’0 Sabra Cruz Charger in epoxy which is pretty performance orientated. Being traditionally a shortboarder I’ve always ridden it in the same fashion. I like to take it out in whatever I would normally ride a short board and it goes well. For sure I’m not a traditional style guy and can cross step and nose ride it a bit but it doesn’t go great in that sense. So, I’m looking for something that when it’s smaller I can take out and practice nose riding. I’ve thought about a log, but I’m just not sure if I would get on with the sheer weight and size and when the waves have a little bit more pace I can still pump down the line and bang it off the top. Anyway, to cut a long story short (sorry) do you think this board would be a good idea? Or is it not so different to what I already have? Thanks very much for your time
GO SURF - 6 years ago
Hi Dale. Thanks very much for your comments. Hope i'm getting a reply to you in time. Had fun finding the comment as it was in the "for approval" (new to me) Just had a quick look at the charger. I'm assuming it's the Santa Cruz one. Looks like a nice HP Longboard so bearing in mind that you sounds like you like to ride fairly high performance but also want to start to get into a little more traditional and it's also for the smaller waves my opinion would be that the Wingnut would be that the Wingnut would be absolutely ideal for you. You can turn it off the tail withough having to do any walking and it's a sharp rail at the tail so your natural instinct to turn it off the tail will still do you well but you can walk to the front and it's very stable and very fast with the low rocker. Once your up it will just keep going. I have ridden mine in knee high waves with great sucess so yup perfect compliment to your other board. It's the ideal gateway to getting a bit more traditional and smaller wave riding without having to get a big heave 9'4" polly board that will ride completely differently so if you can score one second hand at a good price too it's a winner mate go for it you wont be disappointed. Obviously dont expect it to ride quite like your HP baord but a similar but slower and softer approach will still work and it will absolutely get you started on the nose and walking side for sure.. Only thing you will need is the restraint to not be too wave greedy :-P Cheers buddy let me know how you get on. 9" Christenson Trakcer fin worked great for me at 84KGs if you get it.. Thanks for your support
Charles Lacz
Charles Lacz - 6 years ago
I'm looking at buying my first longboard. I've been surfing shorter stuff, 6-7.6, but I want to go back big. I feel like I'm not making progress on the shorter boards. What would you recommend I look at picking up? 68-70kg. Looking for something to real nail the basics and gain the skills to progress.
GO SURF - 6 years ago
If your anything like here we get a lot of days where a longboard is pretty much the only option so if you get a good longboard that you really enjoy it will get you out when a shortboard even a total groveller wouldn't and it's a board that you will probably always have as part of your quiver if you get a good one.
GO SURF - 6 years ago
Yeah mate longboards are a bit confusing. Especially with all the different types of rail and bottom designs out there. If it helps try to think of them as 2 different types of boards basically the gem and the Wingnut and the special T are all baords with a hard rail at the back that will turn off the tail a bit more like a normal board once you start getting up into the more loggy or trading type of boards your into a bigger more cumbersome board that will require being walked to get it into trim etc which is actually a whole other skill in its own. I would say if you want a single fin the special T would be the go. Tj everyday is nice but it's quite a big board and the Wingnut is fantastic just the rocker is quite flat so that special T is the more user friendly and easy to turn out of the two. The Wingnut is great too though. The torque Don actually looks pretty good too and their finish and buid is generally pretty good. I just really like the FireWire boards.
Charles Lacz
Charles Lacz - 6 years ago
GO SURF yeah. I’ve watched your videos a few times. It does look tempting. I do see quite a few long boarders out depending on the day.

I guess some of your descriptions about it not paddling as fast and not being quite as well setup for single fin are a slight concern. If I went with FireWire the Gem, TJ Everyday were looking good. Or maybe the special T/noserider. It’s difficult to understand the differences between some of these boards.

I’d still have to get them shipped to a residence and get an airline bag and pay that cost to get them back where I live. That’s still way cheaper than buying locally, but I wonder if a Torq or NSP might be a better way to learn and look at investing in something nice once I know how I want to ride. Would save several hundred dollars.
GO SURF - 6 years ago
Hi Charles. Thanks for making contact. If your looking at new for your weight and if you are wanting to progress and still be able to make slowed down versions of the turns you would probably like to be making on the shortboard but likely the waves don't always allow for I would look at the 9'1" Fireowee Gem. Its fairly high performance for a longbowrd but also super user friendly and has a huge wave range so it's not cumbersome enough to hold you back like a big loggy board would be but will still score you heaps of waves and really help with your progression. it can be a struggle for anyone on a shortboard in average waves in a busy line up so don't get disheartened by that we all get some of those feelings. The right longbowrd will see you getting way more waves abs that's the best way to progress. Jump back on the shorter boards when the waves are punchy and maybe you can also get a more user friendly shorty too there is some good stuff out there these days. If you were looking second had there are a few old favourites that won't steer you far wrong like the McTavish fireball and the Walden magic but in my opinion the Gem is a much better baord. Sing out if you would like any more help mate.
Kieran Ryan
Kieran Ryan - 6 years ago
Are you going to review the TJ Everyday? Looking for a log/noserider thats fun to ride. Low nose rocker
GO SURF - 6 years ago
Hi Kieran. Sorry mate I don't own the every day but have seen them in the shops. Great looking board... Definitely more traditional. Pretty sure it's got a nose concave and it's much more like a pinched 50/50 rail. If you go on the Firewire website you can view the 3D model. It's also a little heavier than the special T so if you want a traditional feel it's probably the one for you. Have a look at the review i'm about to post of the CJ Nelson Aussie Slasher too you will like that.. Cheers.
Kimi's Paradise
Kimi's Paradise - 6 years ago
when will you be review the tyler Jens>>??
GO SURF - 6 years ago
The special T is up has been a while or were you talking about another model? Ridden the TJ pro too rides good but a lot of rocker and ow volume so much more of a Hi Performance longboard.

10. comment for FireWire Wingnut Noserider surfboard review

Kimi's Paradise
Kimi's Paradise - 6 years ago
thanks for video man !!! super cool & informative, is this or the sub moon, your comments are helping me to decide:-))
GO SURF - 6 years ago
Hi Kimi. The Submoon is quite different seen one out in the water but not ridden it. It's extremely thin in the tail and nose and has a very aggressive tail rocker so if you want some glide and a more traditional feel I would go for this or the Special T. The submoon maybe if your more of a short boarder looking to be able to turn a bit more radically and not so worried about nose riding etc or want a lot of volume in something that under 9 foot.. The submoon gets great feedback but it's is a very different shape where this is a tried and tested and an really good example of an amazing all rounder of a longboard. Hard to say not having ridden the Sub moon but the Wingnut and the Special T will have you smiling all the way to the beach with a huge wave count and great performance and feel for longboard too

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