Firewire Vanguard - Shred Show ep. #29: Tomo Vanguard Surfboard by Firewire

There's more to Shred Show than just surfboards - Watch me break some rules, lose my GoPro, and go snowboarding here: To get more than just what's on YouTube, sign up here: Despite how intriguing the nose and tail shape are on the Vanguard I think they play a minor role in the boards performance; and most of that unique feeling you get with a Vanguard between your feet and a wave can be described in its parallel rails. Put simply: The measurement from rail to rail across the bottom of the Vanguard stays wide throughout the whole length of the surfboard and allows for maximum water flow across every inch of the board longitudinally. In a surfboard that isn't the Vanguard there is much less space in the nose and tail to slide across water, and it follows that the board can't create speed as well because it doesn't have surface to plane on. Tomo took lessons from Simmons when designing the vanguard and in essence, I think it's accurate to say that the Vanguard is a Simmons planing hull built to the standards of todays high performance surfing. The board feels incredibly stable, it's a dream for speed, and I recommend going to your surf shop and seeing if they have a Vanguard demo you can try. --------------- Win FCS II --------------- FCS II CONTEST HAS ENDED. --------- Stuart Kennedy on a Tomo --------- --------- A normal surfer surfing the Vanguard (must watch) --------- --------- Ripping on a Vanguard in Chile --------- --------- Mick and Julian on their fins --------- Mick on the FCS MF-1 fin - Julian on the FCS JW fin - ----------- Very cool short biopic on Daniel Thompson ----------- ---------- Social media and things --------- Twitter - Instagram - Firewire Vanguard. FCS MF fins. FCS JW fins. Thank you Firewire for sponsoring this episode and supporting the Shred Show community. All opinions are my own.

Firewire Vanguard - Shred Show ep. #29: Tomo Vanguard Surfboard by Firewire sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Reviews 11 years ago 80,455 views

There's more to Shred Show than just surfboards - Watch me break some rules, lose my GoPro, and go snowboarding here: To get more than just what's on YouTube, sign up here: Despite how intriguing the nose and tail shape are on the Vanguard I think they play a minor role in the boards performance; and most of that unique feeling you get with a Vanguard between your feet and a wave can be described in its parallel rails. Put simply: The measurement from rail to rail across the bottom of the Vanguard stays wide throughout the whole length of the surfboard and allows for maximum water flow across every inch of the board longitudinally. In a surfboard that isn't the Vanguard there is much less space in the nose and tail to slide across water, and it follows that the board can't create speed as well because it doesn't have surface to plane on. Tomo took lessons from Simmons when designing the vanguard and in essence, I think it's accurate to say that the Vanguard is a Simmons planing hull built to the standards of todays high performance surfing. The board feels incredibly stable, it's a dream for speed, and I recommend going to your surf shop and seeing if they have a Vanguard demo you can try. --------------- Win FCS II --------------- FCS II CONTEST HAS ENDED. --------- Stuart Kennedy on a Tomo --------- --------- A normal surfer surfing the Vanguard (must watch) --------- --------- Ripping on a Vanguard in Chile --------- --------- Mick and Julian on their fins --------- Mick on the FCS MF-1 fin - Julian on the FCS JW fin - ----------- Very cool short biopic on Daniel Thompson ----------- ---------- Social media and things --------- Twitter - Instagram - Firewire Vanguard. FCS MF fins. FCS JW fins. Thank you Firewire for sponsoring this episode and supporting the Shred Show community. All opinions are my own.

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Most popular comments
for Firewire Vanguard - Shred Show ep. #29: Tomo Vanguard Surfboard by Firewire

Jon LaLanne
Jon LaLanne - 6 years ago
Tomo stole the Gemini concept ....How do I know you may ask ???? Because I showed it to him at the 2009 Sacred Craft like an idiot.
Diego Arambulo
Diego Arambulo - 7 years ago
got the MF1 fins and they are a speed machine. Great for 4-6 foot waves but whwn tried them in higher surf (8-12 feet) it's almost imposible to control the speed if your are not a strong footed surfer. Wiping out at that speed sucks as well :p
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 8 years ago
Hey Sean your you tube links aren't working
Matt 13
Matt 13 - 8 years ago
IMHO, the death casket design doesn't lend itself to well to the steep beach break waves the east coast has. I'm sure it's great for point breaks, but not too many of those on the east coast.
TWISTEDRIFTER - 9 years ago
Anyone know what size would be best for me? i used to be fit and athletic but recently put on about 25kg's im now 92 kilos and 5'10. not sure what size would be best i was experienced and a good paddler but surf worse now.
Ethan Rogers
Ethan Rogers - 9 years ago
what size should i get? Im 5'5 and 15 years old.
spiralmoment - 9 years ago
Nice review. But the clipping is fucking annoying
Francesco Rios
Francesco Rios - 10 years ago
Hey by any chance do you have a review of the Vader now my litters of volume it's normally 26.5-28 and base on my volume I'm suppose to use a 5"5 with 18/1/8 of w but I'm afraid it's going to be small if you have use one what are you suggestions on it thanks shred show best review online for surfboards
liberallunatic 333
liberallunatic 333 - 7 years ago
Because volume or liters can be misleading .Lerts say you ride 28 liters .On one 5'6" board the Nose  measurement is 15 the Mid is 20 and the tail is 16. It's 28 liters and the thickness is 2 3/8 right ??? Same board,but the nose is 22" the mid is 19" and the tail is 12 "  and the thickness is 2 1/4" then the tail rocker is 4" higher in the tail .Same liters ,but this board will ride like a slug.What +Jack langdon is saying is that volume is a scam ,just like in the example I  provided .Knowing the width of your nose and tail first ......along with the mid width... length and thickness OF THE BOASRD YOU CURRENTLY RIDE  can get you much closer in choosing a NEXT board . Just make sure you throughly measure the board you are buying and compare the measurements to the board you currently ride .If you do not know how to measure your nose and tail,look up "know your nose and tail measurements on YT " .Where the liters are placed.... the fin angle ....a flatter or more accelerated rocker ....can all change the behavior of a board regardless of liters.So in conclusion...I hoped this helped .Always use this formula and liters as your  back up reference.
Christopher Magcamit
Christopher Magcamit - 8 years ago
Why is volume bullshit?
Jack langdon
Jack langdon - 10 years ago
volume is bullshit, ignore it and focus on the foil of a surfboard.
Justin Aybar
Justin Aybar - 10 years ago
What would the lowest level of skill be for this board? I am getting into surfing, leaving body boarding, and this this board will do. I'm not sure which size to get. i am a very quick learner and nearly learn after a few tries at things, hoping to skip a long board stage, to save money. I'm    5' 5", 5' 6" at 125 lbs, 14 years old also which fins to get as well. My beach as 2-5 foot waves. rarely  5-8 feet.        Thank you for the help.
liberallunatic 333
liberallunatic 333 - 7 years ago
You want to surf a bigger board first .This square Asian made pop out is  way too small for you.

10. comment for Firewire Vanguard - Shred Show ep. #29: Tomo Vanguard Surfboard by Firewire

Jordan Winston
Jordan Winston - 10 years ago
I'm looking to get a vanguard but I don't know what size to get. I'm 5'8 and 135lbs.
liberallunatic 333
liberallunatic 333 - 7 years ago
Tomo himself ripped off the Gemini by Jeff Alexander.Patent Pending 1997
liberallunatic 333
liberallunatic 333 - 7 years ago
They are all vacuum packed mass produced styrofoam .
heath.luke69 - 10 years ago
This board is meant to be ridden small - about chin to nose height as recommended by Tomo himself!!
ecsman88 - 10 years ago
oh and don't get the rapid fire (shown in the video) they snap pretty easily. The FST (its stiff and the board i have) or the LFT (more flex the newest tech that firewire is putting out)
ecsman88 - 10 years ago
not all boards should be a bit taller in fact most of the boards i ride are shorter than 6'1 ( my height). My vanguard is a 5'9 and I weigh 190lbs its awesome but I think I should've gone shorter and got the 5'7 when you look on the firewire site they have a chart that shows volume of each length there is a minimal change in volume 5'10 to 5'9, 5'8 to 5'7, and so on and so on but still almost the same width with every step down in length. So my take is the odd lengths give you a skinnier board with out losing volume compared to the next even length. The board is meant to rode skinny because of the width carried throughout the entire board, it can quickly turn into a really fast board with a ton of drive and no turning by going to wide ( which happens by going to long). Lots of shops carry demo boards in many sizes with this model. If i were you id try the 5'1,5'3, and 5'5. 
Grant Kerr
Grant Kerr - 10 years ago
5'9 or 5'10. Always get a board little bit taller than you!
Ash Willmot
Ash Willmot - 10 years ago
Hands down best board ever
Derek Dodds
Derek Dodds - 10 years ago
Great review, I am looking forward to trying one.
osbc01 - 10 years ago
Great Show man!
Could you help me decide which FutureFins i should ride on my new LFT 5'6" Vanguard please?
i kinda struggle in that area...
I'm 5'9 160lbs, intermediate surfer.
heath.luke69 - 10 years ago
Hi I ride WCT's as a tri setup on the VG. Real pivoty and slashes off the top. Hope this helps?
John Midyette
John Midyette - 10 years ago
These boards are awesome. Definitely unlike any other board.  I found that the main concave on the bottom of the board helps give a lot of it's ride characteristics. You can just throw it sideways like a snowboard. Pretty stinkin awesome. I'm 5'11" 155 lb, and I demoed the 5'4", 5'5", and the 5'6". The 5'4" just felt like a grom board - way too squirrely and just could't make the drops. Maybe I just suck as a surfer. The 5'6" felt good but was a bit big.  But the 5'5" was perfect. First day I took it out, I was getting shacked, and it just felt so good.  It holds lines very well, and you can throw it around very easily too. Kind of a weird mix of being super stable, and being super loose. I compare it to driving cars.  You can go 120 mph in a civic, and feel like you're gonna die, or you can go 120 in a mercedes and be super comfortable. This board is just comfortable.  Going down the line it is super stable, but when you want a snappy turn, it doesn't disappoint. I just bought a new FST and couldn't be happier.  I thought it was fun as a thruster and a quad. 
Miguel Cassiano
Miguel Cassiano - 8 years ago
Would you ride it in hollow waves? And Overhead barrels? Nice insight!
nir levy
nir levy - 10 years ago
I have the Vanguard, and I love it. The first time I took it out it was maybe 2', and I was ......omg....I am not going to catch anything, but I did, and a lot.
This board is amazing, not just for head high waves.
Kirk -
Kirk - - 11 years ago
Curious about what the Vanguard paddles like?
I'm between amatuer and itermediate surfer, how easy is the Vanguard on catching waves? Is it the same as a regular shortboard or more difficult?
Kirk -
Kirk - - 11 years ago
Cheers, i'm still deciding between a Vanguard and a weirdo ripper but Vanguard a slightly infront.

Thanks again!
Shred Show
Shred Show - 11 years ago
The difference is marginal but it's slightly easier to catch waves and paddle. You'll feel odd the first time you sit on it in the lineup because of how narrow it is, but you get used to it quick. 
brian avants
brian avants - 11 years ago
hi sean - sounds like the board is too long given your current technique.  but all is not lost ... you can try adapting your approach.  study this video carefully: ... you can see the pressure tomo is placing on the back foot & the quick pivots he is doing after he has initiated a ( somewhat slow moving ) bottom turn.  also note rear foot placement near the tail - critical for these boards.  that being said, i've never ridden one.
Shred Show
Shred Show - 11 years ago
Brian thanks for such good feedback and the link to the video. Good insight. 
Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker - 11 years ago
Just got myself a 5'9'' Vanguard about two weeks ago. I was riding a 6'0'' spitfire before that. I have to say the Vanguard feels good when your up and riding, but I feel that it paddles absolutely terrible compared to the spitfire. The weird thing is that the Vanguard has more volume. The other thing I noticed is that I feel the Vanguard encourages me to ride it more straight down the line, even though it can turn good, but I feel it doesn't want to. Anybody else feel that way?
Small Business Tax Accounting Payroll at Jacksonville Tax Accountants
Small Business Tax Accounting Payroll at Jacksonville Tax Accountants - 9 years ago
@Sean Hanley Tried Less fin?
Jaime Rivera
Jaime Rivera - 11 years ago
Im looking for a JW fins equivalent for Futures fins. Any suggestions? I was thinking the Clay Marzo's...

20. comment for Firewire Vanguard - Shred Show ep. #29: Tomo Vanguard Surfboard by Firewire

PYPOProductions - 11 years ago
nedla15 - 11 years ago
I ride mine with some controller fins on it and its great. I agree with you about the pumping issue, took me a couple surfs to figure that out. Overall its the best board I've ridden. I'm 6'3" 230lbs and i ride a 5'8"
Luke Roman
Luke Roman - 10 years ago
good to hear your a bigger guy like me.. you ride a 5'8 were do you live (as far as wave go West coast usa/east coast/ florida etc) and what size waves are you riding the 5'8" on?
Dick Head
Dick Head - 11 years ago
Did you do the Bottom feeder yet? And talked about the conjunction with Maurice and Matt?
Rob Johnson
Rob Johnson - 11 years ago
I want to see you review the Firewire Dominator
Scott Horban
Scott Horban - 11 years ago
Check out Tomo`s video`s riping on his you tube videos. He kills it on his boards. The boards are so fast . But a bit hard to paddle.
Thebrizzo - 11 years ago
Big fan of the Shred Show! I finally got my 5'5. Vanguard and I've been riding it for about 3 weeks now. I'm 5'10 168 lbs. I demoed a 5'4 and fell in love with it, but I opted for more volume in case I gain a lil weight. I surfed it in mostly in SoCal breaks. It paddles well in mostly all conditions but it hates slow mushy waves. It loves peaky waves. You do have to surf it from the back. It helped me balanced my dominant front foot surfing! I love the board ,but I hate the attention and stares.
Shred Show
Shred Show - 11 years ago
I didn't know they did demos every week. That's awesome.
chuck norris
chuck norris - 11 years ago
Im 6'2" 185lbs. i just rode the vanguard 5'8" version in a strong wastehigh wave. It was the crazist board ive ever rode!!!!! So fast yet turns so sharp and snappy!!! I need to buy this asap just looking for a used one lol its a little pricey
chiropyro - 11 years ago
Hey Chris, I watched this video before going out to the Hurley Pro a few weeks ago, and found out where I could demo the Vanguard. A Firewire Rep is at the N harbor of Oceanside every Friday from 8 am- noon. I rode a 5' 8" and it was an amazing board. It turns like nothing I have ever ridden before. I wish the waves had been better, but I can't wait to ride one again and figure out what size is best for me. Great show you have!
j3andres - 11 years ago
Are you going to review the Firewire Hellfire ?

30. comment for Firewire Vanguard - Shred Show ep. #29: Tomo Vanguard Surfboard by Firewire

Phaidrus - 11 years ago
Hey Chris, nice vid, as usual! Interesting concept this board. It reminds me of the Steinberger bass from the 80s... had a cool sound for synth pop.
don fortich
don fortich - 11 years ago
can I intermediate beginner whose got plenty paddling power and balance and used long boards use this board? or change into this board?
kealiakane - 11 years ago
I rode a 5'6 and absolutely loved it. Fast, loose and responsive. I'm calling it the future of surfing.
ricoswavay9 - 11 years ago
Can you do a review of the firewire chubby cheddar please. Love the show keep up the good work been learning more about surfboards more than I can imagine.
MrSkryngel - 11 years ago
Pls review Rob Machados "board eat board" surfboard!
rutin22 - 11 years ago
Just wanted to say the show is awesome and thank you for teaching me about surfboard design!
Thebrizzo - 11 years ago
Sold on the JWs can't wait for my 5'5 Vanguard
Ralph Redncocker
Ralph Redncocker - 11 years ago
Sick! I tried a demo. One of the best boards I've ever tried. I'm 6'4 195 lbs and I rode a 5'6 and I could fully put it on a rail and maintain a lot of speed in shoulder high waves. Just ardered a 5'7 two weeks ago.
charles natzu
charles natzu - 11 years ago
can you do a show about the supermodel from super brand thanks for this show bra
Jaime Rivera
Jaime Rivera - 11 years ago
This board seems to kick ass! Those "baby little single concaves" were the highlight of the show! Hehehehe But, seriously, thank you Chris! I really appreciate the good effort that you and your crew are doing, so that we can make the best decision when buying a new surfboard... But... How I'm I going to say to my wife that I want the Vanguard, The Hypto, The #4, The Pipsqueak, The Monsta, The Dojnker, and a Single Fin, from a Local Shaper... Shit, I'm screwed! :/
Devin Kinder
Devin Kinder - 11 years ago
Keep it up man
Shred Show
Shred Show - 11 years ago
I think most will find it a faster version of your shortboard that doesn't go up and down in the pocket quite as easily but makes up for it with drive, stability and an uncommon ability to make waves you're used to surfing feel totally different. For some it's a novelty, others will totally sub out their h.p.s.b. for it.
Alexandre Terra
Alexandre Terra - 11 years ago
Make A review of CI Rookie, please.
Jiao12 - 11 years ago
Would you guys be able to review the Channel Islands Rookie? Its a relatively old model but some of the CT guys have them in their quivers like Jordy, who is on fire this year with them
gnarlymask - 11 years ago
shred nation wants to see videos of Chris Grow surfing these boards!
Hunter Pettis
Hunter Pettis - 11 years ago
FINALLY. Thank you shred show
Benjamin Alaux
Benjamin Alaux - 11 years ago
The link with the normal guy surfing it, that's Brittany ! My home :) !! Anyways, been shaping myself a noseless just two months ago, and the way it works makes me really interessed in testing this wierd thing. Keep this thing up guys, good job !
Blake Watkins
Blake Watkins - 11 years ago
Speaking of novelty or beast boards, would you consider checking out some of Stretch's boards? Mr Buss and 2x4 look like fun boards with some interesting things going on. Thanks for the show, it's awesome!
surfingsfun - 11 years ago
It kills it in the pocket if you're riding it in Tomo's spec'ed dims. Ie. chin height, 1" narrower than shortboard, shame thickness. People riding them in long lengths are ending up with more rail line than a 7' board. No wonder they aren't performing in the pocket.
Andrew Shenk
Andrew Shenk - 11 years ago
Dear shredshow, can u do the Roberts mutant please !!

50. comment for Firewire Vanguard - Shred Show ep. #29: Tomo Vanguard Surfboard by Firewire

roswhitlock - 11 years ago
what dimensions have you been riding with the vanguard?
Adam Wootton
Adam Wootton - 11 years ago
This board appeals to me. I'd like to demo one too
xwhite2020 - 11 years ago
fantastic review. you da man
Jack Curran
Jack Curran - 11 years ago
Deepest Concave, Have a look at the Maurice Cole Metro..
5Burnie - 11 years ago
Do you think you could work something out with Jason an try to get some chemistry surfboards on the show?
Todd from earth
Todd from earth - 11 years ago
dude you rip!
nicossrc - 11 years ago
already send the email!!
megasaurusish - 11 years ago
Didnt mean to accuse you of anything. Was more hoping that it has helped you in these conditions.
Shred Show
Shred Show - 11 years ago
Had the Vanguard for a while. Surfed it through the swells we had in July before everything fell apart this month.
nedla15 - 11 years ago
Just ordered one I can't wait to ride it
megasaurusish - 11 years ago
How have you surfed it a bunch when there are no waves
Darian Cook
Darian Cook - 11 years ago
Swallow tail flyer??
Matt Reuther
Matt Reuther - 11 years ago
Absolutely love my vanguard. It is my go to for anything waist to a little bit overhead.
AllMightyRyan - 11 years ago
Im thinking about buying a 5'2 JS Matrix. Good buy?

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