Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!

Took a trip to Florida for Richs sea trial and survey of a 2016 37 feet freeman with dual seven marines. Absolutely incredible!

Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 329

Reviews 7 years ago 466,791 views

Took a trip to Florida for Richs sea trial and survey of a 2016 37 feet freeman with dual seven marines. Absolutely incredible!

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Most popular comments
for Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!

Chris Oglesby
Chris Oglesby - 5 years ago
Wowswrs best sounding boat I’ve ever heard... wow
Matthew_Aviation - 5 years ago
Tripple sevens of course.
Jake Johnson
Jake Johnson - 5 years ago
I want this boat with 4 yahama v8s
Greg Miller
Greg Miller - 5 years ago
High Flyin
High Flyin - 5 years ago
As much as I love the sound of the motors, this would annoy the life out of me.
Glenn Nastepniak
Glenn Nastepniak - 5 years ago
At that kind of speed vented hulls are useless and STUPID
Jimmy Cline
Jimmy Cline - 5 years ago
My Bass Boat does 84MPH this boat needs more power to do 80, to much weight! If it could do 80 you would have easily proved it, but you couldn’t, the reason those other boats do 80 is because they have 2000 HP of mercury outboards strapped to the back, this boat only has 12 to 13 hundred HP! I’m a rocket scientist I know everything!
Tim Jones
Tim Jones - 5 years ago
Imagine this with 4-400 Verados
Rocky Wright
Rocky Wright - 5 years ago
That's a bad bitch...

10. comment for Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!

Peter Nguyen
Peter Nguyen - 5 years ago
I’m mad there is not triples u can put triples on a 28 or 30 but not s 37 wtr
marc smith
marc smith - 5 years ago
Bills a D Bag
Jeffrey Panes
Jeffrey Panes - 5 years ago
how much thus this boat cost??
Gage Carter
Gage Carter - 5 years ago
Nortech 392 superfish 86 mph
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 5 years ago
Those engines sound like they need some love
Jimmy Cline
Jimmy Cline - 5 years ago
I’ll give them some love at full throttle, for hours nonstop love!
Anthony Fano
Anthony Fano - 5 years ago
Put quads on that thing
Ben - 5 years ago
u rich bastard should of got four 7s.
Joe Bailey
Joe Bailey - 5 years ago
I agree with the other posters. How does 69 mph equate to 80. Billy makes some nice boats and they are fast but be honest in your review and how you title it.
Daily Struggle
Daily Struggle - 5 years ago
The noise from the engines was not fun..
Lou Dog
Lou Dog - 5 years ago
Who wants to see a boat video with a crew of wiener nerds on board?

20. comment for Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!

Chris LoneStar
Chris LoneStar - 5 years ago
Ole Jeremy Griffith and his Dad's boat... This family lives in the Geneva/Chuluota Florida area and are stupid rich, with a very successful Site Development Company. This is all Dad's money and Dad's toy's, but the kids all use the toys at free will.
D Wilson
D Wilson - 5 years ago
Nice af
ddamian - 5 years ago
Incredwible really bro
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
people who add a bunch of music to youtube videos are tbags.
Helen Chancey
Helen Chancey - 5 years ago
I think I'd rather have quad yamahas. Atleast you know you won't have trouble. Idk nothing about those 7 marines
Texas Tasmania
Texas Tasmania - 5 years ago
That noise would get old real quick. Even at cruise rpm it's just not pleasant hour after hour. And I've had blown cars at least they're not wailing at highway cruise lol
Blu Runner1
Blu Runner1 - 5 years ago
Fast forward, I see that Billy now owns a Parker 2320. What happened dude?
j riv
j riv - 5 years ago
Need 4 627
russcrosby - 5 years ago
Great boat for dicks
Doug Willard
Doug Willard - 5 years ago
That's F U money right there

30. comment for Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!

jim wortham
jim wortham - 5 years ago
Rich kids with toys
Bionic Paul
Bionic Paul - 5 years ago
Let me guess $80,000 right?
Aquatic Killa
Aquatic Killa - 5 years ago
For which accessory? The sound system?
P - 5 years ago
$144k per engine
Tom H
Tom H - 5 years ago
This boat does not deserve to be on the west coast with you snowflakes. Its much manlier than you queers out there.
The Pinkerton
The Pinkerton - 5 years ago
All the style of a standard bath tub. Was looking for the other five motors the whole time
The Pinkerton
The Pinkerton - 5 years ago
Humorless ↖️
Toob247 Toob247
Toob247 Toob247 - 5 years ago
The nooberton☝️
ondasuondaable - 5 years ago
I like the boat, however i do not stand the fact that theresn't a cabin
Jason Belter
Jason Belter - 5 years ago
Great sounding engines, thanks for sharing your vid.
mike force
mike force - 5 years ago
vid starts around 4:23
Jose’s Garage
Jose’s Garage - 5 years ago
I’m surprised that that truck wasn’t pulled down into the water that boat and trailer are just too much weigh that truck must have some real balls to have pulled that up the ramp
boobie trap
boobie trap - 5 years ago
Is this boat around 350 thousand?
Ty Lake
Ty Lake - 5 years ago
boobie trap pshhhh I wish, more like 650
73Excursion - 5 years ago
Those things are singing a beautiful tune!
Capt. George
Capt. George - 5 years ago
You guys don’t deserve that boat on the West Coast, lol.
Billy Keleman
Billy Keleman - 5 years ago
you're right! now what?
juan carlos
juan carlos - 6 years ago
Horrible. El sonido. De esos motores
nuclearthreat545 - 6 years ago
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
I agree...Un proven and untested. If a problem happens the mechanic has to fly in....
John V.
John V. - 6 years ago
This boat is currently for sale on boat trader.... wonder what happened??
Benfield Hicks
Benfield Hicks - 6 years ago
38 Fountain CC runs 80 with trip 400s
gypana - 6 years ago
Anyone else cringe when he reversed the boat in with the engines trimmed down?
john hendrickson
john hendrickson - 6 years ago
Not a fan of the supercharger whine. Sounds retarded and would give people headaches after 20 minutes
James Cosby
James Cosby - 6 years ago
Just make sure your pumping "Billy Idol" over that 250 watt sound system.!! OMG.!
Uwatwat - 6 years ago
Not sure if I could stand the constant whine of the super chargers on this boat
rider660r - 6 years ago
I know I hate the sound of SC's and Turbo's.
Any dildo can slap on a SC's or T's to make power,it takes knowledge,skill,and more $$ to build power N/A.

50. comment for Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!

James Bell
James Bell - 6 years ago
god really Fuckin dumb
hillary clinton
hillary clinton - 6 years ago
Those two engine cost as much as my boat
Jimmy Cline
Jimmy Cline - 5 years ago
The cowls probably cost more than a lot of boats!
Aquatic Mullet
Aquatic Mullet - 6 years ago
nice boat I think if you were going to spend that much money you would want more protection from the weather but rich people have know common cents so it all good to them I guess
Just Your Average Fishing Australian
Just Your Average Fishing Australian - 5 years ago
You can't even put "no" in a sentence right lol
Team Jesus Outdoors
Team Jesus Outdoors - 6 years ago
That is an incredible RIG!!
Thai Son
Thai Son - 6 years ago
Not knocking brands like Freeman, but would be nice if you went on to their website and they explained more about quality of construction. Unsinkability, safety, foam filled hulls, and other things for people who are interested in Catamarans, but want the assurance of a quality build. We all get that Cats are smooth rides and fast in rough seas.
Thomas Maher
Thomas Maher - 6 years ago
love the speakers and all but wonder how that equates to a better fishing vessel. I guess if it makes you happy it's better but, what do the fish think of your dub-step bouncing through the waves. I'd love to see fishing reports.
Victor Betancourt
Victor Betancourt - 6 years ago
I've got tons of respect for Freeman and the boats they put together, it helps get the cat segment the attention it deserves for offering amazing fishing machines. I'd really love to see this animal compared head to head to the Jaguar of similar size.
Brisdad53 - 6 years ago
627 horsepower out of a single outboard. Sounds like someone's trying to compensate.
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
its pushing a 37 footboat moron.....
keneke007 - 6 years ago
72 knots = 82.8561 MPH
Joshua Reichenberg
Joshua Reichenberg - 5 years ago
the reading was in MPH it says so right on the screen.
Eric Ulator
Eric Ulator - 6 years ago
You forgot to add the "?!??" after the 80mph...Click-bait isn't cool in my book....
Lucky Dube in RC
Lucky Dube in RC - 6 years ago
LCD screens, wonder how you see whats showing on screen in sun ? huhu....bling for ching
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
screen shade mr rocket man
Stephen Berry
Stephen Berry - 6 years ago
They are 7 Marine outboards, two only. They each delivering 627 hp. The speed is in MPH and only reaches 70.8 mph on the video clip. Maybe it hit 80, but that was not shown.
FUZZY MON3Y - 6 years ago
I don’t even want to know how much this boat costs
victor van dyke
victor van dyke - 6 years ago
Insane boat. I am a millionaire, but have a limited budget. Why not list the "Base" price to see if I'm even close. Why must I jerk some sales guy around if I'm not even close?
Lachlan O'Neil
Lachlan O'Neil - 6 years ago
Pretty unnecessary boat tho.
John Dönhoff
John Dönhoff - 6 years ago
Are those paddle shifters
Jason Kelley
Jason Kelley - 6 years ago
Selfish prics
Koch 40
Koch 40 - 6 years ago
Damn rich people suck!
Manuel Gomez
Manuel Gomez - 6 years ago
Engine vibration doesnt look good..
brooks townsley
brooks townsley - 6 years ago
That looks like an insane boat I could not imagine sitting down at that speed and not getting bounced out of the boat looks like a winner
Michael Slaughter
Michael Slaughter - 6 years ago
I know less than little about a boat of this type . I noticed water leaking from the rear live well just forward of the engines ,would not this water and the water vapor created at speed be aspirated into the engine air intakes ? Possibly trashing the engines ? Just curious
Tom Walsh, Sr.
Tom Walsh, Sr. - 6 years ago
Yawn...more exciting watching grass grow. What a boring presentation.
Scott Hull
Scott Hull - 6 years ago
thanks for the ride along Billy...these boats are outstanding! it's important to note Mr. Freeman builds his vessels with a proprietary Catamaran Hull. i really love the way Stepped Cat Hulls cut choppy water! [Magic Powerboats are another great example]
Cold Beer
Cold Beer - 6 years ago
80mph on a boat that big with twins is flat out getting it done!!
Papaw John
Papaw John - 6 years ago
What species of fish can swim 72 MPH?
Stan Lee
Stan Lee - 6 years ago
Holy crap! Those motors sound incredible!
Pelt Down Posse
Pelt Down Posse - 6 years ago
What made you choose this over Intrepid?
Joe Silver
Joe Silver - 6 years ago
If I had to listen to those motors all day, I'd pull my hair out.
Jimmy Cline
Jimmy Cline - 5 years ago
I love the sound! It’s the sound of Power! Back in the day my 83 Evinrude 115 HP was louder and angrier than one of these engines, you could here that motor echo and growl for miles! I loved the sound of that V4 over my new 225 HP mercury! They have quieted these new motors down a lot considering the massive amounts of HP their making!
rider660r - 6 years ago
They wouldn't be on my boat,that's for sure.
If I had to ride on that one I'd sink it just to shut it the hell up.....I hate SC or Turbo whine.
Jose Refe
Jose Refe - 6 years ago
Do you have video taken from outside of your boat? taken from another boat or perhaps taken from a drone?
Simon Assouline
Simon Assouline - 6 years ago
Extraordinary Work of Art on the Water! What elegance and craftsmanship! One of a kind!
Lucky Goose
Lucky Goose - 6 years ago
Mathematics are off by 5 engines. Still not bad. There is no below on this one. No place to take a dump or hide a body.
Andrew Villanueva
Andrew Villanueva - 6 years ago
That Freeman is a awesome boat. I wish l was a multimillionaire.
Cale Phillips
Cale Phillips - 6 years ago
Up never hit 80. Add another 627, may get u another 10mph
Joseph Alexander
Joseph Alexander - 6 years ago
Did you buy it?
CK_32 - 6 years ago
I’m a man who enjoys a nice boat. But this is just a waste of cash for the sake of showing out for the sake of showing off.
Jason Mione
Jason Mione - 6 years ago
I would consider this to be an absolutely perfect setup imo
Cyrano De Bergerac
Cyrano De Bergerac - 6 years ago
desert1cop - 6 years ago
Its Peewee Herman
Robert Nun'ya
Robert Nun'ya - 6 years ago
I have seen all the videos the 7 Marine has produced on their engines and the important thing that they have intentionally left out (or avoided) is the high-pitched noise that a supercharger makes. This to me might be very uncomfortable and would make a day on the lake unpleasant. In all fairness though, if I wanted a 40' go-fast then this would be the engine of my choice in fact, four should do quite nicely.
Gus Johnson
Gus Johnson - 6 years ago
Grab a Tennessee Williams 22 foot. Plonk a 200 mercy on back. Smash the dog for speed.. u have 3, supercharged v8 in the trunk.. um. Not efficient..
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
its not about efficency dummy
Gus Johnson
Gus Johnson - 6 years ago
Another, Bullshit, video..
Neil Petersen
Neil Petersen - 6 years ago
Is that 627 hp
Dencil Dean
Dencil Dean - 6 years ago
Wow man 64 mph you are flying how much they cost ? The engines
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
I think they are like 125,000 each!!!!!!
Greg Freer
Greg Freer - 6 years ago
Yea but can it pull a skier? Ok wrong question....would a skier want to ski behind this?
MrFreeballin00 - 6 years ago
All that to catch a fish?
David C
David C - 6 years ago
have you tried different props? should be able to get more than 80 out of that boat.
Brian Cooney
Brian Cooney - 6 years ago
what's the whining noise from these? transmission? I know they're supercharged, but it seems noisier than just a supercharger.
Jimmy Cline
Jimmy Cline - 5 years ago
Are you serious? These aren’t 25 Horse Johnson’s!
Mike Honcho
Mike Honcho - 6 years ago
I love the boat but no need to lie in the title. You didn’t do 80 plus I’ve been on a 39’ seahunter with quad 400r merc’s that topped out somewhere in the low to mid 80’s and I wouldn’t even call that the fastest fishing boat out there. Boats and engines are insane these days
Fishing4 Fun
Fishing4 Fun - 6 years ago
Not even close to the fastest fishing boat. You have to have all those speakers because 7 marine is so freaking load they suck
joe cruz
joe cruz - 6 years ago
You know how freeman will kill the market in the West coast and out anywhere , copy the C Dory tomcats interior layout for the true island fisher. Enclosed cab with large sleeping area. We all bundle in. We don’t care. Or a world car 320 ec. But enclose the bitch. That’s a winner
Fluke Whisperer
Fluke Whisperer - 6 years ago
Here It states triple 7s, at least I knew what he meant.

100. comment for Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!

Trev - 6 years ago
you four eyed chap nfuck again
k w
k w - 6 years ago
It sounds like the bat mobile
ProfabDesigns Inc.
ProfabDesigns Inc. - 6 years ago
What a POS!! 1450 Hp and all it can muster up is low 70’s Big success? He must be poster boy for ‘more money than brains club’?
dan demagistris
dan demagistris - 6 years ago
Just dumb..
glgodwin - 6 years ago
Cool rig and great boat, but not all.
Gmtail - 6 years ago
"Because F you that's why" I super get that, but there really isn't a reason to have so many speakers that close to each Beautiful boat though..
rider660r - 6 years ago
You heard those stupid SC's didn't you? They may want to add another 20 speakers and 15 subs...
Daniel Hooper
Daniel Hooper - 7 years ago
Sounds like an Airbus A380 on takeoff!
Robbae - 6 years ago
no. the A380 is very quiet at takeoff, more like a 777 or a 787
Reel Chaos Charters
Reel Chaos Charters - 7 years ago
It’s not a regulator..
Ronny Sterling
Ronny Sterling - 7 years ago
7Marine awesome
Ken Hotaling
Ken Hotaling - 7 years ago
The money shot starts at 4:24
Billy Keleman
Billy Keleman - 5 years ago
snipervision1 - 7 years ago
Click bait title for sure even if it is the name of the engine company. Also, 72 does no equal 80.
Jimmy Grant
Jimmy Grant - 6 years ago
snipervision1 can’t be clickbait if the engine company is Seven Marine.
Adam Billings
Adam Billings - 7 years ago
What a beast!
DaebakMonkey - 7 years ago
1,254 horses on that sucker. Yowza.
Seth Cawthern
Seth Cawthern - 7 years ago
Was I the only one that missed the 80mph
LockedenLoad - 7 years ago
This dude looks like he is 12 years old with an IQ of a house plant. Find a new job little boy.
Scott K
Scott K - 6 years ago
Yeah but the 'sea trial' resulted in 'its a comfortable boat'. He sounds like a professional to me....
Thomas Rudder
Thomas Rudder - 7 years ago
with lockenloaded
Thomas Rudder
Thomas Rudder - 7 years ago
I agree
Sean O
Sean O - 7 years ago
LockedenLoad To be fair you look like a megalomaniac with insane pyshcotic tendencies.
Matt Hix
Matt Hix - 7 years ago
Nice boat...but why the hell isn't anyone wearing a life jacket? Sea trial with new outboards going balls out + no life jackets = stupid.
rider660r - 6 years ago
@DaBrute Hahaha yeah really,couldn't care less here if they all went to the bottom,there is already to many people on this planet thanks to the safety police everywhere.
DaBrute - 6 years ago
quit pretending to give a shit about people you've never met
Matt Hix
Matt Hix - 7 years ago
Hater? No. Just someone with a little common sense.
Brian Mccoy
Brian Mccoy - 7 years ago
You my friend are what we commonly refer to as a HATER!!
GulfHunter - 7 years ago
YOU TuBe11121987
YOU TuBe11121987 - 7 years ago
No bow flair! Wet ride guaranteed!
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
you dont have a clue what you are talking about
Iskren - 7 years ago
Just like mine...
mpop4eva - 7 years ago
All those commenting about "can't count" need to wake up. The outboards are made by seven marine! Helllooooo!
mike force
mike force - 5 years ago
"hellooooo!" is not a fact, nor argument dipsnit.
Fluke Whisperer
Fluke Whisperer - 6 years ago
Dah! no shit, but some people need to have command of the english language, the title was deceiving.
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
Can you imagine if Jose Fernandez had one of those?!?!?
tdbubba15 - 5 years ago
vaccinesRUS to soon
Douglas Hall
Douglas Hall - 7 years ago
Beautiful boat,,thats the right set up for fishing in almost any conditions. (Summer that is).  Lets see it after a long day of fishing,,,,with blood and bait guts all over the gunwales and engines. LOL. Do with it what its intended for,,,get her dirty.
Geoff Longford
Geoff Longford - 7 years ago
So would my Subaru be able to launch it.
Sean O
Sean O - 7 years ago
Geoff Longford. Once.
Dixie Bassin
Dixie Bassin - 7 years ago
Too cool.
charles evans
charles evans - 7 years ago
bwtter go back to grade school and learn how to count
CWR Fishing Team
CWR Fishing Team - 7 years ago realize there are two motors made by a company called 7 marine right?
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
yea and a lil cash
Earl Campbell
Earl Campbell - 7 years ago
I don’t see where the fastest fishing boat comes from. While the review obviously shows a nice looking boat, my little 38’ fountain actually does 80 so you should remove the misleading title. Have a good new year.
GoodTimeFishing - 6 years ago
It does go 80 on glass water will just a couple people on board and will the right motors
Chad Mynatt
Chad Mynatt - 6 years ago
Fountain has absolutely no right to even be in the same sentence as a Freeman. And yes I’ve been on a fountain.
Mike Honcho
Mike Honcho - 6 years ago
vaccinesRUS terrible comparison with the you need trips but the freeman only needs twins because twin 627 is more hp and less drag than any trip setup other than trip 557 or trip 627 which would then be way faster
Mike Honcho
Mike Honcho - 6 years ago
vaccinesRUS nope. Not any kind of rough seas. Cats are great at cutting through medium size waves that fuck up normal v hulls but each hull has there pros and cons.
Zane Haecherl
Zane Haecherl - 6 years ago
vaccinesRUS Really??Fountains rule in rough seas! Check out some offshore powerboat racing. Those are the same hulls as their fishing boats.
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
Bang Bang Bang Pound Pound Pound all theway to Tampon Bay. Have a great day Earl:)
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
If I was in the Keys, why in HELL would I want to go to Tampon Bay? But its probably agreat place for you and your TE.
Earl Campbell
Earl Campbell - 7 years ago
vaccinesRUS so you have been in a TE in weather or are you just guessing? My point is also the title is misleading as the freeman does NOT go 80. If you want to experience nice choppy weather come with me on a trip to key west from Tampa and you will see how the TE performs ;). Have a nice day
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
Furthermore, you need a third engine to get the same speed a Freeman does with duals. And as Ive said before, in rough seas, the Freeman would be able to go much faster than any monohull
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
Your fountain is prob great and fast in flat seas, but any kind of weather the Freeman rules. I get seasick inside a cabin so Im just not interested.
Earl Campbell
Earl Campbell - 7 years ago
vaccinesRUS as are all open boats. You have obviously never been in a 38 TE. My TE has more beam, more waterline and also a stepped hull so how do you figure the Freeman would be more stable....I gave the freeman a compliment but still don’t see where it hits 80 - or are you saying the freeman needs 30kn winds to go 80.
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
@Earl Campbell. Only problem is that in any kindof rough seas, the Freeman will provide a terrific ride at high speed whereas your fountain will be bone jarring at anything over 30 knots.
Mojo Motive
Mojo Motive - 7 years ago
I didn't see any fishing, it is a fishing boat right!
sad lit
sad lit - 7 years ago
What's the price
MrDavidelliottjr - 6 years ago
A lot
Ryan Monroe
Ryan Monroe - 6 years ago
Brisdad53 i live near where they make these boats and there is like a 18 month wait to purchase a new one. The 42 is over a million now
Brisdad53 - 6 years ago
Close to $1m new, depending on options. A 2016 37VH is listed in Yachworld today (Nov 1, 2018) for $649k. The motors list for $100k.
Rodney Pratt
Rodney Pratt - 6 years ago
, last I heard in 2018 the engines were $100,000 a piece and we're having salt issues and I don't on a boat but those fuckers are extremely expensive
GoodTimeFishing - 6 years ago
CK_32 lol you can’t get there 29ft boat for 150k tf are you smokin. But anyway this is about a 650-750k boat depending on the motors you use.
Daniel D
Daniel D - 6 years ago
Boat starts at 640k...the engines are 88k each plus 20k install and 3k to 10k grand for the led light option ....
brandon lee
brandon lee - 6 years ago
Those outboards cost $150k a piece, easily $1 million range
CK_32 - 6 years ago
Chan Leed something that over the top is probably over priced as fuck. I’m guessing $150 - $200k range
HKPSG1Shooter - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about your penis......
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
@chris economides What you linked is NOT a fishing boat and cant handle rough seas. The Freeman 37excells in rough weather and is a premier fishing vessel
robert DAVIS
robert DAVIS - 7 years ago
Is this Billy's new boat?Sure is nice.Thank's for posting.
Jason Harris
Jason Harris - 7 years ago
Wank boat, not feasible for legit fishing, not fast enuff for legit speed test. Worst of both worlds. Motors prob good but pushing shit dont help them. Fuel consumption is ridiculous right? If you aim this at cocksuckers with money who dont care well woohoo. Otherwise it shows that the worst in marine design can be pushed by inefficient asshole motors in flat seas. Thats it.
Doug Mooney
Doug Mooney - 6 years ago
You are a simpleton, this boat will out perform and out fish any boat you ever own. Enjoy your poverty ,and go back to school so you don't sound so uneducated about everything you spurt out. See you on the water, while I'm passing you, and turn into a tiny dot on the horizon that you will never catch.
Aaron H2o
Aaron H2o - 7 years ago
that brand of boat (freeman) is literally the top boat in the industry right now. and those motors are very good with the amount of fuel they burn compared to if the boat had quad motors like most do. you have no idea what your talking about and your comment is just ignorant.
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
HeyJason Harris: You dont know what the fuck you are talking about. That boat is built rock solid and is one of the most capable in rough seas. It has great performance with a pair of Yamaha 350s. The only problem is they are meticulously hand made and a long wait to get a new one. Just because you cant afford it doesnt mean you should rag on it.
FIGJAM - 7 years ago
Where are the seven outboards. Clickbait bullshit video.
FIGJAM - 7 years ago
A Nice boat though
FIGJAM - 7 years ago
Ohh, that's why I couldn't figure it out. I'm not a boaty person. Still could of been written a little clearer.
J Z - 7 years ago
FIGJAM the outboards are made by 7 marine. Pay attention, the answers are always in front of your face.
Dallas Andrews
Dallas Andrews - 7 years ago
Ha my friend do you know how to count? I see 2 outboard motors not 7 as your title stated
GigaByte-er - 6 years ago
CK_32 - 6 years ago
It’s the company and a click bait play on words. Welcome to youtube
Mike Honcho
Mike Honcho - 6 years ago
Dallas Andrews the title didn’t say seven engine it said Seven Marine engines. The title was correct but it was a reasonable misunderstanding.
Ronny Sterling
Ronny Sterling - 7 years ago
7 Marine is engine name ‘tard
Thomas Rudder
Thomas Rudder - 7 years ago
Its okay that you aren't familiar with 7 marine...Theyre fairly new....but you are too!!
DaebakMonkey - 7 years ago
It Says Seven Marine engines. Seven Marine is a company. And it has engines made by that company. It helps to do research.
C Burkens
C Burkens - 7 years ago
Dallas Andrews it's not concerning that you mistook it the first time. It's concerning you're still arguing about it. Let me help.... Say the title of the video and substitute the word "yamaha" for "Seven Marine". Did that help you sort it out?
CWR Fishing Team
CWR Fishing Team - 7 years ago
The title says seven marine engines. As in it has motors made by the company called seven marine LOL not 7 fucking motors.
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
@Dallas Andrews: They are the latest in marine technology, nicknamed sevens you Jackass!
mgman111 - 7 years ago
You are a fucking idiot
Eli Rogers
Eli Rogers - 7 years ago
The engines are made by 7 marine
Haywood Jablome
Haywood Jablome - 7 years ago
Click Bait !!!! Don't Advertise Unrealistic Data.
That aside, Great looking Machine....
LoveAddict69 - 7 years ago
How much coke will it hold?
mike force
mike force - 5 years ago
enough to put you in prison from 18 until you die...
rider660r - 6 years ago
I think the real money maker and question is,how many Democrat voters can it smuggle in at one time?
Will it still do 70+ with 65 tacos aboard?
Stan Lee
Stan Lee - 6 years ago
Thomas Rudder
Thomas Rudder - 7 years ago
Those fake speaker cabinets hols a kilo each.
LoveAddict69 - 7 years ago
You know the costs to keep this thing on the water??
Brandon Evans
Brandon Evans - 7 years ago
Those engines sound insane
Kaden Jason
Kaden Jason - 5 years ago
@sharkkiller1 they are supercharged not turbos
sharkkiller1 - 5 years ago
i got a full chub when i heard those turbos wind up
KustomSigns - 7 years ago
Ugh, that black rubber rubrail tho!
Christian Eidsmoe
Christian Eidsmoe - 7 years ago
MCO = Orlando.
South Florida Fishing Channel
South Florida Fishing Channel - 7 years ago
That's a beauty man! I live in Florida and pretty much fish everyday. How do I get to test one of these?!
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
@Martin Metz more than that
Martin Metz
Martin Metz - 6 years ago
idk but to build one u need a 10000 deposit planning to get one myself
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 6 years ago
@Jered  Who said anything about "BUY"?  That's just to top it off with fuel for the "TEST" SFFC wants to
Jered Adams
Jered Adams - 6 years ago
@Joe Dirt for 75k you couldn't even buy one of these motors lol
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 6 years ago
Yale University is offering $75K per testicle!!!!
Logan Seagraves
Logan Seagraves - 6 years ago
South Florida Fishing
Kazla - 6 years ago
Deep pockets
Try not to laugh
Try not to laugh - 7 years ago
South Florida Fishing Channel choose the boat on the website of the creator and there who led be a test drive bit
peterk814 - 7 years ago
Half million on a boat. Cheaped out on rod holder. Lol
peterk814 - 7 years ago
You know the invincible cat is faster right?
огромная эрекция
огромная эрекция - 7 years ago
*Douche bags 37 douche foot 7 douche nozzle douche boat.
happy2bnfla - 7 years ago
Wow, so did you actually buy Duane’s boat? I heard it was sold! What an awesome boat! And Duane is great people! Heard he was getting a 42?
Joseph Alexander
Joseph Alexander - 6 years ago
Billy Keleman is it up for sale again?
Billy Keleman
Billy Keleman - 7 years ago
Yes, my buddy did buy it!  Yeah, i heard he was up in line for the 42 as well. he sent pics of the new 7 marines he's putting on as well.
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 7 years ago
Definitely an awesome boat for a place that has warm weather and relatively calm seas year round. I would not want this boat if I lived in California. While the boat is likely very sea worthy and safe there are too many days fishing on the Pacific when having some shelter would make a fishing trip much more comfortable and enjoyable. For the price of this boat there are so many options that I would personally prefer.
Mark Laraway
Mark Laraway - 6 years ago
try this boat out of Gloucester Ma where i anchor, talking about wanting a cabin area
Joshua Potter
Joshua Potter - 6 years ago
joe cruz - absolutely agree! It's a nice boat and would still be nice to fish off but you wouldn't be able to use it as often as you would want to like in Florida. Guys that haven't spent their life or at least some years fishing the Pacific coast wouldn't get that.
joe cruz
joe cruz - 7 years ago
Edward Dergosits only when you fish yr round here in so cal , you would understand. The ones who don’t , leave some stupid ass remark about nothing they know. That boat is sick. But not here. Not yr round.
csrgatorfan - 7 years ago
+Edward Dergosits. Cats excel in rough water. They give a more comfortable ride and don't pound compared to their deep-V counterparts. That's why they're becoming more and more popular. Also, Glacier Bay cats (before being bought out by World Cat) were manufactured up in Washington state.
Now, as far as creature comforts such as shelter, there are plenty of cats out there that offer them, including Aspen Power Catamarans (built in Washington from the founder of Glacier Bay cats).
ggause1000 - 7 years ago
Edward Dergosits nice boat just to bad the guy is a dick with ears.
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 7 years ago
No shit tal;king intended Mopar. The boat is obviously a beast.
MoparYEEEAH - 7 years ago
quit talking shit
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 7 years ago
No doubt about the speed Billy. It is an awesome boat. I fish on my 25 ft Skipjack SC that has a top speed of 36 mph. I know this from one "pull" in calm water in Richardson's bay after a recent repower. We have to go 50 plus miles here to get on the albacore. I like to fish the sunset and the ride home would be very uncomfortable if the boat did not have a cabin . My comment was not intended to "dis" this beautiful boat. Hopefully there is room for a bleed tank and room for an ice slush bath. These are basic to quality care of one's catch.
Billy Keleman
Billy Keleman - 7 years ago
I drive my buddies other freeman on the westcoast and it handles just fine over here.  there is no "right" or "perfect" boat...just preference among owners.  Its so nice to get back from clemente or offshore in under an hour though.
joe cruz
joe cruz - 7 years ago
Fishing yr around in so cal , that’s probably not a boat I would want to be on. Catalina to Long Beach when the winds pick up , white caps , shit blowing side ways , I’d rather be in your Parker. It would sick, if you can enclose it. No plastic lining. But it is a bad ass boat.
joe cruz
joe cruz - 7 years ago
vaccinesRUS That’s crazy.
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
The market says the salmon are in total collapse
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
I wont eat them. Wild sockeye prices are through the roof this past season in Florida Supermarkets $25.00 per pound. It was supposed to be a banner year. These are the offpring of the 2012sockeyes that were $4.00 per pound
joe cruz
joe cruz - 7 years ago
vaccinesRUS there out there. Fishing has been great for while now. 5+ plus years. If they don’t bite , the shaft will.
vaccinesRUS - 7 years ago
@joe cruz: Billy's boats excell in rough conditions. BTW Are there any fish left in the pacific? That arent irradiated?
Billy Keleman
Billy Keleman - 7 years ago
Between my buddy and I, we have 3 other boats we use for different purposes.... :)
Doughboy Fresh
Doughboy Fresh - 7 years ago
The quads Verado 400 Freeman 37vh is the fastest
284Intrepid - 7 years ago
80? Looked like it went 67? I guess my boat does 70
libra8a - 7 years ago
Did I miss something? How does 7=2?
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
@Fluke Whisperer you have a little brain then.
Red Reef Media
Red Reef Media - 6 years ago
I cannot believe how stupid some people are.
Fluke Whisperer
Fluke Whisperer - 6 years ago
Sorry , but the description was deceiving ,"Freeman 37vh with Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!" would lead one to believe that the boat had 7 outboards. What the description should have stated," Freeman 37vh with 2 Seven Marine Outboards Sea trial. Fastest fishing boat?!?? 80mph!"
To be sure it's not the fastest fishing boat, but then you have to take into consideration the people making this video.
Scott K
Scott K - 6 years ago
Hahahahaha! Holy crap. Seven Marine. Google it!
YOU TuBe11121987
YOU TuBe11121987 - 7 years ago
Fucking twat. Seven Marine.
MoparYEEEAH - 7 years ago
okay do your damn research before you try to talk shit you dumb bitch
libra8a - 7 years ago
Sorry, I've never heard of Seven Marine.
MoparYEEEAH - 7 years ago
you are fucked in the head....the motors are made by 7 marine
TightLines FishinG Angler
TightLines FishinG Angler - 7 years ago
Was not 80mph
Music Matt 76
Music Matt 76 - 7 years ago
How do you fish at 80 mph? You dont!
Eric Wang
Eric Wang - 7 years ago
makes trolling for wahoo a bit easier
DaebakMonkey - 7 years ago
To get to offshore fishing grounds. On the West Coast where they live you can sometimes run 120+ miles for tuna, so it is nice to have something that is really fast so you can spring out to the fish and be able to fish 85% of the day, then sprint back it. You get more fishing time and sometimes it is just plain fun to go fast!
Nick Hall
Nick Hall - 7 years ago
JOEL GAMESTER I probably wouldn't push it to its topspeed but definitely the extra speed makes the difference. Having the ability to hop from one reef/wreck with that kinda power would also be nice.
JOEL GAMESTER - 7 years ago
You go 80mph in the dark?
Nick Hall
Nick Hall - 7 years ago
Where I live we are 80 miles from gulf stream. Getting to the gulf stream by day break means u better be on the water at least 3.5 to 4 hours before sunrise. Having a boat that can do 80mph would decrease that time significantly. So it definitely has its practical uses
Kman - 7 years ago
Music Matt 76 How does Music Matt play 80 musical instruments at once? You don't!
Bennie Mabe
Bennie Mabe - 7 years ago
That's a GREAT LOOKING Fishing Boat!!!
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
#1 on the market and ever built in its style.
Bennie Mabe
Bennie Mabe - 7 years ago
That's a GREAT LOOKING Fishing Boat!!!
John Patterson
John Patterson - 7 years ago
How many nots/speed
John Patterson
John Patterson - 7 years ago
Metro Mrtro
Metro Mrtro - 7 years ago
amazing boat amazing performance would love to fish from 1
G J - 7 years ago
Did I miss something? How does 72MPH = 80 MPH?
DIY Tutorials And More
DIY Tutorials And More - 5 years ago
Gus Johnson they are pretty fuel efficient actually the do 1.0 mpg at 80mph and yes it does do 80 on a dead flat day
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
@Gus Johnson it has a big gas tank...You guys are fucking morons.
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
so if they didnt show you 80 mph your dumbass cant believe it?
oscar caminas
oscar caminas - 5 years ago
That's with quads... Two engines only here bud
Scott Stewart
Scott Stewart - 6 years ago
BRISDAD53 - And if it was in orbit it would be a 17,000 mph boat. The boat does 80. If i had a drag racer, and it was street legal too, and i did 10.9 second quarter miles at the track (specific, controlled conditions), but the best i could do street racing was 11.4, could i claim i had a sub-11 second car?
Brisdad53 - 6 years ago
@Scott Stewart Put JATO's on it and the boat can do 100+... that doesn't make it a 100 mph boat. Your comment has no merit, Scoot.
GoodTimeFishing - 6 years ago
Scott is right if you go on freeman they test the 42lr on glass water with just a couple guys on the boat it went 78-80 mph if I remember correctly
Nick schmitz
Nick schmitz - 6 years ago
bahahaha yup has to be common core hahahahahaha
Stan - 6 years ago
Called “click bait”
Scott Stewart
Scott Stewart - 6 years ago
The boat can do 80 top speed. It's an 80 mph boat, so the title, while correct, is misleading, in that people might conclude the video will show 80. In the video they did less. Conditions, i would assume, maybe weight. Maybe it's 80 on a mirror-smooth lake without a whisper of wind, at 6am.
jon doe
jon doe - 6 years ago
G J: easy. 72+8=80
Gus Johnson
Gus Johnson - 6 years ago
simple it doesn't, they have a lot of videos, bragging about, um so called speed..
The things would drink fuel, like its free beer at a Bar..
Chico Esquela
Chico Esquela - 6 years ago
Make Nitro Great Again
Make Nitro Great Again - 6 years ago
Even engines make gains bro
Brandt Vickery
Brandt Vickery - 6 years ago
I saw 71. For that boat, impressive. I
SupaNami - 7 years ago
That round off doe!!! hahahaha
csrgatorfan - 7 years ago
+G Ste. Must've used Common Core math.
Aaron T Rokz
Aaron T Rokz - 7 years ago
Wow...she's a beauty!!

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