Greenline NEO | Review | Motor Boat & Yachting
Reviews 5 years ago 13,196 views
The NEO is Greenline's first attempt at a sportsboat. Has it got the recipe right? Jack Haines finds out during his test in Southampton Filmed by: Richard Langdon ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to YBWTV's YouTube page now - ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - ► Like us on Facebook here - ►Follow us on Twitter here - ►Feel free to comment below! ►Remember to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed it :)
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R&D > Each and every boat will have to absorb a huge chunk of these costs since they will probably only sell a dozen!
Economies of Scale > Cost per unit will never decrease because output will always be low!
Innovation > Greenline remains one of the most innovative Yacht companies in the world and rely on highly specialized labor!
While i agree, Yacht makers charge insane prices (for an average Joe), most would be bankrupt if they cut their profit margins to the degree you suggest!
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