ALL NEW EPISODES EVERY TUESDAY 8|7c ON ABC This video was made in collaboration with ABC's new sitcom FRESH OFF THE BOAT FUNG BROS SHIRTS: Leenda Linda Dong RICHIE LE Shot by: Stanley Chen Edited by: Kevin Zhou Produced: Mike Leung Subscribe Here! Check out my top videos! Join the Fung Bros community and get access to special discounts, livestreams, Q&As, and more! --------------------------------- Do you want to work in media? Do you have film skills? We're looking for creatives in or around Los Angeles. If you're interested email us at with your name, experience and location. Thank you! ---------------------------------- ▸ FUNG BROS SHIRTS & MERCH FOLLOW THE FUNG BROS. ▸ FACEBOOK // ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // DAVID ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // ANDREW ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // #FungBros About Fung Bros: David and Andrew Fung are fascinated by hip-hop, comedy, and food. They love making funny rap songs, trying new food, and making people laugh. Welcome to the official Fung Bros Channel! HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros Fung Bros

HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros sentiment_very_dissatisfied 113

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ALL NEW EPISODES EVERY TUESDAY 8|7c ON ABC This video was made in collaboration with ABC's new sitcom FRESH OFF THE BOAT FUNG BROS SHIRTS: Leenda Linda Dong RICHIE LE Shot by: Stanley Chen Edited by: Kevin Zhou Produced: Mike Leung Subscribe Here! Check out my top videos! Join the Fung Bros community and get access to special discounts, livestreams, Q&As, and more! --------------------------------- Do you want to work in media? Do you have film skills? We're looking for creatives in or around Los Angeles. If you're interested email us at with your name, experience and location. Thank you! ---------------------------------- ▸ FUNG BROS SHIRTS & MERCH FOLLOW THE FUNG BROS. ▸ FACEBOOK // ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // DAVID ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // ANDREW ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // #FungBros About Fung Bros: David and Andrew Fung are fascinated by hip-hop, comedy, and food. They love making funny rap songs, trying new food, and making people laugh. Welcome to the official Fung Bros Channel! HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros Fung Bros

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Most popular comments

Rocket Girl
Rocket Girl - 5 years ago
Literally anyone with Asian parents can relate to this show
meerespflanzen - 6 years ago
I came here to detox from having too many conversations with FOBs. Omg my brain hurts. This is great, I feel better now
tomaf - 6 years ago
My best friend in college was a Korean guy who grew up in Korea where all the guys learn martial arts in highschool like in the USA we have gym. And he told me that when he came to America and went to highschool here, one guy started mocking him with goofy "Asian sounds" and he kicked him in the head and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. That was the last time anyone there teased him.
lina tan
lina tan - 6 years ago
Shit when I growing up they tried make fun of my name call me Ching Ching,and call me also ling ling
lina tan
lina tan - 6 years ago
is like watching myself,I thought I am only one thinking like
Adithya Sriram
Adithya Sriram - 6 years ago
Eddie wasnt the middle child tho
Trinie Shepard
Trinie Shepard - 6 years ago
Eddie ist the middle child, he is the oldest. Emery just appears older and more mature I think :)
Bethany Cho
Bethany Cho - 6 years ago
lmao at my school the asian kids are cool and most of the kids are either koreaboos or weeaboos
TET2005 - 6 years ago
Who don't love asian?

10. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros

Naiuhz - 7 years ago
>Leenda has a dong

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jeffrey Johnson
Jeffrey Johnson - 7 years ago
Love it, keep it going
Fishroads - 7 years ago
except Thai names, I think they have the longest names in the world
Tony Samsenthai Khambao Xaychareun Xayagouman
Tony Samsenthai Khambao Xaychareun Xayagouman - 7 years ago
It was awesome too bad im still yet to watch it only seen it once in jail i think i can relate too ♡♡♡
kiwifruitkl - 7 years ago
Chinese surnames are typically one syllable. But, it is possible to have two, like Sima Guang. I think Japanese surnames tend to be very long.
Vishal Maraj
Vishal Maraj - 7 years ago
Hip-hop means nothing to my identity..
Tam Bui
Tam Bui - 7 years ago
I relate more to the book tbh
Yaoi fun fun
Yaoi fun fun - 7 years ago
Actually, we are ALL on the same 'boat' as we ALL are members of the same RACE, the HUMAN Race.
And our unique differences lie in our NATIONALITIES.
As in where we came or come from. If people from another planet landed on ours today, we would be known as the humans of Earth, or Earthlings. We ALL share a planet. It is a FACT that is currently inescapable. Also, it is late 2017. How many more years must pass before we realize these unavoidable truths, and start living together, instead of being trapped inside of our self-made factions? Think about it. We ALL need each other to survive. There needs to be more eye-opening shows like 'Fresh off the Boat' to help us 'see' this HUMAN need we ALL share; and that is simply, to 'belong.'
IndianTiger - 7 years ago
U damn yankees stop using the word asian, me asian and I look nothing like u. Use oriental to describe yourselves. Caucasian Asian makes up half of asia. BTW less of u male orientals please, more of the female orientals in ur videos because they are hot and u men are not.
Moise Picard
Moise Picard - 7 years ago
i thought eddie was the oldest

20. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros

McMuffinFluffin - 8 years ago
Moms asian dada european, we had to move to america for a few years and didnt speak english so i can slightly relate to it.
eddie huang
eddie huang - 8 years ago


绝对需要你们的“帮忙”,抹黑和诋毁韩流文化,起码这样才能让chinese culture能够稍微轻松,放松一点,能够先踹一口气吧

支那人 - 7 years ago
eddie huang
eddie huang - 8 years ago
Enas Al-qawamshe
Enas Al-qawamshe - 8 years ago
I always got made fun of because of my last name.
Enas Al-qawamshe
Enas Al-qawamshe - 8 years ago
@gilddo sawazaki I'm Muslim, of course my name is gonna be different
Questão _
Questão _ - 8 years ago
@Enas Al-qawamshe
Sorry, but that name is kinda weird.
Enas Al-qawamshe
Enas Al-qawamshe - 8 years ago
@gilddo sawazaki al-qawasmeh
Questão _
Questão _ - 8 years ago
What is your last name?
Enas Al-qawamshe
Enas Al-qawamshe - 8 years ago
thanks, that's really nice of you
Asian J.A.M.
Asian J.A.M. - 8 years ago
Don't worry bud. They'll stop. I got bullied but they stopped.
Joy - 8 years ago
are they siblings?
Can we get 500 subs With bad content ?
Can we get 500 subs With bad content ? - 8 years ago
The one thing we dont realte is how they have a huge actual age compared to there actual age
Can we get 500 subs With bad content ?
Can we get 500 subs With bad content ? - 8 years ago
Not me i was never the only one
Brandon D
Brandon D - 8 years ago
blue scholarsssss
jason46790 robling
jason46790 robling - 8 years ago
My school sucks
jason46790 robling
jason46790 robling - 8 years ago
There are only 4 Asians in my school 8-9blacks 12--15 Mexcains 0 arabs and over 1604 white kids and to make things worse I go to a contry school so there is tons and tons of racism :/ fuck and none of the Asians kid are in my class
naturalpro2003 - 8 years ago
The young girl is so cuuuute!
Isabelle Ma
Isabelle Ma - 8 years ago
My school is full of Asians, though. But the few Americans(and Indian people that couldn't speak Chinese thought that the CORRECT WAY WAS A CHINESE ACCENT. Then I be like: You got the accent

30. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros

Lizardwarz -
Lizardwarz - - 8 years ago
Linda remind me of Jessica.
Yuta Bogomolny
Yuta Bogomolny - 9 years ago
Ramen noodlz
Yuta Bogomolny
Yuta Bogomolny - 9 years ago
Yuta sajdisda
Kevin - 9 years ago
The only sad issue from FOB show is the mom is going to be a sexualized cliche from the media, comment boards, whereas the male actors would not. Just like most East Asian actresses from the western media.
Kevin - 9 years ago
@Naomi Miller
Just check out the comment boards from FOB  relating to the mom anytime she's featured on Youtube
Naomi Miller
Naomi Miller - 9 years ago
+matt G is she, though? she seems closer to the dragon lady/tiger mom stereotype than an oversexualized caricature. still not ideal, but her appeal as a character is based more off of her wit, power, and attitude than her sex appeal.

we could have gotten better, but we could also have gotten worse.
ErikVaughnDillinger - 9 years ago
but... if it's in collaboration with abc...
MsTAng - 9 years ago
So glad you guys liked it. I was worried that asian people might be offended by it but you guys actually got it. love asians and i find their culture very fascinating. The show actually inspired me to research the Chinese new year and other Chinese traditions.
Ariel Clapp
Ariel Clapp - 9 years ago
You know how someone introduced them to hip hop? Well, if it weren't for my best friend while growing up, I wouldn't have a deep connection to Asian music, food, and culture in general. I was introduced to Chinese dramas, Japanese boy bands, traditional Vietnamese and Chinese cuisine, and much more Every single weekend since age 8. It was what molded me today and I'm currently studying languages today. I know I wouldn't be if it weren't for her. Much love! <3
Reuben Mistas
Reuben Mistas - 9 years ago
Being FOB sucks. Even my countrymen make fun of me. Fuck this
Renee T
Renee T - 9 years ago
It's funny
Sandy Marilyn
Sandy Marilyn - 9 years ago
1:48 best face ever :))))
love her though, i watch all her videos
bastiisalive - 9 years ago
South East Asian here xD can relate to SOME , but i love it
Mr. Chopsticks
Mr. Chopsticks - 9 years ago
There's no beating in the show, that's it.
Asiacheetah - 9 years ago
immigrant kid growing up in the 90s in a predominantly white neighborhood here. I absolutely do relate a lot to the show. the mom is so like my mom it's hilarious.
MrHsuLaoshi - 9 years ago
I get that same last name thing right now as a teacher! I'm an Asian teacher in a not so Asian area (Pomona) and my last name is Hsu, which I pronounce like "soo", so there's a lot of jokes my students can make out of that. I think it can be funny/entertaining, though I know they're not trying to be offensive, so seems like they're just having fun for now.
Last Comment
Last Comment - 9 years ago
trying to relate to those people ................ you are the guest and you complain about your host, the only reason this show is on because of the 59 % whites who watch it, why do they watch it, because every fucking white show is destroyed by your kind with your PC bullshit so there is nothing else is on,it is worth to mention that reruns of Friends is still beating this show
Tam Bui
Tam Bui - 9 years ago
Read the book, it's more relatable in my opinion. Much rawer
Ram Jam
Ram Jam - 9 years ago
you can relate to the show no matter what kind of Asian you are!
Bill Blinky
Bill Blinky - 9 years ago
Man alive. The 3 guys sure gave the girl little chance to say much. She got in the occasional nod and had to be happy with that. Nice.
Wolfpack Alpha
Wolfpack Alpha - 9 years ago
I waz born in the year of 2000 so I'm a mada truckin DRAGON YO! jk I don't talk like that. but it's all true.
Long Wsb
Long Wsb - 9 years ago
Bruh i get made fun of my name too
T Alex
T Alex - 9 years ago
What's up guys. Cool videos. I can relate on two levels, first off my mom is a Swedish immigrant and although that doesn't cross any race boundaries, her having to relate to the American house wives was a similar humorous challenge. On several occasions I was made fun of when she appeared at me school and spoke Swedish to me; oh god I remember those kids making fun of me a lot for the "weird noises" that she made! My wife is Chinese and I can totally see the interactions she has with people in our neck of the woods are similar!

50. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros

Ad4pt3R - 9 years ago
I was listening with headphones and at 0:54 i thought the bass was someone banging on my wall XD
Prince Mango
Prince Mango - 9 years ago
My middle name is Caling, and my friends joke around that it's ca ca
Prince Mango
Prince Mango - 9 years ago
Aka poop
Jonathan - 9 years ago
P.S. I'm the oldest I'm agree its harder when your the oldest I consider myself teacher/bodyguard I got to stop commenting before watching the whole video.
Jonathan - 9 years ago
Lol my name is Jonathan Vang have fun trying to make fun of that. The only thing that I feel is racist is when people think my nickname jon jon is my first name. Like its some weird asian name I'm just like bitch (slaps) thats a nickname that my friends called me by since middle school.
Kunga Sagar
Kunga Sagar - 9 years ago
As an Asain-American whose also half Indian, I can relate to almost all of this show. Finally we get our shine. It makes fun of white people too, which makes it even better! (No offense to whites but you guys get everything so we should be allowed)
TU84GAMI - 9 years ago
Nothing brings me more joy than grossing out my white friends with my asian food
Dayhaxha - 9 years ago
The 3D drum sound effect at 0:55 scared the crap out of me!
FireStormBaller - 9 years ago
That guy is wrong. Eddie isn't the middle child, he's the eldest. Why didn't anyone corrected him on that or do they all think that Eddie was the middle child? He was obviously the eldest. facepalm
brandon henry
brandon henry - 9 years ago
Basically fresh of the boat is the Asian version of everybody hates Chris
Buddha B
Buddha B - 9 years ago
"most Asian names only have one syllable"

said no Indian or Middle-Eastern ever.
ashome13 - 6 years ago
also said no Thai or Japanese ever
Vishal Maraj
Vishal Maraj - 7 years ago
Chairman Meow not really India's are racially diverse depending on the region in india so you know nothing about us.
Chairman Meow
Chairman Meow - 7 years ago
Indians and Middle-Easterns are racially Caucasian.

Indians and Middle Easterns would never be physically mistaken for a Chinese, Japanese or Vietnamese
CNVideos - 9 years ago
+Buddha B Unless your name is Singh or Rao...
Josh R.
Josh R. - 9 years ago
+Buddha B My full name has 26 letters and only 6 of them are my first name. oh the struggles.
Philippe SI
Philippe SI - 9 years ago
ahah I love that show ! I Can definitely relate to it !
Asian-french here!
Janet Yang
Janet Yang - 9 years ago
So truth
a a
a a - 9 years ago
is "asian american" really ONE community in the united states?

aren't there many asian countries, why do they have to unite?
Rey 1478
Rey 1478 - 9 years ago
Richie is Asian
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson - 9 years ago
OK o hope someone sees this and replyes but am i i the only one who thinks that this is basycly Everybody hates Chris but with chinese  people
More MileyPlease
More MileyPlease - 9 years ago
Everyone in grade school gets made fun of because of their name, though usually it's their first name.  I once met a grandmother type woman named Gladys, and I briefly wondered why this now unusual name died out.  Until I heard someone call her Glad-Ass.  Then it became obvious you couldn't name your kid that.  This whole name calling culture must have started in the 1960's, maybe.
김보 - 9 years ago
I have a very long German last name that's not very common.... Kemmerer. Even though it's a simple name, there's never really been anyone to pronounce it right. And all through my life, since there's the fake-stutter at the end, people would repeat the "er" at the end SEVERAL times. Like, "Kemmerererererer" (and on and on). I can kind of relate to the name thing.
kairinaminemix - 9 years ago
Growing up as a second generation Asian American was quite complicated. You go to an American school and instantly get stereotyped and thought of as unattractive because your Asian. And you would think that if you go back to your parents' motherland that they would be more relatable but it turns out you're too white and they make fun of you. You're too Asian to hang with American crowd and too American to be with the Asian crowd. Go figure
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
Well, I'd like FOB to help readjust the Asian community with their social affiliations with the black community honestly, because it is there, its just underrepresented n favour of white and asian forced relationships in hollywood. I respect what Eddie is doing with this show by trying to address that in himself. Hopefully thats a message that is consistent. I dont like seeing Asians tokenize black culture but then have no black representation/ Hence, (JustkiddingNews / FungBros). Its a struggle enough to have to conform to white supremacy insisting on dividing up the social groups for no reason. At my school most of the kids were Asian and Black; yet they didnt even hang out with each other.
kairinaminemix - 9 years ago
I am I guess you can say a "minority" born in the United States and yes I do try my hardest prove that all the bad Asian stereotypes are not true such as being rude, only caring about money and being racist towards black people or even common things like not knowing how to write and speak English properly. Man, I was put in English Language Development class in my Freshman year of High School because I was Asian! Then got kicked out 2 weeks in because they found out my English placement test scores were too high for me  to be in the class XD
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
You don't even have to be biracial to have this struggle, try being a minority that doesnt conform to the media's stereotypes, especially if you're Black or in some cases Asian. People never accept you for not conforming to their preconcieved perceprtion.
kairinaminemix - 9 years ago
@Black Tornado​ yes. I had a half black half German friend and she was going to high school in the 90s and she said that she could hang with black or white people because she was biracial. I'm sure it's changed a lot more now since there's a lot of biracial kids these days.
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@kairinaminemix Sounds like having to see a Biracial child who has to go back and forth between both groups that don't like that person for not being on either side having to be insulted by racist people for whatever reason.
mesaquecaiu - 9 years ago
Taiwanese Brazilian here. Like Eddie, I too was about 10 in the 90's, and it's funny how easily I could relate to the pilot.
What Richie said about older siblings easying our way into the school also applies. In hindsight, I should have been more appreciative of my parents and older sisters. Anyways, thanks for the video: it made me reflect and feel grateful for my upbringing.
lolipopx100 - 9 years ago
That Viet guy (ricky)? Looks french-viet
BatmanLovesThemChickens - 9 years ago
My brother went into a hiphop phase as well, long shirts, long heavy chains.
Genesis Revelation
Genesis Revelation - 9 years ago
Because I'm Filipino I really only relate like 50% of the expressed themes in the show
kiiro iro
kiiro iro - 9 years ago
This kid use to corner me and bully me because I was chinese. He would always be like "yo, show me your king fu, beat me up!". Unbeknownst to him, a few years later I almost broke his arm because he kicked my flower bed on halloween when I was doing math homework and handing out candy for halloween lol. Luckily, I didn't go through with the final blow because I didn't want to go to jail. After that he never bullied me again. He did pee on my lawn, though....
Ghilliee Singasong
Ghilliee Singasong - 9 years ago
Fresh off the Boat is like another version of Everybody Hates Chris
Fred MyOpinion
Fred MyOpinion - 9 years ago
These guys on this video are funnier and snappier than the cast in FOB.  They should replace those actors in the show.
ohwerdna - 9 years ago
That show sucks. 
ohwerdna - 9 years ago
That show sucks. 
MistressArte - 9 years ago
I thought it was cute. It's a big slice of 90's cheese, but I kind of like 90's cheese. ^__^ I think too it relates to everyone who feels out of place. Though I love his parents, they are so cute. ^__^
kk P
kk P - 9 years ago
I was one of the few asians in school in the 1980's. Some white bully tried to pick on me the first day of school. I kicked his ass and made him look like a fool, and I was a nobody.
Mr. Tin
Mr. Tin - 9 years ago
Dude it's like me in Australia...relatable errrwhere
Farhana Jahan
Farhana Jahan - 9 years ago
REPRESENTATION IS SO IMPORTANT. Super happy for East Asian Americans :) 
Gabriel Maldonado
Gabriel Maldonado - 9 years ago
You guys are werid
Kenneth Yee
Kenneth Yee - 9 years ago
I love hip hop like snoop dog N.W.A notorious B.I.G and eazy e 
Kenneth Yee
Kenneth Yee - 9 years ago
FRESH OFF THE BOAT IS THE BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Han Tran
Han Tran - 9 years ago
ShadowChaos64 - 10 years ago
AndreAgonia - 10 years ago
You guys are the best, wish my chinese mates didn't move away from here...would love to learn chinese and they were the best, also this video is awesome and most people don't even think stuff like this may really happen.
Pri yon Joni
Pri yon Joni - 10 years ago
I never understood why bringing Asian food was such a big deal to young Asian kids. When I as in 4th grade, I got a kick out off grossing the white people out with sushi. Didn't give any fucks then, didn't give any fucks now.
 Everyone here keeps talking about Eddie, but  I think the most interesting characters in the show, are the ones who aren't trying hard to fit in...Emery and Evan!
Yōkai - 10 years ago
I'm a fob
Christina A
Christina A - 10 years ago
So far, ive seen 2 episodes, and I can relate to all of the things happened.
AcetoneandRainbows - 10 years ago
the show is alright...i mean its a start but its on abc family so i didn't expect it to stray much from the generic sitcom formula.
Papa - 10 years ago
Why am I on the screen?  Why does that dude have my hair.
chloe t
chloe t - 10 years ago
Once I brought in U-dong mean <---- Chinese noodles and my friend Samantha made fun of them and called them "worms" just because I was slipping them up. But I didn't care and I forgave her so yeah. I'm a good person!

This was in 2nd grade :)
mahira farhin
mahira farhin - 10 years ago
Eddie didn't give himself the name, his parents call him that.
Dee F
Dee F - 10 years ago
I love this show! I think ethnic kids can totally relate to this show!! My family is Native American and Mexican, and I went to a majority white school in the 90's and early 2000's, and can relate to Eddie and his family!
Vaughn Taylor
Vaughn Taylor - 10 years ago
Love the show but hate the name. That racist intent isn't allowed in my eyes
LeilaniHapa - 10 years ago
I think that big corporate media is finally realizing just how large the asian population is in America. I grew up in California and Texas, and the only time I was ever that "asian kid" was when I went to a private college. Before that there was always an Asian population within the city.
D2attemp - 10 years ago
We share a last name, that is how I relate
got2letudown - 10 years ago
i loved the first few episodes, and i think, it is great that abc reached out to you guys to promote the show! 
LandInbetween - 10 years ago
As a Filipino-American my experience is a bit different. I guess the Fung brothers attended public school? I went to a parochial school in the Midwest - Chicago to be exact, so I wasn't influenced by the street wear/hip-hop/rap culture as were Asian kids on the West Coast, be it in Seattle or SoCal. I also don't have an identity crisis if someone asks if I'm Asian or Pacific Islander (addressed in another video). I answer that I'm Asian without hesitation and without doubt. I also feel there's more insecurities Asians in SoCal.

100. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros

Rakhan Seattle
Rakhan Seattle - 10 years ago
I think Eddie's got really great ideas but whoever is translating those ideas into this show is off the mark. Also, I think ABC is the wrong place to do this show. Take it to FX and you'll probably get something a lot more digestible. You can burn down Fox News but Fox sitcoms rock and makes a lot more sense with Eddie's sense of humor. On ABC it's like trying to put a Wu-Tang Clan themed ride in Disneyland. 
Rakhan Seattle
Rakhan Seattle - 10 years ago
I still like this show, but after getting over the initial joy of seeing some things that actually relate to growing up Asian in the US, I think Asian people would be a lot better served by having shows that feature people of Asian descent playing parts as regular people. I guess the proto-American happy family structure is a good place to start, but I'd definitely like to see more realistic roles for Asian people and plotlines that go beyond addressing race but rather include the actuality of the dynamic for a more truthful or developed plotline. Any way, I've been thinking about this and thought I'd add to my initial comment because well, my feelings have evolved. I still dig it enough to watch the show but after a while you can't help but feel it's got no meat. I mean really it's "Family Matters" redone with Asian people but with some really smack you in the face racial reversals. I don't know, it tries to turn around what he feels White people have done to him and to Asian people and minorities in past sitcoms but the way that it's done is rather crude and obviously intentional in a way that's kinda snide. I can relate to a lot of the situations and feelings, I totally can, but come on... where's the nuance? Where's the subtlety that makes you think instead of thinks it for you? It's just too crude. So now that I've got the laugh out, been tickled by the initial shock and awe I want more from this show or I'd like to see something less contrived and fast. Thanks for keeping up. Peace.
Rakhan Seattle
Rakhan Seattle - 9 years ago
The spite for fox news is bizarre? You must not be into facts or reality
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@Rakhan Seattle ABC had been trying to white-wash it before it was even aired, the most you see is what he fought to get on TV which it itself isnt even exactly in his vision.
LandInbetween - 10 years ago
@Rakhan Seattle >>You can burn down Fox News

Wow. Really? The despise for Fox News is bizarre, and this is coming from someone who used to despise Fox News.
Rakhan Seattle
Rakhan Seattle - 10 years ago
I think Eddie's got really great ideas but whoever is translating those ideas into this show is off the mark. Also, I think ABC is the wrong place to do this show. Take it to FX and you'll probably get something a lot more digestible. You can burn down Fox News but Fox sitcoms rock and makes a lot more sense with Eddie's sense of humor. It's like trying to put a Wu-Tang Clan themed ride in Disneyland. 
Michael Chu
Michael Chu - 10 years ago
I enjoy The Goldbergs more and can relate closer to them. And their research into the time frame is much better than FOB. 
Being a CBC, I can relate to most of it but I think they need to consult you guys more and maybe get you guys to write for the show. Few of my peeves:
1. I don't understand why they have the grandma understanding full English and responding in Chinese. 
2. Why does the mother have a Chinese accent but has perfect grammar (no Chinglish)?
3. Why the dad doesn't have a Chinese accent but sometimes spotty grammar (some Chinglish)?
Overall, they just need better writers and tune up the acting. Get in there guys. You and your mom need to show them how to do it right.
Emma Huang
Emma Huang - 10 years ago
umm its my first time to leave a comment for u guys and I just wanna say THANK YOU for making this episode! It means a lot to me actually.
as a fob I always feel hard to fit in  and always feel stressed out being kinda isolate by some white kids and wonder maybe u guys wont have these problems. but thanks to this episode i knew that im not alone! 
keep up the good work fung bros! and hope u guys have more episodes similar to this one!
Imhim247 - 10 years ago
I love the Fresh off the Boat show! The best thing happen in 2015!
kittylovespenguin - 10 years ago
my dad is pretty white washed. came over to canada when he was 19 by literally boat. mom was fresh off the plane :P
did anyone see the recent episode with the sex talk?
i feel like they missed a good opportunity to make the "We found you in the garbage can" joke. because some of us didnt actually get the sex talk. 
kittylovespenguin - 10 years ago
girl believe me it's more common than you think ;) lol 
Mishmarj - 10 years ago
Loool my dad always told me he found me and my bros in a garbage can. I didn't know other Asian kids got the same talk from their parents.
Michael Pescador
Michael Pescador - 10 years ago
l Love the show. I'm 30yrs old so im around Eddie's age and the show clearly reminds me of how i grew up and learned about the asian culture. Being filipino(asian/Pacific Islander. we all the same) in California i grew around alot of asian culture. the only thing was growing up in areas where i was the 1-3 asian on the block or living in an apartment complex. Having a best friend that is black and hip hop culture and sports and musik was the basis of my life growing up. so saying lines from songs, i did that! bring food home food. which i really like the most and to fitting in was everything. I love how the show is now and cant wait til it starts growing into more. seeing eddie and the family grow and adapt to american culture or i mean add to the american culture will be dope. i gotta get the book now. EVERYONE GO WATCH THE SHOW! FRESH OF THE BOAT!!!! shoutout to Danny Brown tho. Salamat Po...
nightinthetwilight - 10 years ago
I kind of forgot about this show because I only saw a commercial on tumblr. But I laughed so hard watching that trailer and it was really nice seeing a show about an Asian family. Of course I can't relate personally being born and raised a white person in Northern BC, but I still get some of that culture due to my now living in Vancouver (BC) and taking in a lot more Asian culture, which I am in love with. I wish I could watch it on TV, but I don't have cable so I don't know of many of the new shows that have been on in the last couple of years.
Lan Ngo
Lan Ngo - 10 years ago
Wasn't Eddie the oldest? Why is Andrew saying that Eddie was the middle child?
Erick Lizarraga Muñoz
Erick Lizarraga Muñoz - 10 years ago
Sorry guys I can't relate to you guys , in my neighborhood you were either Mexican are asian so everyone was really accepting if your very traditional, actually we would make fun of the very few white kids cuz the were so different and weird to us
Kiaossu - 10 years ago
The show is pretty short but I guess that's how you know it's good; when you want more. Im waiting for more fob moments cause like my mom doesn't speak English too well, even though she's been here for a good 20 years or so. She still has her accent and one day at restaurant, she wanted to order dessert. She ordered creme brulee but she said it like "scram broo leh" and was just telling the waitress that it was her favorite dessert. The waitress came back later and said "here's your scrambled eggs". I was dying haha. Needa see something like that in this show haha
never mind
never mind - 10 years ago
I get so much shit i can totally relate to that show even though i'm indian (technically asian though... haha)
•I brought in aloo masala to school one time and people started wondering what the hell was that smell
•i've been told that i smell too good for an indian...
•my school is basically 99% white and when the teachers are talking about church and going to europe and other shit..
•Substitute teachers always say my name "Ankitha (An-kee-tha)" so horribly off that it's embarrassing ._.
•i've been asked if i'm a terrorist or muslim(because there are two muslim girls in our schools and they are indian causing whites to believe all indians look like that)
•I've been asked if i speak indian

I can go on but the comment would be too long lol
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@Marina Is Life Why are Indians so racist to other minorities though?
Diana Lockett
Diana Lockett - 10 years ago
I didn't relate to the show because growing up I didn't have race related problems personally I think the show isnt good so far the acting is bad its unfunny the only thing I like is the narrator he's good. I think many Asians are going through the same thing as blacks went through when Obama was elected they are happy to see people who look like them and the culture being showed on TV but people will wise up and see how bad this crappy show is.
Johnnie Johnnie
Johnnie Johnnie - 10 years ago
Just started beng watching this show and the mom undoubtably holds the status of realest nigga on earth
May - 10 years ago
The scene I related to the most was definitely the traditional food at lunch scene. I'm half Japanese and sometimes I bring onigiri (aka rice balls with fish in them) to school and there is always one person that tells me that it stinks. Then there are people who are like "look she brought sushi". Onigiris are not sushi, not everything with rice and fish is sushi.
Robert Persuad
Robert Persuad - 10 years ago
I want to bang more hot Asian chicks because of the show. #loveit
Hazel Nonan
Hazel Nonan - 10 years ago
I thought Eddie was the oldest in the show :S 
Petite bantu
Petite bantu - 10 years ago
I love the show , amazing show I hope they stay on air
Wxiba - 10 years ago
Growing up 9 years in Asia, it was super weird when me and my family moved to America. And like, not the good weird. First month there, there was a group of white neighborhood kids that would harass me literally every time I left the house on my own. In Cambodia and Thailand, that never happened. I was rarely bullied. Then after the first three years I developed Anxiety and Depression because of how bad the kids were. You would not believe how many people thought Cambodia was in Africa. And that the Phillipines were in South America.
Hidaya Diaspora
Hidaya Diaspora - 10 years ago
The mom steals the show! She better get some nominations this year.
Sophia Do
Sophia Do - 10 years ago
I live in a really small town. Asian population is basically 0. My family is the only Viet family. Even if I bring a peanut butter and jelly sandwich people still ask me what I'm eating. There's not really a lot of discrimination now. But sometimes they can treat you differently.
Okaythen001 - 10 years ago
hey I had a gold watch that looked exactly like yours, that watch is so old maybe 20 years old? also you got some nice Fong Shui next to you. gotta hook me up bro.
BuddhaBless328 - 10 years ago
Their Chinese and cant pronounce Huang?, wow.
Eric Hsiao
Eric Hsiao - 10 years ago
idk about anyone else but xiaolongbao is crazy expensive. I definitely do not ever expect anyone to have that for lunch. Furthermore, those probably taste nasty when reheated because the whole point is to enjoy the hot soup inside of them. But maybe that's why it wasn't actually part of the lunch. Don't ever leave leftovers of xiaolongbao... it's just not a good idea.

I'm not sure why this little point on food affected me way more than all of the history-making going on around this show.
TheLadysoul69 - 10 years ago
Believe me or not but I'm what you could call "african european"(I'm french and black) and I too can relate to fresh off the boat. I mean growing up being the only black kid at school, seeing my mom trying to relate to our white neighbours and taking that weird accent, a mix of a posh french and african accent, parents pressure when it comes to grades ... I've been through all of that except for the lunch part nobody brings lunch at school you either eat the same thing at the cafeteria  or go home for lunch (by the way the stuff they eat looked awful how can you eat that? You'll never EVER see anything that looks that in France.  lol). ANYWAYYY What I mean is, its a great show because a lot of people can relate to it, if you've been raised by immigrants you probably can maybe not as much as asian americans can, but still a little bit. I liked your review by the way. 
Del Martinis
Del Martinis - 10 years ago
The immigrant experience!!! I was an Italian immigrant as a kid... Very strange experience...

My husband is Mexican American... He tells of eating with his Jewish and Anglo friends at school and bringing stinky deep fried carnitas tortas... He always thought "why can't I have pb and j... or roast beef"

East Asians, South Asians, Arab, Persian, African, Mexican, Central American, South American and any other immigrant kids in the US will def connect with this show.

Eddie's mom is a total star! We love her!
DANIEL KONISHI - 10 years ago
Are they at Cafe Spot in Alhambra?? That's a great restaurant & a brilliant review as well! I can relate to the show and it's humor since I grew up as a kid in the mid 90's.
razzlystar - 10 years ago
Honestly I'm really excited about this show because I rarely see Asian American tv shows and its cool to see a different perspective. I'm not Asian but I'm happy to see you guys getting more face time on television. I would love to see more Asians in the music industry as well.
razzlystar - 10 years ago
ProperIntro maybe I should have clarified I was talking about the American music industry, I'm aware music artists exist outside of the United States, by the way I'm a huge fan of Japanese and Korean music
ProperIntro - 10 years ago
@razzlystar there are Asians in the music industry just not in the Western music industry ....Korean and japanese music are really popular, worldwide...
mikeseoul - 10 years ago
They need to make a show about mixed asians. Because its hard!
since I'm korean, white, and black I never exactly fit in any category. 

too asian for the whites
too mixed for the asians
too white for the blacks

so when there was a lunch table... i sat by myself.
even tho i was raised in the korean culture, can even speak, read, and write as well
i was still categorized as weird or... when i said my ethnicity they would say
" I don't see it" 
" Your Lying" 
" You look Spanish" 

Life as a mixed asian is hard. You will never fit in tbh
Ron dog
Ron dog - 10 years ago
a school where he is the only asain? is that a fucking joke...
The Last Operator
The Last Operator - 9 years ago
We had like two Asians in a school of 2000, there are plenty of places where there aren't Asians, get out of fucking Cali.
NVO BEATS - 9 years ago
Yeah I'm from Alabama and the school I went to had plenty of Asians.

There's a bunch of laotions in Montgomery.
Turigamot - 9 years ago
@anythingnew Eh? DC area has quite a significant Asian population. Richie Le also mentions how many Vietnamese are in the South. Really, most urban areas, East or West, are places Asians tend to gravitate towards. Dropoffs in Asian populations start occurring the more rural a location is, not the more Easterly a location is.
baf03 - 10 years ago
@anythingnew also chicago as well. sorry i grew up in southern california, where it was the opposite: asians/mexicans/african americans were the majority, and you can count the number of white students on two hands
baf03 - 10 years ago
anywhere east of california
Emile Garcia
Emile Garcia - 10 years ago
I wasn't an immigrant kid, but I did spend a significant portion of my childhood in the US, so I related to a lot of the stuff in the show.

I remember loving the shit out of lunchables :) At the same time I had great pride in my culture. So, I eventually got the kids to try (and love) Filipino food.

The bit about the immigrant kids being super into rap was so true too. The most "gangsta" kids I knew in school were the Filipinos, Koreans and the Latinos.

I was more of an Emery and Evan than I was an Eddie though :p
Claudia - 10 years ago
Hey! My surname is Dong as well! Defs can relate there :)
MIa Yang-STEM - 10 years ago
The AMERICAN DREAM is not stereotypes, but not all people are that bad. Yeh people should stop saying we all look the same, but people should also stop saying that anyone "not Asian" are bad. I've had people make fun of my name, or call someone of a totally different ethnicity my brother/sister, but not intentionally. Many people I've met are just oblivious. No offense to anyone with different opinions.
FTjack AoE7AoT
FTjack AoE7AoT - 10 years ago
The show is really funny but there are a lot of it that I don't really relate. Partly because my family came to America and lived in a 626 area where I don't really get to meet much white kids. I never got picked on for bringing Asian food to school and I used to hate eating hot dogs and pizzas. Even though, I am a FOB, I never really get to experience the struggle a FOB kid had to experience, except for learning english.
Tommy Tran
Tommy Tran - 10 years ago
My last name is Tran so everyone's always like Tranny lmao
paystrong - 10 years ago
its interesting to watch a show about asian american. i believe this is more like 2nd or 3rd gen asian chinese. i guess i can call myself first gen since i'm the 1st of my family coming to this land. for me i think a lof of scenes are exagerating. for example, the dad got such a great smile which is unusual, second i've seen the couple kissing in the public, i was like is this really happening? anyway, love the show gonna keep following.
종이비행기 - 10 years ago
I wish we would stop using "Asian-American" as if it's a thing. We don't come from the same cultures, and our ancestors did not face the same struggles coming to America, nor do I as Korean face the same prejudice as a, say, Chinaman would. We're more diverse than Europe is, genetically, especially if you begin to group in Southeast Asians and etc. Chinese in Asia don't even like other Chinese from other countries, and there's no "We're all Asian, yay" mentality in Asia at all, whatsoever.
Casandra Lopez
Casandra Lopez - 10 years ago
This is so great.
laura yang
laura yang - 10 years ago
Came to America when I was in high school, I can so related to's tough
byay - 10 years ago
His "welcome to cattleman's ranch" sounded EXACTLY like Randall Park omg
tiffany leung
tiffany leung - 10 years ago
it wasn't that good. the accent is horrible, a Korean guy is playing a Chinese character. but man, the accent is beyond horrible
lilgogeta2 - 10 years ago
That kid who plays Eddie, really looks like Eddie! Awesome cast
Henggao Cai
Henggao Cai - 10 years ago
This show is the reason that Chinese people call American born Chinese kids (ABC), bananas. They are yellow on the outside, but their heart has turned white. They identify more with white people, who don't really accept them, than with their own race
Henggao Cai
Henggao Cai - 10 years ago
Fresh Off the Boat is funny, but it is filled with uneducated stereotypes meant to cater to white people. I was especially disappointed with the second week episodes because it refused to challenge stereotypes by teaching people about Asian culture and looking at the problem with an Asian perspective. 
Henggao Cai
Henggao Cai - 10 years ago
Can Eddie Huang even speak Chinese? The biggest problem with this show is that many Chinese American kids aren't comfortable with speaking Chinese. Some Chinese American kids aren't even comfortable with being labeled Chinese. This show hasn't embraced Chinese heritage. Instead, it has mocked Chinese heritage. 
filthyswit - 10 years ago
Linda @5:38 not enjoying the food? haha!
Aramaki Phuong
Aramaki Phuong - 10 years ago
the music is too loud
Marissa - 10 years ago
I love fresh of the boat that's my show!!!! I think behind the race,different cultures and appearances people forget that we're humans...We want to relate we don't want to feel left out. We just want  a little respect in hopes that others can relate to our struggles. I love the Huang family
lucifer lavey
lucifer lavey - 10 years ago
great show.....
what's fairly interesting and seemingly never discussed is how "ethnic whites" are seemingly also considered to be "minorities" and treated as such.   (In reality, in America, which national group is NOT currently a minority?)    Anyway, as an example, as an Italian-American, I can't recall a single Anglican-Germanic-Nordic American who could: 1) correctly pronounce my surname;  2) refrain from mocking my surname;  3) make "mafia jokes";  4) ask how many vowels are in my full name.   And, in NY, the old joke is that Rudy Guiliani can never be president because he has "too man vowels in his name".     
As an's a little known fact:  the one minority group that can be discriminated against, mocked, and belittled/ridiculed with impunity in America in the 21st century are atheists.     Murderers and terrorists are granted more respect.
On a lighter note, anyone else here think Constance Wu is a 10/10?  
SupraJZA80 - 10 years ago
I grew up during the AZN pride era...awesome years and like Fung Bros mention before, almost every Asian was on the same map and yes 2pac was an influence to the raise
zh3nghaoxiang - 10 years ago
I was asked to not eat in the cafeteria one time in middle school because one kid complained about the smell of my jiaozi...I ended up eating outside on the benches...
Diana Rae
Diana Rae - 10 years ago
My last name is dang
Dave4709 - 10 years ago
I can't believe i forgot about this show premiering this month after seeing announcements and posters of the show all the time lol i'm hoping to watch it soon, seems very interesting to watch. 
zigyzigy13 - 10 years ago
Look at how many Asians are being treated like shit by the White race. Do you still want ot worship this devilish race? Every non-Whites have the same story about the White race. These animals are disgusting.
zigyzigy13 - 10 years ago
@coldbloodid  Yup, don't come here.-Native Indians
Fr3nChFrYy - 10 years ago
See but as soon as you stereotype an entire race like that, you sink to their level. Not all white people are like that, just like any race there are people who represent us poorly.
trinhcuong 1979
trinhcuong 1979 - 10 years ago
@zigyzigy13 lot usa companies, corporations n government agencies have tax money help them lot, so they care less how good, hard work n smart n good for companies but know how play politics, connection, sexy, suck up, lick butts to get great jobs, unlike asian companies rely on solely efficient, hard working, talents n skill so these asian bosses lot time very strict, not bad so their companies can survive n thrive but face no discrimination at all for workers.
zigyzigy13 - 10 years ago
@anythingnew So nice that they don't come to work and are extremely "lazy"(and complan a lot). Very "fair" indeed.  
Simon D
Simon D - 10 years ago
0.54-0.58 on head phones... hhaaaa! feels surreal, like someones banging on desk right next to me yoh. ok, lemi finish the rest of the vid
Sadiyya Minnesota
Sadiyya Minnesota - 10 years ago
All of this is true!
Allison Fischer
Allison Fischer - 10 years ago
I'm from Florida, and Eddie is 3 years older than me, so there is a lot for me to relate to. I'm a quarter Japanese, so a lot of the time I was either the only person with Asian heritage in my class, or there were a handful in my school but we just never liked each other, except for a few people. I was lucky to have my half Filipino friend living behind my house for a lot of my childhood. My Mom is halfu, and I remember asking her to give me onigiri in my lunch, and she looked at me like I was crazy and told me maybe it wasn't a good idea, but I was just like, nah, nah, that's yummy Mommy, make it for me please! Cut to everyone calling me a seaweed eater. Episode 4 KILLED me with the sisters speaking to each other in subtitles, that's totally how my Mom and her sister speak to one another.
common sense
common sense - 10 years ago
Love the show especially the youngest "im MC Hammer " lol that was soooo 可爱
Xian Wang
Xian Wang - 10 years ago
Too bad I'm have tv at home...
MyForever 520
MyForever 520 - 10 years ago
I am asian and my teacher always my name
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
I would also like to add, because of youtube and hearing Asian youtubers speak on issues that they faced as a kid/teen/adult in the US, plus being into a specific Asian culture at the moment (though i've always liked Asian cultures in general every since i was a kid), i didn't take much offense/i understood when i seen previews and the mom asks why he has a black guy on his shirt. There's already the stereotype that Asians don't like black ppl, so i feel like, showing that,though it made that stereotype seem true, it was just a part of his life growing up since he was into hip hop, so it had to be shown
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
I missed the first episode, but saw the second one. I thought the show was funny, but knowing the show was going to be constantly talking about stereotypes (which i know is going to happen because it's back in the day) makes me feel second hand embarrassment (though i'm not Asian), especially when he's trying to be hip hop. I laughed more at the known stereotype jokes in the show. Like when the mom screamed because she thought a ghost was in the window, from reading too much Stephen King lol
aadeesocal - 10 years ago
FOB's right up my alley. I grew up right at that time. I look forward to seeing more episodes. Has anyone take the time to read the book the shiw was based on?
jivenesspie - 10 years ago
When Cantonese kids were growing up in Toronto in the 90's, the other kids who picked on us were the kids listening to hip hop. It was like the music of the bullies.
Paul Michael James
Paul Michael James - 10 years ago
For me, Asian culture was my hip hop growing up. I graduated high school in 1991 and spent all my free time watching HK movies, listening to c-pop and eating hot pot. Memories!
Great Man, Who Is a Man of Deeds
Great Man, Who Is a Man of Deeds - 10 years ago
Growing up people would ask my sister ngozi where she was from because she seemed Asian and not your usual black girl.
G1Main - 10 years ago
Good video!
Claymore007 - 10 years ago
Luckily my last name is Tzeo.
Daniela Salazar
Daniela Salazar - 10 years ago
I related with so many parts of this show, the whole immigrant experience is very well done. Hilarious and genuine. I'm Mexican, and except for the specific content- I really related to every part of this show. Just replace the specifics (food and language) and the rest is extremely accurate.
Elizabeth Ivy
Elizabeth Ivy - 10 years ago
Am I the only one who didn't find the show to be funny?
I understand that it is supposed to be easier to relate to for Asian Americans, however, in my honest opinion, the way it portrayed certain characters and their actions came across as more derogatory than funny. (Maybe it seems this way because I am not in the same shoes as some of the viewers --but, to me it seemed like the episode that I watched failed to convey the idea that the stereotypes and other challenges that Eddie had to face were truly societal issues. Rather, it appeared to be condoning those stereotypes as okay because it was using them as a device for comedic value.) 
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@Elizabeth Ivy
Because thats what comedies do, and like Blackish, they are in no artform to portray serious struggles in light humour that would just desensitize people to why they're offensive. A lot of people still dont understand the Boondocks either because of that.
Elizabeth Ivy
Elizabeth Ivy - 9 years ago
@Black Tornado  That's not what I said at all. What I meant in my original comment was that the show gives off the appearance of condoning bad stereotypes through the manner in which it portrays them in a comedic manner. 
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@Elizabeth Ivy I'm not following what you're trying to say, I've hardly ever seen any conventional streotypes used in this show that forces the character to conform to.
Elizabeth Ivy
Elizabeth Ivy - 9 years ago
@Black Tornado  First things first, I did't use google translate. I understand that my grammar isn't the best there because it's not something I have learned how to say well in Korean. However, there's no reason to be so confrontational about it. Additionally, I don''t see any evidence to support your opinion against what I have said. Simply saying, "it's not your life," harbors a lot of assumptions about someone you don't know. 
If you were to offer an alternate view about how the elements of the show I mentioned could be perceived, then I might be able to understand your point. 
(P.S. I am not trying to start a war, what I've said so far is honestly just my opinion. I'm not telling anyone they have to agree.) 
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@Elizabeth Ivy I don't see what you're trying to prove with dismissing it just because because you feel you're more "Asian" than he is. Its Eddie's own. Not yours.
Elizabeth Ivy
Elizabeth Ivy - 10 years ago
Please reread my comment and understand it fully before wildly making false accusations. 한국 사람 아니고 아직 한국어 많이 모자라는데 저한테 주요한 것이여요.
crazymnky99 - 10 years ago
YOU OBVIOUSLY ARENT ASIAN. everything about that show was relatable and the stereotypes were almost spot on. obviously some parts were a little exaggerated for comedic purposes, but other then that those social issues that you claim aren't really "real" is believe it or not what most asian kids went through. 
Bt Ort
Bt Ort - 10 years ago
Why do I get irritated by the mom so much? Maybe because there are a lot of rude and bitchy old asian women out there. Don't even call me racist because I am asian and I have family who are just plain rude to people as well, which pisses me off. But why are older asian more bitchy than the ones raised in the U.S? Everytime some asian bitch starts being rude to me, I would make the biggest mess in their store or just yell at them. I hate it when you are respectful to them and they have the nerve to be bitchy to you. I'm not saying ALL of them are bitchy but 90% of the time and you go to an asian store, there are old bitchy women EVEN THOUGH you are nice to them
Shakila Muhammad
Shakila Muhammad - 10 years ago
I just watched I love it!! I relate to it but I'm not Asian. I made my mom watch it with me. She isn't really into anything out side her race but we both love it.
Z H - 10 years ago
Im Indian/Pakistani and that entire first episode was SO relatable. Even watched it with my mom and she couldn't help but laugh lol.
Yogi T
Yogi T - 10 years ago
For your generation, it has been more accepting.  I am almost 50, I love this new show "Fresh Off the Boat".  There are many instances where we connect on the Chinese traits.  But also, I am learning and starting to understand why your generation relates more with the Hip Hop.  Back in the 1970s, growing up as a kid, I was a victim of many muggings and it was always by a Black or Spanish person.  So that experience pushes me away from wanting to be a part of hip hop community.  Yes, it was more accepting with your generation, and I hope it is even more accepting to the current generation.  Peace out.
Campus Channel
Campus Channel - 10 years ago
any chance you can buy a better mic? The audio is a bit off. Just asking. 
MrWhitipino - 10 years ago
I kinda actually did relate to the show. Being Half Filipino and Half White, I was born in the Philippines but raised in San Antonio my whole life. My experience isn't exactly similar, being surrounded by mostly Mexicans but I completely understood the cultural aspect of Eddie's experience. I've also experienced racism going back to my late dad's hometown where there was like 90% white people
Ribar zaki
Ribar zaki - 10 years ago
I like an Asian girl but she likes only white boys how can she like me. can you say that before valentins day
GalvatronTypeR - 10 years ago
I've watched the show and I don't really care for it. I don't appreciate the stereotypical Asian accents and I don't like Eddie Huang on a personal level.

He's a loudmouth know-it-all who seems to think that just because he is Chinese that he speaks for all Asians. As a Korean, he has no clue what my upbringing or background is about and I cannot relate to him on any level whatsoever even though we're from the same continent.
HallOfFantasy - 10 years ago
ABC/FOB - lol
I haven't heard those terms in years... A lot of years.  

When I was in High School, there was a big divide between the ABCs and FOBs.  Lots of stress between the two groups. 
huda mo aboo
huda mo aboo - 10 years ago
My boyfriend is half Asian he told me about this show and I think it's very funny too. thanks FungBros
your fan from Sudan :)
Allen - 10 years ago
I use my Chinese-English name legally on Passport/Licence/Banking etc...but for education all my life, my mum used Allen opposed to my Chinese name. So it would be Allen (Ka Lun 'middle name') then Surname. It makes it harder when you go to job interviews or teachers when they can't pronounce your leagal name like Ka Lun and often Ka, which I just tell them to call me Allen.
11:11 - 10 years ago
loved the show so much it relatse too me and my familiy
Quyen Phung
Quyen Phung - 10 years ago
My last name is also Phung but spelled different but said the same. And yes I still get make fun on ALOT ugh
Gary Lau
Gary Lau - 10 years ago
Enjoyed the first 2 episodes last week. Can't wait to see how the Asians in Asia would react to this show. Pretty sure TVB would buy the license to air this show for next year in Hong Kong. They're usually one season behind anyway.
Gnomesmusher - 10 years ago
I grew up in the 70s and 80s and was pretty much always the only asian kid in school wherever I moved. I got into plenty of fist fights because I refused to be bullied without putting up a fight. But it also meant having genuinely good kids as friends. Yep I wouldn't change a thing. Good times. 
DruMeister - 10 years ago
it's a great show, and it's about fucking time we see an Asian family TV show.
Dianna De Guzman
Dianna De Guzman - 10 years ago
I'm still shipping Andrew and Linda.... Is that weird? Haha
Bunnam Di Lao
Bunnam Di Lao - 10 years ago
Sorry duds i love your channel, BUT
One is good, two is nice three is a bit boring but please dont do a 4th episode about Fresh off the boat ^^ enough for this month hihi
But please do some others asian food video !! About Lao or Thai food for example !!
Simplychristine28 - 10 years ago
I need to watch this TV series after school's over or so. Thanks for showing us this!
Animedemon - 10 years ago
The weird thing is my name is Edmon Huang, same last name, pretty close first name to Eddie Huang.
Kevin Anderson
Kevin Anderson - 10 years ago
I a mblack man but I love your YouTube channel can you do a show about why black ppl and Asian ppl love each other's culture that would be dope for real. Fung bros are awesome
Colleen Z.
Colleen Z. - 10 years ago
YES! FINALLY AN ASIAN COMEDY! FINALLYYYYYYYYY ASIANISM! lol. First asian comedy from America... xD
mateo siegel
mateo siegel - 10 years ago
When is the Latino show gonna come out? Come on ABC step it up
Nguyen Le
Nguyen Le - 10 years ago
I wouldn't recommend having a drinking game while watching this show lol
kacaow - 10 years ago
Easy to pronounce? LOL my last name is Cao and they call me COW fucking cow do they not notice the a?!
Stacy-Ann Subahwon
Stacy-Ann Subahwon - 10 years ago
Wow I love this it's like an additional perspective and I never really thought about how monumental this show was until this video. I'm Jamaican so I can relate on the immigrant sense of it and people screwing up my last name. I hope they show different Asian cultures though and don't just clump all Asians into one category as per usual.
Fly Lice
Fly Lice - 10 years ago
Anybody know where i can watch the show? Im not from the US, and Hola doesn't work with ABC for me...
meiyuc22 - 10 years ago
so much pressure.... seems pointless
Jina Zhao
Jina Zhao - 10 years ago
what generation are the fungbros ??
Janne T
Janne T - 10 years ago
fresh off the boat is hilarious
Ben Nguyen
Ben Nguyen - 10 years ago
I have direct tv and it not on abc  channel ;( So sad :(((
bangchanns - 10 years ago
What about satellite tv?
Melissa Z.
Melissa Z. - 10 years ago
I laughed at the part where every kid at school had lunchables because though I am 15 right now, back when I was in third grade, lunchables literally dominated the whole cafeteria and I was always jealous at the kids who got them because they were the "cool" kids while I was just the outsider that sat next to them. I also used to beg my mom to get me lunchables, but my mom never bought any for me.
TC13 - 10 years ago
go eat to Timothy Delaghettos dads restaurant. its thai
Mantis Toboggen
Mantis Toboggen - 10 years ago
I want to be your token white boii
Derprume - 10 years ago
The show made me glad that I grew up in San Francisco.
Naing Lin
Naing Lin - 10 years ago
Tbh I thought it was literally was about an Asian family FRESH of the boat from Asia but I can see why they chose to have them based in DC (because they would have heavy accents and broken English) but overall I like the show
Kristina Yeh
Kristina Yeh - 10 years ago
Hi!! I've been chronically sick for 3.4yrs and u guys make me laugh a lot. I'm part Panda (Chinese) and white. Love it! I have an impressive Adidas collection and would love if you did a video on Adidas instead of just Nike. I picked Adidas because everyone likes Nike. I like being different. I 2 live in Cali. Have a great day!
dizzy6745 - 10 years ago
I don't like it when you shill for big business.
Andrew Reantaso
Andrew Reantaso - 10 years ago
I was the first asian in pre-k thankfully I'm in 4th and then I have an asian friend
ctapgoy - 10 years ago
I freaking love the show.  I immigrated to the US from HK in 1998 and I can relate so much to this show!
JACKSONVILLE RED - 10 years ago
This is just more Zionist controlled broadcasting aimed to dumb down the Asian community with racist jokes and stereo types. The name alone is insulting. "Fresh off the boat" What the fuck is that a reference to refugees. This will be as insulting as "Blackish".
谯鉴 - 10 years ago
Only humour.
Edward Kwong
Edward Kwong - 10 years ago
Dude, just stop. You know NOTHING about this show or the person behind it. The show is named after the BOOK that Eddie Huang wrote. This is a SITCOM therefore not meant to be serious. Please do some damn research before opening that hole you call a mouth
Micaela Mohini
Micaela Mohini - 10 years ago
Vu Van
Vu Van - 10 years ago
In High school I would wear the windbreaker pants and everything I wore was yellow. My mom asked her black friend if black people always wore yellow because that's what she saw me doing and I was really into rap. I laughed so hard. gotta love asian parents
Fahad Alam Shah
Fahad Alam Shah - 10 years ago
I'm also grateful for who I'm because the experience I had made me not being racist at all. That's why i got all the respect and love at my job because I treat everyone equally. I think most of the times the best teachers are your enemies.
Crass Envy
Crass Envy - 10 years ago
what's her face could get it. yo this legit legit ah buh cuh?
Gio Gonzales
Gio Gonzales - 10 years ago
Growing up in the Glendale, CA area wasn't that bad for me but I still felt like I had a hard time fitting in because it was heavily Korean and Armenian influenced. I was practically one of the only Filipinos in my classes which made it a bit difficult but I hung out with the Koreans and learned of their amazing cuisine so it paid off in the end.
Fahad Alam Shah
Fahad Alam Shah - 10 years ago
I didn't watch the show yet but according to you guys said i think i can relate to it too because I was the ONLY asian "indonesian" student in school (i live in Kuwait) from kindergarten until college and I had to adapt and be smart on how to choose my friends. And also my wife had the same problem because she and her siblings are the ONLY asian chinese students (also lives in Kuwait). And even after becoming kuwaity citizen the society still didn't accept me. But I was smart enough to not let such a thing make me feel down.
shadowdraqon - 10 years ago
the legendary hip hop songs played thruout the episodes were great. Nostalgic. MC Breed's aint no future in yo frontin was my favorite.
Mary's Test Kitchen
Mary's Test Kitchen - 10 years ago
Man..back in the day, I had Got Rice memorized. So much shudder. Anyone else?
Mary's Test Kitchen
Mary's Test Kitchen - 10 years ago
@John Higuchi thanks, dear :)
Guchi Man
Guchi Man - 10 years ago
Hi Mary! Love your recipes.
Tone Riggz
Tone Riggz - 10 years ago
I'm not Asian but I'm just a couple of years younger than Eddie. Because of that, I relate to being a massive Shaq fan in the 90s and rocking a lot of Magic gear, I relate to rocking Nike kicks, Starter jackets. I relate to the Hip Hop aspect of the show. The book delves further into the Hip Hop aspect of Eddie's life and it makes it more relatable to non-Asian people. Although, being from Flushing, I definitely know what it's like to shop at a Flushing fish market. Overall, great show and great book.
Lan - 10 years ago
Definitely relatable. My parents own a Chinese restaurant and we move around a lot. My lunch back in Elementary consist of two slices of bread and sometimes there is eggs in the middle when my sister felt like waking up early and cooking it for me. I gave myself the name Melissa in Kindergarten to make things easier since most of the school I've attended were mostly attended by whites. I think I was the only Asian in all my classes. I still use the name Melissa now but since I'm in college with a lot of other Asian, Shu is fine. My last name is Dong too!
Caleb - 10 years ago
oh darn i missed this show, I should catch up.
陳米雪 - 10 years ago
Grr, need to find FOB online!
Simolcia - 10 years ago
I'm white, Polish, living in Poland (not an immigrant) so I got nothing to relate on things you usually talk about on your channel, but still enjoying it so much. You guys are great. Oh.. there's one thing I can relate. Not understanding wearing shoes in home. Why people do that? And on bed? Eww
King Jayms
King Jayms - 10 years ago
As an immigrant to Australia, I could definitely relate to this show.  On all aspects apart from the lunch.  But great show, showing the Asian actors <3 <3..   "Im just trying get a nut, get some respect! =D
Athena〈3Zelo - 10 years ago
I want to watch fresh of the boat, but i also want to see you guys collab with the Off the Great Wall guys!
John CJW
John CJW - 10 years ago
Nice Rolex
A. james
A. james - 10 years ago
I wanna watch it but we don't have it here:(
Sirenhunter5 - 10 years ago
My mom is almost like the mom from the show. Only my family is Native American. We were always scared for my mom to see the report cards.
Mindy H
Mindy H - 10 years ago
It kind of reminded me of that one show "Everybody Hates Chris" ,but asian version obviously! Can't wait to see where it'll go!
ICT EXPO LoL Mongolia
ICT EXPO LoL Mongolia - 10 years ago
Well damn mongolian names not short at all my first name is Amarjargal
goshadowkenny - 10 years ago
I'm one year older than Eddie is in the show, having grown up in a similar kind of neighbourhood in Vancouver, Canada (Linda D needs to shut up about representing anything in Vancouver, let alone being Asian here). I was able to relate to the cafeteria noodle scene but switching to a salami sandwich for lunch wasn't that big of a deal. Attitudes towards traditional food was a minor adjustment we had to make and sandwiches was nothing new to my family so we made that switch. Fragrant Asian noodles were kept internally in the household and only on weekends. 

Basically, the show touches upon some childhood memories but I think it is either a grossly exaggerated version of my own experience, or he just had it worse off being in America. Whatever the opinion, I'm sure we can all agree that the mom is the selling point of the show. 
verycherryyy - 10 years ago
honestly, fresh off the boat is a giant breakthrough for the asian american community and i am seriously addicted! <3
Rosemarie Ann Awa
Rosemarie Ann Awa - 10 years ago
I give it a 3 out of 5 stars. I like the concept of the show, and the charecter it mainly related to. The acting was good as far as the kids cast. But whoever they chose to play as the parents who are supposed to play foreign, straight from the motherland wasn't as authentic I felt as it could be. I'm Filipino American who grew up with parents who were just that, so I can relate growing up with two cultures.
A Loaf of Bread
A Loaf of Bread - 6 years ago
I agree with the actors. Also the dad character just didn't seem realistic to me. He comes off as a second generation American.
Miri M
Miri M - 10 years ago
of course you feel it wasn't authentic. You're Filipino. They're Chinese in the show. You had a different experience growing up. Filipinos are more Americanized to begin with
TheArtofWar - 10 years ago
Sup Rosie, Its me Khanh funny to see you comment on here. I liked how it takes place in the  90's the best era.
Twist3DIcecoin - 10 years ago
I was the one who told them to describe the show!!! Sub to me now plox
Edward Kwong
Edward Kwong - 10 years ago
It'a a sitcom not a documentary
Tanya Ott
Tanya Ott - 10 years ago
i agree rosemarie! i've only seen the trailer, and will be tuning in tonight to watch the full first episode. but in the trailer, the parents seemed to reinforce negative stereotypes and almost like caricatures of real portrayals? i just feel like people are already aware of these stereotypes so there's no need to really propagate them. it would be neat if the show introduced another asian family where the parents are 2nd or 3rd gen. just to be balanced.
Rty102 - 10 years ago
I personally feel like everyone has their own story, and the point of the show is not to show everyone's story, but more so to show the individual story of Eddie Huang. There are many different outlooks on Asian immigrants and while there are some parents who are authentic to their culture and lifestyle, some others would prefer to assimilate to the American culture and ideas.
OutsideThePyxis - 10 years ago
I was lucky my dad worked for Kraft. So whenever I had school field trips in elm, he would buy us lunchables like Eddie haha. :D
ShesooBreezy - 10 years ago
That was a great video! I remember being in the 3rd grade and this girl brought in sushi. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I admit I thought it was wierd. So I just ate the meat (crab, eggs,and others) in the middle. Now, 18 years later I love sushi! (^◯^) #certifiedsushifan
Matt Manduke
Matt Manduke - 10 years ago
I didn't see the first episode, i saw the 2nd one.  Not being familiar with Asian culture would have made the show MUCH less entertaining.  Personally, after watching you guys for the past week or so, I understood a lot of it, and found it entertaining.  Watching it with my mother however, she didn't understand and wasn't entertained.  Because of  the Fung bros, I was able to see the comedy.  Though had I not stumbled across this channel last week, it wouldn't have kept my attention.  I am though happy to see Asian-American comedy on the dying breed that is main stream TV.  
matt lee
matt lee - 10 years ago
its too bad Asian men lack the Athleticism to play in the NFL,  then we would truly be considered in mainstream America
evilmickey100 - 10 years ago
I'm so tired of the comparison between Asians and African Americans our stories are not the same so stop trying to force the comparison.
jan8919 - 7 years ago
Am i the only Chinese person on who actually understand what you're trying to say .
seventhseance - 8 years ago
@byoung4eva1 I do agree 100% with your statement!! Because the effects of segregation, discrimination, and ideas from those people still exist...DESPITE people thinking otherwise.
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 8 years ago
+SelphieFairy I understand why that would be the case, but then the model minority pass is what is used to disconnect Asian people from racism. The less Asians internalize their disconnection to the social plights of racism (designed to destabilize and isolate black people politically). Its the reason why I hate seeing or hearing Asians adopting racism, when their successes have not been built upon it the way White America was. They really don't get anything out of it. Nor do black people get anything out of mocking Asians either.
seventhseance - 8 years ago
@BlackMetalJacket [X] you're right I forgot to add that. Thanks for mentioning it in the comments.
Ger Vang
Ger Vang - 9 years ago
Stop being butthurt.
TheCausation - 9 years ago
yeah only black people are allowed to have a victim complex
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@Bethany Francia
Well, people seem to be coveting this political concept of segregation through same-group collectivism. So people will assume that the only relevant problems in society are their own, thus the only way politically we are told we can get any voice heard regarding them, must be through silencing another marginalized group at the same time. Thats what perpetuates racism from the model minority myth.
seventhseance - 9 years ago
To someone else in the comments who replied to me: I never said that the struggle that Asians went through back then were comparable to what African Americans went through. I was just saying that everyone who came to America including Asians suffered.
evilmickey100 - 9 years ago
@Black Tornado I'm not Asian bro I'm black so I don't know what u are getting at 
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
+Bethany Francia Asians were never immune from racism, they were just told that they live better than black people and that should be enough to ignore racism against black people, when its not presented the same way against Asians. A lot of what they were subjected to is just censored by the model minority myth, which is used to have them think their american dream comes from being accepted by the same media structure that ignores them unless they turn on other minority groups to stay on that illusion of being a "model" minority in exchange for being ignored politically.
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@evilmickey100 Only because black people have been in the dysfunction of community decay created from the end of the civil rights opposition, and are expected to some how just ignore this and magically fix the problems given to them by bigoted politics.
Matt Nguyen-Ngo
Matt Nguyen-Ngo - 10 years ago
@R Vale On a biological level, there are on average more differences between two members of the same race than between the races as wholes. Any perceived difference in intelligence is much more likely to result from environmental than biological factors.
R Vale
R Vale - 10 years ago
Asians are more associated with whites than blacks because Asians might not have racial status but they have intelligence to back them up. Blacks.. not so much.
Rakhan Seattle
Rakhan Seattle - 10 years ago
I don't know when you grew up but I grew up in the 90's and Hip Hop was a real bridge for me too. I can completely relate to that. I think kids now might not feel that as much as Asian culture seeps deeper and deeper into the mainstream world through anime and action movies and shows like this but seriously that feeling of being an outsider really connected me and a lot of people I know to Hip Hop. Hip Hop was something you could be accepted at if you could just do it and especially if you could do it well. Cue LL.  Just think the legendary and prolific DJ Q-Bert (3-time World DMC Champion and creator of more scratches than anyone ever and creator of the notation system for scratching and founder of Scratch University, ya' know the most skilled DJ on the planet) Massive Monkees (the world champion B-Boy crew) are almost all Asian, DJ Babu of Dialated Peoples, Blue Scholars... there's a lot of ground to stand on.  Also I couldn't help but appreciate the struggle and the fight that Black people fought because without it I wouldn't enjoy the freedoms I enjoy so I feel pretty connected to their story although we have our own story which I'm glad is being explored. But yeah for me it's a big part of my youth.
Wendy Ardon
Wendy Ardon - 10 years ago
settle down! relax man. Just because you don't have Asian friends, it doesn't mean that's the same for everyone, that's being closed minded thinking that everyone experience life in the same way that you do. The comments from all these people should tell you something. my husband is white, between his best friends circle there is an Asian guy, and a guy from Arabic background, and a black guy, and I'm Spanish. So, there is not need to think that people from different cultures cannot get along. I think you need to get out of the box. 
Othinii - 10 years ago
@evilmickey100 Eh....I get what you're trying to say that the black and asian communities didn't always have the best relations. And the  stories aren't the same, but it doesn't mean there aren't historic similarities. In the 1800s, chinatowns were like the ghetto, high crime rate and poverty stricken. Chinese men were socially viewed as sex mongrels and women as prostitutes. Chinatowns were robbed, set on fire, and chinamen killed as result of growing fear of the "yellow peril" and political propaganda of cheap Chinese immigrant labor replacing the white working class who were struggling to earn a living.

The model minority is a more recent concept that is put in place by those who want to silence the complaints of injustice by struggling minorities and pits Asian Americans against other minorities, creating interracial tension. It's a myth that neglects the selective immigration (educated and economically well off) laws back then and the varying levels of success in asian communities. 
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
We aren't talking about historical similarities (though there are some, like slavery), we are talking about current day situations, and back in the 80 and 90s. Breastfeeding, isn't cultural, more like human nature, and it isn't what i mean when i say our cultures have similarities. U can have your views, no one said u had to agree with me, just pointing out that it's not "forced" as u put it, and like to believe it be. Deuces
evilmickey100 - 10 years ago
@byoung4eva1 Asiaphile is not a made up word u can look it up, and they come in all colors including black. And look their are similarities that can be found between all human beings regardless of color that cross borders, but just because this similarities exist doesn't mean their is some deep historical context to it. Like women breast feeding is a human norm that all women do just because this norm exist does not mean theirs is some deep cross cultural context to it. And if having and opposing view as far as the cross cultural interaction between Asian and blacks from a historical context in this country makes me prejudice then so be it, going back and fought on this topic is pointless cause u have your views and I have mine so this will be my last reply to u.
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
"Black asiaphiles", made up word, but glad i don't qualify for whatever definition u made up to go along with that word. U make yourself seem prejudice dude. When i learn about other cultures: Africa, Asia, Latin, etc I'm surprised to find out certain things we do and say in our household's and culture, many other cultures/races does the same thing. So, my comments isn't based off some obsession with Asia, it's based off of what's actually there. Not every Asian fits your viewpoint, not saying everyone fits mine, but u seem to try a force that there is no commonality, which is completely false. Again, we have many aspects in common, whether u like it or not.
evilmickey100 - 10 years ago
@byoung4eva1 Listen I get it their are a lot of black asiaphiles on this page that will like to force this nonexistence sense of commonality between the races, but in reality this commonality does not exist guess who are deem to be the ideal minority that every other minority should imitate, guess which minority has been use to delegitimize the struggles of other minorities in the u.s during and after the civil right era
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
Never said me being black would change your outlook, just pointing out the fact that I'm not Asian, which u automatically assumed, though i stated specifically in my first comment, that i was black. Whether u agree or not, Asian and black ppl have more in common than u think
Cleobabee - 10 years ago
@evilmickey100 I'm not saying that black people and Asian American's all get along and are holding hands singing kumbaya. Just that we both have experienced similar struggles of racism,discrimination, and unequal representation in the media (though not always with the same level of severity)  just like most minorities in this country. If an Asian American feels like they can relate to me through my culture, my struggle, or even hip hop I see nothing wrong with that.
evilmickey100 - 10 years ago
@byoung4eva1 I'm not talking about the story in the book  I'm talking about day to day interaction between the races from a historical stand point in this country, And u being black does not change my out look on this issue.
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
It's not fictional, it's his life. Also, u would be surprised how much minorities have in common here in the US. PS: U said i was Asian earlier, I am black
evilmickey100 - 10 years ago
@Kiko lee The only thing we share in common is that we are minorities beside that nothing else, for example fresh off the boat is about the Asian American Immigrant story, guess who are not immigrants that have been living in this country for 400 plus years. In the beginning Asians didn't want to associates with black folks in this country now all of a sudden they are promoting this nonexistence fictional sense of comradery . Fuck outta here with that bullshit.
Cleobabee - 10 years ago
I don't think they're trying to force anything, I mean our struggles are definitely different, but you have to acknowledge that we do share some things in common and can relate to one another as minorities in America.
SelphieFairy - 10 years ago
I understand where you're coming from, but you have to understand it's VERY common for Asian Americans to latch onto Black culture, because they are a minority that is basically never represented or talked about it. They can't relate to white culture, but they often can find solace in Black history and struggle instead. It's simply a resource they latch onto because they can't find one that matches them exactly, if that makes sense. There's no reference point for a lot of Asian Americans to come from unless they're trying to understand something that Black people have established. And it's partly due to the fact that most of us are not educated about Asian American history, or we are simply dismissed outright because we are allegedly the "model minority." I think it's a problem, but there's a good reason for it. People don't make the comparison for no reason.
Matt Nguyen-Ngo
Matt Nguyen-Ngo - 10 years ago
Nobody is saying that the Asian American experience is the same as the African American experience. However, I do think the Asian American experiences is closer to that of Blacks than Whites. You had the coolies, the anti-miscegenation laws, the 1882 exclusion act, so on and so forth. The idea that Asians are "closer to whites" is a fabrication, mostly made up by white folks who want to criticize one minority by praising another.
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
@Cassidy Wang
Be mad at the college for picking ppl based on race, not Africans or Mexicans they are trying to further their education just like u.
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
@Bethany Francia
Though many other races have been oppressed by white ppl, black ppl are still being discriminated against, and when they speak up, we get accused of being "too sensitive", or "complaining" or trying to be a "victim", which isn't the case. We are the one's most commonly told to "get over it (slavery)" though the 60s weren't that long ago, and we are still feeling the effects from both historical events. Do u know black ppl still get discriminated against if they wear their natural hair texture? We may not be the only one's who were oppressed, but we are the one's most commonly being told that we need to get over something that never left.
Cassidy Wang
Cassidy Wang - 10 years ago
@Bethany Francia yeah that is true everyone complains about how the Africans were treated but the truth is it wasn't only the Africans I mean I get the fact that their case was the worst but you still shouldn't forget, do you know if you have the same GPA as a african or a Mexican the college has to pick them first! That's not fair to other races that also suffered.
seventhseance - 10 years ago
Yeah but black people aren't the only ones who were oppressed by white people. Chinese people built the railroads. Japanese people were put in internment camps (including other Asians who weren't even Japanese). Asians were treated badly as well. They may have not been slaves, but they suffered too.
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
Umm, I'm and my parents want me to interact with everyone. Many minorities in the US are more ALIKE (not the same) than different. Asians (especially if they aren't American, or moved America) aren't as racist as u think, and are really curious about black ppl. Also,the Asians i have met fresh off the boat, once u talked to them, and even showed interest in their culture, they will start to show interest in yours, and be nice to u. They may be cautious of black ppl, because of how we are shown in the media, and they don't have black ppl in their home countries telling them that the media doesn't give an accurate representation of black ppl overall. Again, not all Asians are like that
evilmickey100 - 10 years ago
@byoung4eva1 Listen I get it Asian Americans feel a sense of invisibility in terms of being represented in mainstream American pop culture. And  I hope the show is successful but the Asian sense of invisibility in mainstream America does not equate to similarities with the African American story in America. And while u guys may have been consuming African American art via the media that does not equate to their ever haven been a rainbow alliance between black and Asian people cause your parents definitely didn't want u guys interacting with black folks.   
byoung4eva1 - 10 years ago
@evilmickey100 It's kinda hard not to compare them, especially as far as back in the day. For one, black/African Americans paved the way for many minorities here in the US to be able to vote, eat in an restaurants, etc. Also, many Asians hung out with black ppl back in the day. Which is why in music videos(90's and early 2000s), u can see Asian kids in hip hop and r&b videos. Even in black media, u often see Asians in the movie. Many Asians looked up to black ppl in the media like Tupac, who spoke what they felt. Also, many black American households (well at least in my experience) has many martial arts movies, and many black ppl (especially the older black ppl) like/respect Bruce Lee. We both liked aspects of each others culture, well at least it was like that back in the day. So...sorry if u don't like the comparison, but it's not forced. Many minorities in the US have a lot of things in common.
Cassidy Wang
Cassidy Wang - 10 years ago
@Jawn and Coti um thx for helping my self confidence
Jawn and Coti
Jawn and Coti - 10 years ago
Yeah, Asians Americans and Africans Americans had struggled in America. Asians and African Americans had been made fun of because of their race. If your asian/black mom found out you did something wrong she woulda whooped your ass lol Asians and blacks have a lot in common like being a minority in most of the US
Matt Manduke
Matt Manduke - 10 years ago
I don't watch this channel to hear about Africans, I can look out of my window to gather their culture.
PT111111 - 10 years ago
I was a FOB when I was 10... the difference is my parents put me in a boarding school... Oh, the shit I had to put up with...
THIS IS ETHAN! - 10 years ago
Fresh of the boat VICE Check it.
Andre Infante
Andre Infante - 10 years ago
What's The Song At 5:35 ?
~FRIEZA~ - 10 years ago
what if the black kid was into K-Pop .-.
tochjo772 - 10 years ago
hahaha that streo type is almost bad as  all asians  know martial  arts  lol=3
whipwreck69 - 10 years ago
this show is gonna be a game changer
Mustafa Hossaini
Mustafa Hossaini - 10 years ago
That chick looks like she hates her life
1:47 srsly lols. 
Matthew Nguyen
Matthew Nguyen - 10 years ago
This show reminds me of Everybody Hates Chris. Anyone else get that feeling?
Joe Garner
Joe Garner - 10 years ago
What The Fung!
Jimmy Men
Jimmy Men - 10 years ago
Can we collaborate.
Sol Chao
Sol Chao - 10 years ago
im thai
yiabee - 10 years ago
Eddie is not the middle child if you've read the book 
Eric Quach
Eric Quach - 10 years ago
lol asian names. I kept getting called eric "crotch" haha. its kind of funny though.
rocktheheaters - 10 years ago
Love how this channel shows that all immigrant kids basically go through the same things but Now a days, media and channels like this let us laugh and all the stuff we use/are to be embarrassed about.
anotheran - 10 years ago
ABC should just put the first 3 episodes of FotB on YouTube to hook people in.
Johnny Lai
Johnny Lai - 10 years ago
First episode is free on iTunes. You can watch the episodic free on the free ABC iOS app right away if you have cable, or 1 week delay if you don't.
Eugene. L
Eugene. L - 10 years ago
i do relate to fresh off the boat, but i got bullied by asian kids that were trying to act white 
so i ended up being friends with a bunch of white kids
SimplyYue - 10 years ago
There needs to be more Asian relatable material on tv. 
Erica Wong
Erica Wong - 10 years ago
So many FOTB videos, damn guys
Andrew Kassebaum
Andrew Kassebaum - 10 years ago
What's even more difficult being Chinese is being adopted. It was hard to find and maintain acceptance with the white kids. I think I also lost a bit of my ethnic identity because I didn't want to be known as that Chinese kid. I just wanted to fit in. Now that I am older, I wish I had more of a connection with my heritage.
Melissa Chow
Melissa Chow - 6 years ago
I get it! I'm Chinese, but I was adopted as a baby and brought to America by a lesbian couple. So a lot of things that were normal to me growing up are kinda sensationalized by others. I was raised by a Mexican American woman and a Chinese woman from Hong Kong. Growing up in America it was much easier to identify with Mexican American culture, but because of that I've always felt like a bit of an outsider. As an adult it's interesting seeing a lot of different stories about other people's experiences and how we can all relate!
Shippo Chan
Shippo Chan - 8 years ago
+Andrew Kassebaum I can totally relate to your experience except that I'm not adopted. My family came from Vietnam to Germany so I was born in Germany. I also think that I couldn't really identify myself with my heritage because I rarely met other Asians in kindergarten, school and uni so far plus my parents are not that 'stereotypical' Asian. But when I did meet some it was always a bunch of them in a group sticking together. When I tried to approach them it seemed to be like they didn't want to hang out with me (they never talk to me first) and Idk why. Tbh, I feel more accepted by non-Asians (not always though, kids can be so curel T_T). Thus, I assimilated to Western culture so much that I have little experience with my heritage. Now that I'm older, I try to research a lot about Viet and also Asian culture, history, people, food, music, etc. in general e.g. by watching FungBro's videos lol. But I also still wish I met at least one person like you in real life. You're not alone :)
Andrew Kassebaum
Andrew Kassebaum - 10 years ago
@HaloHunter2552 , I would never invalidate someone's opinion just because of their skin color. There are many people who troll others on the internet. I am not saying that you were trolling anyone here. The Internet is a great platform to discuss many different topics. As long as we can all discuss them like adults and respect others for their opinion, there's no reason to call someone evil for having an opinion. I respect that you for your opinions. If I didn't I would totally ignore you because I am not the type of person who enjoys having heated debates with negative people.

I still think that deep down, no matter if we are white, black, Aisan,or Hispanic, we all have thoughts of where we come from. There's nothing wrong with that. I think that in the case of adoptees who are in search of reconnecting to their culture, as long as they don't forget who raised them. That's what family is and you never forget family. I am not looking to replace my adopted family. I am trying to embrace my culture, something that I don't fully appreciate or understand.
One Kick Cunt
One Kick Cunt - 10 years ago
@Andrew Kassebaum Sorry, I didn't mean that post exactly for you.

I'm white. I admit I was avoiding saying that because it seems every time I say that my opinion is invalidated because "White people cause all the evil in the world" -A large population of the internet.

I know this probably doesn't validate me anymore because I didn't directly experience it, but my aunt was adopted into our family from Vietnam, so I at least know I have a family member who is similar to some of you guys.
Andrew Kassebaum
Andrew Kassebaum - 10 years ago
+HaloHunter2552, Like I said, I know my adopted family history. It is nice to know where you came from. My wanting to reconnect with my culture has nothing to do with wanting to be more Chinese. It's the appreciation of one's history and also understanding the cultures of those who I come across who happen to be Chinese. May I ask what ethnicity you are?
One Kick Cunt
One Kick Cunt - 10 years ago
@Andrew Kassebaum I want to point out something (how I see it). You don't NEED to identify with one race. Know your family history, that's great. Know where you came from, but you don't need to pick a side. In the end, your just another human, and life goes on.

It can be race, gender, religion or so many other things. We all have groups that will like us and hate us. Surround yourself with people who are nice, and avoid the people that are cruel to you. While I understand there is a struggle with the adoption thing, learning "what you really are" is not going to improve your life. Just do the best you can with what you have. Save your thoughts for something worth your while.

Maybe you can't associate with some people on race, but you can find plenty of other things to associate with. You guys have actually associated together in this thread  as the half-White half-Asians.
Andrew Kassebaum
Andrew Kassebaum - 10 years ago
@Synderella X, exactly! My friends call me a Twinkie because I am white on the undid and yellow on the outside!
Synderella X
Synderella X - 10 years ago
I totally understand this. I'm korean and was adopted into a white family but growing up kids were absolutely terrible. I still had my heritage (we attended korean churches and picnics with other adoptees and their families) but I was always torn between being The Korean Girl and viewing myself as basically a white kid too.
Andrew Kassebaum
Andrew Kassebaum - 10 years ago
There has never been a problem relating to or bonding with the adopted family. I don't know what you identify ethnically as, so I can't assume you know what it is like to be different than anybody else of your own ethnicity. For all intensive purposes, I identify with the white population because that has always been who I have primarily been surrounded by. When I am around other Asians I find myself feeling different and treating them as foreign, even if they're 3rd generation Americans.

For me, I am wanting to reconnect with my roots and understand the culture I was born into while still be connected to the culture I've assimilated to.
One Kick Cunt
One Kick Cunt - 10 years ago
You buys talk about culture likes it's a cult. Your adopted family IS your family. Learn to bond and relate with them, whatever culture they are.
Andrew Kassebaum
Andrew Kassebaum - 10 years ago
@Genta, it is funny how I even get mixed up by other Asians. People have asked if I was Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese, by the very same groups of people. I am not bothered by it. I usually have great interactions/conversations with people about their heritage.
Genta - 10 years ago
@Andrew Kassebaum it depends on where I am and who I speak to. Like when I go to the Japanese market the majority of the Japanese workers will talk to me in Japanese. But when I am around non-asians they think I am either white or spanish. I have almond shaped eyes and black hair but I guess because I have light olive skin I don't fully look asian.
Andrew Kassebaum
Andrew Kassebaum - 10 years ago
@Genta, so I am assuming that you don't look very Asian at all? I have 3 children of mixed white and Chinese heritage. Each kid looks a bit different. My oldest looks Hispanic, at least that is what people tell me. The middle child looks the most Asian, and my son has some Asian features, but I am not sure anybody would be able guess what he was.
Andrew Kassebaum
Andrew Kassebaum - 10 years ago
@Rachel Hanako, I connect with my Asianess by going to Meetups with some a group of Cantonese people. Mostly trying new restaurants and whatever we decide to do afterwards. Sometimes I do feel a but uncomfortable when I can't relate to some things that they do or when they speak Cantonese and I can't. Overall, they are a bunch of cool and nice people.

I ultimately would love to meet a nice Asian girl. I've mostly dated Caucasian women. Which brings me to another subject. I find it hard to get a date with Asian ladies on dating sites. I am thinking that Asian ladies either want a Caucasian, black, or Caucasian male. Am I crazy to think this or is there a bit of truth? I just think that many Asian women on these sites just want part of the American Dream.

Oh yes, I used to be a FOB over 30 years ago, but I never seem to want to identify as one. For all intensive purposes, besides just being me, I think I identify more so with white culture. That could just be the me running from my culture in my younger years.
도민준 - 10 years ago
it's never too late brotha, if you want it bad enough, nothing's stopping you. you just have to take the first step
JiajingNie - 10 years ago
glad u decided to have more connection with asian culture~
Rachel Caruso
Rachel Caruso - 10 years ago
It also seems like we watch the same youtubers which is cool. I'm going now..bye!
Rachel Caruso
Rachel Caruso - 10 years ago
I am also adopted, so I know how you feel about losing your identity. My family doesn't do much in the Asian culture, we would celebrate Chinese New Year but now it's nothing. Thankfully my mom is Japanese so I still have some Asian culture in my life. As most of my friends are Asian I want to try to connect with my Asianess even more,. I kind of wish I related to the show more but I don't. Technically we are fobs just in a much different sense
Genta - 10 years ago
Well it's never too late to connect. I found out from my dad that i was part asian when i was 17 & started learning everything about it. (He never lived with me so i didnt talk much to him)
Larry Stanner
Larry Stanner - 10 years ago
That show was really funny, such a good show. The mom is the best character
Ramen812 - 10 years ago
ABC channel... American Born Chinese channel XD
EbayHunters - 10 years ago
Shit lets just say in 2000 my friends wouldn't touch pho. Now that they tried it and loved it they swear they discovered it.
Clyde Cash
Clyde Cash - 10 years ago
it disgusts me when anybody white, asian, or black worships a sauce bottle.
Genta - 10 years ago
That's because pho is all the rage now. People gotta stay hip ;)
Elvis Ma
Elvis Ma - 10 years ago
They're at Cafe Spot. Love that restaurant
Big Asian Fellow
Big Asian Fellow - 10 years ago
I can just imagine the opposite of fresh off the boat
Seoul Sistah
Seoul Sistah - 10 years ago
Haha I wanted yall to make a video about that show too
ruphang nalbo
ruphang nalbo - 10 years ago
ding dong
Bryan Ho
Bryan Ho - 10 years ago
My last name is 'Ho', so i get called santa, hobo ho, or just a straight up ho. Doesn't feel too great
Duebrick - 10 years ago
surprisingly Fresh Off The Boat was pretty funny. had my doubts on it but i digress.  
camocokel - 10 years ago
Ok guys sorry 4 those other comments on other vids, I understand now, yu guyz ROCK
Frank Lin
Frank Lin - 10 years ago
My name is Frank Lin and i went to Franklin Elementary School...imagine that...Frank Lin went to Franklin School. But the worst was when my teacher name called me Franklin Lin
Howard - 10 years ago
the only issue I have with the show are the parents, especially Eddie's mom.  She may be bae but her portrayal of a fob is not really convincing.
Rachel Hong
Rachel Hong - 10 years ago
Freaking loved the show!!
Michelle Borsco
Michelle Borsco - 10 years ago
I definitely related to the show when it came to him bringing food to school and other kids making fun of it (even though now they buy it for stupid prices lol) and being really into hip hop, which didn't help me at school cause I went to private school with a bunch of white kids who had no clue who wu-tang clan was... so far I really like the show
Austin123p0rk - 10 years ago
They should have Eddie Huang on here!!!
Archer 96
Archer 96 - 10 years ago
Fresh off the boat is a dope ass show goo Asians!!!!!!!!
Aaron - 10 years ago
I hate having a late class on Tuesdays. I'm always having to wait for it to come out on hulu the next day
Eron - 10 years ago
As a black kid who grew up in the 90s, I LOVE THIS SHOW. The Chinese references don't turn me off at all. As ethnic minorities, we should stick together. As a PEOPLE we should stick together!
JokingChris 101
JokingChris 101 - 10 years ago
There's three billion Asians on the planet and they are the minority lol
Sally Vaun
Sally Vaun - 10 years ago
What if i cant watch it on tv?
Gaming For All
Gaming For All - 10 years ago
react to it g ma by keith ape broo
telepataeng - 10 years ago
Linda is thinner compared from the Asian Americans vs Asian Canadians vid
Anthony Chen
Anthony Chen - 10 years ago
I feel so lucky that my parents dont have to suffer all those painful experience as you guys said fitting into the neighborhood. I was sent by my parents alone to Canada when I was 18 and I was called as a FOB all the time, but its fine, as long as you are actually trying to fit into the culture, things will go smooth and Canadians are nicer than expected =)
but i guess my situation is much better than those kids who were born and raised up here as an immigrant kid, some need to face some serious identity problem when they are still young, while I was taught in another way in my home country so I am always capable of distinguishing what is acceptable to me. GJ on making this video Fungbros!
지모치 - 10 years ago
AndreAgonia - 9 years ago
@tiaopiak Yeah that was a bit too strict but I know every "race" is racist in some way. I just meant if most of us are racist today is because whites have abused the others through history and the other "races" feels the pressure now, and I can't blame them too much.
tiaopiak - 9 years ago
@AndreCorner "In fact, the ones that are still racist are the whites only." I always laugh at this statement. Especially from whites. Because it's only half truth. Whites are still racist, but if you are non-white and live in non-white society, you will find that we are all racist.
trinhcuong 1979
trinhcuong 1979 - 9 years ago
@AndreCorner sorry man, not all whites are racist, i just being racist against at racist person weather from black, white, asians or chinese against other asian. More racist more from english, scot, german or lighter, normadic whites, blond, white, hairy, in fact older group white Americans prejudice against Italian immigrants due more like asian, use spices, cook well, but poor due usa bomb hell italy during ww2 but eventually Italian Americans quickly recover, do better than other whites, smart, wealthy etc... but they forget western whites have learned everything from rest world, Italian, greece, arab n asians n chinese how to eat, live, knit, fish, grow food n cook instead just eat cabbages, meat, potatoes, dry bread, milk n cheeses.
AndreAgonia - 10 years ago
Same here. White and love how they make fun of us really.
There's a lot of racism in the world and the fact there's so many whites means "we"(not me) are often the ones being racist. I'm italian, got friend from Africa, China, Japan, Romania, Russia, Morocco and others and they're the best.

In fact, the ones that are still racist are the whites only.
Me and my friends from Africa call each other "nigga" and "whitey"(heck, they even call me ghost and I joke about their tan during summertime ahah!) and we keep laughing about it. The difference is not outside, it's in the head ;)
Clyde Cash
Clyde Cash - 10 years ago
About damn time? The chappelle show made fun of white people also
. But I do like how they make fun of the annoying stepford wives.
trinhcuong 1979
trinhcuong 1979 - 10 years ago
@Jennifer Nguyen hahaha, well said, actually asians in usa military sacrafice n fight lot better than so call real Americans, both white n blacks, u just don't know it due usa medias one sided, white side n thats fact.
Jen Nguyen
Jen Nguyen - 10 years ago
@coldbloodid you are the reason we make fun of white people
seventhseance - 10 years ago
Making fun of white people is funny though xD
trinhcuong 1979
trinhcuong 1979 - 10 years ago
@InsaneMiLee hahaha, very funny, its God damn time wite people learn to laugh with others at their own people dirty jokes so speak as well, not butt hurt every little thing at their own cost, get taste their own poisons.
InsaneMiLee - 10 years ago
@PiroMunkie Thank you! You are one of the few people that aren't butt-hurt by the jokes :)
maps600 - 10 years ago
@PiroMunkie thank you
John Kendall
John Kendall - 10 years ago
As a white person, the way they make fun of white people is one of my favorite parts of the show. I can't really imagine how we look to other cultures, so it's nice to be the brunt of the joke.
Annamay - 10 years ago
Wow, she has the same last name as me,. I get made fun of because of my last name
Tian Jin
Tian Jin - 10 years ago
ABC made such a watered down version from the original book. HBO should make a true to book version where Eddie sucks on white girl's titties, sells weed and coke in college, fights all the time and beats ppl up, taking kid's Tag Heuer watch at gun point, steals from best buy, gets arrested and thrown in jail, uses car and hit some kid...Eddie Huang is thug life in it's truest form. HBO needs to step up and make a true to book version of this show, it's like Asian Wire
xen05z - 9 years ago
@Tian Jin I'd be pretty bored of the show if that's how it went...
baf03 - 10 years ago
yeah cause we don't see enough asian rice rocket gangstas in the media. go back to listening to you got beef on repeat.
kittylovespenguin - 10 years ago
@Tian Jin yes. now he bows down to the mouse. MUAHAHAHA!
but lets be honest. what asian person doesn't like cutsey things like disney and hello kitty? :P
Tian Jin
Tian Jin - 10 years ago
damn he sold out?!
tenchichrono - 10 years ago
Dude Eddie Huang is married to a white girl.  
jasonc_tutorials - 10 years ago
asians can get white girls. Just not in Los Angeles. you have to be mutual friend.
Saint Bagelcel
Saint Bagelcel - 10 years ago
@Tian Jin i just wanna read the part about him sucking the white girl's titties. It almost sounds unbelievable...
Tian Jin
Tian Jin - 10 years ago
y'all need to read the book, it's crazy. once Eddie gets to 8th grade ABC won't be able to continue the story LOL
Saint Bagelcel
Saint Bagelcel - 10 years ago
Wait, so real life Eddie Huang was a cold-blooded gangster?
jasonc_tutorials - 10 years ago
Bill gates is a thug. he stole software and sold better. He also is a cruel boss.
tochjo772 - 10 years ago
@Gnomesmusher its silly and damm foolish to want to be as thug  its better to be a nerd  than  a thug~and  if people want to be inspired  they should look at people like bill gates <3
Gnomesmusher - 10 years ago
Oh great. So we can be stereotyped even more as thugs? The whole wannabe thug thing that so many asian dudes have going on is pretty damn pathetic. Half of these wannabes are pussies and the other half are scumbags.
Edward Kwong
Edward Kwong - 10 years ago
Thanks captain obvious. It's a sitcom on ABC. What did you freaking expect?
Matt Manduke
Matt Manduke - 10 years ago
ABC belongs to Disney, HBO does not.  ABC owning the rights to the show, means that HBO is incapable of such adoption.
jasonc_tutorials - 10 years ago
It's their mentality. Lots of them grow out of it. I think it's in the DNA look up gangland chinatown. It's in chinese blood.
tochjo772 - 10 years ago
 wow  soo asian  thug life is supposed to mean inspirational  and cool  ???
jasonc_tutorials - 10 years ago
That's all abcs. Lols.
FanOfTheDoraemons - 10 years ago
Lmao i cant imagine the kid playing Eddie in that show doing all that shit
JcenKicks - 10 years ago
Real relatable: that scene when they went shopping for clothes! when asian parents say put it back, too expensive! 
yoliyoli - 10 years ago
ilyilyily guys u so cute <33333
Sabrina Nguyen
Sabrina Nguyen - 10 years ago
Growing up, people always called me Chinese and "Ching-chong". And they'd make fun of my last name because it looks difficult to pronounce. But one thing that I still remember today was back in first or second grade, I brought in my noodles that had octopus and it was normal to me, but not everyone else, so no one sat by me. When I came home that day, I told my mom to never pack Asian food again.
Zain Raza
Zain Raza - 6 years ago
Lily It needs to be white approved to be popular. Juss like black music like rock and elvis presly
Mabelle Koh
Mabelle Koh - 8 years ago
Joe Lin
Ng is just the Cantonese pronunciation of 吴。it's also the Hokkien and Teochew (Min Nan) pronunciation of 黄。that's why many Chinese Singaporeans and Malaysians have the surname Ng. All Han Chinese surnames have one word except for a few exceptions (Situ, Ouyang)..
Margaret L
Margaret L - 9 years ago
My experience was a bit different. When I was a kid the other students went crazy for my Asian snacks, they also had a soft spot for noodles.
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@TickleMeElmo55 Do you really think care what you have to say? I don't care how many white friends you have or in what delusional world you think racism doesnt exist in just because you have them but reality exists outside your biased, and uppity associations..
Janet Yang
Janet Yang - 9 years ago
Kids are dumb ...
a a
a a - 9 years ago
@anythingnew oh no, you've been eating nothing but octopus since you were born.
a a
a a - 9 years ago
@Sabrina Nguyen honestly giving 7 yr olds octopus to eat is kind of scary, it's hard to chew so it may choke the poor kids
Rakhan Seattle
Rakhan Seattle - 9 years ago
@TickleMeElmo55 You don't even believe your father? You must have just become super assimilated. The more we forget our heritage and act like them the more they like it. You obviously don't respect your heritage the way you speak of your father. For me, my father's burdens are mine as well, because I am his son, his enemies are my enemies. You disrespect your family to strangers to win an argument? No honor, you're just a lapdog to white people
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@TickleMeElmo55 This is the funniest
most uninformed comment I've ever read.
You cant even read my sarcasm or accurately respond to my arguments, as I should expect. You grew up only around whites so you adopted their perception of the world to feel accepted.I'm afraid this isn't a matter of generalizing, you are indeed the naive participant here. I don't see how someone who hasn't studied the basics of society they choose to be oblivious of like your own should have any opinion worth caring about, especially if its just regurgitated presumption based conclusions. I guess you dont have to be black to be an Uncle Tom here.
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@anythingnew I really didn’t want to just assume he is this much of an idiot.
He thinks he somehow speaks for everyone else's experience, just like most white supremacists.
LandInbetween - 9 years ago
@anythingnew "You're either 1) Not Asian and lying."

Filipino decent. Mother and father immigrated to America around mid 1970s. Mother is from Quezon City; father is from Iloilo. Grandfather on mother's side fought in WWII against the Japanese in the USAFIP.

"2) You don't pay attention to your surroundings cause you study so much lol."

One can study and be aware of ones surroundings. It's called being intelligent, not just book smart.

"3) That must have been a really nice town."

Not really. Like I said, I my schooling was mainly in a blue collar suburb on the edge of the city. Nothing fancy: many Polish and Irish immigrants. Mexican as well. Then "All-American" families who've been living there for years whose kids faces, once you walked into their kitchen, would be plastered on the refrigerator in their baseball/football/soccer/cheerleading/soccer uniforms. These families held jobs as carpenters, hair dressers, elementary teachers, nurse assistants, electricians, plumbers, cops, mechanics etc. Rarely would one be a white collar worker or in the entertainment/creative field.

The town I went to college was similar, but cancel out the immigrants and you're left with the typical Midwest small community that many here would slit their wrists if they had to live in one for a year.
LandInbetween - 9 years ago
@Black Tornado
"daring to question you're adopted white-privilege's safety net"

This must be one of the most retarded thing I've read on the internet today.

"you having club of white buddies does not at all discredits the reality outside your paradise and people who do experience racism and surpression on a daily political basis"

Who's racist now - "club of white buddies"? Really. You speak like Chinese, Indian, yes - even blacks, or Muslims in America are being tarred & feathered each day. Reality check: They aren't. This is like the whole FAKE and OVERBLOWN campus rape BS.

Another reality check: The USA is made of up a little over 300 million people. Legit racism (heck, anything today that offense the baby rabbits is deemed 'racist') is bound to pop its ugly head around. Same with legit sexism, homophobia, xenophobia etc. Throw whatever "ills" that you think America has in terms of its social context and you're bound to find it because it's one huge mother fucking country made up of many people from many different countries and backgrounds.

I'm not denying there isn't racism, but I'm not going to buy the whole "America is such a racist country and people of skin color are just targets for a beating!" Fuck that shit. I once held that mentality and thank Allah I don't anymore. I actually grew up.

And what does America's founding history has to do with any strong relevancy to your race baiting? (Didn't see it in your comment on America's history on this thread, and I'm sure not going to read through this entire combox to look for it.) I'm still going to use that term - race baiting - because that's what you're doing.

"But everything is a conspiracy until it happens to you. Please, your biases don't move me. "

Ha! Typical answer.

Unless it happens to me on a daily basis I won't put your butt hurt over my own experiences in a rather diverse settings of socioeconomic classes. Your attitude doesn't move me: It sickens me. The only stories that fuel you are selected stories that feed your mindset.
LandInbetween - 9 years ago
Ask my brother, cousins and parents. That's a lot more than one person. Well, don't count my dad -- he shares the same mentality as you guys even though he can't prove he was actually discriminated based on his ethnicity. He's a "white people are racist and corrupted against brown people!" type.
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@TickleMeElmo55 "race-bait" haha, sounds like you're uncomfortable daring to question you're adopted white-privilege's safety net. Nothing you said even addresses the points I made which is easily supported on how the very country of America was made, you having club of white buddies does not at all discredits the reality outside your paradise and people who do experience racism and surpression on a daily political basis. But everything is a conspiracy until it happens to you. Please, your biases don't move me. 
LandInbetween - 9 years ago
@Black Tornado
As someone who is Asian and that was raised in America I find your post ridiculous.

In my formal education up until university I attended schhols that were located in a blue-collar suburb on the edge of the city. During my elementary years 99.9% of my classmates were white.

I then went to university in a small city of no more than 22, 000 in the cornfields of the Midwest. Not once was I ashamed in being Asian or did anymore make me feel ashamed.

Stop spewing BS from race baiters and insecure non-white people.

As I reflect on your mentality (which is shared by numerous people) I can't help but think you've all been brainwashed by an alien from a place called Victimhood, fourth rock from the Sun.
Lloyd Irving
Lloyd Irving - 9 years ago
@anythingnew Thats because of how the media reinforces propaganda as the only association of success is white and the ideal to align within it while supressing your own cultural differences is the only way to advance through. 
Rakhan Seattle
Rakhan Seattle - 10 years ago
That's terrible!
Rakhan Seattle
Rakhan Seattle - 10 years ago
@anythingnew you know that ain't all the way true. but yeah white people have conditioned the world to accept them through TV and media. 
trinhcuong 1979
trinhcuong 1979 - 10 years ago
@coldbloodid no body forcing anybody to come usa but poverty, bad system, prosecution, disease, hunger, starving, land, mines, etc... u forgot that white people in usa are just as immigrants as asians in usa, just white medias in usa not tell u truth, in fact whites from europeans, UK, france, spain, irland, Scotland Germany etc... have been moving to newland, continents of America n Australia n Africa n even asia for long long time, invading, colonizing, looting, lot more numbers, 100 times more n worse conditions than people from asia due europeans poor land, cold n snow half year, unbearable even to plants, constant war tribes, religion n system etc... undeveloped land, culture n technology so seek opportunities n exciting else where like Asia, china, America n africa, talk about don't come here, just put off n shut up, which group are the poor desperate destitude immigrants of world, white people. Plus usa is land if immigrants, love it or leave it, nobody forcing white nor black nor any color to live in newland among other God's children as 1 people, Americans.
zigyzigy13 - 10 years ago
@coldbloodid Then don't bring your shit degenerative culture to all non-White countries with your shitty food like dairy(TOXIC) invading non-White countries like America, the Natives' land. Whites=animal fuckers as well as incest culture
Kayno Nomura
Kayno Nomura - 10 years ago
Should've screamed Du ma to those guys lol jk 
Joe Lin
Joe Lin - 10 years ago
@trinhcuong 1979 ty for the info! Never knew dat
zigyzigy13 - 10 years ago
Then you lost the game from the White devil. these Whites are really devilish it's interesting all non-Whites have the same story. Disgusting race.
trinhcuong 1979
trinhcuong 1979 - 10 years ago
@Len Huang nguyen is Vietnamese last name, probably half Vietnamese have nguyen last name or more, probably due last few hundred years Vietnamese kings were last name Nguyen, so many Vietnamese back then just changed to that last name so not get mistreated, abused n many adopted nguyen due their last name so strange, weird, very ethnic or no last name so just use last name Nguyen, but Nguyen last name also originated from China too, some chinese people n leaders have Nguyen last name, in fact all Vietnamese people n leaders, king n queens n officials last names originated from China too due all Vietnamese people n leaders have been originated from China, but over time Vietnamese just forgot their roots, thats all, just look at their look, blood, culture, costumes, tradition, architecture, religion, dress, music, festival, food n even language are all originated from china, learn, copy n enjoy n indulging everything from china but due propaganda from oversea n domestic to control vietnam so to brainwashing to hate china so easy to get people not to join china might lose their power n wealth plus ignorant n greed, that's all.
Trac Nguyen
Trac Nguyen - 10 years ago
@Len Huang Vietnam...
bangchanns - 10 years ago
I live in Westminster, one of the most populated Voetnamese areas so I'm fine. I grew up around Mexicans though.
Joe Lin
Joe Lin - 10 years ago
Wait, what country is the name "Nguyen" from? I have Cantonese friends that are just "Ng"
Paul Bacera
Paul Bacera - 10 years ago
@Chriss Evans
Kids get weirded out by chinese food, they make fun of anything that is different.
Adults like chinese food
Paul Bacera
Paul Bacera - 10 years ago
White kids are so mean
Trac Nguyen
Trac Nguyen - 10 years ago
lol i learned my lesson from last year when i brought in squid with rice covered in fish sauce, and all the kids at my table yelled "it smells like p*ssy" i don't bring asian food ever to school. 
Mint - 10 years ago
As a Vietnamese, I think saying Nguyen isn't bad as mine, my mom has the same last name. But mine is way more difficult to pronounce, especially as my first name is Minhthu. Everytime there's a substitute teacher, they would pause, which I know that they are having trouble to say my name, and excuse themselves for mispronunciation. Just imagine that, not able to say your first name in front of everyone and then tell them to just call me by my nickname and probably even correct them. :3
trinhcuong 1979
trinhcuong 1979 - 10 years ago
Western food are very strange, exotic weird to asian too but asians don't make fun, insult n degrade others, esppecially their in power n popularityn medias tell others how to think, so their culture, food, people n look because trend, normal, popular, superior than rest weather good, bad n ugly.
Sabrina Nguyen
Sabrina Nguyen - 10 years ago
@anushka977able yes, I'm Vietnamese
anushka977able - 10 years ago
Random question, but R u Vietnamese ?
Matt Manduke
Matt Manduke - 10 years ago
@Genta They made fun of my last name too, to this day i still hear Mandukie, it reminds me of kinder garden, and I try not to remind the speakers that they sound like a 5 year old too often.
Genta - 10 years ago
It's weird cause i always use to trade my lunch with my asian friend in elementary school before she went back to the Philippines. I'm asian-italian but most ppl just saw my italian features; so i was pretty good at helping my friend from from being picked on. I use to love her food too. I also think the 1s that got picked on the most for their lunches were the free lunch kids & the 1s that found love notes on their sandwiches from their mom.
David Sousa
David Sousa - 10 years ago
No one sits next to me for no reason. AND I'M FULL AMERICAN! hears eagle call Well, that's my cue, gotta go.
Lily - 10 years ago
When my older brother was younger he and my parents had to bring a Vietnamese dish for culture day and they brought stuffed squid. At first no one would touch it until this one kid who was brave enough tried some, and then within minutes all of it was gone because everyone wanted to try some and liked it so much. xD
BlueFacondor - 10 years ago
We've all been through this experience as an asian. Strange but it happens to all of us
Huongxeng Chang
Huongxeng Chang - 10 years ago
cool i need to watch this show too LOL
cunt - 10 years ago
u fool
Elizeu Andrade Martins de Sousa
Elizeu Andrade Martins de Sousa - 10 years ago
What is the name of the song that starts on 4:50 ?
LeendaDProductions - 10 years ago
haha oh man that footage of that food doe O.o
I could definitely relate to this show so much! 
Naiuhz - 7 years ago
>Leenda has a dong

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Joanna Chiang
Joanna Chiang - 7 years ago
the food thing relates to me the most because I would bring some rice dic from home and pope thought i was eating something exotic and that was when I would then start telling my mom to bring me sandwiches, and lunchables to lunch instead of rice and other asian food
Amy H
Amy H - 10 years ago
Such a funny show! Great mix of comedy, family dynamic, and Asian culture. The mom is hilarious!
ariel alena
ariel alena - 10 years ago
First time I've been so early to a video!
AlySyn Xoxo
AlySyn Xoxo - 10 years ago
Great video :) I'm near orlando o:
HEAT Ledger
HEAT Ledger - 10 years ago
Epic guys. This show is definitely funny and as an Asian-Canadian I can relate haha.
Cole Archer
Cole Archer - 10 years ago
Holy shit U r asian I never knew . Nice haha
HEAT Ledger
HEAT Ledger - 10 years ago
^ Sew much in common hit me up on my videos bro!
Austin Singer
Austin Singer - 10 years ago
I can say the same for you.
HIRXBY - 10 years ago
Funny seeing u here lol
Samuel Appiah
Samuel Appiah - 10 years ago
so true, i'm Asian-African and even i in some aspects can relate !
Justin Zhou
Justin Zhou - 10 years ago
ayyy <301 club
Jshs - 10 years ago
ye my name is Seo but it is pronounced So. Even when my teachers know this they kinda make funny of me but in a kind way i suppose.
David Plan
David Plan - 10 years ago
Sam Xie
Sam Xie - 10 years ago
Mitchell Keaton
Mitchell Keaton - 10 years ago
24th like
CPU Nerd
CPU Nerd - 10 years ago
LevelYup - 10 years ago
fastest i've ever been to a new vid :o
Richie Le
Richie Le - 10 years ago
jason46790 robling
jason46790 robling - 8 years ago
넌 외로운 꽃
넌 외로운 꽃 - 10 years ago
@Ben Ackerman
Ben Nguyen
Ben Nguyen - 10 years ago

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