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ALL NEW EPISODES EVERY TUESDAY 8|7c ON ABC This video was made in collaboration with ABC's new sitcom FRESH OFF THE BOAT FUNG BROS SHIRTS: Leenda Linda Dong RICHIE LE Shot by: Stanley Chen Edited by: Kevin Zhou Produced: Mike Leung Subscribe Here! Check out my top videos! Join the Fung Bros community and get access to special discounts, livestreams, Q&As, and more! --------------------------------- Do you want to work in media? Do you have film skills? We're looking for creatives in or around Los Angeles. If you're interested email us at with your name, experience and location. Thank you! ---------------------------------- ▸ FUNG BROS SHIRTS & MERCH FOLLOW THE FUNG BROS. ▸ FACEBOOK // ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // DAVID ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // ANDREW ▸ INSTAGRAM // ▸ TWITTER // #FungBros About Fung Bros: David and Andrew Fung are fascinated by hip-hop, comedy, and food. They love making funny rap songs, trying new food, and making people laugh. Welcome to the official Fung Bros Channel! HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros Fung Bros
10. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And our unique differences lie in our NATIONALITIES.
As in where we came or come from. If people from another planet landed on ours today, we would be known as the humans of Earth, or Earthlings. We ALL share a planet. It is a FACT that is currently inescapable. Also, it is late 2017. How many more years must pass before we realize these unavoidable truths, and start living together, instead of being trapped inside of our self-made factions? Think about it. We ALL need each other to survive. There needs to be more eye-opening shows like 'Fresh off the Boat' to help us 'see' this HUMAN need we ALL share; and that is simply, to 'belong.'
20. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros
绝对需要你们的“帮忙”,抹黑和诋毁韩流文化,起码这样才能让chinese culture能够稍微轻松,放松一点,能够先踹一口气吧
Sorry, but that name is kinda weird.
My school is full of Asians, though. But the few Americans(and Indian people that couldn't speak Chinese thought that the CORRECT WAY WAS A CHINESE ACCENT. Then I be like: You got the accent
30. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros
Just check out the comment boards from FOB relating to the mom anytime she's featured on Youtube
we could have gotten better, but we could also have gotten worse.
love her though, i watch all her videos
50. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros
said no Indian or Middle-Eastern ever.
Indians and Middle Easterns would never be physically mistaken for a Chinese, Japanese or Vietnamese
Asian-french here!
aren't there many asian countries, why do they have to unite?
Well, I'd like FOB to help readjust the Asian community with their social affiliations with the black community honestly, because it is there, its just underrepresented n favour of white and asian forced relationships in hollywood. I respect what Eddie is doing with this show by trying to address that in himself. Hopefully thats a message that is consistent. I dont like seeing Asians tokenize black culture but then have no black representation/ Hence, (JustkiddingNews / FungBros). Its a struggle enough to have to conform to white supremacy insisting on dividing up the social groups for no reason. At my school most of the kids were Asian and Black; yet they didnt even hang out with each other.
You don't even have to be biracial to have this struggle, try being a minority that doesnt conform to the media's stereotypes, especially if you're Black or in some cases Asian. People never accept you for not conforming to their preconcieved perceprtion.
What Richie said about older siblings easying our way into the school also applies. In hindsight, I should have been more appreciative of my parents and older sisters. Anyways, thanks for the video: it made me reflect and feel grateful for my upbringing.
Everyone here keeps talking about Eddie, but I think the most interesting characters in the show, are the ones who aren't trying hard to fit in...Emery and Evan!
This was in 2nd grade :)
100. comment for HOW DO WE RELATE TO FRESH OFF THE BOAT?! | Fung Bros
Wow. Really? The despise for Fox News is bizarre, and this is coming from someone who used to despise Fox News.
Being a CBC, I can relate to most of it but I think they need to consult you guys more and maybe get you guys to write for the show. Few of my peeves:
1. I don't understand why they have the grandma understanding full English and responding in Chinese.
2. Why does the mother have a Chinese accent but has perfect grammar (no Chinglish)?
3. Why the dad doesn't have a Chinese accent but sometimes spotty grammar (some Chinglish)?
Overall, they just need better writers and tune up the acting. Get in there guys. You and your mom need to show them how to do it right.
as a fob I always feel hard to fit in and always feel stressed out being kinda isolate by some white kids and wonder maybe u guys wont have these problems. but thanks to this episode i knew that im not alone!
keep up the good work fung bros! and hope u guys have more episodes similar to this one!
did anyone see the recent episode with the sex talk?
i feel like they missed a good opportunity to make the "We found you in the garbage can" joke. because some of us didnt actually get the sex talk.
•I brought in aloo masala to school one time and people started wondering what the hell was that smell
•i've been told that i smell too good for an indian...
•my school is basically 99% white and when the teachers are talking about church and going to europe and other shit..
•Substitute teachers always say my name "Ankitha (An-kee-tha)" so horribly off that it's embarrassing ._.
•i've been asked if i'm a terrorist or muslim(because there are two muslim girls in our schools and they are indian causing whites to believe all indians look like that)
•I've been asked if i speak indian
I can go on but the comment would be too long lol
I'm not sure why this little point on food affected me way more than all of the history-making going on around this show.
My husband is Mexican American... He tells of eating with his Jewish and Anglo friends at school and bringing stinky deep fried carnitas tortas... He always thought "why can't I have pb and j... or roast beef"
East Asians, South Asians, Arab, Persian, African, Mexican, Central American, South American and any other immigrant kids in the US will def connect with this show.
Eddie's mom is a total star! We love her!
since I'm korean, white, and black I never exactly fit in any category.
too asian for the whites
too mixed for the asians
too white for the blacks
so when there was a lunch table... i sat by myself.
even tho i was raised in the korean culture, can even speak, read, and write as well
i was still categorized as weird or... when i said my ethnicity they would say
" I don't see it"
" Your Lying"
" You look Spanish"
Life as a mixed asian is hard. You will never fit in tbh
There's a bunch of laotions in Montgomery.
I remember loving the shit out of lunchables :) At the same time I had great pride in my culture. So, I eventually got the kids to try (and love) Filipino food.
The bit about the immigrant kids being super into rap was so true too. The most "gangsta" kids I knew in school were the Filipinos, Koreans and the Latinos.
I was more of an Emery and Evan than I was an Eddie though :p
what's fairly interesting and seemingly never discussed is how "ethnic whites" are seemingly also considered to be "minorities" and treated as such. (In reality, in America, which national group is NOT currently a minority?) Anyway, as an example, as an Italian-American, I can't recall a single Anglican-Germanic-Nordic American who could: 1) correctly pronounce my surname; 2) refrain from mocking my surname; 3) make "mafia jokes"; 4) ask how many vowels are in my full name. And, in NY, the old joke is that Rudy Guiliani can never be president because he has "too man vowels in his name".
As an's a little known fact: the one minority group that can be discriminated against, mocked, and belittled/ridiculed with impunity in America in the 21st century are atheists. Murderers and terrorists are granted more respect.
On a lighter note, anyone else here think Constance Wu is a 10/10?
I understand that it is supposed to be easier to relate to for Asian Americans, however, in my honest opinion, the way it portrayed certain characters and their actions came across as more derogatory than funny. (Maybe it seems this way because I am not in the same shoes as some of the viewers --but, to me it seemed like the episode that I watched failed to convey the idea that the stereotypes and other challenges that Eddie had to face were truly societal issues. Rather, it appeared to be condoning those stereotypes as okay because it was using them as a device for comedic value.)
Because thats what comedies do, and like Blackish, they are in no artform to portray serious struggles in light humour that would just desensitize people to why they're offensive. A lot of people still dont understand the Boondocks either because of that.
If you were to offer an alternate view about how the elements of the show I mentioned could be perceived, then I might be able to understand your point.
(P.S. I am not trying to start a war, what I've said so far is honestly just my opinion. I'm not telling anyone they have to agree.)
He's a loudmouth know-it-all who seems to think that just because he is Chinese that he speaks for all Asians. As a Korean, he has no clue what my upbringing or background is about and I cannot relate to him on any level whatsoever even though we're from the same continent.
I haven't heard those terms in years... A lot of years.
When I was in High School, there was a big divide between the ABCs and FOBs. Lots of stress between the two groups.
your fan from Sudan :)
One is good, two is nice three is a bit boring but please dont do a 4th episode about Fresh off the boat ^^ enough for this month hihi
But please do some others asian food video !! About Lao or Thai food for example !!
Basically, the show touches upon some childhood memories but I think it is either a grossly exaggerated version of my own experience, or he just had it worse off being in America. Whatever the opinion, I'm sure we can all agree that the mom is the selling point of the show.
Well, people seem to be coveting this political concept of segregation through same-group collectivism. So people will assume that the only relevant problems in society are their own, thus the only way politically we are told we can get any voice heard regarding them, must be through silencing another marginalized group at the same time. Thats what perpetuates racism from the model minority myth.
The model minority is a more recent concept that is put in place by those who want to silence the complaints of injustice by struggling minorities and pits Asian Americans against other minorities, creating interracial tension. It's a myth that neglects the selective immigration (educated and economically well off) laws back then and the varying levels of success in asian communities.
We aren't talking about historical similarities (though there are some, like slavery), we are talking about current day situations, and back in the 80 and 90s. Breastfeeding, isn't cultural, more like human nature, and it isn't what i mean when i say our cultures have similarities. U can have your views, no one said u had to agree with me, just pointing out that it's not "forced" as u put it, and like to believe it be. Deuces
"Black asiaphiles", made up word, but glad i don't qualify for whatever definition u made up to go along with that word. U make yourself seem prejudice dude. When i learn about other cultures: Africa, Asia, Latin, etc I'm surprised to find out certain things we do and say in our household's and culture, many other cultures/races does the same thing. So, my comments isn't based off some obsession with Asia, it's based off of what's actually there. Not every Asian fits your viewpoint, not saying everyone fits mine, but u seem to try a force that there is no commonality, which is completely false. Again, we have many aspects in common, whether u like it or not.
Never said me being black would change your outlook, just pointing out the fact that I'm not Asian, which u automatically assumed, though i stated specifically in my first comment, that i was black. Whether u agree or not, Asian and black ppl have more in common than u think
It's not fictional, it's his life. Also, u would be surprised how much minorities have in common here in the US. PS: U said i was Asian earlier, I am black
Be mad at the college for picking ppl based on race, not Africans or Mexicans they are trying to further their education just like u.
Though many other races have been oppressed by white ppl, black ppl are still being discriminated against, and when they speak up, we get accused of being "too sensitive", or "complaining" or trying to be a "victim", which isn't the case. We are the one's most commonly told to "get over it (slavery)" though the 60s weren't that long ago, and we are still feeling the effects from both historical events. Do u know black ppl still get discriminated against if they wear their natural hair texture? We may not be the only one's who were oppressed, but we are the one's most commonly being told that we need to get over something that never left.
Umm, I'm and my parents want me to interact with everyone. Many minorities in the US are more ALIKE (not the same) than different. Asians (especially if they aren't American, or moved America) aren't as racist as u think, and are really curious about black ppl. Also,the Asians i have met fresh off the boat, once u talked to them, and even showed interest in their culture, they will start to show interest in yours, and be nice to u. They may be cautious of black ppl, because of how we are shown in the media, and they don't have black ppl in their home countries telling them that the media doesn't give an accurate representation of black ppl overall. Again, not all Asians are like that
1:47 srsly lols.
so i ended up being friends with a bunch of white kids
I still think that deep down, no matter if we are white, black, Aisan,or Hispanic, we all have thoughts of where we come from. There's nothing wrong with that. I think that in the case of adoptees who are in search of reconnecting to their culture, as long as they don't forget who raised them. That's what family is and you never forget family. I am not looking to replace my adopted family. I am trying to embrace my culture, something that I don't fully appreciate or understand.
I'm white. I admit I was avoiding saying that because it seems every time I say that my opinion is invalidated because "White people cause all the evil in the world" -A large population of the internet.
I know this probably doesn't validate me anymore because I didn't directly experience it, but my aunt was adopted into our family from Vietnam, so I at least know I have a family member who is similar to some of you guys.
It can be race, gender, religion or so many other things. We all have groups that will like us and hate us. Surround yourself with people who are nice, and avoid the people that are cruel to you. While I understand there is a struggle with the adoption thing, learning "what you really are" is not going to improve your life. Just do the best you can with what you have. Save your thoughts for something worth your while.
Maybe you can't associate with some people on race, but you can find plenty of other things to associate with. You guys have actually associated together in this thread as the half-White half-Asians.
For me, I am wanting to reconnect with my roots and understand the culture I was born into while still be connected to the culture I've assimilated to.
I ultimately would love to meet a nice Asian girl. I've mostly dated Caucasian women. Which brings me to another subject. I find it hard to get a date with Asian ladies on dating sites. I am thinking that Asian ladies either want a Caucasian, black, or Caucasian male. Am I crazy to think this or is there a bit of truth? I just think that many Asian women on these sites just want part of the American Dream.
Oh yes, I used to be a FOB over 30 years ago, but I never seem to want to identify as one. For all intensive purposes, besides just being me, I think I identify more so with white culture. That could just be the me running from my culture in my younger years.
it disgusts me when anybody white, asian, or black worships a sauce bottle.
but i guess my situation is much better than those kids who were born and raised up here as an immigrant kid, some need to face some serious identity problem when they are still young, while I was taught in another way in my home country so I am always capable of distinguishing what is acceptable to me. GJ on making this video Fungbros!
There's a lot of racism in the world and the fact there's so many whites means "we"(not me) are often the ones being racist. I'm italian, got friend from Africa, China, Japan, Romania, Russia, Morocco and others and they're the best.
In fact, the ones that are still racist are the whites only.
Me and my friends from Africa call each other "nigga" and "whitey"(heck, they even call me ghost and I joke about their tan during summertime ahah!) and we keep laughing about it. The difference is not outside, it's in the head ;)
. But I do like how they make fun of the annoying stepford wives.
but lets be honest. what asian person doesn't like cutsey things like disney and hello kitty? :P
Ng is just the Cantonese pronunciation of 吴。it's also the Hokkien and Teochew (Min Nan) pronunciation of 黄。that's why many Chinese Singaporeans and Malaysians have the surname Ng. All Han Chinese surnames have one word except for a few exceptions (Situ, Ouyang)..
most uninformed comment I've ever read.
You cant even read my sarcasm or accurately respond to my arguments, as I should expect. You grew up only around whites so you adopted their perception of the world to feel accepted.I'm afraid this isn't a matter of generalizing, you are indeed the naive participant here. I don't see how someone who hasn't studied the basics of society they choose to be oblivious of like your own should have any opinion worth caring about, especially if its just regurgitated presumption based conclusions. I guess you dont have to be black to be an Uncle Tom here.
He thinks he somehow speaks for everyone else's experience, just like most white supremacists.
Filipino decent. Mother and father immigrated to America around mid 1970s. Mother is from Quezon City; father is from Iloilo. Grandfather on mother's side fought in WWII against the Japanese in the USAFIP.
"2) You don't pay attention to your surroundings cause you study so much lol."
One can study and be aware of ones surroundings. It's called being intelligent, not just book smart.
"3) That must have been a really nice town."
Not really. Like I said, I my schooling was mainly in a blue collar suburb on the edge of the city. Nothing fancy: many Polish and Irish immigrants. Mexican as well. Then "All-American" families who've been living there for years whose kids faces, once you walked into their kitchen, would be plastered on the refrigerator in their baseball/football/soccer/cheerleading/soccer uniforms. These families held jobs as carpenters, hair dressers, elementary teachers, nurse assistants, electricians, plumbers, cops, mechanics etc. Rarely would one be a white collar worker or in the entertainment/creative field.
The town I went to college was similar, but cancel out the immigrants and you're left with the typical Midwest small community that many here would slit their wrists if they had to live in one for a year.
"daring to question you're adopted white-privilege's safety net"
This must be one of the most retarded thing I've read on the internet today.
"you having club of white buddies does not at all discredits the reality outside your paradise and people who do experience racism and surpression on a daily political basis"
Who's racist now - "club of white buddies"? Really. You speak like Chinese, Indian, yes - even blacks, or Muslims in America are being tarred & feathered each day. Reality check: They aren't. This is like the whole FAKE and OVERBLOWN campus rape BS.
Another reality check: The USA is made of up a little over 300 million people. Legit racism (heck, anything today that offense the baby rabbits is deemed 'racist') is bound to pop its ugly head around. Same with legit sexism, homophobia, xenophobia etc. Throw whatever "ills" that you think America has in terms of its social context and you're bound to find it because it's one huge mother fucking country made up of many people from many different countries and backgrounds.
I'm not denying there isn't racism, but I'm not going to buy the whole "America is such a racist country and people of skin color are just targets for a beating!" Fuck that shit. I once held that mentality and thank Allah I don't anymore. I actually grew up.
And what does America's founding history has to do with any strong relevancy to your race baiting? (Didn't see it in your comment on America's history on this thread, and I'm sure not going to read through this entire combox to look for it.) I'm still going to use that term - race baiting - because that's what you're doing.
"But everything is a conspiracy until it happens to you. Please, your biases don't move me. "
Ha! Typical answer.
Unless it happens to me on a daily basis I won't put your butt hurt over my own experiences in a rather diverse settings of socioeconomic classes. Your attitude doesn't move me: It sickens me. The only stories that fuel you are selected stories that feed your mindset.
Ask my brother, cousins and parents. That's a lot more than one person. Well, don't count my dad -- he shares the same mentality as you guys even though he can't prove he was actually discriminated based on his ethnicity. He's a "white people are racist and corrupted against brown people!" type.
As someone who is Asian and that was raised in America I find your post ridiculous.
In my formal education up until university I attended schhols that were located in a blue-collar suburb on the edge of the city. During my elementary years 99.9% of my classmates were white.
I then went to university in a small city of no more than 22, 000 in the cornfields of the Midwest. Not once was I ashamed in being Asian or did anymore make me feel ashamed.
Stop spewing BS from race baiters and insecure non-white people.
As I reflect on your mentality (which is shared by numerous people) I can't help but think you've all been brainwashed by an alien from a place called Victimhood, fourth rock from the Sun.
Kids get weirded out by chinese food, they make fun of anything that is different.
Adults like chinese food
I could definitely relate to this show so much!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)