Haydenshapes "Miscellaneous" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.79
Reviews 5 years ago 10,042 views
Click to buy: SurfStation: https://www.surfstationstore.com/collections/hayden-shapes/products/hayden-shapes-misc-surfboard Jack's Surfboards: https://jackssurfboards.com/products/hayden-shapes-misc-shortboard-surfboard No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at https://www.paypal.me/surfnshow In this review I test out two boards, one stock 5'5" and one custom 5'5". The Miscellaneous is designed for a 2+1 fin set up which uses Twin Fin sides with a small center trailing fin. The large Twin Fins give this board incredible speed and the small trailing fin offers hold and something to pivot off of. The first couple of days testing the stock board was a bit of a struggle due to the leash plug being placed in the center of the tail and not far back enough. The board had speed but it felt tight and my turns were not crisp as the nose of the board would catch and caused the board to bogg. After I figured out the problem with the leash plug I customized my traction pads on both boards by moving them back at least 2" so my back foot could sit over the center fin. This changed the performance of the board dramatically in a positive way. This adjustment allowed for more precise turns and a freedom for the board design to shine in 1-5' surf. In the end I had a great time on both boards and the Custom 5'5" allowed for more precision rail surfing in clean and textured surf. It paddled good and I liked that I could sink the rail quickly and hold bottom turns longer. The Stock 5'5" had more spray on my turns, paddled better and looked faster under my feet. With nearly 1 more liter in flotation the board still felt loose and responsive but maybe a little to on top of the water to keep the rail engaged in windy conditions. The Miscellaneous is a really fun board and I highly recommend it for Beginner/Intermediate - to Pro level surfers in 1-6' surf. I believe this model favors neutral and back footed surfers due to it's low exit rocker and down rail design. Board DIMS: Custom Checkered Board: 5'5" x 19 1/2 x 2 1/4 Liters 26.46 Stock Board: 5'5" x 19 5/8 x 2 5/16 Liters 27.37 My Height: 5'9" My Weight: 160 pounds or 72.57 kg
Keep making vid there amazing!!!
10. comment for Haydenshapes "Miscellaneous" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.79
20. comment for Haydenshapes "Miscellaneous" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.79
I found it interesting that this board steered away from the typical double concave/vee off the tail. And it still seemed to go rail to really nice...
Neckbeard 2 is another straight single convave, wide small wave board that seemed to go well.
Cheer!! From the sunshine coast aus.
30. comment for Haydenshapes "Miscellaneous" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.79
It's be nice to see your opinion of Hypto Krypto.
I know I've asked tbis a lot but.... Misc vs Seaside?
Thanks for being so awesome.
How did people buy boards b4 surf n show? Stoneage
Keep up the great work!
The Misc is more performance in the pocket compared to the Seaside. The Seaside is faster down the line and grovels better. Both boards are sick!!!