Haydenshapes "Untitled" Surfboard review by Noel Salas Ep. 37

The Untitled by Haydenshapes is very versatile and user friendly. This model is a great daily driver and it has a great range for surf in 1-6' surf. In this review I have the Untitled in two different constructions, PE and Future Flex. Testing boards in two different constructions makes it easier to see how a construction looks under my feet. The footage also helps me to articulate what I am feeling so I can learn more about the surfboard and the construction it's made of. The PE stands for Polyurethane Foam and Epoxy resin. I ordered the PE a little to thick making it tough for me to transition from rail to rail quickly. The DIMS are 5'7 x 19 x 2 3/8... Volume 27.14. However I did have fun on it and caught a couple of good waves. The Future Flex board came out perfect at 5'7" x 18 7/8 x 2 5/16 roughly 26.5 liters. This board is so fast down the line and really quick and snappy in transitions from rail to rail. The FF parabolic carbon fiber frame is very innovative and I go into detail how it works and feels under my feet. The "Untitled" by Haydenshapes is agreat board and I highly recommend it in the Future Flex Technology as a daily driver.

Haydenshapes "Untitled" Surfboard review by Noel Salas Ep. 37 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Reviews 7 years ago 32,516 views

The Untitled by Haydenshapes is very versatile and user friendly. This model is a great daily driver and it has a great range for surf in 1-6' surf. In this review I have the Untitled in two different constructions, PE and Future Flex. Testing boards in two different constructions makes it easier to see how a construction looks under my feet. The footage also helps me to articulate what I am feeling so I can learn more about the surfboard and the construction it's made of. The PE stands for Polyurethane Foam and Epoxy resin. I ordered the PE a little to thick making it tough for me to transition from rail to rail quickly. The DIMS are 5'7 x 19 x 2 3/8... Volume 27.14. However I did have fun on it and caught a couple of good waves. The Future Flex board came out perfect at 5'7" x 18 7/8 x 2 5/16 roughly 26.5 liters. This board is so fast down the line and really quick and snappy in transitions from rail to rail. The FF parabolic carbon fiber frame is very innovative and I go into detail how it works and feels under my feet. The "Untitled" by Haydenshapes is agreat board and I highly recommend it in the Future Flex Technology as a daily driver.

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Most popular comments
for Haydenshapes "Untitled" Surfboard review by Noel Salas Ep. 37

Guy Giuffre
Guy Giuffre - 5 years ago
What would you prefer untitled or phantom for daily driver at beach breaks?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Guy Giuffre Untitled pivots faster. Untitled for Beach Breaks
lohena1 - 5 years ago
This board is insane! So fast and loose it's like an out of control speed demon. The front end generates tons of speed, but the pulled in tail with good rocker maintains control and pivots. Maybe best board design I've ever owned. Deserves more hype imho.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention Noel!
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 5 years ago
Hi Noel if i ride 40L boards what volume could i go down to in the futureflex construction?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Ryan The Rock 39
Big Oof
Big Oof - 5 years ago
Would you use the untitled, the HG, or the Hypto Krypto when surfing trestles. I kind of need one of those so I can switch to San onofre which requires a lot of paddle power which all three give.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Big Oof For Sano I would go Hypto out of those three boards.
shortyyys - 6 years ago
untitled vs rocket9 ?? they look so similar
Nunchuk For Grandma
Nunchuk For Grandma - 6 years ago
Oh yeah it is what it is HS is a fucking fraud. Selling boards that cost him way less to make but still run the surfer for the same price, but aren't made to the same strength. Thats a piece of shit human being if ever i've heard of one, on some counterfeit shit.
Brendan Reilly
Brendan Reilly - 6 years ago
Nunchuk For Grandma yeah I mean it is what it is that’s the business these days, most shapers need to outsource to places like China or Thailand to meet high demand for popular boards. Surfing at my local last week out of 50 people at least 30 were riding an HS. Even though my hypto krypto was glassed super thin it cracked bc I fell doing a maneuver into the shore break so I can’t really fault HS for that. Still rides like a dream tho and just recently bought the Holy Grail and Untitled (both HS factory boards not Thailand). Got crunched in a solid barrel with the Untitled and was almost certain there was going to be damage but even after a full session not even a slight pressure ding from my feet.
Of course you’re entitled to your own opinion and I don’t know your experience with HS but I personally love the boards so far.
Nunchuk For Grandma
Nunchuk For Grandma - 6 years ago
@Brendan Reilly Yeah bro, made in thailand pieces of shit. So HS knows its pumping out subpar boards made of toilet paper and does nothing about it? Bet he's got a nice house on the beach though, fucking scumbag cunt. Burnt $1000 on some foam wrapped in shitpaper, what a scam!
Brendan Reilly
Brendan Reilly - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews you’d know if they were from GSI as there would be a “Global Surf Industries” stamp on the bottom near the fin box and a “made in Thailand” as well. From what I can tell from my own purchase and from others comments if the board has neither it’s gunna be from either the Aus or Cali HS factory. Anyways, love the board reviews and content overall. Keep it coming! Thanks!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Brendan Reilly I think all of mine came from Oz
Brendan Reilly
Brendan Reilly - 6 years ago
Nunchuk For Grandma is your board made by Global Surf Industries? The hypto krypto I bought is and it dinged up and even cracked super easy. Just got a HG and Untitled but from the Australia factory. From commenters on other forums I’ve read there’s a huge difference in the construction quality.
Nunchuk For Grandma
Nunchuk For Grandma - 6 years ago
@lsbbronco the HS future flex is the weakest construct ive ever surfed, ripped a Futures finplug out first surf doing a bottom turn in deep water and then the rails were bashed up from it sliding around in the tray of my ute on the way to the repair man (10min drive). If you go HS get a PU. Wish some1 told me how shit HS future flex is before i burnt $1000 it. Im scared to surf it now it'll probably snap first air
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
lsbbronco I like the RE in 1-3’ surf better. I liked the Untitled for 3-6’ surf better
lsbbronco - 6 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews thanks. Which one did you like better?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
lsbbronco The Untitled is good in 2-6’ and the RW is 1-4’
lsbbronco - 6 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews How about the Untitled vs Rocket wide?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
shortyyys The Untitled is way more versatile and goes faster. The Rocket 9 went good for me with the AMT fins with a small trailer. The Rocket 9 needs a good wave to go good. The Untitled can generate speed very easily and do HP turns in the pocket. The Untitled was a 2017 Favorite of mine and the Rocket 9 was not. Cheers
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Miguel Marquina Sick... thanks for commenting and I am so pumped you found a couple epic sleds!
Austin Cloyed
Austin Cloyed - 6 years ago
Hey, I'm looking at this board to surf breaks around San Francisco and was thinking to go bigger with a 6'3" just to make paddling out and moving between peaks easier. I'm intermediate, 6'4", and 180lbs. I'm not very technical and just want a solid board for waist to slightly overhead surf to do a few turns. Currently riding a 34L Unibrow but really struggle to fight that OB current and want something better for paddling. Would a 39L Untitled be a good choice to fill this gap or do you think it would be too clunky?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Austin Cloyed 5 liters more is a big increase... maybe go 3 liters more and you will still be able to turn it.
BenKin07 - 6 years ago
Hey Noel, have you surfed the love buzz?
BenKin07 - 6 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews Thanks for the reply!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
BenKin07 No but I heard it’s excellent. HP but very user friendly.
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 6 years ago
Okay so today was the test day for the Untitled. The board was so fun it had that get up and go right out the gate because of that deep single concave. I was told that this board would handle the lower end of the wave spectrum while the Holy Grail handled the top end. I took this board out in heavy offshore winds from 10 to 15 mph to see how it would handle texture and mush. The board never chattered once (my chest chattered more than the board did). My first impressions were great, in crappy conditions, which tells me it will prevail in much better conditions like the Holy Grail. I was worried that the board would compete with the Holy Grail in terms of performance but it didn’t, the untitled stood in a class of its own. ( don’t get it twisted) The HG is an amazing board, one of the best daily drivers that I have ever ridden, hands down. The problem for me was 2 things. A. The HG didn’t start to show all of its potential until the wave got chest high or better and even then the board needed push for the back third of the board to really come alive. My problem were those big days that you either needed plenty of foam or a lower rocker to get you going. I have to say that the HG let me down on a big day at Blacks were it was crucial to get in early, despite the flatter entry rocker of the HG. I feel confident that the untitled will fill that gap with that snappy pulled in swallow tail complimented by that wing where a hip or bump would typically go. I took the untitled out in head high sluggish waves with a pair of Ando fins and the board was super impressive. I could feel the board springing me up on my decompressions and hauling ass on my compression loading up and shooting me vertical in the most critical part of the wave. It’s too early to say much more but I have to say that I’m very optimistic as Noel was in trying it in bigger waves. Furthermore, I do agree that FireWire is leading the way in technology and construction, while CI is the gold standard in solid templates that work but don’t sleep on HS. In my opinion they are leading the industry in flex and performance with their design core strategy. Bet that up. This is lil Migz signing off for now.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Miguel Marquina Thanks for the breakdown!

10. comment for Haydenshapes "Untitled" Surfboard review by Noel Salas Ep. 37

Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 6 years ago
How do you think this board would have done on a 2 + 1 setup?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Miguel Marquina Might go good... give it a try and let me know.
Daily Flow Fitness
Daily Flow Fitness - 6 years ago
Hi Noel, I am an intermediate surfer and 190 lbs. do you think a 6'2 untitled in future flex would be an appropriate board? I have been riding a 6'2 HS Plunder and looking to get on something a little more maneuverable. I do most of my surfing in Santa Cruz and occasionally head north towards SF.
Daily Flow Fitness
Daily Flow Fitness - 6 years ago
Excellent, thanks for the input! I think i'm going to go for it. I have had this board on my radar for a while and just stumbled across one at a nice discount.

Keep up the good work man, love the reviews!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Daily Flow Fitness No this model is a little different. The Hypto is quite different.

This Untitled is very performance orientated. It will do anything a HPSB will do in the pocket.
Daily Flow Fitness
Daily Flow Fitness - 6 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews yeah, I have a 6'6 rusty blackbird as my step up at 37 liters I like a lot. I'm hesitant to pick up the 6'2 untitled because I want something I can turn pretty aggressively. I am an advanced board rider and strong paddler but my pop can be hit or miss due to a chronic knee injury.

I am confident the 6'2 untitled will be stable enough for me to get up consistently but not sure if it will have the maneuverability I am looking for. I know some HS models like the Hypto krypto is best ridden as short as possible. Is this model similar in that regard?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Daily Flow Fitness Is 37 liters good for you on a daily Driver performance type board?
Daily Flow Fitness
Daily Flow Fitness - 6 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews Thanks for the quick response. Plunder has 40 liters, Untitled 37 liters.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Daily Flow Fitness Sounds good... are the liters roughly the same?
IzandEva Inmyheart
IzandEva Inmyheart - 6 years ago
Just got the untitled per this review. I has a hard time making up my mind but watched this review and vids of Nate destroying. I have been riding fishes for a while so the pointy nose in front took some reaquainting time. Also the feel of the flat deck was scary at first. Dont always like tail pads but for me on a flat deck a total must. Plus gobs of wax up front.
Large John John tekflex fins.
This board is fast. I know you said you would have liked to try this in bigger surf. I think I rode it in legit blacks and oceanside well overhead and shallow doubke ups. Gets over flat spots as expected but comes to life in drilling barrels at low tide. Fast, loose, can release fins when desired but holds in really good when theres power. Favorite board so far, by far. I was shocked. Thanks dude!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
IzandEva Inmyheart Yewww!! Stoked your shredding that board. Thanks for posting too!
Kaleb Mannigel
Kaleb Mannigel - 6 years ago
Hey again Noel! Untitled or holy grail for gettin radical in 2-3 foot?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Kaleb Mannigel Both are epic!!! I like the HG better...
Khalil McLeod
Khalil McLeod - 6 years ago
Is this an all around good short board for Cali?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Khalil McLeod Yes!! Sick little board
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 6 years ago
How does this board compare to the Holy Grail?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Miguel Marquina The HG turns much faster... I like the HG with the AM2’s just to keep it under control. The HG is way faster and looser too.
trebor - 6 years ago
Looks like a lost sub scorcher 2 with a single wing swallow
BRADEN BADUA - 6 years ago
Looks almost like the CI Twin.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
BRADEN BADUA True they look similar but they surf completely different.
Itai Lavi
Itai Lavi - 6 years ago
I’m debating which board to get... what do you think is better for Southern California conditions the untitled or lost physco killer
Itai Lavi
Itai Lavi - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews thank you
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Itai Lavi Untiled
ernsto polanco
ernsto polanco - 6 years ago
How would you compare the untitled to the holy grail I love my holy grail but I just ordered an untitled and I’m wondering if it has any differences that I can really notice
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
ernsto polanco Sorry I have not ridden the Sci Fi yet.
ernsto polanco
ernsto polanco - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews one more question Noel sorry bro, how would the hg compare to the sci fi Tomo
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
ernsto polanco The Untitled has a totally different feel... both boards are sick but the HG is a tad faster and a little more responsive. I found the HG to be very loose and I needed a fin with a bunch of rake to keep it under control.

20. comment for Haydenshapes "Untitled" Surfboard review by Noel Salas Ep. 37

Ryan Tibari
Ryan Tibari - 6 years ago
Sick review Noel! I'm contemplating on the Holy Grail vs the Untitled. How would you say the HG compares to the untitles in terms of speed, and ease of turning? Cheers man!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Ryan Tibari Let me know how it goes for you.... remember make sure you get a fin with some rake for that board
Ryan Tibari
Ryan Tibari - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews thanks for the reply! I think I'll be giving the HG a try very soon...
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Ryan Tibari The HG turns really quick!!! I needed a more raked out fin just to get it under control. The HG is super fast too. I like both boards a bunch but the HG was next level performance for me.
ernsto polanco
ernsto polanco - 6 years ago
A review on the love buzz would be awesome bro and good job on these reviews I saw your review on the holy grail and Teo days later I bought one and by far one of my favorite boards
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
ernsto polanco The HG is So Sick!!! The Live Buzz looks good to me too. I think it’s more of a daily Driver. I have a few friends that have one and they swear by it. Not sure what Haydenshapes board will be next....
ernsto polanco
ernsto polanco - 6 years ago
Hey what’s up Noel, maybe you can help me with a question I’m super interested in the untitled and in the love buzz but I have no idea which to buy.... I’m looking for something I can really enjoy on smaller days but also push it to 5+.... I really like the love buzz outline but I’m scared it won’t hold in the bigger surf.... what do you think
-SpyGuy- - 6 years ago
Where does he surf?
Brook Duckett
Brook Duckett - 7 years ago
Love this review Noel, i am currently tossing up whether to try this HS Untitled in future flex, or the Rusty Heckler, both boards look super fun so i am really struggling! haha. What board would you go to between these two options?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Brook Duckett HS Untitled hands down!!!
Kaz Thompson
Kaz Thompson - 7 years ago
Hi Noel, I've purchased the "untitled" and I really like how the board works for you,- and it really works well in that mid 2-4 foot conditions. I've got two questions - I've moved up in volume to the 5'9 30.1 litres - from 27 litres, I'm 165pounds 5'11 how can I tell if it's too much volume, I'm an intermediate surfer? And the second one is you ride large fins most frequently - I've only ridden medium - will I get the drive I'm after? Ps looking forward to the 2018 board reviews.
juan carlos salazar
juan carlos salazar - 7 years ago
Noel, what differences against midas, it seem very similar
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
juan carlos salazar Not sure... I have not seen a Midas up close yet. Sorry
Beach Shak
Beach Shak - 7 years ago
Are you going to do some reviews with CI Spine Tech ?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Beach Shak Epic... I will try to get some of those. I love Captain Fins stuff. Cheers
Beach Shak
Beach Shak - 7 years ago
Cheer's Noel, if you are looking for another large upright Fin that fits the Futures box and is stiffer than Futures F8 HC but less stiff than the Ando fiberglass try the Captain Fin Co Tanner G HC fin.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Beach Shak Yes!!! I have the OG Flyer in Spine-Tek. It feels really good too. Stay tuned that review is coming up.
Beach Shak
Beach Shak - 7 years ago
Hi Noel, love your reviews mate ! For crappier conditions which board would you chose Untitled vs Holy Grail ?
Bernard Fonseca
Bernard Fonseca - 6 years ago
Did you end up picking one? I'm in the same boat as you. Looking for something for Florida East coast 2-3 usually wind swell crappy conditions. And occasional 3-7 fair days during the winter months. Have been riding a sci fi in 5'11 and it gets the job done but the board is wayyyy too fragile.
Brandon Lane
Brandon Lane - 7 years ago
Hey Noel, which board do you think turns the easiest/most fluidly...the untitled, the lost v3 stealth, or the voodoo child?
Thanks for the help brother.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Brandon Lane I would say the Holy Grail... I know that’s not one of the boards you gave me to choose from. Out of the 3 boards Untitled. Cheers

30. comment for Haydenshapes "Untitled" Surfboard review by Noel Salas Ep. 37

Gene Duncan
Gene Duncan - 7 years ago
Hey Noel, I have a couple of ci fevers (a squash and round tail) for when the waves are 3 foot plus, a pyzel ghost for those pumping days but since selling my sampler there’s a gap I my quiver. I’m tossing up between a HS Untitled or a JS nitro for those smaller days. For some reason I don’t really gel with swallow tails( I had a rocket 9 which I didnt like at all) What of these would you recommend for those smaller days up to 3foot.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Gene Duncan Holy Grail or Sharpeye Disco Cheater.
Valentine Emelyanov
Valentine Emelyanov - 7 years ago
Hi Noel ! did u try that board with 2+1 fins? like mr fins?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Valentine Emelyanov The CI Twin fin is completely different. This HS feels like a thruster and the CI Twin fin is very loose and a bit skatey.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Valentine Emelyanov No sorry...
j k
j k - 7 years ago
Great surfing as usual. Song is pretty bummin though!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
jmk jmk Stoked you like the review!!
BENDIK BORGEN - 7 years ago
rocket 9 or untitled?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
BENDIK BORGEN Untitled for sure...
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 7 years ago
Oh and BTW your reviews are getting better because they're more specific and you cover the exact topics that questions arise from. Good Job! Cheeers!!!!!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Yewwww!!! Thank you.....
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 7 years ago
In the beginning of the video you looked like you were going to slide out on your backside hack. You know that for thirty years I have never surfed anything other than CI boards, my first board was a Rich Reed Spindrift out of a local Santa Barbara pawn shop. But now I think I'm going to break that tradition. I want to try HS boards more and more. Here in SD they have a membership where you can order three boards a year, I'm planning to do it. I just wanted to shake Al Merricks hand one day and tell him how loyal I have been to his product growing up.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
WOW you are a really loyal customer.... and I am sure Al and the Folks at CI would be stoked to shake your hand. I hope the HS boards go good for you, they have for me. Cheers!!!
fireboxer70 - 7 years ago
How does the Untitled compare to the Mark Richards Super Twin???
Noah Stone
Noah Stone - 7 years ago
You need more subs you deserve them
Rick Bondservant
Rick Bondservant - 7 years ago
Untitled Vs Holy Grail. If you had to chose one board to ride as an everyday driver which one would you chose?
fireboxer70 - 7 years ago
Great question!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Rick Bondservant Holy Grail
Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 7 years ago
Untitled, Holy Grail,….others,…….  
What do you think?  What's your favorite?
fireboxer70 - 7 years ago
Bon Summers what about the love buzz?
John Riggs
John Riggs - 7 years ago
Bra- how is Noel?
Chris Fan
Chris Fan - 7 years ago
How do you like the future flex construction compared to the flexbar and dual core fusion? Does the future flex still hold up in chop?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Chris Fan I like the JS HYFI Tech too. It’s very lively for sure. The FF Tech has more spring back than that one too.
Chris Fan
Chris Fan - 7 years ago
Awesome thanks for the reply! I agree exactly with your comment on the Flexbar, that's how I felt with mine too. That's the only one I've tried though. I'm definitely excited to try a Futureflex! It almost sounds like the futureflex is more like the JS HyFi construction. I've ridden HyFi and really really like how those feel. Exciting and very lively feeling boards, that actually handles chop pretty well.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Chris Fan I really like them all. They each have their own unique feeling. The Flexbar feels like it has the most flex and it is a very smooth ride. Like driving a Cadillac.... but I liked it with a stiffer fin. The Fusion Dual Core has good Flex and low chatter but they don’t make the board in my size and you cannot order it custom. The FF by Haydenshapes is probably my favorite. It has incredible spring in turns and the torsion Flex is a bit stiffer so you can even use fins that have good Flex to get even more out of the board in small waves. I rode the FF Technology in semi choppy conditions and it worked great. I hope this helps.
Philippe Strapko
Philippe Strapko - 7 years ago
Awesome videos Noel! I'm the same height as you but weigh 150. From your experience do you feel it would be ok to go with a 5'6 in Florida waves? Thank you!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Philippe Strapko What size boards do you ride now and what is the Volume? What is your skill level too? Thanks
Mads Bording
Mads Bording - 7 years ago
Dear Noel. Should I get a FutureFlex board with less volume than in a PE? Say 32L in PE and 30.5 in FF?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Mads Bording You could go a little less but not 2 Liters. I would say .5 to 1 Liter max. If you are coming into winter time like I am and you are going to be putting on a 4/3 then you might want to go with the same Liters as your PE. I usually stay the same Liters if I order a custom but sometimes a manufacturer sends me an EPS in 25.4 or so and I usually ride 26.5 and still works ok for me. I hope this helps...
Tim Hall
Tim Hall - 7 years ago
Whats your favourite Hayden shapes board so far Noel?
Tim Hall
Tim Hall - 7 years ago
Thanks Noel, great feedback.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Tim Hall The Untitled is pretty mental for sure. It’s one of my favorites for 2017. Two of my friends have the Untitled too and they love theirs also.
Tim Hall
Tim Hall - 7 years ago
Thanks for the fast response Noel. Wow thats a big call, as you seem stoked with all the HS models to date. It looks super fun. I am looking to get an HS and cant decide on which one... I like the look of the Untitled too. I'm a fairly front footed surfer (goofy) and love a continuous rockerered board that paddles well!!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Tim Hall All The Boards are Sick in the FF Tech. My favorite HS board is the Holy Grail
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 7 years ago
Hey Noel, is it possible for you to review the OG flyer from C.I?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Miguel Marquina That review will be out next Friday!!! Stay tuned
kev O
kev O - 7 years ago
What is your #1 fav all around-er?
John F
John F - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews Thanks for your quick reply Noel. I just posted a question on your Baby Buggy review asking which of the Untitled and the Holy Grail felt most similar to the Baby Buggy? Maybe you can answer here please and I will delete the other question?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
John F I do like the HG more than the Untitled.... my answer to the original question might have been before I did the HG review. The Untitled came out before the HG.
John F
John F - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews For number 1 did you mean to write Holy Grail instead of Untitled? All your previous comments implied that you like the HG more.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
kev O That’s a tough one... I like these boards as daily drivers in 2-5 surf. In no particular order.
1. HS Untitled Future Flex
2. Lost V3 Stealth Carbon Wrap
3. CI Fever
4. JS Monsta Box HYFI

Check out our website to see how they all compare. Www.surfnshow.com
יכין ינקלביץ
יכין ינקלביץ - 7 years ago
Also u should check out the tropical Brasil Brand one of the best pu I have ever had.
יכין ינקלביץ
יכין ינקלביץ - 7 years ago
So maby fire wire sci fi vs gamma vs skx vs Midas??? Please also Bradley's Roman vs gladiator please?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
I believe the FireWire Gamma is going to happen. The other FIreWire boards could happen later down the line though.
יכין ינקלביץ
יכין ינקלביץ - 7 years ago
Untiteld vs hypto vs dark side vs love buzz ? Please
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
That would be a fun review but not sure it’s going to happen. I would love to review those HS models. I really like his board designs so far. יכין ינקלביץ

50. comment for Haydenshapes "Untitled" Surfboard review by Noel Salas Ep. 37

The Wedding DJ's
The Wedding DJ's - 7 years ago
Thank you for another awesome review Noel, I am from South Africa and have watched many of your shows, I love the concept of “surf n show” and find your comments insightful and immensely useful., well done!

I ordered an HS Untitled board and wanted your take on surfing it as a Twin fin (2+1) setup. It looks a little like the the old MR Twin fin with some modern tweaks.

I get my board next week and wanted to buy the MR Twin fins as a combo, it’s expensive and I would really appreciate some advise on that? FYI I have the HS fins (black set) same as yours in the video, just not sure if I should bother buying the twin fins, I felt it might make the board fly in small waves, what do you think?
The Wedding DJ's
The Wedding DJ's - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews thanks for the prompt response, I will follow your advise regarding the Twin fins.

I have been collecting surfboards for a few years now, I never let a good one go and have been getting into fin configurations over the past 2 years, I most definitely agree with building your fin quiver. Different fins make a vast difference to each board on different waves and I really enjoy experimenting also.

Thank you for your time Noel!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
So stoked you like our show!!!! I think the 2+1 set up could go very well in the Untitled. Sorry I didn't try that for you but I have been trying that more and more in the small wave boards and it usually goes pretty good. I know fins are expensive so I feel your pain but on the bright side if they don't go well in this board they could go good in another later on. Buying fins and building a fin quiver is just as important to me a surfboard quiver. I also recommend riding the Untitled first with the HS1 Generation fins that you have. Maybe get used to the board with those fins in it and then later order the MR Twin Fin set up and make the board fresh again with the new set up. I like doing things like this first because a fin change like this will make the board feel completely different and that's fun and exciting. Cheers!!!
colby ogata
colby ogata - 7 years ago
This board looks so freaking good under your feet. Some mental turns
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
colby ogata Cheers!!! This board is pretty sick. Great daily driver for sure.
gulfsurfco - 7 years ago
Top notch review, Noel!!
Paul-Louis Louw
Paul-Louis Louw - 7 years ago
Have you ever ridden the CI Weirdo Ripper Noel? This board looks so similiar, it seems like the only difference is the finbox placement. Would you say there is a comparison under foot?
X -MAN X MAN - 6 years ago
For exampel.if i have the wr.36 liter
What i fell in the water with 34 liter 6.0?
Sorry for my inglish.
X -MAN X MAN - 6 years ago
Some guys have 4 fred rubble.
Some have 4 bord from the same model.is it matter if we take amodel like the wr.or fever....in defrent dims?
X -MAN X MAN - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews whay 4 wr? I meen if i take wirdo riiper with less volume and shorter.is it make the wirrdo more loose?tnx
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
I've had 4 WR's and they go good in 3-6+. I think the WR has too much rocker to be a groveler in the 1-3+ range. So the Untitled is a bit more versatile.... and faster down the line compared to the WR. Cheers!
Jack Reed
Jack Reed - 7 years ago
Where is the Futureflex made? Thailand?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Jack Reed Australia
Max Drewe
Max Drewe - 7 years ago
Do you think you could do a review on a dhd dx1. I am riding one right now and it feels pretty good.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Max Drewe The DHD boards look sick and I would love to review their boards. At the moment they are not keen on our show... hopefully in the near future. Sorry
Max Drewe
Max Drewe - 7 years ago
Also I am curious about the JS monsta 6. Is a review for the board coming soon?
Thanks Noel
Twed j8
Twed j8 - 7 years ago
Good review Noel. I have one and love it but have managed to break two fin boxs out of the three. Not sure of it is me or the board but sort of bummed about it. Has anyone held this issue?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Twed j8 The Future Flex Boards I have are made in Australia. Bummer about your fin box.
Twed j8
Twed j8 - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews Yeah future flex tech made in the Australian factory. I have ridden other FF board and they all held up well so this one might be a dud.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Twed j8 That’s a bummer. Is it in the FF Technology?
SurfTopics - 7 years ago
Thanks for adding the nose and tail dims. Nice review!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
My pleasure... thanks for the suggestion!
Jon Salvador
Jon Salvador - 7 years ago
Another solid one, thanks
Chris Levuiqes
Chris Levuiqes - 7 years ago
Untitled or voodoo child? I’m still debating which to get
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Chris Wilson They are both great for roughly the same size wave heights. Both boards feel mental under foot but I would say that the FF Technology is a bit faster springing from rail to rail compared to the Carbon Wrap. Both boards and constructions are mental though.
Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson - 7 years ago
How would you say those two compare Noel?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Chris Levuiqes I think the Untitled is more versatile in small waves compared to the Voodoo Child. The real comparison is between the Untitled and the Lost V3 Stealth Carbon Wrap.
יכין ינקלביץ
יכין ינקלביץ - 7 years ago
So will u say it is a good board?
For good prformence on medium sized Waves? And the ff which volume u recommend comparing it to other boards
Salomon Kamalodine
Salomon Kamalodine - 7 years ago
Noel, would the Untitled be somewhat redundant in a quiver compared to a Hi5 from CI?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
The Hi5 by CI is more of a small wave board with a fish type feel. The Untitled is good for 1-6 surf and rides more like a performance board. The Untitled is a great utility 2 in 1 board that Grovels good and can do some legit surfing in the pocket when the waves get overhead too.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
I love the Stab in the Dark project!!!
Chasingwaves - 7 years ago
Noel your gonna love it when the waves get chest to head plus . I have the Hayden its a funky board but a fun board .. It rips when the waves are big so be ready for it u might fall off the first time lol .. The only problem I've had is them steep take offs board just nose dives into the face so just get the board side ways and off u go .. Thought I would let u know just in case . if I could change one thing on these boards is give it more nose rocker
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Thanks for the heads up and I am stoked to hear that this board goes good in the bigger stuff too. I knew it would because it feels great off the bottom. Cheers!!!

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