HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors

The HobbyKing ScottFree Off Shore Race Boat is pretty outstanding with such a sleek look right out of the box. This RC shines though, where it belongs, right on the water! Spitting up Crazy high rooster tails and taking snap corners like a champ, you won't know what passed you 'till it's too late! Nate and Abby of TheRcSaylors have had their hands on this boat for a while now, with lots of driving action and fun to show for it! TheRcSaylors bring you the Full Review of the ScottFree Race Boat! Buy the ScottFree Race Boat Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/RC_PRODUCT_SEARCH.asp?strSearch=scott+free Buy the Transmitter Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/RC_PRODUCT_SEARCH.asp?strSearch=gt2e Buy the Batteries Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__57798__Turnigy_3300mAh_2S_30C_Lipo_Pack_AR_Warehouse_.html?strSearch=turnigy%203300 ------------------------------------------ Want to Support TheRcSaylors? Here's How! Check out our Vlog Channel! - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVPah92GC5PoziyqDdKcc_A Make a Donation Through Fan Funding :) Buy a Sweet RC Saylors Shirt Here - http://thercsaylorsyt.com/shirts/ Subscribe for more RC fun! - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRcSay... Like us on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thercsaylors/ Follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thercsaylors/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/thercsaylors Want to send something to TheRcSaylors and see it on the channel? Send it to P.O. Box 361 Ashland, KY 41105

HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors sentiment_very_dissatisfied 36

Reviews 8 years ago 100,164 views

The HobbyKing ScottFree Off Shore Race Boat is pretty outstanding with such a sleek look right out of the box. This RC shines though, where it belongs, right on the water! Spitting up Crazy high rooster tails and taking snap corners like a champ, you won't know what passed you 'till it's too late! Nate and Abby of TheRcSaylors have had their hands on this boat for a while now, with lots of driving action and fun to show for it! TheRcSaylors bring you the Full Review of the ScottFree Race Boat! Buy the ScottFree Race Boat Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/RC_PRODUCT_SEARCH.asp?strSearch=scott+free Buy the Transmitter Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/RC_PRODUCT_SEARCH.asp?strSearch=gt2e Buy the Batteries Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__57798__Turnigy_3300mAh_2S_30C_Lipo_Pack_AR_Warehouse_.html?strSearch=turnigy%203300 ------------------------------------------ Want to Support TheRcSaylors? Here's How! Check out our Vlog Channel! - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVPah92GC5PoziyqDdKcc_A Make a Donation Through Fan Funding :) Buy a Sweet RC Saylors Shirt Here - http://thercsaylorsyt.com/shirts/ Subscribe for more RC fun! - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRcSay... Like us on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thercsaylors/ Follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thercsaylors/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/thercsaylors Want to send something to TheRcSaylors and see it on the channel? Send it to P.O. Box 361 Ashland, KY 41105

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Most popular comments
for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors

Mohamed Samir
Mohamed Samir - 5 years ago
Awesome boat, but there's a bit of censoring going on....what gives? didn't show the trimming on the radio or the water pipe running to the esc.
kd1942 - 5 years ago
Adding batteries in parallel does NOT increase voltage , just capacity. No harm to your equipment.
Fishing With Lou
Fishing With Lou - 6 years ago
you think it's strong enough to hold a fish, while fishing?
TheRcSaylors - 6 years ago
A small fish, yes :-)
Lewis Curnutte
Lewis Curnutte - 6 years ago
i live close to East Lynn lake that would be a great bit of fun
Mark Black
Mark Black - 6 years ago
What a perfect day on the water. Especially with the kayaks. Would you mind mentioning how much your kayaks were.
Daniel Singerline
Daniel Singerline - 6 years ago
The boats OK to
Daniel Singerline
Daniel Singerline - 6 years ago
Abby is Beautiful
Brandon Troyer
Brandon Troyer - 7 years ago
They have life jackets for dogs that's great
jason persaud
jason persaud - 7 years ago
I like the Bannana plug lol my only hobby grade rc has bannAs so I can run my other battery as spair
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
I suppose with boats it can be handy to help keep water out.

10. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors

John McCarthy
John McCarthy - 7 years ago
Metal Prop?
Another Great vid. Nate, & Abby. Good job swimming Popeye!
Outdoor Cory
Outdoor Cory - 7 years ago
What is the plane on the shelf behind you, with floats?
KAB Adventures
KAB Adventures - 7 years ago
Love watching old vids, I'm watching because of interning the 99k giveaway
percy jackson
percy jackson - 7 years ago
Love this video had to get this boat
Rovadevel Fpv
Rovadevel Fpv - 7 years ago
This is my favourite video because after watching this video i got hooked on your channel and subscribed. I was choosing between starting my hobby with a car, drone or boat at the time. Thats why your channel was perfect for me.
John Omohundro
John Omohundro - 7 years ago
I love this video because the place you’re doing this review looks beautiful, and that boat is so fast! I love that you get to do this from a kayak...looks like fun!
dan stewart
dan stewart - 7 years ago
We're did you get it
Matthew .Plenert
Matthew .Plenert - 7 years ago
Please tell me that I see a Yorkshire Terrier at 3:01 or so.
Campur sari555
Campur sari555 - 7 years ago
How much...???
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
We provided a convenient link for you in our video description box :)
Campur sari555
Campur sari555 - 7 years ago
Whare can message RC boat N how much ?
John Liberty
John Liberty - 7 years ago
Wow, so crazy to stumble upon this video since I build the real drives (there are 2 spares) for this boat and our shop builds the engines (two including spare I believe, not my department). It would be really cool if they built an actual replica of the drive (it's not a straight shaft/rudder on real boat) for it also. Love the channel, subbed a few weeks ago, getting back into RC partly due to you two.
John Liberty
John Liberty - 7 years ago
Yes, I just installed/setup new upper gears, inspected, magnafluxed, shafts and lower gears then buttoned it up. Have not meet his son in person but S and his wife are two of the nicest folks you could meet. Sorry about delayed response, don't spend too much time on net. ( old guy here LoL )
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
That's so awesome John! We follow Scott free on facebook (the real racer) and just fell in love with this replica. So, you work on the full scale stuff?!?

20. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors

crispyspa - 7 years ago
I got mine last week and was fairly impressed. Very good run time but the holeshot has something to be desired. I replaced that 3 blade with a 2 blade M440 octura Brass prop. I had to pull the shaft and sand it down using a drill to spin it and sandpaper to sand it down because the shaft size is a little large for the octura prop. I only took off a couple of thousands to make it fit. The holeshot is greatly improved. It's damn near comes out of the water completely. Top speed seems about the same but I'll have to put a GPS in it to find out.
Michael Duncan
Michael Duncan - 7 years ago
I have the traxxas Spartan and Make sure y'all oil the motor, and grease the flex shaft, I had to learn the hard way, also that cooling hose make sure the water is always coming out the whole on the side, I'm just letting anybody know out the if your first getting into rc boating, maintenance plays a big role... Nice vid by the way!
crispyspa - 7 years ago
could you do me a favor and measure the battery tray? I already have a bunch of batteries I just want to make sure they fit so I don't have to order different batteries.
crispyspa - 7 years ago
based upon your review of this boat... I just ordered one. it will be a replacement for that little ft012.
Mud Digger RC
Mud Digger RC - 7 years ago
she looks great with the black hair.
Brent Michael
Brent Michael - 7 years ago
Roy Delosreyes
Roy Delosreyes - 7 years ago
i love that one i wont that to buy
RC JOE - 7 years ago
Sweet boat guys!!
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
Thanks :)
Bill Turner
Bill Turner - 7 years ago
You guys are rock stars. Great review.
king Gamer
king Gamer - 7 years ago

30. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors

Wayne Glass
Wayne Glass - 7 years ago
Do you still recommend or do you have another suggestion?
Sean Khan
Sean Khan - 7 years ago
You look better with your beard shaved
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
Ty Whitehead
Ty Whitehead - 7 years ago
great fpv!
Carl Collins
Carl Collins - 7 years ago
Hi TheRcSaylors,

I just want to ask i love the video and the cool name for your and also do you have a link for this boat as i am really interested in buying one myself.

bestamerica - 7 years ago
i have 2 great R/C boats are firehawk and villain ex...
both boats are normal motors and NIMH batterys
Steve Fox
Steve Fox - 7 years ago
reverse can be added, you may be able to program the esc to allow reverse but if not, simply changing the esc will give you reverse.
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
You are correct.
Elysian Dreams
Elysian Dreams - 7 years ago
What brand of float plane is that on the shelf behind you?
Elysian Dreams
Elysian Dreams - 7 years ago
thx -keep up the good work you two
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
We have a playlist on our channel of all of the planes we have covered. It's the Beaver.
Elysian Dreams
Elysian Dreams - 7 years ago
Can I get a link, please?
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
Picked it up on TowerHobbies. We did a review of it :)
dexter2433 - 7 years ago
at 40 mph it is a bit faster than my fishing boat :-)
Benji - 7 years ago
TheRcSaylors i know
i need one
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
Isn't that just crazy!?
Austin Duddy
Austin Duddy - 7 years ago
Did you have to buy the batterys
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
Yes, this model does not come with batteries or a transmitter.
sky man
sky man - 8 years ago
is this boat fiberglass or plastic ??
A Lambroia
A Lambroia - 7 years ago
sky man
sky man - 8 years ago
TY keep the awesome videos coming
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
sky man
sky man - 8 years ago
should of used oat tap for all of your boats I comes off lot better !!
G56AG - 8 years ago
How big is this boat? Since its out of stock, Hobby King is not showing it at all and the link doesn't work, so we have no idea of its size, its hard to guess just looking at the video.
Route 66 Flyer
Route 66 Flyer - 8 years ago
Great video of a great Cigar Racing Boat.

Dance the Skies
Erik garston
Erik garston - 8 years ago
I like Popeye :)
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Tim Thornburgh
Tim Thornburgh - 8 years ago
Was popeye wearing a life jacket?
Adam100A - 8 years ago
Tim Thornburgh yep
DJ AT - 8 years ago
great video by the way
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thank you!
DJ AT - 8 years ago
how long do you think the low voltage cut off lasts on this?
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Not sure. Hate to ruin expensive batteries :/ The idea is that it has that feature and it gives enough time to bring it back in.
BeardedDragonBornGaming - 8 years ago
first time i took mine out it flipped and damaged a battery I had to throw it away, 4th time out it flipped and 1 of the batteries exploded and turned all the insides black :( managed to clean it up but not been back out.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Ouch! That sounds awful! Since our first time out we learned to add more velcro and it does an amazing job now.
DJ AT - 8 years ago
does it have low voltage cut off so you can bring it back to you when out of battery
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Yes, we did experience the battery getting low and it really kills the power, but we had just enough juice to bring it in. I would still time driving, or get a low voltage alarm.
DanTDM//TheDiamondMineCartFan - 8 years ago
Slow compared to Traxxas M41 Widebody
Motor Toys
Motor Toys - 7 years ago
M41 widebody slow compared to impulse31 v3
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
We will have to check that one out :)

50. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors

Gregory Johnson
Gregory Johnson - 8 years ago
HOLY SPEED BOAT!!! Really nice Nate/ Abby!!!!
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thanks Gregory!
Mike Jenneman
Mike Jenneman - 8 years ago
Too bad it's not self righting
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Yeah, that would be a nice feature to have :)
Mike Jenneman
Mike Jenneman - 8 years ago
Maxiaj FPV
Maxiaj FPV - 8 years ago
again a cool review ! thanks for the great video's so far guys! its fun to watch!
by the way every rc boat you need to take off some trottle in the corners;) or you will flip or even break or bend something!
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
That's a great tip, thanks Maxiaj!
Fidgety_ Fpv
Fidgety_ Fpv - 8 years ago
is a by nate's WiFi or girlfriend
Daniel Singerline
Daniel Singerline - 6 years ago
Adam100A - 8 years ago
Roshan Deepak Wi-Fi lol
Mason Ma
Mason Ma - 8 years ago
It was a prank
Mason Ma
Mason Ma - 8 years ago
that make no sense you idiot
Sergej Nadaždin
Sergej Nadaždin - 8 years ago
im charging my Revell Control Tide Breaker.i reccomend you to review it it is really nice. its not brushless, but it can go up to 25 kmh.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
That's not too bad for the water! Have fun!
Cody Saylor
Cody Saylor - 8 years ago
Nice intro :)
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
RC Fun
RC Fun - 8 years ago
How long did the battery's last?
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
I think about 20 minutes or so. Depends how hard you run it.
Kenny Bohey
Kenny Bohey - 8 years ago
POPEYE THE SAILOR...!!! I Am Enjoying This & NOW...Back 2 The VIDEO....SEE YAH
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Kenny Bohey
Kenny Bohey - 8 years ago
POPEYE Watching There... Loved IT...Reminds me of Good Times In Real Boats...Thanks As Always You Guys...See Ya
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Haha, didn't think of it like that :-D
Michael Rutan
Michael Rutan - 8 years ago
i got the cousin of this boat the relentless v2 today because of this review. I had such a hard time deciding vs the scottfree. i also subbed. great channel
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Yeah it was a close choice for us too, but we are very glad we could help! Glad to have you on board, thanks for the sub!
Tom Kowalsky
Tom Kowalsky - 8 years ago
I Gots To Get A BOAT!
Great Vid. Looks like so much fun you two.
Don't know how you keep these great reviews coming so fast but WHO CARES?
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Lol, it's a crazy amount of work, but we love it! Thanks as usual my friend.
a gixxer
a gixxer - 8 years ago
Really nice FPV footage guys. That boat looks really sweet. I might have to expand my R/C collection past just cars and trucks.:)
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
I never really thought I would enjoy rc boats until I drove one. I'm sure you will think the same thing ;)
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
No doubt. Goodbye hero cams! Thanks for the follow up
xfacemanx - 8 years ago
Hey guys , long time fan. Been watching you for a couple years now and this is my first comment! Wanted to tell you , and I'm sure some one else already has. Is that the y make a Float kit for the camera. It sticks on back of the camera case. Also if your not stuck on name brands ,and I know your not ,as your always looking a good deal like myself! The SJCAM series of cameras is an incredible value.. If we are honest, they made the first excellent knockoff of the GoPro. Read all the old reviews, it got a cult following of the "people in the know". I picked up the same camera you have there in 1080p a year ago for $52 shipped! A couple generations ,and years later, others want into the action cam business too! All the while SJCam evolved also. You can right now as we speak purchase a 4K gyro stabilized Sony sensored, adjustable fov SJCam. The Turnigy Camera is either made by SJCam or by the same manufacturer as it comes with identical accessories. Get SJCam accs. They're cheaper!:)
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment xface, and such a great one packed full of tips :-) We will look into these for sure. Thanks for all of your continued support as well :-)
Vendetta - 8 years ago
Wow! You mounted a camera to one! I requested that before in another RC boat video!
Vendetta - 8 years ago
+TheRcSaylors cool! Looked like fun! :) I love how fast these things are.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Finally got brave enough to throw one on :)
Paul Randall Hicks
Paul Randall Hicks - 8 years ago
A wonderful review. I will buy one because of your review. :0)
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Well that's cool! You will have some serious fun Paul!
Paul Randall Hicks
Paul Randall Hicks - 8 years ago
Popeye's ears are so cute showing up in this video. LOL......can you put him in more of your videos????? My Brussells Griffin dog, Rusty, past away. I miss him. But, seeing Popeye in your videos makes Rusty's passing easier. ??????
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Ah Popeye is always good for putting a smile on everyone's faces :) We always try to include him when we can. Sorry to hear about your doggy :(
Paul Randall Hicks
Paul Randall Hicks - 8 years ago
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Glad you agree :-)
Jeff Brewster
Jeff Brewster - 8 years ago
Sooooooo many toys, so little time........ and cash. yet another RC that's going on my wish list. wonder how fpv would work on something like this. hmmmmmm........
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
If I could water proof the fpv system it would be amazing!! Wish lists are good :)
Ineed$ - 8 years ago
Awesome review guys! are you going to be filming your time at Flite Fest also? I wont be able to go this year, so i get to experience it through youtube, lol so hopefully there is lots of video of it
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Yes we do plan on filming a lot. Should be fun! Looking like rain the first couple of days :(
El Deruko 7
El Deruko 7 - 8 years ago
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
melvin hunt
melvin hunt - 8 years ago
Awesome reveiw nate & abby it's very fast
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Crazy Fast! Thank so much!
Jacob smith
Jacob smith - 8 years ago
Nice video rcsailors keep it up!!
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thank you very much!
Felix Von der Bank
Felix Von der Bank - 8 years ago
Awesome review loved the onboard cam
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thanks Felix! We though people might like that :)
Ned Botherway
Ned Botherway - 8 years ago
That's so awesome!!!! Wow!!! As always another great video!! Keep up the awesome videos!!
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot for stopping by Raccoon!
flyingm1 - 8 years ago
Fun vid! So Nate, do you like this boat or not? ;-) It's on my wish list.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Lol, when I first read your question I was about to go bananas on you.. then the wink face saved the day!
Steve RC
Steve RC - 8 years ago
I love the on-board footage guys! Both directions, that was great, real-time and slo-mo.
It wasn't too tippy with the camera?
Thx for another great review!!!
Steve RC
Steve RC - 8 years ago
Good to know! Thx!
Do you lose the "self-righting" feature with a camera mounted?
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Surprisingly no, not tippy at all. I'm sure I could have rolled it if I tried, but I had her going full throttle and it didn't roll once :)
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Sylvain Arseneault
Sylvain Arseneault - 8 years ago
I love pypy me too lolll
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Sylvain Arseneault
Sylvain Arseneault - 8 years ago
Wow its very Nice , but my question do you like Phantom4 , what do you think for this drone , sorry for my english lolll ..., ypu make a very good Job , i love see your Clips its very interesting Mamamillas
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thanks! Well, we own an inspire, a xiro, but no p4 ;)
David Perez
David Perez - 8 years ago
Was this actually shot in 2015 as it said on the gopro footage?
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Hahaha, lol no. That was the default time stamp on this new camera. We just need to update that.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thank you so very much!
MWRR - 8 years ago
Another fantastic video, Popeye is way too cute - seen him with the drones. I tried to find the camera on amazon but no luck. Do you have a link to be able to find it.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thanks so much MWRR, also keep in mind we have all the stuff linked in the description box :)
Chris Duncan
Chris Duncan - 8 years ago
I watch these videos as much for Popeye as I do the RC stuff. I have a beagle and a shitzu, so I'm a big dog fan too.
Glen D. Spicer
Glen D. Spicer - 8 years ago
Awesome boat.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Randall Hill
Randall Hill - 8 years ago
I use R/C boat hatch tape, its waterproof and made for r/c boat hatches
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
We definitely need to get some!
John Wedrall
John Wedrall - 8 years ago
awesomely awesome camera coverage ! ! !
John Wedrall
John Wedrall - 8 years ago
:) you're welcome.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Hahaha, glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!
Slugo's RC
Slugo's RC - 8 years ago
Great Video Awesome Boat! I really appreciate all the work you do and the editing you do. Lots of work! Thanks Rich
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
You are right brother, lots of work goes into the channel, but we also love it! Thanks for stopping by!
RC Hobbyist Extreme
RC Hobbyist Extreme - 8 years ago
The same name as mine,so I should get one. I finally got the motor on the MONICA running last night,works great in forward and reverse.I havent got it in the water other than in the bathtub,it is a very stable boat. I need to put the receiver in a rubber balloon after I finish getting all the electronics wired up. next is the led's and the spot light. cabin lights and its going to be one awesome boat,I will bring it on my next trip down so if yours flips over,I can come save it, without a kayak. I want to bring my wife down next summer,we will be looking for tourist things to do while we are there,so keep that in mind. Great review with the camara too. If I ever get into video,I would get that,good price!
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Keep that boat handy, that does sound like a lot of fun! It would go well paired with the Cajun Commander too. We'd love to visit with you guys again :) Such a handy person with mods scott!!
Luvtoflyhelis - 8 years ago
Awesome boat and great reveiw guys, by the way this boat is in stock in both USA warehose'shttp://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__81592__HobbyKing_Marine_8482_Scott_Free_Offshore_Racing_Deep_V_Racing_Boat_730mm_ARR_AR_Warehouse_.html
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Ah good timing for our video then :)
DENSUTUBE2008 - 8 years ago
Doe's it have a flex shaft or solid shaft?
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
We will see if we can get our hands on another boat before the summer is over :)
Husky Studios
Husky Studios - 8 years ago
awesome! do you think you guys could review an inexpensive rc boat? ;)
SK modder
SK modder - 7 years ago
Husky Studios where did u find one
Husky Studios
Husky Studios - 8 years ago
ah ok :)
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
We have featured cheaper boats on our channel in the past actually. It has just been a while.
Husky Studios
Husky Studios - 8 years ago
+scott firman thanks, but the only one I found was $157! :P
RC Hobbyist Extreme
RC Hobbyist Extreme - 8 years ago
wltoys sells the 913 speed boat,yeah,would like to see that also
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
That's how the camera came stock. We need to either fix the time stamp or just turn that feature off.
reis fpv
reis fpv - 8 years ago
awesome as always!
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Thanks randall!
Matthew VanProoyen
Matthew VanProoyen - 8 years ago
its also so big
Matthew VanProoyen
Matthew VanProoyen - 8 years ago
such a cool boat
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
We think so too :)
Masen Mattocks
Masen Mattocks - 8 years ago
it is so sweet
Masen Mattocks
Masen Mattocks - 8 years ago

100. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors

TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago

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