HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors
Reviews 8 years ago 100,164 views
The HobbyKing ScottFree Off Shore Race Boat is pretty outstanding with such a sleek look right out of the box. This RC shines though, where it belongs, right on the water! Spitting up Crazy high rooster tails and taking snap corners like a champ, you won't know what passed you 'till it's too late! Nate and Abby of TheRcSaylors have had their hands on this boat for a while now, with lots of driving action and fun to show for it! TheRcSaylors bring you the Full Review of the ScottFree Race Boat! Buy the ScottFree Race Boat Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/RC_PRODUCT_SEARCH.asp?strSearch=scott+free Buy the Transmitter Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/RC_PRODUCT_SEARCH.asp?strSearch=gt2e Buy the Batteries Here - http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__57798__Turnigy_3300mAh_2S_30C_Lipo_Pack_AR_Warehouse_.html?strSearch=turnigy%203300 ------------------------------------------ Want to Support TheRcSaylors? Here's How! Check out our Vlog Channel! - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVPah92GC5PoziyqDdKcc_A Make a Donation Through Fan Funding :) Buy a Sweet RC Saylors Shirt Here - http://thercsaylorsyt.com/shirts/ Subscribe for more RC fun! - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRcSay... Like us on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thercsaylors/ Follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thercsaylors/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/thercsaylors Want to send something to TheRcSaylors and see it on the channel? Send it to P.O. Box 361 Ashland, KY 41105
10. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors
Another Great vid. Nate, & Abby. Good job swimming Popeye!
20. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors
30. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors
I just want to ask i love the video and the cool name for your and also do you have a link for this boat as i am really interested in buying one myself.
i have 2 great R/C boats are firehawk and villain ex...
both boats are normal motors and NIMH batterys
thx -keep up the good work you two
i need one
Dance the Skies
50. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors
by the way every rc boat you need to take off some trottle in the corners;) or you will flip or even break or bend something!
Great Vid. Looks like so much fun you two.
Don't know how you keep these great reviews coming so fast but WHO CARES?
It wasn't too tippy with the camera?
Thx for another great review!!!
Do you lose the "self-righting" feature with a camera mounted?
100. comment for HobbyKing ScottFree Race Boat Review - RC Boat - TheRcSaylors