How to Re-deck Your Boat With SeaDek

If you're looking for a way to dramatically improve your boat, consider re-decking it with SeaDek. This cushiony foam is rugged, non-skid, easy to clean, and easy to cut and apply. Basic DIY skills are all you need to get the job done, as Senior Editor Lenny Rudow shows us in this video. From beginning to completion, you'll see how the entire process goes and what the final SeaDek decking job looks like. Subscribe to our channel: For more boating videos, visit features boat reviews, how-to videos, special features, and information about new boats, boats for sale, and boating products—usually with a dash of fun. Our reviewers test the features, performance, and specifications of each boat, searching out the hidden details for a critical evaluation. If you're shopping for a boat, we want to help you make the best choice. And if you're just looking, we'll try to make it fun too. Subscribe to receive notification of new videos.

How to Re-deck Your Boat With SeaDek sentiment_very_dissatisfied 62

Reviews 8 years ago 234,127 views

If you're looking for a way to dramatically improve your boat, consider re-decking it with SeaDek. This cushiony foam is rugged, non-skid, easy to clean, and easy to cut and apply. Basic DIY skills are all you need to get the job done, as Senior Editor Lenny Rudow shows us in this video. From beginning to completion, you'll see how the entire process goes and what the final SeaDek decking job looks like. Subscribe to our channel: For more boating videos, visit features boat reviews, how-to videos, special features, and information about new boats, boats for sale, and boating products—usually with a dash of fun. Our reviewers test the features, performance, and specifications of each boat, searching out the hidden details for a critical evaluation. If you're shopping for a boat, we want to help you make the best choice. And if you're just looking, we'll try to make it fun too. Subscribe to receive notification of new videos.

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Most popular comments
for How to Re-deck Your Boat With SeaDek

Denise McKnight
Denise McKnight - 5 years ago
Do you have to cut out the Sea Dek where every fastener is connected to the deck? I have a 1997 Hurricane and just purchased 2 sheets of Sea Dek. Not sure what to do as there are easterners on the deck(maybe for old carpeting???) and wondering if covering them will cause the Sea Dek to bubble?
daveumpref - 5 years ago
Hold on boys and girls.. lets not be too harsh. He said that he was a diy guy and this was a very old boat and he full admitted that he didn't perfectly round edges but, at this angle it looks fairly good. The real question is if he's going to get any life out of it. One of my pals had the cutting done by the factory and it's absolutely perfect. I think there are two issues. first, does it give him 5+ years and second, if it does, what kind of nightmare is removing the glue? otherwise I liked it.
Kevin Mullenger
Kevin Mullenger - 5 years ago
Excellent Video! You did a great job on the installation, as well as the commentary! Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 5 years ago
Ya know if you spin that HOLE SAW in REVERSE, it will cut without grabbing & what not/...
Chris Swanson
Chris Swanson - 5 years ago
1990 seapro just did the floor in my boat thanxs for the video its like a new boat
Samuel Cooke
Samuel Cooke - 5 years ago
Put this on my '79 Whaler's deck in 2012 - still looks and is wearing great!!
Aaron Ritzenthaler
Aaron Ritzenthaler - 5 years ago
Anyone know what kinda boat/model that is?
Dino Paliska
Dino Paliska - 5 years ago
Dino Paliska
Dino Paliska - 5 years ago

10. comment for How to Re-deck Your Boat With SeaDek

Dino Paliska
Dino Paliska - 5 years ago
Bob Wilson
Bob Wilson - 5 years ago
Did you break the caps lock key or just lose it?
Steve - 5 years ago
Nice video. Never a thought that you were trying to compare your job to a professional installer so it makes your delivery even better. Thanks.
Andrew Doolittle
Andrew Doolittle - 5 years ago
My first big purchase for comfort was a sunshade for the bow. I'm thinking a stunt kite for being my next. All properly bagged and stowable to keep the deck clean of course.
charlesxix - 6 years ago
Video ok but the music is far too load.
never stop fighting
never stop fighting - 6 years ago
How you laid it is the hard way. Having to score it is an accident waiting to happen. Watch videos on laying vinyl decals and graphics. Laying cabinet decals on a pinball machines for example. It's a better way. You also cleaned the boat only to touch and stand and kneel on the clean surface with zero protection, putting the worse thing on the surface, body oil.
John Pasquariello
John Pasquariello - 6 years ago
Hey Lenny, thanks for sharing. I'm planning on doing this to the LegASea (world cat 266sc) but am wondering if the non-skid awlgrip needs to be sanded smooth?
Pat - 5 years ago
John Pasquariello no
DIY Tutorials And More
DIY Tutorials And More - 5 years ago
You shouldn’t have to
Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson - 6 years ago
To: Jim Thompson. "Strip it off the day before you sell your boat"..."replace every 2 years". Did you ever try to remove linoleum off a floor? If you did, then you would never make those statements. It is an extremely difficult job. Almost impossible to get everything up. The plastic flooring doesn't easily detach from the glue underneath. Then after you get all of the plastic up, you have to take up the glue underneath. It's not simply glue, it's a type of mastic. It's hard as a rock and sticky at the same time. A scraper won't get it up. A chisel with a hammer won't get it up. Some highly toxic chemicals may soften it, but it still will be difficult. Once linoleum is put down, it is generally never taken up. It's easier to put another layer on top of it. I suspect the same with this SeaDek product. I would like to the the person that made this video make another video where he takes everything up and we can see how difficult it is or if it is even possible/practical. Actually, I would like to see anyone make such a video. Here is a video that I found that shows how difficult a job it is. It's unbelievable what he has to do to get it up. I don't recommend anyone trying this on their boat.
Jim Thompson
Jim Thompson - 6 years ago
There are many versions of this kind of cover all over Amazon. For $200 you can rip and replace every 2 years. Keeps permanent stains from the bare fibreglass. Strip it off the day befor you sell your boat.
Bob Maddox
Bob Maddox - 6 years ago
Contrary to some others...I enjoyed the well done vid...and thought you did a good job on the install...others have mentioned durability...that could be true...idk...but it sure looks good and feels great under foot.
Jay Rod
Jay Rod - 6 years ago
Pay a pro instead thanks for vid

20. comment for How to Re-deck Your Boat With SeaDek

Albert Wedworth
Albert Wedworth - 6 years ago
You can use a roll of manila paper. Of paper bags from the grocery store.
FW tailchaser
FW tailchaser - 6 years ago
Nice!!!! I loved it when he placed his foot on the cleaned surface of the deck before tapping the SeaDek!
Michael Schaller
Michael Schaller - 6 years ago
Too complicated for anything less than a bulletproof lifetime of boat and its not !!!! Lol
TheManOfGoldenWords1 - 6 years ago
Shoulda used a roller on the edges
Mason Matthews
Mason Matthews - 6 years ago
wouldn't the natural oil from his bare feet counter the very reason he is wiping it with acetone? Socks??
Spector - 6 years ago
How much did all this cost in total ?
Ed Flood
Ed Flood - 6 years ago
If you're going to do it get it done professionally. If I came to see that boat to purchase I'd subtract it from the price. In my mind I'd be thinking how much it would cost to get it redone and what problems are hidden underneath.
Jerry T
Jerry T - 7 years ago
Nice temporary decking material, looks good feels good but its glorified sponge. I have seen this product after two years and it disintegrates, surface breaks down in traffic areas and edges were coming loose. Marine vinyl is a much better choice and cost less too. Take it from this pro installer...
Parker Stewart
Parker Stewart - 7 years ago
This is awesome
Daniel Alarcon
Daniel Alarcon - 7 years ago
Very nice vid, thanks for taking the time to share. Just one question. I´m guessing you picked the cool grey color. Does it gets hot in the sun?? because my boat has the seating colored white and grey, and the grey tends to gets very hot on sunny days, but white just gets warm. Thanks Buddy
Daniel Alarcon
Daniel Alarcon - 7 years ago
Great !!! thx a lot for your response. You´ve been very helpful - 7 years ago
Hey Daniel - In an absolute dead wind and with the sun beating down, it is a bit hot, but any breeze keeps it quite cool. Twice the entire season last year, it got hot enough (once at anchor, and once at the dock) that I noticed. I gave it a quick blast of the washdown hose, and that ended that. Generally speaking it's really rare you even notice, though, because even running the boat at no-wake speeds generates enough breeze that it doesn't heat up.

30. comment for How to Re-deck Your Boat With SeaDek

Jeeping.Net - 8 years ago
Wow, wish I had put this in my old Tanzer 22

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