Inflatable Boat Review Intex Explorer 200 and Bestway Marine-Pro 300
Reviews 13 years ago 42,246 views
This video is a double review and close look at two affordable inflatable boats: The Intex Explorer 200, classified as a pool toy, and made of 13 gauge PVC Vinyl, with two independent chambers (hull and floor) and welded oarlocks (paddles sold separetly). Bought mine for about $10,00 The Bestway Marine Pro 300 is a 3-Ply PVC Raft/Boat, that comes with oars and inflation pump. It features a round-the-boat grab rope, two fishing rod holders and omnidirectional oarlocks. It features 3 independent chambers (two in the main hull, and the floor) and 3 inflatable seats for additional comfort and buoyancy. It also has a pocket for gear and grab handle in the bow. Bought mine for about $120,00 used. The boat can,although it's not rated for it, accomodate a small motor (ideally a trolling motor) , provided that you purchase the motor mount separately.
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