Intex Excursion 5 Inflatable Boat Video Review by Rubber Boats

Buy Here The Excursion 5 is on of the best inflatable boats for fishing and lake floating. It is the largest inflatable boats that intex makes and has several features that make this one of the most comfortable rubber boats out there. You really need to see it to believe it. Take a look.

Intex Excursion 5 Inflatable Boat Video Review by Rubber Boats sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Reviews 13 years ago 245,133 views

Buy Here The Excursion 5 is on of the best inflatable boats for fishing and lake floating. It is the largest inflatable boats that intex makes and has several features that make this one of the most comfortable rubber boats out there. You really need to see it to believe it. Take a look.

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Most popular comments
for Intex Excursion 5 Inflatable Boat Video Review by Rubber Boats

Ali arshad Ali
Ali arshad Ali - 5 years ago
برائے مہربانی امریکہ ڈالر میں قیمت بھی بتایا کریں شکریہ
Italiano810 - 7 years ago
I think I'll stick with sea eagle's Sts10

Also, it's not a boat, it's a raft
Cooper - 7 years ago
Can I use it to cross the English Channel ?
Victor Herrera
Victor Herrera - 7 years ago
l come reparar easy..vh
Johnny Mao
Johnny Mao - 7 years ago
can i take this out into the ocean?..not too far out tho.
suresh bvv
suresh bvv - 7 years ago
I like this boat thank s for the info.
Frank frank
Frank frank - 7 years ago
¿need license for driver wiht motor electric? or not
SuperFatBastard69 - 7 years ago
Depends where you live.
Check your laws.
Dave M
Dave M - 8 years ago
If they made this boat with the same higher quality material as the Mariner 4, this would be the Ultimate economical boat. I'd pay 300 for this boat in the better 3 ply fabric with Mariner 4 360 degree oar holders.
Rubberboats would own the market. Think about it Rubberboats, it would be a winner!
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 8 years ago
I wonder how much to inflate the floor. There is no ruler on the floor.

10. comment for Intex Excursion 5 Inflatable Boat Video Review by Rubber Boats

minecraft gaming 90
minecraft gaming 90 - 8 years ago
can i have one for free please
Tim T.
Tim T. - 7 years ago
i just got one for free.... thx next door neighbor russell -
Mike Jason
Mike Jason - 8 years ago
119$ with motor or without ?
Frank frank
Frank frank - 7 years ago
Nick Papadopoulos ¿need licen for driver whit motor electric?
Hurri Kane
Hurri Kane - 8 years ago
Benjamin riggs and outdoors &A
Benjamin riggs and outdoors &A - 9 years ago
hey can i put two mediam to large coolers on it so i can but my fish in them and to have a couple drinks with they guys and can i stand on it for bow fishing and standing
Mowgli's Mischeif
Mowgli's Mischeif - 9 years ago
And at my nearest lake there are tons of debris underwater trees and sticks. I'm scared to buy an inflatable. I'm scared one brush up against something Pokey will pop it.
Mowgli's Mischeif
Mowgli's Mischeif - 9 years ago
Worth the money?
TheTravelingClatt - 9 years ago
+Mowgli's Mischeif worth the money.
Gatuso2311 - 9 years ago
This video help me feel better about my purchase, this truly helps if you haven't yet seen the boat or its features. THANK YOU
Tom Ziesmer
Tom Ziesmer - 9 years ago
Check out in my videos of this boat vs. ICEBERGS!!!   this boat is Durable!!! ive had it for a year and put it threw some rough conditions its still holding up
gerard haubert
gerard haubert - 7 years ago
Tom Ziesmer there is no link to iceberg videos
Jeremiah Giles
Jeremiah Giles - 10 years ago
Is it okay to stand and fish in it?
Tom Ziesmer
Tom Ziesmer - 9 years ago
If you make a wood floor then yes otherwise no
WanderleiSilva29 - 10 years ago
i have this boat.... in no way shape or form can it accommodate 4 fisherman..... If you want to be comfortable and not get fishing lines all hung up and bump into each other... this is a 2 man raft.... MAYBE 2 with 1 kid.... A standard grown man is about 6ft, 180 to 200 lbs.... get 2 of them on this boat, and that's it.... no more room once you add tackle box and chair. The Intex Mariner 4 is the same thing... except even less spacious, but FAR more rigid..... Any video or spec you see online that states raft persons... whether its 4 or 6 or 8, etc..... divide that number by 2 and that's closer to the REAL number of people that will fit. Can you technically get 5 people on the intex excursion? Absolutely.... you can probably get 8 or 10 if its life or death... but you will all stacked on top of each other and sitting on the outer rim....  its all a sneaky type of false advertising that is a technicality....reminds me of politicians.
Mobilesquad22 2
Mobilesquad22 2 - 7 years ago
WanderleiSilva29 what about kids that are 5'5. 4'1 kids can that hold 5 of us
Rafael Gomez
Rafael Gomez - 10 years ago
disculpa, me interesa esa lancha con su troleador. Hay manera de mandarla a mexico? (apology, I'm interested in that boat with his trolling. No way to send it to mexico?)

20. comment for Intex Excursion 5 Inflatable Boat Video Review by Rubber Boats

ARCOS - 10 years ago
do we need a permit or a license to use this thing in rivers and lakes? im from connecticut, usa
Bobbo Tron
Bobbo Tron - 9 years ago
check with local law. here in Ohio you need a license IF you have a motor thats over like 10 horse power i think.. Ask your local DNR
logan warren
logan warren - 10 years ago
I cant wait for my intex excursion 5 to come in the mail i cant wait it is so boss!!!!!!
Mobilesquad22 2
Mobilesquad22 2 - 7 years ago
logan warren same bro mines waiting in the mail and I got a motor me and my cousins gonna glide
osinkboy - 11 years ago
I'm thinking about taking this out to the ocean to go crabbing. I'm tired of casting far and I feel like getting this out in the water might be a challenge though. Any thoughts on a total boat newbie??
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
Yes you would still be able to stand if you are 215lbs. It won't be quite as sturdy as the Mariner 4, but you can still stand.
WanderleiSilva29 - 11 years ago
I understand that the Mariner 4 has a slated floor and is very solid to even stand on with a plywood flooring addition...... since the flooring on the excursion is inflatable, are you able to stand if you are 215 lbs?
WanderleiSilva29 - 11 years ago
can someone tell me why this boat is considered inferior to the mariner 4? The excursion looks bigger and has a larger capacity according to specs.... and is half the cost.... so im not sure why one would choose the mariner 4....??
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
You're Welcome, it will work great for you!
anarchyheart66 - 11 years ago
Thanks I can't wait to take it out for snorkeling and stuff right now it's a Great Lake fishing boat smartest investment I've ever made
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
this boat would be alright for calm ocean waters but any large waves you would want to be wary of!
anarchyheart66 - 11 years ago
I have this boat and love it but I'm gonna build a hardwood floor and add a small outboard motor cause rowing sucks, do you think this boat would be alright in the ocean?

30. comment for Intex Excursion 5 Inflatable Boat Video Review by Rubber Boats

Rubberboats - 11 years ago
Glad you like it!
209keithm - 11 years ago
Just got 1... Nice
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
They have redesigned the color and style of the boat but the 2012 and 2013 models are the same great quality.
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
The seams on this boat are welded together to hold very nicely.
alzathoth - 11 years ago
does this boat have welded or glued seams?
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
The Box it comes in is 24.5 x 12 x 22.5
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
As long as you're not scraping along the bottom of the riverbed it will work great, it's best for slower waters
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
Sorry we only offer shipping in the United States
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
Gasoline engines do work the boat is rated to hold up to a 1.5HP motor, but electric or gas will work great!
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
The oars are easy to use, you can even have one person on each oar if you would like.
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
It weighs 58 pounds and weighs the same with the air in it.
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
Thanks glad that you are enjoying it!
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
Sorry we only offer shipping in the United States
Rubberboats - 11 years ago
You can purchase longer oars to go with the boat if that works better for you!
cal mitch
cal mitch - 11 years ago
i have a suzuki 2.5 hp and only weighs 12 kg its perfect for this boat.
Letthebasskick - 11 years ago
Do you ship to ON, Ottawa ? How much would it be (total) buying this boat? Thx
GamerGirlXOXO - 11 years ago
I have this awesome boat thx for the review lol
SsD Riders
SsD Riders - 11 years ago
And whats the weight of it with air and without
SsD Riders
SsD Riders - 11 years ago
I kinda wanna take this on a lake and go fishing without a motor do you think i could use the oars easy
tsvca - 11 years ago
I've people asking me how about putting a honda 2HP or Mercury 3.3 on the engine suporte of this boat.. I don't recomend it, due the weigh and vibration of gasoline engines.. do you? tks.

50. comment for Intex Excursion 5 Inflatable Boat Video Review by Rubber Boats

teethsheet - 11 years ago
do you guys ship to vancouver bc canada?
LRO1986 - 12 years ago
Can this go in a low slow moving river?
scarecrow814023 - 12 years ago
Can someone please tell me what the dimensions of the box are, for shipping purposes?
Bruce Lenton
Bruce Lenton - 12 years ago
I have a seahawk 4 and would like to know if anyone has used a petrol outboard motor on this craft. I was thinking of a 2.5 hp motor. Please advise.
SaruJerry - 12 years ago
could u be able to stand up in it?
Aditya Mehta
Aditya Mehta - 12 years ago
what would happen if i used a 3-4 hp trolling motor??
LostMujahid - 12 years ago
YES but calm sea
james lupas
james lupas - 12 years ago
Nigelxman - 12 years ago
The trolling motor "will get you a lot of fish?" Interesting :-)
John Higgins
John Higgins - 12 years ago
I'm thinking of buying this boat mostly for fishing on lake Erie and would like to know how heavy of an anchor I would need to keep me from drifting?
cuffem311 - 12 years ago
@flybynyt01 hey man you seem to know a lot about this boat! :-) I'm about 99% certain I will be purchasing this boat in the next couple of weeks and I was wondering if you think that it would hold up to a wood floor in the bottom? I've seen this done a lot with the sevylor fish hunter but nothing on the intex!
enrico palumbo
enrico palumbo - 13 years ago
Can i put in this boat a 4 hp engine?
Sabih - 13 years ago
Hi, How much does the deflated boat weigh? Including the oars. Also, can you tell me what are the dimensions of the package box.
Turkiller123 - 13 years ago
And one more question sorry ran out of space can I put like a 2.5-3 horspower gas engine on the back because is seen YouTube videos with 5 horsepower engines and can I put like a mesh cover on the bottom because the place I fish gas twigs and stuff in the lake and I don't want my boat o get punctured will putting a mesh cover on the bottom effect my handling or anything else thanks
Turkiller123 - 13 years ago
Nice vid by the way I just had a couple question I need u to recommend me a boat for 4-6 people that im gonna be primarily using for fishing so I need to be able I stand up in it and I need it to be under 200$ I saw this but the bottoms inflatable so u think I can put something on the bottom so I can stand on it ? Thanks please respond
Brandon Phylactou
Brandon Phylactou - 13 years ago
hello i am intested in this boat and i just wondered how wide the seating area is thanks xx
kavkazip - 13 years ago
Where can I get this in Canada? No one is selling it and I can't import it in from America cause Canada post is on strike and it would cost 300 dollars to import it using priority.
Rubberboats - 13 years ago
@1swampwalker How far are you paddling? If you need to go 100 yards or more it will take awhile and you will be tired at the end. It moves slow with the paddles it comes with so it you another person helping out then you can get it going about 3-4 mph.
Jake SuaVe'
Jake SuaVe' - 13 years ago
I'm pretty sure it was the excursion 4 when you said you flipped the raft onto its side. I don't mind, just wanna say it out.
Rubberboats - 13 years ago
Most trolling motors fit the motor mount kit. Just make sure it is not bigger than a 2 hp. We us a gas powered 2 hp and it moves the boat about 2-4 mph.
Mykola40 - 13 years ago
@Eliteno2 I think you can fit any motor with weight up to 9-11 kg.

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