Intex Excursion Inflatable Boat - Out of Box Review

Intex Boat on Amazon: Minn Kota Motor on Amazon: Many people have been asking about this boat, so I decided to make another video answering some of the most common questions. Watch the first video here: Watch the Speed Test here: Thanks in advance for Subscribing!

Intex Excursion Inflatable Boat - Out of Box Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Reviews 14 years ago 347,323 views

Intex Boat on Amazon: Minn Kota Motor on Amazon: Many people have been asking about this boat, so I decided to make another video answering some of the most common questions. Watch the first video here: Watch the Speed Test here: Thanks in advance for Subscribing!

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Most popular comments
for Intex Excursion Inflatable Boat - Out of Box Review

Jose Bazan
Jose Bazan - 5 years ago
How much did cost to register
christopher joel Concepcion
christopher joel Concepcion - 5 years ago
what happens if the boat is accidentally punctured with the hook while you are fishing?
Madid Jabador
Madid Jabador - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for this video .
mgate01 - 6 years ago
You need to do the hard floor. I'm in Utah we don't have to register inflatables or motors less than 25hp
Phung Van Hien
Phung Van Hien - 6 years ago
Can you please help me what is electric pump you used ?
, i want to buy it but not sure where can buy
Kevin Fearnside
Kevin Fearnside - 6 years ago
I spent hour and hours and hours researching back in 07. Went with Sea Eagle SE9 and could not be happier. I even created a 2nd set of floorboards and use swivel seats mounted on pedestals. Our torso's can act as sales sometimes but with a trolling motor it's never been an issue.
Hamad Al Romaithi
Hamad Al Romaithi - 7 years ago
Thank u , nice vedio
Kevin DeLaune
Kevin DeLaune - 7 years ago
Wow, best review I've seen on this boat. Thank you!
Dale Woods
Dale Woods - 7 years ago
don't forget your receipt when you register your boat or they make you pay taxes on it that happen to me once

10. comment for Intex Excursion Inflatable Boat - Out of Box Review

Cam Bonds
Cam Bonds - 7 years ago
what was the total cost of all this because I'm looking for a good setup
Sal Bhimji
Sal Bhimji - 8 years ago
What is your e-mail bud?
Barbara Huse
Barbara Huse - 8 years ago
So are life jackets required?
maverickdallas100 - 6 years ago
Don't leave shore without them!!!
Martin Hernandez
Martin Hernandez - 6 years ago
Very nicely explained!
J K - 7 years ago
Yes. Its the law.
JR Luis
JR Luis - 8 years ago
Yes they are if you dont know how to swim,trust me i almost drowned the other day and kids must have life jackets
Martin Silva
Martin Silva - 8 years ago
Mark Hayden
Mark Hayden - 8 years ago
Thank you so dear much
mannyfresh123 - 8 years ago
bro u have other vids about metal detecting?
Taylor Jesse
Taylor Jesse - 8 years ago
Duuuude you are using wwaaayyyyy to big of a battery!! They come in smaller sizes for marine crafts! Me and my buddy have one and we can use it on and off for a good 5-6 hours!
George Prountz
George Prountz - 7 years ago
hey taylor, i have a similar index inflatable boat, and i need a battery like you describing, not too heavy. is it possible to paste a link or just a brand/type of battery you 're using? Thanks!
Ryan Alexander
Ryan Alexander - 9 years ago
awesome video!
Tyler Lance
Tyler Lance - 9 years ago
great video! thanks for sharing brian!
Jaymoe69 - 9 years ago
Why not put a board on the back end of yhe motor mount and pksce battery on it...???

20. comment for Intex Excursion Inflatable Boat - Out of Box Review

Tanner Hatten
Tanner Hatten - 9 years ago
does the motor mount come with it?
Faith M.
Faith M. - 7 years ago
Tanner Hatten no, but intex sells it. we got the boat, mount and motor all from intex on amazon and they all work like a charm. dont forget to buy a marine 60+Ah battery (we got a 105Ah marine battery) and battery charger for the battery as well. charge ur battery before first use, we learned that the hard way
irishbreakfast - 9 years ago
the best and safest way to contain your battery is with a styrofoam cooler.  cant risk the battery flippin over or digging in its sharp edges into the seat or boat. the boat conforms to each wave, and if you hit a big wake you could lose your set up in the deep or flip the battery and have a serious issue.(IT COULD LEAK SULFURIC ACID AND EAT RIGHT THROUGH YOUR BOAT) or cause a poke or tear.   a rigid bottom of some kind is a great idea to keep the wave action from overly affecting your lower back or tossing over your battery.  but its a sturdy craft, for an inflatable.   the recommended motor for it is a 30 lb thrust, but going a step or two higher is ok too.    I just set mine up and took the family out today on the harbor here on long island.   it was great.  the waters were calm, and the wind was nil, so it was ideal.    I do not recommend this craft for stormy, choppy waters , or locations with extra-strong incoming or out going tide waters, since its not recommended to have a motor with more than 1.5 hp.    and of course, as  with any inflatable, beware of running aground or bumping a wooden dock that could have splinters, or rubbing up against anything. also beware of floating debris in marine waters, a dead shell of a horseshoe crab bobbing innocently in your path at just the right speed and angle could be all it takes to ruin your investment.     I have an intex 40lb thrust. 5 speeds in both directions.  it moves at top speed id say a slow jogging speed.(which is a hell of a lot better than trying to row this 12foot, 65lb beast) its a comfy boat when just using the floor it has, and one could fall asleep in it on calm waters.    I also recommend you should refrain from smoking in it, at all, as one teeny hot ash or crumb will cause you a very bad day.   so use your e-cigarette or slap on a patch, or smoke to your head before you leave, rubber boats and smoking don't mix well.    other than those basic common sense safety issues, this is a great 'poor mans boat' that can deflate shove in your trunk, and stick in in your closet at home. the guys with rigid boats and dealing with trailers pay a few thousand for a similar set-up with their gas motors, just to have the same freedom.  nothing better than being free, mobile, and green!!
Ecaterina Moldoveanu
Ecaterina Moldoveanu - 7 years ago
irishbreakfast super ok?
Mohamad Baydoun
Mohamad Baydoun - 9 years ago
Great video! and very informative!! i will be buying this :D
sosocrazy1234 - 9 years ago
5 "normal-sized" people or 2 americans. >.>
Diego Iván Esquer Hernández
Diego Iván Esquer Hernández - 9 years ago
can be used at sea?
mgate01 - 6 years ago
They are rated for class 2-3 rapid. Not sure if I would do that without the hard floor upgrade.
Dwight Stewart
Dwight Stewart - 9 years ago
@Diego Iván Esquer Hernández     Any boat, even a very small rowboat, can be used in calm waters, even calm ocean waters. However, few small boats, including this inflatable, are designed to rough ocean waves, currents, and similar.
  If you attempt to use this inflatable in the ocean on a calm day, you must return to shore before bad weather or waves occur - which means you must be close enough to shore to beat that bad weather’s arrival.
  By the way, this inflatable is not designed to be a emergency life raft for a larger vessel. It’s not built to withstand the potential rigors of such conditions. The Intex inflatables are recreational vessels.
Charlie Mitchell
Charlie Mitchell - 9 years ago
for simple fishing very close to shore? yes
for transatlantic purposes OH HELL NAW
Niuto Canoa
Niuto Canoa - 10 years ago the best man.....quick  and pratical...congratulatinons
TheGiant Gaming
TheGiant Gaming - 10 years ago
How much did this total setup cost?
To compare it with mine, i have a inflatible RIB with wood floor panels a seat, 4hp engine with plane flaps (for aquaplaning, is EPIC)
And im 16, live in The Netherlands/Holland and i dont even need registration :D also no need for lifejackets and those things.
I only need to register it when im going 16+ km/h because the limit rises with your age UNTIL 16. If i want to go faster i have to get a boat license and register my boat ;o
But its already doing around 20 km/h and because of the flaps on the engine boat pulls up at the front and it is like im doing a wheelie on water xD

And all this stuff only cost me €500,- secondhand, and was used only 2 times!
And because its a 4 stroke engine i can just use ordinary fuel and dont have to mix it up with oil. And it doesnt use as much fuel as a 2 stroke :) really enjoying it.
Collin - 9 years ago
@Rico Willebrands Even if you don't need the life vest, you should get it every time. Even for the simplest reason that , GOD forbidden, you might lose your consciousness. At least that would keep you afloat.
irishbreakfast - 9 years ago
@Rico Willebrands famous last words.....' no need for silly things like lifejackets'.  that's like saying  ' no need for a seatbelt in a car unless your doing 60.'   or  a pilot saying, 'no need to lock the cockpit door, no one will bother me.' dude, youre gonna die out there, bring your friggin lifejacket and don't be an idiot. the seas are full of the bones of those who said things like...' aw, its just a quick passing storm, well be ok to go right through it', and ' yeah, I think we can get a little closer to that shoreline without grounding on the rocks'. , and  ' so what if the spotlight or flashlight doesn't work, well be fine tonight without it.'  and ' we don't need silly things like lifejackets, we can swim.; . and ' sharks? theres no sharks around here!".   these are statements that people make just hours before their deaths or they turn up missing.    don't join them.   youre too young to die for a stupid reason.   its even worse if youre never found. (well, at least by people)
Bob Roy
Bob Roy - 10 years ago
Excellent video, Thanks
bbcasting - 10 years ago
Can you stand in this boat? Thinking of getting it for back bay crabbing and fishing.
Varios Videos.
Varios Videos. - 10 years ago
I hope your answer Thank you buddy

30. comment for Intex Excursion Inflatable Boat - Out of Box Review

Varios Videos.
Varios Videos. - 10 years ago
Hi, i have question for you, i live in Tennessee, and i bought the sane BOAT you have, i am plannig to use it but with no motor, do i need to register my BOAT, even if i am not using a motor?
Stephen Westerling
Stephen Westerling - 10 years ago
No, you do not
t saint j
t saint j - 10 years ago
At a certain point my boat will not get any firmer, I keep the pump running, not sure where the air is going ? Especially the 2 and 3 valves ??
hmong337 - 10 years ago
Chris Markakis
Chris Markakis - 10 years ago
Guys is this boat able to use it for fishing?
Gaming Git
Gaming Git - 10 years ago
Yes. Hence the fishing rod holders
Akers Jen
Akers Jen - 10 years ago
Great video thanks
Benoni Meyer
Benoni Meyer - 10 years ago
Hey just wondering about the safety/durability of this boat if i was gonna go out in the middle of lake Michigan.  How safe and puncture resistant is it?
Steve Lee
Steve Lee - 10 years ago
Thank you for very helpful review! I think I'm going to get this as father's day gift for my father in laws!
DarkSagan - 10 years ago
Great video.
Essam ghaly عصام غالي
Essam ghaly عصام غالي - 10 years ago
Thanks for you
David Ventura
David Ventura - 10 years ago
Great video.
Michael Z
Michael Z - 10 years ago
Very nice vid. Good sound quality as well. And dude, you look like a nice family guy. I should buy one of those this summer to explore some of the small lakes here. 
Cody Barnes
Cody Barnes - 11 years ago
Hey man great vid! what kind of battery charger do you use? also this is probably a stupid question but does the troll motor only suck battery power when on and moving? and Do you usually get about 3.5 hours when on speed 5?
DarkSagan - 10 years ago
I was wondering the same thing about the battery.
Jose Pena
Jose Pena - 11 years ago
Oh shit, we live in the same aparments!;
WanderleiSilva29 - 11 years ago
any videos of you workin it?
Acytoh - 11 years ago
Very informative - thanks for sharing
uurtjefactuurtje - 11 years ago
Love your video. You're an Intex salesman ;-) ? If not, you should! :-) Great stuff.
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
this can be purchased at various prices during the year. I think I paid about $280-300 for everything... can't remember.
UtahnHunter - 11 years ago
Cool this video is awesome! How much money is it?
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
I appreciate the feedback!
Brad T
Brad T - 11 years ago
Very informative thanks

50. comment for Intex Excursion Inflatable Boat - Out of Box Review

briandudeathome - 11 years ago
Thanks so much, glad you like it!
tjslbfyt98 - 11 years ago
Super helpful. Thx. God bless.
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
Thanks =-)
GentlemensTuck - 11 years ago
Nice job
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
I've not had any problem, but then again, I try and avoid said debri lol
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
glad you enjoyed it
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
Hey there, sorry this reply is likely way after the fact lol just saw it. I actually ordered my mount on Amazon, but if I'm not mistaken you can by them at some of the big box stores like sportsmans warehouse and other places like that.
Michael Strazzante
Michael Strazzante - 11 years ago
That was exactly what I have been looking for!!! Thank you so much!! Only one question. I have bought everything you have because i really like your set up. Im going camping in 2 days and can only find a motor mount online and the only way I can get one in time is paying a fortune for a motor mount. Where did you get yours? Can I go buy one instead of online shopping? Or make on maybe??
Javan Dell
Javan Dell - 11 years ago
Very useful video - Thanks.
baynerw - 11 years ago
Thank you for the video my friend. I have the Endura C2 trolling motor already and am awaiting the delivery of the boat, motor mount and battery case. I have a single question though... I intend to troll on a river with the usual debris. Have you had any issues with puncturing the boats material?
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
honestly I do not know. you may want to find a forum and ask that question. i would think as long as it's within the 1.5hp rating or lower it should work, but idk =-)
gteran76 - 11 years ago
Great video, thanks! Do you know if a MAX 45 or 50 will work fine in this boat? It rated to 1.5hp (which is ok) but only 18lbs which may be less than the weight of Minn Kota 45 or 50...
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
i think you'll like it. have fun out there and be safe!
manaokato - 11 years ago
great vid! im only 14, so as a starter boat i got this one off amazon, cant wait to try it out.
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
thanks for watching!
Xavier.M - 11 years ago
Hallo ... tolle beitrag mit super info !!!
Jason Brunet
Jason Brunet - 11 years ago
I am about 90% certain I'm going to buy this to take out onto Elliot Bay on calm days.
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
The boat is still going believe it or not, but I just recently sold it so another person can enjoy it. I've not been able to hit the lake too much lately so I let it go to someone who could enjoy it =-)
Lord Falcon
Lord Falcon - 11 years ago
So you have had this video up for a few years, is the boat still holding up? Do you use it often?
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
just an electric pump from walmart
unclesam54 - 11 years ago
what kind of air pump did you buy? thanks for the video!!!
keliko pa
keliko pa - 11 years ago
Get a bigger boat
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
no, not really... unless you make a solid bottom for the boat.
anthony zapz
anthony zapz - 11 years ago
can you stand on one of these ?
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching, and yes this is a comfortable boat =-) happy boating!
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
I really appreciate the positive feedback. Thanks for watching =-)
abrek555 - 11 years ago
Nice boat and accessories, main thing very good done video, respect mate.
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
nope =-P
Aditya Mehta
Aditya Mehta - 11 years ago
do u need a license
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
Yes I did. In fact there is a link directly to the product in the description box =)
Josh Rock
Josh Rock - 11 years ago
Jacob, this guy isn't your mother. I'm sure he has other things to do than answer questions that you could research yourself.
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
Yeah, I think technically you're supposed to register anything with a motor, but I was stopped on the lake once and had no registration and the guy didn't care. He only wanted to know if I had life jackets or not. So, it's probably not something they really care to enforce lol
diggs - 11 years ago
I've never heard of having to register a trolling motor before
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching =-)
BottledCourage - 11 years ago
Thanks for the vid!
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
I bought mine on Amazon. If you click on the link in the description it'll take you to the Amazon site then do a search for it =-)
Vitaliy Kirichenko
Vitaliy Kirichenko - 11 years ago
Hey man! I was wondering where you got the motor mount!? THANK YOU!
Στάθης Κολοκούρας
Στάθης Κολοκούρας - 11 years ago
The battery for the boat is different from a car battery???thank you
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
I actually never ended up trying to register mine. I was stopped on the lake once by the coast guard people but he told me he didn't care, he just wanted to know if we all had life jackets on or not =-)
Jacob huang
Jacob huang - 11 years ago
Could you tell me how to get the motor registered? If I don't get a number on my boat,will I be fined if I got caught?
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
I bought my battery at Walmart. It is a deep cycle marine battery and it's 125 amp hour. It works well for me. Your 30 lb thrust motor will use around 30 amps per hour so a battery like mine will give you more than 3 hours on the river/lake.
Sushil Pallemoni
Sushil Pallemoni - 11 years ago
Hello, What battery would you suggest for the min kota trolling motor? I found this one on walmart for $99 but not sure on the battery? Minn Kota Endura C2 30-lb. Thrust Trolling Motor with 30" Shaft could you suggest one? thanks
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
GamerGirlXOXO - 11 years ago
The bag i got was brown random comment just putting this out there lol
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
thanks for watching. happy boating =-)
elton da silva
elton da silva - 11 years ago
thanks, very helpful. I might get one for the summer!
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
You are very welcome. Thanks so much for your feedback! I'm looking forward to warmer weather and getting back out on the water. Have a great boating year =)
TourDePhilip - 11 years ago
Great Video, thanks for taking the time to demonstrate all the features of the boat. I currently have a 10 year old Sevlor K85 4 person boat I am still using that supposedly can hold up to a 3 hp engine. I didn't want to go through the red tape of registering a boat so I only use oars. I'm slowly returning back to boating and hoping to use my boats in the nearby lakes and bays of my area. Currently in the market for a new boat so thanks for sharing with us this is very helpful!
briandudeathome - 11 years ago
It's tough enough to hold 3 or 4 people, fish should be fine lol
kougenethao - 11 years ago
I was wondering, if I take this fishing will it be strong enough so the fish wont pop a hole?

100. comment for Intex Excursion Inflatable Boat - Out of Box Review

briandudeathome - 12 years ago
glad you liked it.
Raymond Goessens
Raymond Goessens - 12 years ago
Ii just love Inflatable Boats and this boat just do it just great, love it!!! nice video!!!
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I'm glad you liked the video. My battery is a Deep Cycle Marine battery, and it's a 125 amp hour one. I bought it at Walmart. The reason for the deep cycle is that it's made to be charged and depleted, charged and depleted. Good luck!
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
would love to help you there but honestly I have no idea since I got this boat two years ago. try clicking the amazon link I put in the description box.. it might be of help, but not sure. good luck-=)
scarecrow814023 - 12 years ago
briandudeathome Can you please tell me what the dimensions of the box are, for shipping purposes? Big help, thank you very much!
Mohammad Farid
Mohammad Farid - 12 years ago
Mohammad Farid
Mohammad Farid - 12 years ago
Do you know how much it would in total with the shipment to sg?
Melvin Poll
Melvin Poll - 12 years ago
Thank you much ,,,,
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
yes it can, but a car battery isn't made to be depleted and charged, depleted and charged. a deep cycle marine battery is, and will likely last longer. hope this helps =-)
Melvin Poll
Melvin Poll - 12 years ago
hi.. you mentioned you used a deep cycle battery, can the motor run on a regular car battery?
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
thanks for the positive feedback. happy boating =-)
Dreadbeard - 12 years ago
Great review! You're right about the oars - they're definitely not the best. My plastic oar connectors just snapped in a fairly mild current on a lake. I'd suggest upgrading to something without those dubious plastic connectors, or you may find yourselves stuck!
chrilla1980 - 12 years ago
Yepp i had a friend that tried a 2.5hp on this model and after awhile the outboard went underneath the stern even tho he pumped it up real good.....i think people with this kind of boat should stick with an electric outboard or buy an inflatable with a wooden stern and that planes out like i did instead......Nice boats tho.Cheers and take care,great video
chrilla1980 - 12 years ago
You must be kidding right? My Achilles LS-4 inflatable with a real stern rated for max 6hp handled a Suzuki 9hp that weighed 27kg without any problems except it almost flyed on the water and acted abit dangerous.If you are gonna use a heavy and fast engine like that buy a better boat that´s made to plane out...this one isn´t so your idea is bad.Just sell your excursion and get a boat with a real stern if using real engines.Hope i helped somewhat
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
haha understandable =-) good luck
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
thanks for the positive feedback =-)
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I bought it at walmart and it was somewhere around $20 if I remember correctly.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
If I remember correctly, the boat has something printed in black lettering near the back that states "2.5 hp max" not sure... that size motor may in fact be too big and heavy.
Lordwukung - 12 years ago
I bought the Excursion 5 men boat. I am sick of being the only one to roll while my kids and wife get burnt under the hot sun. I decided to get a Hidea 9.8HP 2 stroke outboard motor when I visit China next week. Do anyone think this boat is possible to take that kind of power (9.8 horsepower) and weight (26kg)? Please advice.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I don't recall the exact amount. Maybe $350?
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
Keep me posted and let me know how you like the new boat. If you have the money, try and get an electric motor for it.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I put a link to the motor in the description box. Click on that and you'll find all the information you need =-) Happy boating!
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
hi there. well, i've always wanted to own a canoe, but i don't have a good place to store it when not in use. that's one reason I bought this inflatable boat. i keep it stored in the trunk of my car. as for long lasting, i think it will last, but a canoe would probably last much longer. it a hard decesion to make, good luck with that one lol
mwillblade - 12 years ago
If you use this boat in open water don't put a hard floor in and you have to have a strong troll motor (over 30lb. thrust ) , or a 2 hp motor . I learned the hard way ,it glides over 1ft. waves pretty good with the soft floor .Any bigger waves fells like a roller coaster .
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I paid around $100 for the motor and $100-150 for the boat.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I've only used this on a lake, which doesn't have waves. For the ocean I would think the waves would make it difficult to use. I seem to recall seeing a video or two of people here on YT using this boat in the ocean though.
Binboavotka - 12 years ago
i had it but i returned to the seller after using only one time it was disgusting the front of the boat enlarged in the sea when saw the sun its only suitable for using in ur bathroom or ur garden for the kids
Jiri Petr
Jiri Petr - 12 years ago
Hey man great video. I just want to ask u i i can use this boat on the sea?
dextrush - 12 years ago
thank you! sounds like a plan for a good time :)
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
if you use the one that comes with the boat you'll have it pumped in 5-10minutes.
dextrush - 12 years ago
Hi Brian. I would like to order this boat as well. But I have a question to ask you. Do you know how long will it take to inflate a boat if I tried to use a hand pump, please?
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
thanks for the feedback. I may do one someday
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
you can sit on the edges if you want =-)
edtapout Gaming
edtapout Gaming - 12 years ago
you should do another rivew about the boat
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
It's not advisable, because you'll sink into it.. =P
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I've never had this pumped for longer than about 4 hours so past that I can't say. Thanks for watching =-)
gamekingkiler - 12 years ago
Cool video!
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
hmm.. if all three of you plan on going at the same time - probably not. I've been out with my wife and brother'n law and the three of us filled the boat. If you plan on fishing with three people in this, forget about it. If only two at a time, you'd manage I think. However, if you're just crusing around and not taking gear or anything all three may be able to fit. The boat will hold the weight. Good luck!
905filmz - 12 years ago
hey man, im looking to buy this boat - BUT i have one buddy whos 6'6 300lb im 5'8 215, and my other buddy is 5'10 175lb.. do you think we will be ok on this thing? just for the river
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
thanks for the positive feedback =) I think you'll enjoy this boat!
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
It's a stable boat if all you're doing is sitting, but if you plan to stand up a solid floor would def. be good to have =)
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
that's a great idea =)
Mikey Dee
Mikey Dee - 12 years ago
Thanks Brian, I will let you know how it goes.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
Hi. I've always pumped mine up and launched from the side of a dock, so I don't have experiance with a trailer. You would most def. need to tie it down somehow. Keep me posted as to how it works out for you.
Mikey Dee
Mikey Dee - 12 years ago
Hi Brian, Great video. I just bought the excursion 5 and can't wait to use it. I have a 12 foot aluminum Jon boat that I am getting rid of. It is way to wobbly for me and I think this will be a great alternative. I have a trailer that I want to use for this boat to keep it stored on and to launch it. Do you think the boat will be OK on a trailer. Is the boat sturdy enough. Thanks for any info you can provide.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I really hope you enjoy your new boat! Stay safe out there and happy boating!
sabugdalantx - 12 years ago
I see thanks. By the way you know anyone who ever figure out how to buy a sun roof for sun protection? I just order mine from Amazon so I can't wait.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I'm glad you liked the video and found it to be helpfull. I"m not sure if you'll need any special license in TX but the life jacket are a must =-) You'll like this boat I think.. for the price it can't be beat! Have fun on the water my friend!
sabugdalantx - 12 years ago
Hi Brian, I love your videos so good job to you and I think to you wife also. Anyhow I want to buy one of these Intex Excusion 5 with a monitor and battery because of your tip. I live in Texas so I need a license to drive this or something or just a life jacket for the Game Warden. Only going to use it for the lake.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
haha yeah you'll love that motor if you get it! good luck with the wife lol
samuelxsam - 12 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to do this. It was VERY helpful. I ordered the boat 3 days ago via Amazon to be used in a Maryland reservoir, and your instruction gave me a great overview. Now if my wife would "release" the purse string, I could get the MOTOR!
Nigelxman - 12 years ago
Depends where you live.
Nigelxman - 12 years ago
Love the video man. Very informative. Can't wait to get this boat and a small trolling motor! Oh, and a electric pump. :-)
Nigelxman - 12 years ago
Yes you can.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
yes, as far as I know you could use a 50 =-)
Marc145 - 12 years ago
Could you put a "Minn Kota 50lb motor" on or is it to big ??
Google+Page - 12 years ago
Thank you for the feedback. You've been a great help.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
Hi there. One of the main reasons I went with the electric motor was the conveniance factor. I keep this boat stored in the trunk of my car, and trying to keep a gas powered motor in storage isn't as easy for me. For me, it's easier just to charge a battery and not to have to worry about keep gas on hand, and lugging around a heavy motor. It works really great for me. With the setup I have, I can get about 3 1/2 hours on the water before recharging. I hope this helped. Good luck to you! =-)
Google+Page - 12 years ago
Hi Brian, Thanks for the videos (this and the other two), it was nice to get a feel of how fast the 30lb electric engine is, the actual out of the box review and the nice first trip you did. Since I am new to all this, I am wondering why would one choose the electric engine with a good 120+ amp battery (costing a good 300 usd alone) over a 1.5 or 2.0 HP 2-stroke engine? I am trying to fit this boat plus a motor into my tight budget. I am doing this for fun, not really doing any fishing.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
thanks! glad you liked it =D
enertronik - 12 years ago
One of the best reviews I've seen on this boat. Thanks
Etzael Avendano
Etzael Avendano - 12 years ago
need for a permit to sail his boat
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
I had this on the lake one time and the cost guard/wildlife officer pulled up to our boat.. all he cared about was the life jackets so I never bothered with registering it =-) happy boating!
CJamesJenkins - 12 years ago
In Canada, you only have to register your boat if your using anything over a 9.9hp. Im sure the rules are different in the US, but wow Im suprised they would want you to register an infatlable boat with an electric motor.
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
@tristatefishing I've not had this boat out since last summer, so a rough estimate is 3-4 feet
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
@tallfishman100 10-15 minutes
lol - 12 years ago
How long would u say it takes to setup? Thanks
briandudeathome - 12 years ago
@lilrocker289 Wow, it sounds like you've got everything you need. I'm sure you'll get a lot of great use out of your boat. As for the light, you could probably attach them to a pole and place them in one of the fishing pole holders in the front and back of the boat. Please keep me updated and let me know how the fishing is =-)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@QUlCKSC0PE I purchased a 125 amp hour battery from walmart - everstart maxx, and the charger is a Schumacher 6A fast charger =-)
QUlCKSC0PE - 13 years ago
Exactly what battery and battery charger did you use?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@flybynyt01 great tip - thanks for sharing it =-)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@girl319 I have a 128 amp hour battery - purchased at Walmart... and a Minn Kota motor purchased from Amazon... there are links to the products in the description box of this video =-)
girl319 - 13 years ago
What kind of motor and battery did you use? And where did you purchase them from?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@robotto2010 ?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@NONNIE357 I'm doing great - thanks for checking =-) lol
robotto2010 - 13 years ago
how i open valve inter seal valve Slave valve sleeve ?
NONNIE VERA - 13 years ago
hey Briandudeathome just checkin inn on ya dude hope everything is A OK !! So here's my Line :: High Diddly Dee Dee Its Brian Dude and Me , La , La , La , la , la , la !!!!
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@EatinTacos actually, I've never tried fishing from it.. I mostly just cruise around and check out the scenery =-)
Tommy Ludwig
Tommy Ludwig - 13 years ago
@briandudeathome i was thinking of buying a small boat 12 foot aluminum boat but this inflatable boat is way cheaper and more convenient, do you go fishing a lot on this boat?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@EatinTacos if I remember correctly, it was somewhere around$100-130 - Minn Kota makes the best motors
Tommy Ludwig
Tommy Ludwig - 13 years ago
how much was that motor?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@mowfaux Thanks - that's much appreciated =-)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@sacs2000 I'm glad you found the video helpful, and I hope you and your family really enjoy your new boat. I love the idea of intex giving me free boats - I would have no complaints with that haha
Sander Chaverri
Sander Chaverri - 13 years ago
Thanks to your video i received my boat today and im going to try it tomorrow on the lake for first time i also got the electric pump and if everything goes ok me and my family will have same fun as you do. Thanks this video is great and explains alot that make a good decision easy at the moment of buy something like this, i suggest Intex to give U other boats for free so you can review them and also why not to me hehehe. have a nice time.
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@nudgerpete Excellent comment and insight!! I'm with you on this one - this boat is for relaxing, not speed. Overall it's a super value =-)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@samljer I didn't realize the Seahawk was so similar - thanks for the info =-)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@nudgerpete I really appreciate you taking the time to watch the video, and for leaving your comment. Happy boating =-P
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@DupczacyBawol thanks for your feedback =-)
Readme .txt
Readme .txt - 13 years ago
Great video. Thanks man! :)
samljer - 13 years ago
@bigbear10169d Put thin wood along the bottom and you could. We use a very thin fiberboard "half inch maybe?" and use marine carpet on-top of that with it you could stand, but then the boat tends to sway and wanna toss u out :) remember its still just an inflatable, but they are epic anyhow.
samljer - 13 years ago
A+ Supposed to have them registered here in Canada too but didnt. We got pulled over "lol.." by the "Game Warden" he didnt care either so long as we all had life jackets on. Great review for anyone wondering this review would be pretty identical to the Intex Seahawk 4, 2, and ii boats.
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@mommafarmer1 very glad to hear you found this video, and that I was able to answer some of your questions =-)
mommafarmer1 - 13 years ago
Great informative video! I just ordered this set up today as a gift.. and was looking for more information on the product. Your video answered all of my questions! Thank You!
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@MrPlowboy66 if I remember correctly it was around 80 bucks plus a 5 dollar eco fee at Walmart
Ray Williams
Ray Williams - 13 years ago
how much was the batt?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@warspite2 thanks for sharing all theses insights - happy sailing my friend =-)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@bigbear10169d yw
warspite2 - 13 years ago
I had the Excursion 4, a great little boat. I sold it when I bought a yacht sailboat but will be getting another one soon. I can add something that others on here may want to get, which is a minnkota power center. Its a battery box with 12v connectors and battery gauge it worked great and always let me see how much battery was left. Get even more fancy and put a small solar panel in :) I was once out in my Excursion 4 for 10 hours one day! Running motor on low speeds battery lasted the 10 hrs
Marvin Lopez
Marvin Lopez - 13 years ago
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@bigbear10169d unfortunately not - the bottom is very flexible
Marvin Lopez
Marvin Lopez - 13 years ago
can you stand up while in the water with that
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@gamemaster7012 pretty sweet little boats - thanks for watching and commenting =-)
Zolja - 13 years ago
i have one of theese and motor and i like it ;)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@Supaman98391 Glad you liked it. If you haven't ordered already, considering ordering through the links I posted - I get a very tiny referral fee =-)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@Fabiovargas1963 your welcome, thanks for watching. As for your question, I can't really comment on the material difference between the two boats. It may be helpful if you go onto each manufactures website and look at the specific specs. Sorry I couldn't provide a better answer =-)
Fabio Vargas
Fabio Vargas - 13 years ago
thanks for the video. I have a question. I would like to change my SeaHawk II for the Excursion 5 but I don't kwon if the material is softer than SeaHawk. I have the preocupation for the risk fishhook
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@woot41 I'm glad I could help - I hope you find just what you're looking for =-)
Kay P
Kay P - 13 years ago
@briandudeathome thanks alot bud :) going battery shopping and hopefully find a decent motor. awesome reply! this is some good info i dident know about :)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@woot41 My battery is a 125 amp hour deep cycle marine battery - it last me anywhere from 3 1/2 hours The best way to figure the hours you'll have available to you is to take the number of the motor.. in my case I have the Minn Kota Endura 30... so I take the 125 amp hour and divide that by 30 = 4 hours... If you were to buy the Minn Kota 50... simply divide your batteries overall amp hours by the number 50... 125/50= 2.5 hours running on high speed.... this is a rough estimate on how to figure
Kay P
Kay P - 13 years ago
Awsome review bud your review made me buy the boat I took it out today at a local river held up pretty good... Looking into getting a motor for it... what kind of battery are you running and how long dose it last you?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@sireatalot247 thanks my friend. I really like the boat, I hope you have a lot of fun with it =-)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@rividizd I use the Minn Kota Endura 30 and am very happy with it. There is a link in the description box =)
rividizd - 13 years ago
hey man, i just bought the intex seahawk 4 boat. what motor do you recommend???
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@StevensGloria I hope you found it helpful =) Thanks for watching
StevensGloria - 13 years ago
You are sweet for doing this video.
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@neyo509 I don't see why not - but I wouldn't really want to be any place where there are large waves. Also, if you plan on buying a motor, you'll need to make sure it's okay for use in salt water =-)
neyo509 - 13 years ago
can you use an inflatable boat of size 92" by 52" on a beach in ontario or any beach per say. Thnx :D
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@Srdaniel1001 somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-130 bucks - I don't remember the exact price not. I bought mine from Amazon. If you click on the link I've included in the description box you can see the current price =)
Dani Alonso
Dani Alonso - 13 years ago
Great video, how much did you pay only the boat and the oars? Thank you. good night
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@dookiekong007 I use the automatic air pump and suck as much air as I can out - it helps a lot =)
Jake SuaVe'
Jake SuaVe' - 13 years ago
how did you pack your boat so compact like that. I still can't do that.
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@dookiekong007 not unless you need it I suppose - I don't use one, and don't plan on buying one
Jake SuaVe'
Jake SuaVe' - 13 years ago
@briandudeathome I forgot. Is an anchor needed?
Jake SuaVe'
Jake SuaVe' - 13 years ago
@briandudeathome thanks. Speaking of battery, I'm probably going to buy the same engine as yours but how much did you get that battery for?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@dookiekong007 I don't have a case for mine, and I've never been shocked =) It probably would be nice to have a case, but you don't have to have one - Probably if you have the money for one, buy one, If not - don't =)
Jake SuaVe'
Jake SuaVe' - 13 years ago
Will I need a case for the battery? I mean won't you get shocked from the water?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@rc251 Hey. I'm not sure if yours is defective or not, but I can tell you that the seats are very difficult to put in, especially if you already have them inflated. If you think they are hard to put in, try taking them out again lol. Anyway, please keep me posted. I hope you're able to get it all figured out =)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@DJdubbbs thanks, and about the registration - it's technically required to have one here in Tennessee, but I never actually completed the process. I got stopped on the water once by the coast guard and he only wanted to make sure that we had life jackets on board =)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@xuimod Thanks for the compliment. Yeah the battery is all you need - I hope you've got everything sorted out and are able to get out there and enjoy the water =P
xuimod - 13 years ago
Great video dude. I didn't know the motor needed an actual battery, i thought it used the charger station thing (found on Amazon).
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@theperfectlube yes, it is hard to row lol. I paid under $100 for my battery, and I purchased it at Walmart. I also picked up a battery charger there as well for around 30 bucks. The 125 amp hr battery is larger/heavy and you may not need one that large, it just depends on how long you want to be out on the water I suppose. Just make sure you buy a marine battery and not a car battery =)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@torickywu thanks!
Ricky Wu
Ricky Wu - 13 years ago
Very very good explain! Good job.
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@dookiekong007 oh, sorry I actually didn't see these questions, but I'll do my best to give you an answer =) As far as quality goes, I really like the Intex. I've had no issues with it thus far and I've been on the lake many times. Although, I've only had a total of three adults. My boat is pretty large (12ft) and even at that length, plus the battery - I believe it would be hard to fit more people - but it can be done. I highly recommend this boat. If you buy smaller, I don't think you'll fit
Jake SuaVe'
Jake SuaVe' - 13 years ago
@briandudeathome could you answer the other questions too?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@dookiekong007 that's a great question and I don't have a good answer for you. maybe the 1000 plus is maximum capacity and the 880 is more a reasonable safe limit capacity... but honestly I have no idea haha
Jake SuaVe'
Jake SuaVe' - 13 years ago
@briandudeathome how come it says the weight capacity is 880 lbs online when you showed us the boat says 1000? I don't get it. Do websites lie about this stuff?
Jake SuaVe'
Jake SuaVe' - 13 years ago
@briandudeathome I'm thinking about getting this boat but then there are so many other choices like the 4-person Seahawk 2 and the other Sevylor brand which is cheaper and also a 4 person but without the set. Would you really recommend this Excursion or the SH2? in terms of sitting 4 adults with/wo the engine and with better comfort and especially quality. Please help me out asap. Thanks
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@NomkuThoj Very Cool! I hope you enjoy your boat =)
NomkuThoj - 13 years ago
Nice vid! Mine comes in on friday! I will totally use this vid to help me out! Thanks! Cant wait :)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@connections89 Glad to hear your boat is coming soon! I purchased a Schumacher Speed Charger from Walmart. Happy fishing!
Sophia Medina
Sophia Medina - 13 years ago
Hey Brian Qucik question what kind of Charger did you buy ? My excursion 4 comes the 9th Im so Excited! I want to put a hardwood floor on it so I can stand and fish! Please answer ! THanks so much for the videos!
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@JewelsyCakes I'm really glad you enjoyed this video and found me somewhat likeable =) if you have not ordered already, have a look on Amazon. I've included a link in the description =) I hope your boyfriend enjoys the boat.
JewelsyCakes - 13 years ago
Great video! I was looking at a few different rafts for my boyfriend and I to fish on and you sold me on the Intex Excursion. You're really thorough and fun to watch, keep up the good work!
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@print251 boat $100-130, battery $85, motor $100, motor mount $30 . . . this is what I paid from what I can remember. I bought all my stuff through Amazon, except the battery which I purchased at walmart. There is a link in the description of this video that will take you to Amazon - you can check current prices =)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@NONNIE357 very cool! thanks for posting!
NONNIE VERA - 13 years ago
I finally got mine man its huge and well worth the money I got mine for 120 free shipping . Its pretty tough material too !
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@CGuffin08 wow! it sounds like your boat has really taken a beating lol I'm glad to know it still works =)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@wootwoot409 =P
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@TheSharky666 you're welcome, I'm glad you liked it =)
Cameron - 13 years ago
hey i got this raft! used it for 3 summers now but i aired up the bottom too much and it busted two of the chambers into one big one. still works well though.
TheShark420 - 13 years ago
nice vid thanks
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@MrNV4U I've actually thought about doing the plywood thing. It would def. make it possible to stand. thanks again for sharing your thoughts and comments - it's appreciated! =)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@MrNV4U I'm glad you liked this video. I actually am using a 30 lb thrust. It's small, but it draws very little battery so I can stay out for a really long time. I think this boat can handle a 1.5 horse power, if I remember correctly.
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@froilanalama If you look in the description bar, I've put a link to amazon where you can find the motor mount. It may tell you the measurements there =)
Froilan Alama
Froilan Alama - 13 years ago
Can you please email me details and measurements for the motor mount? I can not find it around here. Thanks! Pump is Cordless?
Froilan Alama
Froilan Alama - 13 years ago
Can you please email me details and measurements for the motor mount? I can not find it around here. Thanks! Pump is Cordless?
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@TehLazzerz no I didn't get insurance, and I'm not sure it's needed.
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@burnoutrye =)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@DodgeMan360 I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying your boat and that you've been able to do some fishing =)
Rayan Valdez
Rayan Valdez - 13 years ago
Mark - 13 years ago
Theyre great for fishin remote lakes. I was searching for a small canoe for some time, then found one of these in a bag in the basement, LOL I dont remember when I got it, but it works great!
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@LandThatFish You can find this from $100-$150. If you click on the link in the description box, it will take you to Amazon and you'll be able to see current prices. I've not had any problems with air leaks =)
dj lyric
dj lyric - 13 years ago
@briandudeathome thanks
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@TehLazzerz 12ft long. Great boat!
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@msigler78 I've only been on a lake, and without a dog. I'm not sure of the size of your dog, if it's large then I would recommend making a hardwood floor of some type. If your dog is little, you may be okay.
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@djlyric its a marine batter/ deep cycle, and the one I use cost about $85
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@djlyric it basically just holds the oars in place. I never use mine though because I have an electric motor.
dj lyric
dj lyric - 13 years ago
and what is the battery called and how much does it coast
dj lyric
dj lyric - 13 years ago
what does the o ring for the oar do??
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@toptailspetcenter Thanks for all your feedback! I'm glad my video was helpful for you. Please let me know when you make some boat videos of your own. Happy boating =)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@TheGreatsitters I'm so glad you enjoyed my video. I think you'll really enjoy this boat. Please keep me posted =)
Haley Kamzee
Haley Kamzee - 13 years ago
ausome vid thanks so much really really helpful, im 14 and buying my first boat and thanks to you, im getting this one!!!!!:)
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@4EVERMYSERENITY Hi there, thanks so much for leaving a response. I'm glad to know my video was helpful =) The easiest way to calculate your run time is by figuring you amp hour usage. A 55 lb trust will use around 55 amps per hour on it's highest setting. If you have an 100 amp hour batter divide this number by 55 = 1.88 hours. For example, I have a 30lb motor - 30/125 amp hr battery = 4 hours I hope my explanation helped. Happy boating my friend =)
REAL MEN DONT BITCH - 13 years ago
I so love this video and I appreciate you taking the time to dod tutorials, Let me ask you this, I just bought myself a 11.5 walker bay odyssee inflatable and although I'm waiting on my 15hp honda motor, I also bought me a inn quota 55lb trust, i have not used it as of yet, but I am trying to understand how far can I go with the highest speed setting with a 100 pd boat and 2 people/battery/motor? thank you
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@SiriRony94 you can find them on Amazon or at Walmart
SiriRony94 - 13 years ago
hey where can you get those automatic air pumps from???
briandudeathome - 13 years ago
@hauntee you're welcome, thanks for the feedback
hauntee - 13 years ago
Thanks for the video it was helpful
hauntee - 13 years ago
Thanks for the video is was helpful :)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 Very Cool! I'm glad to hear you've already made it out on the water!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@chaosmage99 I believe you are able to put this in salt water. If I'm remembering correctly there is a video or two floating around showing a couple of guy's on the ocean. As for using the electric motor - no. The one I have is for freshwater only, but they do make some specifically for salt water. And, brushing agaisnt coral, if it were the pointy kind, I would think it could puncture the boat.
chaosmage99 - 14 years ago
Can you use this boat in the ocean ? saltwater applications at all or no ? how good would it be if it were to brush up against coral ?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 sounds like a good time! =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@netminder351 I'm glad I could help your decision process - I hope you're not dissapointed =) I'm glad to know you found your motor cheaper elsewhere. It's always good to save money lol Keep us all posted on your adventures.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 I've seen both now =)
netminder351 - 14 years ago
Hey Brian it was between an excursion 5 and a fish hunter and I bought the excursion 5 because of your video and I got a minn kotta 30 from bass pro for 115 which was cheaper than amazon.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 idk, maybe it says something in the instruction booklet or you could try getting the phone number for Intex.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@kingdomofchrissmith Thanks so much for you kind comment. I'm so glad to know this helped =)
kingdomofchrissmith - 14 years ago
Dude, this was maybe the best overview of anything I've ever watched. you answered all my questions. Thanks so much for taking the time to make this video. Now I have to buy one.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@000iraqialia1 You can usually find this boat somewhere between $100-$150
leo lee
leo lee - 14 years ago
so how much its the boats ????
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 very cool! which motor did you get?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 very cool! which motor did you get?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 perhaps a patch and glue for the boat in case of a leak.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 the floor is one piece, but is not solid/hard. When encountering big waves the boat becomes a tad floppy. It tends to ride the waves.. meaning it sorta takes the shape of the waves. The bottom is very flexible.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 seeing as though it's winter here, it's going to be awhile =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 On mine, there's a lever that you release that allow it to go higher or lower in the water. If the shaft hits something hard in the water it flex's. I'm not sure you can adjust the angle manually... not sure
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 Glad to hear you got a new boat. Hopefully the culprits will sink =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@dkman4life123 yes, it's a an electric motor. My advice, just go online and do a google search for the place you live and find out the requirements ;-)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@dkman4life123 oh haha, um, then I'm not sure. I don't see why not. I would think it would be considered in the same class as a canoe or kayak unless you use a motor, but I am not entirely sure.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@dkman4life123 yes, yes you can =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@speedgsx98 Hi. I'm glad you found this informative. Your current boat sounds great, minus the junk on the bottom that is lol. Yeah, a bigger motor would be a great addition. Thanks again for your comment and for watching.
speedgsx98 - 14 years ago
Dude, great video. Before watching it, I thought it was going to be a boring vid, but it was REALLY informative. I bought an older but nice cond wooden dinghy a few weeks ago used with an old 2 stroke outboard motor and with 4 people is cruises at 3.3 mph according to the GPS on the Iphone =(. Looked at the bottom today and it's covered in junk that needs to be scraped. Anyway, really interested in your setup, with maybe the 55lb thrust minn Kota motor as the only difference. Thanks!
speedgsx98 - 14 years ago
Dude, great video. Before watching it, I thought it was going to be a boring vid, but it was REALLY informative. I bought an older but nice cond wooden dinghy a few weeks ago used with an old 2 stroke outboard motor and with 4 people is cruises at 3.3 mph according to the GPS on the Iphone =(. Looked at the bottom today and it's covered in junk that needs to be scraped. Anyway, really interested in your setup, with maybe the 55lb thrust minn Kota motor as the only difference. thx again!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Camaromaster242 Not cool!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@DEELishProductions Going from memory, I think it was around $80-85 plus a $5 environmental fee ;-)
Drew L
Drew L - 14 years ago
How much did your battery cost?
Drew L
Drew L - 14 years ago
How much did your battery cost?
fahad ibrahim dallul
fahad ibrahim dallul - 14 years ago
thank for your answer and keep the good work.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@fofosport85 Hi there. First, I wouldn't recommend this boat for any place that has waves. It can handle the occasional one sure, but not a constant onslaught of them. If you're talking a mild sea with very small waves that would be similar to a lake, then maybe. As for the motor, the one I have is a fresh water only. I hope this helps. Thanks for watching and for the question.
fahad ibrahim dallul
fahad ibrahim dallul - 14 years ago
man i hope u answer my question, i like ur boat and the way u interduce it but i wish to know if it is okay to use this boat in the sea where there is waves and will the motor work in salt water?? hope u answer me and thanks for you information on these boats.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@ban0003 it sounds like you're going to have one cool motor! good luck on your project!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@dayworld26 Click on the link in the description bar... it will take you to Amazon and you can check prices =)
Andrea Camilleri
Andrea Camilleri - 14 years ago
how much will it cost in all without the electrical pump plss ??
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Vasanthan1968 Hi. Unfortunately I won't be making a trip to the lake in the coming weeks but mounting the motor is extremely easy. Once you have the motor mount attached, simply pick up the motor and slide it into position and tighten the clamps. The motor is lite enough to maneuver with one hand. This is one of the easier steps setting up the boat. If I do make a trip to the lake, I'll be sure to make a video clip and post it. Thanks so much for the suggestion.
Newton Bob
Newton Bob - 14 years ago
Hi there I think the Intex 5 s really cool. I am going to get one. But then would be possible for you to tell or show how you mount the endura troller motor onto the boat while in water?
Lila Mula
Lila Mula - 14 years ago
شكراً براين
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@mattyreafishing Hey Matty, I'm guessing that Amazon will not ship to a "small/normal sized postal box" it sounds as though they want to deliver this item to your door. It is rather large. Keep me posted and thanks for watching =)
matty rea
matty rea - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome, I went onto Amazon and i am thinking of purchasing this boat with motor and mount, as its very cheap! I am a keen fisherman, and would love to get this toy! Only thing is im from Northern Ireland (Belfast) and amazon wont post out motor, something about maybe too big for address and might have to be posted to a street address...i have no clue what that means, any help? matty
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@islander790 Glad to hear you had an enjoyable trip and thanks for the update. I'm also glad that the tips I shared actually came in handy. As far as the floor goes, I don't believe there is a measuring line for it. I also just fill it until it's firm =)
John Holmes
John Holmes - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome Just back from my camping holiday and only got to take the boat out on the lake twice for a few hours (thanks to our typical English so-called summer!) All the tips you mentioned were really handy, the little measuring strip in particular. Is there a strip on the floor chamber? Because I couldn't see one...I just filled it up until it looked firm enough. Anyway, we had fun rowing then paddling it up and down the lake. Am looking forward to getting a motor though!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@kalmanizer I bought the Coleman Rechargeable Quick Pump... You want to get one that is portable - not one that plugs into the cigarette outlet, because you would have to stand right next to your car and most likely you will have times when you will not be next to your vehicle. I'll send you a link in your inbox.
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome Thanks buddy. :) I followed your directions and bought EXACTLY what you recommended to buy. The ONLY question I have is what's a good electric or cordless pump to buy? By the way I am sooo sorry for NOT responding back sooner. Once again, thank you sooo sooo much for all your help and please know that I REALLy do appreciate it! You're AWESOME for taking the time out to explain to some of us ignorant people. :)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@coreillyyt The battery is very heavy and so far I've had no problem with the thing tipping over. Actually, I place the cardboard box that my motor mount came in underneath the battery... It's so heavy it really pushes into the seat, the box seems to help. I would say, take the boat out first give it a spin and then decide if you need the extra box =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Dmaster727 i've been out less than 10x so far, but I will be hitting the lake more in the fall
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@kalburiumstormbreath yeah that floor is a bit of a pain to deflate. I find it works better to squeeze the nozzle/valve at the same time as using the electric pump. I really wish the company would've put a quick release valve on this boat.
Another Galaxy
Another Galaxy - 14 years ago
I just got this boat and I find the floor section takes a long time to deflate. I tried using the electric pump to in reverse to deflate it but the check valve would close and cause it to not allow the air to come out. What is the best way you have found to deflate the floor section?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Dmaster727 Very cool my friend, interesting idea! Thanks for commenting =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@TampaChris4 whichever boat you decide on, I hope you enjoy it! thanks for the comment =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@WiredArizona thanks =)
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
Part 3) Btw all the items that you mentioned to me compared to what Cabela is suggesting you are saving me ALMOST half off of everything! I am REALLY GRATEFUL! Thanks! :)
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
Part 2) Can I use the Intex mount or does the Minn Kota 30 come with a mount of it's own? Also what is the name of the electric pump that you used and would you know what cordless pump I could buy that would be compatible to use with this boat? Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart! P.S What lake are you using your boat on?
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome You are more helpful than Intex, Bass Pro, Walmart, and Intex. Cabela's was somewhat helpful but you have been the MOST helpful! :) What is the name of the battery that you bought. What EXACTLY should I ask for when I go to Walmart to buy battery. I'm originally from Brooklyn, NY and that's why I am sooo ignorant when it comes to this stuff. Living in TX has given me the chance to enjoy all these luxury items that i would NEVER be able to use in NY. Thanks sooo much!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@kalmanizer I bought my battery at Walmart paying around $85. That's where I picked up my battery charger for around $30- Schumacher SpeedCharge 6-Amp Battery Charger. It's probably available on Amazon, but I've not looked. As for the motor, I really think it's your own personal choice. I'm very happy with mine, but it is a tad slow, but the bonus is that I can stay out longer than someone with a larger motor.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@blursi I would think an anchor would work well.. I've not got around to purchasing one yet, but I really should.
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome Thank you sooo much for responding, I REALLY appreciate it! :) Where did you purchase your 125amp battery and how much did you pay for it? Also Whats a good cheap battery charger to buy to recharge the battery? In your opinion do you think a Minn Kota 50 or 55 Motor will give the inflatable boat a lot more speed or in your opinion it's NOT worth paying double the price of a Minn Kota 30? Thanks again! Your videos are REALLY helpful and useful! :)
blerim havolli
blerim havolli - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome @briandudeathome very good explanation... I have bougt one of those inflateble boat with a motor and I like it very much... but I have one question to you Brian. for ex. I use to go fishing and when i fish my boat just don't stay still and moves from a place to another place and distracts me fishing. so can i Use that metal heavy thing to stop my boat to one place while i fish is it allout to do so ? I pruchase if you answer this on my email
blerim havolli
blerim havolli - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome very good explanation... I have bougt one of those inflateble boat with a motor and I like it very much... but I have one question to you Brian. for ex. I use to go fishing and when i fish my boat just don't stay still and moves from a place to another place and distracts me fishing. so can i Use that metal heavy thing to stop my boat to one place while i fish is it allout to do so ? I pruchase if you answer this
blerim havolli
blerim havolli - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome very good explanation... I have bougt one of those inflateble boat with a motor and I like it very much... but I have one question to you Brian. for ex. I use to go fishing and when i fish my boat just don't stay still and moves from a place to another place and distracts me fishing. so can i Use that metal heavy thing to stop my boat to one place while i fish is it allout to do so ? I pruchase if you answer this
blerim havolli
blerim havolli - 14 years ago
very good explanation... I have bougt one of those inflateble boat with a motor and I like it very much... but I have one question to you Brian. for ex. I use to go fishing and when i fish my boat just don't stay still and moves from a place to another place and distracts me fishing. so can i Use that metal heavy thing to stop my boat to one place while i fish is it allout to do so ? I pruchase if you answer this
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@MarkHenryOfficalSide It's a lot of fun and very portable =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
1.5 hp sounds right. I remember something printed on the boat that also says this. I'm not familiar with good gas powered motor's, my only experience comes with the electric ones. I highly recommend Minn Kota.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@kalmanizer I have the motor mount recommended by Intex. I purchased a 125 amp hour battery and the Minn Kota 30 Endura motor. I put a link in the description of this video that will link you to the motor.
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
Oh and a good affordable electric/ cordless pump that will work properly for pumping up this boat. thanks! :)
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
I'm open to everyone's suggestions! I'm lQQKing for the cheapest motor, battery, battery mount, etc. Thanks folks! :)
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
Part 3) Thanks for any added help or info. Please forgive me for sounding ignorant. I am new at boating. Thank you sooo much in advance for all your time in responding to my questions! :)
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
I called Intex (the company that makes this boat and they weren't very knowledgeable) they claim I shouldn't buy any motor higher than 1.5hp and shouldn't exceed more than 18lbs for this 5 person boat but no one at the company could or would help me find the proper motor.
kalmanizer - 14 years ago
Part 1) Thank you VERY much for your review, I REALLY appreciate it! Can you kindly please tell me the exact names of the motor items you purchased on Amazon? Which mount kit? Which motor, and which battery? Also approximately how many mph does the boat travel with the motor you installed?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@jimthedj65 The Minn Kota is such a great little motor, I really think you'll like it.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@islander790 I'm glad you found this useful and I hope you enjoy your boat. Please keep us all posted! Thanks for commenting and have fun!
John Holmes
John Holmes - 14 years ago
Thanks for that...some very useful little tips. I've just bought Excusion 5 and it's my first boat. Looking forward to getting out on the lake next week...think I'll wait til I've got the motor before taking down the Thames!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@zaji7 I'm not very knowledgeable about the Challenger, I seem to remember it is a very small and inexpensive boat compared with the Excursion. I really enjoy my Excursion boat and find the quality to be very good. I'm sorry you are not enjoying your purchase. Thanks for watching and commenting.
zaji7 - 14 years ago
I really didnt thought that there is a full explanation vids about intex boats , I had my first one , which is the smaller version of yours like 4 years ago,but yesterday we bought the Challenger from intex and it really sucks :s , but ty a lot my friend , enjoy your boat :)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@onrinl I'm glad you found this helpful, thanks for your comment
Onur Inal
Onur Inal - 14 years ago
couldn't be more helpfull, thank you thank you...
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@corpsyman Yeah, this isn't paddler friendly. The lake I use the boat on is nowhere near the size of Lake Erie. I'm not sure if you've seen the video here on YouTube of the two guys out fishing on their inflatable boat and they only have oars... it ends up they needed to call in the coast guard to rescue them :-) If you can afford it get a motor and you won't regret it. Besides, you can always take along some oars in case you feel the urge lol
corpsyman - 14 years ago
@briandudeathome Thanks for the reply! It kinda seems like a boat like this might not be the best for paddling onto Lake Erie, fighting the wind and currents would likely get frustrating. I was trying to think if some kind of replacement oars might be better suited; longer oars with big blades might be easier since they wouldn't need to turn as much and fight the oar locks. What's annoying is another boat almost as big and more suited for rowing costs about as much as this with a motor...
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@corpsyman One more thing: rowing a canoe is much easier! If you can afford it, invest in the motor package, if not I think you'll still have fun with this boat. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@corpsyman Glad you found this to be helpful! Personally, I find using the oars to be a bit cumbersome and not very user friendly. One person can manage rowing but the oars are not very long and they are hollow. Another issue with the oars is the oar locks, they don't swivel, this makes rowing even more awkward. Overall I really like the boat and can recommend it. Keep in mind that the included oars are low quality and rowing is not fun. It may not be so bad if you are on a small pond etc...
corpsyman - 14 years ago
Thank you for posting this, I'm thinking about getting this boat and this really helps. I have a couple questions: I thought I'd probably get the boat now while it's cheap and possibly add the motor next summer. What's it like using the oars to move the boat? As wide as it is, I was wondering if the oars were a bit short and you'd need one person paddling on each side rather than each using a pair. Also, if you have any idea, how difficult is it to paddle compared to a solid 12' canoe? Thanks!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@HabotinC If you click one of my amazon links in the description of this video, just type Coleman quick pump into the search bar, I have the third one that comes up
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@Edonatar I don't recommend standing at all. The floor isn't very rigid. If you put down some 1/2 inch ply and made a more solid floor, then put up your seat that would probably work nice.
Beedydogg - 14 years ago
how rigid is it could i stand up in it and put a small esky in the middle for fish ?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@1maciejka Very cool! I hope you enjoy it!
Maciej K.
Maciej K. - 14 years ago
Thanks for this usefull video. I've bought this boat today.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@carlosthegreatcom Thanks for the comments! I believe this one may be a bit larger than the SeaHawk 2. Another difference is the seats... the excursion seats are much flatter and sit on the floor of the boat whereas the SeaHawk is more rounded and higher off the floor, more like a traditional whitewater raft (I think anyway). I would think both are nice =)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@MrPepsi222 I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for watching and commenting =)
Frank - 14 years ago
Super Video!!! Thanks Brian!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@TheVboarder Much appreciated!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@ImaYam I purchased the electric pump at Wal-Mart for around $22 and it is cordless. They probably sell them on Amazon as well.
ImaYam - 14 years ago
whered you get the electric pump? How much was it? is it corded or battery powered?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@cattkiller Boat around $150, Motor $120, Battery $85
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@GrubWerm I don't think you'll wanna try standing and casting in this thing. I think you're right, putting in a floor would be ideal! The floor is very flexible, it "rides" the waves if you catch my drift. I think it would be a very easy thing to make a solid floor. Possibly out of hard foam or plywood or both. Thanks for your comment!
GrubWerm - 14 years ago
Brian Awesome video! quick Q! How is the floorboard in the water? Are you able to stand and move around the boat just drifting? Wondering about standing and casting for fishing? Seems like it would be easy to put in a floorboard for that but i see they don't make one. Thanks
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@sbilts I'm glad you have watched my videos and have found them to be helpful. The overall value of the Excursion is also what sold me on this particular boat. As far as the electric motor goes, I think it will push you. I've read a number of reviews on amazon for different ones and many people use them on much larger boats. Mind you, it's a "trolling" motor, but I've read of these motors pushing boats that weigh a couple thousand pounds. Just remember it will be slow going. Also, buy Minn Kota.
sbilts - 14 years ago
I was just watching this video when the intex I had ordered arrived (that box is flipping heavy) I was undecided about which boat to buy and after much searching the net for information I went for the Excursion 5 as it seemed good value.If I had seen your videos before It would have clinched it for me a lot sooner..Thanks...I am thinking of getting an electric motor but wonder if a 34lb thrust will be enough to power the wife,myself and our 3 youngsters about...
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@bwan13 I suppose it helps make the boat more sturdy and tougher. If you were to puncture one, there are two more to keep you afloat. Apart from that, I'm not sure.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@dovecot haha great idea!!! I wish they would pay me ;-) Enjoy your new boat!!!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@strachu22 Thanks for your comment ;-)
roomxTV - 14 years ago
Great Video THX,i love excoursion 5
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@killedbyslingshot1 it's a cool little boat
gavin - 14 years ago
@ROYBALLRGR its not tha hard if your in a lake put the boat in slowly so it dosnt float awy and then hop in in the wilderness i boat this awsome state park in wisconsin and i just inflate in this sandy area away from the swiming area its easy once you get use to it by the way i dont have a motor i row it
gavin - 14 years ago
@georgeoliverstreak motor mount u can get from cabelas and same thing for the trolling motor
gavin - 14 years ago
i love my intex excursion
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@ROYBALLRGR Hope you have fun... keep us all posted!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@ROYBALLRGR If you will be alone, I would inflate as close to the water as possiable and then try to place it into the water. Maybe tie off for a bit until all your gear is in. As far as charging the battery in the wilderness.... good luck with that! I suppose you could always try solar, but that's a whole other headache or simply purchase a second battery ;-)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@georgeoliverstreak I bought mine at Walmart, but I'm not sure if you have those where you live. Any battery shop should be able to sell you a deep cycle marine battery. As to the power center... this isn't something you "must" have. Basically, it just serves to keep your battery unit sealed - Keeps water off of it and things like that. I don't use one. Oh, you will need a battery charger - very important! Anything else I can help with, just ask. Thanks for commenting!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@theundoug Very cool! I hope you have loads of fun with it. Keep me posted!
theundoug - 14 years ago
Just ordered the Excursion 5!!! I got it from for about $150 with free shipping. I also ordered (all from, and all with free shipping): Coleman Rechargeable Air Pump Intex Motor Mount Minn Kota Endura 30 pound thrust trolling motor Minn Kota Battery Center (box for holding battery with external connectors) All that was just under $400 and included free shipping. I still have to get a battery and some life jackets. Thanks for your help and videos, briandude!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@jwardmagic07 You def. will not need a high output pump. Go for the portable one. Besides, I seem to recall reading something on the boat itself about not using a high powered pump. You should be able to carry it no problem, if of course you have a second set of hands.
Jeremy Ward
Jeremy Ward - 14 years ago
How heavy is the boat when inflated? I don't know whether to get a high output AC pump/12V or a portable one. The portable one is mroe expensive and probably slower, but I dont know how Id be able to carry the boat down to the ocean from my car whilst inflated, so Im thinking the portable pump will be easier as I can put it in the bag and inflate/deflate it by the sea?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@jwardmagic07 Yes and I've not tried more than that. I always recharge after use.
Jeremy Ward
Jeremy Ward - 14 years ago
With your coleman pump, do you find you can inflate and deflate on a single charge?
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@jwardmagic07 £40?!?!? That's sweet! Keep me posted.
Jeremy Ward
Jeremy Ward - 14 years ago
My excursion 5 came it second hand from ebay for £40 :) cant wait to inflate it
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@jwardmagic07 Not sure how long it last but I've not had any problem running out of air during inflation. I also use it to deflate the boat. As far as the 9V ones... idk. Remember you will have a manual pump also.
Jeremy Ward
Jeremy Ward - 14 years ago
How long does your coleman rechargable pump last for? Does it work as well as 9V/AC pumps? Im concerned about it running out of battery when pumping the boat up....I read on amazon that it lasts for 15 minutes? Thanks bryan :)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@tonyyu08s I try to get to them as quickly as I can and you're very welcome, anytime.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@tonyyu08s sure no problem. I have a Coleman Rechargeable Air Pump, that was purchased from Walmart around $25. What I like about this pump is that it is cordless, whereas some electric pumps actually have the ac cord. I like the convenience of a very "portable" pump. And don't worry if you aren't able to get your pump before the weekend. If your boat came with the same foot pump as mine, it's double action and works rather well. I still use both the electric and the manual pumps.
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@IlsRunway09 Thanks
IlsRunway09 - 14 years ago
thanx that was a very gud presentation ,,,
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@ShawnCorytube I was hoping to do a review of my yacht, but it wouldn't fit in the bag... wait a bit, do I even have a yacht?! hmm
Shawn Cory
Shawn Cory - 14 years ago
Boat in a bag! Cool!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@yevinketman I'm so glad you found this helpful. I just hope it helped in a good way xD
Kevin Yetman
Kevin Yetman - 14 years ago
Really great video. I'm looking at this boat, and this was a huge help... Thank's!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@dnhyy Thanks!!
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@jwardmagic07 Give the viewers what they want!!! haha Seriously though, thanks so much for all your questions, comments and continued support of my videos. Also, once you get your boat I suspect you may make a video or two of your own.
Jeremy Ward
Jeremy Ward - 14 years ago
Thanks so much Brian! :D This was so helpful! Very very thankful and the first of its kind on youtube! You know how to get the views lol. I'll definitely look forward to your 'more detialed' version you said about. I was very pleased you made this! :)
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@theundoug I'm glad this video was helpful. I had been meaning to put something together for the longest time and getting questions from you and a few others really got me motivated to get it done. Thanks for watching and commenting.
theundoug - 14 years ago
FABULOUS!!! Thank you Brian!!! I'm one of the people who sent you messages asking some questions about your boat, and this type of video is SO helpful! I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up just about the exact same setup as you! Thanks, again, to you and your wife for putting this video together! Doug
briandudeathome - 14 years ago
@jwardmagic07 The small motor I use causes absolutely no warping... Not enough umph. Also, very little drag.
Jeremy Ward
Jeremy Ward - 14 years ago
Thankyou so much for positng this! I have another question. Do you find the boat creates much drag in the water or warps with the thrust of the motor?

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