Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 surf inflatable SUP comparison review
Reviews 5 years ago 11,460 views
Read and watch full review and SUPboarder Pro review here : We've received many comments and questions about the Itiwit 500 Surf inflatable boards and so have put together a SUPboarder comparison of the Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 Surf inflatable SUP. Itiwit have put a lot of development into their boards with a unique fin system and a different rail edge application at the tail of the board, making them stand out from other brands. Itiwit are another brand pushing the iSUP surfing limits, making an iSUP less of a compromise in the surf than ever before. These Itiwit boards can turn and surf faster than any inflatable board we have used so far. They are extremely stiff at 4" thick. These really are boards that will suit both first time SUP surfers and paddlers looking for the most performance surf iSUP out there.
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Unfortunately, this product is end of line stock meaning we will not be receiving a stock replenishment.
If there is anything else I can help with please let me know.
All the best.
What a bummer :(
I fancy the 9' for taking on the plane, short surf trips abroad. I'm 100kg, so over the recommended weight limit. What I don't understand is the board has loads of volume at 170L. Are you and Decathlon just being conservative with the 90kg recommendation?
We’ve had a lot of people having the same issues. We aren't 100% sure whats happing with the 500 surf range. But Trying lots of decathlon stores to see if any of them have them in stock would be worth a go. We will contact Itiwit and try and find out for you. Thanks Reuben
Based on your experience, you may find the 29inch wide board will be OK for you based on your experience. Will be faster to paddle , but a little less stable. Depends how much of a challenge you want :). Let us know what you decide to go for! Cheers, Will - SUPboarder Team
To answer your question. I'm new to sup boarding but I'm a reasonably OK long boarder (cross steps, noseriding and the occasional toe hanging over the edge). Yesterday I went out and rented a red sport 11'3 and found that the step back turn came quite easily. (your videos definitely helped with that! )
If so yes, it will work great for getting in the surf and getting the kids on. Thanks Reuben
10. comment for Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 surf inflatable SUP comparison review
I'm torn between the 2, I'm a keen surfer and will probably ride a fish if the surf is good so I want something for small average surf and for traveling with. Which size would you recommend for a 78kg, reasonably fit Sup'er? I will also use it for a bit of cruising and flat water exploring/paddling. Also, any advice on a good quality travel paddle to go with it would be much appreciated. Thanks
The Itiwits really are in a league of their own when it comes to surfing an iSUP at the moment. Thanks Reuben
The Itiwits really are in a league of their own when it comes to surfing an iSUP at the moment. Thanks Reuben
20. comment for Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 surf inflatable SUP comparison review
Yes you can use a bike pump to inflate up to the higher pressures but these boards are very stiff at 17psi and I would go higher unless the brand recommends it. And it would take forever!! Thanks Reuben