Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 surf inflatable SUP comparison review

Read and watch full review and SUPboarder Pro review here : We've received many comments and questions about the Itiwit 500 Surf inflatable boards and so have put together a SUPboarder comparison of the Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 Surf inflatable SUP. Itiwit have put a lot of development into their boards with a unique fin system and a different rail edge application at the tail of the board, making them stand out from other brands. Itiwit are another brand pushing the iSUP surfing limits, making an iSUP less of a compromise in the surf than ever before. These Itiwit boards can turn and surf faster than any inflatable board we have used so far. They are extremely stiff at 4" thick. These really are boards that will suit both first time SUP surfers and paddlers looking for the most performance surf iSUP out there.

Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 surf inflatable SUP comparison review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Reviews 5 years ago 11,460 views

Read and watch full review and SUPboarder Pro review here : We've received many comments and questions about the Itiwit 500 Surf inflatable boards and so have put together a SUPboarder comparison of the Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 Surf inflatable SUP. Itiwit have put a lot of development into their boards with a unique fin system and a different rail edge application at the tail of the board, making them stand out from other brands. Itiwit are another brand pushing the iSUP surfing limits, making an iSUP less of a compromise in the surf than ever before. These Itiwit boards can turn and surf faster than any inflatable board we have used so far. They are extremely stiff at 4" thick. These really are boards that will suit both first time SUP surfers and paddlers looking for the most performance surf iSUP out there.

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for Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 surf inflatable SUP comparison review

Snake - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder What do you think about the new 9’5″ x 32″ Surf iSup from starboard in comparison? Is it worth the higher price?
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
There's a few things on the Starboard that I really like. The rocker line is good and the outline shape is spot on. The fins and setup will really help the board on a waves. If it had a tail edge like the Itiwit I would say absolutely worth the extra. But the Itiwit is still very good value for what you get. Build quality is good on the Itiwit but I would say the Starboard would be better. This would make a great SUPboarder Pro video test comparison. At the moment I would say Itiwit! Thanks Reuben
bpunlimited - 5 years ago
Was about to order one but none of the Decathlon sites seem to have them anymore. I contacted them about it and they said they have no word about whether they will have them again or not :(
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
@bpunlimited No way. Im sure they will have a new shape coming out. So I guess technically it will be a new product name code etc. Hope so anyway ! Thanks for the share. If I find out any news I will comment on here. Thanks Reuben
bpunlimited - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder Received an official email from decathlon, copy and pasted "Hi there,

Thank you for your message.

Unfortunately, this product is end of line stock meaning we will not be receiving a stock replenishment.

If there is anything else I can help with please let me know.

All the best.


What a bummer :(
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
@bpunlimited we saw some in decathlons in Spain - Bilbao store to be exact.
bpunlimited - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder Not 100% sure if they will drop it. They just don't have any info. Hopefully we'll see something in March.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
what... last thing we heard that the new ones will be out in March. I cant believe that they will drop this model all together . Thanks Reuben
Pablo Chiappetti
Pablo Chiappetti - 5 years ago
Just found out the 8 foot is available at $350 in decathlon US. Really a bargain so go get it if it suits you! I already got my 9 foot at a discounted price of $550 as well. Thanks Reuben for this video, I keep coming to it while I wait to test my board :)
Pablo Chiappetti
Pablo Chiappetti - 5 years ago
@Ramana Pynaker The list price is 749 but I got a deal on the 9" for $550 when there were just two left. They just dropped the price. The same thing happened with the 8" a few days later: only 2 in stock and $350. I tried my 9" yesterday and absolutely love it!
Ramana Pynaker
Ramana Pynaker - 5 years ago
Not sure which board you are looking at but in decathlon US they both sell for $749. Make sure you get the right one. I bought the 9 foot last year and had a great time with it in Portugal, Spain and Morocco. This year I bought the 8 foot which is less stable but turns much quicker and am getting ready to take it to Costa Rica.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Good stuff. $350 thats cheap !! Thanks Reuben
a bez
a bez - 5 years ago
I fancy the 9' for taking on the plane, short surf trips abroad. I'm 100kg, so over the recommended weight limit. What I don't understand is the board has loads of volume at 170L. Are you and Decathlon just being conservative with the 90kg recommendation?
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Yeah I guess I am a little bit. I think if you are a more experienced paddler you could get away with being heavier. These boards have a nice thickness to them which means they preform well but cant take a much weight as the thicker boards. If you are used to riding hard boards around 150L and are a surfer already then yes go for it. Still the best board in the surf to date! Hope that makes sense ? Reuben
Ian W
Ian W - 5 years ago
Hello. I am in Europe Germany and I am tying to source the 9 foot based on your review and my uses. However I can only see the 8 foot version in decathlon. Do you have any idea where I can pick up these boards? Thanks. Ps great reviews and channel.
Ian W
Ian W - 5 years ago
Hello again. Thanks for your help. Ok so I can get the red 8‘ but no yellow 9‘. Here is the thing: we (family) are beginners. For my two sons the red will be fine as both under 60kg. But I am 85kg and I read this board is for up to 70kg. Should I still go for it? Will I be able to stand on it ? Or will this only be usable for the boys? No pressure just your opinion welcome. The COTÁN and starboards are too expensive for a us as sea surfing beginners. Thanks again
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
@Ian W Similar price is the hard one. The RRD Air COTAN is a nice board. Maybe try and get on clearance as the new board will be coming out soon. Not that I seen or heard about the 2020 boards from RRD yet. Only issue with that board is its 29.5 wide. Not sure what width you are after? Starboard 9'5' Surf iSUP is a nice board but its going to be more money unfortunately :-(.Thanks Reuben
Ian W
Ian W - 5 years ago
SUPboarder hi Ian here agin, so I can’t get one of these board despite trying everything. What would be your next best tip for surfing. Inflatable at similar price. Much appreciated.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Hi Ian
We’ve had a lot of people having the same issues. We aren't 100% sure whats happing with the 500 surf range. But Trying lots of decathlon stores to see if any of them have them in stock would be worth a go. We will contact Itiwit and try and find out for you. Thanks Reuben
SunriseSessions - 5 years ago
Hi Guys, quick question. I weigh 65 kilo and I'm planning on mainly doing flatwater supping (simply because I've got so many normal surfboards that I would probably pick them when there are waves) would you recommend the itiwit 500 9'0 surf or the itiwit 12'6 touring board. Any advice would be really welcome. Frasing it differently would the 500 surf be good for flat water because I weigh 65 kg? And would the 12'6 *32touring be to big?
SunriseSessions - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder thnx heaps for all the advise it's gonna be either the 12'6 32 so I can try out the fishing as well. Or go the different more expensive route of the Red Compact (figuring... The best board is the one you've got with you and wit the small size I think I will take it twice or trice as much with me)
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
@SunriseSessions - a 6 inch thick board is very common with a touring I SUP and It won't be a problem for you at 65 kg. You are higher of the water with a 6inch thick board and it gives a less 'connected' to the water feeling, but allows the board to be very stiff. The 11'3 sport is a 4.75' thick board, so will feel slightly different. But everything comes at a compromise....
Based on your experience, you may find the 29inch wide board will be OK for you based on your experience. Will be faster to paddle , but a little less stable. Depends how much of a challenge you want :). Let us know what you decide to go for! Cheers, Will - SUPboarder Team
SunriseSessions - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder hi Will, thnx for the reply and all the great vids. I've got one more question. Weighing only 65 won't it be a problem that the 12'6 is 6inches thick?

To answer your question. I'm new to sup boarding but I'm a reasonably OK long boarder (cross steps, noseriding and the occasional toe hanging over the edge). Yesterday I went out and rented a red sport 11'3 and found that the step back turn came quite easily. (your videos definitely helped with that! )
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Hi! If you are just wanting a flat water board, the 12'6 touring board will be much better than the 500 surf. It will be much more fun to paddle around on. More stable, better glide and more ability to take things on it. At 65kg you will find the 32 inch wide great. If you are a beginner, its length will mean you may find it a little tricky to turn, but the width is perfect. You will need to learn to stepback turn quickly, so check out some of our other videos. Have you done much paddling before? Cheers, Will - SUPboarder Touring Expert
Marc Williams
Marc Williams - 5 years ago
I have a McConks 10’ 8 go anywhere which I do a small amount of paddle surf (am basic level or so) am a little over 80kg... Board will be mostly for surfing mid size waves once in a while... also could the board double up as a kids board? For a youth? Excellent review btw!
Marc Williams
Marc Williams - 5 years ago
Hi yes that’s exactly the idea, small bit of surfing and thinking can use it for one of the kids also! Thanks!
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Hey Marc. Are you thinking about a 9'surf?
If so yes, it will work great for getting in the surf and getting the kids on. Thanks Reuben
Ron Heck
Ron Heck - 5 years ago
Good review. Very understandable english. Thx for that
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Thanks Ronald
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Hey David. Depending on your weight the 9' could work well as a basic flat-water board. But I don't think it will have any more glide then your 10'8". But it will be so good in the surf. Thanks Reuben

10. comment for Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 surf inflatable SUP comparison review

bpunlimited - 5 years ago
Will the 8ft support my weight? I am 80kg. 6ft tall.
bpunlimited - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder found out the 9' board I rented was 155l. Hoping I'll be grand on the 8'.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
@bpunlimited I think you will be fine then. The solid 9' you rented will probably have less overall volume than the 8' Itiwit at a guess anyway. Thanks Reuben
bpunlimited - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder I currently have a 10'6 ISUP but rented out a solid 9ft and was fine in the surf.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
It will support your weight for sure. How much surfing have you done before and on what boards?
mark sampson
mark sampson - 5 years ago
Hi, Great review, really informative and you know your craft.
I'm torn between the 2, I'm a keen surfer and will probably ride a fish if the surf is good so I want something for small average surf and for traveling with. Which size would you recommend for a 78kg, reasonably fit Sup'er? I will also use it for a bit of cruising and flat water exploring/paddling. Also, any advice on a good quality travel paddle to go with it would be much appreciated. Thanks
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Hey Mark, Out of these two boards I would probably go for the 8 because it will be better in the surf'. But the 9' would be better for paddling further. I guess if you're going to be paddling on more flat water the 9'would be the best one. (You really need a 8'5"!!) . As far as a travel paddle goes. Go for a carbon one from a main brand. Starboard, Naish, Black project, JP, these brands all make really nice paddles. Also look at Red Paddle Co for good value well made 3pc paddles. Hope that all helps Reuben
MediaBrighton - 5 years ago
Awesome review as always. How much better would the 8 ft one be compared to an 8.10 red paddle whip 2017 (the single fin version)? Are these Itiwit's now the best surf isups you could get? if not which one is?
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
​@MediaBrighton We have seen them but not up close. I like the look of the tail shape. We will give them a shout and find out more. Thanks Reuben
MediaBrighton - 5 years ago
Hi Reuben, Have you heard of Pendleboards? They make hard tail iSup's. I think Duo-boards bought the patent off the guy and make some too. It would be great to see a review. I spoke to the inventor (Matt) and he said to go for the yellow boards as the red ones were prototypes and are quite old now.
MediaBrighton - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder I did order one to replace my Whip so I'll keep you posted.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
​@MediaBrighton we have a few spots around Cornwall we use but we are based on the south coast mainly. Let us know what you think of the board if you go for it. Reuben
MediaBrighton - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder Thanks Reuben. Was going to get one for a trip but missed the deadline :(. What's your local spot by the way? Looks like some great waves!
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Yes... is the answer. The Red Whip is a really well finished board and the overall package is nicer and lighter too , but on the wave I would pick the Itiwit every time. Thanks Reuben
Mario A.
Mario A. - 5 years ago
Does this table support 100 kg of weight?
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
The 9' will take up to a 95kg Intermediate paddler. Thanks Reuben
Zachary Nacheman
Zachary Nacheman - 5 years ago
Because it’s not available in the USA what similar surfing isups do you recommend
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Hey Zachary . I will say the same as I said to Brian..... The Starboard boards are good but not as cheap as the Itiwits. Can you get hold of RRD? The Cotan inflatable is good.
The Itiwits really are in a league of their own when it comes to surfing an iSUP at the moment. Thanks Reuben
Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly - 5 years ago
I've tried the 9 ft and compare it to the 9'5" Wide Point in terms of surfing. Catches waves easily, very stable paddling. Not as fast but if mix the standard fins with the ITWIT kayak fins you may get more drive.
Zachary Nacheman
Zachary Nacheman - 5 years ago
Where can I get this I live in the USA
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Thats a bit of a problem:-(. Brian has also looked to getting in the US. Might be worth asking him if he has heard any news. (see his comments below) I guess the more people who ask Decathlon to get them in the States the sooner it will happen. Sorry I can give you the answer just yet Zachary. Thanks Reuben
Brian Bigda
Brian Bigda - 5 years ago
Was hoping to order the 9", but Decathlon does not ship to the US. Any recommendations for a similar surf-friendly isup that's US based?
Brian Bigda
Brian Bigda - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder I was completely sold on the Itiwit because of your 2 video reviews. Only work around is for me to buy and ship to someone in the UK (free delivery) who can then turn around and ship to me. I'll keep looking into your suggestions to see if something comes close ... and can be delivered across the pond. Unfortunately, the only isups I've encountered in the US are best for flat water. Definitely appreciate your reviews. You're one of the few, very few, legitimate review sites that are not just an Amazon affiliate masquerading as a review site.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Thats annoying! I'm sure this is something that will change. The Starboard boards are good but not as cheap as the Itiwits. Can you get hold of RRD? The Cotan inflatable is good.
The Itiwits really are in a league of their own when it comes to surfing an iSUP at the moment. Thanks Reuben
Costa de la Luz Videos
Costa de la Luz Videos - 5 years ago
Are you guys going to review the new Itiwit 14 ft inflatable race SUP as well?
sleistra77 - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder Can you give a rough estimation when the review of the Itiwit 14ft racesup will be up?
Costa de la Luz Videos
Costa de la Luz Videos - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder Great! Thanks for replying!
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
It is on its way to us. We cant wait to get out on it. Thanks Reuben
beachjunk1e - 5 years ago
Good detailed review. Where is this spot it was filmed? Looks like a fun little wave :0)
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Yeah, it's a really fun little beach break we ride down in Cornwall, England. Glad you liked the video. thanks Reuben

20. comment for Itiwit 8' & 9' 500 surf inflatable SUP comparison review

Costa de la Luz Videos
Costa de la Luz Videos - 5 years ago
Great review, great boards! Want one!
gbthrylos - 5 years ago
Kurt Langer
Kurt Langer - 5 years ago
Now you make me wanna get a Itiwit 9 footer to travel and surf the world with.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
They will work well for that. Im sure you could take on some GOOD waves with these boards. Thanks Reuben
Julian Kidd
Julian Kidd - 5 years ago
These boards look good!
Walter - 5 years ago
Can you use a Red Paddle Co pump with these? Off topic question but I travel with a bicycle floor pump for mountain biking. Can you adapt a SUP pump to inflate a bicycle tire (20-30 psi)?. Nice review. This looks interesting.
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
@Walter Got it. Sounds like a good idea. Yeah the 9' would be a great for you to get into the waves. But like you said it’s getting hold of one.
Walter - 5 years ago
@SUPboarder Good to know. On extended travel I want to try to reduce the number of pumps I carry, and even without an iSUP I have 4 pumps. So if I add some iSUP's I was looking to use the iSUP pump to inflate the bike tires, not using the bike pump for the SUP. Way to slow. But if I can use the big iSUP pump for several things then I can leave some others at home. I am considering getting a Red Compact and a Surf iSUP for travel in my van and the Red Paddle comes with a pump and this one does not.But I only need 1. Unfortunately I cannot find this Itwit Surf SUP for sale in the US. As a beginner I am thinking the 9'.I really love your reviews. Thanks
SUPboarder - 5 years ago
Hey Walter, I just went and checked this for you and yes it works with a Red Paddle Co pump. I known sometimes you have to change the rubber washers for a different thickness if not.
Yes you can use a bike pump to inflate up to the higher pressures but these boards are very stiff at 17psi and I would go higher unless the brand recommends it. And it would take forever!! Thanks Reuben

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