JS "Blak Box 3" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.83

Click to buy Fins: The Surf Station - https://www.surfstationstore.com/collections/surfboard-fins Jack's Surfboards - https://jackssurfboards.com/collections/surf-fins Surf Ontario (Canada Only) - https://surfontario.ca/collections/fins-fcs-future-channel-islands-captain-fin-etc No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at https://www.paypal.me/surfnshow The JS Blak Box 3 is very easy to surf and I highly recommend it for upper end Beginner/ Intermediate / and Expert level surfers for 1-5' surf. The BB3 checks all the boxes for a small wave performance board. 1. Good paddler 2. Quick get up and go speed 3. Projects with speed through maneuvers 4. Good drive off the bottom and big rail turns I struggled a bit with it in 1-2’ surf due to the HYFI construction feeling a bit heavy under foot. Both boards carried good speed but I felt they lacked the pop or X Factor from turn to turn in 1-2’ surf that I normally get out of a light weight stringerless EPS board. The weight factor is an easy fix… I would just custom order the BB3 in HYFI with a lighter glass job. Overall the performance of the BB3 was solid and I had a great time surfing it in 3-5’ surf. I liked the HYFI construction in bigger surf due the extra weight. The board was easy to get on rail with its low/medium rail design and somewhat heavier stock glass job. No noticeable chatter or vibration that I normally feel from other light weight EPS boards. I also want to mention that I rode 2 stock 5’7” boards with the exact same dimensions but one was a Swallow Tail and the other a Squash Tail. You have to watch the review to find out which one I liked better. Board DIMS: 5’7” x 19 ¼ x 2 ¼ Liters 26.1 Board Weight: 5.55 lbs Weight for most stock Stringerless EPS boards reviewed: 4.7 lbs – 5.0 lbs My height 5’9” My Weight: 160 lbs or 72.57 kg

JS "Blak Box 3" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.83 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Reviews 5 years ago 7,260 views

Click to buy Fins: The Surf Station - https://www.surfstationstore.com/collections/surfboard-fins Jack's Surfboards - https://jackssurfboards.com/collections/surf-fins Surf Ontario (Canada Only) - https://surfontario.ca/collections/fins-fcs-future-channel-islands-captain-fin-etc No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at https://www.paypal.me/surfnshow The JS Blak Box 3 is very easy to surf and I highly recommend it for upper end Beginner/ Intermediate / and Expert level surfers for 1-5' surf. The BB3 checks all the boxes for a small wave performance board. 1. Good paddler 2. Quick get up and go speed 3. Projects with speed through maneuvers 4. Good drive off the bottom and big rail turns I struggled a bit with it in 1-2’ surf due to the HYFI construction feeling a bit heavy under foot. Both boards carried good speed but I felt they lacked the pop or X Factor from turn to turn in 1-2’ surf that I normally get out of a light weight stringerless EPS board. The weight factor is an easy fix… I would just custom order the BB3 in HYFI with a lighter glass job. Overall the performance of the BB3 was solid and I had a great time surfing it in 3-5’ surf. I liked the HYFI construction in bigger surf due the extra weight. The board was easy to get on rail with its low/medium rail design and somewhat heavier stock glass job. No noticeable chatter or vibration that I normally feel from other light weight EPS boards. I also want to mention that I rode 2 stock 5’7” boards with the exact same dimensions but one was a Swallow Tail and the other a Squash Tail. You have to watch the review to find out which one I liked better. Board DIMS: 5’7” x 19 ¼ x 2 ¼ Liters 26.1 Board Weight: 5.55 lbs Weight for most stock Stringerless EPS boards reviewed: 4.7 lbs – 5.0 lbs My height 5’9” My Weight: 160 lbs or 72.57 kg

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Most popular comments
for JS "Blak Box 3" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.83

Davis Hickey
Davis Hickey - 5 years ago
You guys are killing it.
Julio Castaños
Julio Castaños - 5 years ago
Thanks for the amazing review. I was waiting for this review before committing on buying this board. Just ordered it! Thanks again!
charleschannel - 5 years ago
Great video Noel, this is a completely new chapter to me. I mean, honestly I thought that the liters of the surfboard was in a direct relationship with its weight, now you show us that isn't the case. I'm a little bit confused in this subject, weight/liters relation
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
charleschannel Liters are related to Weight of board in my opinion. These two BB3 in HYFY are a bit on the heavy side so they don’t have the extra float most other EPS boards do.
KOSTAS GOULAS - 5 years ago
A friend has the BB3 and told me the same. The board is for 3-5 ft even 6 range. It's not good for 1-2 ft surf
Matt Leontis
Matt Leontis - 5 years ago
If you're thinking about buying an EPS JS I wouldn't recommend glassing it light. I have a stock EPS Monsta 8 and buckled it really badly after nose diving on a 2 foot floater. They like to say stringerless epoxies are stronger but in my opinion, they are weaker simply because they don't have a stringer. Simply put, you will no doubt buckle your EPS if you glass it light.

Other than that, I think JS makes really good boards and I love their stringerless EPS ones. I think it's perfect for this board.
Michael Shroads
Michael Shroads - 5 years ago
great review! any notes on the eps durability of these boards?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Michael Shroads My pressure dents were extremely light on both boards. Good durability on pressure dents..., if you get a ding or even a small crack fix it ASAP as all EPS foam Constructions sick water in big time.
Mikey Smith
Mikey Smith - 5 years ago
Take a look at Noel's bulge @ 7:16. He's clearly packing. Makes my mouth water... ;)
Paulo Amaral
Paulo Amaral - 5 years ago
mmmmmm looks so fat not sure i could handle it all
SurfGymSkaterdude - 5 years ago
Dude that got my attention, thought I was the only one but guess not! He rocks it with confidence too. I'm not gay though, more like bi-curious when I'm really horny.
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 5 years ago
Ok so ive now surfed my BB3 in HYFI a couple of times now and heres my thoughts.I ride a stock 6'2 x 20 3/4 x 2 3/4 = 38.3 L.My weight is 96 kgs and im 6'3.Firstly the weight.Ill try compare to my PU Lost Quiver Killer which is 6'2 and very similar dims.Glassing is the same on both boards 4 x 4/4...this board is super light.Id say approx 30% lighter than the QK.I know Noel says its not but to me it "feels" very light.Secondly i usually ride a 39 - 39.3 L shortboard.I sized my BB3 on the premise of an extra .5 - .8 L less for the epoxy.I can definately feel this is not as buoyant as my 39.3L QK.So my suggestion is to size your BB3 EXACTLY like your PU board litreage.Do not undervolume your BB3.Even though the thickness of the board is 2 3/4" the rails are med low and sharp.If i picked this up off the shelf without looking at the dims id think this board is 2 5/8",maybe 2 1/2".It just seems very "thin" to me.Is this a 1 - 2 ft groveller no way.In 1-2 ft i felt it wasnt at its best.In 3 - 4 it gets better.Id certainly say this is a daily driver and id think this board could easily handle 6 ft +.Hope this helps.
X -MAN X MAN - 5 years ago
We need to size the epoxy just like pu.maby 1/2 liter.less no more.
Noah Stone
Noah Stone - 5 years ago
Wow...surfing was amazing along with the video!!

10. comment for JS "Blak Box 3" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.83

8wheelsbootingfruit - 5 years ago
FCSll - tool less fin entry system..... carries hockey stick tool, 400000 times the size of a fin key

great review!
8wheelsbootingfruit - 5 years ago
@Craig Runnalls also a futures devotee. Long live simplicity
jmlee84 - 5 years ago
sick review!
Jon Salvador
Jon Salvador - 5 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Trevor Hocking Yessir! Exactly correct
cccccc54able - 5 years ago
Hey mate what’s this compared to the rocket wide ? Thank you
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
cccccc54able RW has more speed and flow and paddles better. BB3 has a bit more performance in 3-5’ surf
Samwise - 5 years ago
Neck beard 2 looked better under foot. Great breakdown as usual.
Peter Beck
Peter Beck - 5 years ago
I need to stop the subscription to the channel, too much board lust
SurfGymSkaterdude - 5 years ago
What happened to your foot and what is it wrapped with???
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Percy Ferguson Duck Tape
SurfGymSkaterdude - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews what kinda tape do you use? I can never keep the stuff on.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Percy Ferguson My back foot has a large surf knot on it that I had surgically removed 3 years ago. It came back already from the friction of surfing. I cut up a bootie trying to customize a brace.

Both of my big toes get blood blisters from gripping the deck so I tape them to avoid the pain.
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 5 years ago
Noel, I have the Monsta Box Hyfi in a squash tail and noticed they also make it in a swallow. It's an awesome all around SoCal board. What's the difference between the BB3 and Monsta Box?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
CW Rodriguez MB 3-5’ surf... BB3 2-5’ but order one the light side.
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews so, for socal type shit, should i go with the MB or BB3?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
CW Rodriguez The MB might have a little more rocker overall... if it does not by much
Ken Kohncke
Ken Kohncke - 5 years ago
Good review, really liked how you made a comparison to the monsta box and air 17x, that is really helpful when looking at buying one of these boards.

20. comment for JS "Blak Box 3" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.83

JBOsurf - 5 years ago
Please. I'm begging you. Test an EVO.
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews folks keep hounding you about the same ish. those boards are everywhere
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
CW Rodriguez Not into the review that bad...
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 5 years ago
JBOsurf bro go rent one. They’re fun. I’d bet if you called around to local shops someone will either be demoing them or renting
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
JBOsurf I hope soon... I asked FW and I still don’t have the green light. No boards yet
bodhi tree
bodhi tree - 5 years ago
What was the name of that fin removal tool?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
bodhi tree Fin Puller... www.finpuller.com
wozza77able - 5 years ago
What point break do you usually test at Noel?
wozza77able - 5 years ago
Well it looks like Trestles but its hard to tell from Merewether
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
wozza77able Sorry... I don’t talk about surf locations to respect the locals.
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 5 years ago
Looks like you're moving in slow motion on some of these waves
vanislandsurf - 5 years ago
Im glad you mentioned the Monsta Box. In my head I thought it would be a daily driver as really it is a combination of the Blak Box and the Monsta "high performance" model in the JS line.
GeniusUnleashed - 5 years ago
This is the only problem of getting surfboards designed by Aussies. The waves so much more push down there I hear compared to SoCal.
GeniusUnleashed - 5 years ago
@Janice James Gotcha. But does JS shape out of there? The owners of the surf shop I go to in LA always say he shapes a bit too much for pros and powerful good waves, versus Matt Biolos who's in SoCal where it's generally weaker half the year.
Janice James
Janice James - 5 years ago
Couldn't be more wrong. Majority of the east coast is crap beachies
Samwise - 5 years ago
good point - summers are weak though. Your feed only blows up in winter and even then we just had a 6 week flat spell in the east
z s
z s - 5 years ago
Seeing the board in the unpredictability of beachbreak adds a whole new element!!!
Richard Embery
Richard Embery - 5 years ago
I’m surprised you surfed it as a 5’7. I thought you would of gone a custom 5’5 for this model. I would ride this the same length as my Neckbeard 2
I really like how it looked under your feet though.. I thought it looked really smooth.
A few of my mates on the Goldy in Australia ride these boards and absolutely rip on them.
In fact as a model you don’t see many guys look bad on them (and they’re everywhere here), even if their surfing is at a lesser level.
Compare that to say something like the Hypto Krypto, where most guys who surfed them looked terrible.
To have most guys who surf your board look good style wise is obviously a real credit to the design and how easy it is to ride.
Great review as always.
Ardy Aryan
Ardy Aryan - 5 years ago
You've mastered your show Noel, this was a great review, thank you. Also the on location shots on the beach are very entertaining.
Tyson Tone Pickups
Tyson Tone Pickups - 5 years ago
Nicely done! IMO very helpful to see how a board goes in beach breaks that have some really slow sections (and really fast ones) - even if not as fun for you ; )

30. comment for JS "Blak Box 3" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.83

Matthias Rigling
Matthias Rigling - 5 years ago
Great review as always. Thanks, Noel!
Jody Blackwell
Jody Blackwell - 5 years ago
hi Noel i have ordered a Clever surfboard shaped by Jay Smith from Ormond beach Florida it is a take off of the cymatic I ordered a 6-2 15.5 nose 22 in. wide and a 16 tail with a five fin setup by FCS 2's 45 liters of volume i am 69 years old 174 lbs at 6 ft 1 in
Derek Easterling
Derek Easterling - 5 years ago
Oceanside Harbor for the win! Excited to see a review at my home break.
M. Rademacher
M. Rademacher - 5 years ago
What size Reactors did you use?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
M. Rademacher Large Reactors. Medium Quad Reactor Rears.
Koompa - 5 years ago
Will you ever do a review on the CI Happy?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Koompa Yes... but it it’s going to be a bit. I got two Happy’s for review but I have a few boards in front of it to review first. Hang tight
rippert - 5 years ago
I have a BB3 squash and a CI Rocket Wide both PU. The BB is a better paddler and fits in the small wave pockets better but the RW is easier to pivot and has more flow if the waves are lined up with better shape. I'd recommend the BB for junkier surf and beach breaks like the one you surfed here. How would you compare?
rippert - 5 years ago
Karl, my RW has 1L more volume than the BB3. For me the BB3 works great in punchy windy and junkier conditions like we get here on the east coast. To my eye it seems Noel is moving much better in the beach break and a bit sluggish at the point where the RW would be a better call. Stoked either way! Both are good boards.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
rippert The RW grovels better and it has better flow. The RW paddles better too
Karl Jakobsson
Karl Jakobsson - 5 years ago
I have both but my BB3 is PU and the RW is in SpineTek. The RW grovels way better in 0-2ft, BB3 has a much narrower range and needs more wave 2ft+ even thou it’s almost 2l more volume to the RW. You have both in the exact same volume?
rippert - 5 years ago
Sorry Noel compare the BB3 to the RW. Thank you.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
rippert Compare it to what... the beach breaks or to the RW? Sorry I don’t understand your question...
D F - 5 years ago
Stoked you offered two tail designs, i think the average surfer or working class guy whatever you want to call it never gets that opportunity to surf the same board w/ different tails and im really suprised you didnt feel any difference. Anyway, well done great review.
bushkey - 5 years ago
Holy Sh*t you just surfed a beach break!! Hahaha. Your best review ever for doing a point and a beachy....and doing the two different tails. Bravo.
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 5 years ago
I put my Lost Quiver Killer next to my BB3 and the BB3 has more entry and exit rocker...i suspect why not the best 1-2 ft groveller as my QK is not considered a groveller.
Google User
Google User - 5 years ago
The BB needs a wave with a bit of grunt to get going
X -MAN X MAN - 5 years ago
At last.your opinion on this model1..he can go in 4-5 ft?
And how much you like him1-10
X -MAN X MAN - 5 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews thx
You the best revies in the net
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
X -MAN X MAN This board goes good in 1-5’ surf with a lighter glass job.

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