JS "Bullseye" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 96
Reviews 5 years ago 8,477 views
Where to Buy: The Surf Station: https://www.surfstationstore.com/collections/js-industries/products/js-bullseye-round-surfboard-hyfi Jack’s Surfboards "Fins Only": https://jackssurfboards.com/collections/surf-fins/products/fcs-ii-reactor-pc-tri-set-fins-1 Surf Ontario "Fins Only"(Canada): https://surfontario.ca/collections/future-fins/products/futures-amt-twin-mini-trailer Surfboard Empire "Fins Only" (Australia): https://surfboardempire.com.au/collections/futures/products/p8hcthruster-burgundyblk In this episode I put Occy’s new model called the “Bullseye” by JS Surfboards through the paces in 1-6’ surf. The board testing started on a stock 5’5” x 18 7/8 x 2 ¼ PU/Poly (polyurethane foam / polyester resin) with 25.1 liters. The stock board dimensions fit me good, but the liters are on the low side of my range for a PU/Poly. The PU/Poly felt good in 3-6’ surf but it struggled to go fast from the take off in 1-2’ surf with a Thruster set up. As the waves got smaller (chest high and below) I began testing different fin setups to give it the speed I expect from a small wave performance board. After multiple days of board testing in 1-2’ surf I found that riding the Bullseye as Quad or Twin + Trailer offered the most speed and release in chest high and under surf. After a week or so of testing the PU/Poly I asked JS for the same stock board in their Hyfi construction to get a little more speed and pop in smaller waves. The EPS Hyfi construction felt more alive under foot and it offered the projection I was hoping for in the smaller surf. I highly recommend the Bullseye for intermediate – pro level surfers as a Daily Driver. This model performs best in 3-6’ surf. If you’re looking for the Bullseye to be your go-to board in 1-5’ surf, then I recommend it in the Hyfi construction as a Quad. My Height - 5’9” My Weight – 160 lb or 72.57 kg Suggested Fins and fin Setup: Futures – (Quads) Legacy P8 or HS1 Side fins with HS Quad Rears FCSII – (Quad) Reactor (Large side fins) w/ Reactor Medium Quad Rears Twin + Trailer: AMT (Al Merrick Twin + Trailer)
could you please do a review on the chilli "Volume 2" it looks like a sick daily driver!!
Plz, how would u compare this board to the monsta box ?
10. comment for JS "Bullseye" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 96
this is realy big guys board..the round tail look good..cheers.
I have been testing the AMT Twin + Trailer on Other Daily Driver type boards in 1-3’ gutless surf and they go good in some of those too. The side fins are super upright so lots of pivot and drive due to the large base.
20. comment for JS "Bullseye" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 96