LEGO Pirates Bounty Boat review! 1992 set 6247!

Here's a review of an old LEGO Pirates set from 1992, the Bounty Boat! This is basicallllly a minifigure collection. -- The just2good Patreon! The official just2good Discord server! My Twitter: My Facebook: My Instagram: LEGO Review #1153 --- COMMENT RULES: 1) No number spam (as in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). This is annoying and usually has NOTHING to do with the video. Also no "I'M EARLY" jokes. Those, again, have nothing to do with the video and are rarely constructive. Or comment spam, like "Legend has it nobody can like this comment!" 2) No advertising your channel or giveaways. That's not the right way to get viewers. 3) Don't be offensive. I'm keeping this one vague for a reason. Keep everything PG-rated, not even PG-13. 4) Don't spoil movies that just came out in theaters (as in, within a one month window). 5) Treat others with respect. 6) No political discussion, please. I'll remove any comments that break these rules. This is NOT because I'm an advocate for censorship, but rather because I like this to be a family friendly channel. 7) No comments counting up or down to a certain day, like what Kremit used to do. The joke has ran its course... If it's super bad, you'll be banned. Thanks, and that's all!

LEGO Pirates Bounty Boat review! 1992 set 6247! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Reviews 5 years ago 7,846 views

Here's a review of an old LEGO Pirates set from 1992, the Bounty Boat! This is basicallllly a minifigure collection. -- The just2good Patreon! The official just2good Discord server! My Twitter: My Facebook: My Instagram: LEGO Review #1153 --- COMMENT RULES: 1) No number spam (as in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). This is annoying and usually has NOTHING to do with the video. Also no "I'M EARLY" jokes. Those, again, have nothing to do with the video and are rarely constructive. Or comment spam, like "Legend has it nobody can like this comment!" 2) No advertising your channel or giveaways. That's not the right way to get viewers. 3) Don't be offensive. I'm keeping this one vague for a reason. Keep everything PG-rated, not even PG-13. 4) Don't spoil movies that just came out in theaters (as in, within a one month window). 5) Treat others with respect. 6) No political discussion, please. I'll remove any comments that break these rules. This is NOT because I'm an advocate for censorship, but rather because I like this to be a family friendly channel. 7) No comments counting up or down to a certain day, like what Kremit used to do. The joke has ran its course... If it's super bad, you'll be banned. Thanks, and that's all!

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Most popular comments
for LEGO Pirates Bounty Boat review! 1992 set 6247!

Lego2Movies - 5 years ago
I love pirates.
Tamaro Animations
Tamaro Animations - 5 years ago
I love the look of the old Pirate Minifigures. So simple yet complex for the time
LegoSonicBoy - 5 years ago
It's amazing what you can do with just a few rectangular plates :)
Lordodragonss - 5 years ago
Fun fact: This set includes SLAVERY!
Nick Soapdish
Nick Soapdish - 5 years ago
My favorite Lego Theme has always been the Pirates. And to be honest, I the Bounty Boat was always one of my favorite Lego sets. It's a perfect set to me.
Vander Delman
Vander Delman - 5 years ago
Can you review the overwatch Hammond ball please
Jose Morales
Jose Morales - 5 years ago
Cool lego set keep it up bye bro
michael miller
michael miller - 5 years ago
Hey just2good please face reveal for once
Apprentice Brick
Apprentice Brick - 5 years ago
Cute set to get to build your collection of 90s pirate minifigures!

10. comment for LEGO Pirates Bounty Boat review! 1992 set 6247!

Sombrero Cat
Sombrero Cat - 5 years ago
I love that hat though
Joe Mills
Joe Mills - 5 years ago
1992 Pirates Battlepack!
kevin gomez
kevin gomez - 5 years ago
They rlly should bring back 70s,80s,90s n old sets back
kevin gomez
kevin gomez - 5 years ago
Kevin M ik n more with othernpast sets
Kevin M
Kevin M - 5 years ago
They sorta did that with Benny's Space Squad
Jimbo Carrino
Jimbo Carrino - 5 years ago
I do believe its pronounced cutless contrary to how it's spelled cutlass
PenPlays - 5 years ago
This is what a Pirate Battle Pack looks like.
Forthethillofit - 5 years ago
I wish they would remake this set into a poly bag
Tyler gomes
Tyler gomes - 5 years ago
I like the old sets better than some new sets.
WattoXtreme - 5 years ago

just2good: cutlAss
BoboFett 72
BoboFett 72 - 5 years ago
I wish these original themes would take off. I miss themes like this. This set is very simple but great for getting Minifigures. To bad they'd never be that cheap.
Noa Pedic
Noa Pedic - 5 years ago
@AppleCubing OK no problem

20. comment for LEGO Pirates Bounty Boat review! 1992 set 6247!

Noa Pedic
Noa Pedic - 5 years ago
@AppleCubing Forget it, it's nothing
AppleCubing - 5 years ago
Noa Pedic oh sorry
Noa Pedic
Noa Pedic - 5 years ago
@AppleCubing No he didn't, he released a video of 20 packs
AppleCubing - 5 years ago
He already did
J Scott Hatcher
J Scott Hatcher - 5 years ago
cool. i have two of these.
Gaming by JC
Gaming by JC - 5 years ago
I had this set as a kid
Lucas V. B.
Lucas V. B. - 5 years ago
In the box the pirate is smiling while he is forced to work with a gun pointing to his head..... And he is smiling
Sauron's Eye
Sauron's Eye - 5 years ago
maybe it's very small and very simple but to be honest it contains all what you really need. great set.
Flashfire x98000
Flashfire x98000 - 5 years ago
i want more lego pirates sets
FBI - 5 years ago
When will you review steamboat Willie??

30. comment for LEGO Pirates Bounty Boat review! 1992 set 6247!

Jace Hackworth
Jace Hackworth - 5 years ago
The guy on the right in the thumbnail looks like a new meme format.
just2good - 5 years ago
Let's do it!
Super Clone 117
Super Clone 117 - 5 years ago
lets make it a reality, muh guy
Ratbat 1986
Ratbat 1986 - 5 years ago
FATSUG - 5 years ago
Make it happend boi
Joshua Guenther
Joshua Guenther - 5 years ago
So nostalgic.. I miss these themes
TheFlamingCookie - 5 years ago
Man those figs are sick!
Fatalbert 12
Fatalbert 12 - 5 years ago
This was just2good
collin schoenfelder
collin schoenfelder - 5 years ago
The older the set is for the theme the more I like them
Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio - 5 years ago
Hey guys, does anyone know if lego will bring back the pirate sets?
Nick Soapdish
Nick Soapdish - 5 years ago
C R Bricks Awesome
Pasta Movies
Pasta Movies - 5 years ago
Man! I still have that LEGO Boat. Nostalgia!
endergaming is there
endergaming is there - 5 years ago
Do a mini-figure opening please
jose43gamer's gaming channel
jose43gamer's gaming channel - 5 years ago
Lego should bring back this theme.
Avery the Cuban-American
Avery the Cuban-American - 5 years ago
Woolworth, a blast from the past
just2good - 5 years ago
Jarvis Ho
Jarvis Ho - 5 years ago
Lego my eggo
Jarvis Fan
Jarvis Fan - 5 years ago
Great review, it's good to get cheap pirate figures and the other pieces are awesome
Randomark3087 - 5 years ago
I still have a '92 Lego poster, with all the themes and sets on it.
just2good - 5 years ago
Ethan Truslove
Ethan Truslove - 5 years ago
Sama San
Sama San - 5 years ago
Do really hope release pirates series (battle pack ) again ;)
Mothman - 5 years ago
woah I haven’t seen that boat in a long time I almost forgot about that peice
Bryce McKenzie
Bryce McKenzie - 5 years ago
This set is an absolute classic
Stone Brooks
Stone Brooks - 5 years ago
I piRATE this one a 5/10
C0MMANDING DAD - 5 years ago
classic set

50. comment for LEGO Pirates Bounty Boat review! 1992 set 6247!

reher714 - 5 years ago
I love these old sets they are just history
Ismail Lewis
Ismail Lewis - 5 years ago
19th like
N1K0 - 5 years ago
Paulluxx2 - 5 years ago
Ha Plebsian
Сладкий Глазированный Пончик
Сладкий Глазированный Пончик - 5 years ago
Gildor The Penguin
Gildor The Penguin - 5 years ago
Lechse - 5 years ago
Hello there
Lego Films0606
Lego Films0606 - 5 years ago
General Kenobi!
Stone Brooks
Stone Brooks - 5 years ago
General Kanobi

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