LEGO Hidden Side Wrecked Shrimp Boat review! 2019 set 70419!
Reviews 5 years ago 11,998 views
Here's a review of the LEGO Hidden Side boat set! Since the Hidden Side app hasn't released, we're just looking at the physical builds of the set. Rekt boat? Rekt boat. -- Patreon: Subreddit: Twitter: Twitch: Discord server: Instagram: Facebook: LEGO Review #1133 --- COMMENT RULES: 1) No number spam (as in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc), "I'M EARLY" jokes, or comment spam, like "Legend has it nobody can like this comment!" 2) No advertising your channel or giveaways. That's not the right way to get viewers. 3) Don't be offensive. I'm keeping this one vague for a reason. Keep everything PG-rated, not even PG-13. 4) Don't spoil movies that just came out in theaters (as in, within a one month window). 5) Treat others with respect. 6) No political discussion, please. These are NOT here because I'm an advocate for censorship, but rather because I like this to stay a family friendly channel.
10. comment for LEGO Hidden Side Wrecked Shrimp Boat review! 2019 set 70419!
20. comment for LEGO Hidden Side Wrecked Shrimp Boat review! 2019 set 70419!
30. comment for LEGO Hidden Side Wrecked Shrimp Boat review! 2019 set 70419!
50. comment for LEGO Hidden Side Wrecked Shrimp Boat review! 2019 set 70419!
Might get it when it releases
Cuz' I do
100. comment for LEGO Hidden Side Wrecked Shrimp Boat review! 2019 set 70419!