LOAWAI (formerly Curf) review - new electric surfboard
Reviews 6 years ago 6,961 views
LOAWAI (formerly Curf) jetboard from Germany Meet the team behind CURF in our new episode! Curf is one of the most powerful jetboards out there with enough power to let a couple of people ride together or tow each other! Such a great fun! Curf.surf =========================== Enjoying my videos? Join me on my mission to spread the word about this exciting new sport of Jet surfing My main blog with news and updates about jet surfing and artificial waves Surfing Nation: Make Your Waves http://jetsurfingnation.com/ The new exciting sport is evolving and together, we can be on the edge of the new next generation surfing technology to test electric jet boards Follow Mike on social media: https://www.facebook.com/Jetsurfingnation-463496217324381/ https://www.instagram.com/jetsurfingnation/ https://twitter.com/JetSurfNation
Cheers Frankie