LOST Quiver Killer Surfboard review

Trip Forman reviews the ...LOST Quiver Killer in the REAL Boardloft. Learn more: http://www.realwatersports.com/surfing/surfboards/lost/quiver-killer

LOST Quiver Killer Surfboard review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Reviews 9 years ago 32,490 views

Trip Forman reviews the ...LOST Quiver Killer in the REAL Boardloft. Learn more: http://www.realwatersports.com/surfing/surfboards/lost/quiver-killer

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Most popular comments
for LOST Quiver Killer Surfboard review

Sandro Breu
Sandro Breu - 6 years ago
Hi. Your 3 years old clips are still watched - even in Switzerland ;) Great work! How do you compare the Quiver Killer to the V3 Round It? I surf the V3 Rocket 6' and a Round Up 6'6 as a Step Up. And I'm looking for something smaller than my Round Up, but for the punchier days in France. Thanks your your reply!
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
Sandro, thanks for watching, glad they are a help! Those boards are very similar. The rockers are a little different and the V3 Round It may perform a little better for punchier, medium-sized good waves, whereas the quiver killer would do a little better in smaller- solid medium waves.
Richard Reid
Richard Reid - 6 years ago
Been watching the reviews on the Chilli Rare Bird and the Lost Quiver Killer....pretty similar boards. Which did you prefer as a daily driver to suit a wider range of beach break conditions???
David. Kissin.
David. Kissin. - 6 years ago
Is this okay for an intermediate rider ??
jack Medford
jack Medford - 6 years ago
Super helpful thanks a lot.
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 7 years ago
Best surfboard reviews on the internet...thank you...what length board has Trip got here?Stock dims?
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 6 years ago
thanks for replying
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
The Quiver Killers rails are less full than the Short Round, the Quiver Killer is more stable at high speeds and performs better on steep faces.
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 6 years ago
does this have the same rails as the short round?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
It is a 6'3 Stock Every Day Dims. 6'3" x 21" x 2.75" Vol:40L
Service & Reception
Service & Reception - 7 years ago
Hi thanks for the review! Im 6'2" and around 98 kg, intermediate surfer. Im looking at the 6'6" to hit the volume range for me however I'm worried about the swing weight and large nose being a hinderance to the performance. Would you see this being an issue cheers
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Thank you for your questions, The longer Quiver Killer will be more stable at high speed and in big surf but, you are correct, longer boards are less maneuverable. Another option built for maneuverability in smaller surf it the Lost Puddle Jumper Round Pin: http://www.realwatersports.com/surfing/surfboards/lost/puddle-jumper-round-pin Or we can custom order a shorter Quiver Killer with more thickness and width to arrive in 12+ weeks. Cheers, Ashlon
Vincent W
Vincent W - 7 years ago
Hi Real team! I already have a board in 6,2x20 3/4x 2,56 (old JS wich look like the psycho nitro). I have an intermediate level and I'm looking for a board which can help me to improve my surf specially in medium/high conditions. Wich size will you recommend me in quiver killer? I'm 154 lbs x 6,0. Thanks a lot!
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
The Nugget is about 3L higher volume in a 5'10, it performs better in small and weak surf while the Quiver Killer will remain stable at high speeds, on steeper waves.
Vincent W
Vincent W - 7 years ago
Hi Ashlon, Thanks for the info. Last questions: what will be the difference between the QK in 5,10 and the pyzel nuggets in the same size? Thanks!
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Thank you for the extra info, Vincent. It sounds like you are ready and would have a great time on a smaller board. The 5'10 Quiver Killer would feel much more maneuverable than your current board but it is still enough volume to offer good paddle power. Hope this helps - Ashlon
Vincent W
Vincent W - 7 years ago
Hi, to be honest, I write you from France. It's difficult to have a feedback on this board like you do on your reviews so that's why I contact you. I would like to thank you for the time you take to reply me!! I surfed most of the time on beachbreak on the south west coast. I travel one or two time a year to destinations such as central america, indonesia or california. My JS fit perfect for me as she give me enough volume to be confortable and enable to take all the waves i want ;) But sometimes, I feel she's too bulky and I'm looking for something more "agressive" wich can allow me to progress in maneuvers, verticality, speed,...
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Hey Vincent, Stoked to set you up with the right size Quiver Killer. Where do you surf? How do you like your JS? does the size feel right? What are you looking for in this new board? The Quiver Killer is a great board for the conditions you are surfing in but we need to make sure it's sized right.
Craig Steven
Craig Steven - 7 years ago
So I have a quiver killer as my alrounder. I'm going to the mentawai's in a few months and need a second board. I'll only really surf up to a foot or two over head depending on the break. Because of the range they say the quiver killer can handle would only need a back up alrounder or something more performance based? Any suggestions?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
The Round Up, and Ghost both start to shin when the surf is at least head high.
Craig Steven
Craig Steven - 7 years ago
And as far as the the round up.. it's not too much rocker? What size would this board come into play?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
You are on the right track with a 6'6. We have a few in stock here: http://www.realwatersports.com/surfing/surfboards/pyzel-surfboards/ghost
Craig Steven
Craig Steven - 7 years ago
6'5 stock carbon wrap
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Hey Craig, the Ghost's rails are very refined and it does not carry the thickness out the rails. Pyzel's aim for the Ghost was to maximize paddle power and speed. The majority of this boards volume is close to the chest, pushed forward of the midpoint for thin rails, a thin tail, and exceptional stability at speed. What size Quiver Killer are you surfing?
Craig Steven
Craig Steven - 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I just checked out the ghost's dims.. its super thick for the size. At 6'6 it's 3 inch thick. Which is an all around length for me.. how do you think the board will go with that much thickness in the rails..?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Hey Craig, I would pick up a more high-performance board to help you make the most of larger conditions and provide more confidence when you need it most. Our top picks would be the Pyzel Ghost for steeper waves or the Lost Round Up for more open faced scenarios.
Phaidrus - 7 years ago
Hi there, what is the difference between the Quiver Killer and the V2 Stub, say in the 5'10 - 5'11 range, for sub optimal conditions, i.e. weakish surf?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Hey Phaidrus, The V2 Stub is more compact, it has more volume per size, lower rocker, and fuller rails for more speed in weak surf, the tail shape is also the rocket tail vs a round on the Quiver Killer. The V2 stub will move faster in mushy waves, while the Quiver Killer offers more stability at speed and performance in round waves. Another more modern option for weak surf is the Lost Short Round, similar to the Quiver Killer but more volume and a squash tail for extra speed. Cheers - Ashlon

10. comment for LOST Quiver Killer Surfboard review

samwak100 - 7 years ago
How does the QK compare to the Baby Buggy R4C? Thanks
Nico Fletcher
Nico Fletcher - 8 years ago
hello, I wrote in another video almost a year ago, i bought a lost RV and i have improved a lot and now i feel i need a new board also beacuse the RV dosent do well in head high surf or more, I was thinking of this board, If you agree what Dims should i get it in, my RV is 5'10 with 37 liters, I am 1.83m tall and 85kg weight thanks.
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 8 years ago
Hey Nico, Stoked to hear you have been surfing and are ready to move onto a board suited for bigger waves. The Quiver Killer will be an easy transition from your RV, You will be stoked on the forward wide point, and width through the board for paddle power and stability. Higher rocker, more foiled rails, the round tail, and narrower width will give you much better stability at speed, and hold to big wave faces. Since this board will be used in bigger surf, and your skill level has improved I recommend sizing this board a little smaller. A 6'1 Quiver Killer sits right around 35 Liters, this will be a good volume for you to paddle but it will also sit deep enough to really grip into waves, and enable you to dig into turns deeper. Check this one out....http://www.realwatersports.com/lost-quiver-killer-pu-poly-6-1-35859
Tyler Alexander
Tyler Alexander - 8 years ago
Always drive past you guys when chasing swell. going to have to stop in sometime maybe you guys have got a nice daily driver i could purchase?!

also, live in VA so you know why i make that journey haha!
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 8 years ago
Hey Tyler, We definitely have a sick board in the shop that is perfect for you. Stop in the shop next time you are in town to check out boards, or just grab a meal or coffee at Watermen's Bar and Grill. Looks like have some swell coming soon....
Victor Rodriguez
Victor Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Appreciate yall help so much helping pick out this board when I came by a few months ago. I had tons of fun in that really weird va beach surf to the awesome frisco peir beach breaks. I can't wait to get this board out to San Diego in a month. thanks so much again to everyone at real
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 8 years ago
+vic R (CtuckSURFER) Thanks for visiting us at the store! glad you're stoked on your new board!
Rich - 9 years ago
Can you give some idea of sizing compared to normal everyday Hybrid.

I'm 5' 10" and 180lbs, usually ride a 6' 0" Spitfire, looking for something easy and give confidence to ride in bigger waves to take to Maldives. If it gets too big, I wouldn't go in so don't want a proper step up, or would you recommend something else?

If the Quiver Killer what size would you recommend?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 9 years ago
+Rich G Thanks for your question. For your situation, going a little bigger with the board is not going to hold you back in the larger end of your wave range, paddle power is always helpful when the surf gets big, and the Quiver Killer has good hold with its confidence boosting rounded tail. Oversizing by too much could make it a little skatey on bigger waves (because you'll be sitting higher up in the water), so be careful not to overdo it. Hope this helps! -Chris Stellato +real watersports
Rich - 9 years ago
Thanks! Is there any harm in having a few more litres / inches in bigger surf? Or will it get in the way.
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 9 years ago
+Rich G Thanks for your question. Quiver Killer is a good all-arounder hybrid that works well in mediocre surf but can hang tough into well overhead conditions. Would be pretty well suited for what you're looking for. For your weight, and considering you've been riding a board at 34.9L volume, I'd go 6'1" or 6'2" Quiver Killer. Hope this helps & have fun in the Maldives!! -Chris Stellato +real watersports
Michelle Noori
Michelle Noori - 9 years ago
And would you recommend a fish?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 9 years ago
+Michelle Noori Check out the Rusty Heckler, would be a nice 2-board quiver with the Quiver Killer. Heckler for the smaller side of the wave scale, QK for the high end: http://www.realwatersports.com/surfing/surfboards/rusty/heckler
Hope this helps! -Chris +realwatersports
Michelle Noori
Michelle Noori - 9 years ago
+REAL Watersports an all around hybrid, waves here are often 3-5 ft
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 9 years ago
+Michelle Noori - Depends on what you're looking for. This would be in addition to the Quiver Killer, right? Not replace it?

For the fish shape, are you looking for something to super-grovel when the waves are tiny, or more of an all-around hybrid? -Chris +realwatersports
Michelle Noori
Michelle Noori - 9 years ago
Still looking for my magic board, what volume would be good for me?
Height: 5'2" and three quarters
Weight: 108 Ibs
Skill level: 3 years surfing, I surf 3+ days a week
Surf spot: My go to break is Newport jetties in California, the waves are usually 3+ ft
Goals: I want to be able to maneuver easily in smaller days like 3-4 foot days but be able to surf it up till 8 footers. I also want to have speed in punchy, smaller surf.
My quiver consists of 5'6s and a 5'7. 18 and something inches wide and 2 1/4 inches thick.
Hope you can help out, thanks!
Michelle Noori
Michelle Noori - 9 years ago
+REAL Watersports Thanks! And Would you recommend a fish? If so what volume
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 9 years ago
+Michelle Noori thanks for your question! For your weight and skill level, a 5'6" or 5'7" QK would work perfect for you. This will probably be a custom order as most of our stock QK's are coming in around 5'9" and above. If you're looking for boards in stock now and ready to ship today, stay in the 24-26L volume range and you should be good to go. Hope this helps! -Chris Stellato +realwatersports
Guy Katz
Guy Katz - 9 years ago
gotta love the moustache :)
David Juliano
David Juliano - 9 years ago
Good review. Can't say I want it, but I think you did a great job capturing what happens with boards that claim to be a jack of all trades.
Ripper - 9 years ago
Really interested in this board I've been looking for a new all arounder primarily for south Florida. Something I can take out when it's waist high and soft but also when it's heavier (chest-head and steeper heavier wave). How do you think this board would perform in the softer and often small waves of South Florida? I do take trips to Central America about once a year and plan on Indo in the next 5 years so I think this might be a great board for me.
Ah and I'm 26 6'3" 165 lbs intermediate/ weekend warrior.
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 9 years ago
+Ripper thanks for your question! The Quiver Killer has a huge wave range and if sized properly it';s going to have great performance in weak/mushy surf, but it is not a dedicated groveler like the Bean Bag or Puddle Jumper. Living in South Florida, you are seeing really weak/mushy waves 90% of the time, so the Quiver Killer shouldn't be your only board if you want to surf frequently....
Quiver Killer will work perfectly for the good days and the best days as your local break, and amazing for your surf trips. A perfect 2-board quiver for South Florida would be a Puddle Jumper for most days and then the Quiver Killer for good days at home and surf trips. Hope this helps! -Chris Stellato +realwatersports

20. comment for LOST Quiver Killer Surfboard review

Erwin Chiong
Erwin Chiong - 9 years ago
awesome review...thanks!
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 9 years ago
+Erwin Chiong Thanks for watching! Quiver Killers in stock now available for world-wide shipment here: http://www.realwatersports.com/surfing/surfboards/lost/quiver-killer

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