Living aboard the Beneteau Swift Trawler 41 | 24-hour boat test | Motor Boat & Yachting
Reviews 5 years ago 64,832 views
We spend 24 hours on board the Beneteau Swift Trawler 41 to see if it's the best one yet. Beneteau Swift Trawler 41 yacht tour at the Cannes Boat Show: Beneteau Swift Trawler 47 24 hour test: Filmed by Richard Langdon: ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to YBWTV's YouTube page now - ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - ► Like us on Facebook: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Follow us on Instagram: ► What did you think? Let us know in the comments below! ► Remember to hit that LIKE button and subscribe if you enjoyed it :)
10. comment for Living aboard the Beneteau Swift Trawler 41 | 24-hour boat test | Motor Boat & Yachting
20. comment for Living aboard the Beneteau Swift Trawler 41 | 24-hour boat test | Motor Boat & Yachting
Would drive me crazy on overnights.
30. comment for Living aboard the Beneteau Swift Trawler 41 | 24-hour boat test | Motor Boat & Yachting
Nice review by the way
Instead of these quick walk throughs shows how a boat can actually be used in a leisure scenario.
Rolls around a bit and think a seakeeper would help a lot.
Great boat for the money and like the range of 800nM at 6 knots you could really travel around at your leisure on this boat and have a lot of fun
50. comment for Living aboard the Beneteau Swift Trawler 41 | 24-hour boat test | Motor Boat & Yachting
Also hope they address the issue with the table and seat as you mentioned. Otherwise a cool boat.