Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48

Click to buy: SURF STATION - https://www.surfstationstore.com/collections/lost-surfboards/products/lost-psycho-killer-surfboard No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at https://www.paypal.me/surfnshow In this episode I review the Lost Psycho Killer by Lost surfboards. I test it in two different constructions, PU and EPS Carbon Wrap. Both boards felt good and I did not prefer one over the other. I test this board in 1-4' surf and ride it with a thruster, quad, and Two + 1 set up. Each fin configuration had it's strengths and weaknesses but the Psycho Killer proved to be very versatile in wave height and fin set ups. This review will show the versatility of the Psycho Killer as I drill down on it's attributes and see what makes it so unique. Sit back and enjoy the Show!!!

Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Reviews 7 years ago 50,134 views

Click to buy: SURF STATION - https://www.surfstationstore.com/collections/lost-surfboards/products/lost-psycho-killer-surfboard No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at https://www.paypal.me/surfnshow In this episode I review the Lost Psycho Killer by Lost surfboards. I test it in two different constructions, PU and EPS Carbon Wrap. Both boards felt good and I did not prefer one over the other. I test this board in 1-4' surf and ride it with a thruster, quad, and Two + 1 set up. Each fin configuration had it's strengths and weaknesses but the Psycho Killer proved to be very versatile in wave height and fin set ups. This review will show the versatility of the Psycho Killer as I drill down on it's attributes and see what makes it so unique. Sit back and enjoy the Show!!!

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for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48

Mark Truesdale
Mark Truesdale - 5 years ago
Hi Noel, I just ordered the PK carbon wrap, due in part to excellent reviews like yours. Thank you for your hard work, top notch! I'm trying to decide on fins, and I'm definitely going to try the Mark Richards for smaller days, great tip! I like to ride thrusters and I'm looking at the Performer Neos or the Kolohes. I'm 6'4" and 165-170lbs. I'm an average surfer in waves similar to what your on here, waist to head, not too powerful, but I plan to take this board traveling to Mexico, Central America, etc. and I'm wondering which fins would work better for the average weaker waves and also the more powerful waves. I'm not yet prone to go to the air. I ride very much like how you do in this video, but a little out of practice at the moment. The sweep looks very similar on the Performera and KAs. What's the difference other than the flex and how does that really translate to the feel on this board? Should I get large or medium? Thanks again!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Mark Truesdale The KA fins have a little more rake compared to the Performers. I would go L KA for that board and wave conditions.
William Eversolejbxxcgnbr
William Eversolejbxxcgnbr - 5 years ago
Hey noel if you were to have this board in future fins. Which fins do you think would work best for it?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
William Eversolejbxxcgnbr I would go Pivot... maybe P8
David Sweeney
David Sweeney - 5 years ago
What do u mean when u say 3-6 foot? For me this means head height to double over head, will this board handle these conditions. Or do you mean waist to head height?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
David Sweeney 6’ surf is roughly 1’ over head. This board will handle 6’ surf no problem.
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 5 years ago
What are the rails like on this board?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 5 years ago
Ryan The Rock A little tapered and very forgiving
Mike Smith
Mike Smith - 6 years ago
Thanks for the review, and the fin tip today. Im loving this board so far.
Tom Foster
Tom Foster - 6 years ago
How do you think split keels like the futures controllers would be in the PK?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Tom Foster That would a interesting Board/fin combo. The Controllers would pivot pretty quick ... I say give them a try.
Rafael Athia
Rafael Athia - 6 years ago
Hi Noel, would the PK handle bigger surf than channel Islands Rocket Wide? I mean in 3-6ft range. I have the RW and would like to add to my quiver a board for the 3-6ft range, I'm also with the NB2 in mind. thanks, see you in the water!!!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Rafael Athia Yes, the PK will go good in 3-6’ surf. I believe that’s the best wave range for it.
NewNostalgia - 6 years ago
Rad show!!! I'm getting my first new board in over 7 years, I mostly ride OB in San Francisco, I'm 5'9" 175, and have mostly been riding my 5' 11" Mandala Quad Fish, and when it gets big i step up to a 6' 6" T&C. I want a more high performance board for 3-7 foot range good OB and SC type waves. I am considering the PK 6'0 or 6'1" CW or PU, or a 6'2" AM Flyer PU or EPS. WHAT DO I DO!!!????
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
NewNostalgia I would get the Pyzel Ghost in PU. Very user friendly and it can handle 3-10’ surf.
Nick Yennie
Nick Yennie - 6 years ago
Hey great review! I ride a 6'0" lost puddle fish st 41.75 liters. What size pyscho killer should i get?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Nick Yennie I say 6’3” Carbon Wrap.

10. comment for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48

X -MAN X MAN - 6 years ago
Baby bugy comper pk? You look great with pk.blast
X -MAN X MAN - 6 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews you are help us alot.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Erezdekel Erez123123 I like the Baby Buggy better. A bit faster and a little more my style.
popkiem101 - 6 years ago
Hi Noel, I'm 6'4 but only weighing between 165-175lb, inter/advanced ability and usually ride performance shortboards at around 5'10-6'2, 30-32L. A 5'11 PK carbon wrap came up for sale and was wondering if you thought this would be a good sizing for me for below average UK beachbreak conditions, looking at this as a performance step down but not a complete groveller. Any advice would be great cheers!
popkiem101 - 6 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews fair enough, guess I will have to keep my eyes open for something smaller then! Cheers for the advice mate.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
popkiem101 It will be clunky and too buoyant. This PK is not a good Groveler and 2+ liters is too much foam. Every liter of extra volume I add 10lbs of weight. So surfing a board with 2 extra liters of foam will feel like your surfing in slow motion as it takes time transitioning from turn to turn and that extra foam will hinder your abilities to be progressive in the pocket or above the lip.
popkiem101 - 6 years ago
hmmm this ones in the bro dims, will the extra couple of litres give it a bit of an edge when grovelling or is it just going to feel too boaty and sticky? seems a waste to let it go as don't want to have to fork out for a new 5'10 haha
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
popkiem101 If it’s the Pro Dims at 31.5 liters then I think your good... if it’s the bro dims at 33.5 liters it’s too much.

The PK goes good in 3-6+ and will surf like a HPSB. It needs a little push to go good....
Alex Teijeiro
Alex Teijeiro - 6 years ago
Great review, I'm thinking to get one, but I usually surf little waves. How does this surfboard work on little waves? Should I get a Puddle Jumper instead?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Alex Teijeiro I would get the PJHP instead. The PK needs a wave to go good. The PJHP is legit for Groveling.
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Hey Noel, what would you recommend for someone 6'2" 210lbs avg ability for the EPS version?
trebor - 6 years ago
Can I please get your autograph on my psycho killer?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
trebor Classic... if your kidding then yes.... if your serious then yes. Cheers!!!
Tony Stone
Tony Stone - 6 years ago
I also used the Mark Richards 2 + 1 set up. I then took out the trailer and rode it as a twinnie. Shit! thing went insane! Super fast and loose but didn't slide out when I cranked my turns really hard.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Tony Stone Sick... thanks for posting.
Dan Hogan
Dan Hogan - 6 years ago
Love the reviews, makes me want all the boards. I have a spitfire in about 28 liters of volume, looking to add psycho killer to quiver. Would you suggest same volume as spitfire or a bit more? Worth waiting for a carbon wrap? Think its about 2 months. I generally ride epoxy for the durability.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Dan Hogan I would get the PK the same volume as your HPSB. It surfs like a HPSB in 2-6’ surf and paddles like a Groveler.
Jamie Ryan
Jamie Ryan - 6 years ago
Hey Noel, thanks for helping me pick out my last board. Got another question for you. What are your thoughts between the Lost Psycho Killer vs CI Rocket Wide? Looking for something that paddles well and goes in waist to head high conditions but could also do work in some mushy 2'-3's as well. Dims would be 6'0-6'1 @34-36L. I'm 5'6 and 175 but have shoulder issues so i can't paddle well anymore.
Jamie Ryan
Jamie Ryan - 6 years ago
funny you ask. I find that if i have 2 boards with the same volume and same design purpose (2 fish, or 2 shortboards), but different lengths, it affects the paddling quite a bit. for example, I have a CI fishcuit that's 5'8 @ 38L and a canyon fish that is 6'4 @ 37L. now both boards have the same volume and same design, but the canyon paddles much better and is faster all around. The longer the board, the more area for your weight to be displaced and more evenly. so, basically, the bro dims, in the volume that i was looking for, would have put me in a board that is shorter and fatter (which IMO is slightly counter productive for paddling). the pro dims have the same volume but are a slight bit longer and thinner making them more streamlined IMO. think of a speedboat vs tugboat. lol. As an engineer, it makes sense, and seems to hold true...for me at least.
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 6 years ago
good feedback. gonna see if one of the carbon wraps is in stock with my local shop or order one. why'd you pick the pro vs the bro?
Jamie Ryan
Jamie Ryan - 6 years ago
Hey CW. I picked up a 6'0 PK carbon "pro" @ 33L a few weeks ago and i love it. The board is an animal. Paddles like a dream, has plenty of speed down the line and can get vertical with ease. I've surfed it from knee high junk city to head high solid swell and can't say enough about it. Even with my bum/ shot out shoulders, i can get into most waves. And that is something i've struggled with in the past few years on most boards. Noel hit this one right on the head, just an awesome all around board. As far as the volume thing, I would stay within your normal comfortable range if that has been working well for you. Might even want to go up a little as any extra float can be a good thing as long as its not excessive. the 6'1 @ 36.5L or the 6'2 @ 38.5L might be a good fit. You get the extra float for paddling without adding too much extra size. It's always better to have too much float than not enough and not be able to ride it.
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Hey James, hope he gets back to you. I'm looking at the PK in carbon wrap myself. I bought the Rocket Wide Spine-Tek and thought that going down in volume a little from my normal range (35-36L) wouldn't hurt bc of the eps. I didn't like and I"m selling mine. Though, I'm 6'2" 210 lbs. I bought the 5'11" at 34.4L. It kinda dragged. Not sure if I got a dud or if it was just the kick in the tail slowing it down on the paddle and popup. I may order a custom RW but I think I like this PK better. Cheers
Thadnill - 6 years ago
Hello cool review! I'm an intermediate surfer who is looking for a new short board to progress and improve my surfing on. I usually rides everything from 1.5 to 3.5 meter waves. I'm 182 cm tall and weight around 77 kg. Would you recommend this board and what size?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Thadnill What are the DIMS on your current boards that you ride in those wave sizes?
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 6 years ago
Hey Noel, what’s your thoughts on the Psyko Killer vs the Rocket Wide for surf up to shoulder high?
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews Yea that was another one I was considering for sure....
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Matthew Jones Sounds about right.... how about the Lost PJHP? That board is sick....
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews Thanks Noel....It’s a tough one because I’ve been riding shortboards for 30 years but lately I’ve riding a lot of more fishy type boards like the Lost RV, Lost Short Round and a few of Tomos MPH designs. Been loving the speed off the mark and down the line, just more functional at my local. I still love the shortboard feel but love the fish speed and quickness rail to rail. I really like the vee/double concave on the Lost RV which I’m pretty sure is the same as the modern 2....
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Matthew Jones The RW surfs Incredible in the pocket of 1-3’ surf... the M2 feels more like a fish compared to the RW in the pocket. The PK doesn’t have the speed in small surf to compete against the other two models you mentioned.
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews Yea figured the PK worked in slightly bigger surf.....how about the feel? How much of a HPSB does the RW have? I’m tied between the RW, PK and S Eye Mod 2....
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Matthew Jones No comparison really. The PK goes good in 3-6’ surf and the RW is sick in 1-3+. The RW is a true Groveler and the PK surfs like a HPSB.

20. comment for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48

leon andre
leon andre - 6 years ago
I think I buy this board to replace my lost voodoo child that I fold in two receive, however I have a doubt about the size and its program.
I weigh 73kg for 1m80 I surf most of the time in 26.5l I hesitate between the 5 "6 and the 5" 7 both in pro dims you think the 5 "6 can be a good choice? Between the voodoo child and which killer is best for the over head and more?
What is the advantage of Chanel and what are their disadvantages?
Do you think this board is a good choice for an indo trip?
thank you for your answer (excuse me if I speak bad english, I do not speak english courament)
leon andre
leon andre - 6 years ago
thanks for the quick reply!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
leon andre I would go 5’7 and ride this board in waves up too 6’. When your surfing bigger waves it’s good to have a little more foam under for paddling. I would go PU with and the channels offer more speed and grip on the face of the wave. No channels will go good too. Cheers
79pejeperro - 6 years ago
Bought a 6'0 psycho. On my first wave with it I felt like if I had surfed it for years. What a board.
Iceberg Slim
Iceberg Slim - 6 years ago
Dude, Subscribed. Rad rad video man. This is a cool show u got goin here.
Iceberg Slim
Iceberg Slim - 6 years ago
Shaka! been wondering about this board for about a month now. since i seen it. Thank you for the best review i could have ever found lol. Stoked!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
ɅƝȺЯĊHƔ ƵΣƊ Yewwww! Cheers
John Sweeney
John Sweeney - 6 years ago
Hey Noel, amazing show! Love all your reviews. I'm headed to Salina Cruz in a few months.. Trying to decide on Physco Killer or V3 stealth.. I've had a V3 rocket and loved it so I'm leaning towards the stealth, but the PK looked great under your feet and kind of made me start thinking... Any recommendations...
John Sweeney
John Sweeney - 6 years ago
Thanks Noel. Yes it does get hollow and steep.. Any other recommendations based on boards you have reviewed? I'm guessing it could be 4-6 ft and hollow sand bottom point.. That's average but it can get twice that size
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
John Sweeney Doesn’t Salina Cruz get hollow and steep? I have never surfed that wave but I have seen video. Out of those two models I would go with the PK if it’s not going to be big barrels.
brownhornetseventhre - 6 years ago
Hey noel, just brought an epoxy pjumper n absolutely love it...its my intro to epoxy. Im just wondering what you'd consider a better performer between psycho killer and v3 stealth? Im looking for a board for 3 to 6ft (rear of wave) for barreling to pocketing reefs and beachies ala 13th beach in victoria and cactus in south oz and not sure about channels and carbon wrap etc. I will be getting a sweet spot 2 aswell for when its a touch heavier but need a board for inbetween. (Hoping you can break it down for me mate!)Cheers phill
Jake L
Jake L - 6 years ago
hi, im 6'1 and about 160 lbs, does anyone know what size i should get in this board? im never really sure when looking at boards, if it makes any difference im looking at the CW version.
Jake L
Jake L - 6 years ago
awesome thanks so much for the help love the videos and the instagram is sick too
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Jake L I think a 6’0” PK in Carbon Wrap would be good for you. It will have more float compared to what your riding now and the width will make it more stable. It will paddle better and still be easy to turn.
Jake L
Jake L - 6 years ago
The board I have been riding for a while now is 6'3 - 10 1/2 - 18 1/2 - 14 1/4 - 2 3/16 and I would probably say I'm about beginner to intermediate. Sorry for the late response and thanks for any info/input
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Jake L What size boards do you normally ride in 2-6’ surf! What are the Dimensions and what is your skill level?
ChrisTheKing 72
ChrisTheKing 72 - 6 years ago
Noel it would be so sick to see you surf the puddle jumper
ChrisTheKing 72
ChrisTheKing 72 - 6 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews Awesome! Your reviews are by far the best, can’t wait to see you surf it.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Chris King The PJHP is nearly done. I have never seen a PJ up close or held one in my hands.
Mike Lerian
Mike Lerian - 6 years ago
Hey Noel. I picked up a PK two weeks ago. Used it several times on average to good waves. I’ve always rode a bit wider and more volume boards in the past. I’m 5’9” 150 lbs. from Florida average ability. I noticed the board feeling very loose and out of my control often. I have medium JJF Futures. I know I need to give it some time but what fins do you recommend on changing the feel of the board and helping stiffening or stabilizing it? Thanks!!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Mike Lerian A twin fin set up is going to make the board looser because of the little center fin. I say get used to the board first as a thruster then play with it as a Quad and 2+1.
Mike Lerian
Mike Lerian - 6 years ago
Thanks Noel for the quick response. forgot to say the board is 5’8” at 28L I noticed on the Futures website they have quit a few twin fin sets with rear stabilizers like the T1 and AMT and Rasta These seem to have a lot of rake and area. Would those work or be too much fun? A number of questions but for the price of fins, it’s worth the advice!! Cheers.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Mike Lerian That feeling sounds about right. When you go shorter, narrower, and less volume the board will be more responsive for sure. Hang in there buddy and don’t give up... you can stabilize the board a little with a set of fins Large fins that have more sweep or rake. The Al Merrick fins have a lot of rake and they are great fins too.
Peter Leung
Peter Leung - 6 years ago
Hey Noel do you think the PK will handle indo waves pushing double overhead? Looking for somethin that will handle most waves from good shoulder high and up before turning to a step up. If not would the Pyzel Ghost or a Gamma be a better choice? Cheers!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Peter Leung The PK can handle 6+ not sure about double over head. I would go Pyzel Ghost.
rockie071 - 7 years ago
Do you find you can get away with a little less volume with the Carbon Wrap? I've only ridden one epoxy board a few years ago, using my normal dimensions and the thing seemed way too buoyant. Like a cork. I keep thinking of buying a CW board but am scared to $pend so much on an unknown.

30. comment for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48

pooponacat - 7 years ago
hey noel I have a puddle jumper for the smaller mushier surf but when it gets a little bit better what do you recommend between a psycho killer, lost v3 stealth or the puddle jumper high performance? I have not ridden those three boards but I am looking to buy one and want to know what you think is best
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
david laptop Psycho Killer
pooponacat - 7 years ago
thank you between those two which do you think is most high performance and better in in the bigger waves?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
david laptop I say PK or V3Stealth. Both of these boards go good in 2-6’ surf.
A Morgan
A Morgan - 7 years ago
Noel - which did you prefer out of this and the Uber driver? To me you seemed to go faster and surf smoother on the Uber? Thanks mate!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
A Morgan I prefer the UD... it suits my surfing style better.
R Falc
R Falc - 7 years ago
Hey Noel, great review and surfing as always! Lots of Pk vs Others comments but since you just surfed it how would the PK compare to the Baby Buggy in waist/shoulder to a bit overhead? speed, turns and wave range. Also, with the CW construction should I keep the same vol. and get a bit more paddle power or size down? Seems like you preferred the BB going by your site where it's got a favourite badge but PK didn't. I'm looking for something to handle most conditions other than grovel or chunky. Thanks in advance!
R Falc
R Falc - 7 years ago
Great shout Noel, think you've got a review of that coming soon and i'll hit the button on the new board. Cheers for the advice, the show is great too, so many people stoked on it.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
R Falc I say Uber Driver.... in CW. I go same liters because it only feels like 0.5 liters more float compared to PU with the EPS core. I can manage that 0.5 liters to my advantage with no problem.
R Falc
R Falc - 7 years ago
thanks Noel, you rip on all the review boards, so it's hard to tell. Sounds like BB for smaller wave perf. Maybe the PK has to compromise on lower range to be an all rounder..Am looking for something that's got good paddling but still perf, replacing a V3 rocket, any recommendations? Do you go same volume CW same as PU ?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
R Fal I would say the B.B. suits my style of surfing better and the BB can grovel better. I like the B.B. better as small wave performance board but the PK is a better paddler and a little more user friendly. I like the CW in surf 1-5’ any bigger I struggle a bit on it. I have adapted to the CW in the chunky stuff too.
paul - 7 years ago
Hey Noel, I thank you for all your great reviews! I ordered the 6'5 Psycho Killer in Carbon Warp. I have two questions, how close does the P.K. ride like the Quiver Killer? Also, what set of large future fins do you recommend to ride it? I'm 6'4, 200lb, and intermediate surf who primarily surfs in Huntington Beach.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
paul Pyzel Ghost is UNREAL!!! Pull the trigger on that board. Easy to surf and high performance.
paul - 7 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply! I'm looking for a suggestion(s) on a step-up board for Bali (6-10ft waves)? I will bring the Psycho Killer for anything under 6 ft. I know I will be out of my league there, but the board I'm looking for will be around 6'5" to 6'8" 40L.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
paul Stoked you like our show. I have not ridden the QK yet. You will love the Futures F8 in Honeycomb.
Marcello Goggio
Marcello Goggio - 7 years ago
Great review as usual. I would like to see the Lost Uber Driver review, could be a good everyday surfboard!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Marcello Goggio You are correct.. the UD is a sick daily Driver. Really fast and performance too.
Mat R
Mat R - 7 years ago
You reckon you could take this board to indonesia without a problem for those 3 to 5 foot reef spots ? I was thinking about the Fever for my trip but the problem is that it s not a board I would use much for my local spot, I dont get enough good waves down here to enjoy a HPS ( and i can t rip a small wave with a HPS)
Gregoire Faber
Gregoire Faber - 6 years ago
I actually brought my 5'9" PK to Telo and it was sick.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Mat R Yes the Lost PK will go mental in 3-5’ reef breaks.
Ant D
Ant D - 7 years ago
Best review show on the web, thanks Noel.  Regarding your personal sizing for this board:  If you didn't have the show and could only have one, how would you size it / where would it fit in YOUR quiver?  What waves would you use it for?  Would you get it in CW or PU?  Thanks!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Ant D I would get the same size in CW without channels and use it as a daily Driver in 2-6’ surf.
Lee Roy
Lee Roy - 7 years ago
Hi Noel, Sick review as usual. I see a few people have asked for comparisons... So I will do the same if that's alright. How does the Psycho Killer compare to the Holy Grail specifically with regards to user friendliness and small waves. Keep up the good work mate!
Lee Roy
Lee Roy - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews, Thanks for the quick reply! You are really on top of this stuff. Perfect response, exactly what I wanted to know. Keep up the epic work and take it easy.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Lee Roy Great question... the HG is a better Groveler and suited my surfing better. The PK is good in 2-6+ and the HG is epic in 1-6’. Both boards are user friendly and easy to surf. Both boards are good paddlers too. I would choose the HG for my style of surfing. Cheers
Rick Bondservant
Rick Bondservant - 7 years ago
Noel since you know your stuff i have a tough question for you. PK Vs Firewire Midas or Sci Fi? Pros & Cons? As well which groveler would you roll with to compliment either one of those boards Super Fling, Pod Mod or Lost Puddle Jumper? Pros & Cons? Thanks for all the great reviews & pure advice!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Rick Bondservant Pod Mod for pocket surfing. Down the line projection PF.
Rick Bondservant
Rick Bondservant - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews So concerning the groveler question for waves 1-3. Which is the better performance groveler pod mod, puddle jumper or super Fling.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Rick Bondservant Ok... PK or SciFi... I have not tried the Midas but one of my friends has it swears by it.
Rick Bondservant
Rick Bondservant - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews Good stuff! I’m looking for a 2-4 performance driving groveler that can get a bit spicy.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Rick Bondservant The PK is not the greatest Groveler but it can with the right fin set up. I heard the Midas grovels pretty good but it can also go in some bigger surf. The SciFi seems to be a good Groveler too. Are you looking for a Groveler in the 1-3’ surf or 2-4+? Are you looking for performance in this small wave Groveler? Pocket Surfing....
Alessandro Buemi
Alessandro Buemi - 7 years ago
Hi, thanks for your reviews they’re very helpful, I’m up to get a new board, I’m actually confused between the PK and QK at this point, which one keeps a wider range of wave size, is it the PK covering the same wave range like the QK? Or it is more smaller wave oriented shape, so loosing a bit of that “one board quiver” in it?
Thanks in ad for answer!
Alessandro Buemi
Alessandro Buemi - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews thanks so much for reply!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Alessandro Buemi The PK will do whatever the QK will do. Both boards keep the same concept and have a great range for multiple wave sizes. The PK will go epic in 6’ surf.
Mathieu Revel
Mathieu Revel - 7 years ago
Looks like a one wave board quiver, I saw it in the shop a few days ago, so so tempting, but with my neckbeard and fever not sure where that one could fit.... :/ Where this one would fit on your quiver ?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Mathieu Popey I hear you...
Mathieu Revel
Mathieu Revel - 7 years ago
The problem is that with surfboard I always try to find myself an excuse to get a new one haha but I m getting to a point where I can't justify anymore to my girlfriend . Cheers mate
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Mathieu Popey 2-6’ surf... you are well covered with the NB and Fever.
Ross Thompson
Ross Thompson - 7 years ago
Great review thanks Noel. I have a pod mod for grovelling and medium waves. Would there be enough difference between the pod mod and psycho killer? Looking for a bit more performance than the pod mod
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Ross Thompson The Uber Driver feels really good. I just got on one and it has incredible get up and go speed. I have only tried it in small 1-3 surf and it feels good.
Ross Thompson
Ross Thompson - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews I was also looking at a voodoo child or potentially now the Uber Driver. I had a v3 rocket before which was a great board. Really liked the front end for paddling and getting into the waves but felt the back half was a bit wide for holding onto steeper faces.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Ross Thompson I think so... what other board are you looking at with a different board outline?
Chuck Johnson
Chuck Johnson - 7 years ago
Noel great review as always.Would the PK pair well with a Pod Mod for SoCal or is there to much overlap with them. Thanks
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Chuck Johnson if it’s a Groveler then I would go with the one that is wider for more drive.
Chuck Johnson
Chuck Johnson - 7 years ago
Thanks, that was my plan. Would you recommend the “bro” or “pro” dims when paired to the pod mod for 180lb intermediate. I’m torn as the lengths are close, 5’11” pro or 5’10” bro. I’d like an easy transition for board to board.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Chuck Johnson They go good together... the PM would be my Groveler and the PK would be my Daily Driver.
Brandon Lane
Brandon Lane - 7 years ago
I'm going to be ordering one of these in the next week to pair up with my voodoo child (purchased thanks to your review).
Should I go for regular PU, carbon wrap, or carbon wrap and 4 channels? I know you said it was hard to choose a favorite, but please help make my decision easier.
Also if I'm normally at 25L should I go down in volume to account for the buoyancy of the eps?
Thanks for all your help my brother.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Brandon Lane If your going to use it in waves 1-4’ then I would go CW without channels. No sense in spending the extra cash for channels when it goes epic without. If your going to ride it when the waves get bigger 3-6’+ then I would go PU. Cheers
Tom Campbell
Tom Campbell - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Tom Campbell I hope to do a review on that board too.
dukeflyingcow - 7 years ago
rad as usual.
RJ Shelsea
RJ Shelsea - 7 years ago
Noel, I am a surfboard junkie and really enjoy your reviews. I think the footage at the beginning and end are a great way of seeing the way your surf style translates thru different shapes especially when you are narrating your rides. This allows us to see how different boards compare to each other helping us to make solid decisions on our next board. My Psycho Killer in Black Dart tech is on order, cant wait!!! Tell Matt Biolos you get the referral cash on my order! lol. Keep Shredding Brother, best board reviews on the web!!!!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
RJ Shelsea So stoked you like our show!!! Your new Board sounds EPIC. Let me know how it goes for you. Cheers
Nuno Cunha
Nuno Cunha - 7 years ago
That board is not very white compared to the one on the back. Great video too. Keep on surfing!
noutsmaile - 7 years ago
Hi Noel,
super review ..
I need your opinion please)
I'm going to order a psycho killer in CW 5.11 and v3 stealth in 6.1 in pu ... the v3 for big waves .... or these 2 boards are too similar?
or is it the perfect combo for surftrips?
thank you again Noel
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
noutsmaile Glad you like our show!!! I think the PK can handle waves up to 6’+ so maybe do the PK in CW and get a Lost Driver or Whiplash in PU for the bigger days. The V3 Stealth is epic but fits the same wave size as the PK. I think the PK is easier to surf and paddles better compared to the V3S. Cheers
mark doble
mark doble - 7 years ago
Love the reviews.
What board did you prefer between this and the Baby Buggy Round Tail?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
mark doble Sure if you want to loosen up the board a bit. Sometimes I do that if the board feels tight under my feet. Most fin sets in Futures are sold that way but FCS2 you have to do that yourself. Great comment... cheers
mark doble
mark doble - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews If you had Large size side fins would you go a Small or Medium as the centre? Thanks again for the speedy replies.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
mark doble Large fins for me 95% of the time for speed. Most of the time I am surfing 1-6’ surf and I want to maximize my speed from the Large fin base. I can keep the board loose and responsive by using a smaller center fin if I need too. Speed is key!!!!
mark doble
mark doble - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews
Thanks for the reply! Think I’m leaning towards the B.B. One more question for you. Why do you go large fins when your weight fits into the medium size range?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
mark doble Yewww... glad you like our show!!! Good question.. both boards are epic. The B.B. is a great small wave performance board that looks and feels like a HP Board. The PK is more user friendly with a bigger sweet spot under your front foot a paddles very well. Both boards will do progressive surfing.

50. comment for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48

Vince Gagliardi
Vince Gagliardi - 7 years ago
Noel, What board did you like better at Lowers between the Sampler and the Psycho killer, or are they totally different boards?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Vince Gagliardi The Sampler is epic in 1-3’+ surf... mostly a Groveler. The PK is more versatile and goes good in 2-6+ and it will grovel to but you will need to change the fin set up to a 2+1 set with MR Twin Fin set up.
Kitty Smalls
Kitty Smalls - 7 years ago
Awesome show, just subscribed. Shoots from Carlsbad! Yew
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Kitty Smalls Yewww!!!
Phaidrus - 7 years ago
some serious shredding in this video
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Phaidrus Yewww! Cheers such a sick board.
Hernan Badia
Hernan Badia - 7 years ago
Pelado deja de chamuyar. No sabes un carajo
Craig Steven
Craig Steven - 7 years ago
Hey Noel. Kreeg here. Just reading through the comments. Came across the one Camparing it to other boards.. it made me think how you would compare it to the stealth.. obviously the pk has more range.. but as far as say what you get at trestles 90% of the time how would these two boards compare?
Valdo van Zyl
Valdo van Zyl - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews I believe you have done a v3 stealth review looking at your review archive.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Craig Steven Not that I know of... just trying to answer your question.
Craig Steven
Craig Steven - 7 years ago
Haven’t ridden the stealth? Is there a new stealth coming coming out? Certainly answers my question though..
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Craig Steven The PK has its wide point front from center so their is more foam under the chest and more surface area up front so it paddles way better compared to the V3 Stealth. Now compared to the Stealth (which I have not ridden yet) its going to be similar in paddle capabilities . The Stealth seems to have a little less rocker and go better in smaller / flatter waves. The Stealth has a Diamond tail too so it will be looser or turn faster compared to the PK. The PK is for the guys who want to shred a hybrid type outline with a high performance short board vibe in waves 2-6+. The Stealth’s range seems to be 1-5’ or so. I hope that answers your question.
P A - 7 years ago
Noel you looked much faster and way better speed on your snaps with the "Psycho Killer" than most of your boards. It would be cool if you had a 5 star system rankings for each board including the price etc... Mahalo for your excellent service!
Mathieu Revel
Mathieu Revel - 7 years ago
There is a star ranking for each board on his website
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 7 years ago
How does this board compare to the CI rocket 9?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Miguel Marquina The PK has more foam under the chest so it paddles better. The PK is also faster as a thruster in PU and EPS. I think the the Rocket 9 surfs better with the 2+1 set up compared to the PK. Lost recommends the PK with a thruster set up but I find this board to be very versatile in fin set ups and wave sizes.
Scott Horban
Scott Horban - 7 years ago
Noel can surf a McDonald's tray , and make it look good. Still the guy does an excellent job on these reviews. Sold me on this one. Gotta go find one.
Cameron David
Cameron David - 7 years ago
Would you guys ever review a small less common brand like quiet flight or geiselman"s boards?
Karl Jakobsson
Karl Jakobsson - 7 years ago
Nice idea with the MR twin fin plus stabiliser! Do you think that would also work on the JS nitro in smaller waves??
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Karl Jakobsson Maybe,.. more likely to work on the Psycho Nitro. Try it though if you have it.
Torrey B
Torrey B - 7 years ago
Alright Noel..this compared to the untitled and groveller fever ?! Awesome review, as usual
Torrey B
Torrey B - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews I was afraid you’d say that — let me know if you’re ever wanting to sell any of those ones !
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Torrey B All three boards are epic!!! You have so many good boards to choose from. They are all fast and very responsive. High performance if you want it... the Psycho Killer paddles the best out of the 3 boards you mentioned but you can shred them all.
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 7 years ago
You on fire on that board dude!! Noice!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Thomas V. Yewww cheers!!! Sick board.
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 7 years ago
damn rocket science, its a surfboard!!!!
Jack Reed
Jack Reed - 7 years ago
Good surfing! Too many boards to choose from in the market. You should consider a video on how you stay fit and thin when not surfing.
vanlife 123s
vanlife 123s - 6 years ago
Swimming & skateboarding bro
David Valdes
David Valdes - 7 years ago
Hey Jack, there are a few guys and gals with surf fitness video series on YouTube, but a lot of it for me is the simple stuff - pushups. I do a set that adds up to 100 push-ups most mornings. Even if I cut out the lunges and everything else I do with my surf workout and only did push-ups, I believe I’d still feel “in shape” in the water. I’m not an expert, but...
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Jack Reed I will be doing some of that soon... thanks for your comment.
Ryan - 7 years ago
Great review, thanks so much!
CCRider - 7 years ago
Qu'est-ce que c'est!
Rome - 7 years ago
Thanks again Noel....another great review!
monkeypawism - 7 years ago
Title song should have been "Psycho Killer" by Talking Heads – but great review!
Ant D
Ant D - 7 years ago
This looks a lot like the Black Sheep from a few years back.  Did they change more than the color on the large Kolohe fins?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Ant D I would jump on those KA yellow fins with no hesitations.... one of my favorites for sure!!!
Ant D
Ant D - 7 years ago
Yea, all good. Used to be all futures but now have an FCS2 board. Been using the white and black MF fins but the large yellow Kolohe (old color) are discounted , and on your endorsement , want to give them a try. Thanks for a well rounded, detailed review.  I agree the Carbon wrap give you an extra liter.  Thanks
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Ant D I never tried the Black Sheep. Not sure on what changes were made on the KA fin either. The FCS website does not list any new changes but I will test them thoroughly and see. Hang tight...
Chris Fan
Chris Fan - 7 years ago
Great episode again! Looks kinda like the rocket 9, especially how you liked the 2 + 1 setup as well. How do you think the two compare? Thanks!
Catch the Wave
Catch the Wave - 7 years ago
As always, great review.
Just my opinion but I find the background with the all the fins a bit distracting as it removes the attention from the board at hand. The older backdrop was a bit cleaner and less distracting, to me, but again thats just my opinion/ a bit of nitpicking.

Looking forward to the next one!

Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Catch the Wave Ok thanks for your feedback.
R C - 7 years ago
Catch the Wave I’ll second that but stellar reviews as always Noel!
Max ladabaum
Max ladabaum - 7 years ago
buying this board for sure
79pejeperro - 6 years ago
I have one and I'm so happy with my decission. Good luck mate
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Max ladabaum Sick... let me know how it goes after you.
Leigh Wilson
Leigh Wilson - 7 years ago
I use the MR 2+ 1in a Slater Design Si-Phi over summer small waves and they are great. Quick & loose. They still hang in up to shoulder-head height. Well worth having on hand.
Youdig - 7 years ago
I think im gonna get one of those thanks :-)
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Leigh Wilson Great comment.. thanks for posting that.
Surfing - 7 years ago
Surf so good, great style, smooth and flowing!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Surfing Cheers...
fishskulls76 - 7 years ago
Awesome looking board, how's the foil on this? Thin or thick tail? Great work on the show by the way
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
fishskulls76 Cheers glad you like the show. The foil is medium... tail is thinned out and really sedative like a performance board.
Elmachote - 7 years ago
Where are you surfing ? I thought you were in southern Cali
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
The adventures of the Torres Fam Sounds like 38 is better than the other one... I guess if you have to get that board. I would just look into buying something else. You could buy that board and it feel way to big for you. Unless you have ridden boards with 38 liters before?
Elmachote - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews should I just go with the 6’1 38
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
The adventures of the Torres Fam That is a huge jump in Volume.... I think your somewhere in the middle of those two Liters. Maybe like 36 liters.....
Elmachote - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews sooo my weight is 195-205 depends when and I’m trying to see what volume to go with and I’m stuck between 6’0 Firewire Midas or 6’1 and it jumps from 34.9 to 38 and that’s a big jump between and an inch but I’m afraid that maybe a 34 would be to small
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
The adventures of the Torres Fam Sorry we don’t have a shop... do you have questions?
Elmachote - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews that’s where I surf but go blacks scripps and that area is where I mostly surf do you have your own shop I can visit?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
The adventures of the Torres Fam I am in So Cal...
Sneekinabout Om'
Sneekinabout Om' - 7 years ago
Sick man, as usual. The reviews are getting more tech and more in depth which is ace! I wondered if you guys ever get your hands on Pyzel boards?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Sneekinabout Om' Cheers!!!
Sneekinabout Om'
Sneekinabout Om' - 7 years ago
The Phantom looks siiick! The 74 has been working so well for me for good waves. I'm about to order a Voodoo Child for the smaller days on the reef we surf, it was that or a Sub-Driver... Looking forward to the Uber review for sure! :) Aloha guys!
Andre Caetano
Andre Caetano - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews thank you soo much for your advice!! Big aloha
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Andre Caetano I like the PK in 3-5+ surf. The Uber suits my surfing style better and so far it goes epic in 1-3’ surf. I have only ridden the Uber 3x in small surf.
Andre Caetano
Andre Caetano - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews thank you mate, so whats for the Pk? keep the good work!!!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Andre Caetano I don’t have the Phantom yet so I cannot answer that one yet but soon. I like the Uber Driver better than the PK in small surf.
Andre Caetano
Andre Caetano - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews , hi buddy best review ever!! Wich is tbe best model to surf smaller waves, psyco killer, driver or phantom?
Mat R
Mat R - 7 years ago
Nice can t wait to see the Phantom !!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Mat R The Pyzel Ghost review is coming soon. We just need one more swell. I also have a Pyzel Phantom coming too.
Mat R
Mat R - 7 years ago
A lot of people are so stocked on some of their models like Pyzalien, Slab etc...  would be curious to see one of those under your feet !
Sneekinabout Om'
Sneekinabout Om' - 7 years ago
Sweet, hope you get some soon! I have a Pyzel 74 and it's going insane in good waves!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Sneekinabout Om' Yewww stoked you like our show. I have the Pyzel Ghost but no waves to ride it on. We need waves....
andyirons2 - 7 years ago
sick reviews man...do a dms supercell review such an awesome board
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
andyirons2 Oh ok I just didn’t get the initials... I have messaged before and I love the CW construction!!!
andyirons2 - 7 years ago
oh its a shaper at the gold coast called Dan MacDonald...hes actually the guy who invented carbon wrap...
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
andyirons2 what’s a DMS
Theo Hofig
Theo Hofig - 7 years ago
Hey Noel love ur videos, I was wondering if u have ever ride the FireWire tomo Evo or the the lost short and round. I'm thinking about getting one of those boards and a few other one but those are the one I'm wondering about if you could do a review on one of those that would be great thanks.
Theo Hofig
Theo Hofig - 7 years ago
Thank Noel
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Theo Hofig Glad you like our show!!! I have not tried either of those boards yet but I keep getting requests for the Evo. It’s an older model but maybe in the future I will check it out.
ryan rowe
ryan rowe - 7 years ago
Thats funny that you say your friends like the quiver killer, I haven't found one person who has liked it. I thought mine was one of the worst boards I had ever ridden and all my friends that tried it hated it too. My buddies dad had one and didn't like all the bits that I problems with. Everytime I looked at it I thought it was a sick shape and got hyped to surf then I would take it out and have awful sessions on it. I don't believe in "one-board-fits-all" shapes anymore haha
ryan rowe
ryan rowe - 7 years ago
Glenn Dare I tried it in quite a few breaks from South SD to north oc. Im thinking it was under volume for me
Glenn Dare
Glenn Dare - 7 years ago
Too bad your QK didn't work for you - I also don't believe in one board quiver. I however like that the QK has high volume in a small size and for the waves I surf it works quite well, maybe that it just not well suited to your home break?
Catch & Release Productions
Catch & Release Productions - 7 years ago
Surf n Show review the lost split keel quad setup super fast great fin
ryan rowe
ryan rowe - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews I tried using finatic. Really cool program, I found a few setups that made the board a lot better but nothing that made me wanna keep it. Ive had a pro friend tell me fins can totally change a board.
Catch & Release Productions
Catch & Release Productions - 7 years ago
especially that board took a few combos was about to give up and glad I didn't. love your videos btw keep em coming
ryan rowe
ryan rowe - 7 years ago
BullCock Industries mine was better as a quad but I think I just didn't like the rails or the board was too small for me. Mason ho can rip on it so I'm sure it's a good board but just not for my surfing style I guess
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
BullCock Industries Fins can make a huge difference in a board!!! Thanks for posting.
Catch & Release Productions
Catch & Release Productions - 7 years ago
I thought the same about the board till I ran it as a quad with the parko fins on it, and hate turned to love pretty quick.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
ryan rowe Bummer to hear bro but thanks for sharing your experiences. A lot of my buddies still ride theirs at Lowers all the time. Classic how some boards work for some and don’t work for others.
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 7 years ago
Top class review guys. Looks like a sic board!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Peace Soup Cheers!!! Sick board for sure....
Max ladabaum
Max ladabaum - 7 years ago
lib tech puddle jumper is my favorite board i’ve ever owned
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Joseph Stride I have not tried that construction yet. Those performance boards sound good to me... I love the Driver.
Blade Runner
Blade Runner - 7 years ago
once again, great review Noel, great job you do on those boards, the reviews look better and better . cheers
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Blade Runner Cheers... always trying to better ourselves. Sick boards too!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Jakob Kaspar Cheers!!!
AmirVechter - 7 years ago
Loved this review !X well-put and very-informative and makes sense of it all ! plus u surfed great on it Noel ! keep em coming :)
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
AmirVechter So stoked you liked it!!! Cheers
Adam Coyne
Adam Coyne - 7 years ago
Killing it as always.it would have been cool to hear the talking heads as your sound track.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Adam Coyne Yea That would be Sick! Cheers

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