Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48
Reviews 7 years ago 50,134 views
Click to buy: SURF STATION - https://www.surfstationstore.com/collections/lost-surfboards/products/lost-psycho-killer-surfboard No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please donate at https://www.paypal.me/surfnshow In this episode I review the Lost Psycho Killer by Lost surfboards. I test it in two different constructions, PU and EPS Carbon Wrap. Both boards felt good and I did not prefer one over the other. I test this board in 1-4' surf and ride it with a thruster, quad, and Two + 1 set up. Each fin configuration had it's strengths and weaknesses but the Psycho Killer proved to be very versatile in wave height and fin set ups. This review will show the versatility of the Psycho Killer as I drill down on it's attributes and see what makes it so unique. Sit back and enjoy the Show!!!
10. comment for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48
The PK goes good in 3-6+ and will surf like a HPSB. It needs a little push to go good....
20. comment for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48
I think I buy this board to replace my lost voodoo child that I fold in two receive, however I have a doubt about the size and its program.
I weigh 73kg for 1m80 I surf most of the time in 26.5l I hesitate between the 5 "6 and the 5" 7 both in pro dims you think the 5 "6 can be a good choice? Between the voodoo child and which killer is best for the over head and more?
What is the advantage of Chanel and what are their disadvantages?
Do you think this board is a good choice for an indo trip?
thank you for your answer (excuse me if I speak bad english, I do not speak english courament)
30. comment for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48
Thanks in ad for answer!
Should I go for regular PU, carbon wrap, or carbon wrap and 4 channels? I know you said it was hard to choose a favorite, but please help make my decision easier.
Also if I'm normally at 25L should I go down in volume to account for the buoyancy of the eps?
Thanks for all your help my brother.
super review ..
I need your opinion please)
I'm going to order a psycho killer in CW 5.11 and v3 stealth in 6.1 in pu ... the v3 for big waves .... or these 2 boards are too similar?
or is it the perfect combo for surftrips?
thank you again Noel
What board did you prefer between this and the Baby Buggy Round Tail?
Thanks for the reply! Think I’m leaning towards the B.B. One more question for you. Why do you go large fins when your weight fits into the medium size range?
50. comment for Lost "Psycho Killer" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 48
Just my opinion but I find the background with the all the fins a bit distracting as it removes the attention from the board at hand. The older backdrop was a bit cleaner and less distracting, to me, but again thats just my opinion/ a bit of nitpicking.
Looking forward to the next one!