Lost / MR "California Twin" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.94
Reviews 5 years ago 8,687 views
Where to Buy: The Surf Station: https://www.surfstationstore.com/collections/lost-mark-richards-mr-surfboards/products/lost-california-twin-mr-surfboard Surfboard Empire (Australia): https://surfboardempire.com.au/collections/mr-surfboards/products/mrcaliforniatwin Jack's Surfboards: https://jackssurfboards.com/collections/surf-fins?page=4 Surf Ontario (Canada Only) https://surfontario.ca/collections/fcs-fins/products/fcs-ii-mr-pc-tri-set-2-plus-1 Support Surf N’ Show: No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else or would like to support the show, please give at https://www.paypal.me/surfnshow In this episode I put the Lost/MR "CA Twin" through the paces in 1-5' surf. We started this review in 1-3' surf and the following day we went to BSR Surf Resort in Waco, TX. The CA Twin went good in the pool and the ocean and I was stoked on it down the line speed, projection through maneuvers, and flow from rail to rail. I tested this model in two different constructions.... both boards are stock 5'4" x 19.5 x 2.28 Liters 26. One board in PU/Polyester resin and the other is EPS/Epoxy resin and they both felt good. I preferred the PU/Poly in the ocean as it carried a little more drive through turns due to a little extra weight. I highly recommend the CA Twin for Intermediate to Pro Level surfers in 1-5' surf. My height: 5'9" My Weight: 160 lb or 72.57 kg Fin Set Up Recommendations: Futures Twin + Trailer: T2 Twin fins with TT1 Trailer Futures Twin Fin (No Trailer): Al Merrick Keels FCSII Twin + Trailer: Mark Richards Signature Fins FCSII Twin only: Power Twins work OK front side and don't hold good backside.
You are doing best reviews on YT, keep it up Noel!
10. comment for Lost / MR "California Twin" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.94
Ahahahhaha, the Blokes who want You to Cruise may have to wait a decade or Two?
Beauty Noel, the Full Shape of modded 80s, just Eyecandy.
Unreal Review. Anchors Away SnSR
One thing I keep thinking about. You say that you don't add liters on your grovelers because board design compensates for the smaller wave size. Many people tend to add liters on their grovelers, myself included. Do you think this could be because you always surf the same spot and the waves basically break the same way, with the same shape, just smaller? If you had a wave that didn't break down the line with good shape I would think you would want more volume. What do you think?
Just out of curiosity, Have you tried this board as a thruster yet? Maybe something with a slightly smaller center fin? Don't get me wrong, MR twin+trailer is one of my fav. fins, but just wondering how this board would go with a more conventional 3 fin set.
20. comment for Lost / MR "California Twin" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.94
Do you think this board would suit a beginner (catching waves but still not turning well) transitioning to intermediate level surfer?
Thank you ande enjoy your Holidays!
30. comment for Lost / MR "California Twin" Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep.94
Also Im 5'8" and usually abt 195lbs not fat at all. I'll still try to surf with a mix of Richard Kenvin carve and more modern competitive style. I've been riding between 5'10 and 6'0.
I feel like I need something that wont radius out of the pocket on typical sd waves.
Something like this MR collab looks good here....but I'm afraid because of my weight to drop down to the lengths you're riding.
N.salas for stab in the dark.