Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW) no.112 | Compare Surfboards

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - https://bennysboardroom.com.au/ USA (Jack's Surfboards) - http://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tt=ml&ti=21491&pw=251913 No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! This sumptuous surfboard review is for the Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW). Since hearing Lost Surfboards founder, Matt Biolos, talk about his 'go to' small wave board - the brand new Lost Puddle Jumper - I have been dying to try this thing. Make sure you subscribe and never miss a video: https://www.youtube.com/user/CompareSurfboards?sub_confirmation=1 To watch other Surfboards videos, Click here: https://goo.gl/ENQ9Dn + Full Write Up: http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview The promise of a board that strikes the right balance between wave catching ability and speed generation in tiny to small surf while still feeling lively, precise and manoeuvrable has yet to be fully realised. This board nails it. It paddles like a beast, handles bigger waves and steep drops and feels fast and nimble through turns. This is the Lost Puddle Jumper review. I hope you enjoy it! Like Us on Connect with us on G+: https://plus.google.com/+Comparesurfboards Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CompareSurfboards Like us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bennysboardroom/ Tweet us your favourite videos on: https://twitter.com/BennysBoards Visit Our Website: http://www.comparesurfboards.com/ -------------- + See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More: http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Tips & Updates Direct from Benny and CompareSurfboards.com: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToFrothMail -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit http://www.CompareSurfboards.com/ for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW) no.112 | Compare Surfboards sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reviews 10 years ago 64,394 views

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - https://bennysboardroom.com.au/ USA (Jack's Surfboards) - http://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tt=ml&ti=21491&pw=251913 No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! This sumptuous surfboard review is for the Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW). Since hearing Lost Surfboards founder, Matt Biolos, talk about his 'go to' small wave board - the brand new Lost Puddle Jumper - I have been dying to try this thing. Make sure you subscribe and never miss a video: https://www.youtube.com/user/CompareSurfboards?sub_confirmation=1 To watch other Surfboards videos, Click here: https://goo.gl/ENQ9Dn + Full Write Up: http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview The promise of a board that strikes the right balance between wave catching ability and speed generation in tiny to small surf while still feeling lively, precise and manoeuvrable has yet to be fully realised. This board nails it. It paddles like a beast, handles bigger waves and steep drops and feels fast and nimble through turns. This is the Lost Puddle Jumper review. I hope you enjoy it! Like Us on Connect with us on G+: https://plus.google.com/+Comparesurfboards Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CompareSurfboards Like us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bennysboardroom/ Tweet us your favourite videos on: https://twitter.com/BennysBoards Visit Our Website: http://www.comparesurfboards.com/ -------------- + See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More: http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Tips & Updates Direct from Benny and CompareSurfboards.com: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToFrothMail -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit http://www.CompareSurfboards.com/ for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

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Most popular comments
for Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW) no.112 | Compare Surfboards

brownhornetseventhre - 5 years ago
Hey Benny, I had one of these in epoxy, but snapped it after about 12months. I also had an Al Merrick Average Joe for a short time (leggy snapped n pinballed in the rocks). I enjoyed both boards, and found myself surfing the PJ in a variety of conditions including clean 4 foot winkipop in Vicco, and similar size clean Caves at Cactus. It was a long time since I owned the Joe, and from memory performed better backside than the PJ n having said that I didn't get a lot of opportunity to surf it frontside. Anyway both great boards but what did you feel was better geared toward performance ? Kind regards Phill
pakfrd - 5 years ago
Why would you not go with a 6' foamie over this? Serious question. I think I need a 6' foamie in my life but not sure.
Matthew Rhodes
Matthew Rhodes - 6 years ago
Love to know what you think of this vs the psycho nitro you also reviewed and loved. For 0-3ft surf.
matt ferris
matt ferris - 6 years ago
Mate puddle jumber or js psycho nitro. Looking for a board that will cover the smaller days (sometimes mushy) but will also allow some turns as i progress. Prob currently at the low end of intermediate at the moment
BAP - 6 years ago
@Matthew Rhodes I'm at the same skill level as you & Matt Ferris. Keen to know how you guys went??
Matthew Rhodes
Matthew Rhodes - 6 years ago
matt ferris what did you get in the end? I’m looking at the same two boards
brownhornetseventhre - 7 years ago
Just wondering if you would still purchase this board in 2018? How does it compare to say the Psycho Nitro? What dimensions did you ride the jumper? ✌
brownhornetseventhre - 7 years ago
CompareSurfboards.com What dims did you ride it Benny n have you had a chance to ride the libtech version? You do you think they might differ in regards to performance and how would you adjust your volume given the different construction, if at all? ☺
CompareSurfboards.com - 7 years ago
HECK YES I would. Still haven't found a small wave weapon that can do what the PJ does...
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 7 years ago
Hi Ben, how does the P Jumper compare to the Short Round?
Andrew Poksay
Andrew Poksay - 7 years ago
What dims did you ride it with? Not sure if you mentioned it in the video.
chino chino
chino chino - 7 years ago
hey I'm a beginner, I been surfing for a month now and I think I'm ready to buy my first board. I want to buy a board that i can grow in to. should i buy the puddle jumper or should I buy a fish or is there another board you recommend?
Jay Obrien
Jay Obrien - 8 years ago
If you don't own a puddle jumper, go get one. You won't be disappointed. In knee/waist high surf, it goes as good as anything I've ever owned.

10. comment for Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW) no.112 | Compare Surfboards

Brad Loch
Brad Loch - 8 years ago
Hey Benny, I am looking for a small wave board to make best of the summer doldrums. I am above average surfer looking to fill the hole my quiver. Surf 5-7 times a week when work commitments allow. How do you rate the puddle jumper as compared to the RV. I surf mostly reef breaks & my go to boards are JS Black Box round tail Forget me Knots rounded pins. I see many different opinions & would appreciate the feed back.
ezvidasuerte - 8 years ago
Having trouble choosing. Podmod or puddle jumper which would you recommend for San Diego county. Thanks
bearded schlim
bearded schlim - 8 years ago
funny, i'm considering those exact two too !! What did you go for in the end?
Kelly for 12?
Kelly for 12? - 8 years ago
bro I'm stuck between the pod mod and this. which one turns better and are you able to slide the fins on either of them.
Offthe Lip
Offthe Lip - 8 years ago
I own this board. This board is a must have in the quiver. In knee-to waist high surf, this is my go to. Will even hold up in chest high. It's so fast, goes through flat sections so fast. It's a must buy.
Chris Andrews
Chris Andrews - 8 years ago
Hay dig your posts. what would u grab in 1-3 puddle jumper or tomo evo
CompareSurfboards.com - 8 years ago
Thanks for the cool feedback! I think the Puddle Jumper has the edge in the small stuff!
Sarah Sorlien
Sarah Sorlien - 8 years ago
Can you review the Lost round pin puddle jumper?
CompareSurfboards.com - 8 years ago
Hi Sarah, I like the PJ so much that I'm tempted but the board review queue is long and distinguished so it's hard to justify reviewing the same board twice!
Matt Duncan
Matt Duncan - 8 years ago
What height !!!!!!! to ride ? or at least did what did you ride ?

gots to mention this stuff
Matt Duncan
Matt Duncan - 8 years ago
Thankyou Bromane
CompareSurfboards.com - 8 years ago
Hey Matt, I thought I did mention it but, if not, you can always find this info. on our full write up here! http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview
Hanna Miluska
Hanna Miluska - 8 years ago
Hard not to buy this board after this review :D Really like your reviews, super informative! Thanks a lot!
CompareSurfboards.com - 8 years ago
+hannaM295 Thanks very much for the cool feedback, much appreciated!
LeatherHead42D - 9 years ago
Texas Surfer here. Yeah we have Surf in Texas. Puddle Jumper OR JS 107 for small Mushy Waves, but can still be used on bigger days?
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
+LeatherHead42D So I've heard! Either one will fit the bill but if you're looking for something for the really tiny, mushy days, there are better options. Check this out: http://www.comparesurfboards.com/reviews/six-groveler-surfboards-compared
Ripper - 9 years ago
Hey Benny have you heard about the new round pin puddle jumper? Looks promising as an all arounder/hypto krypto killer
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
+Ripper I had not but that sounds H O T ... Love the PJ, love round pins ...

20. comment for Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW) no.112 | Compare Surfboards

כלבו לכלב גבעתיים
כלבו לכלב גבעתיים - 9 years ago
what is the diffrent betwin PJ and the CI JOE ?
thanks !!!
nathanael keating
nathanael keating - 9 years ago
This or the Baked potato?
FB - 9 years ago
Thanks Benny for the review ; I am hesitating between :
- the classic PU/Polyester
- Hydroflex tech which combines the PU + Epoxy so the board is more flexible thanks to PU and also lighter and more responsive thanks to Epoxy, I guess...
- the Lib Tech where feedback from serious people is hard to find on the web ; moreover the shape is slightly different, with wings in the tail !

what's your view on these ?
saintseiyaliveaction - 9 years ago
I got a bottom feeder 5'6 (I'm around 80kg x 190, semipro skill, surfing usually very small waves) and is the board I use more.
Wich are the main differences from this board and the bottom feeder? I know technically is more scooped and have a different bottom, but what about the difference when you surf?
Sid Attam
Sid Attam - 9 years ago
Hey, I kind of need some advice on which board I should get. I. Can definitely surf on a foam, and fairly well on a short longboard, but I think I should by a funboard or a mini-mal. Which company or board do you recommend. I can stand on a large fun, but can't turn or control well. Please advise.
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
@BuzzingCheese Attam Hey there, have you seen the run down on a learner's minimal? Check it out here, I think you will appreciate it! http://bit.ly/1l8LShT
Ted Schatz
Ted Schatz - 9 years ago
Great review. I am looking at getting the Lib Tech version of this board. Have you ever been able to compare the feeling of the Lib boards versus PU? Second I surf in Oregon and am 6'1" tall 185lbs. For my skill level this puts me right at the 5'9" version according to the Lost GF calculator. Have you found this calculation to be pretty good? Thanks loving the reviews
1nmatt - 8 years ago
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
@Ted Schatz Hey Ted, thanks very much for your cool feedback! I haven't been able to compare the two constructions but I dig the concept and would love to try a Lost/Lib Tech collab! 

To your second question, out of all the calculators out there, I find ...Lost's to be one of the best. We have a surfboard sizing guide at CompareSurfboards.com that links to it - you may appreciate the article! http://bit.ly/knowyourvolume
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 9 years ago
How does the puddle jumper compare to the shortround?
Surfdocsteve - 9 years ago
Benny How would you compare this board to the Average Joe?
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
@Surfdocsteve Hey Surf Doc Steve, the ride is quite different. Both are great in small surf but the Average Joe is more fun and forgiving, the Puddle Jumper is more serious, precise, performance tuned
Shaka - 9 years ago
Shaka - 9 years ago
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
@Shaka Awesome, thanks for sharing the link Shaka, stoked to see that MSW finds the review useful!
Masonmaddo - 9 years ago
Can anyone suggest a set of fins for the pj, med-large futures
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
@Masonmaddo Hi Mason, I always talk about fin setups in the full write up (http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview). For the PJ, I rode the new Futures EA Blackstix 3.0 thruster fins and, because of the thin, tuned tail, these were great for extra hold and drive. Then I added the Futures QD2 quad trailers 

30. comment for Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW) no.112 | Compare Surfboards

Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 9 years ago
Some feedback on the puddle jumper. I am 6 feet tall, about 95kg and surf mostly on the points and beach breaks of the gold coast and northern nsw. I have owned a ton of small wave boards and this is by far the best I have owned. I ride a 5'9 in this board and it will catch anything and has amazing speed and down the line acceleration. The real difference as Benny says is that it turns and performs a lot like your standard short board. Where on other small wave boards you might find yourself nursing your turns or skating out into the last to do a cutback, on the bottom feeder you can hit the lip in the pocket almost as vertically as your ability allows! When I break this one I intend to order one in EPS as I think as a lightweight small wave board it would be mind blowing!
Matthew Rhodes
Matthew Rhodes - 6 years ago
Adam Smith , just curious what level surfer are you? I’m looking at this board too and am similar specs to you but more of a beginner/intermediate
Torrey B
Torrey B - 10 years ago
how come you went with medium size fins on this board benny? and why the honeycomb rears !
Luke O'Grady
Luke O'Grady - 9 years ago
CompareSurfboards.com other than the Lost keel fins wich fcs2 fins do you think would work best with this board?
Torrey B
Torrey B - 9 years ago
@CompareSurfboards.com good to know, thanks !
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
@Torrey B Hi TB, the tail is really thin and felt loose on my first few surfs - I added those trailers because they were the biggest ones I had with me and they worked so didn't change. The EA Blackstix are great for generating speed in smaller stuff...but I've tried the F8 Blackstix (large template) since and prefer them
Dylan Thompson
Dylan Thompson - 10 years ago
Whats your height an weight man??
CompareSurfboards.com - 9 years ago
@Dylan Thompson Hey Dylan, I'm 35 and 105kg's!
Frank Bernas
Frank Bernas - 10 years ago
hey Benny, can you do a review on the new JS 107?
Hugh Jarman
Hugh Jarman - 10 years ago
thanks for the reviews really enjoying them mate!! Can not wait to get a lost mayhem when i get paid im 94 kgs 6ft 2 but very fit and my surfing is just above intermediate level now what board would you recommend for me i already  have a 7ft JS 427kw mostly surfing average beach breaks around Sydney and east coast of AUS thanks for any help!
pandarturo - 10 years ago
I think you should do a board give away and send it straight to me!! lol
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@pandarturo Ha!
THEBEAVONATOR - 10 years ago
if you could... please review a russell surfboard
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@THEBEAVONATOR Hey there, let Russell know you would like to see their boards featured on the show!
Konner Mac
Konner Mac - 10 years ago
Can you review the bing puck
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@Konner Mac Hey Konner, would love to next time I'm in California!
Sherkhan - 10 years ago
Great review thanks! I am getting one. You're review put the nail in the coffin between RV and PJ.
You didn't mention sizing recommendation.
I would assume at least a couple inches shorter?
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@theSherkhan Great, happy to help! The Puddle Jumper is a little more refined and
less voluminous pound for pound vs. the RV but I rode the RV at 6'0 and
the Puddle Jumper at a slightly blown up 5'11. Check out the full
reviews for both boards here for more info:  http://bit.ly/LostRVReview   http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview  
Clint Vosloo
Clint Vosloo - 10 years ago
Hay Ben
Great review as always... what's the dims on the board you rode ?
Thx as always 
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@Clint Vosloo Hey Clint, 5'11 x 21 5/8 x 2 7/8 @42.4L's of volume. The dims I ride are always in the full reviews at CompareSurfboards.com!http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview 
Tex - 10 years ago
Hi benny, i would like to buy my first shortboard.
Im watching the hypto krypto and the CI #4
which one will be better for me and which lenght i must buy??
Im 19 years old, 5'11 and 63kg and i surf in italy or portugal in junky breake
Glassy Bouys
Glassy Bouys - 10 years ago
Great review again.
Really like to extra depth in the most recent reviews. BBR is well on the way to being the premier web board review show out there. Great work
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@Glassy Bouys Much appreciated! Thanks very much for watching!
Darren S
Darren S - 10 years ago
Nice one Ben. I have been waiting for this review!
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@Darren S Cheers Darren, hope you dig it!
Danny Pryor Doyle
Danny Pryor Doyle - 10 years ago
Yeah Ben!
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@Danny Doyle Yeah Danny!!
Liam Connolly
Liam Connolly - 10 years ago
benny did you go out on tues? the northern beaches was pumping, if so what board did u use?
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@Liam Connolly Hey Liam, if it was pumping, I was out!! Not sure what I was riding though :)
Ben Costantini
Ben Costantini - 10 years ago
Nice work Benny....

Would you put it in the same range as the js dropped swallow???? Similar ride???? Similar concept in terms of wave range????
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
@Ben Costantini Hey Ben, I wouldn't. While the wave range may be similar, the ride, for me, was very different
Bermcannon - 10 years ago
I can sense your frothing in this video benny! :) great vid!
I wanna try this thing.
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
Ha! Yes, very excited about this one Bermcannon...it's a winner in the small stuff! Definitely worth a go
Paul Bergeron
Paul Bergeron - 10 years ago
That ending comment is gold!
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
Cheers Paul! I always wonder if anyone makes it to the little outros for each vid.

Thanks for watching!
Justin Bordwell
Justin Bordwell - 10 years ago
I need the puddle jumper...any feedback on the hatchet fin quad setup that was featured on Instagram?
CompareSurfboards.com - 10 years ago
You do need one Justin...it's rad. I haven't tried the setup but very keen to hear how it goes

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