Lowe Stinger 175 Aluminum Fishing Boat Review / Performance Test
Reviews 13 years ago 64,303 views
Multi-species fishing and good performance in an extremely well-built but easy to handle boat. By Lenny Rudow http://features.boats.com/boat-content/2011/04/lowe-stinger-175-video-boat-review/ For more videos, test data, performance chart, detail review please view on Boats.com.
Lowe states their foam filled boats are built for rough and choppy water.
They also sale boats with a promise of a great warranty on the Hulls. I know many people say they love their Lowe boat but would love to hear the real reason the manufacturer won't stand behind their word and guarantee on this. It helped me decide not to buy a Lowe or any other
Name boat that Lowe may sell.