Mark Richards Da Sting Surfboard Review no.30 | Benny's Boardroom -

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Go Retro! I suck at surfing single fins but the Mark Richards Da Sting Surfboard Review is an exception; a modern take on 70's style single fins. This is the Mark Richards Da Sting surfboard review at Benny's Boardroom. Happy holidays, enjoy! Full Review: I hope you enjoy this Mark Richards Da Sting Surfboard Review! All the best, Benny

Mark Richards Da Sting Surfboard Review no.30 | Benny's Boardroom - sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Reviews 11 years ago 8,992 views

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Go Retro! I suck at surfing single fins but the Mark Richards Da Sting Surfboard Review is an exception; a modern take on 70's style single fins. This is the Mark Richards Da Sting surfboard review at Benny's Boardroom. Happy holidays, enjoy! Full Review: I hope you enjoy this Mark Richards Da Sting Surfboard Review! All the best, Benny

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Most popular comments
for Mark Richards Da Sting Surfboard Review no.30 | Benny's Boardroom -

The Blue Wren
The Blue Wren - 6 years ago
Mate...single fins only start working when the waves get bigger. - 6 years ago
Dunno, I've ridden this thing at keen high and it's still pretty fun! Still, most of my 'good' experiences with single fins have been when the waves are bigger and better
Ian Tempany
Ian Tempany - 6 years ago
I loved my Mark Richards Double flyer swallow tail, single fin till someone stole it. Bought at Hot Buttered surf shop Torquay in the 70,s
scarygary - 7 years ago
My Ben Aipa beveled rail stinger was easily the worst board I've ever had and I've had a bunch.I had the 1st one on Kauai and it got stolen and I wasn't unhappy.Then we were surfing pakalas and I saw it and got it back.
lawrence Burnell
lawrence Burnell - 7 years ago
hey its steven baldwin lol
Dax Henry
Dax Henry - 7 years ago
Can you show us surfing the board? - 7 years ago
Hi Dax, sure, just need someone to come film us for free
Dav- Atar
Dav- Atar - 8 years ago
Had the first on ca. coast 1976 with the step Ben's concept hydro- foil.......helped to have Larry as my first cousin. The board blew minds. @ that time we rode diamonds , round dia. Brewer shapes........da sting.....jumping from a Cadillac to @ Porcshe.
zotta1 - 8 years ago
The original had a step that lined up with the flyer. But as I never got to ride one, I wasn't sure if that step did anything or was just for show. - 8 years ago
+zotta1 Love a good bit o trivia, thanks zotta!
Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin - 11 years ago
Hi Benny,
I'm from Newcastle and am lucky to have 4 MR's. All with sprays of course. My latest and favourite is a 5'10, 19'3/4, 2'1/2 Hornet. It goes awesome as a quad, you should give one a spin.

BTW thanks for making such a big effort to talk about a wide array of boards, particularly from Australia. I'm also a Stacey fan, I'm currently looking at ordering a Taxi as a replacement to my battered HB Pro which I've been riding for a few years.


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