Miss Seattle Review - AquaCraft Fast RC Race Boat - TheRcSaylors

Aquacraft Miss Seattle Brushless RTR RC Race Boat Review in Marco Island Florida with Nate and Abby, TheRcSaylors! Want to try some speed on the water? This might be the best route to go especially if this is your first RC boat and you want a little taste of true electric rc boats! Nate and Abby will break down the good and the bad for you in this Full RC Review of the Miss Seattle RTR Hydroplane RC Race Boat! Check out this Speedy Boat here - http://www.towerhobbies.com/products/aquacraft/aqub1822.html Our FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/RcSaylors?ref=hl Was this video entertaining to you in Any Way? Consider supporting TheRcSaylors with one of the options below: Subscribe on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRcSaylors Support TheRcSaylors Through Fan Funding - Help Nate and Abby make more fresh quality content! Every contribution is helpful, big or small. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRcSaylors Don't forget to stop by our channel to find out how You can Win Free RC Stuff!

Miss Seattle Review - AquaCraft Fast RC Race Boat - TheRcSaylors sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Reviews 9 years ago 26,879 views

Aquacraft Miss Seattle Brushless RTR RC Race Boat Review in Marco Island Florida with Nate and Abby, TheRcSaylors! Want to try some speed on the water? This might be the best route to go especially if this is your first RC boat and you want a little taste of true electric rc boats! Nate and Abby will break down the good and the bad for you in this Full RC Review of the Miss Seattle RTR Hydroplane RC Race Boat! Check out this Speedy Boat here - http://www.towerhobbies.com/products/aquacraft/aqub1822.html Our FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/RcSaylors?ref=hl Was this video entertaining to you in Any Way? Consider supporting TheRcSaylors with one of the options below: Subscribe on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRcSaylors Support TheRcSaylors Through Fan Funding - Help Nate and Abby make more fresh quality content! Every contribution is helpful, big or small. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRcSaylors Don't forget to stop by our channel to find out how You can Win Free RC Stuff!

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Most popular comments
for Miss Seattle Review - AquaCraft Fast RC Race Boat - TheRcSaylors

JohnR - 5 years ago
Oh, such a difference 4 years makes. Lol.. You guyz must have been tired. Still a great video.
Brian Phillips
Brian Phillips - 5 years ago
@ 0:28 - I thought your audio was just fine! Nice review guys!
tunadavis2787 - 6 years ago
I love you Abby!!!!
David Rivero
David Rivero - 6 years ago
Miami Marine Stadium , needs 1 . No heavy battery/ started caddy & no greasy mess. No selfrighting, no probs...spinning rod with a tennis ball with the line skewed thu it . Another winner, guys.
Matthew Jarman
Matthew Jarman - 6 years ago
Cool motor
Matthew Jarman
Matthew Jarman - 6 years ago
I bet its really fast to
Matthew Jarman
Matthew Jarman - 6 years ago
Hi guys really cool boat looks so awesome
TheRcSaylors - 6 years ago
Thanks Matthew!
Herbert's Comments for living Smith
Herbert's Comments for living Smith - 6 years ago
Spin Fin
Xavier Ramos del Pino
Xavier Ramos del Pino - 7 years ago
Nice video, I got the same boat and it keeps digging in to the water when I throttle up.. Do you think adding weight at the back will help to prevent this issue?
Thank you
Xavier Ramos del Pino
Xavier Ramos del Pino - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot, I will add a little weight and try again. By adjusting the fin, you meen sharpen it and set it up 90 degrees from the boat?
TheRcSaylors - 7 years ago
Could it be the wind also pushing the front end down? Yes that would help, but you might need to adjust those small "fins" on the bottom of the boat as well :)

10. comment for Miss Seattle Review - AquaCraft Fast RC Race Boat - TheRcSaylors

Gorilla Man
Gorilla Man - 7 years ago
Is there such a thing as a follow me rc boat or a boat you would recommend for placing a camera on?
Michael west
Michael west - 7 years ago
Its called a hydroplane. The real hydroplanes only turn left thats why you were having probelms turning right. The metal piece you did not know what it was is called a skidfin. If you didnt have the skidfin the boat would not turn.
Jarekredragon - 6 years ago
Bryan BryanT hydroplanes, both model and real, can turn both ways. The addition of a turn fin/skid fin allows you to turn left or right at full throttle. The turn fin goes on the inside. That's why if you look closely the outside turn sponson is larger
Bryan BryanT
Bryan BryanT - 7 years ago
"The real hydroplanes only turn left" Hmm, what prevents turning right? Is it how the rudder is designed, for example? What is the reason for designing a craft that only turns left?
Tony Price
Tony Price - 7 years ago
I love this video!
percy jackson
percy jackson - 7 years ago
Love this video
4501trainman - 7 years ago
On the real Hydroplanes it is called a Skid-Fin,as it helps the front of the boat to dig-in as it goes around a high-speed-turn. Since the real Hydroplanes make left turns,the Skid-Fin is behind the left front sponson. I believe the model Hydroplanes turn right,so the Skid-Fin is behind the right sponson,or on the inside of the turn always.
Erick Mldz
Erick Mldz - 7 years ago
It's Called hatch.!! Bro
Erick Mldz
Erick Mldz - 7 years ago
And turning fins.!
port starboard
port starboard - 8 years ago
looks like alligator water
Sor Sor Science07
Sor Sor Science07 - 8 years ago
Is this your first video?
blake couling
blake couling - 8 years ago
Nice vid
Dylan Hirano
Dylan Hirano - 8 years ago
The jigga ma higg is called a scid fin
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
Ah thanks! We learn something new every day :)

20. comment for Miss Seattle Review - AquaCraft Fast RC Race Boat - TheRcSaylors

John Kennedyk
John Kennedyk - 8 years ago
she's right. You tell him Abby
Mike Jenneman
Mike Jenneman - 8 years ago
Corrosion X for water proofing. Take apart the receiver and dunk the circuit board into Corrosion X and you'll have a waterproof receiver- no balloons! For SALT WATER: spray your boat really good with Corrosion X to keep the salt water from building up and then also flush it out after you're done
RC Hobbyist Extreme
RC Hobbyist Extreme - 8 years ago
I swear by the stuff Nate. I know this is an old piece but yes,invest in some CorrosionX. I use it on all my stuff I even think will get wet. It wont hurt the electronics and its non conductive. One draw back? It stinks.
TheRcSaylors - 8 years ago
That's a sweet tip Mike, looks like I'll be picking some of that stuff up :)
Tb1216002 - 8 years ago
To nate and abby whats your fav colour each of separate
Sylvain Arseneault
Sylvain Arseneault - 9 years ago
You make a realy good job , unbeliveable, you create a good Dream Lolll ... Thanks for all ...
Sylvain Arseneault
Sylvain Arseneault - 9 years ago
Cool , i have a question for you , sorry for my english, do youlike fpv google Headplay ???
n5lyc - 9 years ago
I know you have probably heard this, but it's made to turn right only, that's why it flips on left turns
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Yeah a few people have mentioned that, but thanks for the reminder n5!
Daniel Hannagan
Daniel Hannagan - 9 years ago
Looking at getting this boat. Have you guys done any different batteries in this? Trying to see what would be best for performance and run time. Any suggestions??? Love the videos!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Nope, we've only run the one that came with it. Thanks!
Chilli Cook
Chilli Cook - 9 years ago
great Video you guys! Subed!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot!
Robert Bass
Robert Bass - 9 years ago
I would like to see her race 1/8 nitro buggy or E-Buggy
Farmer Fpv
Farmer Fpv - 9 years ago
Put a 60a hobby wing seaking esc and run it on 4s lipo :D great review guys!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot!

30. comment for Miss Seattle Review - AquaCraft Fast RC Race Boat - TheRcSaylors

Vape King 301
Vape King 301 - 9 years ago
I just ordered this boat and was wondering can I run a regular size lipo in a 2s 5000mah? I don't wanna order a new battery lol and what kinda run time you get off the 1000mah?
Vape King 301
Vape King 301 - 9 years ago
Ok that blows what are your run times about?
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
What is a "regular size"? If you mean similar to a hard shell "truck" lipo then no I dont' think it'll fit even with modifications.
Marijn Pelsma
Marijn Pelsma - 9 years ago
you're vids are awsome but can you pls make a preview vid of the phantom 3.
Marijn Pelsma
Marijn Pelsma - 9 years ago
@DerKrawallkeks exactly and the same on the new phantom pro
DerKrawallkeks - 9 years ago
Incredible cam..
Marijn Pelsma
Marijn Pelsma - 9 years ago
@DerKrawallkeks yes of course 
DerKrawallkeks - 9 years ago
Okay cool:) have you seen the inspire 1 and its camera?
Marijn Pelsma
Marijn Pelsma - 9 years ago

yes they just announced it and it is shipping end of april 
DerKrawallkeks - 9 years ago
@Marijn Pelsma is there a phantom 3 already?:)
(@thercsaylors: Cool video guys!=)
Marijn Pelsma
Marijn Pelsma - 9 years ago
@TheRcSaylors great i really look forward to it i am so exited i am going to buy the advanced version cause i don't have the money for the pro but it wil take a month because i wil get it for my birthday. 
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
We'll have to see if we can get our hands on that RC Marijn, thanks!
Hpi Guy's Garage
Hpi Guy's Garage - 9 years ago
How would you guys compare this to the Minimono, the Power Vee, or the Reef Racer 2? Great review too.
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot Hpi Guy, hard to say since we don't have those others =/ Maybe in the near future though!
Franky goes to Hobbywood
Franky goes to Hobbywood - 9 years ago
a nice boat and a good review, with a lot of informations..! :-)
Franky goes to Hobbywood
Franky goes to Hobbywood - 9 years ago
@TheRcSaylors oh yeah... never seen this boat before, so i have no informations about..!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Glad you took something from it Frank, thanks for watching!
MadDuck RC
MadDuck RC - 9 years ago
Good video guys. Even through the wind :p I kinda want one now. It looks good and preforms well. So it can handle up to 3s or can it go higher like 4s? BTW Abby love the dress
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot MadDuck! I think with it's current set up it can only handle 3s. I didn't read anywhere that it could go 4s, but it might be able to. Abby says thanks!
Walter Jackson
Walter Jackson - 9 years ago
need more mah to run longer
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
That's right, we just wanted to show people how it ran with the suggested battery set up.
Walter Jackson
Walter Jackson - 9 years ago
the salt will build up in the water cooling jacket or crode it
monkeymaster26 - 9 years ago
Is the ecx torment 4x4 a good beginner rc car? if not what should i buy instead it has too be the same price class
monkeymaster26 - 9 years ago
Thank you for you kindness :)
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Well if you want really good quality you should look at the Dromida vehicles. Tons of upgrades and really good quality and customer service.
monkeymaster26 - 9 years ago
Some where around a 100 dollars
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
I guess I thought those were in the same price range. I quickly looked up the ecx and I could have swore it said they were the same price. What is your budget?
monkeymaster26 - 9 years ago
Thanks for replying the CutBack is defently a good car but its alot more expensive than the ecx and i dont know if ill get hooked by the hobby so i just wanted a cheap but desent car. :D
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Take a look at the Tower Hobbies CutBack.
Sergio Cobarruvia
Sergio Cobarruvia - 9 years ago
If you like that weather then come to southern Cali we have great weather for all RC vehicle use. Ps love your channel
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Oh we'd LOVE to come to southern Cali! Thanks Sergio!
ReBeL - 9 years ago
Great vid even without the normal gear y'all use! Nice review as always, as far as internet reviews yalls reviews are all I trust. One Rc boat I have never seen that I would love to have is a pontoon boat! Looks awesome and I think they would be awesome, not fast but definitely a good boat to fish with or just have a lil fun with.
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Well thanks a lot for that Justin, we do our best and try to just give our honest opinion on the stuff we get our hands on. RC pontoon boats would be pretty cool!
SHAYEN 2320 - 9 years ago
Nice review as always from The RCSaylors even without all there gear, I like the boat wow it's fast and looks like lots of fun so yep very cool thanks Nate & Abby.
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot Shayen! Glad you stopped by and thanks for the feedback.
rayikaikin - 9 years ago
I think the boats with the v shape hull are a lot less susceptible to the problems you mentioned like wind
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
You might be right rayikaikin. We've got a couple like that and that seems to be true.
RFVCXR200R - 9 years ago
When boating, have the shore you're standing on be "down wind" from where you're running your boat. FYI
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
That is a great tip that we should throw out there to people so in case you flip you can still get your boat.
fisher jamin
fisher jamin - 9 years ago
otherwise than what i said earlier its a really nice boat i love the design
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
NPMedia - 9 years ago
That fin on the side if the boat, that is called a turn fin all hydros all over the world have them because this boat is designed to race and all rc hydro races are go in a clockwise direction thats y the turn fin is on the right.
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Turn fin, that's good to know! We are still learning things about RC every day. Makes perfect sense, thanks TRX!
Benbot - 9 years ago
That name is confusing. I keep thinking "Miss Seattle" is referring to Abby!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Lol, Abby says thanks!
Erik Hnis
Erik Hnis - 9 years ago
It's commonly referred to as a turn fin, it's real name is skeg, and what it does is help the flat bottom from sliding side to side like your gator boat when turning to get those nice crisp turns and also keeps it straight on those fast straights. ;) my last name might not be Sailor but I have been on,in,around,over,through and near boats my entire life. I live on beautiful cape cod Massachusetts and boats have been as serious a part of my life as just about anything else. Hope that this comment doesn't come across as arrogant or that I sound like a Mr know it all, because I'm humble and learn new things everyday, I have been in the hobby from racing and bashing, on road and off road as well as airplanes and helicopters, and whether it is competing in 3D classes or flying Sunday afternoons with friends, the last 15 years of my life have been better because of it. That is why I enjoy your channel so much. I love your overall approach to the hobby, you don't need to have the biggest baddest new things, your happy with anything and more importantly your happy together : )
Erik Hnis
Erik Hnis - 9 years ago
Any time! Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions rc related or anything else really. I thoroughly enjoy helping people, after all what is knowledge if not shared? I know you have like 6,518 other people on your channel but I just wanted o extend my gratitude a little more. Lastly, I know you just finished up what looked to be a great vacation but, if you find yourselves around my neck of the woods be sure to let me know! Thank you for taking the time to write such a personal response, and I hope hear from you two again soon.
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
A skeg, now that's pretty cool =^) That's so awesome Erik that you've had the chance to be around so many boats and marine life. We'd love to try out that life style =^) We love learning from the friends that we make on our channel. Niether of us claim to know it all about RC and the only way to grow in this hobby is to ask and admit that you might not know something. I know a decent amount about RC stuff now but only because of helpful people like yourself. Abby and I thank you very much for the info and the cool story! Thanks a lot for the kind words my friend!
MICHAEL RAMIREZ - 9 years ago
Nice review
Kevys Rc & Music
Kevys Rc & Music - 9 years ago
good stuff guys
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Thanks Kevin!
DutchRC Adventures
DutchRC Adventures - 9 years ago
Nicely detailed and not To seriously toned (hmm might not be the right word) review again people! And for what it is, it seems to do pretty well :) 
Cheers and have a good weekend!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
LOL,. you nailed it.
DutchRC Adventures
DutchRC Adventures - 9 years ago
@TheRcSaylors Good on you :D There are more then enough reviews that sounds as if the subject was as serious as world peace ;) Cheers!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
That's exactly what we try to shoot for so I'm happy to hear that coming from you Dutch! Have a great weekend yourself friend.

50. comment for Miss Seattle Review - AquaCraft Fast RC Race Boat - TheRcSaylors

RC Johnny
RC Johnny - 9 years ago
great review guys !!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Thanks Johnny!
jellis11 - 9 years ago
Nice review. Looks like an awesome vacation too!
TheRcSaylors - 9 years ago
Double thanks jbellis!
jeff boyack
jeff boyack - 9 years ago
It is actually amperage most people just don't
say miliamper hours instead of miliamp hour

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